facility:levy economics institute of bard college

  • Randy Wray: The World’s Worst Central Banker

    Naked capitalism

    Non non, il ne s’agit pas de Bernanke...


    By Randy Wray, Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri-Kansas City and Senior Scholar at the Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, New York.

    Yves here. I guarantee some readers will recoil at Wray’s refusal to depict inflation as Economic Enemy Number One. Even if you think his praise of the central banker in question is overdone, consider: would you rather be an ordinary worker in her country, or in, say, Ireland, Latvia, or Spain right now?

    OK, I know you think this is yet another critical column on Chairman Ben Bernanke.

    Nay, I just returned from a conference held by the Central Bank of Argentina—“Central Banks, Financial Systems and Economic Development” held in Buenos Aires on October 1st and 2nd. Yours truly gave a talk on Modern Money—and the powerpoint will appear below (not magically—I’ll probably need professional help so your patience will be required).

    #crise #banques #crise-bancaire #crise-financière