facility:nahr al-barid refugee camp

  • Câble du 13 juin 2007. Rencontre avec Amos Yadlin, directeur des renseignements militaires israéliens.

    The Ambassador asked Yadlin for his views on the fighting in the Nahr al-Barid refugee camp in northern Lebanon. Although Yadlin was called to another meeting and did not have time to elaborate, he answered that the fighting was positive for Israel because it had embarrassed Hizballah, which had been unable to adopt a clear-cut position on the Lebanese Army’s action, and because the Fatah al-Islam terrorist organization had been planning to attack UNIFIL and then Israel before it blundered into its current confrontation with the LAF. He also agreed that the confrontation was strengthening the LAF, in fact and in the eyes of the Lebanese people, which was also good.

    Je ne vois que deux possibilités :
    – les renseignements militaires israéliens sont aux fraises,
    – le patron des renseignements militaires israéliens enfume ses interlocuteurs américains.

    #cablegate #Israël #Liban