facility:royal clinic

  • Juillet 2008 : révélations médicales concernant le roi d’Arabie séoudite #cablegate

    Upon arrival, the Royal Clinic accidentally provided this physician with the King’s medical file instead of that of the wife he was to treat, giving him the opportunity to review King Abdullah’s personal medical information.

    ¶2. (S/NF) It was related that King Abdullah is 92 years old (born 1916), he remains a heavy smoker, regularly receives hormone injections and “uses Viagra excessively.” The SAG has always kept close-hold any personal information on Royal family members, including not making public statements of individual ages.

    ¶3. (S/NF) COMMENT. The King has been rumored to be between 82 to 87. He is in fact older if this information is correct.

    Youpi : « uses Viagra excessively » !