
  • Numéro spécial de la revue #Fennia sur l’édition scientifique (très très bienvenu).

    Can research quality be measured quantitatively? (2017-11-07)
    Michael Richard Handley Jones

    In this article I reflect on ways in which the neoliberal university and its administrative counterpart, new public management (NPM), affect academic publishing activity. One characteristic feature of NPM is the urge to use simple numerical indicators of research output as a tool to allocate funding and, in practice if not in theory, as a means of assessing research quality. This ranges from the use of journal impact factors (IF) and ranking of journals to publication points to determine what types of work in publishing is counted as meritorious for funding allocation. I argue that it is a fallacy to attempt to assess quality of scholarship through quantitative measures of publication output. I base my arguments on my experiences of editing a Norwegian geographical journal over a period of 16 years, along with my experiences as a scholar working for many years within the Norwegian university system.


    Reclaiming value from academic labor: commentary by the Editors of Human Geography (2017-11-07)
    John C. Finn Christopher Newport University Richard Peet Graduate School of Geography, Clark University Sharlene Mollett University of Toronto, Scarborough John Lauermann Medgar Evers College, City University of New York

    There have long been discussions about the need for an alternative publishing model for academic research. This has been made clear by the September 2017 scandal involving Third World Quarterly. The editor’s deeply problematic decision to publish an essay arguing in favor of colonialism was likely meant as click-bate to drive clicks and citations. But we should not lose sight of the fact that this latest scandal is only one recent manifestation of a long-simmering problem that has periodically commanded significant attention in the academic literature, blogs, email lists, conference sessions, and the popular press. As a direct result, over the last decade or more, new journals have been created that specifically endeavor to offer routes around corporate/capitalist academic publishing, and several existing journals have removed themselves from this profit-driven ecosystem. In this commentary, the editorial team of the journal Human Geography weighs in on what we see as the nature of the problem, what we are doing in response, what our successes have been, and what challenges remain.


    Say ‘Yes!’ to peer review: Open Access publishing and the need for mutual aid in academia (2017-11-22)
    Simon Springer University of Victoria Myriam Houssay-Holzschuch Claudia Villegas Levi Gahman

    Scholars are increasingly declining to offer their services in the peer review process. There are myriad reasons for this refusal, most notably the ever-increasing pressure placed on academics to publish within the neoliberal university. Yet if you are publishing yourself then you necessarily expect someone else to review your work, which begs the question as to why this service is not being reciprocated. There is something to be said about withholding one’s labour when journals are under corporate control, but when it comes to Open Access journals such denial is effectively unacceptable. Make time for it, as others have made time for you. As editors of the independent, Open Access, non-corporate journal ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, we reflect on the struggles facing our daily operations, where scholars declining to participate in peer review is the biggest obstacle we face. We argue that peer review should be considered as a form of mutual aid, which is rooted in an ethics of cooperation. The system only works if you say ‘Yes’!


    Evaluating otherwise: hierarchies and opportunities in publishing practices (2017-11-30)
    Derek Ruez University of Tampere

    This short paper responds to the provocations set out in Kirsi Pauliina Kallio’s recent editorial on ‘Subtle radical moves in scientific publishing’ and emerges out of my participation in a Fennia-organized panel at the 2017 Nordic Geographers’ Meeting where participants reflected on the challenges and opportunities of creating a more equitable and pluralistic international publishing environment. Given the dominance of English language publishing in international academic work and the broader geopolitics of knowledge production through which some contexts, approaches, and modes of knowledge are regularly devalued, I suggest that—to the extent that publishing outlets are evaluated or ranked—they should be evaluated and ranked, in part, based on their contribution to a pluralistically international academy. This revaluation could help shape the informal assessments made by scholars in the context of hiring, funding, and other key decisions. It could also be integrated into more formal channels, such as within the deliberations of the boards who produce publication rankings in, for example, Finland’s Publication Forum. Such a tactic need not preclude other work to contest rankings hierarchies and audit cultures as they advance the neoliberalization of academic work, but it does 1) suggest the importance of paying attention to what and how scholars value when we evaluate publishing outlets and 2) point toward the potential of critical and creative engagement with the range of processes (i.e. indexing, accrediting, measuring, ranking etc.) that surround and subsist within academic publishing.


    Socially just publishing: implications for geographers and their journals (2017-11-26)
    Simon Batterbury Lancaster University

    There have been a range of protests against the high journal subscription costs, and author processing charges (APCs) levied for publishing in the more prestigious and commercially run journals that are favoured by geographers. But open protests across the sector like the ‘Academic Spring’ of 2012, and challenges to commercial copyright agreements, have been fragmented and less than successful. I renew the argument for ‘socially just’ publishing in geography. For geographers this is not limited to choosing alternative publication venues. It also involves a considerable effort by senior faculty members that are assessing hiring and promotion cases, to read and assess scholarship independently of its place of publication, and to reward the efforts of colleagues that offer their work as a public good. Criteria other than the citation index and prestige of a journal need to be foregrounded. Geographers can also be publishers, and I offer my experience editing the free online Journal of Political Ecology.


    English: lingua franca or disenfranchising? (2017-12-04)
    Sara Fregonese University of Birmingham, United Kingdom

    Conceiving academic publishing as a long-term process that often includes oral communication and knowledge exchange at academic conferences, this commentary offers a critical take on English as lingua franca. Contrarily to the historical use of lingua franca as a simplified system of transnational communication that facilitates the pragmatics of economic and cultural exchange, academic English is instead used vernacularly and becomes an excluding barrier. In the writing and peer review stages of publishing, the linguistic positionality of both authors and peer reviewers thus needs more reflection in order for academic English not to become once again part of a disenfranchising process.


    #revue #édition_scientifique #publications_scientifiques #université #peer_review #anglais #langue #impact_factor #open_source #indicateurs

  • #Fennia - International Journal of Geography

    Editorial: Tourism and development (1-2)
    Jarkko Saarinen
    Resort-oriented tourism development and local tourism networks – a case study from northern Finland (3-17)
    Outi Kulusjärvi
    Public spending on rural tourism in Sweden (18-31)
    Åsa Almstedt, Linda Lundmark, Örjan Pettersson
    Young adults’ perceptions of and affective bonds to a rural tourism
    community (32-45)
    Peter Möller
    Socio-cultural impacts of large-scale cruise tourism in Souq Mutrah,
    Sultanate of Oman (46-63)
    Manuela Gutberlet
    Tourist guide reflections on the spatialities of mass tourism: a case study
    of Finnish package tourism in Crete (64-78)
    Vilhelmiina Emilia Vainikka
    Tourism and rural community development in Namibia: policy issues review
    Erling Kavita, Jarkko Saarinen


    #tourisme #développement #revue #Finlande #Suède #tourisme_de_masse #tourisme_rural