• MGH FLARE - June 2 - Will #COVID-19 cause more IPF ?

    Évaluation du risque de #séquelles pulmonaires de type #fibrose (avec ou sans insuffisance respiratoire) post COVID19

    Although it is too early in this pandemic to identify the incidence of post-COVID-19 ARDS fibrosis, multiple studies of prior global viral respiratory illness outbreaks may offer some insight. In studies of survivors of SARS and MERS, it was found that approximately 30% of survivors developed persistent radiographic abnormalities and 15% developed physiologic restriction. Risk factors for fibrosis were older age and more severe disease requiring ICU admission (Das et al. 2017; Hui et al. 2005). Studies during the COVID-19 outbreak in China have established both persistent radiographic patterns of GGO and consolidation (Shi et al. 2020) and abnormal lung function (Mo et al. 2020) at the time of hospital discharge. However, long term outcome data are needed in order to accurately predict how many COVID-19 ARDS survivors will have persistent and clinically significant abnormal lung function.