🧾 “Why We Need Multistakeholder Internet Governance” by Chris Buckridge
➡️ Read the new CENTR paper on ▻https://www.centr.org/images/centr_why_we_need_multistakeholder_internet_governance.pdf
🧾 “Why We Need Multistakeholder Internet Governance” by Chris Buckridge
➡️ Read the new CENTR paper on ▻https://www.centr.org/images/centr_why_we_need_multistakeholder_internet_governance.pdf
La newsletter #Afnic de mars est en ligne sur ▻http://afnic-media.fr/newsletter/20230314.html
Abonnez-vous pour recevoir les prochains numéros sur afnic.fr !
#PointFR #Internet #Numérique #gouvernance
March edition of the #Afnic newsletter is out on ▻http://afnic-media.fr/newsletter/20230314-english.html
Subscribe today to get the next ones on ►https://www.afnic.fr/en
Un internet en construction : retours sur le FGI France 2022 avec Lucien Castex ▻https://www.afnic.fr/observatoire-ressources/papier-expert/un-internet-en-construction-retours-sur-le-fgi-france-2022 #FGIFrance #Gouvernance #Numérique #Internet
Building the Internet: back to the French Internet Governance Forum 2022 with Lucien Castex ▻https://www.afnic.fr/en/observatory-and-resources/expert-papers/building-the-internet-back-to-the-french-internet-governance-forum-2022
#Governance #Internet
Today at IGF-Ethiopia 2022 don’t miss the “Security Meets Responsibility: Connected Everything’s Resilience” session at 12:00 UTC with Lucien Castex, Rayna Stamboliyska and Samih Souissi ! ▻https://lnkd.in/dBD3S35U
#IGF2022 #Internet #IoT #Cybersecurity #resilience #Governance #Afnic
Avant le FGI - France du 5 novembre prochain à Paris, le Forum sur la Gouvernance de l’Internet 2022 démarre aujourd’hui à Addis Abeba en Éthiopie.
⏩ Découvrez les points saillants de la semaine à venir par Lucien Castex ▻https://www.afnic.fr/observatoire-ressources/papier-expert/forum-sur-la-gouvernance-de-linternet-ethiopie-2022-vers-plus-de-resilience-en
Before the France chapter on December 5th in Paris, IGF-Ethiopia 2022 starts today in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia.
⏩ Discover the key points of the week to come with Lucien Castex ▻https://www.afnic.fr/en/observatory-and-resources/expert-papers/internet-governance-forum-ethiopia-2022-towards-greater-resilience-in-times-of
La semaine prochaine nous participerons à distance à @igfafricatf #IGF2022 et co-organiserons le vendredi 2/12 la session "Security Meets Responsibility: Connected Everything’s Resilience” ▻https://www.afnic.fr/observatoire-ressources/agenda/24331
Next week we will take part remotely to @igfafricatf #IGF2022 and will co-organize on December 2nd the "Security Meets Responsibility: Connected Everything’s Resilience” session ▻https://www.afnic.fr/en/observatory-and-resources/agenda/internet-governance-forum-2022-ethiopia-igf-2022
Retours sur l’ICANN 75 par @LucienCastex : nouveaux représentants élus, fragmentation d’internet et gestion des abus en discussion ▻https://www.afnic.fr/observatoire-ressources/papier-expert/icann-75-nouveaux-representants-elus-fragmentation-dinternet-et-gestion-des-ab
Back to #ICANN75 with @LucienCastex : election of new representatives, Internet fragmentation and handling abuse ▻https://www.afnic.fr/en/observatory-and-resources/expert-papers/icann-75-election-of-new-representatives-internet-fragmentation-and-handling-a
#ICANN #Governance #Internet #Afnic #ICANN75
L’ICANN, sa vie, ses œuvres (volet 3) : un organigramme semi-matriciel par Loïc Damilaville ▻https://www.afnic.fr/observatoire-ressources/papier-expert/licann-sa-vie-ses-oeuvres-volet-3-un-organigramme-semi-matriciel
ICANN, its life and work (part 3): a multistakeholder organisational structure by Loïc Damilaville ▻https://www.afnic.fr/en/observatory-and-resources/expert-papers/icann-its-life-and-work-part-3-a-multistakeholder-organisational-structure
#Afnic #ICANN #Governance #Internet
Relever le défi de l’internet uni : quand le Forum sur la gouvernance de l’Internet se tenait en Pologne par Lucien Castex ▻https://www.afnic.fr/observatoire-ressources/papier-expert/relever-le-defi-de-linternet-uni-quand-le-forum-sur-la-gouvernance-de-linterne
Meeting the “Internet United” challenge: when Poland hosted the Internet governance forum by Lucien Castex ▻https://www.afnic.fr/en/observatory-and-resources/expert-papers/meeting-the-internet-united-challenge-when-poland-hosted-the-internet-governan
(Re)Constructing Inequality : Community Development in Public and Private
Claire Dunning #Reviews Jeremy R. Levine’s new book, Constructing Community, an ethnographic study of community development projects in #Boston. For a book about #urban_poverty and #redevelopment, Constructing Community recounts few protests or headline-grabbing incidents. Instead, the drama unfolds slowly over the course of a decade in poorly lit community rooms, downtown board rooms, and the backseats of cars. This is a book about the banalities of bureaucracy and #governance—a fact that author Reviews
/ Boston, #Massachusetts, #United_States, #mass_transit, #rapid_transit, #transport, #public_transportation, #community-based_organizations, urban #poverty, redevelopment, poverty, governance, #local_governance, #urban_governance, (...)
Today, don’t miss « Internet resilience towards a renewed resilience for society » an Internet Governance Forum 2021 workshop with Lucien Castex, Samih Souissi and Rayna Stamboliyska !
Tune in at 14:05 UTC / 15:05 CET.
For more info visit ►https://www.intgovforum.org/en/content/igf-2021-ws-260-internet-resilience-towards-a-renewed-resilience-for-so
Aujourd’hui, ne manquez pas « Résilience Internet vers une résilience renouvelée pour la société » un atelier du Forum sur la gouvernance d’Internet 2021 avec Lucien Castex Samih Souissi et Rayna Stamboliyska !
Rendez-vous à 14:05 UTC / 15:05 CET.
Pour plus d’infos ►https://www.intgovforum.org/en/content/igf-2021-ws-260-internet-resilience-towards-a-renewed-resilience-for-so
#Afnic #Resilience #Internet #governance #IGF2021 #gouvernance
Ethical Source: Open Source, Evolved
« Social Good, Source Available.
Christine Peterson coined the term ‹open source› in 1998.
Coalescing around the ideal of software freedom, over the past 20 years the open source community has come to thrive, enjoying wild success and permanently changing the technology landscape. But the world has also changed in the past two decades. It’s time for open source to evolve to meet the magnitude and complexity of today’s social, political and technological challenges.
Today, the same open source software that enriches the commons and powers innovation also plays a critical role in mass surveillance, anti-immigrant violence, protester suppression, racist policing, the deployment of cruel and inhumane weapons, and other human rights abuses all over the world.
We want to do something about this misuse of our software. But as developers we don’t seem to have any recourse, no way to prevent our work from being used to harm others.
We want to change that.
We are creating ways to empower developers, giving us the freedom and agency to ensure that our work is being used for social good and in service of human rights.
We are building tools to enforce fair, ethical, and community-minded terms for those who benefit from or are affected by our work.
We are united in our conviction that software freedom must always be in service of human freedom.
We are the Ethical Source Movement. »
#openSource #ethicalSource #governance #licence #values #definition
The Hippocratic License 2.1 — An Ethical License for Open Source Projects
« For too long, we as software developers have divorced ourselves from the consequences of the code that we write. We have told ourselves that development is a pure and abstract pursuit, and have spent our careers writing programs with the goals of clarity, conciseness, readability, performance, and elegance.
But we are starting to realize that the software that we create has a real and lasting impact on the world in which we live.
Politics and software are so tangled that they cannot be reasonably separated. […]
Introducing the Hippocratic License: an Ethical Source license that specifically prohibits the use of software to violate universal standards of human rights, and embodying the principles of Ethical Source Software. »
Open-source Contributor Covenant
« Participating in open source is often a highly collaborative experience. We’re encouraged to create in public view, and we’re incentivized to welcome contributions of all kinds from people around the world. This makes the practice of open source as much social as it is technical.
Some open source projects attract enough contributors that a community forms. A healthy open source community centers the shared values and norms of its members. While not all of these values are the exactly the same from community to community, there is a set of core values and norms that are essential in a just and equitable software commons.
Contributor Covenant is a code of conduct that you can adapt to express both these fundamental shared values, and the special norms and values that distinguish your own community.
Adopting Contributor Covenant helps makes your community’s values explicit, and signals your commitment to creating a welcoming and safe environment for everyone. »
Découvrez 3 projets d’ampleur sur la feuille de route du Collège international #Afnic ▻https://www.afnic.fr/fr/l-afnic-en-bref/actualites/actualites-generales/12412/show/trois-projets-d-ampleur-sur-la-feuille-de-route-du-college-international-de-l- #I2N #Afrique #Gouvernance #ccTLDs
Discover 3 major projects on the roadmap of the #Afnic International College ▻https://www.afnic.fr/en/about-afnic/news/general-news/12413/show/three-major-projects-on-the-roadmap-of-the-afnic-international-college.html #Africa #ccTLDs #I2N #governance #Internet
Lucien Castex renouvelé comme membre du “Multistakeholder Advisory Group” du Forum de la Gouvernance Internet ▻https://www.afnic.fr/fr/l-afnic-en-bref/actualites/actualites-generales/12396/show/lucien-castex-est-renouvele-comme-membre-du-multistakeholder-advisory-group-du #Afnic #Gouvernance #Internet #IGF
Lucien Castex reappointed as a member of the Multistakeholder Advisory Group of the Internet Governance Forum ▻https://www.afnic.fr/en/about-afnic/news/general-news/12398/show/lucien-castex-has-been-reappointed-as-a-member-of-the-multistakeholder-advisor #governance
Who Is Responsible When Autonomous Systems Fail ? | Centre for Inter...
Who Is Responsible When Autonomous Systems Fail ? | Centre for International Governance Innovation | #accountability #automation #governance #responsibility
Wer regiert das Internet ?
Angelehnt an den Leitsatz „Netzpolitik ist Gesellschaftspolitik“ folgt diese aktualisierte und ergänzte Publikation der Idee, dass Internet Governance alle etwas angeht. Das offene und freie globale Netz darf nicht infrage gestellt werden. Überwachungs- und Zensurinfrastrukturen dürfen nicht etabliert werden.
„Wer regiert das #Internet?“ gibt einen Überblick über Akteure und Handlungsfelder und verdeutlicht, dass es das kollektive Engagement mehr denn je braucht, um Internet #Governance weiterzuentwickeln, das Multistakeholderprinzip sowie den Multilateralismus zu stärken und der Fragmentierung des Netzes zu begegnen.
[Vidéo] Retour sur le Forum de la Gouvernance Internet France 2019 avec @nicochagny de @isoc_france et @pierrebonis ▻https://www.afnic.fr/fr/ressources/blog/video-retour-sur-le-forum-de-la-gouvernance-internet-fgi-france-2019.html #FGIFrance2019 #Afnic #AAN
[Video] Back to the Internet Governance Forum France 2019 with @nicochagny from @isoc_france and @pierrebonis ▻https://www.afnic.fr/en/resources/blog/video-conclusions-of-internet-governance-forum-igf-france-2019.html #FGIFrance2019 #Afnic #AAN #IGF #IGFBerlin #Governance
Participatory land delimitation. An innovative development model based upon securing rights acquired through customary and other forms of occupation [2009]
Présenté par #Paolo_Groppo dans sa conférence que je suis en train de suivre...
Ceci dit, Paolo Groppo se positionne contre la #participation, mais il défend l’idée d’une #négociation.
#participation #géolocalisation #cartographie #frontières #limites #cadastre #cartographie #cartographie_communautaire #cartographie_participative
#RAP #recherche-action_participative #transect_walk #diagramme_de_Venn
Commentaire de Paolo Groppo par rapport à cette approche (extrait d’un long message qu’il m’a envoyé par email) :
Comunque, dopo parecchio tempo riuscimmo a far passare il principio del “territorio” della comunità e non più delle terre in produzione. A quel punto si arrivava alla domanda chiave: come identificare i limiti di un territorio comunitario. La risposta nostra è stata di fare una delimitazione partecipativa (►http://www.fao.org/3/a-ak546e.pdf) che, a differenza di quello che facevano tante ONG (ed anche questa fondazione) prevedeva la partecipazione nella fase finale, cioè quando si identificano e geolocalizzano i punti del confine, dei vicini, siano essi comunità, piccoli agricoltori o altri privati. In questo modo il “limes” viene controfirmato da tutti, lire comunitari ma anche i vicini, il tutto in presenza di tecnici dell’amministrazione fondiaria, così che il lavoro di accatastamento risulti più veloce e sicuro.
Un’attenzione particolare è stata portata anche a differenziare i gruppi maschili e femminili perché la conoscenza territoriale non è sempre la stessa e siccome le donne parlano poco in presenza degli uomini, facendo un lavoro di gruppo separato, si arrivava a una prima sketch map fatta sulla base delle loro conoscenze. Lo stesso era fatto con i maschi e poi si mettevano assieme i due gruppi per discutere e mettersi d’accordo su una unica sketch map, che sarebbe servita di base per il lavoro di terreno finale. Lavoro paziente, che richiedeva tempo ma che permetteva di far conoscere anche alle comunità vicine come farlo e, soprattutto, che quel “confine” non era una esclusione, ma che semplicemente se qualcuno avesse voluto venire a prendersi le loro terre, adesso esisteva un pezzo di carta che diceva chiaramente che su quel territorio c’erano dei diritti. Il lavoro terminava quando veniva emesso un certificato (diritto di uso di durata perpetua) che, con una cerimonia pubblica, veniva dato ai lire comunitari.
Quelques slides du cours que Paolo Groppo a donné dans le master International Development Studies de Grenoble :
Taking the #blockchain Oath
Who are the Jurors Governing our Decentralized FutureThere are multiple layers of the blockchain that get ignored. The consensus layer is all the rage, with everyone talking about different alternatives to PoW and how theirs is more eco-friendly or provides faster TPS, but this article will focus on one of the other important layers, the #governance layer.I do not work with any of the companies mentioned in this article and have received no compensation for my opinions or content.Who’s the Boss?This is a question we’ve heard our entire lives.When something goes wrong, we immediately think “Who is at fault” and “Who is going to fix it”.At a restaurant, if you receive poor service or horrible food, you ask for the manager. When you have an issue with the plumbing at your rented apartment, you call (...)
Fork Off: What the #bitcoin Cash Hard Fork Means for Crypto
Over the past weeks, the crypto ecosystem has been abuzz with the news of the Bitcoin Cash division that has created two new projects: Bitcoin Cash ABC and Bitcoin Cash SV. This comes just over one year after Bitcoin Cash forked from Bitcoin.Putting aside the drama of the threats being made from one project to another, we have to ask ourselves — What does this division mean for the crypto ecosystem as a whole?To answer that question, let’s dive into what precipitated this dispute in the first place, and the pros and cons of Bitcoin Cash splitting into two competing projects.Unstructured Governance, Divisions and Hard ForksSystems of governance are what frame the decision-making process and determine who has the power to make decisions. Governance is not a new issue and has been the subject (...)
Ignoring the Future of Urban #governance Will Kill Vibrant #cities
My three takeaways from URBAN-X’s event: Hyperlegible CitiesVibrant community of NYC’s ChinatownThe URBAN-X panel on “Hyperlegible Cities” was thought-provoking. Bianca Wylie, Elizabeth Bowie Christoforetti, Tara Pham, Paul Salama, Miriam Roure, Sara Trigoboff all participated in a lively discussion moderated by Greg Lindsay.The key questions of the night probed (1) the consequences of being “too” legible and (2) some solutions to mitigate problems. I interpreted “legibility” as the rules that govern our cities.The conversation sparked three takeaways that I delve into below:Benefits — Rules, obviously, can result in efficiency.Costs — Our rules and meta-rules can result in inequality, even if those rules are governed formally by participatory democracy.Solutions — I review an incomprehensive list of (...)
Who needs democracy when you have data? (▻https://www.technologyrevi...
Who needs democracy when you have data? | #justice #politics #surveillance #governance #technology #democracy #SocialCreditScore #automation #data #bigdata
#hitchain: the Community Powered #blockchain and newest edition to #huobi Global
Open source hosting platforms like #github, GitLab, BitBucket and SourceForge are becoming ever more popular for developers to host and review code, to manage projects and build software. With a user base of over 28 million developers and more than 1.8 million businesses and organizations using its platform, GitHub is considered the most popular project in its category. Just recently Microsoft has announced it acquired GitHub. Some say the takeover is a good thing, because now GitHub can now grow into an even bigger project and connect or collaborate with other existing Microsoft brands, while others, especially GitHub developers have trust issues with Microsoft for being a long-term opponent to open source software. Added to the fact that these kind of takeovers enable tech-giants to (...)