• Penser le politique par les #déchets

    Instruments et territoires de la gouvernance des déchets au #Liban
    Instruments and spaces of waste governance in Lebanon
    Jihad Farah et Éric Verdeil


    Réparer, recoudre, restaurer… Des collectivités locales en tâtonnement
    Repair, sew up, restore… Local communities in the process of trial and error
    Julie Gobert et José-Frédéric Deroubaix


    #Récup', #glanage, #zéro_déchet : une nouvelle conception du politique ?
    Recycling, gleaning, zero waste : a new conception of politics ?
    Isabelle Hajek


    La triple politisation de la #tarification_incitative. Rapports de force, réagencements et effets d’un instrument politique
    The triple politicization of incentive pricing. Power relations, rearrangements and effects of a political instrument
    Kevin Caillaud et Renaud Nougarol


    De la réglementation aux relations d’affaires, actions et instruments de publicisation de la gestion des #gravats [Texte intégral]
    From regulations to business relations, actions and publicity tools for rubble management
    Laëtitia Mongeard


    Service public ou communs ? Les limites mouvantes de la #gestion_des_déchets dans les pays du Sud
    Public service or Commons ? Shifting boundaries of solid waste management in the Global South
    Mathieu Durand, Jérémie Cavé et Irène Salenson


    Quand les déchets bousculent la politique locale d’une ville intermédiaire en crise (#Dolisie, #Congo)
    Une approche par la recherche – action
    When waste upsets the local politics of an intermediate city in crisis (Dolisie, Congo). A research - action approach
    Adeline Pierrat, Florian Marchadour et Renaud Colombier


    The politics of waste picking : reflections from the upscaling of a co-management model for recyclable waste in Buenos Aires (Argentina) [Texte intégral]
    Les politiques de #collecte_des_déchets : réflexions de la montée en gamme d’un modèle de #cogestion des #déchets_recyclables à #Buenos_Aires (#Argentine)
    Sebastián Carenzo et Santiago Sorroche


    Faire collectif avec les déchets : essai sur l’ordre public #rudologique
    Working collectively with waste : an essay on rudological public order
    Rémi Barbier


    La politisation des déchets en #Campanie. Conversation à trois voix
    Entretien avec #Claudia_Cirelli et #Fabrizio_Maccaglia
    The politicization of waste in Campania. Three voices conversation
    Marco Armiero, Giacomo D’Alisa et Salvatore Paolo De Rosa



  • Manmade peninsula under way in Istanbul - GREEN

    A 140,000-meter square manmade peninsula as large as ten football stadiums has plans to be constructed as a shoreline extension of Istanbul’s Ataköy neighborhood, which has ran out of space for new buildings.

    The Mega Marina will be made as an extension of the area known as the Ataköy Tourism Complex, which also contains the Galleria Shopping Mall, Sheraton Hotel, Ataköy Marina Hotel, Ataköy Marina and Ataköy Marina Park, and will be used as a marina for large cruisers.

    The process to fill the peninsula has already begun, with filling materials being carried by ships to the construction site because of heavy traffic on the road running along the construction site.

    The Bakırköy Municipality said there had been no official request filed at the municipality for a permit to fill the peninsula, adding they had been informed that the ongoing filling operation was for the breakwater.

    Ataköy Tourism Complex is currently under the administration of Dati-Mariners Ataköy Tourism and Construction Company, a company of Dati Holding that was founded by Şadan Kalkavan, Fuat Miras, Gündüz Kaptanoğlu, Eşref Cerrahoğlu and Metin Kalkavan.

    The owner of the area, however, is the State Housing Development Association (TOKİ).

    TOKİ and Dati Holding had previously eyed the land for construction licenses but the tender was canceled due to lack of sufficient participants.

    #Transformation_urbaine #Istanbul #Rivage #Gravats #TOKI