an chou fu lao 按酬付劳 work according to the wage
bagong 罢工 strike
baihua qifang 百花齐放 Hundred Flowers Movement
baomu 保姆 domestic care worker
baoshoupai 保守派 conservative group or faction
baowei ganbu 包围干部 forcible surrounding of cadres
beidouxing xueshe 北斗星学社 Big Dipper Society
Beijing zhi chun 北京之春 Beijing Spring (journal)
changzhang fuze zhi 厂长负责制 Factory Director Responsibility System
da bianlun 大辩论 holding big debates
da chuanlian 大串联 big linking up
da yue jin 大跃进 Great Leap Forward
dagongmei/dagongzai 打工妹/打工仔 working girl/working boy
daigong 怠工 slowdown
dalianhe 大联合 big alliance
daming dafang 大鸣大放 big speaking out, big opening up
danwei 单位 work unit
dazibao 大字报 big-character poster
dixia kanwu 地下刊物 underground journals
duoquan 夺权 power seizures
dusheng zinü zhengce 独生子女政策 One-Child Policy
ernai 二奶 mistress (literally: second wife)
fan fubi xuehui 反复辟学会 Anti-Restoration Society
fan zuo 反坐 anti-leftism
fang zuo 防左 preventing leftism
fanyoupai yundong 反右派运动 Anti-Rightist Campaign
feixinwen 非新闻 Wickedonna blog (literally: no news)
fenli yundong 分离运动 separation movement
funü gongzuo 妇女工作 women work
geming weiyuanhui 革命委员会 Revolutionary Committee
gongren 工人 worker
gongren zongbu 工人总部 Workers’ General Headquarters
gongsi heying qiye 公司合营企业 joint-ownership enterprises
gongtong fuyu 共同富裕 common prosperity
gongzilian 工自联 short for 北京工人自治联合会 Beijing Workers’ Autonomous Federation
guanliaozhuyi 官僚主义 bureaucratism
guomindang 国民党 Kuomintang, Nationalist Party
hefa quanyi 合法权益 lawful rights and interests
hexie shehui 和谐社会 Harmonious Society
hongse kongbu 红色恐怖 Red Terror
hongse zhongguo 红色中国 Red China (website)
hongweibing 红卫兵 Red Guards
hukou 户口 household registration (system)
hunan sheng wuchan jieji gemingpai da lianhe weiyuanhui 湖南无产阶级革命派 大联合委员会, see
shengwulian jiage shuangguizhi 价格双轨制 dual-track pricing system
jianjiao buluo 尖椒部落 Pepper Tribe
jianshe shehuizhuyi xin nongcun 建设社会主义新农村 Building the New Socialist Countryside
jiating lianchan chengbao zeren zhi 家庭联产承包责任制 Household Contract Responsibility System
jieceng 阶层 social strata
jieji 阶级 class
jieji douzheng 阶级斗争 class struggle
jin chang 进厂 enter the factory
ingjizhuyi 经济主义 economism
jingwai didui shili 境外敌对势力 hostile foreign forces
jintian 今天 Today (journal)
jiti qingyuan 集体请愿 collective petition (for action to be taken)
jiti shangfang 集体上访 collective petition (to present grievances)
jizuo 极左 ultra-left
ku’er gongyou 酷兒工友 Queer Workers
kuomintang, see
guomindang liang xing hexie fazhan 两性和谐发展 harmonious development of the two sexes
lishi xuwuzhuyi 历史虚无主义 historical nihilism
liushou funü 留守妇女 left-behind women*
makesi zhuyi lilun yanjiu he jianshe gongcheng 马克思主义理论研究和建设工 程 Marxist Theoretical Research and Development Project
maoyan 冒烟 giving off smoke
maoyou 毛右 Maoist Right
maozedong qizhi wang 毛泽东旗帜网 Maoflag (website)
maozuo 毛左 Maoist Left
minglingzhuyi 命令主义 commandism
minkan 民刊 people’s literature
minzhu gaige yundong 民主改革运动 Democratic Reform Movement
minzhu qiang yundong 民主墙运动 Democracy Wall Movement
#mitu 米兔 #MeToo (in the PRC)
naoshi 闹事 cause disturbances (or trouble)
nongmingong 农民工 peasant worker
nüquan zhi sheng 女权之声 Feminist Voices
pi lin pi kong yundong 批林批孔运动 Campaign to Criticize Lin Biao and Confucius
pingnan hui 平难会 redress grievances societies, autonomous unions
po xie 破鞋 worn-out shoes
qimengshe 启蒙社 Enlightenment Society
qingli jieji duiwu 清理阶级队伍 Cleansing the Class Ranks campaign
qunzhong cankao xiaoxi 群众参考消息 Masses’ Reference News
ronggong 融工 mix with workers
san bu gan 三不干 dirty work, hard work, night shifts
san fan 三反 Three Antis Campaign
san gao yi di 三高一低 three highs and one low
sanxian jianshe 三线建设 Third Front Construction
shandong bohai zhantuan 山东渤海战团 Shandong Bohai Battle Regiment
shangfang 上访 petitioning
Shanghai renmin gongshe 上海人民公社 Shanghai People’s Commune
shaoshu minzu 少数民族 ethnic minorities
shehuizhuyi jiaoyu yundong 社会主义教育运动 or
she jiao 社教 Socialist Education Movement
shengnü 剩女 “left-over” women*
shengwulian 省无联 Provincial Proletarian Alliance, short for
hunan sheng wuchan jieji gemingpai da lianhe weiyuanhui 湖南无产阶级革命派大联合委 员会 Hunan Provincial Proletarian Revolutionary Big Alliance Committee
shiyu 失语 aphasia
shiyue geming xiaozu 十月革命小组 October Revolution Group
shourong qiansong zhidu 收容遣送制度 Custody and Repatriation system (C&R)
si da ziyou 四大自由 four big freedoms
sige xiandaihua 四个现代化 or
sihua 四化 Four Modernizations
siqing yundong 四清运动 Four Cleanups Movement
sirenbang 四人帮 Gang of Four
sisan pai 四三派 April 3 Faction
siwu luntan 四五论坛 April 5 Forum
siwu yundong 四五运动 April 5 Movement
suzhi 素质 quality
tansuo 探索 Exploration (journal)
tian’anmen guangchang yundong 天安门广场运动 Tian’anmen Square Movement
tie fanwan 铁饭碗 iron rice-bowl
tizhinei 体制内 inside the system
tizhiwai 体制外 outside the system
tonggou tongxiao 统购统销 unified purchasing and marketing
tongmenghui 同盟会 Revolutionary Alliance
tongzhi 同志 comrade, also used for/by gays, lesbians, and queers
wanyanshu 万言书 10,000-word articles
weiquan 维权 rights defense
wenhua dageming 文化大革命 or
wenge 文革 Cultural Revolution
wu fan 五反 Five Antis Campaign
dang 五毛党 50 Cent Army
wusi yundong 五四运动 May 4 movement
wu you zhi xiang 乌有之乡 Utopia (website)
xiagang 下岗 laid-off urban state worker
xiaofenhong 小粉红 Little Pink
xiaozhengfu, dashehui 小政府大社会 small government, big society
xin gongren wang 新工人网 New Workers (website)
xin zuopai 新左派 New Left
xin zuoyi 新左翼 New Left
xuetong lun 血统论 blood-line theory
xunxin zishi 寻衅滋事 picking quarrels and provoking trouble
yi da, san fan 一打三反 One Strike, Three Antis Campaign
yi gong yi nong 亦工亦农 worker-peasant system
zaofan 造反 rebel
zaofanpai 造反派 rebel group or faction
zhenya fangeming 镇压反革命 Campaign to Suppress Counter-revolutionaries
zhigong daibiao dahui 职工代表大会 Staff and Workers Congresses
zhiqing 知青or
zhishi qingnian 知识青年 (urban) educated youth
zhongguo gongchanzhuyi qingnian tuan 中国共产主义青年团 Chinese Communist Youth League
zhongguo gongren wang 中国工人网 China Workers Net (website)
zhongguo honge hui 中国红歌会 Red Song Society (website)
zhongguo renquan tongmeng 中国人权同盟 Chinese Human Rights Alliance
zhongguo tese 中国特色 “with Chinese characteristics”
zhonghua quanguo funü lianhehui 中华全国妇女联合会 All-China Women’s Federation (ACWF)
zhonghua quanguo zonggonghui 中华全国总工会 All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU)
zhongyang wenge xiaozu 中央文革小组 Central Cultural Revolution Group (CCRG)
zhua geming, cu shengchan 抓革命, 促生产 grasping revolution and promoting production
zouzipai 走资派 capitalist roader
zuo an 左岸 Left Bank (website)
zuo gongren gongzuo 做工人工作 doing worker work