• À propos de l’artisanat et de la perte de compétences (ça concerne surtout la programmation informatique mais je crois que ça peut se généraliser facilement à d’autres domaines).

    « Cela fait longtemps que je n’avais pas écrit. Si je reprends aujourd’hui le chemin de l’écriture, cela ne sera pas pour vous parler de « geekeries » ou autres « nerderies » en tout genre. Dans ce très long billet de blog, je vais aborder le difficile sujet d’une espèce en voie d’extinction : les vieux software crafters autodidactes dont je fais partie. Je vais donc vous parler des vieux techos à travers moi, de l’évolution du marché ces 25 dernières années, du burn-out qui m’est arrivé et de la remise en question qui s’ensuit. »


    • Je vais lire ça plus tard, avec gourmandise. Je suis en cours d’embauche. J’ai deux flux de candidats. Ceux depuis une plateforme 2.0. Ceux depuis un recruteur 1.0. Des deux côtés, je reçois de jeunes diplômés de tous horizons, avec une première expérience. Ils ont presque tous en commun de ne pas savoir écrire une fonction récursive, la même en itérative est médiocre, leur connaissance du SQL est parfois correcte, mais jamais avancée.
      Le plus drôle, parmi ceux qui passent le barrage du test d’algo/sql, c’est que je trouve un gars qui a fait son contrat de professionnalisation dans une entreprise qui ne bosse que sur AS400. Ou l’autre qui est bloqué sur de la maintenance d’un soft en PHP4... Les pauvres. Je comprends leur besoin de changer. Mais... pourquoi ils ne se mettent pas au courant de ce qu’est REST, la sérialisation, ce genre de choses ?...

    • Moi ce qui me saute aux yeux en plus de la mode, c’est : les chef⋅fes de projet ne servent à rien, si ce sont des chef⋅fes justement, des gens au dessus des technicien⋅nes, payés plus, et avec un pouvoir en plus.

      Si on parle de gens qui font de la gestion de projet, qui font circuler l’information, qui planifient, qui rappellent, etc, oui il en faut souvent, d’autant plus que les projets sont gros. Mais dans ce cas, ces personnes ne sont pas cheffes, ni plus ni moins nécessaires que les techos (devs, admins sys…). Tout le monde devrait toujours être payé à peu près pareil (voire vraiment pareil), et les choix techniques décidés en commun. Ah oui mais c’est dans les coopératives ça…

      Il faut supprimer ce poste et le renommer pour un intitulé non hiérarchique, au même niveau que les devs, pour les projets où on a besoin de gens qui font ça.

      #démocratie #coopérative

    • Tout ce que je réalise ne me semble plus avoir beaucoup de sens. Dorénavant, la qualité technique importe peu aux clients. Ce qu’ils souhaitent c’est un truc qui marche vite, qui soit surtout pas cher et livré a une date déjà définie. On s’en fiche que ce soit bien fait, évolutif et durable. Nous sommes de plus en plus loin de l’artisanat et de l’amour du travail bien fait.

    • Vite. Pas cher. Lean management. Flux tendu. On retrouve ça à tous les étages de nos sociétés productivistes et marchandisées. Le domaine de l’informatique y est spécialement exposé vu que tous les six mois (d’après la légende) le hardware et le software deviennent obsolètes. Et fatalement, l’auteur du billet, Olivier Poncet, a été victime d’un épuisement professionnel causé par le surmenage (boosté par le #télétravail en période confinée) et la perte de sens de son activité. Faudrait-il s’en étonner ?

      #burn_out #obsolescence #isolement #précariat #high_tech #low_income

    • Ce texte fait absolument écho à une longue conversation que j’ai eu hier avec une amie codeuse et c’est un peu un baume de ne pas se sentir trop seules à souffrir de cette maltraitance moderne.

      Perso mon sentiment de codeuse est amer, quand je vois qu’ont été gâchées nos possibilités de développer nos capacités et que c’est finalement la misère financière qui nous/m’accompagne depuis 20 ans pour avoir refusé de faire de la merde à gafa et des codes à clic. (En plus d’être une femme dans un monde d’hommes)
      Pourtant là où je me suis éclatée, c’est à concevoir et coder des applications solides et abouties et qui permettent d’anticiper des évolutions. En face, souvent le client pige que dalle, il veut du beau pas cher rapidement et a tellement d’ignorances et préjugés que le petit requin nouveau venu qui manage sa carrière sur FB s’est imposé en m’insultant et a commencé par effacer mes codes pour sabrer mon travail.
      Je n’ai jamais voulu être dans ce jeu là, sans éthique, sans enthousiasme, sans enjeu intellectuel.


    • Je commence à comprendre pourquoi j’ai tellement de mal à trouver des logiciels en ligne qui ne se résument pas à « appuie sur le bouton Docker pour installer », ce qui me fait divinement chier.

      À mon petit niveau, j’aime paramétrer moi-même et franchement, dépoter une BDD, ce n’est pas la mer à boire et tu vois ce que tu fais.

      Déjà, je supporte de moins en moins les logiciels « encapsulés », genre les Snap et consors qui pèsent des âmes morts alors que toute l’élégance de Linux, c’est le système de dépendances qui permet de partager les librairies au lieu de charger 50 fois la même pour 50 logiciels différents.

      Et ne parlons pas des trucs sous Electron…

    • @biggrizzly oui oui, c’est pas hyper grave, c’est une situation que j’ai appris à repérer et j’en avais prévenu le client qui a fait sourde oreille. Mais voila, du fait de cette reprise en quelques mois un travail de 10 ans s’effondre avec un client qui commence seulement à s’en affoler sauf qu’il est trop tard, il va devoir cracher au bassinet pour tout refaire avec les nouveaux venus. C’est porteur pour personne en fait, plusieurs anciens ont déjà quitté le navire totalement démotivé·es et d’ici quelques mois je vais devoir annoncer que dans de telles conditions je ne peux plus assurer de suivi.
      Tous perdants, sauf les presses boutons qui ont le champ libre pour remplir leurs poches.

    • C’est l’opportunité de pouvoir revenir, peut-être, un jour, en changeant les conditions financières. Mais oui, 10 ans de boulot perdu, c’est rageant. J’ai eu un aller-retour sympa récemment. 15 ans de développement sur un logiciel sur-mesure. Puis décision stratégique, le client passe sur un progiciel standard. On se fait un peu d’argent au passage, en assistance au démantèlement (j’ai pour principe de toujours collaborer pleinement au départ de mes clients, limite en en faisant trop). Puis deux ans après, le patron qui me rappelle... Il revend mais garde une partie de son groupe et souhaite repartir comme en 40, parce que le truc standard, il n’y comprend que pouic, et qu’il préfère ce qu’on avait fait ensemble. L’autre bouzin était orienté compta ana, et pas production. Bref. Ceci dit, deux ans de plus, et il a vendu à nouveau, et le repreneur veut à nouveau utiliser un standard. Et bon... J’ai eu un appel pour les assister il y a quelques mois, puis plus rien. Et autant que je sache ils n’ont pas encore commencé à passer sur le nouveau logiciel. Mon avis, c’est qu’ils seront mieux. Ils ne savent pas ce que c’est qu’avoir un spécifique, ils ne savent pas qu’il faut réfléchir en collaboration pour décider d’une façon de travailler, etc. Ils préfèrent un logiciel et un éditeur qui leurs imposent tout, car du moment que leurs concurrents ont le même logiciel, ça leur va (informatique poste de coût vs informatique avantage concurrentiel/outil de productivité).

      J’ai un autre cas où la patronne s’associe avec une ex-collab’. La nouvelle associée a un surnom : le char d’assaut. Quand il y a un problème, elle prend tout le monde de haut et décide sans tenter de comprendre. Un jour, on a reçu un mail dont le message était « je ne comprends pas votre métier, mais vous êtes incompétents ». Ils décident de partir en infogérance avec l’éditeur de leur logiciel. Je leur avais expliqué un an avant qu’en terme de réactivité et de pertinence, ça ne serait pas pareil, et que je leur déconseillais compte tenu de leurs attentes. Cela me coûtait, je n’aime pas cette personne. Mais la patronne, je l’apprécie bien. Et donc, cette année, ils devaient partir. Et ils ne sont pas encore partis. Le confinement est passé par là. Mais ils doivent partir. Et le repreneur ne m’a pas vraiment encore contacté. Et quand ils vont partir pour de bon, les utilisateurs n’auront plus leur bureau à distance. Et personne n’a encore réellement, chez eux, considéré ce que serait la vie sans bureau à distance. Ça va leur faire mal. J’ai fait mon deuil de ce client, mais mon collab’ qui est en contact avec le client au quotidien en avait gros sur la patate, car il se sentait responsable de ce départ. Sauf que maintenant, il constate que les autres collaborateurs du client se barrent. Et ils parlent. Du char d’assaut qui fait des dégâts. Décision stupide, pas de remords à avoir. Faut juste ne pas oublier de facturer le temps que les crétins nous réclament du fait de leurs décisions.

    • Très intéressant ton témoignage @biggrizzly

      Faut juste ne pas oublier de facturer le temps que les crétins nous réclament du fait de leurs décisions.

      Oui, mais non, parce que les crétins refusent de voir leur défaillance et ton char d’assaut résume parfaitement l’affaire « je ne comprends pas votre métier, mais vous êtes incompétents ». Ce que j’apprécie c’est échanger, comprendre les demandes, cogiter, proposer et réaliser pour que tout le monde soit satisfait et je passe aussi du temps à vulgariser mon métier. J’ai pris l’habitude de travailler avec plaisir et pas sous contrainte débile, donc vraiment sous le sceau de la confiance. En dehors, je perds réellement toute capacité à avancer. Si l’argent devait être mon seul moteur, le coût serait prohibitif. Je sais bien les économies qui motivent mes divers diffuseurs parce que je suis indépendante agessa/urssaf et qu’ils peuvent me jeter comme un chinois (paix aux chinois surexploités) sans se préoccuper si j’ai des indemnités en cas de maladie, voire des congés ou du chômage, droits sociaux que le statut d’autrice me refuse en plus d’être souvent dans la case sousousoustraitante avec une ribambelle de sursursurtraitants qui mangent sur mon dos.

      Et pour finir, j’adore cette phrase "Si vous payez des cacahuètes attendez vous à un travail de singe." parce que oui, tout travail mérite rémunération correcte.

  • Will the Coronavirus Forever Alter the College Experience? - The New York Times

    #continuitepedagogique #US #college #higherED

    “What we are talking about when we talk about online education is using digital technologies to transform the learning experience,” said Vijay Govindarajan, a professor at Dartmouth’s Tuck School of Business. “That is not what is happening right now. What is happening now is we had eight days to put everything we do in class onto Zoom.”

    Faculty may incorporate online tools, to which many are being exposed for the first time, into their conventional classes. And students are experiencing a flexible type of learning they may not like as undergraduates, but could return to when it’s time to get a graduate degree.

    “The pessimistic view is that [students] are going to hate it and never want to do this again, because all they’re doing is using Zoom to reproduce everything that’s wrong with traditional passive, teacher-centered modes of teaching,” said Bill Cope, a professor of education policy, organization and leadership at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

    More than 75 percent said they don’t think they’re receiving a quality learning experience, according to a survey of nearly 1,300 students by the online exam-prep provider OneClass. In a separate poll of 14,000 college and graduate students in early April by the website niche.com, which rates schools and colleges, 67 percent said they didn’t find online classes as effective as in-person ones.

    Students who want classes best provided face to face, such as those in the performing arts or that require lab work, would continue to take them that way.

    “Let’s take advantage of this moment to start a larger conversation” about the whole design of higher education, Dr. Govindarajan said.

  • Le temps des ouvriers. Le temps de l’#usine (1/4)

    Du début du XVIIIe siècle à nos jours, Stan Neumann déroule sur plus de trois siècles l’histoire du monde ouvrier européen, rappelant en une synthèse éblouissante ce que nos sociétés doivent aux luttes des « damnés de la terre ».

    Dès le début du XVIIIe siècle, en Grande-Bretagne, une nouvelle économie « industrielle et commerciale », portée par le textile, chasse des campagnes les petits paysans et les tisserands indépendants. Pour survivre, ils doivent désormais travailler contre salaire dans des fabriques (factories) qui rassemblent plusieurs milliers d’ouvriers, sur des métiers appartenant à des marchands devenus industriels. C’est la naissance de la classe ouvrière anglaise. Le travail en usine, le Factory System, où seul compte le profit, impose aux déracinés une discipline et une conception du temps radicalement nouvelles. Avec la révolution industrielle de la fin du XVIIIe siècle, ils subissent un dressage plus violent encore, sous la loi de machines qui réduisent l’ouvrier à un simple rouage.
    Surexploitée et inorganisée, cette classe ouvrière primitive, qui oppose à la main de fer de l’industrie naissante des révoltes spontanées et sporadiques, va mettre plusieurs générations à inventer ses propres formes de lutte, dans une alliance parfois malaisée avec les républicains anglais, inspirés par la Révolution française de 1789. Ses revendications sont sociales et politiques : réglementation du travail des enfants, salaires, durée du temps de travail, liberté syndicale, droit de grève, suffrage universel... Dans les années 1820, après des décennies de combats perdus, une classe ouvrière anglaise puissante et combative semble en mesure de faire la révolution.

    Temps complet
    La classe ouvrière a-t-elle disparu, ou simplement changé de forme, de nom, de rêve ? Conciliant l’audace et la rigueur historique, l’humour et l’émotion, le détail signifiant et le souffle épique, Stan Neumann (Austerlitz, Lénine, Gorki – La révolution à contre-temps) livre une éblouissante relecture de trois cents ans d’histoire. Faisant vibrer la mémoire des lieux et la beauté des archives, célébrissimes ou méconnues, il parvient à synthétiser avec fluidité une étonnante quantité d’informations. Les séquences d’animation, ludiques et inventives, et un commentaire dit par la voix à la fois présente et discrète de Bernard Lavilliers permettent de passer sans se perdre d’un temps à l’autre : celui du travail, compté hier comme aujourd’hui minute par minute, celui des grands événements historiques, et celui, enfin, des changements sociaux ou techniques étalés parfois sur plusieurs décennies, comme le processus de légalisation des syndicats ou du travail à la chaîne. En parallèle, le réalisateur donne la parole à des ouvriers et ouvrières d’aujourd’hui et à une douzaine d’historiens et philosophes, hommes et femmes, « personnages » à part entière dont la passion communicative rythme le récit. On peut citer Jacques Rancière, Marion Fontaine, Alessandro Portelli, Arthur McIvor, Stefan Berger, avec Xavier Vigna comme conseiller scientifique de l’ensemble des épisodes. Cette série documentaire virtuose, où l’expérience intime coexiste avec la mémoire collective, au risque parfois de la contredire, révèle ainsi combien nos sociétés contemporaines ont été façonnées par l’histoire des ouvriers.


    #documentaire #film_documentaire #film
    #agriculture #cleasning #nettoyage #industrie #industrie_textile #industrialisation #expulsions_forcées #histoire #Ecosse #UK #exode_rural #déplacés_internes #IDPs #histoire #force_de_travail #classe_ouvrière #Highlands #désindustrialisation #compétition #factory_system #esclavage #Crowley #temps #contrôle_du_temps #salaires #profit #filatures #travail_d'enfants #enfants #femmes #New_Lanark #Robert_Owen #silent_monitor #école #Institut_pour_la_formation_du_caractère #paternalisme #contrôle #tyrannie #liberté_de_commerce #grève #émeute #insécurité_sociale #pauvreté #workhouse #criminalisation_de_la_pauvreté #résistance #Enoch #Great_Enoch #John_Ludd #général_Ludd #luddisme #luttes #insurrection #cadence #progrès_technique #accidents_de_travail #Angleterre #insurrection_luddite #massacre_de_Peterloo #odeur #intercheangeabilité #temps_des_ouvriers

    Sur le silent monitor :

    This small four-sided wooden block was known as a ’silent monitor’ and was used by Robert Owen as a means of imposing discipline at his #New_Lanark_Mills.

    Robert Owen was strongly opposed to the use of corporal punishment, so in order to keep discipline at the New Lanark Mills, he devised his own unique system. The ’silent monitors’ were hung next to each worker in the mills, with each side displaying a different colour. ’Bad’ behaviour was represented by the colour black; ’indifferent’ was represented by blue; ’good’ by yellow; and ’excellent’ by white. The superintendent was responsible for turning the monitors every day, according to how well or badly the worker had behaved. A daily note was then made of the conduct of the workers in the ’books of character’ which were provided for each department in the mills.


    New Lanark :

    • Le temps des ouvriers (4/4)Le temps de la destruction

      Stan Neumann déroule sur plus de trois siècles l’histoire du monde ouvrier européen. Dernier volet : dans les années 1930, la classe ouvrière semble plus puissante que jamais. Le succès, en 1936, du Front populaire en France témoigne de cette force. Pourtant, les ouvriers européens vont de défaite en défaite...

      En Espagne, la dictature franquiste, soutenue par Hitler et Mussolini, triomphe en 1939. Puis dans l’Europe asservie, l’Allemagne nazie fait des ouvriers des pays vaincus des « esclaves du XXe siècle » : « travail obligatoire » pour les ouvriers de l’ouest de l’Europe, « extermination par le travail » des juifs, des Tsiganes et des prisonniers de guerre soviétiques.
      Après 1945, la guerre froide génère de nouvelles fractures. En Occident, on achète la paix sociale en améliorant les conditions de vie et de travail dans la plus pure tradition fordiste. À l’Est, le pouvoir est confisqué par des partis uniques qui prétendent représenter les ouvriers tout en les privant des libertés syndicales avec le soutien de l’URSS et de ses tanks. L’espoir renaît dans les années 1970, qui voient fleurir les utopies révolutionnaires, des Lip à Solidarnosc. Mais c’est un chant du cygne. Avec son cortège de misère et de chômage, la désindustrialisation a commencé.

      Temps complet
      La classe ouvrière a-t-elle disparu, ou simplement changé de forme, de nom, de rêve ? Conciliant l’audace et la rigueur historique, l’humour et l’émotion, le détail signifiant et le souffle épique, Stan Neumann ("Austerlitz", « Lénine »", ""Gorki"" – ""La révolution à contre-temps") livre une éblouissante relecture de trois cents ans d’histoire. Faisant vibrer la mémoire des lieux et la beauté des archives, célébrissimes ou méconnues, il parvient à synthétiser avec fluidité une étonnante quantité d’information. Les séquences d’animation, ludiques et inventives, et un commentaire dit par la voix à la fois présente et discrète de Bernard Lavilliers permettent de passer sans se perdre d’un temps à l’autre : celui du travail, compté hier comme aujourd’hui minute par minute, celui des grands événements historiques, et celui, enfin, des changements sociaux ou techniques étalés parfois sur plusieurs décennies, comme le processus de légalisation des syndicats ou du travail à la chaîne. En parallèle, le réalisateur donne la parole à des ouvriers et ouvrières d’aujourd’hui et à une douzaine d’historiens et philosophes, hommes et femmes, « personnages » à part entière dont la passion communicative rythme le récit. On peut citer Jacques Rancière, Marion Fontaine, Alessandro Portelli, Arthur McIvor, Stefan Berger, avec Xavier Vigna comme conseiller scientifique de l’ensemble des épisodes. Cette série documentaire virtuose, où l’expérience intime coexiste avec la mémoire collective, au risque parfois de la contredire, révèle ainsi combien nos sociétés contemporaines ont été façonnées par l’histoire des ouvriers.


      #poing_levé #Front_populaire #Espagne #Fígols #mujeres_libres #guerre_d'Espagne #mineurs #alcolisme #violence_domestique #expulsions_collectives #travailleurs_étrangers #Volkswagen #nazisme #extermination_par_le_travail #Berlin #Pologne #Hongrie #superflu #rock_and_roll #mai_68 #Sochaux #Lip #Solidarność #Solidarnosc #Anna_Walentynowicz #printemps_de_Prague #NUM #autonomie_ouvrière #Arthur_McIvor #Margareth_Thatcher #muséification #désindustrialisation #invisibilisation #uberisation

  • The Cropper Lads


    –-> A song of protest from the Industrial Revolution. This explanation is from the Yorkshire Garland website, yorkshirefolksong.net :

    “Croppers, although relatively few in numbers, played a central part in the activities of the machine-breaking Luddites in #Yorkshire. Prior to the introduction of machinery to do the job they had been top-grade apprenticed craftsmen, trained to produce a smooth even nap on the woollen cloth after it had been woven. They cropped the woven cloth with heavy shears and were highly skilled, and relatively highly paid so had more to lose than most by the introduction of the machinery. Prior to this they had blacked any cloth produced in a gig mill and therefore had already shown their anti-machinery stance and solidarity with the weavers. Thus croppers joined the Nottinghamshire Luddites in raids on mills to break the machinery which resulted in desperate battles between mill-owners backed by the police and militia, and the Luddites, which resulted in much bloodshed and even death.
    Great Enoch was the name given to a big hammer used to smash the machinery, rather ironically as it was named after Enoch and James Taylor of Marsden near Huddersfield who were the ingenious blacksmiths who invented the cropping machine.”

    Lyrics :

    Come, cropper lads of great renown,
    Who love to drink good ale that’s brown,
    And strike each haughty tyrant down
    With hatchet, pike and gun.

    The cropper lads for me,
    And gallant lads they’ll be,
    With lusty stroke the shearframes broke,
    The cropper lads for me.

    What though the specials still advance,
    And soldiers nightly round us prance,
    The cropper lads still lead the dance,
    With hatchet, pike and gun.

    And night by night when all is still,
    And the moon is hid behind the hill,
    We forward march to do our will,
    With hatchet, pike and gun.

    Great Enoch he shall lead the van,
    Stop him who dares, stop him who can,
    Press forward every gallant man,
    With hatchet, pike and gun.

    #révolution_industrielle #UK #Ecosse #musique #chanson #chanson_populaire #chansons_populaire #musique_et_politique #histoire

    Chanson découverte dans le documentaire sur Arte :
    Le temps des ouvriers

    #luddisme #révolte #Highlands #révolution_industrielle #industralisation #laine

    Le #Great_Enoch :

    #marteau #tisserie

    ping @sinehebdo


    voir aussi cette autre chanson dans le documentaire et signalée ici :

  • #Smile_In_Your_Sleep

    Hush, hush, time tae be sleepin
    Hush, hush, dreams come a-creepin
    Dreams o peace an o freedom
    Sae smile in your sleep, bonnie baby

    Once our valleys were ringin
    Wi sounds o our children singin
    But nou sheep bleat till the evenin
    An shielings stand empty an broken

    We stood, wi heads bowed in prayer
    While factors laid our cottages bare
    The flames fired the clear mountain air
    An many lay dead in the mornin

    Where was our fine Highland mettle,
    Our men once sae fearless in battle?
    They stand, cowed, huddled like cattle
    Soon tae be shipped owre the ocean

    No use pleading or praying
    All hope gone, no hope of staying
    Hush, hush, the anchor’s a-weighing
    Don’t cry in your sleep, bonnie baby


    –-> song about Scottish #Highland_Clearances :

    #histoire #Ecosse #industrialisation #clearance #nettoyage #violence #terres #arrachement #déracinement #déplacements_forcés #Fuadaich_nan_Gàidheal #évacuations #déportation #décès #morts #histoire #agriculture #moutons #élevage #Highlands #montagne

    #musique #chanson #musique_et_politique
    ping @sinehebdo @odilon @reka @simplicissimus


    Découverte dans ce documentaire qui passe en ce moment sur Arte :
    Le temps des ouvriers

    • Une pièce de théâtre autour de ces événements :
      The Cheviot, the Stag, and the Black Black Oil

      The Cheviot, the Stag and the Black, Black Oil is a play written in the 1970s by the popular playwright #John_McGrath. From April 1973, beginning at a venue in Aberdeen (Aberdeen Arts Centre), it was performed in a touring production in community centres on Scotland by 7:84 and other community theatre groups. A television version directed by John Mackenzie was broadcast on 6 June 1974 by the BBC as part of the Play for Today series.


    • Du coup, je découvre aussi ce site web d’un groupe où j’ai trouvé la chanson et qui va beaucoup plaire à @sinehebdo (mais pas que...)

      Three Acres And A Cow. A history of land rights and protest in folk song and story

      Telling the history of land, housing and food in Britain is always a multi-stranded narrative. On one side we have the history of enclosure, privatisation and the dispossession of land based communities; on the other we have the vibrant histories of struggle and resistance that emerged when people rose up and confronted the loss of their lands, cultures and ways of life.

      These multiple histories go largely undocumented in the literature of the times, often expressed simply as a hanging here and an uprising there, yet in the music and stories of the people they take on a different life.

      ‘Three Acres And A Cow’ connects the Norman Conquest and Peasants’ Revolt with Brexit, fracking and our housing crisis via the Enclosures, English Civil War, Irish Land League and Industrial Revolution, drawing a compelling narrative through the radical people’s history of England in folk song, story and poem.

      Part TED talk, part history lecture, part folk club sing-a-long, part poetry slam, part storytelling session… Come and share in these tales as they have been shared for generations.

      Le blog :
      #résistance #droits

      Song On The Times

      You working men of England one moment now attend
      While I unfold the treatment of the poor upon this land
      For nowadays the factory lords have brought the labour low
      And daily are contriving plans to prove our overthrow

      So arouse! You sons of freedom! The world seems upside down
      They scorn the poor man as a thief in country and in town

      There’s different parts in Ireland, it’s true what I do state
      There’s hundreds that are starving for they can’t get food to eat
      And if they go unto the rich to ask them for relief
      They bang their door all in their face as if they were a thief

      So arouse! You sons of freedom! The world seems upside down
      They scorn the poor man as a thief in country and in town

      Alas how altered are the times, rich men despise the poor
      And pay them off without remorse, quite scornful at their door
      And if a man is out of work his Parish pay is small
      Enough to starve himself and wife, his children and all

      So arouse! You sons of freedom! The world seems upside down
      They scorn the poor man as a thief in country and in town


      Version #Chumbawamba :

      #chanson_populaire #chansons_populaires

    • #Dùthaich_Mhic_Aoidh – song about the Highland clearances in Sutherland, Scotland for sheep

      Mo mhallachd aig na caoraich mhòr
      My curse upon the great sheep
      Càit a bheil clann nan daoine còir
      Where now are the children of the kindly folk
      Dhealaich rium nuair bha mi òg
      Who parted from me when I was young
      Mus robh Dùthaich ‘IcAoidh na fàsach?
      Before Sutherland became a desert?

      Tha trì fichead bliadhna ‘s a trì
      It has been sixty-three years
      On dh’fhàg mi Dùthaich ‘IcAoidh
      Since I left Sutherland
      Cait bheil gillean òg mo chrìdh’
      Where are all my beloved young men
      ‘S na nìonagan cho bòidheach?
      And all the girls that were so pretty?

      Shellar, tha thu nist nad uaigh
      Sellar, you are in your grave
      Gaoir nam bantrach na do chluais
      The wailing of your widows in your ears
      Am milleadh rinn thu air an t-sluagh
      The destruction you wrought upon the people
      Ron uiridh ‘n d’ fhuair thu d’ leòr dheth?
      Up until last year, have you had your fill of it?

      Chiad Dhiùc Chataibh, led chuid foill
      First Duke of Sutherland, with your deceit
      ‘S led chuid càirdeis do na Goill
      And your consorting with the Lowlanders
      Gum b’ ann an Iutharn’ bha do thoill
      You deserve to be in Hell
      Gum b’ fheàrr Iùdas làmh rium
      I’d rather consort with Judas

      Bhan-Diùc Chataibh, bheil thu ad dhìth
      Duchess of Sutherland, where are you now?
      Càit a bheil do ghùnan sìod?
      Where are your silk gowns?
      An do chùm iad thu bhon oillt ‘s bhon strì
      Did they save you from the hatred and fury
      Tha an diugh am measg nan clàraibh?
      Which today permeates the press?

      Mo mhallachd aig na caoraich mhòr
      My curse upon the great sheep
      Càit a bheil clann nan daoine còir
      Where now are the children of the kindly folk
      Dhealaich rium nuair bha mi òg
      Who parted from me when I was young
      Mus robh Dùthaich ‘IcAoidh na fàsach?


  • Juste Avant

    Dans « Juste Avant », un documentaire en 7 épisodes, sortie le 1er décembre 2019, Ovidie questionne la façon dont on éduque une adolescente quand on est mère et féministe, à travers une série de conversations avec sa fille de 14 ans. Les échanges mère-fille s’entrecroisent avec les témoignages des proches et les réflexions sur sa propre construction.

    Juste Avant (7/7) - Epilogue

    Juste Avant (6/7) - Sois belle et bats-toi !

    Juste Avant (5/7) - Toi, moi, et notre petit matriarcat

    Juste Avant (4/7) - Le temps de la capote à 1 franc

    Juste Avant (3/7) - « Tu sais ce que c’est le consentement ? »

    Juste Avant (2/7) - La maman ou la putain

    Juste Avant (1/7) - Moi à ton âge


    #maculinity #paternalistic #nightmare #digital_penetration #consent #college #high_school #social_network #Instagram #Snapchat #pressure #toxic_relationship #rape #post_MeToo #safe_place #sexuality #equality #contraception #STI #AIDS #HIV #school #abortion #condom #morning-after_pill #practical_knowledge #theoretical_knowledge #political_reflexion #distance #third_party #vaccination #pregnant #youth #traumatism #mariage #couple #tradition #divorce #matriarchy #co_parent #food #internet #beauty #weight_watchers #epilation #awareness #body

  • Le projet totalitaire de la Smart City...

    De la data encore plus de data, et toujours plus de data, je veux dire au bout d’un moment, l’information tue l’information, mais le souci ici c’est qu’on voie très rapidement ce que ça peut donner, par exemple avec la série West World que je vous recommande chaudement, pour le reste si vous êtes chrétien, et si vous nous suivez, vous ne serez pas trop surpris, après la question c’est plutôt combien de temps pourrons-nous rester en ville, et après rapidement, combien de temps pourrons-nous rester en vie sans prêter allégeance à l’antéchrist, oui ça fait un peut brut de fonderie dit comme ça, mais c’est la réalité.

    Nb. Je ne peut pas systématiquement remettre toutes les informations complémentaires sous les articles, alors à vous de creuser, ce sont des petits bonus, (...)

    #En_vedette #Actualités_High-Tech #High_Tech

  • #Dissent in #German #Higher_Education

    –-> ce fil rassemble les données dispo sur la situation en Allemagne

    –-> pour plus d’Info / en lien avec :

    **Dissent in European higher education**

    Partout en Europe, les étudiant-es et le personnel se soulèvent contre les faibles rémunérations, les lourdes charges de travail entraînant surmenage et burn out, une précarisation des emplois, l’évaluation néomanageriale ou encore le financement de la recherche par projets.


    • Burnout im Studium
      Tipps und Hilfen, Zahlen und Fakten

      Jeder fünfte Student hat psychische Probleme, wenn es dir ähnlich geht, bist du nicht allein. Doch wann kann man von psychischen Problemen sprechen. Musst du gleich zum Psychiater? Welche Konsequenzen hat das? Hier findest du Tipps:

      –-> site du Bayrischer Rundfunk autour de souffrance psychologique des étudiant.es dans le système universitaire allemand


      #burn_out #dépression #stress #soutien #psychologie #vidéo

      Burnout im Studium (video, 30min)

      Depression und Burnout nehmen zu (article)

      Psychische Krankheiten bei Studierenden auf dem Vormarsch (audio)

    • Leistungsorientiert in den professoralen Burn-out? Vom Brennen und Ausbrennen deutscher Professoren

      von: Benedict Jackenkroll und Christian Julmi
      in: schwerpunkt Change: Chancen und Grenzen des Einzelnen // wissenschaftsmanagement 6 (2016)

      Obwohl Professoren als in hohem Maße intrinsisch motivierte Berufsgruppe gelten, sollen sie über extrinsische Anreize leistungsorientiert gesteuert werden. Von einer Befragung ausgehend erörtern die Autoren in diesem Beitrag, wie sehr deutsche Professoren schon heute von Burn-out betroffen sind und inwiefern extrinsische Anreize die bereits bestehende Burn-out-Problematik dramatisch verschärfen könnten.

      Mit der an den Leitlinien des New Public Managements orientierten Etablierung leistungsorientierter Steuerungsprinzipien an deutschen Universitäten versprach man sich eine Verbesserung der Leistungserstellung in akademischer Forschung und Lehre. Zu den damit verbundenen Steuerungsinstrumenten gehören die leistungsorientierte Mittelvergabe, die W-Besoldung sowie Leistungsvereinbarungen zwischen den Hochschulleitungen und den Professoren beziehungsweise der Fakultät. Leistungsorientierte Steuerungsprinzipien üben qua Definition Leistungsdruck aus, da sie nur greifen, wenn Professoren ihre Leistung danach ausrichten, entsprechend nachweisen und gegebenenfalls rechtfertigen können. Eine solche Steuerungslogik widerspricht jedoch dem Selbstverständnis vieler deutscher Professoren, „in Einsamkeit und Freiheit“ (Schmid/Wilkesmann 2015, 57) ihrer Arbeit in Forschung und Lehre nachzugehen, das nach wie vor auch verfassungsrechtlich gesichert ist.



    • Psychische Belastung: Prof. Dr. Depressiv

      Lehrende an deutschen Hochschulen sind so produktiv wie nie – gleichzeitig häufen sich psychische Probleme

      Von Martin Spiewak

      Vor Kurzem erhielt Isabella Heuser einen dieser Anrufe: Eine Professorin aus ihrer Fakultät fragte, ob man sich vielleicht einmal treffen könne – aber keinesfalls im Büro, sondern außerhalb. Heuser, Direktorin am Institut für Psychiatrie der Berliner Charité , ahnte, worum es ging: Wieder einmal hatte der Arbeitsalltag in der Universität jemanden in eine scheinbar ausweglose Lage gebracht.

      Seit geraumer Zeit erhält sie öfter solche vertraulichen Anfragen. Meist sind es Frauen, die ihren Rat suchen. Die Nöte jedoch, die sich in den Gesprächen offenbaren, sind bei Professoren wie Professorinnen die gleichen. Heuser kennt sie als Expertin für Depressionen aus ihrer Forschungspraxis. Die Kollegen klagen, selbst in den Semesterferien nicht mehr zur Ruhe zu kommen. Sie berichten von chronischen Kopf- oder Rückenschmerzen, von Freudlosigkeit und latenter Aggressivität. Die meisten Betroffenen funktionieren zwar noch im Seminar oder Labor. „Die haben auf Autopilot gestellt“, sagt die Psychiaterin. Doch hinter der Fassade akademischer Geschäftigkeit wächst die Angst vor dem Absturz.

      Seit Jahren stehen die Hochschulen unter Druck: Die Exzellenzinitiative hat die Idee von der Gleichheit aller Universitäten zerschlagen. Die alte Studienstruktur ist abgewickelt und durch eine neue ersetzt ( Bologna-Reform ). Die traditionellen akademischen Gefüge wurden auf Effizienz getrimmt. Jetzt gibt der Wettbewerb auf allen Ebenen den Takt vor – um Fördermittel, Image oder Personal.

      Die Eingriffe haben in relativ kurzer Zeit eine Produktivitätsexplosion ausgelöst. Niemals zuvor haben deutsche Professoren so viel ausgebildet und geforscht wie heute. Die Kurve aller ihrer Kennzahlen – Publikationen, Patente, Drittmittel – weist nach oben. Nun fordert die Reform Tribut bei ihren Hauptträgern . „Wir alle betreiben extremen Raubbau an unseren Körpern und Seelen“, sagt der Jenaer Soziologe Hartmut Rosa . Es sei Konsens unter Kollegen, dass es in dem Tempo nicht mehr lange weitergehe, „ohne dass die Ersten zusammenklappen“.

      Der Hamburger Uni-Präsident Dieter Lenzen warnt gar vor einem „organisatorischen Burn-out“ der Institution Universität. Und die Deutsche Universitätszeitung (DUZ) erklärt das seelische Ausbrennen von Forschern mittlerweile für so „normal wie eine Erkältung im Winter“. Schon heute finden sich in den einschlägigen Kliniken neben Managern oder Lehrern auch immer häufiger Professoren unter den Patienten, die unter der Erschöpfungsdepression leiden. „Das ist relativ neu“, sagt Gernot Langs, Chefarzt der Schön Klinik im schleswig-holsteinischen Bad Bramstedt. „Früher hatten wir diese Klientel nicht.“

      Eine Reihe weiß getünchter Häuser in einer Sackgasse, rundherum Wald. Vom Balkon aus blickt man auf einen stillen See. Knapp drei Monate verbrachte die Juraprofessorin Charlotte Petri* in der brandenburgischen Natur, um „zurück ins Leben“ zu finden. So lautet das Motto der Oberberg-Klinik , einer Spezialeinrichtung für ausgebranntes Personal der Dienstleistungsgesellschaft. Einzel- und Gruppengespräche gehören ebenso zum Therapieprogramm wie gutes Essen und lange Spaziergänge. Allein während ihres Aufenthaltes traf Petri drei weitere Hochschullehrer, denen Ärzte eine lange Zwangspause von der Wissenschaft verordnet hatten.

      Für die groß gewachsene, zupackende Frau mit dunklen Haaren begann der Absturz, als sie ihr Ziel erreicht hatte: eine unbefristete Stelle an einer Berliner Universität. Jahrelang hatte die Juristin darauf hingearbeitet. Studium in Köln und den USA, Tätigkeit als Fachanwältin, Doktorarbeit mit Stipendium, Lehraufträge. Von einer Sprosse zur nächsten hatte sie sich nach oben gekämpft. „Ich mache mir einen Plan und arbeite die Stationen einzeln ab – so läuft das Leben, dachte ich.“

      Die Führungskräfte der Hochschulen bedürfen der Personalentwicklung

      Mit viel Energie warf sich die Juraprofessorin in die Arbeit an ihrer neuen Hochschule. Penibel bereitete sie ihre Seminare vor, ließ sich in verschiedene Gremien wählen, scheute keine Konflikte. Dass sie die ersten Jahre über Hunderte Kilometer pendeln musste, weil zu Hause ihr kleiner Sohn wartete, war nicht zu vermeiden. Jammern bringt nichts, lautete einer ihrer Leitsprüche. Einmal traf sie im Fahrstuhl einen Kollegen, der auf die beiläufige Frage, wie es ihm gehe, in Tränen ausbrach. „Was hat der denn für Probleme?“, fragte sie sich damals. „Der hat doch einen tollen Job.“ Drei Jahre später war sie selbst so weit.

      Überlastung durch die Lehre ist die wichtigste Ursache für die psychische Erschöpfung

      Zuerst musste sie feststellen, dass sie auf ihren neuen Job kaum vorbereitet war. Sie konnte zwar forschen und wissenschaftliche Texte verfassen oder sich mit Mandanten und Richtern auseinandersetzen. Aber wie bringt man oft nur mäßig motivierten Studenten die Grundlagen des Arbeitsrechtes bei? Hochschulen gerieren sich heute vielerorts als Unternehmen. Dass ihre Führungskräfte Personalentwicklung benötigen, hat sich jedoch noch nicht herumgesprochen.

      So sind Professoren bis heute auf vielen Feldern Autodidakten. Sie haben oft weder gelernt zu unterrichten, noch Leistungen zu bewerten. Sie sollen Fördermittel heranschaffen, Mitarbeiter führen, Kontakte zur Praxis aufbauen. Das Handwerkszeug dazu müssen sie entweder mitbringen oder sich selbst aneignen.

      Doch dafür blieb Petri keine Zeit. Denn ihr Arbeitsbeginn fiel zusammen mit der Umstellung ihrer Hochschule auf die Bachelorstruktur, die ständige Leistungskontrollen vorsah. Zudem wuchs von Semester zu Semester die Zahl der Studenten, statt anfangs dreißig saßen nun sechzig in ihrem Seminar. Die Menge der Klausuren vervierfachte sich. Daneben stapelten sich Dutzende Abschlussarbeiten auf ihrem Schreibtisch. Die Überlastung durch die Lehre ist die wichtigste Ursache für die psychische Erschöpfung von Professoren. Das ergab eine Metaanalyse angloamerikanischer Studien zum Thema Burnout in university teaching staff, die Anfang dieses Jahres im Fachjournal Educational Research erschien.

      Petri hatte das Gefühl, ihr Bestes zu geben, ohne dass Gutes dabei herauskam. Ähnlich erging es ihr in den endlosen Sitzungen der akademischen Selbstverwaltung. Mitunter traf man sich über viele Monate immer wieder, hörte sich Bewerber für unbesetzte Stellen an, las umfangreiche Lebensläufe und Publikationen – um schließlich zu erfahren, dass die Stelle gestrichen worden war.

      Das eigene Seelenheil scheint Wissenschaftler nicht zu interessieren

      Als zum Frust über vergebliche Mühen noch ein schwelender Konflikt mit der Hochschulspitze kam, begann Petri langsam abzurutschen in die Depression. Sie wachte oft mitten in der Nacht auf und wälzte Probleme, die sich am nächsten Morgen als inexistent erwiesen. Ihr Ärger über die Hochschule schlug in Selbstzweifel um. Beim Betreten des Instituts fing sie an zu schwitzen. Auf dem Heimweg fragte sie sich, ob sie genug Alkohol zu Hause habe, um abschalten zu können.

      In der Universität sprach sie mit niemandem über ihre wachsende Verzweiflung. Denn Scheitern gilt im Hochleistungsapparat Hochschule als Tabu. Erschöpfte Sportler und Politiker machen Schlagzeilen, viele Studien belegen die berufsbedingte Überforderung von Lehrern, Ärzten und Pfarrern. Sogar die emotionale Not von Psychotherapeuten ist empirisch ergründet. Nur das eigene Seelenheil scheint Wissenschaftler nicht zu interessieren: Bis heute existiert nicht eine einzige Untersuchung zur Gesundheit der deutschen Professoren.

      Jede Universität bietet Studenten Beratung für psychische Krisen ; ihre Sprechstunden sind voller denn je. Für Hochschullehrer dagegen erweist sich die Alma Mater als Rabenmutter, die sich nicht um das Wohl ihrer Schützlinge kümmert. Zu klagen gehöre eben nicht zur „akademischen Etikette“, sagt Charité-Psychiaterin Heuser.

      Auch Charlotte Petri war es peinlich, zuzugeben, am Ende ihrer Kräfte zu sein. Denn gibt es einen besseren Job als den eines fest angestellten Hochschullehrers? Das Gehalt ist gut, das Ansehen hoch. Man arbeitet weitgehend selbstbestimmt, hat das persönliche Erkenntnisinteresse quasi zum Beruf gemacht. Ein deutscher Beamtenposten ist fast so sicher wie der des Papstes. Den meisten Professoren ist ihre privilegierte Stellung bewusst. Sie münzen sie um in einen hohen Leistungsanspruch – der anfällig macht für Überforderung.

      Ein Jahr noch kämpfte sich Petri mit inneren Durchhalteparolen weiter. Ein Forschungssemester im Ausland brachte etwas Erholung. Als sie zurückkam, ging es dann schnell. Die Angst vor der Arbeit fraß sich in alle Lebensbereiche. Sie brach alle privaten Kontakte ab. Aus Angst zu ersticken, konnte sie keine U-Bahn mehr besteigen. In ihrem letzten Seminar wurde ihr immer wieder schwarz vor Augen; in der Pause musste sie sich in ihrem Büro auf den Boden legen. Ihre Studenten sagten später, es sei eine gute Veranstaltung gewesen. Sie hatten nichts bemerkt.
      Langsam wächst das Bewusstsein für das Thema

      Den Professoren in Petris Fakultät fiel erst recht nicht auf, dass ihre Kollegin kurz vor dem Zusammenbruch stand. Dass sie sich schon ausrechnete, was von der Beamtenpension bliebe, wenn sie sich dauerhaft arbeitsunfähig schreiben ließe. Laut dem Humboldtschen Ideal arbeitet der deutsche Professor in Einsamkeit und Freiheit. Man kann das auch als Drohung verstehen. Professoren sind Einzelkämpfer und Fakultäten kein guter Ort, um Freundschaften zu schließen. Für Privates fehlt oft die Zeit. Erst seit Kurzem bemühen sich deutsche Hochschulen darum, für Professoren wie in den USA eine Art Faculty Club einzurichten.

      „Hühnerställe“ nennt Petri die Dozentenbüros, acht Quadratmeter, vollgestellt mit Ordnern und Büchern. „Da rennt man zwischen den Vorlesungen und Sitzungen kurz rein und sieht zu, bald wieder nach Hause zu kommen“, sagt sie. So fällt es kaum auf, wenn jemand über Monate an seinem Arbeitsplatz nicht auftaucht.

      Mehr als ein Jahr blieb sie der Uni fern, ging in die Klinik, machte eine Therapie. Heute forscht und unterrichtet sie wieder, wenn auch mit reduziertem Stundendeputat. Doch während ihrer Auszeit kam kein Anruf aus der Hochschule, keine Karte erreichte sie zu Hause und fragte nach ihrem Ergehen – obwohl der eine oder andere Kollege am Ende erfahren hatte, dass sie krank war.

      Charlotte Petri weiß inzwischen, dass jedes Burn-out viele Ursachen hat, auch persönliche. Zeitgleich zu ihrer Lebenskrise erkrankte ihre Mutter an Alzheimer und starb. Sie selbst ging auf die fünfzig zu, für viele ein Alter, um eine erste Bilanz zu ziehen. Dennoch ist sie überzeugt, dass es hauptsächlich die Hochschule war, die sie krank gemacht hatte.

      Sie steht mit dieser Meinung nicht allein. „Die Universitäten fördern selbstschädigendes und arbeitssüchtiges Verhalten“, sagt Monika Klinkhammer . Seit einigen Jahren bereitet die Gestalttherapeutin junge Hochschullehrer in Seminaren und Coachings auf ihre neue Rolle vor. Als Führungskräfte sollen sie lernen, Konflikte mit Mitarbeitern auszutragen, Prioritäten zu setzen und sich selbst besser zu organisieren. Klinkhammer versteht ihre Arbeit durchaus als Burn-out-Prävention, in der Regel ohne dass das Wort in den Coachingsitzungen fällt. Sogar im vertraulichen Einzelgespräch täten sich ihre Klienten oft noch schwer, eine drohende Überforderung einzugestehen – selbst wenn sie stark gefährdet seien. So stelle sie immer wieder fest, dass der letzte längere Urlaub der Wissenschaftler Jahre zurückliege.

      Universitäten in Berlin, Bochum oder Braunschweig bieten solche Coachings seit einiger Zeit für ihre neuen Professoren an. Für fast alle von ihnen war der Weg auf die Lebensstelle ein Marathon. Doch nach ihrer Berufung sollen sie jetzt erst recht aufdrehen. Wer dann nicht gelernt hat, mit seinen Kräften zu haushalten und das Leben neben der Uni nicht zu vergessen, ist gefährdet. Deshalb ist die Zeit einige Jahre nach der ersten Professur die gefährlichste biografische Phase. In den USA spricht man schon von der post-tenure depression.

      Immerhin: Langsam wächst das Bewusstsein für das Thema. Als erste Universitätsklinik hat die Berliner Charité erhoben, wie stark sich die Arbeitsverdichtung auf die Gesundheit des wissenschaftlichen Personals auswirkt. Die Studie erscheint voraussichtlich Anfang nächsten Jahres. Doch schon jetzt heißt es, die Ergebnisse seien „höchst alarmierend“. In Paderborn soll ein hochschulweites Bündnis gegen Depression entstehen. Die Präsidentin der Universität Göttingen, Ulrike Beisiegel , versprach den Wissenschaftlern in ihrer Antrittsrede Anfang dieses Jahres, sie wolle für eine „gezielte Entschleunigung“ sorgen.

      Charlotte Petri hat die Forderung für ihr Leben bereits umgesetzt. Demütiger sei sie geworden, sagt sie, und weniger ehrgeizig. Ob sie zwei oder drei Aufsätze im Jahr publiziere, sei ihr mittlerweile egal. Dennoch ist die Angst geblieben vor einem erneuten Zusammenbruch. Das Gefühl wird sie noch lange begleiten.

      *Name von der Redaktion geändert

      #Exzellenzinitiative #réforme_de_Bologne #compétition #efficacité #dépression #désespoir

      –-> der Weg zu einem " ’organisatorisches Burn-out’ der Institution Universität ?


    • Burn-out bei Professoren: „Jeden Tag schuldig ins Bett“

      Von Martin Spiewak

      DIE ZEIT: Sie erforschen, wie die Beschleunigung in Arbeit und Alltag Menschen unter Druck setzt, sie im schlimmsten Fall krank macht. Warum sind auch Professoren davon betroffen? Denen kann doch niemand vorschreiben, was sie zu tun und zu lassen haben.

      Hartmut Rosa: Theoretisch sind Professoren weitgehend Herren ihrer Zeit. Dennoch ist auch unsere Arbeitsverdichtung in den vergangenen Jahren enorm gestiegen . Zudem haben sich die Anerkennungsmechanismen für Hochschullehrer grundsätzlich gewandelt: Nicht mehr ihre Position zählt, sondern ihre Leistung.

      ZEIT: Kann sich ein Professor also nicht mehr mit seinem einmal erworbenen Status begnügen?

      Rosa: Als ich meine Habilitation abschloss, dachte ich: So, das war die letzte Prüfung in meinem Leben. Doch bald musste ich feststellen, wie falsch ich damit lag. Eigentlich werde ich bei jeder Evaluation, jedem Antrag auf Forschungsgelder wieder neu geprüft. Als Bewertungsmaßstab wird dabei zunehmend nicht mehr die gesamte Forscherkarriere angelegt, sondern das, was ich in den vergangenen zwei, drei Jahren geleistet habe. Ein Hochschullehrer muss immer beweisen, dass er seine Position zu Recht innehat.

      ZEIT: Dieses Schicksal teilen Sie mit vielen gut verdienenden Beschäftigten.

      Rosa: Ich behaupte auch nicht, dass Professoren besonders leiden. Nur ist dieser Druck, bestimmte Ergebnisse zu produzieren, relativ neu. Bis vor wenigen Jahren zum Beispiel mussten Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftler keine Drittmittel einwerben. Sie konnten es, aber es bestand keine Pflicht dazu. Heute ist das anders. Wenn ich jetzt irgendetwas von meiner Hochschulleitung möchte, kommt sofort die Gegenfrage: Was haben Sie in der letzten Zeit für die Universität an Forschungsgeldern reingeholt?

      ZEIT: Hochschullehrer werden aus Steuermitteln bezahlt. Leistungskontrollen sind deshalb legitim.

      Rosa: Problematisch wird es, wenn unsere Arbeit so gut wie nur noch an Kennzahlen – Drittmittel, Promotionen, Veröffentlichungen – gemessen wird. Das ist zurzeit der Fall. Zudem soll der Output möglichst von Jahr zu Jahr steigen. Das Hamsterrad dreht sich immer schneller, denn jeder erfolgreiche Antrag in diesem Jahr steigert das Problem im nächsten: Man sollte sich möglichst selbst übertreffen, in jedem Fall aber andere Professoren.

      ZEIT: Das nennt sich Wettbewerb.

      Rosa: Es gibt auch einen ruinösen Wettbewerb, der dem System schadet. In jedem Fall sorgt er für eine Entsolidarisierung und schlechte Stimmung. Denn mein Erfolg ist eine Bedrohung für den Kollegen, der sich die Frage gefallen lassen muss, warum er weniger Geld einwirbt.

      ZEIT: Viel mehr aber auch nicht, Sanktionen muss er keine fürchten.

      Rosa: Aber er verliert an Image und immer häufiger auch Geld, da durch die leistungsabhängige Bezahlung, die mittlerweile überall gilt, auch die Gehaltssteigerungen von Hochschullehrern an Kennzahlen geknüpft werden.

      ZEIT: Der effektivste Weg eines Professors, seinen Verdienst zu steigern, bleibt weiterhin die Bleibeverhandlung mit seiner Heimatuniversität, wenn er ein anderes Angebot erhält. Daran hat sich nichts geändert.

      Rosa: Auch hier steigt der Druck. Früher galt eine Regel: Ein Professor, der einen Lehrstuhl neu besetzte, musste für mehrere Jahre dort bleiben. Für andere Hochschulen war er sozusagen gesperrt. Diese Vorschrift hat man in vielen Bundesländern aufgehoben. Die Folge ist nun, dass die Zahl der gegenseitigen Abwerbeversuche enorm steigt. Ich traf neulich einen recht erfolgreichen Kollegen, den drei Rufe gleichzeitig ereilt hatten. Der Druck, sich entscheiden zu müssen, hat ihn so fertiggemacht, dass er überlegt hat, psychologische Hilfe in Anspruch zu nehmen.

      „Eine individuelle Verweigerungsstrategie ist überlebensnotwendig“

      ZEIT: Er hätte sich auch über die Anerkennung freuen können.

      Rosa: Hat er sicherlich auch. Gleichzeitig hat er sich aber gewünscht, nicht immer neu über seine Zukunft entscheiden zu müssen, sondern einfach in Ruhe arbeiten zu können. Ich beobachte, dass die Beschleunigung zu einer Entwertung unserer Arbeit führt.

      ZEIT: Inwiefern?

      Rosa: Die Aufgabe der Wissenschaft, Fragen zu stellen und über viele Jahre hinweg an deren Beantwortung zu arbeiten, tritt zunehmend in den Hintergrund. Heute entfacht die Konstruktion eines Forschungsprojektes und die Suche nach Geldgebern mehr Leidenschaft als die Forschung selbst. Wir haben mittlerweile ein libidinöses Verhältnis zum Schreiben von Drittmittelanträgen. Das gleiche Problem stellt sich für die Forschungsergebnisse. Alle publizieren immer mehr, mit der Folge, dass immer weniger gelesen wird. Man schreibt und schreibt und schreibt, erhält jedoch kaum eine inhaltliche Reaktion. Da beschleicht einen das paradoxe Gefühl, immer mehr zu veröffentlichen und gleichzeitig immer irrelevanter zu werden.

      ZEIT: Sie dürften das Problem weniger haben. Ihre Forschung wird stark wahrgenommen.

      Rosa: Das Interesse schmeichelt mir natürlich. Es zieht jedoch auch Arbeit nach sich, die mich wiederum vom Forschen abhält. Ich werde in Gremien gewählt, soll die Publikationen anderer Wissenschaftler begutachten, werde um Empfehlungsschreiben für irgendwelche Stipendien gebeten oder von den Medien angefragt. Die Liste ist niemals abzuarbeiten. Jeden Tag geht man schuldig ins Bett.

      ZEIT: Wie schützen Sie sich?

      Rosa: Ich versuche, mich nicht mehr schuldig zu fühlen, selbst wenn ich ein wichtiges Gutachten nicht geschrieben habe oder einem Journalisten erst zwei Wochen nach seiner E-Mail antworte. Eine individuelle Verweigerungsstrategie ist überlebensnotwendig. Besser wäre natürlich, wenn sich am System etwas änderte.

      ZEIT: Was zum Beispiel?

      Rosa: Grundsätzlich sollten die Universitäten den Professoren wieder mehr Vertrauen entgegenbringen. Die meisten Hochschullehrer haben ein hohes Arbeitsethos. Die drei, vier faulen Professoren, die es auch gibt, kann man da durchaus verkraften. Zudem braucht Forschung mehr Ruhe und Zeit, um Früchte zu tragen. Ein gutes Buch erfordert in meinem Fach schon einmal fünf oder mehr Jahre, bis es fertig ist. Und das ist es doch, was die meisten Wissenschaftler langfristig wollen: Nicht 30 Aufsätze und Bücher in einer Publikationsliste aufzählen zu können, sondern die eine Veröffentlichung vorzuweisen, die noch in 30 Jahren gelesen wird.

      ZEIT: Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft möchte bei Anträgen von Wissenschaftlern seit einiger Zeit nur die fünf wichtigsten Publikationen genannt bekommen . Ein richtiger Schritt?

      Rosa: In jedem Fall, ich hatte Ähnliches schon vor Jahren vorgeschlagen. Das Ganze hat jedoch einen Haken. Die Gutachter, welche die Anträge bewerten sollen, umgehen die Regelung jetzt, indem sie auf der Website der Antragsteller nachschauen, was diese sonst noch so veröffentlicht haben. Das zeigt, dass es wenig bringt, nur an einer Stellschraube zu drehen.


    • Sind deutsche Professoren ausgebrannt?
      Burnout und dessen Folgen für die Leistungserstellung in deutschen Universitäten.

      In: Hochschulmanagement, 13 (2018) 2, S. 34-40


      Während einerseits die outputorientierte Mittelvergabe und die Besoldung der Professoren die Effizienz der Universitäten gesteigert hat, geht damit aber auch ein erhöhter Leistungsdruck und ein Gefühl der Fremdbestimmung für Professoren einher. Vor diesem Hintergrund analysiert der Beitrag nicht nur die Burnout-Gefahr von 329 Professoren an deutschen Hochschulen, sondern vielmehr, inwieweit ein Burnout die Qualität in Forschung und Lehre der betroffenen Professoren beeinflusst. Ausweislich ihrer Modellschätzungen finden die Verfasser, dass ausgebrannte Professoren weniger publizieren, weniger Drittmittel akquirieren aber keine schlechtere Lehre organisieren. (HoF/Text übernommen).


    • Arbeitsbedingungen an Universitäten: Weg mit den Lehrstühlen!

      Ein Gastbeitrag von Jule Specht

      In der Hoffnung, irgendwann eine Professur zu bekommen, lassen sich junge Wissenschaftler auf extrem schwierige Arbeitsbedingungen ein. Gegen die jahrelange Unsicherheit protestieren inzwischen nicht nur Doktoranden und Postdocs, sondern auch junge Professoren wie die Psychologin Jule Specht. Gemeinsam mit anderen Mitgliedern der Jungen Akademie schlägt sie deshalb vor, die Hochschulen umzubauen. Ihre Forderung lautet: Departments statt Lehrstühle.

      Stellen Sie sich vor: Sie arbeiten Vollzeit, bekommen aber nur eine halbe Stelle bezahlt. Nicht weil es Ihnen an Qualifikation mangelt – im Gegenteil, Sie gehören zu den am besten ausgebildeten Menschen im Land, haben studiert oder sind sogar promoviert. Sie tun das unter anderem deshalb, weil Ihr Vertrag nur noch wenige Monate läuft und die Anschlussfinanzierung ungesichert ist. Aus diesem Grund zögern Sie auch die Gründung einer Familie hinaus. Schließlich pendeln Sie wöchentlich einmal quer durch die Republik, um Partnerin oder Partner zu sehen. Seit Jahren schon. Mal in die eine, mal in eine andere Stadt. Alles in allem ist das weder eine gute Basis für Familiengründung und Work-Life-Balance noch für Muße zu guten Ideen und ambitionierten Projekten.

      Was in vielen Arbeitsbereichen undenkbar scheint, ist in der Wissenschaft Alltag. Ein Beispiel: Eine Doktorandin arbeitet als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin durchschnittlich um die 40 Stunden pro Woche, oftmals auf halben Stellen, und erhält dafür laut des Bundesberichts Wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs ein Nettoeinkommen von durchschnittlich 1.261 Euro. Also etwa 7,50 Euro pro Arbeitsstunde. Auch nach der Promotion wird es oft nicht besser: immer wieder Befristungen, Jobwechsel, Pendeln, Umziehen. Außerdem sind viele Stellen inhaltlich einem Lehrstuhl untergeordnet, also keineswegs frei in Forschung und Lehre.

      Planbarkeit fürs Leben, Freiheit für die Forschung

      Auf diese schwierigen Bedingungen lassen sich viele junge Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler ein – in der Hoffnung, irgendwann eine unbefristete Stelle zu bekommen. Das Problem: Diese Jobs gibt es kaum noch. Zum einen, weil die Wissenschaft immer stärker durch Drittmittel gefördert wird: Die so finanzierten Projekte und Stellen sind so gut wie immer befristet. Zum anderen werden auch die Grundmittel, die den Universitäten langfristig zur Verfügung stehen, immer häufiger für befristete Stellen eingesetzt, zurzeit 75 Prozent davon. Die Folge: Einer gleichbleibend geringen Anzahl an Professuren steht eine steigende Anzahl an befristet beschäftigten Wissenschaftlern gegenüber. Etwa vier von fünf hoch qualifizierten Wissenschaftlerinnen gehen letztendlich leer aus – nachdem sie über viele Jahre hinweg hohe Leistung gezeigt haben und ihr Leben einem prekären Job untergeordnet haben.

      So kann es nicht weitergehen. Wir müssen jungen Wissenschaftlerinnen früher Sicherheit und Planbarkeit geben und gleichzeitig mehr Freiheit für ihre Forschung und Lehre. Der Schlüssel dazu ist, wissenschaftliche Arbeit anders zu organisieren. Im bisherigen Lehrstuhlsystem kann lediglich ein Bruchteil, nämlich etwa 13 Prozent der Wissenschaftler, als Professorin oder Professor frei forschen und lehren und auf oftmals unbefristeten Stellen arbeiten. Sie sind die „Sonnenkönige“ des Systems und genießen viele Privilegien. Der Rest gehört zum wissenschaftlichen Mittelbau, arbeitet also meist in Unsicherheit und Abhängigkeit von den Lehrstuhlinhaberinnen und -inhabern. Um das zu ändern, sollten wir uns von den Lehrstühlen verabschieden – zugunsten einer Departmentstruktur.

      Die Rolle der Professoren verändert sich

      In einer Departmentstruktur gibt es mehr Professuren und weniger Mittelbau. Zentrale Entscheidungen über Ressourcen, Einstellungen und Entfristungen liegen nicht mehr bei einzelnen Lehrstuhlinhabern, sondern sie können im Department gemeinsam getroffen werden: entweder bei regelmäßigen Treffen – oder das Department wählt demokratisch Verantwortliche für einzelne Entscheidungsbereiche. Die wissenschaftliche Laufbahn beginnt bei einer Departmentstruktur in Graduiertenzentren. Diese Zentren, an denen die Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden promovieren, sind dem gesamten Department und nicht einzelnen Professuren zugeordnet. Als nächster Karriereschritt kann nach der Promotion eine befristete Professur folgen, die bei hervorragender Leistung in Forschung und Lehre entfristet wird – sogenannte Tenure-Track-Professuren. So entstehen früher als bisher langfristige Perspektiven. Und statt jahrelanger Wechsel zwischen unterschiedlichen Universitäten und Lehrstühlen wird die wissenschaftliche Karriere nach der Promotion auch innerhalb einer Universität möglich.

      In einer Departmentstruktur ändert sich die Professorenrolle erheblich. Professorinnen sind weniger Wissenschaftsmanagerinnen als aktiv Forschende, die im engen Austausch mit den Studierenden lehren. Die zahlreichen Aufgaben bei Prüfung und Begutachtung, Betreuung und Personalführung, Transfer und Selbstverwaltung verteilen sich auf mehr Schultern, was die Professoren entlastet. Gleichzeitig werden die Kernaufgaben in Forschung und Lehre gestärkt. Davon profitieren auch die Studierenden: Sie lernen bei Menschen, die Erfahrungen in der Lehre sammeln und darauf aufbauen können, anstatt bei Dozentinnen und Dozenten, die von Semester zu Semester wechseln.



    • Arbeitsbedingungen an Universitäten: Die Lebenslüge

      Von Anna-Lena Scholz

      Junge Wissenschaftler beklagen prekäre Arbeitsbedingungen, die Uni-Chefs halten dagegen: Befristungen müssen sein! Jetzt wird der Streit endlich ausgetragen, sogar im Kino.

      Das akademische Leben in Deutschland hat es ins Kino geschafft. Weitermachen Sanssouci heißt der Film, eine Satire. Überzeichnete Figuren, skurrile Dialoge. Ein Zerrbild der Universität, das allerdings all jenen, die dort arbeiten, höchst realistisch anmuten dürfte. Präzise seziert der Regisseur Max Linz die Frage: Ist der wissenschaftliche Sektor ein guter Arbeitgeber?

      Der Film kommt zu einem Zeitpunkt, da es in vielen Wissenschaftlerseelen kocht. Denn die Kanzlerinnen und Kanzler der Universitäten (das sind jene, die das Geld verwalten) haben gerade die viel diskutierte „Bayreuther Erklärung“ veröffentlicht. Darin fordern sie, dass sich die Universitäten offensiv zu befristeten Arbeitsverträgen bekennen – und damit das glatte Gegenteil dessen, was die jungen Wissenschaftler derzeit unter dem Schlagwort #FrististFrust erstreiten wollen: mehr Entfristungen. Der Konflikt spaltet die Wissenschaft. Ein Zusammenschluss wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter sprach von einer „Bayreuther Bankrotterklärung“; die Gewerkschaften halten die Hochschulleitungen für „verantwortungslos“. Letztere aber sind dankbar für die klare Ansage, die das Papier macht.

      Die Schmerzpunkte des Wissenschaftsbetriebs sind vielfältig, auch im Film: Die Professorin Brenda Berger, gespielt von Sophie Rois, leitet in Berlin ein – Achtung, hier setzt die Satire schon ein – Institut für Simulationsforschung. Es soll abgewickelt werden, falls es nicht positiv evaluiert wird. Nervös flattert Berger durch ihr Büro, beruft Teamsitzungen ein, engagiert eine Unternehmensberaterin, um „Workflow und Feedback zu optimieren“. Die Universität ist hier keine Bildungsstätte voll erleuchteter Geistesmenschen. Stumpf stehen die Wissenschaftler vor ihren Studierenden, eifrig dienen sie sich den Geldgebern an: Wie wäre es, schlägt eine junge Wissenschaftlerin vor, den Forschungsbericht in Bast zu binden? „Das sieht dann direkt nach was aus.“

      Bergers Mit- und Gegenspielerin ist ihre Doktorandin Phoebe Phaidon (Sarah Ralfs). Eine 28-Prozent-Stelle bietet Berger ihr an, „das ist nicht besonders anspruchsvoll“; nur ein paar „administrative Dinge“ müsse sie erledigen, ansonsten wäre Zeit, sich „einzulesen, die Richtung zu sondieren“. Denn Zeit, betont Berger, sei „die wichtigste Ressource im Leben einer Wissenschaftlerin“. Die Miete bezahlen kann man davon freilich nicht, wie beide wissen, und derweil Phoebe sich auf ihrem Stuhl windet ("Ich, ähm, hmmm"), schweift Berger gedanklich ab. In süffisantem Ton legt sich die Stimme von Sophie Rois über das Vorstellungsgespräch: „Sie war eine jener hoch qualifizierten jungen Leute, bei denen man sich fragte, warum sie nie etwas gegen ihre Situation unternahmen. Ihre Arbeit jedenfalls machten sie gut.“

      Der Zielkonflikt ist klar, im Film wie in der Realität. Hier die Professorin, eine von 48.000 – dort jene hoch qualifizierten jungen Leute, das sind rund 300.000 Menschen, die das Statistische Bundesamt als Doktoranden und wissenschaftliches Personal unterhalb der Professur erfasst. 93 Prozent dieses Nachwuchses sind befristet angestellt. Etwa die Hälfte dieser Arbeitsverträge läuft weniger als ein Jahr. Auf die Einjahresstelle folgt eine siebenmonatige Projektverlängerung, ein zehnmonatiger Anschlussvertrag, eine zweimonatige Elternzeitvertretung – und so fort, über Jahre, Institutionen, Städte hinweg. Wer von den Hunderttausenden es schließlich auf eine Lebenszeitprofessur schafft, entscheidet sich im Schnitt erst mit 42 Jahren: zu einem Zeitpunkt, da der außerakademische Sektor mit hoch spezialisierten Wissenschaftlerinnen kaum mehr etwas anzufangen weiß (und umgekehrt).

      –-> #film: Weitermachen Sanssouci


    • Weitermachen Sanssouci

      Ab 24.10.2019 deutschlandweit im Kino.

      Die Erde hat nicht die ideale Gestalt einer Kugel. Sie sieht vielmehr aus wie eine Kartoffel. Klimaforscherin Phoebe soll helfen, am Institut für Kybernetik den Klimawandel zu simulieren.  Alles hängt von einer erfolgreichen Evaluation am Ende des Semesters ab. Nudging wird zum Zauberwort. Studierende unterbrechen den Betrieb.  Phoebe versucht, hinter das Rätsel der Simulation zu kommen. Die Apokalypse beginnt. 

      Nach „Ich will mich nicht künstlich aufregen“ verschaltet Max Linz in seinem zweiten Spielfilm am Beispiel des fiktiven Instituts für Kybernetik der Berliner Universität die Simulation des Klimawandels mit der Wirklichkeit der Universitätsbetriebs, um auf komödiantische Weise die Frage zu stellen, wann man sich darauf geeinigt hat, dass der Zukunftshorizont sich auf die nächste Deadline verengt und Befristung die einzige Kontinuität ist.

      Sarah Ralfs
      Sophie Rois
      Philipp Hauß
      Bernd Moss
      Maryam Zaree
      Bastian Trost
      Leonie Jenning
      Luis Krawen
      Martha von Mechow
      Max Wagner
      Anna Papenburg
      Olga Lystsova
      Kerstin Grassmann
      Jean Chaize
      Friedrich Liechstenstein

      Drehbuch - Max Linz, Nicolas von Passavant
      Bildgestaltung - Carlos Andrés López
      Ton - Andreas Mücke-Niesytka
      Szenografie - Sylvester Koziolek
      Kostümbild - Pola Kardum
      Maskenbild - Julia Böhm, Ferdinand Föcking
      Musik - Gajek
      Mit Liedern von Franz Friedrich & Valeria Gordeev
      Montage - Bernd Euscher, René Frölke
      Produtkion - Maximilian Haslberger
      Regie - Max Linz
      Eine Koproduktion von Amerikafilm mit dem rbb, gefördert durch das Kuratorium Junger Deutscher Film, Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg und BKM.
      Entstanden im Rahmen der Initiative Leuchtstoff von rbb und Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg.


    • Eine Längsschnittstudie über Promovierende und Promovierte

      Nacaps steht für National Academics Panel Study und ist eine neue Längsschnittstudie über Promovierende und Promovierte. Nacaps erhebt erstmals systematisch Daten zu Karriereverläufen von Hochqualifizierten in Deutschland - für Forschung, Hochschulen und Wissenschaftspolitik.


    • @_kg_ : j’ai mis deux références sur academia que tu as indiquées :

      Les autres concernent surtout les étudiant·es (c’est évidemment important, mais ça mérite un chapitre à part) et certaines références sont très intéressantes, mais elles dates un peu... du coup, c’est vraiment bien d’avoir tout sur ce fil de discussion, que je vais ajouté à la métaliste...

    • unter_bau


      Wie könnte eine kämpferische Gewerkschaft für den Hochschulbereich aussehen? Darüber machten sich ab Anfang 2015 einige Menschen aus verschiedenen Statusgruppen der Uni Frankfurt Gedanken. Im April 2016 ging diese Initiative dann an die Öffentlichkeit. Im November 2016 erfolgte dann die Gründung einer alternativen Hochschulgewerkschaft für die Goethe-Universität Frankfurt. Ihr Ziel ist es, die Verhältnisse nicht einfach mitzuverwalten, sondern sie umzugestalten.

      Arbeitsbedingungen werden prekarisiert und Stellen abgebaut, Arbeiten outgesourct und Belegschaften gespalten, Zwang im Studium erhöht und kritische Inhalte verdrängt, die soziale Selektion verschärft und Bildung der Verwertung von Humankapital unterworfen… Weder die Vertretungen der Beschäftigten noch die Proteste von Studierenden konnten dem etwas entgegensetzen. Es fehlt ein organisatorisches Herzstück, welches die Kräfte und Kämpfe bündelt. Vor allem mangelt es an einer Gewerkschaftspolitik, welche die Machtstrukturen an den Hochschulen aufbricht, die jene Entscheidungen bedingen.

      Macht von unten aufbauen

      Grundsätzlich bedarf es einer Organisation, die Einfluss auf Alltag und Struktur der Hochschulen nimmt sowie Erfahrungen aus Kämpfen weitergibt – und das kontinuierlich. Wir orientieren uns dabei am Konzept einer inklusiven Basisgewerkschaft, wie es aus anderen Ländern bekannt ist. In ihr soll Platz sein für alle, die sich gegen die Verhältnisse wehren und sie überwinden wollen – unabhängig von ihrer Statusgruppe. Ob WiMis, Reinigungs- und Mensakräfte, Hilfskräfte, Lehrbeauftragte, Studierende oder Verwaltungsangestellte – wir brauchen eine föderale Gewerkschaft, in der die Basis koordiniert agiert.

      Gewerkschaft anderen Typs

      Unsere Vorstellungskraft reicht aus, um gewerkschaftliche Praxis auch jenseits der hierarchisch organisierten Sozialpartnerschaft zu denken. Die Gewerkschaftsbasis soll selbst über Aufgaben, Forderungen und Vorgehensweisen entscheiden. So soll ein Raum geschaffen werden, in dem wir uns ermächtigen und Solidarität miteinander üben. Dabei interessiert uns mehr als die Arbeitsbedingungen. Unser Ziel ist eine soziale Hochschule in basisdemokratischer Selbstverwaltung: Ihre Angehörigen sollen gleichberechtigt mitbestimmen, ihr Profil nicht von wirtschaftlichen Interessen bestimmt sein.

      Blick über den Tellerrand

      Als Beschäftige und Studierende an der Hochschule ist diese der Ausgangspunkt für unsere eigenen Kämpfe. Allerdings funktioniert sie nicht losgelöst vom Rest der Gesellschaft, deren Herrschaftsverhältnisse uns stets in Gestalt materieller Zwänge entgegenschlagen. Die Chancen auf eine soziale Neuausrichtung der Hochschule, ja des Bildungsbereiches generell erhöhen sich daher, wenn sich unsere Kämpfe mit denen in anderen Gesellschafts- und Lebensbereichen verbinden. Wir suchen daher aktiv den Kontakt mit anderen Initiativen, Netzwerken und Organisationen – lokal, überregional und international.

      Alle Interessierten sind herzlich dazu eingeladen, zum Gelingen der Organisation beizutragen. Kommt vorbei zu den Treffen unserer Gewerkschaft und bringt euch ein! Öffentliche Termine könnt ihr unserem Kalender entnehmen. Ihr könnt euch aber auch in unseren Interessiertenverteiler eintragen, über den ihr Einladungen zu Veranstaltungen, Versammlungen und Arbeitstreffen zum Reinschnuppern erhaltet. Und wenn ihr generell auf dem Laufenden sein wollt, was im unter_bau so geschieht, dann abonniert doch unseren monatlichen Newsletter, in dem die neuesten Entwicklungen zusammengefasst werden.

      #réseau #syndikat_combatif #Frankfurt


    • @cdb_77 oui, tout à fait ;-) Je t’ai laissé un message Facebook mais t’as pas vu je pense...donc pour ce fil : je rassemble tout et ensuite tu peux voir s’il y a des turcs tu penses pertinent à ajouter quelques part...

    • Sinon, tu peux aussi construire ta première métaliste...
      Tu rassembles sur différents fils de discussions des choses qui te semblent aller ensemble, et tu fait une liste où tu compiles les différents fils de discussions en mettant en avant la thématique et en mettant le lien URL dudit fil de discussion...

    • Compris ;-) ...juste une question de démarche : pour ’réutiliser’ les commentaires de ce fil dans les différents fils de métaliste, pour ne pas tout refaire, tu fais comment ? Cliquer sur ’modifier’ ensuite copier coller de ce fil au nouveau fil ?

    • University workers of the world, unite! Reflections on the paradox of German academic precarity (Nicolas Pons-Vignon)

      Dr. Nicolas Pons-Vignon [Ela Bhatt Visiting Professor, ICDD, University of Kassel]

      Discussant: Dr. Alexander Gallas [ICDD, University of Kassel] - first part of the comment available only

      ICDD, Kassel, 17 December 2019

      Nicolas Pons-Vignon is an economist, senior researcher at the University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa) and Ela Bhatt Visiting Professor at the ICDD (University of Kassel) from October to December 2019. In his farewell talk “University workers of the world, unite! Reflections on the paradox of German academic precarity” he presents an outsider’s perspective on the situation of German university workers, while reflecting on the strategies used to combat it, starting from the premise: What can we learn from the experience of precarious workers outside of Germany to empower the struggles here? The discussant is Alexander Gallas, faculty member of the ICDD at Kassel University.


      ’Studentische Hilfskräfte’ financed through budget for ’Sachmittel’
      Precarity of ’PrivatdozentInnen’
      Gender roles (2005 15% —> 2015 23%)
      Unter_bau Frankfurt
      Bayreuther Erklärung
      Short-term contracts justified by the argument: ’folgenden Studierendengenerationen eine Chance ermöglichen [sic]’
      Power relations
      Professors, coming from academia, are not trained to management/organization
      Activism can be punished (working in the system you’re fighting)
      Only 9% of university staff is member of unions
      Germany = one case of many across the globe
      Confrontational strategy necessary —> university administration doesn’t feel frightened by the movement
      People join movements if they feel hope
      ’I’m the object and the subject of the research’

      "It’s important to tell the story and to tell it internationaly" (Pons-Vignon)


      #iccd #work #precarity #university #academia #Germany #fixed-term_contracts

    • Précarité et diversité dans l’enseignement supérieur en Allemagne… parlons-en !

      Un groupe de chercheur·es s’est réuni à Cologne le 6 mars 2020 pour former une sorte alliance symbolique avec les grèves ayant cours en France et au Royaume-Uni.

      Le groupe “diversity precarious” lutte, depuis l’Allemagne, contre la poussée néolibérale dans le monde universitaire.

      Une chercheuse a envoyé à Academia une carte mentale réalisée à partir des notes du brainstorming issues de cette journée : qu’elle en soit remeciée.


    • Les blairistes ont été assez stupides pour combiner leur promotion de « Cool Britannia » avec des réformes massives de l’aide sociale, ce qui a effectivement conduit à ce que ce projet explose en vol : presque tous ceux qui avaient le potentiel pour devenir le prochain John Lennon doivent désormais passer le reste de leur vie à empiler des caisses pour les supermarchés Tesco, comme les y obligent les nouvelles formes de conditionalité des aides sociales.
      En fin de compte, tout ce que les blairistes ont réussi à produire, c’est un secteur de marketing de classe mondiale (puisque c’est ce que les classes moyenne savent faire). A part ça, elles n’avaient rien d’autre à offrir.


      Je me souviens d’avoir assisté à une conférence universitaire sur le sujet et de m’être demandé : « D’accord, je comprends la partie vapeur, c’est évident, mais... quel est le rapport avec le punk ? » Et puis ça m’est venu à l’esprit. No future ! L’ère victorienne était la dernière fois que la plupart des britanniques croyaient vraiment en un avenir axé sur la technologie qui allait mener à un monde non seulement plus prospère et égalitaire, mais aussi plus amusant et excitant. Puis, bien sûr, vint la Grande Guerre, et nous avons découvert à quoi le XXe siècle allait vraiment ressembler, avec son alternance monotone de terreur et d’ennui dans les tranchées. Le Steampunk n’était-il pas une façon de dire : ne pouvons-nous pas simplement revenir en arrière, considérer tout le siècle dernier comme un mauvais rêve, et recommencer à zéro ?

      #David_Graeber #désespoir #espoir #Royaume-Uni #classe_sociale #politique #économie #steampunk #crash #stratégie_du_choc (y compris pour lui, car il voudrait mettre en avant un récit qui accuse les conservateurs, en attendant un prochain crash pour les éjecter)

      Les nouveaux dirigeants travaillistes font les premiers pas : ils appellent à de nouveaux modèles économiques ("socialisme avec un iPad") et cherchent des alliés potentiels dans l’industrie high-tech. Si nous nous dirigeons vraiment vers un avenir de production décentralisée, de taille réduite, high-tech et robotisée, il est fort possible que les traditions particulières du Royaume-Uni en matière de petite entreprise et de science amateur - qui ne l’ont jamais rendu particulièrement adapté aux conglomérats bureaucratisés géants qui ont si bien réussi aux États-Unis et en Allemagne, dans leurs manifestations capitalistes ou socialistes - puissent se révéler tout particulièrement appropriés.

      Et par contre #technophilie voire #techno-béat si la solution est basée sur la #high-tech (qui ne sera jamais séparable du capitalisme et de l’impérialisme).

  • TVA : 98% des marchands des marketplaces en France ne seraient pas immatriculés (Clubic)

    La petite blague du soir (qu’en fait j’ai vue hier), mais comme je vous avais passé Filoche sur les impôts, ça faisait un peut redondant, enfin ça explique certains prix sur internet.... La position d’Amazon du reste est vraiment faux cul....

    92,6 Milliards d’€uros de perdu pour l’état qui vendrons s’ajouter aux 32 milliards de TVA qu’ils n’arrivent déjà pas à recouvrir chaque année.... (et que nous compensons intégralement par nos impôts, comme pour le reste....)

    Vous voyez de l’argent il y en as, il faut juste aller le chercher, c’est comme pour l’évasion fiscale.




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  • The business of building walls

    Thirty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Europe is once again known for its border walls. This time Europe is divided not so much by ideology as by perceived fear of refugees and migrants, some of the world’s most vulnerable people.

    Who killed the dream of a more open Europe? What gave rise to this new era of walls? There are clearly many reasons – the increasing displacement of people by conflict, repression and impoverishment, the rise of security politics in the wake of 9/11, the economic and social insecurity felt across Europe after the 2008 financial crisis – to name a few. But one group has by far the most to gain from the rise of new walls – the businesses that build them. Their influence in shaping a world of walls needs much deeper examination.

    This report explores the business of building walls, which has both fuelled and benefited from a massive expansion of public spending on border security by the European Union (EU) and its member states. Some of the corporate beneficiaries are also global players, tapping into a global market for border security estimated to be worth approximately €17.5 billion in 2018, with annual growth of at least 8% expected in coming years.


    It is important to look both beyond and behind Europe’s walls and fencing, because the real barriers to contemporary migration are not so much the fencing, but the vast array of technology that underpins it, from the radar systems to the drones to the surveillance cameras to the biometric fingerprinting systems. Similarly, some of Europe’s most dangerous walls are not even physical or on land. The ships, aircrafts and drones used to patrol the Mediterranean have created a maritime wall and a graveyard for the thousands of migrants and refugees who have no legal passage to safety or to exercise their right to seek asylum.

    This renders meaningless the European Commission’s publicized statements that it does not fund walls and fences. Commission spokesperson Alexander Winterstein, for example, rejecting Hungary’s request to reimburse half the costs of the fences built on its borders with Croatia and Serbia, said: ‘We do support border management measures at external borders. These can be surveillance measures. They can be border control equipment...But fences, we do not finance’. In other words, the Commission is willing to pay for anything that fortifies a border as long as it is not seen to be building the walls themselves.

    This report is a sequel to Building Walls – Fear and securitization in the European Union, co-published in 2018 with Centre Delàs and Stop Wapenhandel, which first measured and identified the walls that criss-cross Europe. This new report focuses on the businesses that have profited from three different kinds of wall in Europe:

    The construction companies contracted to build the land walls built by EU member states and the Schengen Area together with the security and technology companies that provide the necessary accompanying technology, equipment and services;

    The shipping and arms companies that provide the ships, aircraft, helicopters, drones that underpin Europe’s maritime walls seeking to control migratory flows in the Mediterranean, including Frontex operations, Operation Sophia and Italian operation Mare Nostrum;
    And the IT and security companies contracted to develop, run, expand and maintain EU’s systems that monitor the movement of people – such as SIS II (Schengen Information System) and EES (Entry/Exit Scheme) – which underpin Europe’s virtual walls.

    Booming budgets

    The flow of money from taxpayers to wall-builders has been highly lucrative and constantly growing. The report finds that companies have reaped the profits from at least €900 million spent by EU countries on land walls and fences since the end of the Cold War. The partial data (in scope and years) means actual costs will be at least €1 billion. In addition, companies that provide technology and services that accompany walls have also benefited from some of the steady stream of funding from the EU – in particular the External Borders Fund (€1.7 billion, 2007-2013) and the Internal Security Fund – Borders Fund (€2.76 billion, 2014-2020).

    EU spending on maritime walls has totalled at least €676.4 million between 2006 to 2017 (including €534 million spent by Frontex, €28.4 million spent by the EU on Operation Sophia and €114 million spent by Italy on Operation Mare Nostrum) and would be much more if you include all the operations by Mediterranean country coastguards. Total spending on Europe’s virtual wall equalled at least €999.4m between 2000 and 2019. (All these estimates are partial ones because walls are funded by many different funding mechanisms and due to lack of data transparency).

    This boom in border budgets is set to grow. Under its budget for the next EU budget cycle (2021–2027) the European Commission has earmarked €8.02 billion to its Integrated Border Management Fund (2021-2027), €11.27bn to Frontex (of which €2.2 billion will be used for acquiring, maintaining and operating air, sea and land assets) and at least €1.9 billion total spending (2000-2027) on its identity databases and Eurosur (the European Border Surveillance System).
    The big arm industry players

    Three giant European military and security companies in particular play a critical role in Europe’s many types of borders. These are Thales, Leonardo and Airbus.

    Thales is a French arms and security company, with a significant presence in the Netherlands, that produces radar and sensor systems, used by many ships in border security. Thales systems, were used, for example, by Dutch and Portuguese ships deployed in Frontex operations. Thales also produces maritime surveillance systems for drones and is working on developing border surveillance infrastructure for Eurosur, researching how to track and control refugees before they reach Europe by using smartphone apps, as well as exploring the use of High Altitude Pseudo Satellites (HAPS) for border security, for the European Space Agency and Frontex. Thales currently provides the security system for the highly militarised port in Calais. Its acquisition in 2019 of Gemalto, a large (biometric) identity security company, makes it a significant player in the development and maintenance of EU’s virtual walls. It has participated in 27 EU research projects on border security.
    Italian arms company Leonardo (formerly Finmeccanica or Leonardo-Finmeccanica) is a leading supplier of helicopters for border security, used by Italy in the Mare Nostrum, Hera and Sophia operations. It has also been one of the main providers of UAVs (or drones) for Europe’s borders, awarded a €67.1 million contract in 2017 by the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) to supply them for EU coast-guard agencies. Leonardo was also a member of a consortium, awarded €142.1 million in 2019 to implement and maintain EU’s virtual walls, namely its EES. It jointly owns Telespazio with Thales, involved in EU satellite observation projects (REACT and Copernicus) used for border surveillance. Leonardo has participated in 24 EU research projects on border security and control, including the development of Eurosur.
    Pan-European arms giant Airbus is a key supplier of helicopters used in patrolling maritime and some land borders, deployed by Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Lithuania and Spain, including in maritime Operations Sophia, Poseidon and Triton. Airbus and its subsidiaries have participated in at least 13 EU-funded border security research projects including OCEAN2020, PERSEUS and LOBOS.
    The significant role of these arms companies is not surprising. As Border Wars (2016), showed these companies through their membership of the lobby groups – European Organisation for Security (EOS) and the AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD) – have played a significant role in influencing the direction of EU border policy. Perversely, these firms are also among the top four biggest European arms dealers to the Middle East and North Africa, thus contributing to the conflicts that cause forced migration.

    Indra has been another significant corporate player in border control in Spain and the Mediterranean. It won a series of contracts to fortify Ceuta and Melilla (Spanish enclaves in northern Morocco). Indra also developed the SIVE border control system (with radar, sensors and vision systems), which is in place on most of Spain’s borders, as well as in Portugal and Romania. In July 2018 it won a €10 million contract to manage SIVE at several locations for two years. Indra is very active in lobbying the EU and is a major beneficiary of EU research funding, coordinating the PERSEUS project to further develop Eurosur and the Seahorse Network, a network between police forces in Mediterranean countries (both in Europe and Africa) to stop migration.

    Israeli arms firms are also notable winners of EU border contracts. In 2018, Frontex selected the Heron drone from Israel Aerospace Industries for pilot-testing surveillance flights in the Mediterranean. In 2015, Israeli firm Elbit sold six of its Hermes UAVs to the Switzerland’s Border Guard, in a controversial €230 million deal. It has since signed a UAV contract with the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA), as a subcontractor for the Portuguese company CEIIA (2018), as well as contracts to supply technology for three patrol vessels for the Hellenic Coast Guard (2019).
    Land wall contractors

    Most of the walls and fences that have been rapidly erected across Europe have been built by national construction companies, but one European company has dominated the field: European Security Fencing, a Spanish producer of razor wire, in particular a coiled wire known as concertinas. It is most known for the razor wire on the fences around Ceuta and Melilla. It also delivered the razor wire for the fence on the border between Hungary and Serbia, and its concertinas were installed on the borders between Bulgaria and Turkey and Austria and Slovenia, as well as at Calais, and for a few days on the border between Hungary and Slovenia before being removed. Given its long-term market monopoly, its concertinas are very likely used at other borders in Europe.

    Other contractors providing both walls and associated technology include DAT-CON (Croatia, Cyprus, Macedonia, Moldova, Slovenia and Ukraine), Geo Alpinbau (Austria/Slovenia), Indra, Dragados, Ferrovial, Proyectos Y Tecnología Sallén and Eulen (Spain/Morocco), Patstroy Bourgas, Infra Expert, Patengineeringstroy, Geostroy Engineering, Metallic-Ivan Mihaylov and Indra (Bulgaria/Turkey), Nordecon and Defendec (Estonia/Russia), DAK Acélszerkezeti Kft and SIA Ceļu būvniecības sabiedrība IGATE (Latvia/Russia), Gintrėja (Lithuania/Russia), Minis and Legi-SGS(Slovenia/Croatia), Groupe CW, Jackson’s Fencing, Sorhea, Vinci/Eurovia and Zaun Ltd (France/UK).

    In many cases, the actual costs of the walls and associated technologies exceed original estimates. There have also been many allegations and legal charges of corruption, in some cases because projects were given to corporate friends of government officials. In Slovenia, for example, accusations of corruption concerning the border wall contract have led to a continuing three-year legal battle for access to documents that has reached the Supreme Court. Despite this, the EU’s External Borders Fund has been a critical financial supporter of technological infrastructure and services in many of the member states’ border operations. In Macedonia, for example, the EU has provided €9 million for patrol vehicles, night-vision cameras, heartbeat detectors and technical support for border guards to help it manage its southern border.
    Maritime wall profiteers

    The data about which ships, helicopters and aircraft are used in Europe’s maritime operations is not transparent and therefore it is difficult to get a full picture. Our research shows, however, that the key corporations involved include the European arms giants Airbus and Leonardo, as well as large shipbuilding companies including Dutch Damen and Italian Fincantieri.

    Damen’s patrol vessels have been used for border operations by Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Portugal, the Netherlands, Romania, Sweden and the UK as well as in key Frontex operations (Poseidon, Triton and Themis), Operation Sophia and in supporting NATO’s role in Operation Poseidon. Outside Europe, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey use Damen vessels for border security, often in cooperation with the EU or its member states. Turkey’s €20 million purchase of six Damen vessels for its coast guard in 2006, for example, was financed through the EU Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP), intended for peace-building and conflict prevention.

    The sale of Damen vessels to Libya unveils the potential troubling human costs of this corporate trade. In 2012, Damen supplied four patrol vessels to the Libyan Coast Guard, sold as civil equipment in order to avoid a Dutch arms export license. Researchers have since found out, however, that the ships were not only sold with mounting points for weapons, but were then armed and used to stop refugee boats. Several incidents involving these ships have been reported, including one where some 20 or 30 refugees drowned. Damen has refused to comment, saying it had agreed with the Libyan government not to disclose information about the ships.

    In addition to Damen, many national shipbuilders play a significant role in maritime operations as they were invariably prioritised by the countries contributing to each Frontex or other Mediterranean operation. Hence, all the ships Italy contributed to Operation Sophia were built by Fincantieri, while all Spanish ships come from Navantia and its predecessors. Similarly, France purchases from DCN/DCNS, now Naval Group, and all German ships were built by several German shipyards (Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft, HDW, Lürssen Gruppe). Other companies in Frontex operations have included Greek company, Motomarine Shipyards, which produced the Panther 57 Fast Patrol Boats used by the Hellenic Coast Guard, Hellenic Shipyards and Israel Shipyards.

    Austrian company Schiebel is a significant player in maritime aerial surveillance through its supply of S-100 drones. In November 2018, EMSA selected the company for a €24 million maritime surveillance contract for a range of operations including border security. Since 2017, Schiebel has also won contracts from Croatia, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Portugal and Spain. The company has a controversial record, with its drones sold to a number of countries experiencing armed conflict or governed by repressive regimes such as Libya, Myanmar, the UAE and Yemen.

    Finland and the Netherlands deployed Dornier aircraft to Operation Hermes and Operation Poseidon respectively, and to Operation Triton. Dornier is now part of the US subsidiary of the Israeli arms company Elbit Systems. CAE Aviation (Luxembourg), DEA Aviation (UK) and EASP Air (Netherlands) have all received contracts for aircraft surveillance work for Frontex. Airbus, French Dassault Aviation, Leonardo and US Lockheed Martin were the most important suppliers of aircraft used in Operation Sophia.

    The EU and its member states defend their maritime operations by publicising their role in rescuing refugees at sea, but this is not their primary goal, as Frontex director Fabrice Leggeri made clear in April 2015, saying that Frontex has no mandate for ‘proactive search-and-rescue action[s]’ and that saving lives should not be a priority. The thwarting and criminalisation of NGO rescue operations in the Mediterranean and the frequent reports of violence and illegal refoulement of refugees, also demonstrates why these maritime operations should be considered more like walls than humanitarian missions.
    Virtual walls

    The major EU contracts for the virtual walls have largely gone to two companies, sometimes as leaders of a consortium. Sopra Steria is the main contractor for the development and maintenance of the Visa Information System (VIS), Schengen Information System (SIS II) and European Dactyloscopy (Eurodac), while GMV has secured a string of contracts for Eurosur. The systems they build help control, monitor and surveil people’s movements across Europe and increasingly beyond.

    Sopra Steria is a French technology consultancy firm that has to date won EU contracts worth a total value of over €150 million. For some of these large contracts Sopra Steria joined consortiums with HP Belgium, Bull and 3M Belgium. Despite considerable business, Sopra Steria has faced considerable criticism for its poor record on delivering projects on time and on budget. Its launch of SIS II was constantly delayed, forcing the Commission to extend contracts and increase budgets. Similarly, Sopra Steria was involved in another consortium, the Trusted Borders consortium, contracted to deliver the UK e-Borders programme, which was eventually terminated in 2010 after constant delays and failure to deliver. Yet it continues to win contracts, in part because it has secured a near-monopoly of knowledge and access to EU officials. The central role that Sopra Steria plays in developing these EU biometric systems has also had a spin-off effect in securing other national contracts, including with Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Romania and Slovenia GMV, a Spanish technology company, has received a succession of large contracts for Eurosur, ever since its testing phase in 2010, worth at least €25 million. It also provides technology to the Spanish Guardia Civil, such as control centres for its Integrated System of External Vigilance (SIVE) border security system as well as software development services to Frontex. It has participated in at least ten EU-funded research projects on border security.

    Most of the large contracts for the virtual walls that did not go to consortia including Sopra Steria were awarded by eu-LISA (European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice) to consortia comprising computer and technology companies including Accenture, Atos Belgium and Morpho (later renamed Idema).

    As research in our Border Wars series has consistently shown, through effective lobbying, the military and security industry has been very influential in shaping the discourse of EU security and military policies. The industry has succeeded in positioning itself as the experts on border security, pushing the underlying narrative that migration is first and foremost a security threat, to be combatted by security and military means. With this premise, it creates a continuous demand for the ever-expanding catalogue of equipment and services the industry supplies for border security and control.

    Many of the companies listed here, particularly the large arms companies, are involved in the European Organisation for Security (EOS), the most important lobby group on border security. Many of the IT security firms that build EU’s virtual walls are members of the European Biometrics Association (EAB). EOS has an ‘Integrated Border Security Working Group’ to ‘facilitate the development and uptake of better technology solutions for border security both at border checkpoints, and along maritime and land borders’. The working group is chaired by Giorgio Gulienetti of the Italian arms company Leonardo, with Isto Mattila (Laurea University of Applied Science) and Peter Smallridge of Gemalto, a digital security company recently acquired by Thales.

    Company lobbyists and representatives of these lobby organisations regularly meet with EU institutions, including the European Commission, are part of official advisory committees, publish influential proposals, organise meetings between industry, policy-makers and executives and also meet at the plethora of military and security fairs, conferences and seminars. Airbus, Leonardo and Thales together with EOS held 226 registered lobbying meetings with the European Commission between 2014 and 2019. In these meetings representatives of the industry position themselves as the experts on border security, presenting their goods and services as the solution for ‘security threats’ caused by immigration. In 2017, the same group of companies and EOS spent up to €2.65 million on lobbying.

    A similar close relationship can be seen on virtual walls, with the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission arguing openly for public policy to foster the ‘emergence of a vibrant European biometrics industry’.
    A deadly trade and a choice

    The conclusion of this survey of the business of building walls is clear. A Europe full of walls has proved to be very good for the bottom line of a wide range of corporations including arms, security, IT, shipping and construction companies. The EU’s planned budgets for border security for the next decade show it is also a business that will continue to boom.

    This is also a deadly business. The heavy militarisation of Europe’s borders on land and at sea has led refugees and migrants to follow far more hazardous routes and has trapped others in desperate conditions in neighbouring countries like Libya. Many deaths are not recorded, but those that are tracked in the Mediterranean show that the proportion of those who drown trying to reach Europe continues to increase each year.

    This is not an inevitable state of affairs. It is both the result of policy decisions made by the EU and its member states, and corporate decisions to profit from these policies. In a rare principled stand, German razor wire manufacturer Mutanox in 2015 stated it would not sell its product to the Hungarian government arguing: ‘Razor wire is designed to prevent criminal acts, like a burglary. Fleeing children and adults are not criminals’. It is time for other European politicians and business leaders to recognise the same truth: that building walls against the world’s most vulnerable people violates human rights and is an immoral act that history will judge harshly. Thirty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, it is time for Europe to bring down its new walls.


    #business #murs #barrières_frontalières #militarisation_des_frontières #visualisation #Europe #UE #EU #complexe_militaro-industriel #Airbus #Leonardo #Thales #Indra #Israel_Aerospace_Industries #Elbit #European_Security_Fencing #DAT-CON #Geo_Alpinbau #Dragados #Ferrovial, #Proyectos_Y_Tecnología_Sallén #Eulen #Patstroy_Bourgas #Infra_Expert #Patengineeringstroy #Geostroy_Engineering #Metallic-Ivan_Mihaylov #Nordecon #Defendec #DAK_Acélszerkezeti_Kft #SIA_Ceļu_būvniecības_sabiedrība_IGATE #Gintrėja #Minis #Legi-SGS #Groupe_CW #Jackson’s_Fencing #Sorhea #Vinci #Eurovia #Zaun_Ltd #Damen #Fincantieri #Frontex #Damen #Turquie #Instrument_contributing_to_Stability_and_Peace (#IcSP) #Libye #exernalisation #Operation_Sophia #Navantia #Naval_Group #Flensburger_Schiffbau-Gesellschaft #HDW #Lürssen_Gruppe #Motomarine_Shipyards #Panther_57 #Hellenic_Shipyards #Israel_Shipyards #Schiebel #Dornier #Operation_Hermes #CAE_Aviation #DEA_Aviation #EASP_Air #French_Dassault_Aviation #US_Lockheed_Martin #murs_virtuels #Sopra_Steria #Visa_Information_System (#VIS) #données #Schengen_Information_System (#SIS_II) #European_Dactyloscopy (#Eurodac) #GMV #Eurosur #HP_Belgium #Bull #3M_Belgium #Trusted_Borders_consortium #économie #biométrie #Integrated_System_of_External_Vigilance (#SIVE) #eu-LISA #Accenture #Atos_Belgium #Morpho #Idema #lobby #European_Organisation_for_Security (#EOS) #European_Biometrics_Association (#EAB) #Integrated_Border_Security_Working_Group #Giorgio_Gulienetti #Isto_Mattila #Peter_Smallridge #Gemalto #murs_terrestres #murs_maritimes #coût #chiffres #statistiques #Joint_Research_Centre_of_the_European_Commission #Mutanox #High-Altitude_Pseudo-Satellites (#HAPS)

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    • La costruzione di muri: un business

      Trent’anni dopo la caduta del Muro di Berlino, l’Europa fa parlare di sé ancora una volta per i suoi muri di frontiera. Questa volta non è tanto l’ideologia che la divide, quanto la paura di rifugiati e migranti, alcune tra le persone più vulnerabili al mondo.

      Riassunto del rapporto «The Business of Building Walls» [1]:

      Chi ha ucciso il sogno di un’Europa più aperta? Cosa ha dato inizio a questa nuova era dei muri?
      Ci sono evidentemente molte ragioni: il crescente spostamento di persone a causa di conflitti, repressione e impoverimento, l’ascesa di politiche securitarie sulla scia dell’11 settembre, l’insicurezza economica e sociale percepita in Europa dopo la crisi finanziaria del 2008, solo per nominarne alcune. Tuttavia, c’è un gruppo che ha di gran lunga da guadagnare da questo innalzamento di nuovi muri: le imprese che li costruiscono. La loro influenza nel dare forma ad un mondo di muri necessita di un esame più profondo.

      Questo rapporto esplora il business della costruzione di muri, che è stato alimentato e ha beneficiato di un aumento considerevole della spesa pubblica dedicata alla sicurezza delle frontiere dall’Unione Europea (EU) e dai suoi Stati membri. Alcune imprese beneficiarie sono delle multinazionali che approfittano di un mercato globale per la sicurezza delle frontiere che si stima valere approssimativamente 17,5 miliardi di euro nel 2018, con una crescita annuale prevista almeno dell’8% nei prossimi anni.

      È importante guardare sia oltre che dietro i muri e le barriere d’Europa, perché i reali ostacoli alla migrazione contemporanea non sono tanto le recinzioni, quanto la vasta gamma di tecnologie che vi è alla base, dai sistemi radar ai droni, dalle telecamere di sorveglianza ai sistemi biometrici di rilevamento delle impronte digitali. Allo stesso modo, alcuni tra i più pericolosi muri d’Europa non sono nemmeno fisici o sulla terraferma. Le navi, gli aerei e i droni usati per pattugliare il Mediterraneo hanno creato un muro marittimo e un cimitero per i migliaia di migranti e di rifugiati che non hanno un passaggio legale verso la salvezza o per esercitare il loro diritto di asilo.

      Tutto ciò rende insignificanti le dichiarazioni della Commissione Europea secondo le quali essa non finanzierebbe i muri e le recinzioni. Il portavoce della Commissione, Alexander Winterstein, per esempio, nel rifiutare la richiesta dell’Ungheria di rimborsare la metà dei costi delle recinzioni costruite sul suo confine con la Croazia e la Serbia, ha affermato: “Noi sosteniamo le misure di gestione delle frontiere presso i confini esterni. Queste possono consistere in misure di sorveglianza o in equipaggiamento di controllo delle frontiere... . Ma le recinzioni, quelle non le finanziamo”. In altre parole, la Commissione è disposta a pagare per qualunque cosa che fortifichi un confine fintanto che ciò non sia visto come propriamente costruire dei muri.

      Questo rapporto è il seguito di “Building Walls - Fear and securitizazion in the Euopean Union”, co-pubblicato nel 2018 con Centre Delàs e Stop Wapenhandel, che per primi hanno misurato e identificato i muri che attraversano l’Europa.

      Questo nuovo rapporto si focalizza sulle imprese che hanno tratto profitto dai tre differenti tipi di muro in Europa:
      – Le imprese di costruzione ingaggiate per costruire i muri fisici costruiti dagli Stati membri UE e dall’Area Schengen in collaborazione con le imprese esperte in sicurezza e tecnologia che provvedono le tecnologie, l’equipaggiamento e i servizi associati;
      – le imprese di trasporto marittimo e di armamenti che forniscono le navi, gli aerei, gli elicotteri e i droni che costituiscono i muri marittimi dell’Europa per tentare di controllare i flussi migratori nel Mediterraneo, in particolare le operazioni di Frontex, l’operazione Sophia e l’operazione italiana Mare Nostrum;
      – e le imprese specializzate in informatica e in sicurezza incaricate di sviluppare, eseguire, estendere e mantenere i sistemi dell’UE che controllano i movimento delle persone, quali SIS II (Schengen Information System) e EES (Entry/Exii Scheme), che costituiscono i muri virtuali dell’Europa.
      Dei budget fiorenti

      Il flusso di denaro dai contribuenti ai costruttori di muri è stato estremamente lucrativo e non cessa di aumentare. Il report rivela che dalla fine della guerra fredda, le imprese hanno raccolto i profitti di almeno 900 milioni di euro di spese dei paesi dell’UE per i muri fisici e per le recinzioni. Con i dati parziali (sia nella portata e che negli anni), i costi reali raggiungerebbero almeno 1 miliardo di euro. Inoltre, le imprese che forniscono la tecnologia e i servizi che accompagnano i muri hanno ugualmente beneficiato di un flusso costante di finanziamenti da parte dell’UE, in particolare i Fondi per le frontiere esterne (1,7 miliardi di euro, 2007-2013) e i Fondi per la sicurezza interna - Fondi per le Frontiere (2,76 miliardi di euro, 2014-2020).

      Le spese dell’UE per i muri marittimi hanno raggiunto almeno 676,4 milioni di euro tra il 2006 e il 2017 (di cui 534 milioni sono stati spesi da Frontex, 28 milioni dall’UE nell’operazione Sophia e 114 milioni dall’Italia nell’operazione Mare Nostrum) e sarebbero molto superiori se si includessero tutte le operazioni delle guardie costiera nazionali nel Mediterraneo.

      Questa esplosione dei budget per le frontiere ha le condizioni per proseguire. Nel quadro del suo budget per il prossimo ciclo di bilancio dell’Unione Europea (2021-2027), la Commissione europea ha attribuito 8,02 miliardi di euro al suo fondo di gestione integrata delle frontiere (2021-2027), 11,27 miliardi a Frontex (dei quali 2,2 miliardi saranno utilizzati per l’acquisizione, il mantenimento e l’utilizzo di mezzi aerei, marittimi e terrestri) e almeno 1,9 miliardi di euro di spese totali (2000-2027) alle sue banche dati di identificazione e a Eurosur (il sistemo europeo di sorveglianza delle frontiere).
      I principali attori del settore degli armamenti

      Tre giganti europei del settore della difesa e della sicurezza giocano un ruolo cruciale nei differenti tipi di frontiere d’Europa: Thales, Leonardo e Airbus.

      – Thales è un’impresa francese specializzata negli armamenti e nella sicurezza, con una presenza significativa nei Paesi Bassi, che produce sistemi radar e sensori utilizzati da numerose navi della sicurezza frontaliera. I sistemi Thales, per esempio, sono stati utilizzati dalle navi olandesi e portoghesi impiegate nelle operazioni di Frontex.
      Thales produce ugualmente sistemi di sorveglianza marittima per droni e lavora attualmente per sviluppare una infrastruttura di sorveglianza delle frontiere per Eurosus, che permetta di seguire e controllare i rifugiati prima che raggiungano l’Europa con l’aiuto di applicazioni per Smartphone, e studia ugualmente l’utilizzo di “High Altitude Pseudo-Satellites - HAPS” per la sicurezza delle frontiere, per l’Agenzia spaziale europea e Frontex. Thales fornisce attualmente il sistema di sicurezza del porto altamente militarizzato di Calais.
      Con l’acquisto nel 2019 di Gemalto, multinazionale specializzata nella sicurezza e identità (biometrica), Thales diventa un attore importante nello sviluppo e nel mantenimento dei muri virtuali dell’UE. L’impresa ha partecipato a 27 progetti di ricerca dell’UE sulla sicurezza delle frontiere.

      – La società di armamenti italiana Leonardo (originariamente Finmeccanica o Leonardo-Finmeccanica) è uno dei principali fornitori di elicotteri per la sicurezza delle frontiere, utilizzati dalle operazioni Mare Nostrum, Hera e Sophia in Italia. Ha ugualmente fatto parte dei principali fornitori di UAV (o droni), ottenendo un contratto di 67,1 milioni di euro nel 2017 con l’EMSA (Agenzia europea per la sicurezza marittima) per fornire le agenzie di guardia costiera dell’UE.
      Leonardo faceva ugualmente parte di un consorzio che si è visto attribuire un contratto di 142,1 milioni di euro nel 2019 per attuare e assicurare il mantenimento dei muri virtuali dell’UE, ossia il Sistema di entrata/uscita (EES). La società detiene, con Thales, Telespazio, che partecipa ai progetti di osservazione dai satelliti dell’UE (React e Copernicus) utilizzati per controllare le frontiere. Leonardo ha partecipato a 24 progetti di ricerca dell’UE sulla sicurezza e il controllo delle frontiere, tra cui lo sviluppo di Eurosur.

      – Il gigante degli armamenti pan-europei Airbus è un importante fornitore di elicotteri utilizzati nella sorveglianza delle frontiere marittime e di alcune frontiere terrestri, impiegati da Belgio, Francia, Germania, Grecia, Italia, Lituania e Spagna, in particolare nelle operazioni marittime Sophia, Poseidon e Triton. Airbus e le sue filiali hanno partecipato almeno a 13 progetti di ricerca sulla sicurezza delle frontiere finanziati dall’UE, tra cui OCEAN2020, PERSEUS e LOBOS.

      Il ruolo chiave di queste società di armamenti in realtà non è sorprendente. Come è stato dimostrato da “Border Wars” (2016), queste imprese, in quanto appartenenti a lobby come EOS (Organizzazione europea per la sicurezza) e ASD (Associazione delle industrie aerospaziali e della difesa in Europa), hanno ampiamente contribuito a influenzare l’orientamento della politica delle frontiere dell’UE. Paradossalmente, questi stessi marchi fanno ugualmente parte dei quattro più grandi venditori europei di armi al Medio Oriente e all’Africa del Nord, contribuendo così ad alimentare i conflitti all’origine di queste migrazioni forzate.

      Allo stesso modo Indra gioca un ruolo non indifferente nel controllo delle frontiere in Spagna e nel Mediterraneo. L’impresa ha ottenuto una serie di contratti per fortificare Ceuta e Melilla (enclavi spagnole nel Nord del Marocco). Indra ha ugualmente sviluppato il sistema di controllo delle frontiere SIVE (con sistemi radar, di sensori e visivi) che è installato nella maggior parte delle frontiere della Spagna, così come in Portogallo e in Romania. Nel luglio 2018, Indra ha ottenuto un contratto di 10 milioni di euro per assicurare la gestione di SIVE su più siti per due anni. L’impresa è molto attiva nel fare lobby presso l’UE. È ugualmente una dei grandi beneficiari dei finanziamenti per la ricerca dell’UE, che assicurano il coordinamento del progetto PERSEUS per lo sviluppo di Eurosur e il Seahorse Network, la rete di scambio di informazioni tra le forze di polizia dei paesi mediterranei (in Europa e in Africa) per fermare le migrazioni.

      Le società di armamenti israeliane hanno anch’esse ottenuto numerosi contratti nel quadro della sicurezza delle frontiere in UE. Nel 2018, Frontex ha selezionato il drone Heron delle Israel Aerospace Industries per i voli di sorveglianza degli esperimenti pilota nel Mediterraneo. Nel 2015, la società israeliana Elbit Systems ha venduto sei dei suoi droni Hermes al Corpo di guardie di frontiera svizzero, nel quadro di un contratto controverso di 230 milioni di euro. Ha anche firmato in seguito un contratto per droni con l’EMSA (Agenzia europea per la sicurezza marittima), in quanto subappaltatore della società portoghese CEIIA (2018), così come dei contratti per equipaggiare tre navi di pattugliamento per la Hellenic Coast Guard (2019).
      Gli appaltatori dei muri fisici

      La maggioranza di muri e recinzioni che sono stati rapidamente eretti attraverso l’Europa, sono stati costruiti da società di BTP nazionali/società nazionali di costruzioni, ma un’impresa europea ha dominato nel mercato: la European Security Fencing, un produttore spagnolo di filo spinato, in particolare di un filo a spirale chiamato “concertina”. È famosa per aver fornito i fili spinati delle recinzioni che circondano Ceuta e Melilla. L’impresa ha ugualmente dotato di fili spinati le frontiere tra l’Ungheria e la Serbia, e i suoi fili spinati “concertina” sono stati installati alle frontiere tra Bulgaria e Turchia e tra l’Austria e la Slovenia, così come a Calais e, per qualche giorno, alla frontiera tra Ungheria e Slovenia, prima di essere ritirati. Dato che essi detengono il monopolio sul mercato da un po’ di tempo a questa parte, è probabile che i fili spinati “concertina” siano stati utilizzati presso altre frontiere in Europa.

      Tra le altre imprese che hanno fornito i muri e le tecnologie ad essi associate, si trova DAT-CON (Croazia, Cipro, Macedonia, Moldavia, Slovenia e Ucraina), Geo Alpinbau (Austria/Slovenia), Indra, Dragados, Ferrovial, Proyectos Y Tecnología Sallén e Eulen (Spagna/Marocco), Patstroy Bourgas, Infra Expert, Patengineeringstroy, Geostroy Engineering, Metallic-Ivan Mihaylov et Indra (Bulgaria/Turchia), Nordecon e Defendec (Estonia/Russia), DAK Acélszerkezeti Kft e SIA Ceļu būvniecības sabiedrība IGATE (Lettonia/Russia), Gintrėja (Lituania/Russi), Minis e Legi-SGS (Slovenia/Croazia), Groupe CW, Jackson’s Fencing, Sorhea, Vinci/Eurovia e Zaun Ltd (Francia/Regno Unito).

      I costi reali dei muri e delle tecnologie associate superano spesso le stime originali. Numerose accuse e denunce per corruzione sono state allo stesso modo formulate, in certi casi perché i progetti erano stati attribuiti a delle imprese che appartenevano ad amici di alti funzionari. In Slovenia, per esempio, accuse di corruzione riguardanti un contratto per la costruzione di muri alle frontiere hanno portato a tre anni di battaglie legali per avere accesso ai documenti; la questione è passata poi alla Corte suprema.

      Malgrado tutto ciò, il Fondo europeo per le frontiere esterne ha sostenuto finanziariamente le infrastrutture e i servizi tecnologici di numerose operazioni alle frontiere degli Stati membri. In Macedonia, per esempio, l’UE ha versato 9 milioni di euro per finanziare dei veicoli di pattugliamento, delle telecamere a visione notturna, dei rivelatori di battito cardiaco e sostegno tecnico alle guardie di frontiera nell’aiuto della gestione della sua frontiera meridionale.
      Gli speculatori dei muri marittimi

      I dati che permettono di determinare quali imbarcazioni, elicotteri e aerei sono utilizzati nelle operazioni marittime in Europa mancano di trasparenza. È dunque difficile recuperare tutte le informazioni. Le nostre ricerche mostrano comunque che tra le principali società implicate figurano i giganti europei degli armamenti Airbus e Leonardo, così come grandi imprese di costruzione navale come l’olandese Damen e l’italiana Fincantieri.

      Le imbarcazioni di pattugliamento di Damen sono servite per delle operazioni frontaliere portate avanti da Albania, Belgio, Bulgaria, Portogallo, Paesi Bassi, Romania, Svezia e Regno Unito, così come per le vaste operazioni di Frontex (Poseidon, Triton e Themis), per l’operazione Sophia e hanno ugualmente sostento la NATO nell’operazione Poseidon.

      Al di fuori dell’Europa, la Libia, il Marocco, la Tunisia e la Turchia utilizzano delle imbarcazioni Damen per la sicurezza delle frontiere, spesso in collaborazione con l’UE o i suoi Stati membri. Per esempio, le sei navi Damen che la Turchia ha comprato per la sua guardia costiera nel 2006, per un totale di 20 milioni di euro, sono state finanziate attraverso lo strumento europeo che contribuirebbe alla stabilità e alla pace (IcSP), destinato a mantenere la pace e a prevenire i conflitti.

      La vendita di imbarcazioni Damen alla Libia mette in evidenza l’inquietante costo umano di questo commercio. Nel 2012, Damen ha fornito quattro imbarcazioni di pattugliamento alla guardia costiera libica, che sono state vendute come equipaggiamento civile col fine di evitare la licenza di esportazione di armi nei Paesi Bassi. I ricercatori hanno poi scoperto che non solo le imbarcazioni erano state vendute con dei punti di fissaggio per le armi, ma che erano state in seguito armate ed utilizzate per fermare le imbarcazioni di rifugiati. Numerosi incidenti che hanno implicato queste imbarcazioni sono stati segnalati, tra i quali l’annegamento di 20 o 30 rifugiati. Damen si è rifiutata di commentare, dichiarando di aver convenuto col governo libico di non divulgare alcuna informazione riguardante le imbarcazioni.

      Numerosi costruttori navali nazionali, oltre a Damen, giocano un ruolo determinante nelle operizioni marittime poiché sono sistematicamente scelti con priorità dai paesi partecipanti a ogni operazione di Frontex o ad altre operazioni nel Mediterraneo. Tutte le imbarcazioni fornite dall’Italia all’operazione Sophia sono state costruite da Fincantieri e tutte quelle spagnole sono fornite da Navantia e dai suoi predecessori. Allo stesso modo, la Francia si rifornisce da DCN/DCNS, ormai Naval Group, e tutte le imbarcazioni tedesche sono state costruite da diversi cantieri navali tedeschi (Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft, HDW, Lürssen Gruppe). Altre imprese hanno partecipato alle operazioni di Frontex, tra cui la società greca Motomarine Shipyards, che ha prodotto i pattugliatori rapidi Panther 57 utilizzati dalla guardia costiera greca, così come la Hellenic Shipyards e la Israel Shipyards.

      La società austriaca Schiebel, che fornisce i droni S-100, gioca un ruolo importante nella sorveglianza aerea delle attività marittime. Nel novembre 2018, è stata selezionata dall’EMSA per un contratto di sorveglianza marittima di 24 milioni di euro riguardante differenti operazioni che includevano la sicurezza delle frontiere. Dal 2017, Schiebel ha ugualmente ottenuto dei contratti con la Croazia, la Danimarca, l’Islanda, l’Italia, il Portogallo e la Spagna. L’impresa ha un passato controverso: ha venduto dei droni a numerosi paesi in conflitto armato o governati da regimi repressivi come la Libia, il Myanmar, gli Emirati Arabi Uniti e lo Yemen.

      La Finlandia e i Paesi Bassi hanno impiegato degli aerei Dornier rispettivamente nel quadro delle operazioni Hermès, Poseidon e Triton. Dornier appartiene ormai alla filiale americana della società di armamenti israeliana Elbit Systems.
      CAE Aviation (Lussemburgo), DEA Aviation (Regno Unito) e EASP Air (Paesi Bassi) hanno tutte ottenuto dei contratti di sorveglianza aerea per Frontex.
      Airbus, Dassault Aviation, Leonardo e l’americana Lockheed Martin hanno fornito il più grande numero di aerei utilizzati per l’operazione Sophia.

      L’UE e i suoi Stati membri difendono le loro operazioni marittime pubblicizzando il loro ruolo nel salvataggio dei rifugiati in mare. Ma non è questo il loro obiettivo principale, come sottolinea il direttore di Frontex Fabrice Leggeri nell’aprile 2015, dichiarando che “le azioni volontarie di ricerca e salvataggio” non fanno parte del mandato affidato a Frontex, e che salvare delle vite non dovrebbe essere una priorità. La criminalizzazione delle operazioni di salvataggio da parte delle ONG, gli ostacoli che esse incontrano, così come la violenza e i respingimenti illegali dei rifugiati, spesso denunciati, illustrano bene il fatto che queste operazioni marittime sono volte soprattutto a costituire muri piuttosto che missioni umanitarie.
      I muri virtuali

      I principali contratti dell’UE legati ai muri virtuali sono stati affidati a due imprese, a volte in quanto leader di un consorzio.
      Sopra Steria è il partner principale per lo sviluppo e il mantenimento del Sistema d’informazione dei visti (SIV), del Sistema di informazione Schengen (SIS II) e di Eurodac (European Dactyloscopy) e GMV ha firmato una serie di contratti per Eurosur. I sistemi che essi concepiscono permettono di controllare e di sorvegliare i movimenti delle persone attraverso l’Europa e, sempre più spesso, al di là delle sue frontiere.

      Sopra Steria è un’impresa francese di servizi per consultazioni in tecnologia che ha, ad oggi, ottenuto dei contratti con l’UE per un valore totale di più di 150 milioni di euro. Nel quadro di alcuni di questi grossi contratti, Sopra Steria ha formato dei consorzi con HP Belgio, Bull e 3M Belgio.

      Malgrado l’ampiezza di questi mercati, Sopra Steria ha ricevuto importanti critiche per la sua mancanza di rigore nel rispetto delle tempistiche e dei budget. Il lancio di SIS II è stato costantemente ritardato, costringendo la Commissione a prolungare i contratti e ad aumentare i budget. Sopra Steria aveva ugualmente fatto parte di un altro consorzio, Trusted Borders, impegnato nello sviluppo del programma e-Borders nel Regno Unito. Quest’ultimo è terminato nel 2010 dopo un accumulo di ritardi e di mancate consegne. Tuttavia, la società ha continuato a ottenere contratti, a causa del suo quasi monopolio di conoscenze e di relazioni con i rappresentanti dell’UE. Il ruolo centrale di Sopra Steria nello sviluppo dei sistemi biometrici dell’UE ha ugualmente portato alla firma di altri contratti nazionali con, tra gli altri, il Belgio, la Bulgaria, la Repubblica ceca, la Finlandia, la Francia, la Germania, la Romania e la Slovenia.

      GMV, un’impresa tecnologica spagnola, ha concluso una serie di grossi contratti per Eurosur, dopo la sua fase sperimentale nel 2010, per almeno 25 milioni di euro. Essa rifornisce ugualmente di tecnologie la Guardia Civil spagnola, tecnologie quali, ad esempio, i centri di controllo del suo Sistema integrato di sorveglianza esterna (SIVE), sistema di sicurezza delle frontiere, così come rifornisce di servizi di sviluppo logistico Frontex. L’impresa ha partecipato ad almeno dieci progetti di ricerca finanziati dall’UE sulla sicurezza delle frontiere.

      La maggior parte dei grossi contratti riguardanti i muri virtuali che non sono stati conclusi con consorzi di cui facesse parte Sopra Steria, sono stati attribuiti da eu-LISA (l’Agenzia europea per la gestione operazionale dei sistemi di informazione su vasta scale in seno allo spazio di libertà, di sicurezza e di giustizia) a dei consorzi di imprese specializzate nell’informazione e nelle nuove tecnologie, tra questi: Accenture, Atos Belgium e Morpho (rinominato Idemia).

      Come testimonia il nostro report “Border Wars”, il settore della difesa e della sicurezza, grazie ad una lobbying efficace, ha un’influenza considerabile nell’elaborazione delle politiche di difesa e di sicurezza dell’UE. Le imprese di questo settore industriale sono riuscite a posizionarsi come esperti della sicurezza delle frontiere, portando avanti il loro discorso secondo il quale la migrazione è prima di tutto una minaccia per la sicurezza che deve essere combattuta tramite mezzi militari e securitari. Questo crea così una domanda continua del catalogo sempre più fornito di equipaggiamenti e servizi che esse forniscono per la sicurezza e il controllo delle frontiere.

      Un numero alto di imprese che abbiamo nominato, in particolare le grandi società di armamenti, fanno parte dell’EOS (Organizzazione europea per la sicurezza), il più importante gruppo di pressione sulla sicurezza delle frontiere.

      Molte imprese informatiche che hanno concepito i muri virtuali dell’UE sono membri dell’EAB (Associazione Europea per la Biometria). L’EOS ha un “Gruppo di lavoro sulla sicurezza integrata delle frontiere” per “permettere lo sviluppo e l’adozione delle migliori soluzioni tecnologiche per la sicurezza delle frontiere sia ai checkpoint che lungo le frontiere marittime e terrestri”.
      Il gruppo di lavoro è presieduto da Giorgio Gulienetti, della società di armi italiana Leonardo, Isto Mattila (diplomato all’università di scienze applicate) e Peter Smallridge di Gemalto, multinazionale specializzata nella sicurezza numerica, recentemente acquisita da Thales.

      I lobbisti di imprese e i rappresentanti di questi gruppi di pressione incontrano regolarmente le istituzioni dell’UE, tra cui la Commissione europea, nel quadro di comitati di consiglio ufficiali, pubblicano proposte influenti, organizzano incontri tra il settore industriale, i policy-makers e i dirigenti e si ritrovano allo stesso modo in tutti i saloni, le conferenze e i seminari sulla difesa e la sicurezza.

      Airbus, Leonardo e Thales e l’EOS hanno anche assistito a 226 riunioni ufficiali di lobby con la Commissione europea tra il 2014 e il 2019. In queste riunioni, i rappresentanti del settore si presentano come esperti della sicurezza delle frontiere, e propongono i loro prodotti e servizi come soluzione alle “minacce alla sicurezza” costituite dall’immigrazione. Nel 2017, queste stesse imprese e l’EOS hanno speso fino a 2,56 milioni di euro in lobbying.

      Si constata una relazione simile per quanto riguarda i muri virtuali: il Centro comune della ricerca della Commissione europea domanda apertamente che le politiche pubbliche favoriscano “l’emergenza di una industria biometrica europea dinamica”.
      Un business mortale, una scelta

      La conclusione di questa inchiesta sul business dell’innalzamento di muri è chiara: la presenza di un’Europa piena di muri si rivela molto fruttuosa per una larga fetta di imprese del settore degli armamenti, della difesa, dell’informatica, del trasporto marittimo e delle imprese di costruzioni. I budget che l’UE ha pianificato per la sicurezza delle frontiere nei prossimi dieci anni mostrano che si tratta di un commercio che continua a prosperare.

      Si tratta altresì di un commercio mortale. A causa della vasta militarizzazione delle frontiere dell’Europa sulla terraferma e in mare, i rifugiati e i migranti intraprendono dei percorsi molto più pericolosi e alcuni si trovano anche intrappolati in terribili condizioni in paesi limitrofi come la Libia. Non vengono registrate tutte le morti, ma quelle che sono registrate nel Mediterraneo mostrano che il numero di migranti che annegano provando a raggiungere l’Europa continua ad aumentare ogni anno.

      Questo stato di cose non è inevitabile. È il risultato sia di decisioni politiche prese dall’UE e dai suoi Stati membri, sia dalle decisioni delle imprese di trarre profitto da queste politiche. Sono rare le imprese che prendono posizione, come il produttore tedesco di filo spinato Mutinox che ha dichiarato nel 2015 che non avrebbe venduto i suoi prodotti al governo ungherese per il seguente motivo: “I fili spinati sono concepiti per impedire atti criminali, come il furto. Dei rifugiati, bambini e adulti, non sono dei criminali”.

      È tempo che altri politici e capi d’impresa riconoscano questa stessa verità: erigere muri contro le popolazioni più vulnerabili viola i diritti umani e costituisce un atto immorale che sarà evidentemente condannato dalla storia.

      Trent’anni dopo la caduta del muro di Berlino, è tempo che l’Europa abbatta i suoi nuovi muri.


    • How the arms industry drives Fortress Europe’s expansion

      In recent years, rising calls for deterrence have intensified the physical violence migrants face at the EU border. The externalization of the border through deals with sending and transit countries signals the expansion of this securitization process. Financial gains by international arms firms in this militarization trend form an obstacle for policy change.

      In March, April, and May of this year, multiple European countries deployed military forces to their national borders. This was done to assist with controls and patrols in the wake of border closures and other movement restrictions due to the Covid-19 crisis. Poland deployed 1,460 soldiers to the border to support the Border Guard and police as part of a larger military operation in reaction to Covid-19. And the Portuguese police used military drones as a complement to their land border checks. According to overviews from NATO, the Czech Republic, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands (military police), Slovakia, and Slovenia all stationed armed forces at their national borders.

      While some of these deployments have been or will be rolled back as the Corona crisis dies down, they are not exceptional developments. Rather, using armed forces for border security and control has been a common occurrence at EU external borders since the so-called refugee crisis of 2015. They are part of the continuing militarisation of European border and migration policies, which is known to put refugees at risk but is increasingly being expanded to third party countries. Successful lobbying from the military and security industry has been an important driver for these policies, from which large European arms companies have benefited.

      The militarization of borders happens when EU member states send armies to border regions, as they did in Operation Sophia off the Libyan coast. This was the first outright EU military mission to stop migration. But border militarization also includes the use of military equipment for migration control, such as helicopters and patrol vessels, as well as the the EU-wide surveillance system Eurosur, which connects surveillance data from all individual member states. Furthermore, EU countries now have over 1,000 kilometers of walls and fences on their borders. These are rigged with surveillance, monitoring, and detection technologies, and accompanied by an increasing use of drones and other autonomous systems. The EU also funds a constant stream of Research & Technology (R&T) projects to develop new technologies and services to monitor and manage migration.

      This process has been going on for decades. The Schengen Agreement of 1985, and the subsequent creation of the Schengen Area, which coupled the opening of the internal EU borders with robust control at the external borders, can be seen as a starting point for these developments. After 2011, when the so-called ‘Arab Spring’ led to fears of mass migration to Europe, and especially since the ‘refugee crisis’ of 2015, the EU accelerated the boosting and militarising of border security, enormously. Since then, stopping migration has been at the top of the EU agenda.

      An increasingly important part of the process of border militarization isn’t happening at the European borders, but far beyond them. The EU and its member states are incentivizing third party countries to help stop migrants long before they reach Europe. This externalising of borders has taken many forms, from expanding the goals of EUCAP missions in Mali and Niger to include the prevention of irregular migration, to funding and training the Libyan Coast Guard to return refugees back to torture and starvation in the infamous detention centers in Libya. It also includes the donation of border security equipment, for example from Germany to Tunisia, and funding for purchases, such as Turkey’s acquisition of coast guard vessels to strengthen its operational capacities.

      Next to the direct consequences of European border externalisation efforts, these policies cause and worsen problems in the third party countries concerned: diverting development funds and priorities, ruining migration-based economies, and strengthening authoritarian regimes such as those in Chad, Belarus, Eritrea, and Sudan by providing funding, training and equipment to their military and security forces. Precisely these state organs are most responsible for repression and abuses of human rights. All this feeds drivers of migration, including violence, repression, and unemployment. As such, it is almost a guarantee for more refugees in the future.

      EU border security agency Frontex has also extended its operations into non-EU-countries. Ongoing negotiations and conclusions of agreements with Balkan countries resulted in the first operation in Albania having started in May 2019. And this is only a small part of Frontex’ expanding role in recent years. In response to the ‘refugee crisis’ of 2015, the European Commission launched a series of proposals that saw large increases in the powers of the agency, including giving member states binding advice to boost their border security, and giving Frontex the right to intervene in member states’ affairs (even without their consent) by decision of the Commission or Council.

      These proposals also included the creation of a 10,000 person strong standing corps of border guards and a budget to buy or lease its own equipment. Concretely, Frontex started with a budget of €6 million in 2005, which grew to €143 million in 2015. This was then quickly increased again from €239 million in 2016 to €460 million in 2020. The enormous expansion of EU border security and control has been accompanied by rapidly increasing budgets in general. In recent years, billions of euros have been spent on fortifying borders, setting up biometric databases, increasing surveillance capacities, and paying non-EU-countries to play their parts in this expansion process.

      Negotiations about the next seven-year-budget for the EU, the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027, are still ongoing. In the European Commission’s latest proposal, which is clearly positioned as a response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the fund for strengthening member states’ border security, the Integrated Border Management Fund, has been allotted €12.5 billion. Its predecessors, the External Borders Fund (2007-2013) and the Internal Security Fund – Borders (2014-2020), had much smaller budgets: €1.76 billion and €2.70 billion, respectively. For Frontex, €7.5 billion is reserved, with €2.2 billion earmarked for purchasing or leasing equipment such as helicopters, drones, and patrol vessels. These huge budget increases are exemplary of the priority the EU attaches to stopping migration.

      The narrative underlying these policies and budget growths is the perception of migration as a threat; a security problem. As researcher, Ainhoa Ruiz (Centre Delàs) writes, “the securitisation process also includes militarisation,” because “the prevailing paradigm for providing security is based on military principles: the use of force and coercion, more weapons equating to more security, and the achievement of security by eliminating threats.”

      This narrative hasn’t come out of the blue. It is pushed by right wing politicians and often followed by centrist and leftist parties afraid of losing voters. Importantly, it is also promoted by an extensive and successful industrial lobby. According to Martin Lemberg-Pedersen (Assistant Professor in Global Refugee Studies, Aalborg University), arms companies “establish themselves as experts on border security, and use this position to frame immigration to Europe as leading to evermore security threats in need of evermore advanced [security] products.” The narrative of migration as a security problem thus sets the stage for militaries, and the security companies behind the commercial arms lobby, to offer their goods and services as the solution. The range of militarization policies mentioned so far reflects the broad adoption of this narrative.

      The lobby organizations of large European military and security companies regularly interact with the European Commission and EU border agencies. They have meetings, organise roundtables, and see each other at military and security fairs and conferences. Industry representatives also take part in official advisory groups, are invited to present new arms and technologies, and write policy proposals. These proposals can sometimes be so influential that they are adopted as policy, almost unamended.

      This happened, for instance, when the the Commission decided to open up the Instrument contributing to Security and Peace, a fund meant for peace-building and conflict prevention. The fund’s terms were expanded to cover provision of third party countries with non-lethal security equipment, for example, for border security purposes. The new policy document for this turned out to be a step-by-step reproduction of an earlier proposal from lobby organisation, Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD). Yet, perhaps the most far-reaching success of this kind is the expansion of Frontex, itself, into a European Border Guard. Years before it actually happened, the industry had already been pushing for this outcome.

      The same companies that are at the forefront of the border security and control lobby are, not surprisingly, also the big winners of EU and member states’ contracts in these areas. These include three of the largest European (and global) arms companies, namely, Airbus (Paneuropean), Leonardo (Italy) and Thales (France). These companies are active in many aspects of the border security and control market. Airbus’ and Leonardo’s main product in this field are helicopters, with EU funds paying for many purchases by EU and third countries. Thales provides radar, for example, for border patrol vessels, and is heavily involved in biometric and digital identification, especially after having acquired market leader, Gemalto, last year.

      These three companies are the main beneficiaries of the European anti-migration obsession. At the same time, these very three companies also contribute to new migration streams to Europe’s shores through their trade in arms. They are responsible for significant parts of Europe’s arms exports to countries at war, and they provide the arms used by parties in internal armed conflicts, by human rights violators, and by repressive regimes. These are the forces fueling the reasons for which people are forced to flee in the first place.

      Many other military and security companies also earn up to hundreds of millions of euros from large border security and control projects oriented around logistics and transport. Dutch shipbuilder Damen provided not only many southern European countries with border patrol vessels, but also controversially sold those to Libya and Turkey, among others. Its ships have also been used in Frontex operations, in Operation Sophia, and on the Channel between Calais and Dover.

      The Spanish company, European Security Fencing, provided razor wire for the fences around the Spanish enclaves, Ceuta and Melilla, in Morocco, as well as the fence at Calais and the fences on the borders of Austria, Bulgaria, and Hungary. Frontex, the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA), and Greece leased border surveillance drones from Elbit and Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI). These are Israeli military companies that routinely promote their products as ‘combat-proven’ or ‘battlefield tested’ against Palestinians.

      Civipol, a French public-private company owned by the state, and several large arms producers (including Thales, Airbus, and Safran), run a string of EU-/member state-funded border security projects in third party countries. This includes setting up fingerprint databases of the whole populations of Mali and Senegal, which facilitates identification and deportation of their nationals from Europe. These are just a few examples of the companies that benefit from the billions of euros that the EU and its member states spend on a broad range of purchases and projects in their bid to stop migration.

      The numbers of forcibly displaced people in the world grew to a staggering 79.5 million by the end of last year. Instead of helping to eliminate the root causes of migration, EU border and migration policies, as well as its arms exports to the rest of the world, are bound to lead to more refugees in the future. The consequences of these policies have already been devastating. As experts in the field of migration have repeatedly warned, the militarisation of borders primarily pushes migrants to take alternative migration routes that are often more dangerous and involve the risks of relying on criminal smuggling networks. The Mediterranean Sea has become a sad witness of this, turning into a graveyard for a growing percentage of refugees trying to cross it.

      The EU approach to border security doesn’t stand on its own. Many other countries, in particular Western ones and those with authoritarian leaders, follow the same narrative and policies. Governments all over the world, but particularly those in the US, Australia, and Europe, continue to spend billions of euros on border security and control equipment and services. And they plan to increase budgets even more in the coming years. For military and security companies, this is good news; the global border security market is expected to grow by over 7% annually for the next five years to a total of $65 billion in 2025. It looks like they will belong to the very few winners of increasingly restrictive policies targeting vulnerable people on the run.

      #industrie_militaire #covid-19 #coronavirus #frontières_extérieures #Operation_Sophia #Eurosur #surveillance #drones #technologie #EUCAP #externalisation #Albanie #budget #Integrated_Border_Management_Fund #menace #lobby_industriel #Instrument_contributing_to_Security_and_Peace #conflits #paix #prévention_de_conflits #Aerospace_and_Defence_Industries_Association_of_Europe (#ASD) #Airbus #Leonardo #Thales #hélicoptères #radar #biométrie #identification_digitale #Gemalto #commerce_d'armes #armement #Damen #European_Security_Fencing #barbelé #European_Maritime_Safety_Agency (#EMSA) #Elbit #Israel_Aerospace_Industries (#IAI) #Civipol #Safran #base_de_données


      Pour @etraces :

      Civipol, a French public-private company owned by the state, and several large arms producers (including Thales, Airbus, and Safran), run a string of EU-/member state-funded border security projects in third party countries. This includes setting up fingerprint databases of the whole populations of Mali and Senegal, which facilitates identification and deportation of their nationals from Europe

    • GUARDING THE FORTRESS. The role of Frontex in the militarisation and securitisation of migration flows in the European Union

      The report focuses on 19 Frontex operations run by the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (hereafter Frontex) to explore how the agency is militarising borders and criminalising migrants, undermining fundamental rights to freedom of movement and the right to asylum.

      This report is set in a wider context in which more than 70.8 million people worldwide have been forcibly displaced, according to the 2018 figures from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) (UNHCR, 2019). Some of these have reached the borders of the European Union (EU), seeking protection and asylum, but instead have encountered policy responses that mostly aim to halt and intercept migration flows, against the background of securitisation policies in which the governments of EU Member States see migration as a threat. One of the responses to address migration flows is the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (hereafter Frontex), established in 2004 as the EU body in charge of guarding what many have called ‘Fortress Europe’, and whose practices have helped to consolidate the criminalisation of migrants and the securitisation of their movements.

      The report focuses on analysing the tools deployed by Fortress Europe, in this case through Frontex, to prevent the freedom of movement and the right to asylum, from its creation in 2004 to the present day.

      The sources used to write this report were from the EU and Frontex, based on its budgets and annual reports. The analysis focused on the Frontex regulations, the language used and its meaning, as well as the budgetary trends, identifying the most significant items – namely, the joint operations and migrant-return operations.

      A table was compiled of all the joint operations mentioned in the annual reports since the Agency was established in 2005 up to 2018 (see annexes). The joint operations were found on government websites but were not mentioned in the Frontex annual reports. Of these operations, we analysed those of the longest duration, or that have showed recent signs of becoming long-term operations. The joint operations are analysed in terms of their objectives, area of action, the mandates of the personnel deployed, and their most noteworthy characteristics.

      Basically, the research sought to answer the following questions: What policies are being implemented in border areas and in what context? How does Frontex act in response to migration movements? A second objective was to analyse how Frontex securitises the movement of refugees and other migrants, with the aim of contributing to the analysis of the process of border militarisation and the security policies applied to non-EU migrants by the EU and its Member States.


      Pour télécharger le rapport_

      #rapport #TNI #Transnational_institute

    • #Frontex aircraft : Below the radar against international law

      For three years, Frontex has been chartering small aircraft for the surveillance of the EU’s external borders. First Italy was thus supported, then Croatia followed. Frontex keeps the planes details secret, and the companies also switch off the transponders for position display during operations.

      The European Commission does not want to make public which private surveillance planes Frontex uses in the Mediterranean. In the non-public answer to a parliamentary question, the EU border agency writes that the information on the aircraft is „commercially confidential“ as it contains „personal data and sensitive operational information“.

      Frontex offers EU member states the option of monitoring their external borders using aircraft. For this „Frontex Aerial Surveillance Service“ (FASS), Frontex charters twin-engined airplanes from European companies. Italy first made use of the service in 2017, followed a year later by Croatia. In 2018, Frontex carried out at least 1,800 flight hours under the FASS, no figures are yet available for 2019.

      Air service to be supplemented with #drones

      The FASS flights are carried out under the umbrella of „Multipurpose Aerial Surveillance“, which includes satellite surveillance as well as drones. Before the end of this year, the border agency plans to station large drones in the Mediterranean for up to four years. The situation pictures of the European Union’s „pre-frontier area“ are fed into the surveillance system EUROSUR, whose headquarter is located at Frontex in Warsaw. The national EUROSUR contact points, for example in Spain, Portugal and Italy, also receive this information.

      In addition to private charter planes, Frontex also uses aircraft and helicopters provided by EU Member States, in the central Mediterranean via the „Themis“ mission. The EU Commission also keeps the call signs of the state aircraft operating there secret. They would be considered „sensitive operational information“ and could not be disclosed to MEPs.

      Previously, the FOIA platform „Frag den Staat“ („Ask the State“) had also tried to find out details about the sea and air capacities of the member states in „Themis“. Frontex refused to provide any information on this matter. „Frag den Staat“ lost a case against Frontex before the European Court of Justice and is now to pay 23,700 Euros to the agency for legal fees.

      Real-time tracking with FlightAware

      The confidentiality of Frontex comes as a surprise, because companies that monitor the Mediterranean for the agency are known through a tender. Frontex has signed framework contracts with the Spanish arms group Indra as well as the charter companies CAE Aviation (Canada), Diamond-Executive Aviation (Great Britain) and EASP Air (Netherlands). Frontex is spending up to 14.5 million euros each on the contracts.

      Finally, online service providers such as FlightAware can also be used to draw conclusions about which private and state airplanes are flying for Frontex in the Mediterranean. For real-time positioning, the providers use data from ADS-B transponders, which all larger aircraft must have installed. A worldwide community of non-commercial trackers receives this geodata and feeds it into the Internet. In this way, for example, Italian journalist Sergio Scandura documents practically all movements of Frontex aerial assets in the central Mediterranean.

      Among the aircraft tracked this way are the twin-engined „DA-42“, „DA-62“ and „Beech 350“ of Diamond-Executive Aviation, which patrol the Mediterranean Sea on behalf of Frontex as „Osprey1“, „Osprey3“ and „Tasty“, in former times also „Osprey2“ and „Eagle1“. They are all operated by Diamond-Executive Aviation and take off and land at airports in Malta and Sicily.

      „Push-backs“ become „pull-backs“

      In accordance with the Geneva Convention on Refugees, the EU Border Agency may not return people to states where they are at risk of torture or other serious human rights violations. Libya is not a safe haven; this assessment has been reiterated on several occasions by the United Nations Commissioner for Refugees, among others.

      Because these „push-backs“ are prohibited, Frontex has since 2017 been helping with so-called „pull-backs“ by bringing refugees back to Libya by the Libyan coast guard rather than by EU units. With the „Multipurpose Aerial Surveillance“, Frontex is de facto conducting air reconnaissance for Libya. By November 2019, the EU border agency had notified Libyan authorities about refugee boats on the high seas in at least 42 cases.

      Many international law experts consider this practice illegal. Since Libya would not be able to track down the refugees without the help of Frontex, the agency must take responsibility for the refoulements. The lawyers Omer Shatz and Juan Branco therefore want to sue responsibles of the European Union before the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

      Frontex watches refugees drown

      This is probably the reason why Frontex disguises the exact location of its air surveillance. Private maritime rescue organisations have repeatedly pointed out that Frontex aircrafts occasionally switch off their transponders so that they cannot be tracked via ADS-B. In the answer now available, this is confirmed by the EU Commission. According to this, the visibility of the aircraft would disclose „sensitive operational information“ and, in combination with other kinds of information, „undermine“ the operational objectives.

      The German Ministry of the Interior had already made similar comments on the Federal Police’s assets in Frontex missions, according to which „general tracking“ of their routes in real time would „endanger the success of the mission“.

      However, Frontex claims it did not issue instructions to online service providers to block the real-time position display of its planes, as journalist Scandura described. Nonetheless, the existing concealment of the operations only allows the conclusion that Frontex does not want to be controlled when the deployed aircraft watch refugees drown and Italy and Malta, as neighbouring EU member states, do not provide any assistance.

      #avions #Italie #Croatie #confidentialité #transparence #Frontex_Aerial_Surveillance_Service (#FASS) #Multipurpose_Aerial_Surveillance #satellites #Méditerranée #Thermis #information_sensible #Indra #CAE_Aviation #Diamond-Executive_Aviation #EASP_Air #FlightAware #ADS-B #DA-42 #DA-62 #Beech_350 #Osprey1 #Osprey3 #Tasty #Osprey2 #Eagle1 #Malte #Sicile #pull-back #push-back #refoulement #Sergio_Scandura

    • Walls Must Fall: Ending the deadly politics of border militarisation - webinar recording
      This webinar explored the trajectory and globalization of border militarization and anti-migrant racism across the world, the history, ideologies and actors that have shaped it, the pillars and policies that underpin the border industrial complex, the resistance of migrants, refugees and activists, and the shifting dynamics within this pandemic.

      - #Harsha_Walia, author of Undoing Border Imperialism (2013)
      - #Jille_Belisario, Transnational Migrant Platform-Europe (TMP-E)
      - #Todd_Miller, author of Empire of Borders (2020), Storming the Wall (2019) and TNI’s report More than A Wall (2019)
      - #Kavita_Krishnan, All India Progressive Women’s Association (AIPWA).

      #conférence #webinar

    • Le business meurtrier des frontières

      Le 21ème siècle sera-t-il celui des barrières ? Probable, au rythme où les frontières nationales se renforcent. Dans un livre riche et documenté, publié aux éditions Syllepse, le géographe Stéphane Rosière dresse un indispensable état des lieux.

      Une nuit du mois de juin, dans un centre de rétention de l’île de Rhodes, la police grecque vient chercher une vingtaine de migrant·e·s, dont deux bébés. Après un trajet en bus, elle abandonne le groupe dans un canot de sauvetage sans moteur, au milieu des eaux territoriales turques. En août, le New York Times publie une enquête révélant que cette pratique, avec la combinaison de l’arrivée aux affaires du premier ministre conservateur Kyriakos Mitsotakis et de la diffusion de la pandémie de Covid-19, est devenue courante depuis mars.

      Illégales au regard du droit international, ces expulsions illustrent surtout le durcissement constant de la politique migratoire de l’Europe depuis 20 ans. Elles témoignent aussi d’un processus mondial de « pixellisation » des frontières : celles-ci ne se réduisent pas à des lignes mais à un ensemble de points plus ou moins en amont ou en aval (ports, aéroports, eaux territoriales…), où opèrent les polices frontalières.
      La fin de la fin des frontières

      Plus largement, le récent ouvrage de Stéphane Rosière, Frontières de fer, le cloisonnement du monde, permet de prendre la mesure d’un processus en cours de « rebordering » à travers le monde. À la fois synthèse des recherches récentes sur les frontières et résultats des travaux de l’auteur sur la résurgence de barrières frontalières, le livre est une lecture incontournable sur l’évolution contemporaine des frontières nationales.

      D’autant qu’il n’y a pas si longtemps, la mondialisation semblait promettre l’affaissement des frontières, dans la foulée de la disparition de l’Union soviétique et, corollairement, de la généralisation de l’économie de marché. La Guerre froide terminée annonçait la « fin de l’histoire » et, avec elle, la disparition des limites territoriales héritées de l’époque moderne. Au point de ringardiser, rappelle Stéphane Rosière, les études sur les frontières au sein de la géographie des années 1990, parallèlement au succès d’une valorisation tous azimuts de la mobilité dans le discours politique dominant comme dans les sciences sociales.

      Trente ans après, le monde se réveille avec 25 000 kilomètres de barrières frontalières – record pour l’Inde, avec plus de 3 000 kilomètres de clôtures pour prévenir l’immigration depuis le Bangladesh. Barbelés, murs de briques, caméras, détecteurs de mouvements, grilles électrifiées, les dispositifs de contrôle frontalier fleurissent en continu sur les cinq continents.
      L’âge des « murs anti-pauvres »

      La contradiction n’est qu’apparente. Les barrières du 21e siècle ne ferment pas les frontières mais les cloisonnent – d’où le titre du livre. C’est-à-dire que l’objectif n’est pas de supprimer les flux mondialisés – de personnes et encore moins de marchandises ni de capitaux – mais de les contrôler. Les « teichopolitiques », terme qui recouvre, pour Stéphane Rosière, les politiques de cloisonnement de l’espace, matérialisent un « ordre mondial asymétrique et coercitif », dans lequel on valorise la mobilité des plus riches tout en assignant les populations pauvres à résidence.

      De fait, on observe que les barrières frontalières redoublent des discontinuités économiques majeures. Derrière l’argument de la sécurité, elles visent à contenir les mouvements migratoires des régions les plus pauvres vers des pays mieux lotis économiquement : du Mexique vers les États-Unis, bien sûr, ou de l’Afrique vers l’Europe, mais aussi de l’Irak vers l’Arabie Saoudite ou du Pakistan vers l’Iran.

      Les dispositifs de contrôle frontalier sont des outils parmi d’autres d’une « implacable hiérarchisation » des individus en fonction de leur nationalité. Comme l’a montré le géographe Matthew Sparke à propos de la politique migratoire nord-américaine, la population mondiale se trouve divisée entre une classe hypermobile de citoyen·ne·s « business-class » et une masse entravée de citoyen·ne·s « low-cost ». C’est le sens du « passport index » publié chaque année par le cabinet Henley : alors qu’un passeport japonais ou allemand donne accès à plus de 150 pays, ce chiffre descend en-dessous de 30 avec un passeport afghan ou syrien.
      Le business des barrières

      Si les frontières revêtent une dimension économique, c’est aussi parce qu’elles sont un marché juteux. À l’heure où les pays européens ferment des lits d’hôpital faute de moyens, on retiendra ce chiffre ahurissant : entre 2005 et 2016, le budget de Frontex, l’agence en charge du contrôle des frontières de l’Union européenne, est passé de 6,3 à 238,7 millions d’euros. À quoi s’ajoutent les budgets colossaux débloqués pour construire et entretenir les barrières – budgets entourés d’opacité et sur lesquels, témoigne l’auteur, il est particulièrement difficile d’enquêter, faute d’obtenir… des fonds publics.

      L’argent public alimente ainsi une « teichoéconomie » dont les principaux bénéficiaires sont des entreprises du BTP et de la sécurité européennes, nord-américaines, israéliennes et, de plus en plus, indiennes ou saoudiennes. Ce complexe sécuritaro-industriel, identifié par Julien Saada, commercialise des dispositifs de surveillance toujours plus sophistiqués et prospère au rythme de l’inflation de barrières entre pays, mais aussi entre quartiers urbains.

      Un business d’autant plus florissant qu’il s’auto-entretient, dès lors que les mêmes entreprises vendent des armes. On sait que les ventes d’armes, alimentant les guerres, stimulent les migrations : un « cercle vertueux » s’enclenche pour les entreprises du secteur, appelées à la rescousse pour contenir des mouvements de population qu’elles participent à encourager.
      « Mourir aux frontières »

      Bénéfices juteux, profits politiques, les barrières font des heureux. Elles tuent aussi et l’ouvrage de Stéphane Rosière se termine sur un décompte macabre. C’est, dit-il, une « guerre migratoire » qui est en cours. Guerre asymétrique, elle oppose la police armée des puissances économiques à des groupes le plus souvent désarmés, venant de périphéries dominées économiquement et dont on entend contrôler la mobilité. Au nom de la souveraineté des États, cette guerre fait plusieurs milliers de victimes par an et la moindre des choses est de « prendre la pleine mesure de la létalité contemporaine aux frontières ».

      Sur le blog :

      – Une synthèse sur les murs frontaliers : http://geographiesenmouvement.blogs.liberation.fr/2019/01/28/lamour-des-murs

      – Le compte rendu d’un autre livre incontournable sur les frontières : http://geographiesenmouvement.blogs.liberation.fr/2019/08/03/frontieres-en-mouvement

      – Une synthèse sur les barricades à l’échelle intraurbaine : http://geographiesenmouvement.blogs.liberation.fr/2020/10/21/gated-communities-le-paradis-entre-quatre-murs


    • How Private Security Firms Profit Off the Refugee Crisis

      The UK has pumped money to corporations turning #Calais into a bleak fortress.

      Tall white fences lined with barbed wire – welcome to Calais. The city in northern France is an obligatory stop for anyone trying to reach the UK across the channel. But some travellers are more welcome than others, and in recent decades, a slew of private security companies have profited millions of pounds off a very expensive – an unattractive – operation to keep migrants from crossing.

      Every year, thousands of passengers and lorries take the ferry at the Port of Calais-Fréthun, a trading route heavily relied upon by the UK for imports. But the entrance to the port looks more like a maximum-security prison than your typical EU border. Even before Brexit, the UK was never part of the Schengen area, which allows EU residents to move freely across 26 countries. For decades, Britain has strictly controlled its southern border in an attempt to stop migrants and asylum seekers from entering.

      As early as 2000, the Port of Calais was surrounded by a 2.8 metre-high fence to prevent people from jumping into lorries waiting at the ferry departure point. In 1999, the Red Cross set up a refugee camp in the nearby town of Sangatte which quickly became overcrowded. The UK pushed for it to be closed in 2002 and then negotiated a treaty with France to regulate migration between the two countries.

      The 2003 Le Toquet Treaty allowed the UK to check travellers on French soil before their arrival, and France to do the same on UK soil. Although the deal looks fair on paper, in practice it unduly burdens French authorities, as there are more unauthorised migrants trying to reach the UK from France than vice versa.

      The treaty effectively moved the UK border onto French territory, but people still need to cross the channel to request asylum. That’s why thousands of refugees from conflict zones like Syria, Eritrea, Afghanistan, Sudan and Somalia have found themselves stranded in Calais, waiting for a chance to cross illegally – often in search of family members who’ve already made it to the UK. Many end up paying people smugglers to hide them in lorries or help them cross by boat.

      These underlying issues came to a head during the Syrian crisis, when refugees began camping out near Calais in 2014. The so-called Calais Jungle became infamous for its squalid conditions, and at its peak, hosted more than 7,000 people. They were all relocated to other centres in France before the camp was bulldozed in 2016. That same year, the UK also decided to build a €2.7 million border wall in Calais to block access to the port from the camp, but the project wasn’t completed until after the camp was cleared, attracting a fair deal of criticism. Between 2015 and 2018, the UK spent over €110 million on border security in France, only to top it up with over €56 million more in 2018.

      But much of this public money actually flows into the accounts of private corporations, hired to build and maintain the high-tech fences and conduct security checks. According to a 2020 report by the NGO Care4Calais, there are more than 40 private security companies working in the city. One of the biggest, Eamus Cork Solutions (ECS), was founded by a former Calais police officer in 2004 and is reported to have benefited at least €30 million from various contracts as of 2016.

      Stéphane Rosière, a geography professor at the University of Reims, wrote his book Iron Borders (only available in French) about the many border walls erected around the world. Rosière calls this the “security-industrial” complex – private firms that have largely replaced the traditional military-industrial sector in Europe since WW2.

      “These companies are getting rich by making security systems adaptable to all types of customers – individuals, companies or states,” he said. According to Rosière, three-quarters of the world’s border security barriers were built in the 21st century.

      Brigitte, a pensioner living close to the former site of the Calais Jungle, has seen her town change drastically over the past two decades. “Everything is cordoned off with wire mesh," she said. "I have the before and after photos, and it’s not a pretty sight. It’s just wire, wire, wire.” For the past 15 years, Brigitte has been opening her garage door for asylum seekers to stop by for a cup of tea and charge their phones and laptops, earning her the nickname "Mama Charge”.

      “For a while, the purpose of these fences and barriers was to stop people from crossing,” said François Guennoc, president of L’Auberge des Migrants, an NGO helping displaced migrants in Calais.

      Migrants have still been desperate enough to try their luck. “They risked a lot to get into the port area, and many of them came back bruised and battered,” Guennoc said. Today, walls and fences are mainly being built to deter people from settling in new camps near Calais after being evicted.

      In the city centre, all public squares have been fenced off. The city’s bridges have been fitted with blue lights and even with randomly-placed bike racks, so people won’t sleep under them.

      “They’ve also been cutting down trees for some time now,” said Brigitte, pointing to a patch near her home that was once woods. Guennoc said the authorities are now placing large rocks in areas where NGOs distribute meals and warm clothes, to prevent displaced people from receiving the donations. “The objective of the measures now is also to make the NGOs’ work more difficult,” he said.

      According to the NGO Refugee Rights Europe, about 1,500 men, women and minors were living in makeshift camps in and around Calais as of April 2020. In July 2020, French police raided a camp of over 500 people, destroying residents’ tents and belongings, in the largest operation since the Calais Jungle was cleared. An investigation by Slate found that smaller camps are cleared almost every day by the French police, even in the middle of winter. NGOs keep providing new tents and basic necessities to displaced residents, but they are frustrated by the waste of resources. The organisations are also concerned about COVID-19 outbreaks in the camps.

      As VICE World News has previously reported, the crackdown is only pushing people to take more desperate measures to get into the UK. Boat crossings reached record-highs in 2020, and four people have died since August 2020 while trying to cross, by land and sea. “When you create an obstacle, people find a way to get around it,” Guennoc said. “If they build a wall all the way along the coast to prevent boat departures, people will go to Normandy – and that has already started.” Crossing the open sea puts migrants at even greater risk.

      Rosière agrees security measures are only further endangering migrants.“All locks eventually open, no matter how complex they may be. It’s just a matter of time.”

      He believes the only parties who stand to profit from the status quo are criminal organisations and private security firms: “At the end of the day, this a messed-up use of public money.”


      En français:
      À Calais, la ville s’emmure

    • Financing Border Wars. The border industry, its financiers and human rights

      This report seeks to explore and highlight the extent of today’s global border security industry, by focusing on the most important geographical markets—Australia, Europe, USA—listing the human rights violations and risks involved in each sector of the industry, profiling important corporate players and putting a spotlight on the key investors in each company.

      Executive summary

      Migration will be one of the defining human rights issues of the 21st century. The growing pressures to migrate combined with the increasingly militarised state security response will only exacerbate an already desperate situation for refugees and migrants. Refugees already live in a world where human rights are systematically denied. So as the climate crisis deepens and intersects with other economic and political crises, forcing more people from their homes, and as states retreat to ever more authoritarian security-based responses, the situation for upholding and supporting migrants’ rights looks ever bleaker.

      States, most of all those in the richest countries, bear the ultimate responsibility to uphold the human rights of refugees and migrants recognised under International Human Rights Law. Yet corporations are also deeply implicated. It is their finance, their products, their services, their infrastructure that underpins the structures of state migration and border control. In some cases, they are directly involved in human rights violations themselves; in other cases they are indirectly involved as they facilitate the system that systematically denies refugees and migrants their rights. Most of all, through their lobbying, involvement in government ‘expert’ groups, revolving doors with state agencies, it becomes clear that corporations are not just accidental beneficiaries of the militarisation of borders. Rather they actively shape the policies from which they profit and therefore share responsibility for the human rights violations that result.

      This state-corporate fusion is best described as a Border Industrial Complex, drawing on former US President Eisenhower’s warning of the dangers of a Military-Industrial Complex. Indeed it is noticeable that many of the leading border industries today are also military companies, seeking to diversify their security products to a rapidly expanding new market.

      This report seeks to explore and highlight the extent of today’s global border security industry, by focusing on the most important geographical markets—Australia, Europe, USA—listing the human rights violations and risks involved in each sector of the industry, profiling important corporate players and putting a spotlight on the key investors in each company.
      A booming industry

      The border industry is experiencing spectacular growth, seemingly immune to austerity or economic downturns. Market research agencies predict annual growth of the border security market of between 7.2% and 8.6%, reaching a total of $65–68 billion by 2025. The largest expansion is in the global Biometrics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) markets. Markets and Markets forecasts the biometric systems market to double from $33 billion in 2019 to $65.3 billion by 2024—of which biometrics for migration purposes will be a significant sector. It says that the AI market will equal US$190.61 billion by 2025.

      The report investigates five key sectors of the expanding industry: border security (including monitoring, surveillance, walls and fences), biometrics and smart borders, migrant detention, deportation, and audit and consultancy services. From these sectors, it profiles 23 corporations as significant actors: Accenture, Airbus, Booz Allen Hamilton, Classic Air Charter, Cobham, CoreCivic, Deloitte, Elbit, Eurasylum, G4S, GEO Group, IBM, IDEMIA, Leonardo, Lockheed Martin, Mitie, Palantir, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Serco, Sopra Steria, Thales, Thomson Reuters, Unisys.

      – The border security and control field, the technological infrastructure of security and surveillance at the border, is led by US, Australian, European and Israeli firms including Airbus, Elbit, Leonardo, Lockheed Martin, Airbus, Leonardo and Thales— all of which are among the world’s major arms sellers. They benefit not only from border contracts within the EU, US, and Australia but also increasingly from border externalisation programmes funded by these same countries. Jean Pierre Talamoni, head of sales and marketing at Airbus Defence and Space (ADS), said in 2016 that he estimates that two thirds of new military market opportunities over the next 10 years will be in Asia and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Companies are also trying to muscle in on providing the personnel to staff these walls, including border guards.

      - The Smart Borders sector encompasses the use of a broad range of (newer) technologies, including biometrics (such as fingerprints and iris-scans), AI and phone and social media tracking. The goal is to speed up processes for national citizens and other acceptable travellers and stop or deport unwanted migrants through the use of more sophisticated IT and biometric systems. Key corporations include large IT companies, such as IBM and Unisys, and multinational services company Accenture for whom migration is part of their extensive portfolio, as well as small firms, such as IDEMIA and Palantir Technologies, for whom migration-related work is central. The French public–private company Civipol, co-owned by the state and several large French arms companies, is another key player, selected to set up fingerprint databases of the whole population of Mali and Senegal.

      – Deportation. With the exception of the UK and the US, it is uncommon to privatise deportation. The UK has hired British company Mitie for its whole deportation process, while Classic Air Charter dominates in the US. Almost all major commercial airlines, however, are also involved in deportations. Newsweek reported, for example, that in the US, 93% of the 1,386 ICE deportation flights to Latin American countries on commercial airlines in 2019 were facilitated by United Airlines (677), American Airlines (345) and Delta Airlines (266).

      - Detention. The Global Detention Project lists over 1,350 migrant detention centres worldwide, of which over 400 are located in Europe, almost 200 in the US and nine in Australia. In many EU countries, the state manages detention centres, while in other countries (e.g. Australia, UK, USA) there are completely privatised prisons. Many other countries have a mix of public and private involvement, such as state facilities with private guards. Australia outsourced refugee detention to camps outside its territories. Australian service companies Broadspectrum and Canstruct International managed the detention centres, while the private security companies G4S, Paladin Solutions and Wilson Security were contracted for security services, including providing guards. Migrant detention in third countries is also an increasingly important part of EU migration policy, with the EU funding construction of migrant detention centres in ten non-EU countries.

      - Advisory and audit services are a more hidden part of public policies and practices, but can be influential in shaping new policies. A striking example is Civipol, which in 2003 wrote a study on maritime borders for the European Commission, which adopted its key policy recommendations in October 2003 and in later policy documents despite its derogatory language against refugees. Civipol’s study also laid foundations for later measures on border externalisation, including elements of the migration deal with Turkey and the EU’s Operation Sophia. Since 2003 Civipol has received funding for a large number of migration-related projects, especially in African countries. Between 2015 and 2017, it was the fourth most-funded organisation under the EU Trust Fund. Other prominent corporations in this sector include Eurasylum, as well as major international consultancy firms, particularly Deloitte and PricewaterhouseCoopers, for which migration-related work is part of their expansive portfolio.

      Financing the industry

      The markets for military and border control procurement are characterized by massively capital intensive investments and contracts, which would not be possible without the involvement of financial actors. Using data from marketscreener.com, the report shows that the world’s largest investment companies are also among the major shareholders in the border industry.

      – The Vanguard Group owns shares in 15 of the 17 companies, including over 15% of the shares of CoreCivic and GEO Group that manage private prisons and detention facilities.

      - Other important investors are Blackrock, which is a major shareholder in 11 companies, Capital Research and Management (part of the Capital Group), with shares in arms giants Airbus and Lockheed Martin, and State Street Global Advisors (SsgA), which owns over 15% of Lockheed Martin shares and is also a major shareholder in six other companies.

      - Although these giant asset management firms dominate, two of the profiled companies, Cobham and IDEMIA, are currently owned by the private equity firm Advent International. Advent specialises in buyouts and restructuring, and it seems likely that it will attempt to split up Cobham in the hope of making a profit by selling on the component companies to other owners.

      - In addition, three large European arms companies, Airbus, Thales and Leonardo, active in the border security market, are partly owned by the governments of the countries where they are headquartered.

      In all cases, therefore, the financing depends on our money. In the case of state ownership, through our taxes, and in terms of asset management funds, through the way individual savings, pension funds, insurance companies and university endowments are directly invested in these companies via the giant Asset Management Funds. This financing means that the border industry survives on at least the tacit approved use of the public’s funds which makes it vulnerable to social pressure as the human rights costs of the industry become ever more clear.
      Human rights and the border industry

      Universal human rights apply to every single human being, including refugees and migrants. While the International Bill of Human Rights provides the foundation, including defining universal rights that are important in the context of migration, such as the right to life, liberty and security of person, the right to freedom from torture or cruel or inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment, and freedom from discrimination, there are other instruments such as the United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees (Refugee Convention or Geneva Convention) of 1951 that are also relevant. There are also regional agreements, including the Organisation of African Unity Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa and the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) that play a role relevant to the countries that have ratified them.

      Yet despite these important and legally binding human rights agreements, the human rights situation for refugees and migrants has become ever more desperate. States frequently deny their rights under international law, such as the right to seek asylum or non-refoulement principles, or more general rights such as the freedom from torture, cruel or inhumane treatment. There is a gap with regard to effective legal means or grievance mechanisms to counter this or to legally enforce or hold to account states that fail to implement instruments such as the UDHR and the Refugee Convention of 1951. A Permanent Peoples Tribunal in 2019 even concluded that ‘taken together, the immigration and asylum policies and practices of the EU and its Member States constitute a total denial of the fundamental rights of people and migrants, and are veritable crimes against humanity’. A similar conclusion can be made of the US and Australian border and immigration regime.

      The increased militarisation of border security worldwide and state-sanctioned hostility toward migrants has had a deeply detrimental impact on the human rights of refugees and migrants.

      – Increased border security has led to direct violence against refugees, pushbacks with the risk of returning people to unsafe countries and inhumane circumstances (contravening the principle of non-refoulement), and a disturbing rise in avoidable deaths, as countries close off certain migration routes, forcing migrants to look for other, often more dangerous, alternatives and pushing them into the arms of criminal smuggling networks.

      – The increased use of autonomous systems of border security such as drones threaten new dangers related to human rights. There is already evidence that they push migrants to take more dangerous routes, but there is also concern that there is a gradual trend towards weaponized systems that will further threaten migrants’ lives.

      – The rise in deportations has threatened fundamental human rights including the right to family unity, the right to seek asylum, the right to humane treatment in detention, the right to due process, and the rights of children’. There have been many instances of violence in the course of deportations, sometimes resulting in death or permanent harm, against desperate people who try to do everything to prevent being deported. Moreover, deportations often return refugees to unsafe countries, where they face violence, persecution, discrimination and poverty.

      - The widespread detention of migrants also fundamentally undermines their human rights . There have been many reports of violence and neglect by guards and prison authorities, limited access to adequate legal and medical support, a lack of decent food, overcrowding and poor and unhealthy conditions. Privatisation of detention exacerbates these problems, because companies benefit from locking up a growing number of migrants and minimising costs.

      – The building of major migration databases such as EU’s Eurodac and SIS II, VIS gives rise to a range of human rights concerns, including issues of privacy, civil liberties, bias leading to discrimination—worsened by AI processes -, and misuse of collected information. Migrants are already subject to unprecedented levels of surveillance, and are often now treated as guinea pigs where even more intrusive technologies such as facial recognition and social media tracking are tried out without migrants consent.

      The trend towards externalisation of migration policies raises new concerns as it seeks to put the human costs of border militarisation beyond the border and out of public sight. This has led to the EU, US and Australia all cooperating with authoritarian regimes to try and prevent migrants from even getting close to their borders. Moreover as countries donate money, equipment or training to security forces in authoritarian regimes, they end up expanding and strengthening their capacities which leads to a rise in human rights violations more broadly. Nowhere are the human rights consequences of border externalisation policies clearer than in the case of Libya, where the EU and individual member states (in particular Italy and Malta) funding, training and cooperation with security forces and militias have led to violence at the borders, murder, disappearances, rape, enslavement and abuse of migrants in the country and torture in detention centres.

      The 23 corporations profiled in this report have all been involved in or connected to policies and practices that have come under fire because of violations of the human rights of refugees and migrants. As mentioned earlier, sometimes the companies are directly responsible for human rights violations or concerns. In other cases, they are indirectly responsible through their contribution to a border infrastructure that denies human rights and through lobbying to influence policy-making to prioritize militarized responses to migration. 11 of the companies profiled publicly proclaim their commitment to human rights as signatories to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), but as these are weak voluntary codes this has not led to noticeable changes in their business operations related to migration.

      The most prominent examples of direct human rights abuses come from the corporations involved in detention and deportation. Classic Air Charter, Cobham, CoreCivic, Eurasylum, G4S, GEO Group, Mitie and Serco all have faced allegations of violence and abuse by their staff towards migrants. G4S has been one of the companies most often in the spotlight. In 2017, not only were assaults by its staff on migrants at the Brook House immigration removal centre in the UK broadcast by the BBC, but it was also hit with a class suit in Australia by almost 2,000 people who are or were detained at the externalised detention centre on Manus Island, because of physical and psychological injuries as a result of harsh treatment and dangerous conditions. The company eventually settled the case for A$70 million (about $53 million) in the largest-ever human rights class-action settlement. G4S has also faced allegations related to its involvement in deportations.

      The other companies listed all play a pivotal role in the border infrastructure that denies refugees’ human rights. Airbus P-3 Orion surveillance planes of the Australian Air Force, for example, play a part in the highly controversial maritime wall that prevents migrants arriving by boat and leads to their detention in terrible conditions offshore. Lockheed Martin is a leading supplier of border security on the US-Mexico border. Leonardo is one of the main suppliers of drones for Europe’s borders. Thales produces the radar and sensor systems, critical to patrolling the Mediterrean. Elbit Systems provides surveillance technologies to both the EU and US, marketed on their success as technologies used in the separation wall in the Palestinian occupied territories. Accenture, IDEMIA and Sopra Steria manage many border biometric projects. Deloitte has been one of the key consulting companies to the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency since 2003, while PriceWaterhouseCoopers provides similar consultancy services to Frontex and the Australian border forces. IBM, Palantir and UNISYS provide the IT infrastructure that underpins the border and immigration apparatus.
      Time to divest

      The report concludes by calling for campaigns to divest from the border industry. There is a long history of campaigns and movements that call for divestment from industries that support human rights violations—from the campaigns to divest from Apartheid South Africa to more recent campaigns to divest from the fossil fuel industry. The border industry has become an equally morally toxic asset for any financial institution, given the litany of human rights abuses tied to it and the likelihood they will intensify in years to come.

      There are already examples of existing campaigns targeting particular border industries that have borne fruit. A spotlight on US migrant detention, as part of former President Trump’s anti- immigration policies, contributed to six large US banks (Bank of America, BNP Paribas, Fifth Third Bancorp, JPMorgan Chase, SunTrust, and Wells Fargo) publicly announcing that they would not provide new financing to the private prison industry. The two largest public US pension funds, CalSTRS and CalPERS, also decided to divest from the same two companies. Geo Group acknowledged that these acts of ‘public resistance’ hit the company financially, criticising the banks as ‘clearly bow[ing] down to a small group of activists protesting and conducting targeted social media campaigns’.

      Every company involved or accused of human rights violations either denies them or says that they are atypical exceptions to corporate behavior. This report shows however that a militarised border regime built on exclusion will always be a violent apparatus that perpetuates human rights violations. It is a regime that every day locks up refugees in intolerable conditions, separates families causing untold trauma and heartbreak, and causes a devastating death toll as refugees are forced to take unimaginable dangerous journeys because the alternatives are worse. However well-intentioned, any industry that provides services and products for this border regime will bear responsibility for its human consequences and its human rights violations, and over time will suffer their own serious reputational costs for their involvement in this immoral industry. On the other hand, a widespread exodus of the leading corporations on which the border regime depends could force states to change course, and to embrace a politics that protects and upholds the rights of refugees and migrants. Worldwide, social movements and the public are starting to wake up to the human costs of border militarisation and demanding a fundamental change. It is time now for the border industry and their financiers to make a choice.


      #TNI #rapport
      #industrie_frontalière #militarisation_des_frontières #biométrie #Intelligence_artificielle #AI #IA

      #Accenture #Airbus #Booz_Allen_Hamilton #Classic_Air_Charter #Cobham #CoreCivic #Deloitte #Elbit #Eurasylum #G4S #GEO_Group #IBM #IDEMIA #Leonardo #Lockheed_Martin #Mitie #Palantir #PricewaterhouseCoopers #Serco #Sopra_Steria #Thales #Thomson_Reuters #Unisys
      #contrôles_frontaliers #surveillance #technologie #Jean-Pierre_Talamoni #Airbus_Defence_and_Space (#ADS) #smart_borders #frontières_intelligentes #iris #empreintes_digitales #réseaux_sociaux #IT #Civipol #Mali #Sénégal #renvois #expulsions #déportations #Mitie #Classic_Air_Charter #compagnies_aériennes #United_Airlines #ICE #American_Airlines #Delta_Airlines #rétention #détention_administrative #privatisation #Broadspectrum #Canstruct_International #Paladin_Solutions #Wilson_Security #Operation_Sophia #EU_Trust_Fund #Trust_Fund #externalisation #Eurasylum #Deloitte #PricewaterhouseCoopers #Vanguard_Group #CoreCivic #Blackrock #investisseurs #investissement #Capital_Research_and_Management #Capital_Group #Lockheed_Martin #State_Street_Global_Advisors (#SsgA) #Cobham #IDEMIA #Advent_International #droits_humains #VIS #SIS_II #P-3_Orion #Accenture #Sopra_Steria #Frontex #Australie

    • Outsourcing oppression. How Europe externalises migrant detention beyond its shores

      This report seeks to address the gap and join the dots between Europe’s outsourcing of migrant detention to third countries and the notorious conditions within the migrant detention centres. In a nutshell, Europe calls the shots on migrant detention beyond its shores but is rarely held to account for the deeply oppressive consequences, including arbitrary detention, torture, forced disappearance, violence, sexual violence, and death.

      Key findings

      – The European Union (EU), and its member states, externalise detention to third countries as part of a strategy to keep migrants out at all costs. This leads to migrants being detained and subjected to gross human rights violations in transit countries in Eastern Europe, the Balkans, West Asia and Africa.

      – Candidate countries wishing to join the EU are obligated to detain migrants and stop them from crossing into the EU as a prerequisite for accession to the Union. Funding is made available through pre-accession agreements specifically for the purpose of detaining migrants.

      – Beyond EU candidate countries, this report identifies 22 countries in Africa, Eastern Europe, the Balkans and West Asia where the EU and its member states fund the construction of detention centres, detention related activities such as trainings, or advocate for detention in other ways such as through aggressively pushing for detention legislation or agreeing to relax visa requirements for nationals of these countries in exchange for increased migrant detention.

      - The main goal of detention externalisation is to pre-empt migrants from reaching the external borders of the EU by turning third countries into border outposts. In many cases this involves the EU and its member states propping up and maintaining authoritarian regimes.

      – Europe is in effect following the ‘Australian model’ that has been highly criticised by UN experts and human rights organisations for the torturous conditions inside detention centres. Nevertheless, Europe continues to advance a system that mirrors Australia’s outsourced model, focusing not on guaranteeing the rights of migrants, but instead on deterring and pushing back would-be asylum seekers at all costs.

      - Human rights are systematically violated in detention centres directly and indirectly funded by the EU and its member states, including cases of torture, arbitrary and prolonged detention, sexual violence, no access to legal recourse, humanitarian assistance, or asylum procedures, the detention of victims of trafficking, and many other serious violations in which Europe is implicated.

      - Particularly horrendous is the case of Libya, which continues to receive financial and political support from Europe despite mounting evidence of brutality, enslavement, torture, forced disappearance and death. The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), implement EU policies in Libya and, according to aid officials, actively whitewash the consequences of European policies to safeguard substantial EU funding.

      - Not only does the EU deport and push back migrants to unsafe third countries, it actively finances and coercively pushes for their detention in these countries. Often they have no choice but to sign ‘voluntary’ agreements to be returned to their countries of origin as the only means of getting out of torturous detention facilities.

      - The EU implements a carrot and stick approach, in particular in its dealings with Africa, prolonging colonialist dynamics and uneven power structures – in Niger, for example, the EU pushed for legislation on detention, in exchange for development aid funding.

      – The EU envisages a greater role for migrant detention in third countries going forward, as was evidenced in the European Commission’s New Pact on Migration and Asylum.

      - The EU acts on the premise of containment and deterrence, namely, that if migrants seeking to reach Europe are intercepted and detained along that journey, they will be deterred from making the journey in the first place. This approach completely misses the point that people migrate to survive, often fleeing war and other forms of violence. The EU continues to overlook the structural reasons behind why people flee and the EU’s own role in provoking such migration.

      – The border industrial complex profits from the increased securitisation of borders. Far from being passive spectators, the military and security industry is actively involved in shaping EU border policies by positioning themselves as experts on the issue. We can already see a trend of privatising migrant detention, paralleling what is happening in prison systems worldwide.


      pour télécharger le rapport :

      #externalisation #rétention #détention #détention_arbitraire #violence #disparitions #disparitions_forcées #violence #violence_sexuelle #morts #mort #décès #Afrique #Europe_de_l'Est #Balkans #Asie #modèle_australien #EU #UE #Union_européenne #torture #Libye #droits_humains #droits_fondamentaux #HCR #UNHCR #OIM #IOM #dissuasion #privatisation

    • Fortress Europe: the millions spent on military-grade tech to deter refugees

      We map out the rising number of #high-tech surveillance and deterrent systems facing asylum seekers along EU borders.

      From military-grade drones to sensor systems and experimental technology, the EU and its members have spent hundreds of millions of euros over the past decade on technologies to track down and keep at bay the refugees on its borders.

      Poland’s border with Belarus is becoming the latest frontline for this technology, with the country approving last month a €350m (£300m) wall with advanced cameras and motion sensors.

      The Guardian has mapped out the result of the EU’s investment: a digital wall on the harsh sea, forest and mountain frontiers, and a technological playground for military and tech companies repurposing products for new markets.

      The EU is central to the push towards using technology on its borders, whether it has been bought by the EU’s border force, Frontex, or financed for member states through EU sources, such as its internal security fund or Horizon 2020, a project to drive innovation.

      In 2018, the EU predicted that the European security market would grow to €128bn (£108bn) by 2020. Beneficiaries are arms and tech companies who heavily courted the EU, raising the concerns of campaigners and MEPs.

      “In effect, none of this stops people from crossing; having drones or helicopters doesn’t stop people from crossing, you just see people taking more risky ways,” says Jack Sapoch, formerly with Border Violence Monitoring Network. “This is a history that’s so long, as security increases on one section of the border, movement continues in another section.”

      Petra Molnar, who runs the migration and technology monitor at Refugee Law Lab, says the EU’s reliance on these companies to develop “hare-brained ideas” into tech for use on its borders is inappropriate.

      “They rely on the private sector to create these toys for them. But there’s very little regulation,” she says. “Some sort of tech bro is having a field day with this.”

      “For me, what’s really sad is that it’s almost a done deal that all this money is being spent on camps, enclosures, surveillance, drones.”

      Air Surveillance

      Refugees and migrants trying to enter the EU by land or sea are watched from the air. Border officers use drones and helicopters in the Balkans, while Greece has airships on its border with Turkey. The most expensive tool is the long-endurance Heron drone operating over the Mediterranean.

      Frontex awarded a €100m (£91m) contract last year for the Heron and Hermes drones made by two Israeli arms companies, both of which had been used by the Israeli military in the Gaza Strip. Capable of flying for more than 30 hours and at heights of 10,000 metres (30,000 feet), the drones beam almost real-time feeds back to Frontex’s HQ in Warsaw.

      Missions mostly start from Malta, focusing on the Libyan search and rescue zone – where the Libyan coastguard will perform “pull backs” when informed by EU forces of boats trying to cross the Mediterranean.

      German MEP Özlem Demirel is campaigning against the EU’s use of drones and links to arms companies, which she says has turned migration into a security issue.

      “The arms industries are saying: ‘This is a security problem, so buy my weapons, buy my drones, buy my surveillance system,’” says Demirel.

      “The EU is always talking about values like human rights, [speaking out] against violations but … week-by-week we see more people dying and we have to question if the EU is breaking its values,” she says.

      Sensors and cameras

      EU air assets are accompanied on the ground by sensors and specialised cameras that border authorities throughout Europe use to spot movement and find people in hiding. They include mobile radars and thermal cameras mounted on vehicles, as well as heartbeat detectors and CO2 monitors used to detect signs of people concealed inside vehicles.

      Greece deploys thermal cameras and sensors along its land border with Turkey, monitoring the feeds from operations centres, such as in Nea Vyssa, near the meeting of the Greek, Turkish and Bulgarian borders. Along the same stretch, in June, Greece deployed a vehicle-mounted sound cannon that blasts “deafening” bursts of up to 162 decibels to force people to turn back.

      Poland is hoping to emulate Greece in response to the crisis on its border with Belarus. In October, its parliament approved a €350m wall that will stretch along half the border and reach up to 5.5 metres (18 feet), equipped with motion detectors and thermal cameras.

      Surveillance centres

      In September, Greece opened a refugee camp on the island of Samos that has been described as prison-like. The €38m (£32m) facility for 3,000 asylum seekers has military-grade fencing and #CCTV to track people’s movements. Access is controlled by fingerprint, turnstiles and X-rays. A private security company and 50 uniformed officers monitor the camp. It is the first of five that Greece has planned; two more opened in November.


      At the same time, Greece opened a new surveillance centre on Samos, capable of viewing video feeds from the country’s 35 refugee camps from a wall of monitors. Greece says the “smart” software helps to alert camps of emergencies.

      Artificial intelligence

      The EU spent €4.5m (£3.8m) on a three-year trial of artificial intelligence-powered lie detectors in Greece, Hungary and Latvia. A machine scans refugees and migrants’ facial expressions as they answer questions it poses, deciding whether they have lied and passing the information on to a border officer.

      The last trial finished in late 2019 and was hailed as a success by the EU but academics have called it pseudoscience, arguing that the “micro-expressions” the software analyses cannot be reliably used to judge whether someone is lying. The software is the subject of a court case taken by MEP Patrick Breyer to the European court of justice in Luxembourg, arguing that there should be more public scrutiny of such technology. A decision is expected on 15 December.


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  • C’est ce que les médias sociaux nous font...

    Je le confirme pour le web, les gens sont incroyablement impatient, un page web doit être visible en 600ms, sinon Google... vous pénalise. Pour le reste ça renvoie à ce que disait LHDSR sur la dopamine,



    Une étude scientifique après l’autre montre que trop de temps sur les médias sociaux peut être extrêmement nocif, tant mentalement que physiquement. Mais même si la plupart d’entre nous le savent, très peu d’entre nous modifient réellement leur comportement de manière significative. Lorsque Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram et d’autres grandes plateformes de médias sociaux ont vu le jour, nous les avons accueillis à bras ouverts. Ils étaient très amusants et nous ont permis d’interagir avec la famille, les amis et la société dans son ensemble d’une manière que (...)

    #En_vedette #Actualités_High-Tech #High_Tech

  • N’attendez pas : comment parler aux adolescents du porno ?

    C’est un sujet que j’ai survolé avec mes enfants (2 garçons), mais ils sont maintenant grand (19 & 23 ans), ils ont donc fait leur propre expérience sur internet, mais après avoir lu ce billet, je vais aborder le thème avec eux, et leur expliquer l’envers du décors, et notamment les produits que prennent certains acteurs ainsi que le statut des femmes dans ces films. Nous on n’est pas trop macho (au contraire certaines me trouve même « soumis », si, si je vous jure, alors que ce n’est pas le cas, j’ai juste l’expérience issue de nos 28 ans de mariage... ; ))) donc ils n’ont pas ce type de comportement dénigrant avec la gente féminine.

    Sur ce je vous souhaite une bonne soirée.

    Amitiés, ; )


    Je n’arrêtais pas d’y penser. Illustration : David Senior/The Guardian

    Une génération (...)

    #En_vedette #Actualités_High-Tech #High_Tech

  • Comment la technologie peut-elle changer radicalement la Terre ?

    Dans le monde actuel, il y aura toujours des innovateurs et des créateurs qui veulent avoir un impact sur le monde, ce qui signifie que le changement est un processus naturel. La technologie a eu un impact majeur sur notre vie, facilitant par exemple le contact avec des personnes. Dans nos jours vous pouvez améliorer la réception 4G et avoir la connexion dans n’importe quel point du monde. Avec un bon amplificateur GSM 4G il est presqu’impossible de vous perdre même dans les jungles épaisses. Dans cet article, nous vous présenterons cinq façons dont la technologie aidera à changer le monde actuel.

    Voitures autonomes

    Grâce aux voitures de technologie moderne, les voitures sont plus rapides, plus robustes et elles roulent plus longtemps, ce qui signifie qu’elles sont devenues beaucoup plus (...)

    #En_vedette #Actualités_High-Tech #High_Tech

  • #MDR : Voler une tesla avec un bout de câble electrique

    Deux voleurs ont utilisé une étonnante technique pour voler une voiture électrique garée devant un pavillon au Royaume-Uni. Ils ont été filmés.


    . . . .
    il n’aura fallu qu’une trentaine de secondes, pour que deux voleurs s’emparent de sa voiture, garée devant son domicile, dans la nuit de mardi à mercredi.

    L’homme a pu revoir toute la scène grâce aux images de surveillance capturées par sa sonnette connectée Ring. Elles montrent un homme s’approcher de la porte d’entrée de l’habitation et sortir de son sac une sorte de long câble électrique servant de système relais. Sans toucher le véhicule, la Model S se déverrouille après quelques secondes permettant à un complice de repartir au volant de la voiture valant plus de 90 000 pounds (99 000 euros) .
    En pratique, les malfrats ont étendu le signal de la clef électronique de la voiture en misant sur le fait que la victime l’avait laissée près de la porte d’entrée.
    . . . . .

    #tesla #piege_à_cons #elon_musk #baudruche #Actualités_High-Tech #High_Tech #voiture_électrique #vol

  • Amazon va donner les articles invendus afin d’éviter le gaspillage (Phonandroid)

    Amazon lance un nouveau programme dont le but est d’offrir les produits invendus plutôt que de les détruire. L’entreprise compte ce faisant réduire le gaspillage, elle qui se débarrasse chaque année de millions de produits invendus ou retournés par les clients.

    Amazon s’est retrouvé au cœur d’une polémique en début d’année. Un reportage de M6 dévoilait comment des millions de produits sont détruits chaque année rien qu’en France. Cette enquête a eu un écho mondial, d’autant plus que cette pratique concerne visiblement tous les pays dans lesquels l’entreprise stocke des produits. Amazon s’était fendu dans la foulée d’une explication qui avait tout l’air d’un rejet du tort sur les vendeurs tiers. Avec son nouveau programme baptisé FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon), la firme offre aux revendeurs la possibilité d’offrir (...)

    #En_vedette #Actualités_High-Tech #High_Tech

  • Traversée de la Manche en Flyboard : Doigts arrachés, voiture volante et « bonne étoile »... Le destin fou de Franky Zapata (20 minutes)

    Franchement je connais un peut les drones les turbines, les modèles réduits, les gps, etc.. Mais son Flyboard c’est juste un exploit, il faut aussi un côté logiciel pour piloter tout cela, alors comment à t’il fait ? j’ai aussi du mal a comprendre comment il pilote son Flyboard, je suppose que c’est en rapport avec ses deux joysticks type VR, mais franchement je suis bluffé., pour le reste effectivement il y a plein d’applications, même des provisions volantes ou des brancards volants pour les fantassins, la livraison par drone de pharmacies, les plates-formes pétrolières, etc..

    On lui souhaite bonne chance pour demain, le matériel vas être mise à rude épreuve....

    Franky Zapata va tenter de traverser la Manche ce jeudi. — B. Horvat / AFP

    PORTRAIT Ce Marseillais de 40 ans tente de (...)

    #En_vedette #Actualités_High-Tech #High_Tech

  • YouTube, Netflix, sites porno : via leurs vidéos en ligne, ils sont une catastrophe pour le climat (La Dépèche)

    Notre Hébergeur Infomaniak, a lui un centre de donnée écologique

    En 2018, les vidéos en ligne ont généré 300 millions de tonnes de CO2, soit l’équivalent d’1% des émissions mondiales de gaz à effet de serre

    Selon une étude menée par The Shift Project, un think-tank français, le niveau de gaz à effet de serre émis par les vidéos en ligne a atteint un niveau alarmant. Plus globalement, le numérique émet aujourd’hui 4% des gaz à effet de serre mondiaux, soit plus que le transport aérien civil.

    En 2018, les vidéos en ligne ont généré 300 millions de tonnes de CO2, selon une étude menée par The Shift Project, un groupe de réflexion français, publiée le 11 juillet dernier. C’est l’équivalent d’1% des émissions mondiales de gaz à effet de serre.

    "Ce rapport montre que l’essentiel des (...)

    #En_vedette #Actualités_High-Tech #High_Tech