• Covid-19 : Hongkong élargit sa stratégie d’isolement international, les passagers aériens de plus de 150 pays interdits de transit

    Covid-19 : Hongkong élargit sa stratégie d’isolement international, les passagers aériens de plus de 150 pays interdits de transit. Entrer à Hongkong restera en revanche possible pour les personnes provenant de ces pays jugés à « haut risque », à condition qu’elles soient vaccinées et moyennant vingt et un jours de quarantaine.Hongkong élargit sa stratégie d’isolement international. Les passagers aériens en provenance de 153 pays ne pourront plus transiter par la région administrative spéciale chinoise, afin de prévenir la propagation du Covid-19, a annoncé, vendredi 14 janvier, l’aéroport de la ville. Cette suspension, qui concerne tous les pays classés à « haut risque » sanitaire par les autorités hongkongaises, prendra effet dimanche pour une durée d’un mois. Elle vise à « contrôler la propagation du très contagieux variant Omicron du Covid-19 », a précisé l’aéroport sur son site Internet. Hongkong interdit déjà l’accès à son territoire, depuis le 8 janvier, à tout passager ayant séjourné plus de deux heures au cours des vingt et un derniers jours dans huit pays (Australie, Canada, Etats-Unis, France, Inde, Pakistan, Philippines, Royaume-Uni).
    Le transit par l’aéroport de Hongkong sera désormais impossible pour les personnes provenant de tous les autres pays jugés à « haut risque ». Si les correspondances sont donc proscrites pour ces voyageurs, entrer à Hongkong, en revanche, restera possible pour eux à condition qu’ils soient vaccinés et moyennant vingt et un jours de quarantaine. Avec la Chine continentale, Hongkong est l’un des derniers endroits du monde à s’accrocher à la stratégie de « zéro Covid », consistant à éviter à tout prix la propagation du coronavirus sur son territoire et en une politique draconienne d’isolement des malades et de leurs contacts. Cette stratégie a permis à la ville de 7,5 millions d’habitants de n’enregistrer qu’un peu plus de 12 000 cas et seulement 213 décès depuis le début de la pandémie, mais au prix d’un isolement international coûteux pour ce grand centre financier mondial. Les autorités sont sur le pied de guerre depuis l’apparition d’un petit foyer de contaminations locales dues au variant Omicron dans un restaurant, qui a déclenché des campagnes de tests massives, un traçage effréné des cas contacts, la fermeture des bars, installations sportives, écoles, cinémas et musées et un couvre-feu pour les restaurants à partir de 18 heures.


  • Millions more Chinese people ordered into lockdown to fight Covid outbreaks | China | The Guardian

    Millions more Chinese people ordered into lockdown to fight Covid outbreaks. Omicron cases prompt tough measures in Anyang, a city of five million, as concerns grows ahead of Winter Olympics
    Millions more people in China have been ordered into lockdown and Hong Kong has banned transit passengers from 150 places as China continues to battle outbreaks across several provinces a few weeks before the Winter Olympics.China’s national health commission reported 110 new locally transmitted Covid-19 cases for Monday, including 87 in Henan province, 13 in Shaanxi, and 10 in Tianjin.The cases in Henan, which include at least some of the highly transmissible Omicron variant, prompted the lockdown of five million residents in the city of Anyang on Monday evening. Anyang recorded 58 of the 87 Henan cases. At least two Omicron cases have been confirmed in the city in recent days, linked to an outbreak in Tianjin, about 500km away.Anyang residents have been ordered into their homes and banned from driving on the roads, according to the state news agency Xinhua. Non-essential businesses have been closed down. Also in Henan, Zhengzhou city has closed schools and kindergartens and barred in-restaurant dining, while Yuzhou remains in lockdown.Xi’an city in northern China is in its third week of strict lockdown, while Shenzhen in the south has implemented targeted lockdowns of some housing compounds and launched a mass testing drive.
    Across numerous Chinese cities, public and long distance transport has been reduced or suspended, including multiple flights from the US.Tianjin is of particular concern to authorities over its proximity to Beijing, and officials have pledged to fulfil the city’s role as a “moat” to protect the capital. The origin of the Omicron strain is eluding officials. Zhang Ying, the deputy director of the city’s CDC, recently said it may have been spreading “for some time” before it was detected.With the Winter Olympics just around the corner, there are mounting concerns and rumours circulating about harsher restrictions to come. On Saturday a 39-year-old woman was arrested for allegedly disseminating false information about plans to shut down the popular Beijing party district Sanlitun, and on Tuesday the Beijing organising committee rejected rumours of plans to close some or all of the city during the games. Deputy director Huang Chun said the Omicron variant was spreading quickly around the world but the “closed loop” system for athletes, employees and others attending was running “smoothly” and there was no need to adjust it unless there was an outbreak within it.In Hong Kong, where a relatively small number of Omicron cases have also been detected, authorities have reportedly planned to ban all international transit passengers coming from about 150 places. Bloomberg reported on Monday the ban would be extended to air passengers from “Group A” countries, which have been designated high-risk, from 15 January to 14 February. According to Bloomberg, diplomats, government officials, athletes and staff travelling to the Games would be exempt from the ban.China is under pressure to maintain its official commitment to a zero-Covid strategy which has been challenged by the latest outbreaks and Omicron cases. As of December officials claimed to have fully vaccinated more than 82% of the population. However there are concerns that Omicron has a substantial ability to evade immune responses and current vaccines are less effective.
    China uses Sinovac and Sinopharm, two domestically developed and produced vaccines based on inactivated viruses. Dr Daryl Cheng, medical leader for the Melbourne vaccine education centre, said there were concerns that these types of vaccines appear to have a higher rate of breakthrough infections with Omicron.“We’re stuck in a perfect storm at the moment where Omicron is significantly infectious, and in places like China where they may have a higher rate of breakthrough infections,” Cheng told the Guardian.“It puts the population at significant risk of infection … [and] if you’re going for Covid-zero it puts higher strain on resources.”
    Cheng said Sinovac and Sinopharm – like all currently used vaccines – were developed before Omicron appeared, and so it was expected that they all would have reduced effectiveness, as happens with vaccines against new variations of the flu, which are adjusted each year.Some countries are giving a booster on top of citizens’ two doses with a different type of vaccine, often an mRNA type. China had indicated it would approve the mRNA vaccine developed by Pfizer for domestic use in 2021 but has not done so. There are no mRNA vaccines approved for use in China. Cheng said China may be developing an mRNA vaccine but Omicron was “spreading by the day”.


  • A Hongkong, le désarroi des « ex-covidés » contraints à l’isolement

    A Hongkong, le désarroi des « ex-covidés » contraints à l’isolement
    Un nouvel espace pour personnes guéries a ouvert, dimanche 2 janvier, dans l’un des halls du centre d’exposition Asia World. Témoignages de ces « isolés » vivant dans des conditions kafkaïennes, où seule compte la « procédure ».« Le pire de tout, ce n’est ni l’inconfort ni le manque complet d’intimité, c’est l’absence totale d’explication et de communication sur les raisons de notre présence ici ! » Cette personne, qui s’est confiée au Monde sous le couvert de l’anonymat, est l’une des premières à avoir été envoyées dans le nouvel espace d’isolement pour « ex-covidés » de Hongkong, installé au sein du centre d’exposition Asia World Expo, ouvert dimanche 2 janvier. En vertu de la nouvelle politique annoncée par le gouvernement, fin octobre 2021, les patients guéris ne doivent plus seulement s’imposer une période d’isolement après leur séjour à l’hôpital, mais, en dépit de leur non-contagiosité, ils doivent le faire sous surveillance et en groupe, dans l’un des centres de quarantaine ad hoc.
    Déjà mobilisé en 2020 pour accueillir les malades légers du Covid-19 (Hongkong hospitalise tous ses cas, même asymptomatiques), l’Asia World Expo vient donc d’être transformé en un gigantesque dortoir public pour patients guéris. Pour l’heure, une cinquantaine de personnes, principalement des résidents étrangers de Hongkong, y sont installées. Leur isolement est d’ailleurs relatif puisque les pensionnaires confinés dans cet espace de la taille d’environ deux terrains de football vivent dans une grande promiscuité. lls n’ont, de surcroît, accès ni à l’air libre ni à la lumière du jour. Il leur est interdit de se faire livrer des repas de l’extérieur et sont constamment surveillés. Certains se plaignent de la température glaciale due à l’air conditionné, qui les oblige à porter leur manteau jour et nuit.
    Les quelque cinq cents box d’environ 12 mètres carrés chacun, entourés de trois cloisons, sont collés les uns aux autres, par blocs de dix-huit. Chaque espace individuel est équipé d’un lit d’hôpital sur roulettes, d’une tablette de travail, d’une chaise en plastique et d’une commode. Les hommes et les femmes sont installés dans deux zones distinctes, mais tous ont droit aux mêmes pyjamas des hôpitaux de Hongkong, taillés depuis l’époque coloniale dans un indémodable tartan, vert, bleu et blanc. Dans cet environnement, le coin détente équipé de canapés colorés et d’une télévision ne parvient à combattre l’aspect angoissant d’un lieu totalement déshumanisé, rendu plus glauque encore par la lueur blafarde de grosses lampes industrielles, dont la moitié restent allumées toute la nuit.
    Chaque cellule ressemble plus à un stand d’exposition donnant sur l’allée-couloir qu’à une chambre. Les images du site évoquent une œuvre dystopique, une installation surréaliste où chaque être humain se trouve dans une case rigoureusement identique à celle du voisin, relié à sa vraie vie par son écran. Séparés les uns des autres par une simple cloison en Plexiglas et sans le moindre rideau pour offrir un minimum d’intimité, les « isolés » sont constamment exposés aux regards. Les seuls endroits où le « patient » peut savourer un peu de solitude sont les salles d’eau et les toilettes, installées dans un conteneur à l’extérieur du bâtiment. « Ils ont l’air convaincus que nous sommes malades, en dépit du fait que nous avons tous été négatifs aux tests », un des pensionnaires. Des stations médicales automatisées sont mises à la disposition des anciens malades, obligés, une fois par jour, de contrôler leur tension et leur température. Les résultats sont envoyés automatiquement à des infirmiers invisibles, qui réagissent parfois en téléphonant. « Ils nous appellent régulièrement pour nous demander si nous n’avons pas de symptômes du Covid. Ils ont l’air convaincus que nous sommes malades, en dépit du fait que nous avons tous été négatifs aux tests à plusieurs reprises. C’est totalement absurde », raconte un des pensionnaires de l’Asia World Expo. Il constate, comme tous ses camarades d’infortune, que, depuis le début de cette opération, ils n’ont vu aucun responsable de ce système et n’ont eu affaire qu’à des exécutants. Leur maître mot : la « procédure » à respecter. « Nous n’avons aucune idée de la raison de notre transfert ici, que j’ai appris la veille de ma sortie de l’hôpital, sans la moindre explication. On a été amenés en bus, les gens étaient restés en pyjama… Il n’y a personne à qui nous adresser. Déjà, à l’hôpital, les infirmiers et les médecins disaient que ce n’était pas eux qui décidaient. Et quand on appelle nos consulats, ils assurent tous qu’il s’agit d’une politique locale sur laquelle ils n’ont aucune prise », témoigne un autre « isolé ». « Quand quelqu’un est privé de sa liberté, un droit élémentaire est qu’il soit informé des raisons de sa situation », commente un avocat des droits de l’homme, consulté sur cette situation, qui, dans le contexte de plus en plus punitif de Hongkong, a souhaité, lui aussi, conservé l’anonymat. Dans le grand hall des guéris isolés, les journées sont rythmées par des annonces incessantes qui résonnent de loin, comme dans un aéroport ; une voix doucereuse rappelle l’obligation du port du masque et l’importance de la distanciation physique. Trois fois par jour, et toujours en trois langues (cantonais, mandarin, anglais), ils annoncent aussi que les repas sont servis et qu’il faut aller chercher sa boîte. « Il y a tellement d’annonces qu’il est presque impossible de passer un appel professionnel », affirme un jeune homme d’affaires, qui aura passé trente-cinq jours sous « surveillance », sans n’avoir jamais eu de fièvre ou de symptômes. Les personnes présentes dans ce centre étaient toutes positives au virus soit à leur arrivée à Hongkong soit pendant leur séjour de quarantaine obligatoire à l’hôtel (vingt et un jours pour la quasi-totalité des visiteurs) ; elles ont donc toutes déjà passé au moins quatorze jours à l’hôpital.
    La nouvelle politique exige en outre une charge virale extrêmement faible pour être autorisé à sortir des centres de soin. Dès l’annonce de cette nouvelle mesure, en octobre 2021, le professeur Ben Cowling, chef du département d’épidémiologie de l’université de Hongkong, l’avait qualifiée de « gaspillage de ressources, qui nuit activement au bien-être du patient sans apporter aucun bénéfice à la communauté. C’est de toute évidence contraire à l’éthique ». « On a la preuve, sur la base de plus de 10 000 patients (…) que, dès lors qu’un médecin estime qu’un patient n’est plus contagieux, il n’y a plus aucun risque pour la communauté à le laisser rentrer chez lui », a-t-il affirmé, mercredi, au Monde. Il rappelle qu’il n’y a pas eu un seul cas documenté de transmission par un patient soigné pour le Covid à Hongkong, après son retour à la maison. Hongkong était déjà à l’avant-garde, avec la Chine, des mesures extrêmes dans sa gestion zéro Covid de la crise sanitaire. Mais l’ouverture de ces centres d’isolement pour personnes saines franchit un cap. Au bout de deux ans, le bilan de l’épidémie est de 213 morts et de 12 761 cas – la plupart importés et donc interceptés à la frontière ou pendant les premiers jours de quarantaine.
    Depuis l’apparition du premier cas de Covid contaminé par Omicron sur le territoire, dans un restaurant, fin décembre 2021, plus de deux cents personnes ont été envoyées dans un autre camp de quarantaine, situé à Penny’s Bay, pendant au moins deux semaines. La sévérité des mesures risque de se resserrer encore dans les jours à venir avec la prise de conscience que le nouveau variant circule déjà de manière significative.
    Pour autant, aucun média local n’a relevé le problème de légitimité médicale, voire de légalité, de ces séjours. Il faut dire que l’essentiel de la presse d’opposition de Hongkong a disparu au cours de ces six derniers mois et que le nouveau Parlement, investi lundi, est entièrement composé de « patriotes », soigneusement sélectionnés par les autorités et la police. Et les députés sont unis derrière la chef de l’exécutif, Carrie Lam. Paradoxalement, cette dernière est en faveur de la réouverture des frontières avec la Chine, où le nombre de foyers de Covid-19 se multiplie. Mercredi, Hongkong a interdit, pour deux semaines, l’arrivée de voyageurs en provenance de huit pays, dont la France, les Etats-Unis, le Royaume-Uni ou l’Inde.


  • Covid-19 dans le monde : malgré un nombre de contaminations sans précédent, l’Angleterre assouplit les restrictions sur les arrivées

    Covid-19 dans le monde : malgré un nombre de contaminations sans précédent, l’Angleterre assouplit les restrictions sur les arrivées
    De son côté, Hongkong a interdit les arrivées en provenance de huit pays, dont la France. Ces annonces surviennent alors que les contaminations au Covid-19 se multiplient à travers le monde.
    La pandémie a fait au moins 5,44 millions de morts dans le monde depuis décembre 2019, selon un bilan établi par l’Agence France-Presse (AFP) à partir de sources officielles souvent sous-estimées, mardi 4 janvier. Toutefois, l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) estime, en prenant en compte la surmortalité directement et indirectement liée au Covid-19, que le bilan de la pandémie pourrait être deux à trois fois plus élevé, soit 10 à 15 millions de morts. La mesure était très attendue par le secteur des transports. Le gouvernement britannique a annoncé mercredi un assouplissement des restrictions imposées aux voyageurs arrivant de l’étranger en Angleterre, qui avaient été introduites après l’apparition du variant Omicron.A partir de vendredi, les voyageurs n’auront plus à se faire dépister du Covid-19 avant leur trajet. Par ailleurs, ils n’auront plus, s’ils sont vaccinés, à s’isoler en attendant le résultat d’un test PCR réalisé après leur arrivée, a annoncé le premier ministre britannique, Boris Johnson, au Parlement.
    Ces annonces interviennent alors que le nombre de personnes infectées par le coronavirus a atteint des chiffres inégalés la semaine passée. Au Royaume-Uni, une personne sur vingt est atteinte est atteinte du Covid-19 et des pics à une personne sur dix ont été enregistrés à Londres, selon les estimations officielles publiées mercredi.
    Hongkong interdit les arrivées en provenance de huit pays. Le gouvernement de Hongkong a annoncé mercredi qu’il interdisait toute arrivée de voyageurs en provenance de huit pays, alors que les contaminations se multiplient à travers le monde. Le gouvernement de Hongkong a annoncé mercredi qu’il interdisait toute arrivée de voyageurs en provenance de huit pays, alors que les contaminations se multiplient à travers le monde. Le gouvernement de Hongkong a annoncé mercredi qu’il interdisait toute arrivée de voyageurs en provenance de huit pays pour tenter de prévenir la propagation du variant Omicron. Les pays concernés sont la France, le Canada, les Etats-Unis, le Royaume-Uni, l’Inde, le Pakistan, l’Australie et les Philippines. Autres mesures annoncées : l’interdiction des événements publics de grande ampleur et la fermeture de quinze types de commerces, dont les bars, les boîtes de nuit, les salles de sport et les salons de beauté. Dîner à l’intérieur des restaurants sera interdit après 18 heures.Hongkong, à l’instar de la Chine continentale, pratique une stratégie « zéro Covid » consistant en une longue quarantaine pour toute personne entrant sur son territoire et une politique draconienne d’isolement des malades et des cas contacts. Cette stratégie a permis à la mégapole de 7,5 millions d’habitants de n’enregistrer qu’un peu plus de 12 000 cas et seulement 213 morts depuis le début de la pandémie, mais au prix d’un isolement international coûteux pour ce grand centre financier mondial. Ces annonces surviennent alors que les contaminations se multiplient à travers le monde : près de 890 000 cas en vingt-quatre heures aux Etats-Unis, 270 000 en France, plus de 200 000 au Royaume-Uni… Israël a annoncé mercredi avoir enregistré près de 12 000 nouveaux cas en vingt-quatre heures, un nouveau pic de contaminations depuis le début de la pandémie.


  • Border reopening delayed as HK hit by Omicron - Asia Times

    Border reopening delayed as HK hit by Omicron
    Hong Kong’s long-awaited resumption of quarantine-free travel, or the so-called “border reopening,” with the mainland is no closer as the special administrative region has been hit by the Omicron variant.(...) The Hong Kong government has imposed some of the world’s toughest quarantine and social-distancing rules since early last year in an effort to convince Beijing to allow an early “border reopening.” Initially, the aim was to allow about 1,000 people per day to travel across the Hong Kong-mainland border without quarantine. Since July 2020, Guangdong has allowed quarantine-free travel at its border with Macau.Originally, the Hong Kong-mainland border should have been “reopened” in late December, but it was delayed due to virus outbreaks at a Hong Kong restaurant.
    On December 27, a Cathay Pacific aircrew worker, who was exempted from Hong Kong’s 21-day quarantine requirements, visited the Moon Palace restaurant at the Festival Walk mall with his father after returning from the United States. He later tested positive for the Omicron strain.The man’s father, together with a construction worker who had been sitting about 10 meters away, were later found to be infected. As of Monday, a total of six people have been found to be infected in this outbreak. The Centre for Health Protection said about 340 people had been sent to the Penny’s Bay Quarantine Centre, where they will stay for at least 21 days. Up to 22 staff from the Moon Palace restaurant said in a post on social media that it was unfair that they and their families had to be isolated for three weeks, while Cathay Pacific did not require its aircrew staff to stay at home after arrival.
    On Saturday, Cathay Pacific said it was deeply disappointed by the fact that two of its five aircrew workers, who had recently been infected with the Omicron variant, violated the company’s isolation guidelines. It said the duo had been sacked. Michael Tien, a Roundtable lawmaker, said both Cathay Pacific and the government should be blamed for the Omicron outbreak at the Moon Palace restaurant as it was risky for newly-arrived aircrew staff to be able to walk freely on the streets. Tien said it was unlikely that the Shenzhen government would give the green light to the proposed “border reopening” with Hong Kong in the short term as it had warned about the potential risk of having incoming aircrew staff exempted from quarantine.


  • More quarantine hotel rooms needed for arriving domestic workers as manpower shortage could weaken Hong Kong’s economic recovery, labour chief says | South China Morning Post

    More quarantine hotel rooms needed for arriving domestic workers as manpower shortage could weaken Hong Kong’s economic recovery, labour chief says. Hong Kong should provide more hotel rooms for arriving domestic helpers to serve out their quarantine, the labour chief has said, warning the current manpower shortage could weaken the city’s economic recovery.Secretary for Labour and Welfare Law Chi-kwong on Sunday also revealed that the number of foreign domestic helpers had dropped from more than 400,000 two years ago to about 350,000 amid the Covid-19 pandemic – a decline which he said would have a wider effect on the city.
    “The impact will not be limited to the relevant families or those people who required caretaking from domestic helpers,” Law wrote on his official blog.
    “As some members will have to quit their jobs to take care of their families, the labour market and many industries in Hong Kong are set to be affected. If the situation continues, it may affect the city’s overall economic recovery.”
    While no regulations limit the number of domestic workers entering the city, only three quarantine hotels have been designated to handle arriving helpers, creating an effective cap and leading to bidding wars for their services in some instances.With the Omicron variant spreading and more arrivals from various countries required to serve an initial four days of quarantine at the government’s Penny’s Bay facility on Lantau Island, the 1,000 slots originally designated for domestic helpers there will no longer be reserved for them from this month.Instead, arriving domestic workers and those who have not completed their isolation at Penny’s Bay will be moved to the new Regala Skycity Hotel, also on Lantau. It will provide 1,138 rooms in addition to the 1,000 offered by two other properties, the Rambler Garden Hotel and Courtyard by Marriott Hong Kong.Law expected the number of new helpers arriving in the city would not increase drastically in the short term, given most of the new slots provided by the Regala Skycity Hotel in January would be “offset” by those who were originally scheduled to go through their isolation in Penny’s Bay.“The Labour Department will continue to work closely with hotels that are suitable and interested in becoming designated quarantine facilities for foreign domestic helpers. I hope that good news will be announced in the short term,” Law said.
    He added authorities would monitor the Covid-19 situation in the Philippines and Indonesia, where most of Hong Kong’s helpers came from.
    Cheung Kit-man, chairman of the Hong Kong Employment Agencies Association, said more that 4,000 foreign domestic helpers were waiting to work in the city, with the delay for some longer than a year.“All hotel rooms are fully booked in the coming months,” Cheung said. “If an extra 1,000 quarantine rooms could be provided, I think we can clear the backlog within three to four months.”Cheung estimated that at least 10,000 employers had given up hiring a helper in the past year.But Betty Yung Ma Shan-yee, chairwoman of the Hong Kong Employers of Overseas Domestic Helpers’ Association, said the government should increase the capacity in a controlled manner to avoid community outbreaks of Covid-19.“The scheme should be more flexible – if more imported cases from the Philippines and Indonesia are recorded, the government should not increase the quota,” Yung said.


  • Une statue à la mémoire de Tiananmen déboulonnée à Hong Kong

    Une statue rendant #hommage aux victimes de la répression de Tiananmen a été retirée de l’#Université_de_Hong_Kong jeudi, après 24 ans de présence sur les lieux, ont indiqué les responsables de l’université.

    « La décision concernant la vieille statue a été prise sur la base d’un avis juridique externe et d’une évaluation des risques pour le meilleur intérêt de l’université », a déclaré l’institution dans un communiqué, alors que les groupes et les lieux commémorant la répression du 4 juin 1989 sont devenus la cible de la draconienne loi sur la sécurité nationale imposée par Pékin.

    #Hong_Kong a longtemps été le seul endroit en #Chine où la #commémoration des événements de Tiananmen de 1989 était tolérée. Chaque année, les étudiants de #HKU nettoyaient la statue installée sur leur campus en 1997 pour honorer les victimes de ces événements.

    Mais Pékin a imprimé sa marque autoritaire sur l’ex-colonie britannique après les grandes et parfois violentes manifestations de 2019, en imposant une loi sur la sécurité nationale qui interdit, entre autres, la commémoration de Tiananmen.

    Loi datant de l’époque coloniale

    En octobre, les responsables de l’Université de Hong Kong avaient ordonné le retrait de la #sculpture représentant un enchevêtrement de 50 corps déformés par la douleur, en citant déjà des #risques_juridiques, sans citer lesquels. La statue a été mise à l’abri des regards mercredi soir avant d’être déboulonnée jeudi matin pour être entreposée ailleurs.

    Dans son communiqué, l’institution assure que personne n’avait obtenu l’autorisation formelle d’exposer cette statue et cite une ordonnance criminelle datant de l’époque coloniale pour justifier son retrait.

    Alors que des ouvriers s’affairaient autour de la statue dans la nuit, son auteur, le Danois #Jens_Galschiot, a trouvé « étrange » et « choquant » que l’université s’en prenne à la sculpture qui, selon lui, reste une propriété privée. Il dit avoir tenté de contacter l’université et avoir offert de reprendre son oeuvre. « Cette sculpture coûte vraiment cher. Donc s’ils la détruisent, alors bien sûr, on va les poursuivre », a-t-il ajouté.


    #statue #mémoire #Hong-Kong #Tienanmen

    ping @cede

  • HKFP Lens: Cathay Camera Club’s ’City in Focus’ showcases dynamic Hong Kong - Hong Kong Free Press HKFP

    The annual exhibition by the Cathay Camera Club will be held at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre in Tsim Sha Tsui in late November.

    “City In Focus” will exhibit the perspectives of Cathay Camera Club members across various genres including portraiture, landscape and abstract, as well as street and nature photography. This year, 21 artists will present photos in both colour and black and white.

    Based in Hong Kong, Cathay Camera Club aims to elevate the quality of photography and enrich the city’s artistic environment. Established in 1982, the club has a rich history of bringing together photographers of all skill levels and nationalities who are eager to develop their talents in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

    Members display their work to the public at an annual exhibition. The 2021 exhibition entitled “City In Focus” will be held at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre in Tsim Sha Tsui from November 26-28.

    The exhibition is free for the public – all are welcome to experience the diversity and dynamism of city life as captured by the club’s members.

    #photographie #Hongkong #Chine #art

  • HKFP Lens: Artist displays ’overlapping memories’ of Hong Kong and UK on film - Hong Kong Free Press HKFP

    Hong Kong artist Eva Leung, who relocated to the UK in September last year, has produced a series of double-exposed analogue photographs that combine scenes from her home city and her new home to depict the complex identity of Hongkongers living abroad.

    #photographie #Hongkong #Chine #Royaume_Uni #art

  • Omicron knocking on China’s ’zero Covid’ door - Asia Times

    Omicron knocking on China’s ‘zero Covid’ door
    HONG KONG – A trickle of Omicron cases is penetrating Hong Kong’s “zero Covid” defenses, worrying residents of a next viral wave and imperiling highly anticipated plans to reopen the border with the mainland later this month. As of Saturday, the city had identified 14 cases of the highly contagious variant.At the same time, China reported 125 new Covid-19 cases for Friday, of which 89 were local, according to the National Health Commission. Reports noted that marked the biggest daily tally for local infections since November 30 when the country had 91 domestic cases. It wasn’t immediately clear how many of the cases recorded on Friday, if any, were Omicron. The outbreak forced more than a dozen factories in China’s eastern manufacturing hub of Zhejiang province to close, according to reports.
    The cracks in China’s “zero Covid” come as the new highly contagious variant first discovered in South Africa surges in the West, with particularly rapid upticks in cases seen in the United Kingdom and the United States. New York state broke a record in new daily cases on Friday with 21,027 new infections reported.Australia’s populous New South Wales state reported a record 2,482 Covid-19 cases on Saturday, a day after easing international arrival rules for vaccinated travelers, indicating Omicron is likely taking hold Down Under. Hong Kong threatens to be an Omicron gateway into mainland China if the border is reopened. He was exempted from a 21-day quarantine after arriving in the city due to the nature of his job. During a three-day enhanced medical surveillance period, he stayed at home at Cheung Hing Building, 44-48 Pitt Street, Yau Ma Tei. But on Wednesday, he went to a mobile testing station in his neighborhood for a Covid-19 test and some places to buy food.When he arrived at the testing station, he developed symptoms on the same day with a cycle threshold (ct) value of about 25 to 29 and was immediately sent to quarantine. The pilot, who had been inoculated with two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on March 22 and April 15 in Hong Kong, carried the N501Y mutant strain but was negative for the L452R and E484K strains.As the Department of Health suspected that the man could be carrying the Omicron strain, it issued a mandatory Covid-test order to six places, including a Wellcome supermarket at 40 Waterloo Road, a Starbucks coffee shop at 56 Dundas Street, a city superstore at the Gateway Arcade of Harbor City, a Circle K store at 50-52 Pitt Street, a Mannings shop at 494-496 Nathan Road and another Wellcome supermarket at 1 Kwong Wa Street. Prior to this, a mandatory test order has been issued to people who live in the Cheung Hing Building where the infected pilot resides. As of Friday, none of the 160 people in the building has tested positive. Cathay Pacific said the operating aircraft that the pilot flew had been sent for deep cleaning. It said all of its operating flight crew was fully vaccinated.On Friday, two more Omicron cases were identified among cargo crew members of the same flight, which arrived in Hong Kong from Kenya, India and Uganda via the United Arab Emirates on flight ACP502. on Wednesday.The duo included a 41-year-old and a 27-year-old man who had received two doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine and the Moderna vaccine, respectively, in Kenya. Earlier this week, the Hong Kong government declared that travelers returning from the United States and United Kingdom would have to spend a week of quarantine in spartan isolation camps and then serve another 14 days in a hotel room they pay for themselves.


  • Coronavirus: Britain, US top exporters of Omicron to Hong Kong so far, with cases expected to surge over Christmas holidays | South China Morning Post

    Coronavirus: Britain, US top exporters of Omicron to Hong Kong so far, with cases expected to surge over Christmas holidays
    Published: 3:20pm, 21 Dec, 2021
    About a quarter of Hong Kong’s imported Covid-19 Omicron infections so far have been arrivals from Britain, the most from any country, with the United States next in line, a Post review of recent cases has found amid a near-daily detection rate of the highly transmissive variant over the past week.As Omicron continued its global spread, a medical expert on Tuesday warned that a surge of such infections over the next week was all but certain, with residents coming back to the city for the holidays.
    “As more residents return to Hong Kong from Britain and the United States, the city will see the number of imported infections increase substantially”, said Dr Ho Pak-leung, an infectious disease expert from the University of Hong Kong.He also criticised the government for waiting until Tuesday to add the United Kingdom to the new highest-risk category, just over a week after the country was found to be the source of two imported Omicron infections.“From the anti-pandemic perspective, it’s not ideal, and will increase the infection risks to Hong Kong,” he told a local radio programme.
    Hong Kong on Tuesday confirmed eight new Covid-19 cases, including seven that carried N501Y, a key mutation linked to Omicron. Those infections took the city’s overall tally to 12,541, with 213 related deaths.
    Separately, the government announced that all its employees would be required to present proof of Covid-19 vaccination when entering official buildings for work, taking effect in mid-February next year.Since the city’s first Omicron case was confirmed in late November, a total of 19 – all imported – have been recorded.
    Five returned to the city from Britain, accounting for 26.3 per cent of all cases. The United States came in second, with four cases, while the rest were spread mostly among African countries including South Africa, Nigeria and Kenya.Since December 12, almost every day has included an Omicron infection among the Covid-19 caseload. On Friday, four of the seven cases involved the new variant, the most yet in a single day.Ho on Tuesday warned the city to brace for a surge in such cases as residents flocked home for Christmas from countries where Omicron had already become the dominant version of Covid-19.Britain was added to Hong Kong’s highest coronavirus risk category on Tuesday, meaning arrivals from that country must now spend the first portion of their mandatory quarantine at the government’s Penny’s Bay facility.


  • HK-China border reopening hangs on Omicron’s spread - Asia Times

    HK-China border reopening hangs on Omicron’s spread
    Analysts predict HK retail prices and rents will surge when borders are opened but Omicron fears are casting doubts on the plan
    by Jeff Pao December 6, 2021
    HONG KONG – Quarantine-free travel between Hong Kong and Macau and mainland China is expected to be implemented around Christmas, an opening that promises to boost Hong Kong’s retail and property sectors and revive cross-border business.On Friday, the Hong Kong government will allow people to download a health code that is compatible with those of Macau and the mainland so they can cross the border with a full location record.It is still discussing with the Guangdong provincial government about a “circuit breaker,” hoping that quarantine-free travel will be suspended only if two clusters of local infections are reported.
    Last month, health officials and experts expected the so-called border reopening would start in early December. However, Beijing changed its mind as it did not want to cause any disruption to Hong Kong’s Legislative Council elections on December 19 and activities related to the 22nd anniversary of the Macau Special Administrative Region on December 20.
    Property experts said if quarantine-free travel is not affected by the emergence of the Omicron strain of Covid-19, then prices and rents of Hong Kong’s retail shops could rebound in the short-term by as much as 30% and 60%.Manufacturers have said they would expand their retail businesses after the Hong Kong-mainland border was fully reopened, hopefully after the Chinese New Year in February.Since virus outbreaks in Wuhan were made public in late January 2020, people traveling across the border of Hong Kong and the mainland have been required to follow strict quarantine measures.People must be isolated for 14 days when they enter the mainland, although Hong Kong residents and mainlanders can enter Hong Kong from the mainland without quarantine via the Return2HK and Come2HK schemes. Last week, the Hong Kong government put four South African countries and 12 other countries on its high-risk list due to the growing number of Omicron cases around the world.On December 1, it announced that a 38-year-old man who arrived in Hong Kong from Qatar on November 24 was stuck in the restricted transit area at Hong Kong International Airport for four days due to a visa-related issue and tested positive with Omicron in a pre-departure test on November 28.
    David Hui, a professor of respiratory medicine at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and a government advisor on the pandemic, said on Sunday the border reopening schedule would not be affected by the four imported Omicron cases reported in Hong Kong.Hui said as it took four months to fully reopen the Macau-mainland border, Hong Kong should only expect a full border-reopening after February.
    The South China Morning Post reported on November 18 that a trial scheme for people to travel from Hong Kong to the mainland without quarantine would be launched in the first week of December.However, Beijing later decided to postpone the launch to late December to avoid causing any virus outbreaks that would disrupt the LegCo elections on December 19, HK01.com reported on December 3, citing officials familiar with the situation.A small-scale border-reopening scheme with a daily quota of 1,000 people would kick off before Christmas, Hong Kong media reported on Monday. The quota would then increase to 5,000 by next February.
    Although the Guangdong government has said it would prefer to suspend the scheme whenever a local case is identified, the Hong Kong government suggested that the scheme be suspended only if two clusters of patients were identified.Last Friday, the Hong Kong government said the “Hong Kong Health Code” system would be open for registration from 9am on December 10. It said people could register an account and familiarize themselves with its functions earlier, with a view to facilitating a smoother operation when quarantine-free travel with the mainland and Macau officially resumes.
    Applicants for the health code are required to register personal information such as name, identity document number and date of issue, contact telephone number and residential address and upload Hong Kong residential address proof. The information would be shared with the mainland only if the code’s user tested positive, said the government.


  • La chute de Hong Kong et ses conséquences pour la Chine

    Une grande purge est en cours à Hong Kong. Au total, 153 personnes ont été poursuivies en vertu de la loi sur la sécurité nationale (LSN), imposée à Hong Kong par le régime de Pékin en juillet dernier [1]. La menace de Pékin a incité de nombreuses organisations à se dissoudre. Entre janvier et fin septembre 2021, 49 structures ont décidé de se dissoudre face aux menaces ou à une possible répression [2]. Il s’agit notamment d’organisations politiques d’opposition,de grands et petits syndicats, d’organisations étudiantes, d’ONG, d’églises et leurs structures satellites, ainsi que de médias.


    #international #chine #hongkong

  • Green quarantine? Hong Kong hotels under pressure to recycle plastics thrown out by guests spending weeks in Covid-19 isolation | South China Morning Post

    Green quarantine? Hong Kong hotels under pressure to recycle plastics thrown out by guests spending weeks in Covid-19 isolation. Experts caution against recycling items from rooms of quarantined guests, citing Covid-19 risk NGO Green Earth estimates hotels have used at least 100 million plastic items during pandemic
    Hong Kong’s green groups are alarmed by the large amount of plastic tossed out by hotels where arrivals undergo compulsory quarantine during the Covid-19 pandemic.They want authorities, hotels and even quarantined guests themselves to cut the use of plastic water bottles, disposable utensils, tableware and toiletries, and try to do more to recycle.But some medical experts cautioned against sending items from quarantine hotel rooms into the community, citing the risk of spreading the coronavirus.
    Green Earth, a charity that has focused on plastic waste since 2016, estimated that at least 100 million such items had been used at quarantine hotels since the pandemic began last year.Hahn Chu Hon-keung, a director of the group, said that assuming all 86,282 travellers quarantined so far had spent 14 days in a hotel, at least 120,000 water bottles and 13 million plastic items such as food containers and cutlery were used every month. Some in fact stayed 21 days.Chu, who underwent quarantine himself last month, said he emailed his hotel before arriving to ask it not to place bottled water in his room. He also requested reusable cutlery for his stay.
    The Dorsett Tsuen Wan Hotel, where Chu stayed for 14 days, told the Post the amount of plastic items given to quarantine guests was so large that it had introduced reusable cutlery.It provided bottled water unless guests said they did not want it, and there were kettles for guests to use in their rooms.
    The Amber Foundation, a charity which has collected unused hotel toiletries and airline kits for distribution to street sleepers, women in shelters and others, urged quarantined hotel guests to donate unused, sealed items.
    How to use Hong Kong’s ‘Leave Home Safe’ app to enter mainland China and Macau quarantine free. Chairwoman Elizabeth Thomson said it used to repackage the donations into toiletry kits for men and women. Since the pandemic, these donations have surged.“We used to put together about 5,000 toiletry kits every year, but in the last month alone, we distributed more than 1,000 kits,” she said.Thomson said quarantined hotel guests could save unused items to recycle rather than leave them behind to be thrown away when they checked out.She said it would help if the Department of Health explained whether everything from the guests’ rooms had to be thrown out or if sealed toiletries such as liquid soap and shampoo could be given away.If there was nothing wrong with the items, the hotels could work with NGOs to recycle them and cut wastage, she added.
    “If we try counting the number of plastic waste [items] in a quarantine hotel, it would be horrifying,” Thomson said.


  • Separated from sick family members, Hong Kong’s poorest ask why business travellers should visit mainland China before they do | South China Morning Post

    Separated from sick family members, Hong Kong’s poorest ask why business travellers should visit mainland China before they do Quarantine too expensive for many to cross border, local NGO says, urging government to use half of initial travel quota for reuniting families City leader Carrie Lam has previously said business community will take priority when border gradually reopens, something expected to take place after coming Legco poll
    Low-income Hongkongers hoping to visit sick relatives in mainland China are calling on the government to give them equal priority with business travellers when the border begins gradually reopening soon.At least 10,000 residents urgently need to reunite with family members, but the city is treating them as an afterthought, according to Sze Lai-shan, deputy director of NGO the Society of Community Organisation (SoCO).“Its inhumane and unfair for those with families in need to be excluded from the [initial] cross-border quota,” Sze said on Sunday while urging the government to reserve half the slots for such visits.Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor last month said business travellers would take priority in the coming quarantine-free travel programme. Sze said numerous families were left disappointed and angry.The programme – initially limited to neighbouring Guangdong province – was expected to be launched shortly after the December 19 Legislative Council election, the Post reported earlier, though only a few hundred people a day were likely to be allowed to cross.At least 80 per cent of low-income families surveyed by SoCO in February indicated that they needed to visit the mainland regularly to take care of their families, with 70 per cent saying coronavirus border controls made helping them impossible.Another 15 per cent complained of being unable to return to attend the funerals of loved ones.At a Sunday press conference, low-income Hongkongers were moved to tears as they described the painful experience of not being able to reunite with ill or dying family members during the 21 months of the border being closed due to coronavirus restrictions.Many said they could not afford the expense of quarantine, including the need to apply for extended leave from work.
    Chen Haiyan, a 49-year-old bakery worker, said her father, 93, had a lung condition and was in such a frail state he had fallen several times. Her mother, who was in her 80s and dealing with eyesight issues, did not have the money to take him to a doctor.While her parents had typically taken care of each other, their health issues made it increasingly challenging to do so, according to Chen, who said border restrictions made it impossible for her to help.“My mother keeps asking when she can see me, as she misses me. I told her I want to go back so badly too, but it’s not possible, as quarantine is so expensive and my salary is too low. I can’t give her the money she needs,” said Chen, who works in a bakery.Chan Siu-bing, a resident in her 40s, said her mother in Guangdong had suffered a stroke last month and needed constant supervision, while her father had also recently undergone an operation.Chan, who has underlying health issues of her own, said: “I even took the vaccine in August despite my doctor not recommending it, just so I could go back. But even then, I’m still not allowed to do so.”Chan said she hoped she could soon travel to the mainland with her autistic 16-year-old daughter who was close to her grandparents.In calling for allowing families to cross the border on compassionate grounds, Sze suggested reserving 50 per cent of the any quota for needy residents, while noting the pandemic situation in Hong Kong and the mainland had stabilised in recent months.“In the past two years, [there has been an accumulation of] many family needs. In the beginning, 30 per cent of the quota could go to urgent family matters, and another 20 per cent for family visits,” she said. “Maybe after a certain period, the quota could then be increased.”


  • Coronavirus: Hong Kong authorities set to unveil health code system, paving way for mainland China border reopening | South China Morning Post

    Coronavirus: Hong Kong authorities set to unveil health code system, paving way for mainland China border reopening

    Hong Kong authorities are set to unveil a Covid-19 health code system on Thursday, paving the way for the long-awaited reopening of the city’s border with mainland China later this month, the Post has learned.
    Sources said the government would reveal details of the scheme, which would allow travellers to cross the border to Guangdong province and Macau without needing to undergo quarantine.The development comes after a meeting with mainland officials last week, during which the city was told it had met the “basic requirements” for border reopening, with only a few obstacles remaining, such as a health code app and further tightening of quarantine rules for aircrew.The move will bring the city more in line with mainland travel rules, but Hong Kong’s health code system is not expected to have a movement-tracking function, unlike the version across the border because of residents’ privacy concerns. A source said testing earlier this week of conversions of the Hong Kong health code to the Guangdong and Macau versions – needed when travellers cross from one jurisdiction to another – had been “very successful”, and a dry run of border openings had also been conducted and went smoothly.Francis Fong Po-kiu, honorary president of the Hong Kong Information Technology Federation, said he had learned from government and industry sources that authorities would not require all residents to integrate the existing “Leave Home Safe” risk-exposure app with the one for health codes, only travellers to the mainland would have to do so.
    To generate a health code, users will have to provide their real name and home address, as well as upload their vaccination record and Covid-19 test results.Users will have to export their visit records from the Leave Home Safe app over the past 21 days into a file, which will then be uploaded to the website. A self-filled health declaration form will also be needed.
    Once all the information is uploaded to the webpage, it will generate a colour-coded QR code, and the data will be sent to relevant government departments. The code will be scanned by border officers for those who need to travel to the mainland.Fong said he believed the Hong Kong version of the health code would not have real-time global positioning system (GPS) tracking because of technical limitations.The mainland version can store users’ travel history and generate a colour-coded warning system based on exposure risks to Covid-19 patients.Another component is the “itinerary code”, which tracks a user’s whereabouts using mobile phone signal data. This code makes use of data from three major telecoms companies on the mainland – China Telecom, China Unicom and China Mobile.It can show which countries or mainland cities a user has visited in the past 14 days. The code also captures the user’s movements with precision and stores the information for use by the authorities.
    But a code scheme has proved a controversial issue in Hong Kong, especially if it carries a movement-tracking function, over privacy concerns. The Leave Home Safe app, launched over a year ago last November, is a Covid-19 exposure notification device that allows users to scan QR codes outside buildings before entry and has since been made mandatory at government premises.Neighbouring Macau has its own health code system for border-crossing arrangements with Guangdong province and is regarded as a model for Hong Kong.Macau’s code does not have a tracking function, but generates coloured QR codes which indicate a person’s risk level based on their health status, possible contact with Covid-19 patients and travel history. The QR code, updated daily, is required to be displayed when people enter large public venues.It also allows users with negative test results to switch over to Guangdong’s health code system when they cross the border, but the two apps are not directly linked.Last Saturday, Macau launched a bus pass scheme that required passengers to register with their names to tap contactless stored-value cards when boarding a bus. Officials said the scheme could allow better Covid-19 contact tracing, and as of 10am on Tuesday, more than 165,000 people had registered online. It is uncertain this higher standard of tracing in Macau will increase pressure for Hong Kong to follow suit.


  • Coronavirus: Hong Kong further tightens quarantine rules on arrivals from 8 African nations in fight against new ‘Omicron’ variant | South China Morning Post

    Coronavirus: Hong Kong further tightens quarantine rules on arrivals from 8 African nations in fight against new ‘Omicron’ variant. City residents returning from South Africa, Botswana and six other nations must spend the first of three weeks of quarantine at a government facility
    Hong Kong has further tightened quarantine rules for its residents arriving from eight African countries following the detection of a new, highly infectious coronavirus variant, requiring them to complete the first week of their mandatory confinement in a government facility. The Centre for Health Protection said on Saturday that Hong Kong residents arriving from South Africa, Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Mozambique, Malawi, Namibia and Zimbabwe would immediately be sent to Penny’s Bay quarantine centre. The measure takes effect on Sunday.


  • Coronavirus: Singapore official hopes for quicker Hong Kong, mainland China reopening; | South China Morning Post

    Coronavirus: Singapore official hopes for quicker Hong Kong, mainland China reopening;
    Monetary Authority of Singapore chief Ravi Menon said strict border restrictions may impact business ties between the Asian financial hubs
    Elsewhere, a government council said Malaysia will reopen its borders to international visitors by January 1 at the latest
    Singapore’s central bank chief would like Hong Kong and mainland China to open up quicker and more decisively over the next year as their strict border restrictions may impact business ties between the key Asian financial hubs.“I would hope that China and Hong Kong will be able to open up faster over the next year,” Monetary Authority of Singapore managing director Ravi Menon said in a recent interview, responding to a question on whether the city state can gain from the different border situations.
    As Singapore has strong ties with both, “not being able to travel to these places without considerable frictions, does stand in the way of strengthening our business links.”The divergence between Singapore’s strategy of living with the virus and the zero-Covid policy still pursued by mainland China and Hong Kong has become more stark in recent months.
    Singapore and Malaysia agree to quarantine-free vaccinated travel lane
    8 Nov 2021 While Singapore has been establishing several vaccinated travel lanes, including with the US and parts of Europe, mainland China and Hong Kong have stuck to strict border measures, notably lengthy quarantines on arrival.Earlier plans for a travel bubble between Hong Kong and Singapore had been shelved repeatedly as the cities saw a rise in infections. Eventually, Hong Kong said it will not pursue such a travel lane due to the two cities’ differing Covid-19 strategies.Hong Kong is instead prioritising opening its borders with mainland China first. Menon said that when Singapore opens up, it wants to strengthen links to all geographies, and both mainland China and Hong Kong are important parts of these ties.
    China was the island nation’s largest merchandise trading partner last year, while Hong Kong and Singapore compete as key financial hubs in the region.“I’d very much hope that they would be able to open up more decisively over the course of next year,” said Menon. “That’d be good for Asia. That’d be good for Singapore.”


  • Coronavirus: Hong Kong may restrict movements of quarantine-exempt aircrew in light of Cathay pilots’ infections | South China Morning Post

    Coronavirus: Hong Kong may restrict movements of quarantine-exempt aircrew in light of Cathay pilots’ infections Health officials say they are worried about the infections of the two aircrew staff because they had high viral loads and were highly transmissive. But Cathay Pacific warns any tightening of cargo aircrew quarantine rules may force it to cut flights, not just harming airline but also choking city
    Hong Kong authorities may restrict the movements of local aircrew who are exempt from quarantine on their return from overseas, after two cargo pilots tested positive for Covid-19 and triggered the isolation of 120 pupils linked to the family of one of them.
    The infection of the two pilots, who were among five cases confirmed on Wednesday, sparked fears the city’s negotiations with mainland China on fully reopening the border would be delayed. But the aviation industry also hit back strongly on any potential tightening, with Cathay Pacific warning the move would disrupt the global supply chain.Local health officials expressed concern about the cases.“We are rather worried about the infections of these two aircrew members … as they had high viral load and were highly transmissive,” said Dr Albert Au Ka-wing, principal medical and health officer of the communicable disease branch at the Centre for Health Protection (CHP).Centre controller Dr Edwin Tsui Lok-kin warned the risk of community spread was “relatively high”.“We will work with Transport and Housing Bureau colleagues to further review if there is a possibility to consider further restricting the movements of exempted persons, [such as] aircrew, in Hong Kong,” he said, adding authorities would also look into “locations of isolation or quarantine”.Tsui said the government would try to strike a balance between public health needs and cargo and aviation operations.He conceded that if Hong Kong were to adopt a total closed-loop system in managing people exempted from quarantine, such as having specific transport to take arrivals back to their isolation place, much effort would be involved. Relevant government departments would need to look into the feasibility of such an approach.
    Cathay Pacific said any tightening of cargo aircrew quarantine rules could force it to cut flights, not just harming the airline but also choking the city and affecting global supply chains.“Tightening the travel restrictions for aircrew operating cargo services would significantly impede our ability to continue to mount these important flights,” an airline spokeswoman said.
    Aircrew would need to volunteer for closed-loop operations, flying for three weeks and living in airport hotels throughout, but Cathay already had a shortage of pilots and cabin crew volunteering to fly and spend considerable time in quarantine. Staff have expressed concerns about being separated from families for a long time.The bureau said it “attaches great importance to the concerned cases and will maintain close communications with the CHP and the airline”.Earlier in the day, health experts had called for tighter quarantine arrangements for aircrew to close any remaining avenues of coronavirus transmission in Hong Kong.


  • Zwei tote Flüchtlinge in Kleinbus entdeckt : Suche nach Schlepper läuft

    Nach dem Tod zweier syrischer Flüchtlinge in einem Klein-Lkw am gestrigen Dienstag im #Burgenland ist die Fahndung nach dem Schlepper am Mittwoch weitergegangen. Nach ihm werde „rund um die Uhr“ gesucht, sagte Polizeisprecher Helmut Marban zur APA. Die 27 Männer, die die Schlepperfahrt über die burgenländisch-ungarische Grenze überlebt haben, wurden als Zeugen befragt. Nun werde den Hinweisen aus ihren Aussagen und Beobachtungen im Zuge der Fahndung nachgegangen.

    Die aufgegriffenen Migranten wurden mit Hilfe eines Dolmetschers befragt. Die Todesursache und der Todeszeitpunkt der zwei verstorbenen Männer, die zwischen 25 und 30 Jahre alt gewesen sein dürften, standen noch nicht fest. Eine Obduktion wurde angeordnet. Die Staatsanwaltschaft Eisenstadt erwartet das Ergebnis Ende der Woche.

    Soldaten des Bundesheeres hatten die zwei toten Flüchtlinge am Dienstag an der ungarischen Grenze bei Siegendorf (Bezirk Eisenstadt-Umgebung) in einem Klein-Lkw entdeckt, in dem sich auch 27 weitere Syrer befanden. Der Fahrer war bei der Kontrolle sofort in Richtung Ungarn geflüchtet, nach ihm wird weiterhin gefahndet.

    „Die Ermittlungen laufen auf Hochtouren. Vielleicht ergeben sich aus den Angaben der Geschleppten interessante Hinweise“, noch seien nicht alle Personen als Zeugen einvernommen worden, erklärte Marban. Die 27 Männer wurden am Mittwoch weiter von der Polizei versorgt. Bisher haben sie keinen Asylantrag gestellt. Man gehe aber davon aus, dass sie das noch tun könnten - vorerst waren sie nach dem Vorfall aber „mit anderen Sorgen belastet“, sagte Marban. Sollten sie noch Asyl beantragen, werde man sie den Asylbehörden übergeben.

    Bis 28. September sind laut Innenministerium in Österreich 27.300 Menschen aufgegriffen worden, die ins Land „geschleppt“, rechtswidrig eingereist oder aufhältig waren. Davon entfallen alleine auf das Burgenland 11.400 Personen. Aktuell beträgt die Zahl der Aufgegriffenen etwa 30.000, wobei diese hauptsächlich aus Syrien, Afghanistan, Bangladesch und Somalia stammen. Wegen Schlepperei gab es bis Ende September 280 Anzeigen, die mittlerweile auf rund 300 angewachsen sind.


    #réfugiés #asile #migrations #Autriche #asile #mourir_aux_frontières #frontières #Hongrie #Siegendorf #morts #décès

    Ajouté à la métaliste sur les morts aux frontières des #Alpes, à voir si ces cas sont à mettre dans cette catégorie :


    Pour rappel, dans la même région, en 2015, moururent 71 personnes :

    • U autobusu u Austriji nađena dva mrtva migranta. Vozač pobjegao, traži ga policija

      U MINIBUSU punom putnika koji je došao iz Mađarske u Austriju pronađena su dva mrtva migranta.

      Austrijske oružane snage zaustavile su danas minibus i u njemu pronašle tijela migranata. Priopćile su kako je vozač pobjegao s mjesta događaja kada su ga zaustavili. Sada je za njim organizirana potraga u koju su uključeni i helikopteri, dronovi te psi tragači.

      U minibusu je bilo 30-ak migranata, za koje se pretpostavlja da su većinom došli iz Sirije.
      Čekaju se nalazi obdukcije

      Policija je priopćila da su tijela dvojice muškaraca u dvadesetim godinama pronađena nakon što su vozilo zaustavili pripadnici oružanih snaga. Uzrok smrti još nije poznat te se čekaju nalazi obdukcije.

      Hans Peter Doskozil, guverner regije Gradišće, rekao je lokalnim medijima da je paralela s tragičnim događajem iz 2015. “zastrašujuća”. Naime, vlasti su prije šest godina u kamionu pronašle 71 mrtvu osobu.

      “Današnji incident pokazuje brutalnost i nečovječnost organiziranog krijumčarenja ljudi”, kazao je Doskozil.


    • Zwei tote Flüchtlinge im Burgenland : Schlepper festgenommen

      Ende Oktober wurden zwei Flüchtlinge tot in einem LKW im Bezirk Eisenstadt-Umgebung aufgefunden. Nun wurde der mutmaßliche 19-jährige Schlepper in Lettland gefasst. Er befindet sich in Übergabehaft.

      Im Fall der beiden Flüchtlinge, die Ende Oktober tot in einem Klein-Lkw bei Siegendorf (Bezirk Eisenstadt-Umgebung) gefunden worden waren, ist der mutmaßliche Schlepper festgenommen worden. Ein 19-jähriger Lette wurde in seinem Heimatland gefasst, berichtete die Landespolizeidirektion Burgenland am Dienstag. Er soll das Fahrzeug gelenkt haben und bei der Kontrolle durch Soldaten des Bundesheeres geflüchtet sein. Derzeit befindet er sich in Übergabehaft.

      Der 19-Jährige soll am 19. Oktober 29 Migranten über die grüne Grenze bei Siegendorf gebracht haben. Zwei syrische Flüchtlinge konnten damals nur noch tot aus dem Klein-Lkw geborgen werden. Sie dürften erstickt sein. Eine Alarmfahndung, die grenzüberschreitend auch in Ungarn stattfand, blieb erfolglos.
      20 weitere Schlepper in Untersuchungshaft

      In weiterer Folge wurden laut Polizei Ermittlungen gegen eine international agierende Vereinigung aufgenommen, die vor allem afghanische und syrische Flüchtlinge nach Österreich gebracht haben soll. Im Zuge dessen seien zwölf Schlepper in Österreich und acht weitere in Ungarn festgenommen worden, die letztlich auch zu dem flüchtigen Lenker von Siegendorf geführt hätten. Weil dieser mittlerweile wieder in Lettland war, wurde ein Europäischer Haftbefehl erlassen und Kontakt mit der lettischen Zielfahndungseinheit aufgenommen. In Ogre sei der 19-Jährige schließlich auf offener Straße gefasst worden.

      Innenminister Gerhard Karner (ÖVP) hob in diesem Zusammenhang die Arbeit der Zielfahnder des Bundeskriminalamtes hervor, die die Fahndung nach dem Schlepper Ende November auf Ersuchen des Landeskriminalamtes Burgenland übernommen hatten. „Durch dieses engmaschige Netzwerk der Sicherheitsbehörden und die gute internationale Zusammenarbeit der Polizei kann sich kein Täter auf der Flucht sicher fühlen“, betonte Karner. Die 20 weiteren Schlepper, die im Zuge der Ermittlungen festgenommen wurden, befinden sich in Untersuchungshaft.


    • Tote Flüchtlinge: Schlepper gefasst

      Nachdem im Oktober bei Siegendorf in einem Klein-Lkw 29 Flüchtlinge – zwei davon waren bereits tot – gefunden worden waren, ist der mutmaßliche Schlepper festgenommen worden. Das berichtete die Landespolizeidirektion nach Anfragen des ORF Burgenland in einer Aussendung. Der 18-jährige lettische Staatsbürger steht unter Verdacht, das Fahrzeug gelenkt zu haben.

      Als am 19. Oktober der Klein-Lkw auf der Puszta bei Siegendorf (Bezirk Eisenstadt-Umgebung) durch Bundesheersoldaten angehalten wurde, flüchtete der Lenker. 29 Flüchtlinge befanden sich im Fahrzeug – mehr dazu in Zwei tote Flüchtlinge: Schlepper weiter auf der Flucht. Zwei von ihnen waren damals bereits tot, sie dürften erstickt sein – mehr dazu in Tote Flüchtlinge in Klein-Lkw vermutlich erstickt. Die damals verstorbenen Männer aus Syrien waren 33 und 37 Jahre alt. Die 27 weiteren Flüchtlinge beantragten Asyl.
      Verdächtiger lettischer Staatsbürger

      Unmittelbar danach wurde eine grenzüberschreitende Alarmfahndung eingeleitet, die zunächst erfolglos blieb, hieß es am Dienstag von der Polizei – mehr dazu in Tote Flüchtlinge: Suche nach Schleppern läuft. Man setzte auf internationale Ermittlungen, insbesondere in Kooperation mit der Polizei in Ungarn – mehr dazu in Huber: „Klares Zeichen gegen Schlepperei setzen“. Die Ermittlungen konzentrierten sich sehr bald auf eine international agierende kriminelle Vereinigung, die umfangreiche Schleppungen von überwiegend afghanischen und syrischen Migrantinnen und Migranten nach Österreich durchgeführt hat. Im Zuge dessen wurden zwölf Schlepper in Österreich und acht Schlepper in Ungarn gefasst, so Polizeisprecher Helmut Marban gegenüber dem ORF Burgenland. Alle befinden ich in Untersuchungshaft.

      Verdächtiger wird nach Österreich gebracht

      So konnten die Ermittler auch die Identität des Verdächtigen ausfindig machen – es handelt sich um einen 18-jährigen lettischen Staatsbürger. Er wurde am 8. Dezember 2021 auf offener Straße in Ogre (Lettland) festgenommen. Der Tatverdächtige befindet sich derzeit in Übergabehaft. In den kommenden Tagen soll er nach Österreich gebracht und in Untersuchungshaft genommen werden. Dann könne er von den Ermittlern zu der Schleppung bei Siegendorf befragt werden, so Marban.
      „Akribische kriminalistische Arbeit“

      Es handle sich dabei um eine sehr genaue und akribische kriminalistische Arbeit, so Marban. „Über Zeugenaussagen der geschleppten Personen, Routen, die man auf dem Handy findet, Informationen, die man auf dem Handy und Computer findet, und durch den Austausch mit anderen internationalen Polizeibehörden kann man langsam in diese großen kriminellen Organisationen vordringen“, sagte Marban. Das zeige, wie wichtig die internationale Zusammenarbeit sei.
      Marban: Schlepperszene „brutalisiert“ sich

      Es sei erkennbar, dass sich die Szene der Schlepperei durchaus „brutalisiert“, so Marban. Das zeige dieser Fall, aber auch andere Vorfälle mit Schleppern, wo auch schon Schusswaffen zu Einsatz kommen mussten. Auch bei Verfolgungsjagden würden Schlepper mit viel „Rücksichtslosigkeit“ vorgehen, sagte Marban im Interview mit dem ORF Burgenland.


    • Tragödie im Burgenland: Zwei Flüchtlinge tot im Kastenwagen

      29 Männer befanden sich in dem aus Ungarn kommenden Kleinbus. Zwei der Männer dürften während der Fahrt erstickt sein.

      Als der gelbe Renault-Kastenwagen am Dienstag gegen 13 Uhr in der Puszta von Siegendorf (Burgenland) zum Stehen kam, öffnete sich die Türe des Transporters auf der Rückseite. „Help! Help!“, schrien mehrere Männer. Sie rangen um Luft. Ein Blick in das Innere der Ladefläche offenbarte die Tragödie: 29 Menschen zwängten sich dicht an dicht. Zwei Männer lagen reglos am Boden. Sie dürften erstickt sein.

      Wieder ein Schlepper Drama im Burgenland

      Es sind fürchterliche Erinnerungen, die am Dienstag wieder wach wurden: Am 26. August 2015 starben 71 Menschen in einem Lkw.

      Diesmal war das Fahrzeug nicht abgestellt worden. Diesmal hielten zwei Bundesheer-Soldaten den gelben Kastenwagen mit ungarischem Kennzeichen in Siegendorf auf. Die Soldaten, die im Burgenland Assistenzdienst leisten, wollten eine Lenkerkontrolle durchführen.
      Großflächige Fahndung

      Der Lenker selbst konnte zu Fuß flüchten. Als die Soldaten den Hilferufen folgten, öffnete er die Tür und rannte davon. Eine sofort eingeleitete Alarmfahndung blieb bis zu am Abend ohne Erfolg. Der Mann könnte laut ersten Angaben der Flüchtlinge bewaffnet sein.

      Im Laufe des Nachmittags trafen immer wieder Meldungen von Zeugen ein, die den Flüchtenden gesehen haben wollen. Auch von einem zweiten Schlepper war kurzfristig die Rede, diese Annahme bestätigte sich aber nicht. Mit einem Polizeihubschrauber, Hunden und Drohnen wurde in dem Grenzgebiet gesucht.

      Die beiden Flüchtlinge, die im Lkw erstickt sein dürften, waren laut ersten Angaben stark dehydriert und körperlich auffallend schwach. Gewalteinwirkung konnte vorerst keine festgestellt werden. Die beiden Männer dürften laut ersten Schätzungen zwischen 25 und 30 Jahre alt gewesen sein.

      Noch am Dienstagabend hat die Staatsanwaltschaft Eisenstadt die Obduktion der beiden Toten angeordnet, um Todesursache und –Zeitpunkt zu klären. Mit einem Ergebnis wird Ende der Woche gerechnet.

      „Schlimmeres verhindert“

      Die Überlebenden – es handelt sich um männliche Syrer und zwei Pakistani – wurden zur Erstversorgung nach Nickelsdorf gebracht. Ihr Zustand ist laut Polizei den Umständen entsprechend gut. Die Männer wurden am Nachmittag mit Dolmetschern zu den Vorgängen als Zeugen befragt.

      „Wir konnten Schlimmeres verhindern“, meint Gerald Tatzgern, Leiter der Zentralstelle zur Bekämpfung der Schlepperkriminalität im Bundeskriminalamt. Auch ungarische Beamte waren am Dienstag an Ort und Stelle. Man sei auch mit Budapest in Kontakt.

      Lager am Westbalkan

      Die Flüchtlinge dürften aus den Lagern am Westbalkan kommen. „Vermutlich wollten sie keinen weiteren Winter dort verbringen“, meint Tatzgern. Mehr als 80 Prozent der Flüchtlinge vor Ort seien Männer.

      Aufgriffe vom Westbalkan beobachtet er in der jüngsten Zeit vermehrt. „Normalerweise führt die Route über Serbien nach Ungarn oder via Rumänien nach Ungarn.“

      Die Hauptziele der Flüchtlinge seien neben Österreich Deutschland, Holland, Schweden und Belgien. Schleppungen in Kastenwagen bzw. Transportern würden zunehmen. „Das bringt mehr Gewinn für die Schlepper.“ Tatzgern beobachtet zudem wieder einen vermehrt „sorglosen Umgang“ der Schlepper. Todesfälle passieren immer wieder – zuletzt etwa in Serbien oder Ungarn.
      Innenminister meldet sich zu Wort

      „Schlepperei gehört zu den menschenverachtendsten Formen der Organisierten Kriminalität“, meldete sich Innenminister Karl Nehammer (ÖVP) zu Wort. „Meine Gedanken gelten den Opfern und deren Angehörigen.“
      Reaktion von Landeshauptmann Doskozil

      Der burgenländische Landeshauptmann Hans Peter Doskozil (SPÖ) hat sich am Dienstag über den Vorfall erschüttert und tief betroffen gezeigt. Er forderte eine gesamteuropäische Reform des Asylwesens, die Asylverfahren schon außerhalb Europas ermöglicht und damit die gefährliche Flucht verhindere.

      Illegale Migration: Die Zahlen steigen

      Die Aufgriffe von Flüchtlingen, speziell im Burgenland, sind in den vergangenen Wochen und Monaten wieder stark angestiegen. Das Innenministerium berichtet in einer internen Analyse für das vierte Quartal über „gleichbleibend hohen Druck am Balkan und weiterhin hohen Migrationsdruck von Ungarn nach Österreich. Entspannung ist kurzfristig nicht zu erwarten.“

      1.200Flüchtlinge werden aktuell jede Woche in Österreich aufgegriffen. Es handelt sich großteils um Menschen aus Syrien und Afghanistan. Die Zahl der Schleppungen ist gegenüber dem Vorjahr um 63 Prozent gestiegen.

      Immer öfter handelt es sich bei den Aufgriffen um Gruppen-Aufgriffe. Damit sind Aufgriffe mit mehr als fünf Personen gemeint. Besonders stark betroffen sind die burgenländischen Bezirke Oberpullendorf, Neusiedl und Oberwart.

      Laut Einschätzungen des Bundeskriminalamtes handelt es sich bei den Flüchtlingen, die aktuell nach Österreich kommen, um solche, die am Westbalkan festgesessen sind.


  • Singapore to expand its quarantine-free travel - Asia Times

    Singapore to expand its quarantine-free travel
    Fully vaccinated travelers will have to test negative for the virus before they depart and when they arrive. Singapore on Tuesday began quarantine-free entry for fully vaccinated passengers from eight countries, part of a plan to ease restrictions as the business hub gears up to live with the coronavirus.
    The latest easing expanded a program that started with vaccinated air travel lanes with Germany and Brunei last month and is now open to passengers from the United States, Canada, Britain, Denmark, France, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands. Singapore Airlines said flights from Amsterdam, London, Los Angeles and New York were scheduled to arrive Tuesday under the program.“We have seen very strong demand for our Vaccinated Travel Lane flights,” the national airline said.“This is across all cabin classes, as well as various travel segments including leisure, families and business travel.”
    Passengers arriving as part of this scheme – which will include South Korea from November 15 – will not have to quarantine if they have been fully vaccinated and test negative for the virus before they depart and when they arrive.To enable families to travel, Singapore has allowed entry to unvaccinated children aged 12 years and under if they are accompanied by someone flying under the scheme. Raj Samuel, a restaurant manager in the almost deserted tourist district, said he was “optimistic” about the potential for more business.The city-state initially fought the Covid-19 pandemic by shutting borders, imposing lockdowns of varying intensity and aggressive contact tracing. But with more than 80% of the population fully vaccinated, authorities are keen to revive the economy.“Singapore cannot stay locked down and closed off indefinitely,” Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said earlier this month when he announced a raft of measures under the “Living with Covid-19” strategy. The city-state is home to the regional offices of thousands of multi-national corporations, which rely on Singapore’s status as a business and aviation hub for their operations. Vaccinated travel is a “very significant step forward in re-establishing Singapore’s role as one of the Asia-Pacific’s leading international hubs for finance, regional headquartering and commercial aviation,” said Rajiv Biswas, Asia Pacific chief economist at IHS Markit.He added that the travel lanes – notably with the UK, the US, France and Germany – were particularly important as many international firms run large operations from the city’s financial center.
    The scheme may also provide a shot in the arm for the pandemic-hammered airline and tourism industries, analysts said. Before the pandemic, tourism accounted for about 5% of Singapore’s GDP, said Song Seng Wun, a regional economist with CIMB Private Banking.
    Statistics from the Singapore tourism board showed international visitor arrivals plunging to less than 2.8 million last year from a record 19.1 million in 2019.


  • Coronavirus: Hong Kong adds 1,500 quarantine rooms ahead of Christmas holidays as 5 more hotels join approved list | South China Morning Post

    Coronavirus: Hong Kong adds 1,500 quarantine rooms ahead of Christmas holidays as 5 more hotels join approved list

    Hong Kong officials have added five hotels to the government’s approved list of coronavirus quarantine facilities, ramping up room supply by 15 per cent ahead of an expected rush of inbound travellers over the Christmas holiday season.The administration revealed on Tuesday that a total of 40 designated quarantine hotels would provide about 11,500 rooms between December 1 and February 28, a period also covering Lunar New Year.
    Hong Kong’s expansion of the quarantine facilities from the current level of 10,000 rooms emerged as the city confirmed two new coronavirus cases carrying the L452R mutant strain on Tuesday – both imported – taking the overall tally of infections to 12,301,­ with 213 related deaths.The two cases ­involved a 51-year-old man from the United Kingdom and a three-year-old from Mongolia. Fewer than 10 preliminary-positive infections were recorded. The 36 hotels currently approved to serve as quarantine hotels – a list that is updated every three months – were booked at 84 per cent capacity from September to November, according to the Food and Health Bureau. The net increase in the number of designated hotels for the coming round is four after it was previously announced that Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel and Towers in Tsim Sha Tsui would stop running quarantine services on November 9. Michael Li Hon-shing, executive director of the Federation of Hong Kong Hotel Owners, earlier on Tuesday predicted that the government would introduce another 2,000 quarantine rooms, as he said the industry was readying for a busy time in the coming months. He noted that while the government had typically chosen mid-range and budget hotels priced between HK$600 (US$77) and HK$800 per night, adding some five-star accommodation to the mix could help meet demand among returning travellers for a higher level of service and more comfortable rooms.“I think the demand for that is not that huge, but it must have its own market,” he said. “I believe the market for rooms priced at about HK$1,000 is larger.”Last month, the Hong Kong government sent letters to about 2,000 hotels and guesthouses holding relevant licences to encourage them to join the designated hotel scheme in a bid to meet customer demand, driven by residents returning to their home city.Li said hotels considering joining the scheme had to weigh their own strategies, including whether they preferred to focus on longer-term tenants or the burgeoning “staycation” market.“They may worry that future customers could be concerned that they had been a quarantine hotel before … But they may also hope to boost the occupancy rate by becoming a quarantine facility. It’s up to the hotels’ business strategy,” he said.
    Hong Kong has imposed one of the world’s strictest policies for inbound travellers, requiring those from countries deemed high-risk – a list that includes Britain, the United States and Thailand – to complete up to three weeks of compulsory hotel quarantine.The limited supply of government-approved hotels had left thousands of travellers to the city scrambling to book rooms and rearrange flights in recent months. Meanwhile, foreign domestic helpers, who mainly come to the city from the Philippines or Indonesia, have just two options – the 409-room Silka Hotel Tsuen Wan or the government-run Penny’s Bay quarantine facility, which has 1,000 slots.
    Every room at both properties was snapped up within minutes of becoming available, as employers and employment agencies rushed to reserve slots for their workers.According to government figures, the city had a total of 315 licensed hotel properties supplying 87,318 rooms as of August.


  • Coronavirus: Singapore expands no-quarantine scheme for vaccinated travellers despite reporting record cases | South China Morning Post

    Coronavirus: Singapore expands no-quarantine scheme for vaccinated travellers despite reporting record cases
    Singapore on Tuesday began quarantine-free entry for fully vaccinated passengers from eight countries, part of a plan to ease restrictions as the business hub gears up to live with the coronavirus.This came as its health ministry reported 3,994 new Covid-19 cases on Tuesday, the highest since the beginning of the pandemic, while it recorded seven new deaths from the disease.The latest easing expanded a programme that began with vaccinated air travel lanes with Germany and Brunei last month, and is now open to passengers from the United States, Canada, Britain, Denmark, France, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands.Singapore Airlines said flights under the scheme were expected to depart from Amsterdam, London, Los Angeles and New York on Tuesday.“We have seen very strong demand for our Vaccinated Travel Lane flights,” it said. “This is across all cabin classes, as well as various travel segments including leisure, families, and business travel.”Passengers arriving as part of this scheme – which will include South Korea from November 15 – will not have to quarantine if they have been fully vaccinated and test negative for the virus before they depart and when they arrive.To enable families to travel, Singapore has allowed entry to unvaccinated children aged 12 years and under if they are accompanied by someone flying under the scheme.In the almost deserted tourist district, restaurant manager Raj Samuel said he was optimistic about the potential for more business.“I think it’s an excellent move by the country to help open up the economy … especially for the food and beverage sector,” the 36-year-old said.Kylie Jens, a 29-year-old lawyer from New Zealand based in Singapore, said she was planning to go to Britain for Christmas under the scheme.“Singapore is just such a small island, it’s nice to have a chance to get away and know that that’s possible pretty soon,” she said.
    The city state initially fought the Covid-19 pandemic by shutting borders, imposing lockdowns of varying intensity and aggressive contact tracing. But with more than 80 per cent of the population fully vaccinated, authorities are keen to revive the economy. “Singapore cannot stay locked down and closed off indefinitely,” Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said earlier this month when he announced a raft of measures under the “Living with Covid-19” strategy.“The Delta variant is highly infectious, and has spread all over the world. Even with the whole population vaccinated, we still will not be able to stamp it out,” he said. “Almost every country has accepted this reality.”The regional offices of thousands of multinational corporations are in Singapore, which rely on its status as a business and aviation hub for their operations.“We must continue to reopen our borders safely,” Lee said. “Companies and investors need to carry out regional and global business from Singapore. People working for them need to travel to earn a living.”
    Vaccinated travel is a “very significant step forward in re-establishing Singapore’s role as one of the Asia-Pacific’s leading international hubs for finance, regional headquartering and commercial aviation,” said Rajiv Biswas, Asia Pacific chief economist at IHS Markit.The scheme may also provide a shot in the arm for the pandemic-hammered airline and tourism industries, analysts said. Before the pandemic, tourism accounted for about 5 per cent of Singapore’s GDP, said Song Seng Wun, a regional economist with CIMB Private Banking. “We used to get 1.6 million tourists every month, our airport used to handle over a thousand flights a day pre-pandemic. Now it is just over 300 flights a day,” he said. Statistics from the Singapore tourism board showed international visitor arrivals plunging to less than 2.8 million last year from a record 19.1 million in 2019. Allowing in travellers without quarantine “instils a bit of fear” in some people, said Singaporean Simon Chow, 22, but added that people need to live with the virus. “At the end of the day, we’re a country that needs travel.”
