Fermeture du site le plus innovant du réseau Indymedia : « Il est temps de faire bouger les choses »
Le collectif de Londres, à l’origine du dernier moteur mis en place dans le cadre du réseau #Indymedia, #HyperActive, annonce son arrêt. Dans un long texte de bilan de ces 13 années, le collectif fait un bilan du modèle qu’il juge désormais inadapté tactiquement et dresse quelques pistes.
Time to move on: IMC London signing off
The Indymedia London collective has taken a decision to close.
Collectively we have racked up almost 100 years of involvement with the Indymedia project; from the beginnings of Indymedia in 1999 and the launch of Indymedia UK in 2000 as a manual website and evolution to a content management site, to the creation of local indymedia groups in 2003, and then the launch of the current IMC London website in 2008.
So it is with a sad heart that we bring this latest chapter to an end. (…) All of us wish to continue working in a similar terrain and view what comes next as a development from the work that’s already been done. However for us, this Indymedia project is for many reasons no longer the one which we think is tactically useful to put our energy into. There are still many features of the project that we believe to be important and essential, but others which are less so. Below we set out some thoughts on both of these, and some of the challenges and limitations of the Indymedia project over the years.
Côté pistes :
We in London see the challenges of today more in terms of collectivising the individual outputs, of curating from within the sea of content, of fostering true collaboration and solidarity that survives longer than the latest surge in popularity or fashion.
À noter dans la même page, une collection intéressante de textes de réflexion sur Indymedia et les médias alternatifs ou la critique des réseaux sociaux marchands.