What Does #decentralization Mean for Your Business?
How Decentralization Can Benefit Your Business: Evaluating #bitcoin, #hyperledger, Algorand, and Elixxir▻https://www.gtis.co.za/news/online-collectables/decentralization-2-0/Centralized services like Facebook, Microsoft, and Yahoo keep all your eggs in one basket. This means that bad actors only need to attack one weak link to compromise all your data. And there are many ways to do it, including DDoS, Man-in-the-Middle, and credential stealing to name a few. Decentralized services keep your data safe and secure by distributing it across many redundant servers with cutting-edge cryptography that ensures your data is complete, immutable, and incorruptible. Of course, there are many degrees of decentralization. In this article, we explore the varieties of decentralization, their history and (...)