• Balancing Development and Forest Protection in Papua « Global Forest Watch

    While oil palm expansion brings the promise of economic growth, its impacts include irreparable deforestation and health crises caused by forest and land fires. For long-term economic development to be beneficial to Papua and West Papua, Indonesia must figure out how to move forward without depleting the environmental resources and ecosystem services that are vital to the livelihoods and well-being of local communities.

    Papua and West Papua share the island of New Guinea with the nation of Papua New Guinea, which occupies the eastern half. The island is home to the spectacular birds of paradise and the third-largest expanse of rainforest in the world. Papua and West Papua alone hold about one-third of Indonesia’s remaining rainforest. As Indonesia’s agricultural sector—the country’s main economic driver—continues to grow, the associated deforestation is rapidly moving east and threatening these last remaining forests. In 2015, Papua experienced its highest forest cover loss yet.

    #Papouasie #Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée #déforestation #industrie_palmiste

  • Colombian community leader allegedly murdered for standing up to palm oil

    Colombian community leader Hernan Bedoya, who defended collective land rights for Afro-Colombian farmers as well as local biodiversity in the face of palm oil and industrial agriculture expansion, was allegedly assassinated by a neo-paramilitary group on Friday, Dec. 5.

    Part of a rise in targeted assassinations of social leaders across the country, Bedoya was the second Afro-Colombian leader to be killed in the Bajo Atrato river basin region in less than 10 days after Mario Castaño was killed in late November. Overall, there have been three social leaders killed in the region over the course of the year.

    According to the Intercelestial Commission for Justice and Peace in Colombia (CIJP), a Colombian human rights group, Bedoya was heading home on horseback when two members of the neo-paramilitary Gaitánista Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AGC) intercepted him on a bridge and shot him 14 times, immediately killing him.

    Bedoya was owner of the “Mi Tierra” Biodiversity Zone, located in the collective Afro-Colombian territory of Pedeguita-Mancilla. The land rights activist stood up to palm oil, banana and ranching companies who are accused of engaging in illegal land grabbing and deforestation in his Afro-Colombian community’s collective territory in Riosucio, Chocó.

    #Colombie #paramilitaires #assassinat #terres #industrie_palmiste #activisme

  • « Made in Egypt » ? Le programme discret sur le textile qui rapporte des millions à Israël
    Paul Cochrane | 28 décembre 2017

    LE CAIRE – Disney et d’autres marques figurent dans le collimateur d’activistes du mouvement Boycott, Désinvestissement, Sanctions (BDS) en raison de leurs liens avec un programme controversé qui permet aux fabricants égyptiens d’exporter des vêtements vers les États-Unis sans payer de taxes à condition toutefois d’utiliser des matériaux israéliens.

    Ce programme promu discrètement, connu sous le nom de « Qualifying Industrial Zones » (QIZ), a été promulgué par le Congrès américain en 1996 dans le but de « normaliser » les relations entre Israël, l’Égypte et la Jordanie à travers une coopération économique.

    Grâce aux QIZ, les fabricants israéliens fournissent au moins 10,5 % des matériaux utilisés dans un vêtement. Ensuite, les ouvriers égyptiens dans 705 usines certifiées QIZ cousent le produit final qui est exporté aux États-Unis et exonéré de taxes à hauteur de 5 à 40 %, mais généralement de 15 % en moyenne.

    Quand un consommateur achète des vêtements de marques comme Gap, Levi’s et Ralph Lauren, selon le Conseil égyptien pour l’exportation de vêtements prêts-à-porter (ERGEC), il n’y a aucune mention de la composante israélienne sur les étiquettes des vêtements, qui indiquent seulement « Made in Egypt ».

  • Palm oil’s ecological footprint extends to distant forests, study finds

    Palm oil, a leading driver of tropical deforestation, may be also wreaking enormous damage on forests well outside established plantation areas, a new study has found.

    The study, published Dec. 20 in Nature Communications, focuses on two decades’ worth of ecological data from Malaysia’s Pasoh Research Forest, a 6-square-kilometer (2.3-square-mile) patch of protected primary rainforest surrounded by oil palm plantations. It found that the forest had been heavily degraded, with the number of understory vegetation — small trees and shrubs that grow between the forest canopy and forest floor — declining by more than 50 percent over the period studied.


    #industrie_palmiste #Malaisie

  • La projection cinématographique : une croissance tirée par les multiplexes - Insee Première - 1677


    Le secteur de la projection cinématographique a bénéficié d’une croissance dynamique au cours des années 2005–2015 (+ 44 % en valeur). De ce fait, le nombre de fauteuils s’est accru de 8 %, malgré une légère baisse du nombre de cinémas. Cette vitalité provient des multiplexes, alors que les salles uniques perdent du terrain. La part du secteur non marchand (salles municipales ou associatives) est restée stable, autour de 13 % des entrées.

    Globalement, le secteur réalise 1,5 milliard de chiffre d’affaires en 2015, trois groupes français drainant près de la moitié de l’activité. Son taux d’investissement est supérieur à celui de l’ensemble des services marchands (37 % contre 23 % en 2015), en raison notamment du passage au numérique. Sa rentabilité est élevée.

    #cinéma #industrie_cinématographique #france #statistiques

  • Government paying private firm $297 million to help hire 5,000 Border Patrol agents

    The contract with a division of #Accenture, an international professional services corporation with $35 billion in revenues in 2017, comes at a time when the Border Patrol is struggling to meet minimum staffing levels mandated by Congress and is losing more agents per year than it hires.

    #privatisation #asile #migrations #réfugiés #gardes-frontière #garde-frontière #frontières #USA #Etats-Unis #Border_patrol_agents #business #argent #industrie_militaro-sécuritaire

    • Top Democrat seeks answers on $297 million recruiting contract for Trump’s immigration crackdown

      If the contract runs its full five-year course, Accenture would be paid $297 million to assist CBP to hire 7,500 new employees, including 5,000 Border Patrol agents, 2,000 customs officers and 500 Air and Marine officers. The company will be paid $42.6 million in the first year, according to federal contracting records.


    • Customs and Border Protection Paid $14 Million to Recruit Two Agents, Government Report Finds

      US Customs and Border Protection paid a consulting company nearly $14 million to recruit new agents as the agency struggled to boost staffing levels amid an immigration crackdown. For that fee, the company processed just two successful job offers. The startling figure, along with plans to use a questionable Blade Runner-like lie detection system, is among the findings of a scathing new investigation by the Department of Homeland Security’s internal watchdog.

      After receiving multiple complaints, DHS’s Office of Inspector General began investigating a five-year contract worth up to $297 million that CBP, a division of DHS, awarded last year to Accenture Federal Services, a subsidiary of global consulting company Accenture. The contract gives Accenture nearly $40,000 for each of the 7,500 CBP officials—including 5,000 Border Patrol agents—it is supposed to help recruit and hire. The OIG report, released Monday, shows that Accenture’s services have been even more costly than previously known and could put CBP at risk of being sued.

      The watchdog found that Accenture is “nowhere near” meeting its goal of hiring 7,500 people over five years, even though CBP has used many of its own resources to do the job for which it is paying Accenture. “As such, we are concerned that CBP may have paid Accenture for services and tools not provided,” the report states. “Without addressing the issues we have identified, CBP risks wasting millions of taxpayer dollars.”

      CBP has struggled for years to hire Border Patrol agents. Congress has set a minimum staffing level of about 21,370 agents, but there were just 19,555 agents in 2018. The Accenture contract came in response to President Donald Trump’s January 2017 request for 5,000 additional Border Patrol agents. It is still not clear whether CBP will be able to hire those agents, because Congress has refused to provide the funding for hiring them.

      When CBP awarded Accenture the hiring contract in November 2017, Mother Jones reported in June, it was essentially paying the company for extremely expensive hand-holding throughout the application process for new agents. Accenture was supposed to give applicants “one-on-one” encouragement so they didn’t get “stuck,” according to federal contracting documents. That included reminding them to take their entrance exam and providing “helpful information” about the test. It was also supposed to help applicants schedule their physical fitness test and medical exams.

      Accenture was to assist with all steps of CBP’s hiring process within 90 days of getting the contract. But CBP did not establish metrics to determine whether Accenture was doing that, the report states. OIG’s assessment of Accenture’s effectiveness was particularly damning. “[A]s of October 1, 2018—10 months into the contract—CBP has paid Accenture approximately $13.6 million for startup costs, security requirements, recruiting, and applicant support,” the report found. “In return, Accenture has processed two accepted job offers.”

      CBP disagreed with that characterization in a response included in OIG’s report. “Accenture has created a hiring structure…and conducted many of the hiring steps for several thousand applicants,” Henry Moak, a CBP official wrote. OIG replied that the contracting documents it reviewed show that Accenture and CBP are unable to track applicants recruited by Accenture. “As such,” the report states, “we question the veracity of CBP management’s assertion.”

      Instead of providing a team of hiring experts, OIG found, Accenture “relied heavily” on CBP during the hiring process. A key part of the contract required Accenture to develop a system to track applicants. That did not happen, and the company used CBP’s system instead, according to OIG. Accenture also planned to use a computer program to speed up background investigations and processing of security clearances, but the program didn’t work. The company responded by reviewing security clearance forms manually, which created a backlog.

      OIG is also concerned about Accenture’s decision to use a lie detection system called EyeDetect to screen applicants. The system works by having a computer analyze respondents’ eyes as they answer questions. As Wired reported last week, the National Security Agency found that EyeDetect, a product of technology company Converus, worked no better than random chance at identifying false statements when it tested an early version of the system in 2013. Converus’ own scientists have conducted the only peer-reviewed study of EyeDetect. Yet in August, Accenture deployed EyeDetect at a hiring expo without getting approval from DHS’s science and technology compliance office. Accenture plans to use EyeDetect results to decide whether to keep applicants in its own pool of potential CBP hires or give them to CBP to process. That could put CBP at risk of being sued by applicants if they are held to different standards by Accenture and CBP, according to OIG.

      The lack of funding raises additional questions about why CBP quickly awarded the lucrative contract to Accenture. DHS’s Inspector General found last year that CBP had failed to justify the need for more Border Patrol agents. Congress stated in a March budget document that hiring additional Border Patrol agents was “not supported by any analysis of workload and capability gaps across CBP.”

      CBP has been strangely sympathetic to Accenture’s shortcomings. At one point, Accenture did not know which applicants it was recruiting, so “CBP agreed to give credit and temporarily pay Accenture for a percentage of all applicants regardless of whether CBP or Accenture processed the applicants,” OIG found. CBP also went out of its way to take blame, telling OIG in its responses to the report that it has sometimes failed to clear Accenture staff on time.

      “We disagree,” OIG responded. “Based on our review of contract documentation…CBP has been accommodating Accenture, rather than Accenture accommodating CBP.”


  • Santé au travail : « nous sommes face à une forme de crime organisé » | Le nouvel Economiste

    Moyenâgeuse et cynique. C’est en ces termes qu’Annie Thébaud-Mony qualifie l’attitude de certains industriels vis-à-vis de la santé et de la sécurité des salariés. Attitude qui, selon elle, expliquerait que l’on déplore encore chaque jour en France deux morts par accidents du travail et plus de dix des suites d’une exposition à l’#amiante.

    Une situation archaïque que cette spécialiste des questions de sécurité au travail dénonce depuis près de 30 ans en parlant non pas de négligence mais d’une authentique forme de “#crime organisé” de la part de certains dirigeants qui, depuis longtemps, ont appris à sous-traiter non seulement les risques qu’ils génèrent mais aussi les responsabilités qui les accompagnent.

    Face à cette manifestation de “pur cynisme industriel” dont les pouvoirs publics n’ont jusqu’alors pas pris la mesure, Annie Thébaud-Mony entend opposer deux mesures : l’interdiction d’avoir recours à la sous-traitance sur tout site dangereux et l’introduction des notions de crime industriel et de désastre volontaire dans le droit pénal. Seuls moyens, selon elle, d’en finir avec une situation qui persiste à placer l’intérêt économique au-dessus de la préservation de la vie humaine.

    “Je viens de refuser la Légion d’honneur parce que ce n’est tout simplement pas le type de reconnaissance que j’attends au terme de toutes ces années d’engagement et de recherche scientifique sur les questions de santé au travail et de santé environnementale. Ce que j’attends, c’est que mon travail soit pris en compte et reconnu ; autrement dit, qu’il incite les pouvoirs publics à adopter un certain nombre de dispositions, ne serait-ce que pour faire respecter la loi.

    #travail #industrie #santé #pollution

  • #Funky_tomato

    Funky Tomato è un pomodoro di alta qualità prodotto e trasformato in aree ad alto sfruttamento della terra e della manodopera – quali la Campania e la Basilicata – attraverso una filiera partecipata, legale e trasparente.

    Funky Tomato è un pomodoro di alta qualità perché prodotto da una rete di piccoli agricoltori nel rispetto della Carta d’Intenti Funky Tomato, cioè usando tecniche artigianali a basso impatto ambientale, tutelando i diritti dei lavoratori e integrando nelle aziende i braccianti stranieri vittime dello sfruttamento della filiera del pomodoro da industria. Leggi la Carta d’Intenti Funky Tomato.

    Le filiere attuali descrivono processi produttivi basati sullo scambio finanziario, ove il principale parametro di relazione è subordinato ad un rapporto gerarchico fondato sulla capacità di generare speculazione. Tale meccanismo trasforma il consumatore da elemento che innesca la filiera a obiettivo da raggiungere per ottenerne maggior crescita finanziaria. E il lavoratore in soggetto subordinato alla vitalità del processo speculativo.

    Per costruire una risposta pare quindi necessario trasformare la filiera in comunità mettendo in rete capacità e criticità attraverso il meccanismo della scelta e della partecipazione. Il parametro di relazione tra le parti non è quindi più la disponibilità finanziaria bensì il rapporto sociale. Il consumatore, da obiettivo torna ad essere elemento in relazione con la comunità. E la comunità diventa lo spazio che si fa’ carico delle capacità economiche.

    Funky Tomato si articola per questo in due comunità solidali di scopo – in Campania e in Basilicata – volte alla produzione, trasformazione, distribuzione e commercializzazione del pomodoro Funky Tomato per generare un’alternativa reale al caporalato e ai ghetti.

    Il progetto prevede, inoltre, l’istituzione del Fondo Funky Tomato a governance partecipata che garantisca all’agricoltore e ai lavoratori stabilità e continuità nella produzione e ai fruitori la possibilità di partecipare ai processi di costruzione della produzione futura. Il Fondo è costituito attraverso quote donate da tutti gli attori della filiera – enti pubblici, privati, società civile – che credono nella necessità di disegnare un’economia condivisa fondata sul rispetto dei diritti e della natura.

    #tomates #Italie #agriculture_solidaire #alternative

    • Funky Tomato, il pomodoro diventa sostenibile

      SALERNO – Quest’anno la Cooperativa Sociale Capovolti ha deciso di aderire alla rete Funky Tomato per favorire una filiera partecipata, legale e trasparente del pomodoro. Siccome la cooperativa di Montecorvino Pugliano, in provincia di Salerno, è un’azienda biologica certificata ICEA, la produzione del pomodorino è eseguita secondo i criteri della natura. Il terreno di base è stato arricchito semplicemente con letame naturale e nessun trattamento aggiuntivo è adoperato.


    • #Sfrutta_Zero, la salsa anti-caporali

      Mutuo soccorso. Dalla Puglia la sfida al caporalato si organizza con il mutualismo 2.0. La nuova filiera del pomodoro dove migranti, precari e contadini si organizzano contro il razzismo. 15 mila bottiglie di salsa prodotte tra Bari e Nardò nel 2016. E quest’anno i cooperanti puntano a superare il record dell’auto-produzione. Come ripartire dal mutuo soccorso: pagare il lavoro, creare casse di resistenza. E poi: coinvolgere i consumatori, connettersi alla rete nazionale «#Fuori_mercato»


    • Le Città Invisibili - La #città_del_riscatto

      Due sono le storie di questo documentario, per raccontare la “città del riscatto”, quella che unisce la Puglia al Lazio. I protagonisti sono, da una parte, i ragazzi di “Sfruttazero” a #Nardò, dall’altra i ragazzi della cooperativa sociale “Barikamà, sul Lago di Martignano, alle porte di Roma. Si chiama “#Netzanet” il progetto pugliese davvero rivoluzionario legato alla salsa di pomodoro: l’idea è quella di superare il caporalato e unire italiani e stranieri nella produzione solidale di salsa di pomodoro biologica, a filiera etica, cioè nel rispetto di tutti i lavoratori, contro lo sfruttamento. #Barikamà (che in lingua Bambara’ significa Resistente) è, invece, una cooperativa che porta avanti un progetto di micro-reddito e consiste nell’inserimento sociale attraverso la produzione e vendita di yogurt ed ortaggi biologici. I fondatori della Cooperativa, tutti africani, dopo essersi ribellati allo sfruttamento nei campi di Rosarno, hanno trovato in questo modo il loro riscatto sociale ed economico.


      #documentaire #film

    • How a Young Cameroonian Sparked a Revolt Against Migrant Exploitation in Italy

      At 26, #Yvan_Sagnet organized the “#Nardò_uprising,” a two-month strike held by migrant workers which led to the trial of 12 people for slavery and the first anti-gang-master law in the country.
      Yvan Sagnet was born in Cameroon in 1985, but grew up dreaming of Italy. From the time he was a child, he had always been fascinated by the country and, most of all, by Juventus FC, a soccer team from Turin, and its most famous player, Roberto Baggio. So when he was granted a student visa to attend the Polytechnic University of Turin in 2007, his dream suddenly seemed within reach.

      But university was a lot harder than he had imagined. And after he failed two exams early on, his scholarship was pulled, meaning he had to find some extra money to cover his tuition. In need of some quick cash, he didn’t think twice about signing up when a friend told him about the seasonal tomato-picking jobs in southern Italy.

      When Sagnet arrived in the town of Nardò, in Puglia, he was shocked: The area was scattered with improvised camps where around 800 day laborers—mostly migrants, both legal and undocumented—were being exploited by so-called caporali (gang masters). The caporale’s job was to find readily available handpickers on behalf of farmers, eventually taking a cut from the worker’s wages while also charging them for the most basic amenities, like transportation, food, and water.

      At the farms, migrants were made to work for up to 14 hours a day in extreme heat without an employment contract, earning far below the minimum wage. “I discovered the dark side of Italy,” Sagnet recalls. “A side made of ghettos, with migrants living in inhumane conditions, often sleeping either on the ground, in tents, or in makeshift shacks.”

      Sagnet decided that leading a strike seemed the only solution to that kind of abuse. And so, in summer 2011, the then 26-year-old helped organize the “Nardò uprising”—the first large-scale strike held by migrant laborers in Italy. For two months that summer, migrants refused to work in a bid to improve their working and living conditions. The outcome was disruptive. Before then, no one had dared to challenge the power of gang masters and corrupt farmers in Nardò.

      But for Sagnet, it was just the beginning. In 2012 he wrote a book about the uprising called Love Your Dream, then joined CGIL (Italy’s biggest labor union), through which he conducted a series of investigations into the treatment of workers across the country. He is now the leader of No Cap (No Caporalato), an organization fighting against the exploitation of migrants in Italy.

      In 2011, life in #masseria_Boncuri—as the ghetto was known—was in the hands of the gang masters. They demanded to be paid for almost everything, from water and food to transport and mattresses. The long work shifts under the blazing sun were unbearable.

      “To me it wasn’t just exploitation, it was modern slavery,” says Sagnet. “Gang masters would verbally and physically abuse us. I knew from very early on that we needed to do something radical like revolt.”

      “I discovered the dark side of Italy. A side made of ghettos, with migrants living in inhumane conditions, often sleeping either on the ground, in tents, or in makeshift shacks.”

      The opportunity to convince others came when the caporal decided to require all workers to start picking tomatoes one by one instead of scooping them in bunches, a slower technique which meant working longer for the same amount of money. For Sagnet and his colleagues, that was unacceptable considering the little they were already getting paid. When the gang master refused to listen, they decided to stop working, launching a minirevolt.

      Sagnet and the organizers had to mobilize nearly 1,000 workers who didn’t share the same language, culture, or nationality. Convincing them that taking action was in their best interests was the first big challenge. “Many people had been working like that for years, so they were used to it,” Sagnet says. “They assumed going on strike would be pointless.”

      At first, only a small minority wanted to take action. “We had to gain people’s trust,” he says. “And we did so through a campaign of information—organizing meetings that clearly outlined our objectives—and with a very practical social outreach strategy.”

      On the first day of the strike, Sagnet organized a roadblock on the highway between Nardò and the city of Lecce, one of the region’s main arterial roads, to get the attention of the local authorities and the general public about the working conditions.

      The second step was to organize protests to block access to the farms. “The day after we set the picket, we could already see that we were making a difference,” Sagnet recalls. “Masseria Boncuri had created a production standstill on the farm, and that’s when I knew we were winning.”

      There was one obvious downside to going on strike: The workers were not getting paid. “Since I had become a referee of sorts,” Sagnet explains, “workers would come to me and ask what I was going to do about the fact that they had nothing to eat. Going on strike wasn’t the same for Italians and migrants—as a migrant you’re on your own, often without an extended family or support network to lean on.”

      Facing a potential hunger crisis, Sagnet had to come up with a plan. With the help of volunteers and activists, Sagnet and his team decided to reach out to the general public for help. “The response from the people of Nardò and across Italy was overwhelming,” he says. Before the strike they had no idea the scale of what was going on in their own region, Sagnet tells me. “Donations were coming in from all over the country. Every night, people would bring rice, milk, bread. This is how we didn’t starve.”

      To keep their wider support network going, they worked hard to educate the public on the issue by developing strong relationships with the media. Sagnet used part of that relationship to highlight how the migrants in particular were taking a huge risk by going on strike to stand alongside Italians in their fight for workers’ rights. “Our cause showed immigrants in a different, positive light,” he says. “After all, it was everybody’s struggle.”

      Sagnet’s focus on the struggle eventually paid off. The Nardò uprising inevitably put pressure on politicians, who in turn responded by approving the first anti-gang-master law—legislation that stopped agents from cutting into the workers’ wages. The strike also led some local farmers to introduce regular contracts, giving more money to the workers. (The regular contracts and higher wages are independent from the law; they were implemented as a side result by the local farmers in Nardò.) All this was introduced just a week after the strike ended, in September 2011. “For us [the law] was a huge success, because it finally gave the police a tool to crack down on gang masters,” Sagnet explains. “By the end of the 2011 harvest season, we had gone from 3 percent of workers having employment contracts to 60 percent.”

      “Our cause showed immigrants in a different, positive light,” he says. “After all, it was everybody’s struggle.”

      In addition, charges were eventually brought against the gang masters and farmers who had exploited the workers, leading to a 2017 trial in which 12 people were convicted of enslavement and human trafficking.

      After the uprising, Sagnet started working for CGIL. “I asked [CGIL] to change their approach: to go into the fields and see the exploitation for themselves.” By taking that approach, Sagnet adds, “We discovered that the same system that was in place in Nardò was widespread.”

      Sagnet has since made it a priority to raise awareness among migrant agricultural workers—who, according to his estimates, make up 60 percent of this seasonal workforce. “Workers in the ghettos don’t know what unions are,” he tells me. “They do not speak Italian or have access to information. They think it’s normal to live and work like that. Without help, there can be no investigations or arrests.”

      On the contrary, he adds, if workers aren’t involved, “those who exploit us and put us in those conditions will always win. Authorities are either slow, or complicit, or corrupt. What I’m seeing is a class struggle going on—but at the moment there’s just one side, the one represented by power.”



      Un progetto sviluppato da un gruppo di giovani provenienti da Gambia, Italia e Mali con l’obiettivo di produrre passate di pomodoro dalla coltivazione di un terreno a rischio abbandono. I partecipanti al progetto hanno scambiato le loro conoscenze in agricoltura, sperimentando tecniche di coltivazioni usate in diversi paesi del mondo e hanno prodotto 400 litri di passate che sono state acquistate a sostegno del progetto. “Tomato” ha permesso ai partecipanti di ricevere un compenso equo per il lavoro svolto, in contrasto con lo sfruttamento e l’esclusione sociale dei braccianti agricoli soprattutto del settore della produzione di pomodori. (Estate-Autunno 2016)


    • Esclavage en Italie

      Originaires d’Afrique ou d’Europe de l’est, des centaines de milliers de travailleurs sont employés dans les campagnes italiennes pour récolter tomates, oranges et olives, en échange d’un salaire de misère. #Yvan_Sagnet milite pour mettre fin à cette situation de non-droit, et a créé une association visant à labelliser les produits récoltés de manière éthique.

      En 2011, un Camerounais a mené une grève couronnée de succès, déclarant la guerre aux « caporaux », ces employeurs criminels qui exploitent les travailleurs précaires en leur extorquant la majeure partie de leurs revenus, allant jusqu’à les menacer de mort s’ils osent se révolter.


      #agriculture #documentaire #film #reportage #esclavage_moderne #saisonniers #dumping_social #abus_de_pouvoir #exploitation_de_la_main-d'oeuvre #caporalato #consommateurs #Pouilles #Basilicata #tomates #bidonville #hébergement #honte #No_cap #globalisation #industrie_agro-alimentaire

      Est présentée aussi l’association fondée par Yvan, #NoCap :

      Rispetto per il lavoro. Niente sfruttamento di manodopera sottopagata o schiavizzata. Contratti di lavoro legali e soprattutto UMANI.
      Rispetto per l’ambiente e il paesaggio. Le attività economiche non devono distruggere le coste, i boschi, le montagne i laghi e le altre risorse naturali che sono la base dell’economia del turismo e generano PIL sostenibile per il Paese.
      Rispetto per la salute dei cittadini. Produzione senza contaminanti e nessuna immissione di sostanze nocive nell’ambiente che inquinano il suolo, avvelenano l’aria o l’acqua e causano malattie.
      Produzione di energia senza emissioni. Decarbonizzazione progressiva dei processi produttivi secondo il modello energetico distribuito e interattivo della Terza Rivoluzione Industriale, incentivando l’attività dell’autoproduzione (prosumer), e l’aggregazione di micro reti digitali di energia rinnovabile integrata nelle attività d’impresa.
      Finanziamento etico delle attività di impresa. Anche i finanziamenti delle attività economiche devono seguire il modello democratico e distribuito, con la massima diffusione del micro credito, dell’azionariato popolare (crowdfunding) e della finanza popolare tramite appositi pacchetti specifici delle banche cooperative e delle casse di credito locali.
      Ritorno alla filiera corta e locale per la diffusione commerciale dei prodotti con l’introduzione di norme di favore per la vendita di filiera corta a vantaggio delle piccole aziende per una giusta distribuzione commerciale.
      Valorizzazione della trasformazione con processi ad alto valore aggiunto realizzati il più vicino possibile ai luoghi di produzione e integrati nei processi aziendali.
      Adozione di pratiche a rifiuti zero sia nella produzione e nella distribuzione. Diminuzione progressiva di imballaggi e sistemi premianti per il riuso e riciclo che devono essere integrati nelle attività aziendali ed incentivate.
      Promozione di nuove proposte turistiche ispirate all’offerta di un “turismo esperienziale” che porti sotto la guida di cittadini esperti, turisti provenienti da realtà urbane a conoscere tramite il lavoro, nelle arti, nell’artigianato e nella coltivazione, secondo la logica espressa da Carlo Petrini, secondo cui oltre a far viaggiare i prodotti verso i consumatori, vanno fatti viaggiare anche i consumatori verso i prodotti.
      I Contratti di Rete Si tratta di un modello di collaborazione tra imprese che consente, pur mantenendo la propria indipendenza, autonomia e specialità, di realizzare progetti ed obiettivi condivisi, incrementando la capacità innovativa e limitando i costi di gestione.


    • Italie : une sauce tomate éthique avec un portrait sur l’étiquette pour lutter contre l’exploitation des migrants

      Autour de la ville de #Lecce, dans la région italienne des Pouilles, une coopérative agricole a été créée pour garantir des conditions de travail légales à des migrants sans papiers et de jeunes Italiens précaires… Extrait du magazine « Nous, les Européens » diffusé dimanche 27 septembre 2020 à 10h45 sur France 3.

      Des employeurs sans scrupules profitent de migrants sans papiers pour les exploiter. Mussa, originaire du Soudan, a ainsi fait des récoltes en Italie pour deux euros de l’heure. Autour de la ville de Lecce, qui se veut tolérante et accueillante par tradition, dans la région des Pouilles au sud de la péninsule italienne, des jeunes ont créé une coopérative solidaire pour permettre aux salariés de recueillir le juste fruit de leur travail.

      "Je travaillais seize heures par jour, sous le soleil, sans contrat et sans aucun droit, dit Mussa Siliman, membre de l’association Diritti a Sud (en italien) au magazine « Nous, les Européens » (replay). Alors, on a créé ensemble cette coopérative agricole pour lutter contre l’esclavagisme." Et pour écouler leur récolte, les jeunes de Droits au Sud ont eu l’idée de proposer une sauce tomate labélisée éthique.

      Après la récolte de ces fruits rouges dans le respect des lois sociales, les jeunes vendent la production à Lecce en racontant les histoires des salariés de la coop. « On vous a apporté notre sauce qui lutte contre l’exploitation des migrants, explique à un client la présidente de l’organisation, Rosa Vaglio. Il y a un visage sur chaque étiquette : des jeunes Italiens précaires et des étrangers. »

      Comme d’autres salariés, Mussa a son portrait photographique sur les bocaux de sauce tomate vendus dans cette ville qui se distingue par son sens de l’hospitalité : plus de deux cents familles ouvrent leur maison aux migrants le temps d’un déjeuner. Et à côté de chaque visage, toujours la même mention : « Libero » (Libre).


      #sfruttazero #coopérative #libero

  • Catherine Ringer à propos de sa sexualité - Vidéo Ina.fr
    « Peut-être que le #porno, c’était mon service militaire »

    Mireille Dumas a rencontré Catherine Ringer. Elle explique pourquoi elle a tourné des films pornographiques à l’âge de 17 ans et comment elle a vécu cette expérience.