industryterm:energy independence

  • Is The U.S. Using #Force To Sell Its LNG To The World? |

    From the moment he chose to run for President, Trump has embraced the new shale revolution in the U.S. as a major contributor to the country’s economic growth and energy independence.

    Increasingly, Trump has become the top promoter for increasing exports of U.S. Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) to world markets. He openly threatened to place economic sanctions on Germany if it went ahead with the deal for Russia’s new Nordstream 2 pipeline, that would nearly double natural gas supplies from Russia, Germany’s largest supplier.

    As most observers noted, the U.S. sanction threat was accompanied by the offer of U.S. LNG to Germany and Europe, as a replacement of Russian gas.

    No doubt that Trump’s bullying offended European sensibility, but despite the German protest regarding outside interference in its domestic economic affairs, and its intention to complete the Russian pipeline, Germany is quietly building up LNG importing facilities, “as a gesture to American friends.”

    Most energy experts agree that it is inevitable that U.S. LNG will eventually become a component of European markets, despite its significantly higher price to Russian and Norwegian gas, if for no other reasons to keep the peace with America, Europe’s largest ally, and assure Europe’s access to the U.S. market.

    #economie_de_marché #free_market #auto_régulation #énergies_fossiles #etats-unis #europe

  • Trump uses energy speech to outline general election pitch - The Washington Post

    Presumptive Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump unveiled an “#America_first” energy plan he said would unleash unfettered production of oil, coal, natural gas and other energy sources to push the United States toward energy independence.

    But the speech, delivered at the annual Williston Basin Petroleum Conference in Bismarck, North Dakota, went far beyond energy, as Trump laid out, in his most detail to date, a populist general election pitch against likely rival Hillary Clinton.

    She’s declared war on the American worker,” Trump said of Clinton, reading from prepared remarks in a stadium packed with thousands.
    In March, Clinton said, “We’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business.” She has since walked back the remark, calling it “a misstatement” and outlining a plan to help displaced coal workers.

    Trump said Thursday he would do everything he could “free up the coal” and bring back thousands of coal jobs lost amid steep competition from cheaper natural gas and regulations designed to cut air pollution and reduce greenhouse gases blamed for global warming.

    They love it,” Trump said of those who work in coal mines. “We’re going to bring it back and we’re going to help those people because that’s what they want to do.

  • European Union pushes for energy independence from Russia - World Socialist Web Site

    In the midst of growing conflicts over the expansion of the German-Russian Nord Stream pipeline, the European Union (EU) Commission has taken steps over the past week to reduce European dependence on Russian gas supplies. The Slovakian deputy President of the EU Commission Maroš Šefčovič indicated in an interview that the EU Commission intends to block the construction of the Nord Stream II pipeline. The EU Commission is thereby opposing the position adopted by the German and Austrian governments.

    With a 40 percent share, Russia controls by far the largest portion of the European energy market. While Germany imports a third of its gas from Russia, some Eastern European countries rely on Russian supplies for between 80 and 90 percent of their gas.

    #russie #europe #gaz #guerre_du_gaz #énergie

  • Israel’s PM announces major offshore gas deal | Jordan Times
    Le gaz israélien, un moyen de pression face à ses voisins

    Production at Tamar is destined for the domestic market, aimed at guaranteeing energy independence for Israel, which is isolated in the region.

    Further production could also provide the country with strategic leverage if it becomes a supplier to the Palestinian Authority as well as countries such as Jordan and Egypt.

    #gaz #Israël #Jordanie #Egypte #Palestine

  • Awash in oil, U.S. reshapes Middle East role | Business , Middle East | THE DAILY STAR
    Un long article passant en revue les enjeux de la politique US au Moyen-Orient dans un contexte d’une moindre dépendance pétrolière :
    – désengagement après des opérations catastrophiques en Afganistan et en Irak
    – permanence de l’enjeu de la sécurité de l’allié israélien
    – désaccord avec l’Arabie Saoudite sur la Syrie
    – concurrence avec la Chine pour le leadership dans la sécurité régionale

    Forty years after an Arab oil embargo throttled the U.S. economy, surging North American energy production has brought the United States closer to a long-dreamed “energy independence” that is reshaping its goals and role in the Middle East.
    “Reduced energy imports do not mean the United States can or should disengage from the Middle East or the world,” then-White House National Security Adviser Tom Donilon said in a speech in April.

    “We have a set of enduring national security interests” in the region, Donilon said, citing Israel’s security, the fight against terrorism and “our historic stabilizing role in protecting regional allies and partners.”
    The coming years could see an awkward – or even tense – geopolitical duet between the United States and China in the Middle East, testing Americans’ willingness to share responsibility – and influence.

  • Jordanie : la transition énergétique masquée : les schistes bitumineux plutôt que le solaire
    Jordan to finalise deal for region’s first oil shale plant by ‘year’s end’ | The Jordan Times

    Jordan is set to finalise a deal by the end of year with an Estonian-Malaysian firm to build the region’s first oil shale plant, officials revealed on Saturday, in what is being billed as a critical step towards the country’s energy independence.

    According to Minister of Finance Suleiman Hafez, Amman is set to seal the agreement with Enerfit Energy by December to construct a 450-megawatt (MW) oil shale-fired thermal station in central Jordan — the first power station fuelled by the alternative energy resource in the region.

    The power station, which is set to meet 16 per cent of the country’s 3,000MW electricity demand, is expected to come on-line by 2016.

    “This agreement will be one of the biggest steps towards the country’s energy independence,” Hafez said during a press round-table hosted by Prime Minister Abdullah Ensour in Amman on Saturday.

    Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources officials say the plant is set to shave some of the country’s national energy bill, which due to rising oil prices and ongoing cuts in Egyptian gas supplies is expected to surpass JD4 billion by the end of the year.

    Under the landmark deal, which has been over two years in the making, Enerfit is set to construct the plant in the central region of Al Attarat in order to take advantage of a parallel project where the firm hopes to produce up to 38,000 barrels of shale oil per day.

    Les Jordaniens continuent toutefois à essayer de se procurer du gaz, sachant que les Egyptiens ne veulent plus en fournir en raison de leurs propres besoins :

  • The New ’Golden Age of Oil’ that Wasn’t

    By Michael Klare
    Al Jazeera
    October 11, 2012

    Following the Arab Spring and the US presidential campaign, the topic of US energy independence has sparked back to life. The article summarizes the most high profile environmental disasters brought about by oil giants, who were given the green light to find alternative oil sources, no matter the cost. On this risky path to achieve ambitious energy targets, extreme alternatives such as arctic drilling, hydro-fracking and tar sands production are all on the table. As Professor Michael Klare puts it, one thing remains certain: “extreme energy= extreme methods= extreme disasters= extreme opposition.”

    Last winter, fossil-fuel enthusiasts began trumpeting the dawn of a new “golden age of oil” that would kick-start the American economy, generate millions of new jobs, and free this country from its dependence on imported petroleum. Ed Morse, head commodities analyst at Citibank, was typical. In the Wall Street Journal he crowed, “The United States has become the fastest-growing oil and gas producer in the world, and is likely to remain so for the rest of this decade and into the 2020s.”

    #états-unis #énergie #pétrole #géopolitique #géostratégie

    Once this surge in US energy production was linked to a predicted boom in energy from Canada’s tar sands reserves, the results seemed obvious and uncontestable. “North America,” he announced, “is becoming the new Middle East.” Many other analysts have elaborated similarly on this rosy scenario, which now provides the foundation for Mitt Romney’s plan to achieve “energy independence” by 2020.