#security, Obscurity, Openness
And making open source alternatives — #DevStoriesThis is a transcript of a talk I gave at the Hacker Noon #devstories @Github event, with minor modifications to improve readability. I wanted to call out the irony that security calls for openness, but security is also the reason for obscurity and proprietary implementations, especially in the hardware world. Making security more open is what motivated us to found SoloKeys, and make open source hardware security keys.▻https://medium.com/media/6a0e0d8f7709f7937cc7221c95a19eaa/hrefWhat I think is really fascinating about security is the duality that I tried to capture in the title between openness and obscurity.Borrowing a definition from cryptography:A (crypto)system should be secure even if everything about the system, except the key, is (...)
#open-source #developer #authentication #hackernoon-top-story