industryterm:social media

  • They helped expose unsafe lead levels in Flint’s and in D.C.’s water. Then they turned on each other. - The Washington Post

    Marc Edwards helped expose dangerous amounts of lead in the water in Flint and D.C. Now, some of the activists he worked with have turned against him.

    he issue of whether scientists should engage in activism has become more urgent in the Trump era. For decades, scientists have argued their work should be a nonpartisan affair. It’s a norm so deeply rooted that even scientists who participated in the 2017 March for Science on Earth Day espoused that ideal, saying they were there only in response to the administration’s attacks on science.

    Edwards argues scientists may have to assume an activist role when they witness communities facing powerful institutions, such as the state of Michigan. “I would prefer to be able to sit in the office, advise my students and do my research, and that would be enough, but it’s not,” Edwards told me in one of several lengthy phone conversations. Still, as a scientist, he’s not always comfortable having his work cast as activism. He prefers, he says, to call what he does “investigative science,” a blend of “science, investigative reporting and direct collaboration with members of affected communities.”

    A few months after that court appearance, the letter criticizing Edwards appeared. He later filed a defamation lawsuit against three of the activists who signed it: Lambrinidou, Schwartz and Melissa Mays, a mother of three in Flint. In his complaint, Edwards claimed that the trio organized a public smear campaign against him, questioning his scientific integrity and motives for working in Flint in social media posts and media interviews. He sought $3 million in damages, saying he has lost some of his grants, potentially preventing him from uncovering contaminated water in other places. Edwards chalks up the activists’ criticisms to professional jealousy and, in Lambrinidou’s case, romantic feelings that were not reciprocated.

    “The Defendants harbor various financial, professional and social incentives to make negative and damaging statements regarding Edwards and his work,” the lawsuit reads.

    In Flint, Edwards used public records requests to unearth emails showing that officials in Michigan knew the city’s water was contaminated long before they publicly admitted it. Lately, he has used that same strategy to get copies of emails he hopes will explain what caused the activists in Flint and in D.C. to turn on him. And he continues to use his blog to defend his reputation and update readers on his public spats with activists and other scientists.

    I asked Edwards if he thought, looking back, that he had been a bit naive not to have anticipated the reaction to his findings that lead levels in Flint’s water had fallen to safe levels. He says he had expected a backlash but not what he views as a concerted effort to destroy his professional reputation. He stands by his actions, which he perceives as truth telling. “It comes down to duty versus self-preservation,” he says. “In a post-truth world, science has become just another weapon of tribal warfare, and rising above that takes courage.”

    #Flint #Lanceurs_alerte #Crises_internes #Activisme

  • Israeli election ad boasts Gaza bombed back to “stone ages” | The Electronic Intifada

    back to “stone ages”

    Ali Abunimah Rights and Accountability 21 January 2019

    Benny Gantz, the former Israeli army chief, is bragging about how much killing and destruction he committed in Gaza in a series of campaign videos for his new political party posted on YouTube and social media over the weekend.

    Gantz hopes to replace Benjamin Netanyahu as Israel’s prime minister in elections scheduled for April.

    One of the videos, above, shows drone footage of a devastated neighborhood in Gaza in August 2014, following Israel’s 51-day assault on the territory.

    The video’s title includes the words “Parts of Gaza were returned to the stone ages.”

    Against the swell of dramatic music, captions on screen announce, “6,231 targets destroyed,” and “1,364 terrorists killed.”

    The ad then claims that this carnage brought “3.5 years of quiet.”

    A second video displays a kill-counter on screen racking up bodies until the number 1,364 is reached. In the background Palestinians are seen conducting funerals.

    The video is another depraved celebration of killing.

    All the videos contain the words “Only the strong win.”

    And they close with Gantz’s campaign slogan “Israel before everything,” which could just as well be translated as the Trumpian “Israel first.”
    Admission of war crimes

  • The beginning of the end of the Facebook era

    And the division of labor of social mediaI’ve been off of Facebook for more than six months. My reason for quitting was primarily because I felt aimless, scrolling through an endless feed of content with no particular theme or underlying motivation — no greater purpose for generating awareness, spreading knowledge or happiness; even the strengthening of #community which social media intends — or at least claims — to do is not being successfully achieved by Facebook.My life has improved since then, for many reasons, not least of which being: the realization and consequent relief of the incredible awkwardness of the idea of posting personal updates to an audience of hundreds of people, of whom only a few dozen (if even that) actually care.But aside from my personal life-standard improvement as a (...)

    #future-of-work #social-media #society #division-of-labor

  • Tech Therapy Check-Ins

    Over the past few months, I have been called upon several times to play the role of #technology therapist — a role that is sure to be more and more necessary for future generations as technology becomes more intertwined with our daily lives. When talking to my “patients,” I find myself asking these core questions:When did you start using a smart phone?How many apps do you currently monitor?How many times do you check your phone daily?How often is your smart phone at your side?How has social media influenced your relationships?Do you feel anxiety when someone doesn’t respond to you right away?Do you feel judged on the content you share online or pressured to share specific content on social media?Which social media platforms do you currently use?Have you ever taken a hiatus from social media? (...)

    #tech-therapy-checkins #social-media #therapy-check-ins #tech-therapy

  • Il n’y a pas beaucoup d’articles en anglais sur les #Gilets_Jaunes, et celui ci tombe dans certains pièges, mais il est plutôt meilleur que la moyenne :

    Popular Uprising in Paris and Left’s Fear of Populism
    Ranabir Samaddar, Alternatives international, le 14 décembre 2018

    Ca, par exemple, c’est trop précis pour être vrai :

    The Yellow Vests call for : (a) No one be left homeless ; (b) end of the austerity policy ; cancellation of interest on illegitimate debt ; end of taxing the poor to pay back the debt ; recovery of the 85 billion Euros of fiscal fraud ; (c) creation of a true integration policy, with French language, history and civics courses for immigrants ; (d) minimum salary €1500 per month ; (e) giving privilege to city and village centres by stopping building of huge shopping malls and arcades ; (f) more progressive income tax rates ; and finally (g) more taxes on big companies like Mac Donald’s, Google, Amazon and Carrefour, and low taxes on little artisans.

    Mais ça c’est pas mal :

    The rebels donning yellow breakdown-safety vests required to keep in their cars by the government have spurned political parties. They got organized on social media, and began acting locally. The movement spread in this way on successive Saturdays. Saturdays, because on working days women raising kids with their precarious jobs cannot strike. Thus, women receptionists, hostesses, nurses, teachers have come out in unusually large numbers. It is not the banal strike that the Left engages in, but something more. The Left in France as elsewhere has surrendered before the neo-liberal, pro-business counter-reforms. The union leaders are eager to keep their place at the table. They only go through the motions of carrying out strikes. Workers were fatigued.

    #Yellow_Vests #France

  • How To Become Data Scientist Without CS Degree

    Last year of the university, quite hard days you might imagine. Every second pass with the anxiety of future when you turned off the screen of any device and moved away from social media or anything else that killing your time. I was in one of these times. Nausea had begun. But it wasn’t a physical sickness as you thought. I’m about nausea of existence that Jean-Paul Sartre describes very well in his books. I felt like I must find a job directly after graduation and I mustn’t delay it because I’m already in my last year. You often feel that kind of moments if you live in a country which struggles with unemployment. I turned on my pc and started searching about departments I can apply for work after graduation. But there were lots of business departments I can apply to. So better to (...)

    #machine-learning #data-science #how-to #self #data-scientist

  • Put your money where your mouth is

    What the financial blacklisting trend means for the crypto communityCrypto-Libertarians have long-predicted that Tech Giants and the Alt-Right would become odd bedfellows. And now they kinda have: both believe in their moral superiority to deem who is worthy of rights to economic ability.This comes after many months of increased censorship of user profiles on social media giants like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube — the latter of which is already known to demonetize offensive videos. The newer blacklisting actions of financial tech giants have gained heightened attention following Patreon’s decision to cut off YouTube star “Sargon of Akkad” when a conversation in which he used the N-word was unearthed.image from cointube.netDave Rubin and Jordan Petersen are members of the Intellectual Dark (...)

    #bitcoin #blockchain #technology #cryptocurrency #finance

  • Opinion | Trump vs. Ocasio-Cortez: Who Will Win the Internet? - The New York Times

    They both know how to control the narrative. But one of them comes across as a human being and the other as a cartoon bobblehead.

    I recently wrote a column about how Mr. Trump had been using social media to govern, noting that “we are now a government of the Twitter, by the Twitter and for the Twitter.” That’s even truer this week, as the government shutdown has dragged on and Mr. Trump has taken to Twitter to provide running commentary of the situation and also to make threats, attack foes, lob fact-free water balloons and generally conduct a bizarre play-by-play of his state of mind. After his television appearance this week to demand funding for his fantasy wall was widely panned as lackluster, he doubled down on tweets to make his ALL-CAPS points.

    What’s interesting about Mr. Trump’s digital efforts is that even though he is always online, he is not Extremely Online. Rather than fully engaging with the platforms and employing their nifty audio and video tools, he has stuck to text, using his own set of locutions and his own distinctive voice. While at first this made him seem, to many supporters at least, more authentic than the average politician, it is now making him look more and more like a giant cartoon bobblehead. The internet is not making him more of a person.

    It would be a mistake to dismiss their practices as just noise. Because, as Mr. Warzel noted correctly, they are controlling the narrative by doing this so effectively. “It’s agenda-setting,” he wrote, whether we’re talking about the wall (Mr. Trump) or taxing the rich (Ms. Ocasio-Cortez). “Constant content creation forces your opponent to respond to you.” It means you are creating the news.

    #Twitter #Politique #Trump #AOC

  • The Rise and Demise of RSS

    Before the internet was consolidated into centralized information silos, RSS imagined a better way to let users control their online personas.

    The story of how this happened is really two stories. The first is a story about a broad vision for the web’s future that never quite came to fruition. The second is a story about how a collaborative effort to improve a popular standard devolved into one of the most contentious forks in the history of open-source software development.

    RSS was one of the standards that promised to deliver this syndicated future. To Werbach, RSS was “the leading example of a lightweight syndication protocol.” Another contemporaneous article called RSS the first protocol to realize the potential of Extensible Markup Language (XML), a general-purpose markup language similar to HTML that had recently been developed. It was going to be a way for both users and content aggregators to create their own customized channels out of everything the web had to offer. And yet, two decades later, after the rise of social media and Google’s decision to shut down Google Reader, RSS appears to be a slowly dying technology, now used chiefly by podcasters, programmers with tech blogs, and the occasional journalist. Though of course some people really do still rely on RSS readers, stubbornly adding an RSS feed to your blog, even in 2019, is a political statement. That little tangerine bubble has become a wistful symbol of defiance against a centralized web increasingly controlled by a handful of corporations, a web that hardly resembles the syndicated web of Werbach’s imagining.

    RSS would fork again in 2003, when several developers frustrated with the bickering in the RSS community sought to create an entirely new format. These developers created Atom, a format that did away with RDF but embraced XML namespaces. Atom would eventually be specified by a standard submitted to the Internet Engineering Task Force, the organization responsible for establishing and promoting the internet’s rules of the road. After the introduction of Atom, there were three competing versions of RSS: Winer’s RSS 0.92 (updated to RSS 2.0 in 2002 and renamed “Really Simple Syndication”), the RSS-DEV Working Group’s RSS 1.0, and Atom. Today we mostly use RSS 2.0 and Atom.

    For a while, before a third of the planet had signed up for Facebook, RSS was simply how many people stayed abreast of news on the internet.

    Today, RSS is not dead. But neither is it anywhere near as popular as it once was. Lots of people have offered explanations for why RSS lost its broad appeal. Perhaps the most persuasive explanation is exactly the one offered by Gillmor in 2009. Social networks, just like RSS, provide a feed featuring all the latest news on the internet. Social networks took over from RSS because they were simply better feeds. They also provide more benefits to the companies that own them. Some people have accused Google, for example, of shutting down Google Reader in order to encourage people to use Google+.

    RSS might have been able to overcome some of these limitations if it had been further developed. Maybe RSS could have been extended somehow so that friends subscribed to the same channel could syndicate their thoughts about an article to each other. Maybe browser support could have been improved. But whereas a company like Facebook was able to “move fast and break things,” the RSS developer community was stuck trying to achieve consensus. When they failed to agree on a single standard, effort that could have gone into improving RSS was instead squandered on duplicating work that had already been done. Davis told me, for example, that Atom would not have been necessary if the members of the Syndication mailing list had been able to compromise and collaborate, and “all that cleanup work could have been put into RSS to strengthen it.” So if we are asking ourselves why RSS is no longer popular, a good first-order explanation is that social networks supplanted it. If we ask ourselves why social networks were able to supplant it, then the answer may be that the people trying to make RSS succeed faced a problem much harder than, say, building Facebook. As Dornfest wrote to the Syndication mailing list at one point, “currently it’s the politics far more than the serialization that’s far from simple.”

    #RSS #Histoire_informatique #Politique_algorithme #Normalisation

    • J’apprécie, comme toi, qu’il fasse remarquer que les décisions
      techniques ont des conséquences politiques. Il est clair que l’abandon de facto de la #syndication SS a accéléré le passage d’un web décentralisé vers un web polarisé par les GAFA. Je suis moins convaincu par ses explications sur les raisons pour lesquelles la syndication n’a pas tenu sur le long terme :

      – dire que RSS n’est pas user-friendly est franchement débile. RSS est un format. L’utilisateur ne le voit pas. Quasiment aucun utilisateur
      de RSS, que ce soit côté producteur ou consommateur, n’a regardé à quoi ça ressemblait en utilisant vi ! Un logiciel peut être
      « user-friendly » ou pas. Pour un format, ça n’a pas de sens.

      – je trouve qu’il exagère le rôle des disputes au sein du monde de la
      syndication. Certes, ces disputes ont pu contribuer à semer le trouble mais n’exagérons pas : ça se passait dans un tout petit microcosme et la grande majorité des webmestres et des lecteurs n’en ont jamais entendu parler. (Au passage, le camp vainqueur est nettement celui qui voulait un format simple : les sites Web n’utilisent qu’une petite partie du format.) Et, d’une point de vue pratique, ces disputes n’ont eu aucune conséquence : tous les logiciels de lecture comprennent les trois formats. Le webmestre peut donc publier ce qu’il veut, sans inquiétude.

      – par contre, il parle trop peu des raisons politico-marketing de
      l’abandon de la syndication : propagande effrénée des médias et
      autres autorités en faveur des solutions centralisées, notamment.

  • For The Love of #gif

    GIF Source from Reaction GifsI was talking with a guy named Jason yesterday in the pixEOS Telegram channel and it was a weird moment when I realized we both use GIFs to express our emotions more than any other medium, even talking face-to-face with people.message with JasonHe also told me he quit all the other social media platforms, so Telegram was his remaining way of communicating with people and he said he uses GIFs A LOT. I can’t exactly recall when my own GIF addiction started, but it’s been strong for a while now. There are a number of reasons why I think GIFs are such a big part of my life and why I think they are important.Do You Speak (...)

    #do-you-speak-gif #art #love-of-gif #pop-culture


    In this article, I’m going to share some tips on how to become a LinkedIn influencer and create viral content. So, let’s get started.Friday, December 30th was a normal day for me as I was working on creating my list of goals for 2019 with my wife, Sweeta. I was scrolling through Facebook when I stumbled upon an old story in which “Facebook turned down WhatsApp co-founder Brian Acton for job in 2009”. I stopped what I was doing and felt compelled to share this ten-year-old story on my Linkedin account. After posting this story, I went to bed. Then I woke up in the morning to this.24 Hours later this post had 2 million views. (post link)HOW TO GO VIRAL ON LINKEDINLinkedIn is a popular social media platform, which can yield big results when used creatively. It is an incredible source of leads. (...)

    #linkedin-views #content-marketing #social-media #linkedin-viral

  • How We Lost the Battle for #instagram Engagement and Other Tales

    Nintendo’s Super Mario makes a heroic jump for that IG coin.I write articles when I get really, really mad. And now, I’m once again seething with rage, sitting by my keyboard in my jammies and with a cup of coffee, so fasten your seat belts. For months now, I’ve been explaining to people why their Instagram engagement is dropping. Yesterday, I was trying to find some more info about this for my company’s investor pitch deck. Because, you know, there are things I can see happening across social media and then there are sources.Lo and behold… nothing. When you search for “Instagram engagement decline,” the front page of Google is filled with well-wishing bloggers giving each other inspirational style tips on how the new Instagram algorithm update favours meaningful interactions and how you have (...)

    #instagram-decline #engagement-instagram #social-media #facebook

  • Source of pro-Israel guerrilla warriors on social media exposed – Middle East Monitor

    poursuite des révélations sur le financement des trolls antipalestiniens aux Etats-Unis.
    En profiter pour voir,2715

    A number of prominent Jewish-American leaders are funding covert, anonymous campaigns targeting pro-Palestinian student activists, The Forward has found. The Jewish daily newspaper, which has been publishing valuable information concerning the source of funding for these hyper-aggressive and shadowy groups – which spearhead coordinated hate campaigns against critics of the Zionist state – has uncovered the identities of those behind hidden social media accounts.

    Community heads and prominent Jewish organisations with a carefully-crafted, respectable public profile have donated millions to fund secret projects targeting students and lecturers, the report has found. On a number of occasions, their blind support for Israel has seen them bankroll far-right and anti-Muslim hate groups.

    The latest pro-Israeli group to be exposed by The Forward is the campaign targeting the pro-Palestinian campus network Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP). SJP is said to be the most well-known advocate of the Palestinian cause on US campuses. It has been the target of a pro-Israel group known as SJP Uncovered, which anonymously attacks student activists affiliated with SJP across the country. With more than 100,000 followers on Facebook, SJP Uncovered has gone after pro-Palestinian students by maintaining a veil of anonymity that is said to be all-but impenetrable.

    Until now, the source of funding for SJP Uncovered had been a mystery. The Forward has now been able to shed light on the organisation to reveal that the site is a secret project of the Israel on Campus Coalition (ICC), a Washington DC-based pro-Israel organisation tied to most mainstream funders and organisations in the Jewish community.

  • Canada’s yellow vest movement looks like it’s here to stay — but what is it really about? | The Star

    Although some yellow vest members denounce extremists in their midst, the movement, intentionally or not, is providing a platform to individuals and groups with extreme views. The Wolves of Odin — an Edmonton-based splinter group of the Soldiers of Odin who insist they’re only against radical Islam but have posted blatantly Islamophobic remarks on social media — have attended every yellow vest protest in Edmonton.

    The Yellow Vest Canada Facebook page, which has more than 100,000 members, is particularly toxic, said Canadian Anti-Hate Network director Evan Balgord, a researcher who has been tracking the yellow vest movement nationwide.

    “If you go through it at any given moment, you’re going to find anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, you’re going to find death threats, you’re going to find other calls to violence, racism directed to Muslims — and it doesn’t take very long,” Balgord said. “I found my first death threat in five minutes.”

    #gilets_jaunes #Canada

  • 16 Social Good #hackathons For Giving Back This Year Around the Globe

    16 Social Good Hackathons For Giving Back in 2019 Around the GlobeAs you write your New Year’s Resolution, we hope you add “hacking for good” on your list.Just one weekend or event can make an impact, we’ve seen it and heard from you firsthand on how these opportunities make a difference.Maker Faire Austin 2018Here’s a recap video of some of our 2018 event highlights — don’t they look like fun? our list isn’t complete since many more events have yet to be announced, so we encourage you to stay alert on Medium and on your other social media channels. Heck, if you want to throw your own event this year, give us a shout!Here are some social good hackathons to watch for in 2019:Abu DhabiThe 2019 Annual NYUAD International Hackathon for (...)

    #global #charity #helping-others #humanity

  • Eritrea-Ethiopia border closed amid escalating tension

    “Currently, the situation in Eritrea is reminiscent of the pre-1998 border war period when the war of words and public agitation was at its highest. Now, taking advantage of the proliferation of social media, the agitation is being escalated on a daily basis.”

    Ethio-Eritrean Border: Haphazardly Opened Erratically Closed

    A little over three months after it was haphazardly opened, the Ethiopian-Eritrean Border was closed from the Eritrean side which now requires Ethiopians to have entry permits. The decision to close the border was passed to the Eritrean border guards on Christmas Eve.

    The Eritrean side didn’t explain the change of policy and now requires permits issued by the Federal Ethiopian Government. Similarly, Ethiopian authorities stated they have no official information regarding the Eritrean decisión.

    The border remained closed since the two countries went to war between 1998-2000, a gruesome war in which over a hundred thousand people were killed. In addition, hundreds of thousands of people were displaced from their villages and some of them still live in makeshift camps.

    Until recently, the borders were guarded by soldiers who were on a shoot-to-kill order. Many Eritreans escaping the country to avoid the indefinite military service, poor employment prospects, and severe violations of human rights, were shot and killed while crossing the border.

    However, since September 10, a border crossing checkpoint at Zalambessa-Serha, in the central region, was opened following the agreement between Isaias Afwerki of Eritrea and the Ethiopian prime minister, Dr. Abiy Ahmed. People and goods were allowed to move across the border freely with no permits or visas.

    Immediately after the border was opened, thousands of Eritreans rushed to Ethiopia to take advantage of the border opening either to travel further and join family members in foreign lands, or in search of better employment and educational prospects for themselves.

    At the same time, Ethiopians crowded the streets of Eritrean cities as tourists, or to meet long-separated family members, while merchants flooded the markets that suffered from an acute shortage of different merchandise.

    Another border crossing checkpoint that was briefly opened between the Ethiopian town of Humera and the Eritrean town of Um-Hajer over the Tekezze River was closed on the beginning of August 2018.

    Still another crossing point at Bure south of the Eritrean port of Assab is either closed or open depending on unpredictable intermittent decisions by the Eritrean authorities.

    The border also has also faced problems related to Exchange rates between the currencies of the two countries since neither of the two governments had planned for it ahead of time.

    Since the border opened, over 30,000 Eritreans have crossed to Ethiopia on a one-way journey.

    The reason for the two days old decision by Eritrea is believed to have been triggered by the attempt on the life of general Sebhat’s on December 19, 2018. Dozens of colonels and other lower rank officers suspected of being part of a plot to overthrow Isaias Afwki’s government have been arrested. Their fate is still unknown.

    Over the last few days, PFDJ trolls on social media have accused the TPLF of being behind the plot to “disrupt Eritrean security” and of masterminding the attempt on general Sebhat Efrem’s life.

    Currently, the situation in Eritrea is reminiscent of the pre-1998 border war period when the war of words and public agitation was at its highest. Now, taking advantage of the proliferation of social media, the agitation is being escalated on a daily basis.

    Both the Eritrean government and the Ethiopian federal government are waging relentless media wars and exerting political pressure on the TPLF of Tigray region, which occupies most of the area between the two countries.
    #fermeture_des_frontières #frontières #Erythrée #Ethiopie #conflit

    Re-fermeture de cette frontière, après un petit moment d’espoir, il y a quelques mois :

  • When Was the Las Time You Googled Yourself?

    By 2025, the world will create 163 zettabytes of data — nearly 55 gigabytes of new data every single day per person. In just under a decade, this information explosion could be more personal than we realize. Today, #google already handles over 3.5 billion searches on a daily basis and it may be surprising how much of that data accounts for our own information.Half of Americans believe that their personal information online is less secure than it was just five years ago — and yet we are sharing more information about ourselves than ever. Social media sites like Facebook and Instagram make it easy to overshare, a bad habit most of us have fallen into at least once. Aside from the TMI factor, oversharing can lead to more sinister outcomes; namely the smart scammers that know how to put two and (...)

    #infographics #cybersecurity #phishing #social-media

  • #Facebook: The global censor - World Socialist Web Site

    Facebook: The global censor
    29 December 2018

    The year 2018 has seen a vast intensification of internet censorship by Google, Facebook and Twitter, transforming them from tools for exchanging information and communicating around the world into massive censorship dragnets for policing what their users say, do and think.

    In August 2017, the World Socialist Web Site published an open letter to Google charging that the company, in collusion with the US government, was working to shape political discourse by manipulating search results. The open letter warned that Google’s actions set a dangerous precedent for subverting constitutional protections of freedom of speech and demanded that the company cease what the WSWS called “political blacklisting” of left-wing sites.

    Sixteen months later, the central argument of the open letter—that Google and its peers are carrying out political censorship—is undeniable. The regime that Google pioneered through its search engine has been expanded to all major US social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

    #censure #réseaux_sociaux

  • #2018 reflected

    2018 reflected: equity crowdfunding, silver linings, and Grandma.As 2018 is coming to an end, I thought I’d spend some time to reflect on the two most important lessons I learned in 2018, the first one about what’d predict success in an equity crowdfunding, and the second one about silver linings in trying times.Lesson 1: Equity crowdfunding is powerful and empowering, but not for everyone. It makes the most sense when your business is 1. community-oriented and 2. independently-owned.Why community-oriented?Since the launch, has attracted 38,000 visits, >85% of which is from the Hacker Noon community. We put the campaign link atop, our newsletters, our social media channels and other media assets. It’s clear: our community does rally behind us. (...)

    #reflections #equity-crowdfunding #life-lessons

  • Israel uses online blackmail to recruit collaborators | The Electronic Intifada

    It was through social media that Ashraf Abu Leila, possibly the most notorious of recently convicted collaborators, is said to have first been recruited by Israeli intelligence. Accused with two other men of the assassination of Mazen al-Fuqaha, a senior Qassam Brigades leader who was killed in March last year, Abu Leila was executed on 25 May 2017 after being found guilty by a revolutionary court.

    Under questioning, Abu Leila is said to have confessed to being recruited through an online messenger app at the beginning of 2004 by a man who claimed to be a member of al-Qaida. And over time, authorities say, Abu Leila proved a deadly assassin.

    A member of Hamas since 2001, Abu Leila reportedly early became close to a Qassam commander, who would unwittingly shield him in the future. During the 2007 fighting in Gaza that led to the ouster of Fatah, Hamas authorities now say he was responsible for the murder of several members of the preventive security forces. He was also accused of another murder, but escaped punishment due to his involvement with Hamas’ military wing.

    He subsequently worked in different ministries until 2013, when he became increasingly radicalized and reportedly got close to Gaza’s Doghmush clan and its Salafi Army of Islam group. Indeed, the assassination of al-Fuqaha was initially thought to have been carried out by Salafis, with whom Hamas has been engaged in conflict on and off for more than a decade.

    Les #réseaux_sociaux comme instrument de recrutement pour des informateurs locaux par les Israéliens. #israël #palestine #tic_arabes

  • Why Chinese Companies Suck at User Engagement

    Tech OpinionsI think I’ve just figured out why Chinese companies suck at user engagement (& community/brand building).Here’s my story: I entered the #blockchain space in China about a year ago with a specialty in social media marketing. I’ve advised multiple Chinese blockchain companies and hands-on grown one of them into an international community through content creatives and audience targeting. This job has made me understand exactly why some of the top blockchain companies coming out of China have miserably failed at building a truly engaging global community and an international brand.But this job is not naturally suited to the Chinese market. While social media marketing has become more and more so popular and even necessary for business growth in the West, China’s social media (...)

    #branded-content #china-startup #community-engagement #social-media-marketing

  • How to Skyrocket Your #pinterest #traffic with a Few Simple Strategies

    You’ve done all that you can to get people to visit your site and buy your products. But somehow, it’s not working as well as you’d expected it to.Well, that’s what we’re here for. To help you drive traffic to your website via Pinterest.A lot of people out there don’t understand how amazing Pinterest is, nor do they know how to use it to help expand their business.HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT:15 Hashtag Campaigns That Maximized the Brands’ ReachHow to Monetize Instagram to Earn a FortuneWhich is why we are here to tell you how easy it is to get Pinterest to work to your advantage.Sound good?Let’s begin.Advantages of Driving Traffic from PinterestPinterest plays nice with most of the other social media platforms:Were you aware of the fact that Pinterest is and can be linked to other social media (...)

    #marketing-strategies #hacks #social-media-marketing

  • Secret Experiment in Alabama Senate Race Imitated Russian Tactics - The New York Times

    Ah, cette logique des « expériences » en direct live sans que les cobayes soient au courant... En fait, c’est cela le fonds de commerce de facebook : devenir un lieux d’expérimentation de la manipulation mentale. Voir le livre de Jaron Lanier, « Ten arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts ».

    As Russia’s online election machinations came to light last year, a group of Democratic tech experts decided to try out similarly deceptive tactics in the fiercely contested Alabama Senate race, according to people familiar with the effort and a report on its results.

    The secret project, carried out on Facebook and Twitter, was likely too small to have a significant effect on the race, in which the Democratic candidate it was designed to help, Doug Jones, edged out the Republican, Roy S. Moore. But it was a sign that American political operatives of both parties have paid close attention to the Russian methods, which some fear may come to taint elections in the United States.

    One participant in the Alabama project, Jonathon Morgan, is the chief executive of New Knowledge, a small cyber security firm that wrote a scathing account of Russia’s social media operations in the 2016 election that was released this week by the Senate Intelligence Committee.

    An internal report on the Alabama effort, obtained by The New York Times, says explicitly that it “experimented with many of the tactics now understood to have influenced the 2016 elections.”

    The project’s operators created a Facebook page on which they posed as conservative Alabamians, using it to try to divide Republicans and even to endorse a write-in candidate to draw votes from Mr. Moore. It involved a scheme to link the Moore campaign to thousands of Russian accounts that suddenly began following the Republican candidate on Twitter, a development that drew national media attention.

    “We orchestrated an elaborate ‘false flag’ operation that planted the idea that the Moore campaign was amplified on social media by a Russian botnet,” the report says.

    Mr. Morgan said in an interview that the Russian botnet ruse “does not ring a bell,” adding that others had worked on the effort and had written the report. He said he saw the project as “a small experiment” designed to explore how certain online tactics worked, not to affect the election.

    Mr. Morgan said he could not account for the claims in the report that the project sought to “enrage and energize Democrats” and “depress turnout” among Republicans, partly by emphasizing accusations that Mr. Moore had pursued teenage girls when he was a prosecutor in his 30s.

    “The research project was intended to help us understand how these kind of campaigns operated,” said Mr. Morgan. “We thought it was useful to work in the context of a real election but design it to have almost no impact.”
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    The project had a budget of just $100,000, in a race that cost approximately $51 million, including the primaries, according to Federal Election Commission records.

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