industryterm:unhelpful software interfaces

  • Encore du Bret Victor (@worrydream) :

    The ubiquity of frustrating, unhelpful software interfaces has motivated decades of research into “Human-Computer Interaction.” In this paper, I suggest that the long-standing focus on “interaction” may be misguided. For a majority subset of software, called “information software,” I argue that interactivity is actually a curse for users and a crutch for designers, and users’ goals can be better satisfied through other means.
    Although this paper presents a number of concrete design and engineering ideas, the larger intent is to introduce a “unified theory” of information software design, and provide inspiration and direction for progressive designers who suspect that the world of software isn’t as flat as they’ve been told.

    J’aime vraiment son approche. J’aurais aimé écrire un truc de ce genre, un jour.

    Sinon, ce qu’il dit de son expérience chez #apple est assez rigolo aussi :

    #design #interface #IHM #interaction

    • tediously explaining their context, mouse click by mouse click, keystroke by keystroke, wasted hour by wasted hour. This is called interactivity.

    • Currently, almost all software is designed by people who are very comfortable with computers; their interest in technology motivated them to enter the field. This suggests an enormous exclusion of potential talent