Icy surprises at #Rosetta’s #comet
This article is mirrored from the main ESA Web Portal. #rosetta’s comet approached its most active period last year, the spacecraft spotted carbon dioxide ice – never before seen on a comet – followed by the emergence of two unusually large patches of #water_ice. The carbon dioxide ice layer covered an area comparable to the size of a football pitch, while the two water ice patches were each larger than an Olympic swimming pool and much larger than any signs of water ice previously spotted at the comet. The three icy layers were all found in the same region, on the comet’s southern hemisphere. A combination of the complex shape of the comet, its elongated path around the Sun and the substantial tilt of its spin, seasons are spread unequally between the two hemispheres of the double-lobed (...)
#Comet_67P #Images #Instruments #Science #activity #co2_ice #colour #osiris #VIRTIS