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  • US life expectancy lowest among industrialized countries - World Socialist Web Site

    L’espérance de vie aux Etats-Unis : la plus basse de tous les pays industrialisés

    US life expectancy lowest among industrialized countries
    By Kate Randall
    11 January 2013

    Life expectancy in the United States continues to lag behind that in Western Europe, Canada, Australia and Japan, according to a new report commissioned by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The study’s findings are a stinging indictment of social inequality in the US and its impact on the conditions of life for wide layers of the American population, young and old.

    The panel of experts from the National Research Council and the Institute of Medicine identified the inaccessibility of health care, high levels of poverty and income inequality, as well as the prevalence of gun violence as major contributing factors to the poor life expectancy rate in the US.