• Tu connais le Suffrajitsu ?

    C’est quand le #jiujitsu était utilisé par les suffragettes qui militaient pour que les #femmes obtiennent le droit de #vote au UK.

    Le besoin d’apprendre à se défendre est notamment survenu après le raid du Black Friday.

    Des policiers en civil ont agressé physiquement et sexuellement des femmes non armées qui tentaient de forcer l’entrée à la Chambre des communes lors d’une action de protestation.




  • « Baraye » : un hymne pour la liberté et contre l’Iran corrompu des mollahs.


    "La vague de protestation qui fit suite à la mort de Mahsa Jina Amini ne pouvait laisser indifférents les musiciens, eux-mêmes durement traité par le pouvoir. Une semaine après le début le décès de la jeune kurde, une chanson vient percuter le mur du silence imposé par les gardiens de la révolution. Le morceau a pour titre Baraye , un terme persan que l’on peut traduire par « pour » ou « à cause de ». Or, en quelques heures à peine, il s’impose comme l’hymne du soulèvement. Shervin Hajipour, un jeune homme de 25 ans originaire de Babolsar au nord du pays, l’a enregistré dans sa chambre, avant d’en diffuser la vidéo sur les réseaux sociaux. Vainqueur d’un télécrochet quelques mois plus tôt, le chanteur jouit déjà d’une grande popularité. La force de son morceau réside dans sa construction malicieuse, prenant la forme d’un collage de 31 tweets comprenant le hashtag mashaamini. De la sorte, Hajipour devient l’interprète d’internautes excédés par l’absence de libertés, usés par les violences d’un régime obscurantiste et répressif. "

  • Les motivations du jihad

    Pourquoi 5000 Européens ont-ils rejoint le jihad en Syrie ? Les volontaires partis entre 2011 et 2014 manifestaient une forme de solidarité religieuse et une aspiration révolutionnaire, qui furent par la suite instrumentalisées par Daech. À propos de : Montassir Sakhi, La #révolution et le djihad. Syrie, France, Belgique, La Découverte

    #International #terrorisme #Jihadism

  • La guerre à Gaza fragmente [ou déplace] le Fatah palestinien

    Un drapeau du Fatah, dans le village de Qusra (Cisjordanie), le 19 octobre 2023. VIRGINIE NGUYEN HOANG / HUMA POUR « LE MONDE »

    Soumis à une intense pression militaire israélienne, le mouvement au pouvoir en Cisjordanie est pressé par sa base de renouer avec la lutte armée et de se réconcilier avec le Hamas. D’ores et déjà, nombre de ses responsables refusent de voir le parti assumer le pouvoir dans les ruines de Gaza.
    Par Louis Imbert (Ramallah, envoyé spécial)

    Voilà deux semaines qu’Atta Abu Rmeileh croupit dans une prison israélienne. Le patron du #Fatah dans la province de Jénine a été arrêté le 1er novembre. Quelques heures plus tôt, ce haut cadre du parti au pouvoir en #Cisjordanie occupée avait appelé les #Palestiniens à une #grève_générale. Dans une vidéo diffusée en ligne, il se tenait au côté de deux responsables locaux du #Hamas et du #Jihad_islamique. L’armée israélienne n’a pas toléré leur démonstration d’unité, après l’attaque menée par le mouvement islamiste dans le sud de l’Etat hébreu, le 7 octobre.

    M. Abu Rmeileh est un ancien combattant : il a déposé les armes après la seconde Intifada, en 2005. Il croit sincèrement en la résistance pacifique et en une solution négociée au conflit, les deux leitmotivs de son vieil ami Mahmoud Abbas, le président de l’Autorité palestinienne. Depuis plus de deux ans, il s’échinait à faire le pont entre les insurgés armés du Fatah à Jénine et M. Abbas, dont les services de sécurité collaborent avec Israël. Mais, après le 7 octobre, Atta Abu Rmeileh a baissé les bras. « La résistance pacifique a échoué. La guerre a commencé et elle ne s’arrêtera pas », confiait-il, amer, avant son arrestation. Il craignait que M. Abbas n’ait bientôt plus d’autre choix que de « dissoudre l’Autorité palestinienne ».

    « On n’éradique pas une idée »

    Ces mots résonnent depuis un mois dans toutes les cellules du Fatah. Une lame de fond est en train d’emporter ce parti déboussolé, miné par la #corruption et les #luttes_de_pouvoir, écartelé entre le moignon de souveraineté qu’Israël lui concède encore et la tentation de la lutte armée. En réaction, M. Abbas a imposé le silence au mouvement. Lui seul s’exprime. Il exige un #cessez-le-feu à Gaza et un règlement politique de la crise : la création d’un Etat palestinien dans l’enclave et en Cisjordanie, avec Jérusalem-Est pour capitale.

    Le leader le plus âgé du monde arabe (87 ans), élu en 2005 pour un mandat censé durer quatre ans, a pour la première fois l’oreille du président américain, Joe Biden. Washington soutient l’effort de guerre israélien, tout en appelant son allié à confier Gaza, libéré du joug du Hamas, à une Autorité palestinienne « renforcée », puis à relancer les négociations en vue de la création d’un Etat palestinien. Mais ces plans paraissent une vue de l’esprit à nombre de responsables du Fatah, qui craignent une destruction totale de l’enclave, au fil d’interminables mois de l’opération israélienne.

    (je veux bien être prévenu si les pages trouvées sur https://archive.ph risquent davantage que d’autres trouvées ailleurs de disparaître...)


  • Crise capitaliste au moyen orient | Guillaume Deloison


    Le conflit comme Histoire

    A la fin des guerres napoléoniennes, certaines parties du Moyen-Orient se retrouvèrent envahies par le nouveau mode de production capitaliste. Dans cette région, l’industrie textile indigène, surtout en Egypte, fut détruite par les textiles anglais bon marché dans les années 1830. Dès les années 1860, les fabricants britanniques avaient commencé à cultiver le coton le long du Nil. En 1869, on ouvrit le canal de Suez dans le but de faciliter le commerce britannique et français. Conformément à cette modernisation, on peut dater les origines de l’accumulation primitive en #Palestine à la loi de l’#Empire_ottoman de 1858 sur la #propriété_terrienne qui remplaçait la propriété collective par la propriété individuelle de la terre. Les chefs de village tribaux se transformèrent en classe de propriétaires terriens qui vendaient leurs titres aux marchands libanais, syriens, égyptiens et iraniens. Pendant toute cette période, le modèle de développement fut surtout celui d’un développement inégal, avec une bourgeoisie étrangère qui prenait des initiatives et une bourgeoisie indigène, si l’on peut dire, qui restait faible et politiquement inefficace.

    Sous le #Mandat_britannique, de nombreux propriétaires absentéistes furent rachetés par l’Association de colonisation juive, entraînant l’expulsion de métayers et de fermiers palestiniens. Étant donné que les dépossédés devaient devenir #ouvriers_agricoles sur leurs propres terres, une transformation décisive des relations de production commençait, conduisant aux premières apparitions d’un #prolétariat_palestinien. Ce processus eut lieu malgré une violente opposition de la part des #Palestiniens. Le grand tournant dans une succession de #révoltes fut le soulèvement de #1936-1939. Son importance réside dans le fait que « la force motrice de ce soulèvement n’était plus la paysannerie ou la bourgeoisie, mais, pour la première fois, un prolétariat agricole privé de moyens de travail et de subsistance, associé à un embryon de classe ouvrière concentrée principalement dans les ports et dans la raffinerie de pétrole de Haïfa ». Ce soulèvement entraîna des attaques contre des propriétaires palestiniens ainsi que contre des colons anglais et sionistes. C’est dans le même temps que se développa le mouvement des #kibboutz, comme expérience de vie communautaire inspiré notamment par des anarchistes comme Kropotkine, s’inscrivant dans le cadre du sionisme mais opposées au projet d’un état.

    La Seconde Guerre mondiale laissa un héritage que nous avons du mal à imaginer. L’implantation des juifs en Palestine, déjà en cours, mais de faible importance entre 1880 et 1929, connaît une augmentation dans les années 1930 et puis un formidable élan dans l’après-guerre ; de ce processus naquit #Israël. Le nouvel Etat utilisa l’appareil légal du Mandat britannique pour poursuivre l’expropriation des Palestiniens. La #prolétarisation de la paysannerie palestinienne s’étendit encore lors de l’occupation de la Cisjordanie et de la Bande de Gaza en 1967. Cette nouvelle vague d’accumulation primitive ne se fit pas sous la seule forme de l’accaparement des #terres. Elle entraîna aussi le contrôle autoritaire des réserves d’#eau de la Cisjordanie par le capital israélien par exemple.

    Après la guerre de 1967, l’Etat israélien se retrouvait non seulement encore entouré d’Etats arabes hostiles, mais aussi dans l’obligation de contrôler la population palestinienne des territoires occupés. Un tiers de la population contrôlée par l’Etat israélien était alors palestinienne. Face à ces menaces internes et externes, la survie permanente de l’Etat sioniste exigeait l’unité de tous les Juifs israéliens, occidentaux et orientaux. Mais unir tous les Juifs derrière l’Etat israélien supposait l’intégration des #Juifs_orientaux, auparavant exclus, au sein d’une vaste colonie de travail sioniste. La politique consistant à établir des colonies juives dans les territoires occupés est un élément important de l’extension de la #colonisation_travailliste sioniste pour inclure les Juifs orientaux auparavant exclus. Bien entendu, le but immédiat de l’installation des #colonies était de consolider le contrôle d’Israël sur les #territoires_occupés. Cependant, la politique de colonisation offrait aussi aux franges pauvres de la #classe_ouvrière_juive un logement et des emplois qui leur permettaient d’échapper à leur position subordonnée en Israël proprement dit. Ceci ne s’est pas fait sans résistance dans la classe ouvrière Israélienne, certain s’y opposaient comme les #Panthéres_noire_israélienne mais l’#Histadrout,« #syndicat » d’Etat et employeur important s’efforçait d’étouffer les luttes de la classe ouvrière israélienne, comme par exemple les violents piquets de grève des cantonniers.

    En 1987, ce sont les habitants du #camp_de_réfugiés de Jabalya à Gaza qui furent à l’origine de l’#Intifada, et non l’#OLP (Organisation de Libération de la Palestine) composé par la bourgeoisie Palestinienne, basée en Tunisie et complètement surprise. Comme plus tard en 2000 avec la seconde intifada, ce fut une réaction de masse spontanée au meurtre de travailleurs palestiniens. A long terme, l’Intifada a permis de parvenir à la réhabilitation diplomatique de l’OLP. Après tout, l’OLP pourrait bien être un moindre mal comparée à l’activité autonome du prolétariat. Cependant, la force de négociation de l’OLP dépendait de sa capacité, en tant que « seul représentant légitime du peuple palestinien », à contrôler sa circonscription, ce qui ne pouvait jamais être garanti, surtout alors que sa stratégie de lutte armée s’était révélée infructueuse. Il était donc difficile pour l’OLP de récupérer un soulèvement à l’initiative des prolétaires, peu intéressés par le nationalisme, et qui haïssaient cette bourgeoisie palestinienne presque autant que l’Etat israélien.

    Quand certaines personnes essayèrent d’affirmer leur autorité en prétendant être des leaders de l’Intifada, on raconte qu’un garçon de quatorze ans montra la pierre qu’il tenait et dit : « C’est ça, le leader de l’Intifada. » Les tentatives actuelles de l’Autorité palestinienne pour militariser l’Intifada d’aujourd’hui sont une tactique pour éviter que cette « anarchie » ne se reproduise. L’utilisation répandue des pierres comme armes contre l’armée israélienne signifiait qu’on avait compris que les Etats arabes étaient incapables de vaincre Israël au moyen d’une guerre conventionnelle, sans parler de la « lutte armée » de l’OLP. Le désordre civil « désarmé » rejetait obligatoirement « la logique de guerre de l’Etat » (bien qu’on puisse aussi le considérer comme une réaction à une situation désespérée, dans laquelle mourir en « martyr » pouvait sembler préférable à vivre dans l’enfer de la situation présente). Jusqu’à un certain point, le fait de lancer des pierres déjouait la puissance armée de l’Etat d’Israël.

    D’autres participants appartenaient à des groupes relativement nouveaux, le #Hamas et le #Jihad_Islamique. Pour essayer de mettre en place un contrepoids à l’OLP, Israël avait encouragé la croissance de la confrérie musulmane au début des années 1980. La confrérie ayant fait preuve de ses sentiments anti-classe ouvrière en brûlant une bibliothèque qu’elle jugeait être un » foyer communiste « , Israël commença à leur fournir des armes.

    D’abord connus comme les « accords Gaza-Jéricho », les accords d’Oslo fit de l’OLP l’autorité palestinienne. Le Hamas a su exploiter ce mécontentement tout en s’adaptant et en faisant des compromis. Ayant rejeté les accords d’Oslo, il avait boycotté les premières élections palestiniennes issues de ces accords en 1996. Ce n’est plus le cas désormais. Comme tous les partis nationalistes, le Hamas avec son discours religieux n’a nullement l’intention de donner le pouvoir au peuple, avec ou sans les apparences de la démocratie bourgeoise. C’est d’ailleurs ce qu’il y a de profondément commun entre ce mouvement et l’OLP dans toutes ses composantes : la mise en place d’un appareil politico-militaire qui se construit au cours de la lutte, au nom du peuple mais clairement au-dessus de lui dès qu’il s’agit de prendre puis d’exercer le pouvoir. Après plusieurs années au gouvernement, le crédit du Hamas est probablement et selon toute apparence bien entamé, sans que personne non plus n’ait envie de revenir dans les bras du Fatah (branche militaire de l’OLP). C’est semble-t-il le scepticisme, voire tout simplement le désespoir et le repli sur soi, qui semblent l’emporter chaque jour un peu plus au sein de la population.

    Le sionisme, un colonialisme comme les autres ?

    Dans cette situation, la question de déterminer les frontières de ce qui délimiterait un État israélien « légitime » est oiseuse, tant il est simplement impossible : la logique de l’accaparement des territoires apparaît inséparable de son existence en tant qu’État-nation. S’interroger dans quelle mesure l’État israélien est plus ou moins « légitime » par rapport à quelque autre État, signifie simplement ignorer comment se constituent toujours les États-nations en tant qu’espaces homogènes.

    Pour comprendre la situation actuelle il faut appréhender la restructuration générale des rapports de classes à partir des années 1970. Parallèlement aux deux « crises pétrolières » de 1973-74 et 1978-80, à la fin du #nationalisme_arabe et l’ascension de l’#islamisme, la structure économique et sociale de l’État d’Israël change radicalement. Le #sionisme, dans son strict sens, fut la protection et la sauvegarde du « travail juif », soit pour le capital israélien, contre la concurrence internationale, soit pour la classe ouvrière contre les prolétaires palestiniens : ce fut en somme, un « compromis fordiste » post-1945, d’enracinement d’une fraction du capital dans dans un État-nation. Le sionisme impliquait qu’il donne alors à l’État et à la société civile une marque de « gauche » dans ce compromis interclassiste et nationaliste. C’est ce compromis que le Likoud a progressivement liquidé ne pouvant plus garantir le même niveau de vie au plus pauvres. Pourtant la définition d’Israël comme « État sioniste » résiste. Agiter des mots comme « sioniste », « lobby », etc. – consciemment ou pas – sert à charger l’existence d’Israël d’une aire d’intrigue, de mystère, de conspiration, d’exceptionnalité, dont il n’est pas difficile de saisir le message subliminal : les Israéliens, c’est-à-dire les Juifs, ne sont pas comme les autres. Alors que le seul secret qu’il y a dans toute cette histoire, c’est le mouvement du capital que peu regardent en face. La concurrence généralisé, qui oppose entre eux « ceux d’en haut » et aussi « ceux d’en bas ». L’aggravation de la situation du prolétariat israélien et la quart-mondialisation du prolétariat palestinien appartiennent bien aux mêmes mutations du capitalisme israélien, mais cela ne nous donne pour autant les conditions de la moindre « solidarité » entre les deux, bien au contraire. Pour le prolétaire israélien, le Palestinien au bas salaire est un danger social et de plus en plus physique, pour le prolétaire palestinien les avantages que l’Israélien peut conserver reposent sur son exploitation, sa relégation accrue et l’accaparement des territoires ».

    La #solidarité est devenue un acte libéral, de conscience, qui se déroule entièrement dans le for intérieur de l’individu. Nous aurons tout au plus quelques slogans, une manifestation, peut-être un tract, deux insultes à un flic… et puis tout le monde rentre chez soi. Splendeur et misère du militantisme. Entre temps, la guerre – traditionnelle ou asymétrique – se fait avec les armes, et la bonne question à se poser est la suivante : d’où viennent-elles ? Qui les paye ? Il fut un temps, les lance-roquettes Katioucha arrivaient avec le « Vent d’Est ». Aujourd’hui, pour les Qassam, il faut dire merci à la #Syrie et à l’#Iran. Il fut un temps où l’on pouvait croire que la Révolution Palestinienne allait enflammer le Tiers Monde et, de là, le monde entier. En réalité le sort des Palestiniens se décidait ailleurs, et ils servirent de chair à canon à l’intérieur des équilibres de la #Guerre_Froide. Réalité et mythe de la « solidarité internationale ».

    Nous savons trop bien comment la #religion peut être « le soupir de la créature opprimée, le sentiment d’un monde sans cœur » (Karl Marx, Contribution à la critique de la philosophie du droit de Hegel). Mais cette généralité vaut en Palestine, en Italie comme partout ailleurs. Dans le Proche et Moyen-Orient, comme dans la plupart des pays arabes du bassin méditerranéen, l’islamisme n’est pas une idéologie tombée du ciel, elle correspond à l’évolution des luttes entre les classes dans cette zone, à la fin des nationalisme arabe et la nécessité de l’appareil d’état pour assurer l’accumulation capitaliste. Le minimum, je n’ose même pas dire de solidarité, mais de respect pour les prolétaires palestiniens et israeliens, nous impose tout d’abord d’être lucides et sans illusions sur la situation actuelle ; de ne pas considérer le prolétariat palestinien comme des abrutis qui se feraient embobiner par le Hamas ni comme des saints investi par le Mandat du Ciel Prolétarien ; de ne pas considérer le prolétariat israélien comme des abruti qui serait simplement rempli de haine envers les palestinien ni comme des saint dont la situation ne repose pas sur l’exploitation d’autres. L’#antisionisme est une impasse, tout comme l’#antimondialisme (défense du #capital_national contre le capital mondialisé), ou toutes les propositions de gestion alternative du capital, qui font parties du déroulement ordinaire de la lutte des classe sans jamais abolir les classes. Sans pour autant tomber dans un appel à la révolution globale immédiate pour seule solution, il nous faut partir de la réalité concrètes et des divisions existantes du mode de production, pour s’y attaquer. Le communisme n’est pas le fruit d’un choix, c’est un mouvement historique. C’est avec cette approche que nous cherchons à affronter cette question. Il en reste pas moins que désormais – à force de réfléchir a partir de catégories bourgeoises comme « le droit », « la justice » et « le peuple » – il n’est pas seulement difficile d’imaginer une quelconque solution, mais il est devenu quasi impossible de dire des choses sensées à cet égard.

    (version partiellement corrigée de ses erreurs typo et orthographe par moi)

  • #Ta-Nehisi_Coates Speaks Out Against Israel’s “Segregationist Apartheid Regime” After West Bank Visit

    As pressure builds for a ceasefire after 27 days of Israel’s bombardment of Gaza, author and journalist Ta-Nehisi Coates joins us in a broadcast exclusive interview to discuss his journey to Palestine and Israel and learning about the connection between the struggle of African Americans and Palestinians. “The most shocking thing about my time over there was how uncomplicated it actually is,” says Coates, who calls segregation in Palestine and Israel “evil.” “There’s no way for me, as an African American, to come back and stand before you, to witness segregation and not say anything about it.” Coates acknowledges the suppression of those advocating for Palestinian rights but says this is not new for Black writers and journalists. “I have to measure my fear against the misery that I saw.”


    extraits avec sous-titres en français ici :

    "J’ai passé 10 jours en Palestine, dans les #territoires_occupés et en Israël proprement dit. (...) Je pense que ce qui m’a le plus choqué, c’est que dans tous les éditoriaux ou reportages que j’ai lus sur Israël et sur le conflit avec les Palestiniens, il y a un mot qui revient tout le temps et c’est celui de « #complexité ». (...) Je m’attendais à une situation dans laquelle il était difficile de discerner le bien et le mal, difficile de comprendre la dimension morale, difficile de comprendre le conflit. Et ce qui était peut-être le plus choquant, c’est que j’ai immédiatement compris ce qui se passe là-bas. Le meilleur exemple qui me vient à l’esprit est probablement le deuxième jour, lorsque nous sommes allés à Hébron et que la réalité de l’#occupation est devenue évidente. Nous sortions de Jérusalem-Est en voiture. J’étais avec PalFest, et nous sortions de Jérusalem-Est pour aller en Cisjordanie. Et vous pouviez voir les colonies, ils nous les montraient du doigt. Je me suis soudain rendu compte que je me trouvais dans une région du monde où certaines personnes pouvaient voter et d’autres non. Et cela m’était évidemment très familier. Je suis arrivé à Hébron, notre groupe d’écrivains est sorti, et un guide palestinien nous a fait visiter la ville. Nous sommes arrivés dans une rue et il nous a dit : ’Je ne peux pas marcher dans cette rue. Si vous voulez continuer, vous devez continuer sans moi’. (...) Hébron est très pauvre. (...) Son marché était fermé, mais il y a quelques vendeurs que je voulais soutenir. Je marchais pour atteindre le vendeur, et j’ai été arrêté à un #checkpoint. Il y a des checkpoints dans toute la ville, dans toute la Cisjordanie. Votre #liberté_de_circulation est totalement restreinte, et la liberté de circulation des Palestiniens est totalement restreinte. Et comme je me dirigeais vers le checkpoint, un garde israélien en est sorti, probablement de l’âge de mon fils. Et il m’a dit : ’Quelle est ta #religion, l’ami ?’ Et j’ai répondu : ’Je ne suis pas vraiment religieux’. (...) Et il m’a apparu clairement que si je ne professais pas ma religion, et la bonne religion, je n’allais pas être autorisé à passer. Il m’a dit : ’D’accord, quelle était la religion de tes parents ?’ J’ai répondu qu’ils n’étaient pas très religieux non plus. Il a dit : ’Quelle était la religion de tes grand-parents ?’. J’ai répondu : ’Ma grande-mère était chrétienne’. Et il m’a laissé passer. J’ai alors compris très clairement ce qui se passait là-bas. Et je dois dire que cela m’était assez familier. J’étais dans un territoire où votre #mobilité était entravée, où votre droit de vote est entravé, où votre droit à l’eau est entravé, où votre droit au logement est entravé, et tout cela sur la base de l’#appartenance_ethnique. Et cela m’a semblé extrêmement familier. Et donc, ce qui m’a plus choqué pendant mon séjour là-bas, c’est de voir à quel point, en fait, les choses ne sont pas compliquées. Je ne dis pas que les détails ne sont pas compliqués, l’histoire est toujours compliquée. Les événements du présents sont toujours compliqués, mais la façon dont les médias occidentaux en rendent compte donnent l’impression qu’il faut un doctorat en études moyen-orientales pour comprendre la #moralité élémentaires du maintien d’un peuple dans une situation dans laquelle ne dispose pas de #droits_fondamentaux, y compris le droit que nous chérissons plus, le droit de suffrage, le droit de vote. Et déclarer ensuite que cet Etat est une #démocratie. (...) C’est en effet assez familier pour ceux qui d’entre nous connaissent l’histoire afro-américaine.
    Martin Luther King a passé sa vie à lutter contre la ségrégation. Israël est une société marquée par la ségrégation. Les territoires occupés sont marqués par la ségrégation. (...) Il y a des panneaux pour indiquer où certaines personnes peuvent aller. Il y a des #plaques_d'immatriculation différentes qui interdisent à certaines personnes d’aller à certains endroits. Les autorités vous diront qu’il s’agit d’une #mesure_de_sécurité. Mais si vous revenez à l’#histoire de #Jim_Crow, dans ce pays, elles vous diront exactement la même chose. Les gens ont toujours de bonnes raisons, en dehors de ’je déteste’ et ’je ne t’aime pas’ pour justifier leur droit d’imposer un #régime_oppressif à d’autres personnes. (...)
    J’ai grandi dans une époque et dans un endroit où je ne comprenais pas vraiment l’éthique de la #non-violence. Et par éthique, j’entends que la #violence en elle-même est corruptrice, qu’elle corrompt l’âme. Et je n’avais pas vraiment compris cela. Si je suis vraiment honnête avec vous, autant je voyais ma relation avec le peuple palestinien, et autant la nature de cette relation était claire, il était également clair qu’il y avait une sorte de relation avec le peuple israélien, et ce n’était pas une relation que j’appréciais particulièrement. Parce que je comprenais la #rage qui naît d’un passé d’#oppression. Je comprenais la #colère. Je comprenais le sentiment d’#humiliation que l’on ressent lorsque des personnes vous soumettent à une oppression multiple, à un #génocide, et que les gens détournent le regard. Je suis la descendance de 250 ans d’#esclavage, je viens d’un peuple où la violence sexuelle et le viol sont inscrits dans nos os et dans notre ADN. Et je comprends comment, lorsque vous avez l’impression que le monde vous a tourné le dos, vous pouvez alors tourner le dos à l’éthique du monde. Mais j’ai également compris à quel point cela peut être corrupteur. J’écoutais hier soir (...) être interviewé et le journaliste lui a demandé combien d’enfants, combien de personnes devaient être tués pour justifier cette opération. Est-ce qu’il y a un seuil au nombre de personnes tuées au-delà duquel on se dit : ’C’est trop, ça n’est pas possible, ça ne justifie pas’. Et ce membre du congrès ne pouvait pas donner de chiffre. Et je me suis dit que cet homme avait été corrompu. Cet homme s’est perdu. Il s’est perdu dans l’humiliation. Il s’est perdu dans la #vengeance. Il s’est perdu dans la violence. J’entends toujours ce terme répété encore et encore, le ’#droit_de_se_défendre'. Et le #droit_à_la_dignité ? Et le droit à la #moralité ? Et le droit d’être capable de dormir la nuit ? Parce que je sais, c’est que si j’étais complice, et je le suis, de #bombardements d’enfants, de bombardements de camps de réfugiés, peu importe qui s’y trouve, j’aurais du mal à dormir la nuit. Et je m’inquiète pour l’âme des gens qui peuvent faire cela et qui peuvent dormir la nuit.


    #à_écouter #à_lire #Israël #Palestine #apartheid #Cisjordanie #visite #ségrégation #apartheid #droit_de_vote

  • Sony’s Bungie Game Unit Cut Jobs as ‘Destiny 2’ Popularity Waned - Bloomberg-

    Bungie’s decision to cut an estimated 100 jobs from its staff of about 1,200 followed dire management warnings earlier this month of a sharp drop in the popularity of its flagship video game Destiny 2.

    Just two weeks ago, executives at the Sony-owned game developer told employees that revenue was running 45% below projections for the year, according to people who attended the meeting.

    #jeux_vidéo #jeu_vidéo #business #finance #bungie #sony #playstation #ressources_humaines #licenciements #naughty_dog #media_molecule #jim_ryan #pete_parsons

  • ★ LUTTES POUR LA LIBERTÉ EN IRAN, LE COMBAT CONTINUE - Groupe Commune de Paris de La Fédération Anarchiste

    Le 16 septembre 2022, Jina (Mahsa) Amini, jeune femme kurde de 22 ans, était assassinée par la dictature des mollahs en Iran. Elle n’a pas survécu à la brutalité de son arrestation, le 13, par la police des mœurs, qui avait jugé insuffisant le port de son hijab islamique (...)

    🛑 #Iran #Kurdistan #émancipation #FemmeVieLiberté

    ❤️💜🖤 #MahsaAmini #IranProtests #mollahcratie #théocratie #religion #voile #hijab #islamisme #obscurantisme #patriarcat #solidarité #anticléricalisme #féminisme #droitsdesfemmes #EndIranRegime #JînaAmînî #مهسا_امینی #JinaMahsaAmini

    ▶️ Lire la suite...

    ▶️ https://federation-anarchiste-groupe-commune-de-paris.over-blog.com/2023/09/luttes-pour-la-liberte-en-iran-le-combat-continue.html

  • 🛑 Le mouvement des femmes kurdes appelle à des manifestations au premier anniversaire du meurtre de Jîna Amini - RojInfo

    Un an après l’assassinat de la jeune Kurde Jîna Mahsa Amini à Téhéran, des manifestations sont annoncées dans le monde entier. Le mouvement des femmes kurdes TJK-E appelle à participer aux manifestations qui auront lieu en Europe sous le mot d’ordre “Avec Jin-Jiyan-Azadî vers la révolution des femmes” (..)

    🛑 A bas la dictature théocratique et réactionnaire des mollahs !
    🛑 #Iran #Kurdistan #émancipation #FemmeVieLiberté
    ♀ ❤️💜🖤 #MahsaAmini
    #IranProtests #mollahcratie #théocratie #religion #islamisme #obscurantisme #patriarcat #solidarité #anticléricalisme #féminisme #droitsdesfemmes #EndIranRegime #JînaAmînî #مهسا_امینی #JinaMahsaAmini

    ▶️ Lire la suite...

    ▶️ https://rojinfo.com/le-mouvement-de-femmes-kurdes-appelle-a-des-manifestations-au-premier-anniv

    ▶️ https://kurdistan-au-feminin.fr/2023/08/31/vers-des-actions-mondiales-de-soutien-a-la-revolution-femme-vie

  • 🛑 IRAN. Le régime s’acharne sur les Kurdes à la veille de l’anniversaire du meurtre de Jina Amini – Kurdistan au féminin

    A la veille de l’anniversaire du meurtre de Jina Mahsa Amini, le régime iranien a redoublé de violence envers la population kurde et militarisé d’avantage les régions kurdes, tandis qu’on craint une invasion du Kurdistan irakien où sont réfugiés les groupes kurdes d’Iran. Il s’agit de tentatives désespérées d’un régime criminel sans légitimité qui redoute les protestations populaires massives à l’occasion du premier anniversaire du soulèvement « femme, vie, liberté » (...)

    🛑 #Iran #Kurdistan #émancipation #FemmeVieLiberté
    ❤️💜🖤 #MahsaAmini

    #IranProtests #mollahcratie #théocratie #religion #islamisme #obscurantisme #patriarcat #solidarité #anticléricalisme #féminisme #droitsdesfemmes #EndIranRegime #JînaAmînî #مهسا_امینی #JinaMahsaAmini

    ▶️ Lire la suite...

    ▶️ https://kurdistan-au-feminin.fr/2023/09/11/iran-le-regime-sacharne-sur-les-kurdes-a-la-veille-de-lannivers

  • Chassez le naturel ...

    When We All Get To Heaven - The Bird Youmans

    ... il revient au galop

    Bill & Gloria Gaither ft. Terry Blackwood, Karen Peck

    When We All Get to Heaven

    “When We All Get to Heaven” is a popular Christian hymn. The lyrics were written in 1898 by Eliza Hewitt and the melody by Mrs. J. G. (Emily) Wilson. The two became acquainted at Methodist camp meetings in New Jersey. Hewitt was cousin to Edgar Page Stites, another well-known hymnist who wrote the lyrics to “Beulah Land.”

    ... sauf si tu es black et t’appelles Dionne Warwick


    (You’ll Never Get To Heaven) If You Break My Heart

    Un pays, deux nations.
    This is not a love song. (PIL)

    #USA #religion #musique #jim_crow

  • La siccità e le politiche israeliane assetano i contadini palestinesi

    La crisi idrica ha stravolto l’economia del villaggio di #Furush_Beit_Dajan, in Cisgiordania: la tradizionale coltivazione di limoni ha lasciato spazio a serre di pomodori. E lo sfruttamento intensivo rischia di impoverire ulteriormente la terra

    Il telefono squilla incessantemente nello studio di Azem Hajj Mohammed. Il sindaco di Furush Beit Dajan, un villaggio agricolo nel Nord della Cisgiordania, ha lavorato tutta la notte per cercare di identificare due uomini del vicino villaggio di Jiftlik che, sfruttando l’oscurità, si sarebbero allacciati illegalmente alla rete di distribuzione idrica. Secondo la regolamentazione di epoca ottomana, gli abitanti di Furush Beit Dajan hanno diritto al 10% dell’acqua estratta dal pozzo artesiano situato a Nord del villaggio, mentre il 90% spetta a Jiftlik. Ma quando la pressione dell’acqua è bassa, alcuni residenti che ritengono di non riceverne abbastanza si allacciano illegalmente ai tubi, generando tensioni in questa comunità dove l’agricoltura è la principale fonte di reddito per nove abitanti su dieci.

    “Devo individuare rapidamente i responsabili e trovare una mediazione prima che il furto sfoci in un conflitto tra famiglie e che intervenga l’esercito israeliano -spiega il sindaco in un momento di pausa tra due chiamate-. Nessuno vuole autodenunciarsi. Dovrò visionare i filmati delle telecamere di sorveglianza, trovarli e andare a parlarci”, dice a un suo collaboratore. Il viso è segnato dalle occhiaie, dalla fatica e dallo stress accumulati per amministrare un villaggio la cui esistenza affoga in un paradosso: nonostante sorga su una ricca falda, l’acqua è centellinata goccia per goccia. Le restrittive politiche israeliane in materia, aggravate dalla siccità nella Valle del Giordano, hanno causato una profonda crisi idrica che ha stravolto l’economia del luogo, portando i contadini a optare per l’agricoltura intensiva.

    Se Azem Hajj Mohammed è così preoccupato è perché l’accesso all’acqua garantisce la pace sociale a Furush Beit Dajan. Il villaggio si era costruito una reputazione e una posizione sul mercato agricolo palestinese grazie alle floride distese di alberi di limone, piante molto esigenti in termini di fabbisogni idrici. “Il profumo avvolgeva il villaggio come una nuvola. L’acqua sgorgava liberamente, alimentava i campi e un mulino. I torrenti erano così tumultuosi che i bambini rischiavano di annegare”, ricorda l’agricoltore ‘Abd al-Hamid Abu Firas. Aveva diciannove anni quando nel 1967 gli israeliani consolidarono il loro controllo sul territorio e le risorse idriche in Cisgiordania dopo la Guerra dei sei giorni. Da allora, l’acqua ha iniziato a ridursi.

    Nel 1993 gli Accordi di Oslo hanno di fatto conferito a Israele la gestione di questa risorsa, che oggi controlla l’80% delle riserve idriche della Cisgiordania. Le Nazioni Unite stimano che gli israeliani, compresi i coloni, abbiano accesso in media a 247 litri d’acqua al giorno, mentre i palestinesi che vivono all’interno dell’Area C, sotto controllo militare, si devono accontentare di venti litri. Solo un quinto del minimo raccomandato dall’Organizzazione mondiale della sanità.

    Il progressivo esaurimento delle falde e le crescenti esigenze idriche delle vicine colonie israeliane di Hamra e Mekhora hanno spinto gli agricoltori a una scelta radicale: abbandonare le varietà di limoni autoctone per sostituirle gradualmente con le coltivazioni verticali e pomodori in serra, che presentano un rapporto tra produttività e fabbisogno idrico più alto. Secondo l’istituto olandese di Delft, specializzato su questi temi, per produrre una tonnellata di pomodori sono necessari mediamente 214 metri cubi d’acqua. La stessa quantità di limoni ne richiederebbe tre volte di più. L’acqua, tuttavia, ci sarebbe. La vicina colonia di Hamra -illegale secondo il diritto internazionale e costruita nel 1971 su terreni confiscati ai palestinesi- possiede una coltivazione di palme da dattero di 40 ettari: per produrre una tonnellata di questi frutti servono 2.300 metri cubi d’acqua, quasi dieci volte la quantità necessaria per la stessa quantità di pomodori.

    Le distese di campi di limoni hanno lasciato il posto a quelle che Rasmi Abu Jeish chiama le “case di plastica”. Il paesaggio è radicalmente mutato: il bianco delle serre ha sostituito il verde delle piante. Dei suoi 450 alberi di limone, il contadino ne ha lasciati in piedi soltanto 30 per onorare la tradizione familiare. Il resto dei suoi 40 dunum di terre (unità di misura di origine ottomana corrispondente a circa mille metri quadrati) sono occupate da serre.

    La diminuzione dell’acqua per l’irrigazione ha generato un cambiamento nei metodi di produzione, portando gli agricoltori ad aumentare le quantità di pomodori prodotte per assicurarsi entrate sufficienti. “Le monocolture rendono i contadini più vulnerabili alle fluttuazioni dei prezzi, più inclini a usare pesticidi e fertilizzanti per assicurarsi entrate stabili. Sul lungo termine questo circolo vizioso rende il terreno infertile e inutilizzabile per l’agricoltura”, avverte Muqbel Abu-Jaish, del Palestinian agricultural relief committees, che accompagna gli agricoltori del villaggio nella gestione delle risorse idriche.

    Senza l’ombra degli alberi di agrumi, anche le temperature registrate all’interno del villaggio sono aumentate, rendendo la vita ancora più difficile d’estate, quando nella Valle del Giordano si superano i 40 gradi. La mancanza di accesso all’acqua e la politica espansionistica dei coloni israeliani, aggravate dalla crisi climatica, hanno portato così l’agricoltura a contribuire soltanto al 2,6% del Prodotto interno lordo della Cisgiordania.

    Il cambiamento di produzione è stato affrontato con più elasticità dalla nuova generazione di agricoltori, non senza difficoltà. “Nonostante questa situazione abbiamo deciso di continuare. Il lavoro è diminuito molto ma qui non abbiamo altre possibilità. È come se senza l’acqua fosse sparita anche la vita. Dobbiamo adattarci”, racconta Saeed Abu Jaish, 25 anni, la cui famiglia ha ridotto i terreni coltivati da 15 a due dunum convertendoli interamente alla coltivazione di pomodori in serra. Oggi il villaggio fornisce circa l’80% dei bisogni del mercato palestinese di questo prodotto.

    Le difficoltà sono accentuate dall’impossibilità di costruire infrastrutture, anche leggere, per la raccolta e lo stoccaggio di acqua piovana. Tutto il villaggio si trova in Area C, sotto controllo amministrativo e militare israeliano, dove ogni attività agricola e di costruzione è formalmente vietata. Quando, nel 2021, il sindaco di Furush Beit Dajan ha fatto installare un serbatoio d’acqua per uso agricolo l’esercito israeliano si è mobilitato per smantellarlo nel volgere di poche ore. Come era accaduto ad altri 270 impianti idrici negli ultimi cinque anni.

    Il sindaco non può nemmeno avviare lavori di ammodernamento della rete idrica, risalente al mandato britannico terminato nel 1948. Dei nove pozzi da cui dipendeva il villaggio, la metà si sono prosciugati, mentre il flusso d’acqua di quelli restanti è diminuito inesorabilmente, passando da duemila metri cubi all’ora prima del 1967, a soli 30 metri cubi oggi, secondo il sindaco Azem Hajj Mohammed.

    Le restrizioni sull’erogazione dell’acqua in Cisgiordania hanno anche un’altra conseguenza, cruciale sul lungo periodo, in questo territorio conteso. Una legge risalente all’epoca ottomana e incorporata dal sistema legislativo israeliano permette infatti allo Stato ebraico di dichiarare “terra di Stato” tutti i campi palestinesi lasciati incolti per almeno tre anni. La carenza d’acqua, i costi, e la disperazione spingono così i contadini palestinesi ad abbandonare il loro terreni che, senza la possibilità di essere irrigati, non producono reddito e pesano sulle finanze familiari. “Non vedo possibilità di miglioramento nell’attuale status quo, con gli Accordi di Oslo che conferiscono il controllo dell’acqua ad Israele. Il numero di coloni aumenta costantemente mentre l’acqua diminuisce. Senza un cambiamento, la situazione non può che peggiorare”, analizza Issam Khatib, professore di Studi idrici e ambientali dell’Università di Birzeit.

    Adir Abu Anish ha 63 anni e coltiva ormai soltanto un sesto dei 50 dunum che possiede. Oltre alle serre di pomodoro, si è concesso di piantare delle viti che afferma essere destinate a seccarsi in un paio d’anni. Il torrente da cui si approvvigionava è contaminato dalle acque reflue provenienti dalla vicina città di Nablus, un caso di inquinamento che il sindaco ha portato in tribunale. All’ombra del suo vigneto, Abu Anish sospira: “Di solito i genitori lasciano in eredità ai loro figli possedimenti e ricchezze. Noi lasciamo campi secchi”.


    #sécheresse #crise_hydrique #Palestine #Israël #Cisjordanie #agriculture #serres #citrons #tomates #agriculture_intensive #eau #Jiftlik #accès_à_l'eau #réserves_hydriques #Hamra #Mekhora #irrigation #températures #colonies_israéliennes #paysage #puits #terres_d'Etat #Accords_d'Oslo #Nablus

  • Reçu ce matin un mail de la part de Wikimedia en tant que contributeur pour une photo de la tombe de Jim Morrison (faite dans les années 80) qui propose de supprimer ce fichier sous prétexte qu’il n’y a pas de liberté de panorama en France :


    Je n’ai même pas envie de discuter la stupidité de l’argument...

  • La situation aux États-Unis


    Les élections (de mi-mandat) de 2022 marquent une nouvelle forte poussée vers la droite

    Parler de «  gauche  » et de «  droite  » à propos des #démocrates et des républicains n’est pas approprié. Ces deux grands partis ont été les seuls à alterner au pouvoir pour diriger l’appareil d’État de la bourgeoisie au cours des 166 dernières années. En effet le système électoral américain favorise le #bipartisme. Les termes «  gauche  » et «  droite  » sont devenus des étiquettes utilisées pour distinguer les discours et les électorats des deux #partis_bourgeois. Ainsi, les travailleurs se sont rangés dans le camp des démocrates pendant une bonne partie du 20e siècle et les couches plus aisées dans celui des républicains.

    Quoi qu’il en soit, le soutien de la classe ouvrière aux démocrates ne cesse de diminuer depuis des années et, à l’approche des élections, cette tendance s’est confirmée  : le vote ouvrier pour les démocrates a baissé de près de 15 % en 2022.

    Le glissement des travailleurs blancs vers le camp républicain n’est pas nouveau. Il remonte au moins à l’élection de #Reagan en 1980, voire plus loin encore. Mais, en 2022, l’écart en faveur des républicains a été de 33 points, soit 8 points de plus qu’en 2020.

    Le recul des démocrates dans les électorats noir, latino et asiatique a été beaucoup moins important mais, à bien des égards, il pèse encore plus lourd. En grande majorité issus de la classe ouvrière, ces électeurs constituent depuis longtemps une sorte de socle sur lequel les démocrates comptent. En 2022, 80 % de l’#électorat_noir votait démocrate – ce qui reste considérable – mais ce résultat représente une baisse de sept points depuis les dernières élections de mi-mandat et s’inscrit dans la continuité de l’érosion qui a suivi la période 2008-2016, durant laquelle entre 90 et 97 % des Noirs votaient démocrate. Quant au vote hispanique, il s’est porté à environ 60 % sur les démocrates, soit une baisse de 10 points en quatre ans. Enfin, les électeurs d’origine asiatique ont voté démocrate à 64 %, soit une baisse de 7 points.

    Les Démocrates  : un parti «  progressiste  » qui a longtemps ratissé large

    […] Le #Parti_démocrate s’est attribué le mérite des réformes et des avancées que ces mouvements ont arrachées à la bourgeoisie pendant la longue période où l’hégémonie de l’#impérialisme américain, générant un surplus de richesses, permettait cette redistribution. Quels qu’aient été les tensions et les antagonismes – et ils étaient nombreux – entre les différents groupes composant le monde du travail, leur regroupement au sein du Parti démocrate semblait offrir une voie sur laquelle chacun pouvait poursuivre la lutte pour «  le progrès  ». De 1932 à 1980, le Parti démocrate domina la scène politique, les républicains ne jouant un rôle significatif que pendant l’intervalle de la période du #maccarthysme, la chasse aux sorcières contre les communistes, au début des années 1950.

    Avec le début de la crise économique en 1971, puis son aggravation à la fin des années 1970, la situation des travailleurs commença à se dégrader. Pour l’État de la bourgeoisie, l’heure n’était plus à distribuer des miettes pour maintenir la paix sociale. Frappée par la crise, la classe capitaliste attendait d’abord de l’État qu’il l’aide à maintenir ses profits, et cela impliquait d’abaisser le niveau de vie des travailleurs. Il fallait donc démanteler les #programmes_sociaux et les services publics créés pendant la longue expansion de l’après-guerre. Le Parti démocrate, en loyal serviteur de la bourgeoisie, fut en première ligne pour mener ces attaques.

    L’une des premières attaques importantes fut la faillite de la ville de #New_York en 1975, qui frappa durement les employés, les programmes sociaux et les services municipaux. Cette attaque fut supervisée par deux maires démocrates successifs. En 1978-1979 puis dans les années 1980, des pressions furent exercées sur les travailleurs de l’automobile pour qu’ils acceptent toute une série de concessions lors du renouvellement de leurs contrats. D’abord présentées comme temporaires, ces concessions furent ensuite rendues permanentes, et rapidement étendues au reste de la classe ouvrière. Et, là encore, l’attaque fut conduite par des politiciens démocrates, qui justifiaient les nouveaux contrats au nom de la sauvegarde des emplois dans l’#industrie_automobile.

    Pour décourager les travailleurs de faire valoir leurs revendications salariales au travers de grèves, les deux grands partis bourgeois se relayèrent. En 1981, les démocrates passèrent la main aux républicains, et #Ronald_Reagan mit tout le poids de l’État pour briser la grève des #contrôleurs_aériens. Les caciques du Parti démocrate et des syndicats prétendent que Reagan fut à l’origine du déclin constant qui s’est poursuivi jusqu’à aujourd’hui. En fait, la porte fut ouverte dès 1978, lorsque le président démocrate #Jimmy_Carter tenta d’utiliser la #loi_antisyndicale_Taft-Hartley, adoptée à l’ère McCarthy, pour briser une grève dans les mines de charbon qui dura 110 jours. Le dégoût des travailleurs envers Carter, après ce qui apparaissait comme une trahison, ne fut pas pour rien dans la victoire éclatante de Reagan en 1980.

    Entre les travailleurs et la bourgeoisie, un fossé en passe de devenir un gouffre

    La crise dans laquelle l’économie américaine est plongée depuis un demi-siècle a entraîné un effondrement du niveau de vie de la classe ouvrière.

    En 2022, le salaire horaire minimum au niveau fédéral était de 7,25 dollars. S’il avait suivi le rythme officiel de l’inflation depuis le pic de sa valeur réelle en 1968, il aurait été de 12 dollars. Et s’il avait suivi le rythme de la croissance de la productivité depuis 1968, comme entre 1938 et 1968, il aurait été de près de 26 dollars en 2022.

    L’évolution du #salaire_minimum illustre le fossé qui s’est creusé entre la #classe_ouvrière et les couches aisées au cours du dernier demi-siècle. Presque tous les gains de la croissance économique depuis le début de la crise ont été absorbés par la plus-value et les mille et une manières dont cette plus-value est répartie au sein des classes riches de cette société.

    Cette évolution s’est poursuivie jusqu’aux élections de 2022. En 2021, dernière année pour laquelle on dispose de données, la marge bénéficiaire nette des entreprises a été de 9,5 %, soit la valeur la plus élevée jamais enregistrée. Cette même année, la rémunération moyenne des PDG des 350 plus grandes entreprises a été 399 fois plus élevée que celle des salariés. En 1965, elle n’était «  que  » 20 fois plus élevée.

    La condition des travailleurs se détériore non seulement par rapport à celle des classes aisées, dont la situation s’améliore nettement, mais aussi en termes absolus

    L’inflation a grignoté la valeur réelle des salaires. Selon le département américain du Travail, le salaire horaire médian réel est au même niveau qu’en 1973. Lorsqu’il y a eu des augmentations, elles ont presque toutes bénéficié au décile supérieur de l’échelle des revenus. Ceux qui se situent dans les 40 % inférieurs ont vu leurs salaires baisser. De plus, les chiffres de l’inflation sont trafiqués et donnent une image déformée de la situation. Qui plus est, ces chiffres ignorent tous les autres facteurs qui ont réduit le revenu réel des travailleurs, à commencer par l’élimination des pensions et d’autres avantages sociaux autrefois considérés comme faisant partie de la masse salariale, ainsi que l’énorme augmentation des frais médicaux, qui constituent une ponction sur les revenus.

    Les statistiques gouvernementales masquent la réalité

    En témoigne le taux de chômage officiel avant les élections de 2022, de 3,5 % de la population active. Or, 37 % de la population en âge de travailler est exclue de ce que le gouvernement considère comme la population active. De nombreuses personnes sont exclues de ce comptage  : celles qui s’occupent d’enfants en bas âge, dans un pays où il n’existe pas de structures d’accueil publiques  ; celles dont les compétences et diplômes sont insuffisants pour occuper les emplois disponibles, dans un pays où le système scolaire public est incapable d’apprendre à lire à 40 % des enfants des écoles des grandes villes  ; ou encore les personnes handicapées à la suite d’accidents du travail, en raison de maladies professionnelles, voire par le Covid long qui a touché des millions de personnes, les empêchant de travailler, dans le pays affichant le pire taux de décès par Covid de tous les pays développés. Sont également exclues de la population active les personnes trop âgées pour être embauchées, mais qui n’ont pas encore atteint l’âge pour toucher les maigres aides sociales versées aux seniors. Les entreprises de la high-tech, en particulier le commerce en ligne et ses entrepôts, recherchent des travailleurs jeunes, forts, agiles et rapides, dont une grande partie sont relégués à des emplois temporaires ou à temps partiel, à des contrats ou à des emplois de type Uber.

    Les difficultés immédiates des travailleurs ont été aggravées par la dégradation sur le long terme des services publics et l’élimination ou la privatisation des services sociaux

    Lors des élections de 2022, les services publics comptaient près d’un million de travailleurs de moins que juste avant la pandémie. La classe capitaliste, avide d’aspirer une part croissante des richesses produites, cherche à s’approprier une portion croissante des sommes que le gouvernement dépensait jusqu’alors pour les infrastructures, les programmes sociaux et les services publics. Derrière la vitrine de cette grande et riche démocratie américaine, il y a peu de lois qui limitent le temps de travail, il y en a encore moins qui prévoient le paiement des arrêts maladie, et il n’y en a aucune garantissant des congés payés. Autrement dit, tout cela dépend de la bonne volonté de chaque patron. On a pu voir comment cela se traduit concrètement en 2020, aux pires moments de la pandémie, lorsque la moitié des travailleurs des industries dites essentielles n’ont pas eu droit à un seul jour de congé payé. Voici donc un pays où le système de santé est de plus en plus contrôlé par des entreprises privées, qui peuvent refuser des soins médicaux à qui ne peut pas payer.

    Telle est la réalité à laquelle est confrontée la population laborieuse aujourd’hui

    Telle est la réalité à laquelle est confrontée la population laborieuse aujourd’hui. Ses conséquences sont dramatiques. L’espérance de vie moyenne a diminué de près de deux ans et demi depuis 2019, après une baisse de deux ans en 2015-2016. Cela est imputable au Covid, certes, mais seulement en partie. Il y a tous les autres décès, dont beaucoup sont appelés par les médias «  morts par désespoir  »  : suicides, homicides, overdoses, abus d’alcool… Au premier rang des victimes, les anciens combattants des guerres – déclarées ou non – menées par l’impérialisme américain, et leurs proches. Mais il y a aussi les jeunes gens abattus dans la rue après avoir intégré, faute de la moindre perspective d’avenir, tel ou tel gang de quartier. Il y a les quelque cinq mille personnes tuées chaque année dans des accidents du travail, et les milliers d’autres qui meurent de la mort lente causée par les fumées, les produits chimiques et les Un encouragement pour l’extrême droite

    Faute d’une autre possibilité pour exprimer son mécontentement, la population s’est longtemps contentée de voter contre tous ceux qui semblaient diriger l’État. Dans un contexte où les démocrates étaient au premier plan pour imposer une détérioration des conditions de vie, et en l’absence d’un parti représentant la classe ouvrière, la porte était ouverte à un démagogue comme Trump.

    Donald Trump a su jouer sur le ressentiment éprouvé par beaucoup de gens du fait qu’ils étaient de plus en plus pauvres, marginalisés et méprisés par ceux d’en haut. Il a su toucher une population en plein désarroi, plongée dans une crise économique grandissante. Il a instrumentalisé la colère et la frustration des travailleurs, en tournant en dérision les institutions prétendument civilisées qui leur donnent des leçons et les regardent d’en haut  : les chefs des deux grands partis politiques, les médias, les universités et leurs experts, les agences gouvernementales et leurs hauts fonctionnaires, voire les stars de Hollywood, etc. Il s’en est pris à tout le monde, sauf à ceux dont le contrôle sur la société a mené à la crise, c’est-à-dire à la classe capitaliste. substances toxiques présentes sur leur lieu de travail. Il y a les tragédies des violences domestiques, qui sont la conséquence et le signe des pressions indicibles qui s’exercent au quotidien sur la vie des travailleurs.

    Un encouragement pour l’extrême droite

    Faute d’une autre possibilité pour exprimer son mécontentement, la population s’est longtemps contentée de voter contre tous ceux qui semblaient diriger l’État. Dans un contexte où les démocrates étaient au premier plan pour imposer une détérioration des conditions de vie, et en l’absence d’un parti représentant la classe ouvrière, la porte était ouverte à un démagogue comme Trump.

    #Donald_Trump a su jouer sur le ressentiment éprouvé par beaucoup de gens du fait qu’ils étaient de plus en plus pauvres, marginalisés et méprisés par ceux d’en haut. Il a su toucher une population en plein désarroi, plongée dans une crise économique grandissante. Il a instrumentalisé la colère et la frustration des travailleurs, en tournant en dérision les institutions prétendument civilisées qui leur donnent des leçons et les regardent d’en haut  : les chefs des deux grands partis politiques, les médias, les universités et leurs experts, les agences gouvernementales et leurs hauts fonctionnaires, voire les stars de Hollywood, etc. Il s’en est pris à tout le monde, sauf à ceux dont le contrôle sur la société a mené à la crise, c’est-à-dire à la classe capitaliste.

    Trump a servi les capitalistes en mettant au grand jour toutes les idées violentes et dévalorisantes que renferme l’idéologie dans laquelle baigne la société  : suprématie blanche, nativisme anti-immigrants, misogynie, intolérance envers la manière dont les gens vivent leur intimité, machisme et violence. Autrement dit, il a incité implicitement les gens à s’en prendre les uns aux autres. Et il a emballé tout cela dans le drapeau américain, le serment d’allégeance et la croix chrétienne qui décoraient ses réunions publiques.

    Rien de tout cela n’a commencé avec Trump. Il suffit de penser au rituel des réunions syndicales dans des salles ornées du drapeau américain

    Ces réunions commencent par la prière d’un prêtre local, souvent chrétien, et par le serment d’allégeance, ce verbiage patriotard pondu lors de la période McCarthy pour renforcer les attaques contre les militants communistes et syndicalistes. Chaque réunion syndicale qui commence ainsi entretient la soumission des travailleurs et leur loyauté à l’égard des dominants, et renforce les attaques contre eux-mêmes et toute leur classe.

    Trump a-t-il transformé le #Parti_républicain de manière temporaire ou permanente  ?

    Les républicains eux-mêmes n’en savent rien. Mais la question va bien au-delà du Parti républicain. Trump a donné à ses partisans une sorte de programme  : se défendre en attaquant tous les «  autres  ». Ce faisant, il a courtisé consciemment l’extrême droite. Quand, après la série de rassemblements d’extrême droite à Charlottesville en 2018, il a dit qu’il y avait des «  gens bien  » dans cette foule (ce qu’il a répété plusieurs fois par la suite), il déroulait le tapis rouge au Ku Klux Klan, aux nazis et aux Proud Boys.

    Le problème dépasse la personne de Trump

    Dans un nombre croissant de pays, des démagogues de son espèce jouent un rôle très similaire. Cela signifie que quelque chose, dans la situation internationale actuelle, sur les plans politique et économique, favorise ce mouvement vers la droite, renforçant les formations d’#extrême_droite existantes.

    Aux États-Unis, des organisations comme le #KKK, les nazis, la #Black_Legion, les Know Nothing, les mafias et les gangs font partie du paysage depuis longtemps. La plupart du temps marginales mais toujours là, elles ont périodiquement joué un rôle de supplétifs pour renforcer la violence étatique  : dans le Sud, pour réimposer l’esclavage pendant les décennies qui ont suivi la guerre de Sécession  ; dans les quartiers d’immigrants, pour maintenir un ordre que la police était incapable d’imposer  ; à #Chicago, où le gang #Black_P_Stone_Nation, de concert avec le maire démocrate Richard J. Daley, expulsa l’équipe SCLC de #Martin_Luther_King du ghetto du West Side  ; dans les régions minières, où les Pinkerton massacrèrent des mineurs comme les #Molly_Maguires  ; ou à Centralia dans l’État de Washington, où l’American Legion exécuta des militants de l’#IWW en 1919, et à #Minneapolis où elle assassina des grévistes  ; ou dans le Michigan en 1934, où la #Black Legion tua des militants du syndicat #UAW. Et puis tous ceux, de Jimmy Hoffa à Dow Wilson, qui furent tués par la mafia.

    Ces forces marginales ont toujours existé aux États-Unis, mais #Trump leur a permis de gagner en crédibilité aux yeux de certains travailleurs. Si le climat devait à nouveau se détériorer, cette crédibilité pourrait leur donner un poids leur permettant d’amener une partie de la classe ouvrière à attaquer l’autre.

    L’absence aux États-Unis d’un parti ouvrier, qui représenterait les intérêts tant immédiats qu’à long terme de la classe ouvrière, a constitué une opportunité pour un démagogue comme Trump, mais pourrait aussi jouer un rôle dans un développement de l’extrême droite au sein même de la classe ouvrière.

    Une voix pour les travailleurs

    Depuis l’époque d’#Eugène_Debs, il y a plus d’un siècle, il n’a pas existé d’organisation politique capable de s’adresser à tous les travailleurs, sur la base de leurs intérêts de classe immédiats et à long terme. Le Parti socialiste du temps de Debs ne le faisait pas, mais il constituait pour Debs une tribune qui lui permettait de s’adresser à la classe ouvrière à travers tout le pays, et il le fit avec un langage correspondant aux problèmes auxquels elle faisait face et aux possibilités dont elle disposait. Il affirmait qu’il avait confiance dans la capacité de la classe ouvrière à «  détruire toutes les institutions capitalistes qui asservissent et avilissent et à rebâtir des institutions libres et humaines  ». En pleine Première Guerre mondiale, lors du procès qui le conduisit en prison pour s’être opposé à l’entrée en guerre des États-Unis, il déclara  : «  Je ne suis pas un soldat capitaliste  ; je suis un révolutionnaire prolétarien… Je suis opposé à toutes les guerres, à une seule exception… et, dans cette guerre-là, je m’engagerai corps et âme… je parle de la guerre mondiale de la révolution sociale. Dans cette guerre, je suis prêt à combattre de toutes les manières que la classe dominante rendra nécessaires, même sur les barricades.  »

    Aujourd’hui, il n’y a toujours pas de parti de la classe ouvrière. C’est même pire qu’à l’époque de Debs

    Mais le but reste le même  : ceux qui veulent mettre en place une nouvelle société et ont confiance dans la capacité de la classe ouvrière à le faire doivent trouver les moyens de s’adresser à elle, en parlant des problèmes actuels des travailleurs, mais en le faisant à partir de la perspective du combat que la classe ouvrière devra mener pour diriger la construction d’une société socialiste.

    C’est exactement ce que des militants ont tenté de faire en utilisant les élections de 2022 dans le #Michigan, le #Maryland et l’#Illinois pour parler au nom du #WCP (#Working_Class_Party – Parti de la classe ouvrière). Cette poignée de militants ne prétendent pas être le #parti_révolutionnaire dont on a besoin et qui n’existe pas encore. Ils ne peuvent certainement pas prétendre faire ce que Debs a pu faire grâce à sa propre expérience de la lutte des travailleurs et à l’activité de toute une génération de militants.

    Mais ceux qui ont mené, dans ces trois États, la campagne pour un Parti de la classe ouvrière se sont au moins donné les moyens de dire ce qui devait l’être sur la dégradation de la condition ouvrière, sur la croissance des forces de droite et sur les possibilités dont dispose la classe ouvrière du fait de son rôle clé au cœur même du système de production et de tout ce qui lui est lié.

    Il n’y aura pas de solution à la misère croissante tant que la classe ouvrière ne se préparera pas à la bataille

    #capitalisme #États-Unis

  • An Untold Story Behind Jimmy Carter’s Presidential Defeat - The New York Times

    Comment un des président les plus progressistes des Etats-unis s’est fait voler sa ré-élection par des Républicains qui indiquent à l’Iran qu’il faut garder les otages jusqu’à l’élection de Reagan... et le néolibéralisme fut.

    Peter Baker

    By Peter Baker

    March 18, 2023

    WASHINGTON — It has been more than four decades, but Ben Barnes said he remembers it vividly. His longtime political mentor invited him on a mission to the Middle East. What Mr. Barnes said he did not realize until later was the real purpose of the mission: to sabotage the re-election campaign of the president of the United States.

    It was 1980 and Jimmy Carter was in the White House, bedeviled by a hostage crisis in Iran that had paralyzed his presidency and hampered his effort to win a second term. Mr. Carter’s best chance for victory was to free the 52 Americans held captive before Election Day. That was something that Mr. Barnes said his mentor was determined to prevent.

    His mentor was John B. Connally Jr., a titan of American politics and former Texas governor who had served three presidents and just lost his own bid for the White House. A former Democrat, Mr. Connally had sought the Republican nomination in 1980 only to be swamped by former Gov. Ronald Reagan of California. Now Mr. Connally resolved to help Mr. Reagan beat Mr. Carter and in the process, Mr. Barnes said, make his own case for becoming secretary of state or defense in a new administration.
    ImageMr. Carter sitting at a desk in the Oval Office, looking down.
    The hostage crisis in Iran hampered Mr. Carter’s effort to win a second term.Credit...Associated Press
    Mr. Carter sitting at a desk in the Oval Office, looking down.

    What happened next Mr. Barnes has largely kept secret for nearly 43 years. Mr. Connally, he said, took him to one Middle Eastern capital after another that summer, meeting with a host of regional leaders to deliver a blunt message to be passed to Iran: Don’t release the hostages before the election. Mr. Reagan will win and give you a better deal.

    Then shortly after returning home, Mr. Barnes said, Mr. Connally reported to William J. Casey, the chairman of Mr. Reagan’s campaign and later director of the Central Intelligence Agency, briefing him about the trip in an airport lounge.

    Mr. Carter’s camp has long suspected that Mr. Casey or someone else in Mr. Reagan’s orbit sought to secretly torpedo efforts to liberate the hostages before the election, and books have been written on what came to be called the October surprise. But congressional investigations debunked previous theories of what happened.

    #Jimmy_Carter #Ronald_reagan #Magouille

  • The Complete #Brazilian #Jiu-Jitsu Beginner’s Guide


    Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (#BJJ) is a grappling-based martial art and a form of self-defense originating from Brazil that emphasizes fighting on all planes of combat once you hit the mats. Also known as “the gentle art”, BJJ has exploded in popularity in recent years and has now become more accessible than ever. The sport is one of the best workouts you can do as it offers a variety of benefits, such as weight loss, improved confidence, problem-solving skills, and discipline.

    In this complete beginner’s guide to BJJ, you’ll learn all about how you can easily start to thrive on the BJJ mats – even if you’ve never worn a Gi in your life – and how you can get start enjoying one of the world’s most exciting and effective martial arts disciplines. From the various guards to the submissions found in the sport, allow us to take you on a journey through everything you need to know to get you up and running. 

    Table of Contents
    Chapter 1: Hierarchy of Positions (A Guide to BJJ Positions) 
    Chapter 2: Guards (Closed and Open Guard) 
    Chapter 3: Half Guard 
    Chapter 4: Side Control
    Chapter 5: Mount
    Chapter 6: Knee Mount
    Chapter 7: Back Mount
    Chapter 8: Turtle
    Chapter 9: Basic Joint Lock Submissions
    Chapter 10: Basic Chokes
    Chapter 11 Common Mistakes/Concepts For Beginners 
    Chapter 12: Rules/Scoring
    Chapter 13: Etiquette And Tips For Your First Class
    Chapter 14: Choosing A Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Gym

    Chapter 1: Hierarchy of Positions (A Guide to BJJ Positions) 

    bjj #grappling escape

    Jiu-Jitsu is unique because, unlike other grappling styles, you place equal importance on both top and bottom positions. Most of the time, a sparring session in BJJ starts with one grappler playing their top game while the other plays guard. This article will guide you to the hierarchy of positions in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

    The 6 Major Positions In BJJ

    The golden rule of grappling is this – be the guy on top. When on top, you must stay on top. When on the bottom, have a guard that the opponent cannot pass. Because of the rewarding nature of the guard, the first rule is often forgotten. While the top position is the ideal position to be in, this does not make the guard any less intriguing. In fact, in sport BJJ, pulling guard is a common tactic grapplers use even at the highest level. 

    Passing the guard opens up opportunities to work on pins and back attacks. Pins are a crucial part of grappling as it allows you to restrict movement and stay safe. Taking the back is another premier position and is most preferred by grapplers who like to work on strangles. A successful back take means you can control your opponent and capitalize by attacking their neck.

    Here are the six major positions in BJJ.

     1) Back Mount

    The back mount is the most dominant position in BJJ. It is a position where you are behind the opponent with both legs wrapped around their body (body triangle) or placed near the hip (hooks) to keep them in place. Your hands are used to control theirs, maintain a chest-to-back connection (seatbelt grip), and apply submissions. This position is the most dominant in grappling because the opponent cannot see your attacks as you are behind them.

    2) Full Mount

    The mount is one of the most prevalent grappling positions and arguably the strongest when strikes are allowed. It is a position where you lay on top of the opponent and use your legs to limit their torso and hip movement. Your hands control the opponent’s movements should they try to escape.

    3) Knee On Belly

    The knee on belly is a crushing position usually used by higher belts to pin down spazzy training partners. It is a pin where you drive your knee against the opponent’s torso, generally near the solar plexus or chest area, while your other leg bases on the mat. It offers the same advantages as the mount, albeit a bit unstable, especially against large opponents.

    4) Side Control

    Bigger and stronger grapplers tend to gravitate to the side control pin, and with good reason – it is a very challenging position to escape from. It is typically the first position you want to achieve after passing the guard. Side control is where you lay perpendicular to your opponent and maintain a chest-to-chest connection. Your legs are used to block their hip to prevent them from escaping. It is the most sought-after position for stability and is extensively utilized before transitioning to other pins.

    5) Turtle

    rodrigo and thales turtle position

    The turtle is a defensive position typically used after a failed takedown. It is also a common position to go to when working your way up from inferior positions like bottom side control. It is called the turtle position because you assume a low and defensive stance, similar to how a turtle reacts when it feels threatened. 

    Keep your neck, arms, and head tight to your body to prevent the opponent from applying submissions or turning you over. Combining the turtle with movements like the granby roll and sit-out is essential to keep yourself as dynamic as possible.

    The Top Position

    The top position is where a grappler stays on top of their opponent. In passing situations, the top player is the one looking to advance by passing the guard. Inside the guard, the top player is the one trapped inside the opponent’s leg configuration. After passing the guard, the next objective of the top player is to move to pins like side control, and advance from there.

    From the stand up, grapplers may achieve the top position if they take the opponent down successfully. After the takedown, the next initiative of the top player is to secure a dominant position. A successful takedown will typically surprise the opponent. This gives you a few seconds to quickly pass their guard and go directly to a pin.

    When you are the top player, the typical goal is to first go to side control and pressure the opponent from there. It is the first dominant position you should look for if you have successfully passed the guard before transitioning to other pins like the knee on belly, mount, or back mount (if the opponent turns to their back). 

    Your goal in side control is to pin the opponent’s upper body as you block their hips. Doing so prevents them from framing or shrimping, as they can use it to create space and escape. After securing the position, the most common submissions you can apply are the kimura, Americana, armbar, and different collar chokes in the gi.

    The mount is the next pin grapplers usually transition to from side control. In mount, your goal is to isolate the opponent’s head and arm so you can apply different submissions like the mounted and arm triangle, armbar, Americana, kimura, and variations of collar chokes. 

    To achieve this, you must move up the opponent’s hip line to prevent them from reversing the position. Slowly work your way up the opponent’s torso up until you go to high mount, and be ready to post your hands on the mat should the opponent explosively does an upa or bridge escape. 

    The knee on belly offers almost the same advantages as the mount, though it is less stable. In gi Jiu-Jitsu, pulling the opponent’s collar as you drive your knee to their torso will make this position tighter. The goal in this position is to apply pressure, which drains the opponent’s stamina. Common submissions from knee on belly include the cross-collar choke, armbar, and baseball choke.

    The Bottom Position

    rodrigo and thales knee on belly

    There are only two ways to achieve bottom position – either you choose to play guard, or your opponent pins you down using positions like the mount, side control, or knee on belly. Let’s talk about the guard first. The guard is where a grappler is below the opponent, freely utilizing both their arms and legs. The most common guards you’ll learn are the closed, half, and open guards.

    Each type of guard offers different limb isolation. This gives the bottom (guard) player the advantage of using more limbs at their disposal. There are different ways to utilize the bottom position. The main goal of this position is to close the distance and prevent the top player from passing or controlling you, so you can apply submissions, sweeps, or escape if you feel stuck.

    The guard is very rewarding and can be addictive. Using the closed guard as an example, the most common submissions you can do are the omoplata, armbar, and triangle. These submissions complement each other well and are best used in combination. Other submissions from the closed guard include the guillotine, kimura, and cross choke.

    Aside from submissions, you can also sweep the opponent from the closed guard using techniques like the scissor, lumberjack, hip bump, and flower sweep. 

    If you are pinned and can’t reverse the opponent, remember to learn different escapes like the upa to escape the mount, framing and shrimping to create space and escape side control, and shoulder rolls to escape from the turtle position. 

    Chapter 2: Guards (Closed and Open Guard)

    Collar sleeve guard

    The mastery of the guard is what separates BJJ athletes from grapplers of other fighting styles. Through the years, the evolution of the guard has become a sophisticated science of leverage and technique, using both hands and feet in unique ways. Although some are sport specific, the fundamental guards have proven themselves useful in the highest level of competition, even in environments where strikes are allowed. Today we will explore Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu’s most important contribution to combat sports – the guard.

    What Is The Guard In BJJ?

    In BJJ, a guard is a position where a grappler has their back facing the ground, defending against an opponent looking to pass. The guard helps the bottom player control the opponent by using their arms and legs to slow down the pacing of the fight. 

    Some guards are more effective in a sport BJJ setting, while others are better utilized for self-defense or when strikes are allowed. The guard is mainly used as a defensive position but can also be used as a hub for submissions, sweeps, and back attacks. The closed and open guard are two of BJJ’s most highly used variants.

    The Closed Guard (Full Guard)

    The closed guard or also known as the Full Guard is likely the first type of guard a beginner will learn in BJJ. It manifests the very essence of Jiu-Jitsu: being able to fight off your back while staying relatively safe. It is performed by wrapping your legs around the opponent’s waist to form a barrier. With the help of your arms to control their limbs and break their posture, you can control the distance and prevent the opponent from standing up or moving away.

    The closed guard is proven to be very practical when used in the competition scene, particularly in submission grappling and MMA. Commonly used as a defense to neutralize an aggressive opponent, it can also be used for offense. You can apply different sweeps from closed guard to gain top position, as well as submissions to finish the opponent. We cover some of the most applied sweeps and submissions from the closed guard later in the article.

    The Open Guard

    Generally speaking, an open guard is any type of guard where your feet are not wrapped around the opponent. There are many types of open guards in BJJ. It is performed by initiating contact with the opponent’s foot, ankle, legs, hips, arms, lapel, or sleeves to establish control. This control will help you unbalance the opponent (kuzushi), leading to sweeps or submissions.

    Open guards can be done seated or supinated (lying on your back). By combining any of the initial contacts mentioned above, you can establish an effective open guard. Like the closed guard, open guards are used to sweep or for entries to submissions. The exciting thing when playing the open guard is that they can be chained with one another, creating different outcomes. Below are some of the most commonly used open guards in grappling.

    1) Butterfly Guard

    The butterfly guard is one of the strongest open guards as it can be used to effortlessly lift bigger and heavier opponents. This guard primarily relies on using hooks to elevate and unbalance; it is also an excellent entry to other open guards. Your hands are used to apply grips that will control the opponent’s upper body to pull them closer to you. This is the recommended guard for those who love to play an attacking style of BJJ.

    2) Single Leg X Guard

    The single leg X guard is one of the open guards you can transition to from the butterfly guard. It is mainly used to sweep and is also a great entry for leg locks. In this open guard, the guard player goes underneath the opponent’s center of gravity, placing one foot on the hip while the other is placed under the glutes as you pinch your legs near the opponent’s knee. This guard applies intense pressure on the opponent’s knee line and leg.

    3) De La Riva Guard

    The de la Riva guard is one of the more dynamic open guards in Jiu-Jitsu. Originally a gi-specific guard, it has now evolved to the point where competitors also use it in no-gi competitions. It is performed by hooking the opponent’s outside leg while your hand on the same side grabs the ankle. Your other foot is used to push the opponent’s opposite hip as you grab the sleeve. It is commonly used to sweep the opponent and take their back.

    Chapter 3: Half Guard

    bjj half guard

    Learning how to play off your back is one of the main focal points when learning Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. BJJ is a martial art that emphasizes ground fighting, meaning that both top and bottom positions are explored once you hit the ground. To stay effective while on your back means that you have the ability to not only protect yourself from incoming attacks but to have offensive options from there as well. 

    One of the most fundamental guards you must learn is the half guard. The half guard is a position that is considered an in-between of the closed and open guard. Many champions of yesterday and today use the half guard as part of their overall guard game. Here we’ll study the basics of the half guard and how you can integrate it into your Jiu-Jitsu.

    The Half Guard

    The half guard, as previously mentioned, is where you are almost in the open guard but not quite. It is generally defined as a position with one foot blocking against the opponent’s leg and one placed outside. The use of frames is a major tool in the half guard as you need to stop the upper body from advancing and the lower body from backing out. This means that your arms should work in harmony with your legs, making sure you block any space that the opponent can capitalize.

    Half Guard Variants

    Think of the half guard not as a specific guard but as a general position with variations in between. There are many types of half guards, and the differences basically depend on your body positioning (and grips) in relation to your opponent’s. It is an intelligent approach to learn at least two of these guards so that you can stay unpredictable as much as possible. Here are some of the common ones you should consider studying.

    Standard Half Guard

    This is the vanilla version of the half guard and is most likely the one you’ll learn first. The main characteristic of the standard half guard is that you stay on a hip while you block the opponent’s same side leg with your own as you frame against their shoulder and far side arm. 

    The main goal of the standard half guard is to block the opponent’s forward movement and look for opportunities where you can gain inside position using the underhook. Alternatively, you can target the far arm to initiate submissions and sweeps.

    Once your closed guard is opened, your body position naturally gives you an easy entry to the half guard. The half guard was initially a position used to stall and was considered a last-ditch effort to prevent the guard pass. Over time, as with all things in BJJ, the half guard evolved in is now a highly dangerous guard that anyone can use.

    In this video, John Danaher expertly explains the half guard and its inherent strengths and weaknesses. Distance management and utilizing the proper grips are critical to a successful half guard attack.

    Knee Shield And Z Guard

    The knee shield and Z guard variants look almost the same as the standard half guard but with the addition of a leg frame. What differentiates the knee shield from the Z guard is the placement of the shield – if you place it near the shoulder, it is typically referred to as the knee shield half guard. If the knee is set against the opponent’s hip, it is called the Z guard. Both are great options and are simple enough to do. 

    This video by BJJ black belt Gustavo Gasperin breaks down the knee shield and Z guard in their simplest form. Remember to be as dynamic as you can when using these guards. You can, of course, transition between the two positions as they are very similar to each other in structure.

    Deep Half Guard

    The deep half is a unique case as it looks very different from the other half guards. Instead of blocking an opponent’s leg using your own, you shoot your body directly underneath the opponent’s center of gravity. Going beneath your opponent gives you many sweeping opportunities, as you can manipulate their base easily. 

    Watch the video above for an in-depth introduction of the deep half guard by Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu World Champions Teco Shinzato from the Evolve Fight Team. Using this technique, along with proper body positioning, will keep you safe from submissions, backtakes, and even strikes. 

    Lockdown Half Guard

    The lockdown is a half guard variant made famous by 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu founder Eddie Bravo. The lockdown is a great technique as it is unorthodox but packs a lot of firepower. Eddie used the lockdown to great effect when he competed against the legendary Royler Gracie in Metamoris 3.

    In this video, 10th Planet black belt Brandon Mccaghren teaches the basics of the lockdown. You may notice that it is absolutely fine to be flat on your back as you enter the position.

    The half guard is one of those positions that will stay with you up to the black belt level. It is a powerful, battle-tested guard that leverages your body position to initiate sweeps, backtakes, and submissions. As it doesn’t require unique attributes to be effective, it is a great guard for grapplers who prefer a straightforward and uncompromising style.

    Practitioners of all ages have come to appreciate the half guard for decades. We highly recommend exploring the half guard and see how it can significantly enhance your game.

    Chapter 4: Side Control

    Side control is likely the first dominant position a beginner learns in BJJ. After passing the guard, the next goal is to pin the opponent. You can go to side control and maintain the pin to do this. From there, you can transition to other dominant positions or even apply submissions. The sequence of guard passing, moving, and maintaining dominant positions are some of the key concepts in a solid top game. Here, we will talk about the basics of side control.

    What Is Side Control?

    Side control, also known as the side mount, is a dominant position in grappling where you lay perpendicular on top of the opponent with the intent of pinning their upper body on the mat. It is a relatively basic (but highly effective) pin because the top player pins the opponent while their lower body can freely move around. 

    The grappler on top denies the opponent’s ability to use their legs to escape. This allows them to transition to other dominant positions like the knee on belly or mount or apply a submission. This is why side control is a preferred position of bigger and stronger practitioners.

    Maintaining chest-to-chest connection while your leg sprawls or kneels on the mat is essential. Sprawling allows you to drop your weight and keep a heavy hip, whereas kneeling allows you to block the opponent’s shoulder and hips. Both are practical ways of utilizing your lower body when using this position. In side control, your arms have three purposes: to pin the opponent’s hip on the mat, apply an underhook, or apply a cross face.

    Pinning the opponent’s hip on the mat blocks their hip and prevents it from turning towards you, creating space. An underhook on the opponent’s far arm likewise prevents them from creating space and keeps you tight in the position. 

    Applying a cross face allows you to put shoulder pressure on the opponent’s chin, making the situation uncomfortable and preventing them from framing. When maintaining side control, keep the opponent’s shoulder and back flat on the mat, use your body weight to pin them down, and use your knee to block their hip and shoulder.

    Kesa Gatame

    Another way to do side control is by applying a kesa gatame or scarf hold. Unlike the traditional side control, kesa gatame is focused on controlling the opponent’s head and arm while lying on your side. It is done by wrapping your arm around the opponent’s head, controlling their near arm’s tricep, and widely splaying your legs using your near knee to block the opponent’s shoulder. The end position should look like you are isolating the opponent’s head and arm from the rest of their body. 

    A similar technique called the modified scarf hold is equally valuable. This is where you shoot for an underhook instead of wrapping around the opponent’s head. Some of the submissions you can do in this position are the armbar, arm triangle, Americana, kimura, and chest compression.

    Reverse Kesa Gatame

    The reverse kesa gatame is another variation of the standard side control. It is where the top player’s upper body faces the opponent’s lower body. Like the kesa gatame, the top player’s legs are splayed while one side of their hip is on the ground. The top player controls the opponent’s movements by holding the far arm as their weight is directly on top of their chest. The reverse kesa gatame is widely used as a pit stop to transition to the full mount. Different submissions can be applied as well. Examples include the wristlock, straight armbar, and kimura.

    Submissions From Side Control

    After securing the position, there are different ways to attack from side control. As previously said, you can transition to the mount, knee on belly, or north-south. Alternatively, you can apply submissions. Below are some common submissions you can apply from side control.

    1) Kimura

    Assuming that you are on the right side, after stabilizing side control, use your left arm (the arm that’s applying the cross face) to grab their left arm. Extend your left arm below their elbow and grab your own collar. Post your right hand on the mat near the opponent’s right hip and move to north-south. While in north-south, drop your weight on their hip and your forehead on the floor.

    Pin their right arm with your right knee and put pressure on their elbow until the opponent faces the opposite side (right side). Use your right hand, which is posted on the mat, to grab the opponent’s left wrist. Grab your right hand’s wrist (wrist to wrist) with your left hand to do a figure-four. Pass the opponent’s hand to their back, extend your right leg, and change your base to put more pressure.

    2) Arm Triangle

    Arm triangle is a submission you can apply when the opponent frames with their elbow in side control. If you are on the left side, and the opponent frames on your head with their left elbow, push it and trap their left arm and head by placing your head beside their left shoulder as you lock your hands. Move your body to the right by moving over the mount.

    3) Far Side Armbar

    Starting from right side control, get an underhook on the opponent’s left arm and cup their shoulder. Keep your knees a bit further from their body to create space. Post your left hand on the floor and pull the opponent towards you using your right hand. Lunge step your right foot over their head and place it behind their back while keeping the grip on their left arm. From there, fall back and finish the armbar.

    It is vital to have an understanding of all the dominant positions in BJJ. This will allow you to intelligently decide when to attack or stay on the defensive. Side control is one of the many must-know techniques you need to know in your grappling journey. 

    Chapter 5: Mount

    One of the most important aspects of BJJ is the ability to control a fully resisting opponent using a variety of pins. Positional dominance is crucial because it is highly unlikely that you’ll submit someone who is still fully mobile and can still fight with their hands. With the help of gravity and proper positioning, you can effectively approach your opponent with the intent of controlling movement, leading to better chances of submission. Today we’ll explore the king of pins, the full mount. 

    Pins Defined

    A pin is a position that uses your body configuration to immobilize a person’s ability to escape. It is always applied from the top, as you can leverage gravity to your advantage. Pins are an integral part of combat situations and are super useful even without the use of strikes, so much so that it has slowly been accepted in organizations like the police force. 

    In the context of Jiu-Jitsu, using pins is an intelligent strategy for winning matches. You can gain positional points and wear out your opponent the longer you stay on top. Many champions over the years have used this approach to win high-profile competitions like the IBJJF Worlds and ADCC.

    Position Before Submission

    You’ve probably heard the saying that position before submission is ideal in grappling. In most cases, this is absolutely true, especially in the early stages of one’s BJJ journey.

    Pinning someone down can mitigate the risk of reversals and counterattacks. Getting to a position like the mount can totally change the complexion of a match, as the bottom player is undoubtedly losing. Add the threat of submissions (or strikes in MMA), and you have a great recipe for winning many matches.

    Transitions To Mount

    As discussed in previous blogs, once you pass the guard, your initial goal is to establish side control. Once there, you have two basic options: keep the position or transition to more dominant pins like the mount. Since our focus now is all about the mount, let’s discuss a couple of basic ways to get there.

    1) Mount Transition From Side Control

    In this video, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu World Champion Teco Shinzato demonstrates a simple transition to get the mount position. Starting from side control, ensure that you have good control over your opponent by using the cross-face. It is always wise to keep your current position as tight as possible before moving to another. 

    From here, lift your far leg and base out as you go to a low knee on belly position. Use your arm to separate the opponent’s far arm from their torso as you move to mount. Doing this makes it harder for your opponent to resist and defend the transition. Lastly, complete the transition and maintain a stable base once on top.

    2) Mount Transition From Reverse Kesa Gatame

    Another way of getting to the mount is by using reverse kesa gatame or reverse scarf hold.

    Nick Albin shares a simple trick to get the mount by threatening the kimura. He says he likes to go to reverse kesa gatame once he establishes side control. You can threaten the kimura by establishing a figure-4 grip. Alternatively, you can transition to the mount if the opponent stays defensive. This little 1-2 combination is a cool sequence and a must-have if you like to play this type of game.

    Keeping The Mount

    Learning how to maintain the mount is another critical step to maximizing the position. In this video, the legendary Roger Gracie breaks down his approach to his world-class mount. He mentions that most people will likely try only two types of escapes: the upa or bridge escape and pushing the leg to get back to guard. 

    He expertly gives his tactics on how to not only keep yourself safe but to also keep the bottom player on the defensive the whole time. Roger likes to employ a more suffocating approach to his top game, and with good reason – it is simple, effective, and versatile enough to perform regardless of the ruleset. 

    Maintaining the mount is a practical strategy in situations where strikes are allowed. Striking from the top position (ground and pound) often leads to technical knockouts and is not very risky, positionally speaking. Always remember that in mixed martial arts, you can finish your opponent by strikes or submissions. You don’t have to compromise your position if you are more comfortable staying on top. We suggest you keep the mount and rain down strikes if you are not confident in your bottom game.

    Submissions From Mount

    Now that we’ve learned how to keep the mount, let’s talk about common attacks you can perform from the position.

    Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu World Champion Alex Silva from the Evolve Fight Team demonstrates five submissions from the mount, namely wristlock and variations of the nearside and farside armbar. Notice that the submissions are all coming from the cross grip. This is a terrific attacking sequence because you don’t have to move that much to transition from one submission to the next. 

    Learning submission chains like the one above can elevate your understanding of using combinations. This will help you systematize your sequences, thus making your movements more efficient. The secret to rapid improvement is to master how to get to your desired position and use attacking chains that are easy to do relative to your skill level. 

    The mount is one of the main building blocks of Jiu-Jitsu. Focusing on top positions like the mount and side control is a viable way to build a strong game. It has been used by countless greats in submission grappling and mixed martial arts, as it is an ideal position to mount and offense from. 

    If you are a beginner, we recommend focusing on the first three videos we shared above, as they focus on concepts, entries, and general maintenance. The submission video can be treated as an add-on and is best learned once you understand the underlying principles of the mount.

    Chapter 6: Knee Mount

    The knee mount or commonly known as the knee on belly is one of the most dominant positions in BJJ. It is mainly used for controlling unruly training partners and is probably among the most underutilized and underrated positions you can do. Considered by many grapplers as a demoralizing position to be in, the knee mount is powerful enough that holding the position alone can force an opponent to tap. Let’s discuss the basics of the knee mount.

    What Is The Knee Mount/Knee On Belly?

    The knee mount, also known as the knee on belly or knee ride, is a dominant controlling pin in BJJ. It is like side control where you stay on one side, but you drive your knee on their belly instead of going chest-to-chest. It is a crushing position, especially when applied by heavier and stronger grapplers, as they can use their weight to drive on the opponent’s solar plexus while pulling on their collar, sleeve, or lapel.

    As mentioned earlier, the pressure of the knee ride alone is enough to tap an opponent, especially when they’re already tired in the later stages of a match. Holding the position long enough drains the opponent, forcing them to commit mistakes such as sticking their arms out, which attracts submissions like the d’Arce and armbar. It is versatile as it can be used to transition to the mount, north-south, or back to side control. However, note that this position is unstable compared to other dominant pins, especially side control.

    The knee mount is a dominance-asserting position. Higher belts usually force this position to pin down spazzy beginners while wearing them out. Although it is a strong technique that anyone can apply, remember that some consider this technique demoralizing, so be careful when using it on absolute newbies. Please watch the video below to learn how to dominate with the knee mount.

    How To Dominate With The Knee Mount

    Understanding proper weight distribution is essential when going for the knee mount. It is always advantageous to use this pin as it can be used to take the opponent’s back when they turn away or into you. It takes practice to become efficient with the knee mount because it requires positional awareness and balance.

    To get to the knee mount from left side control, use your right forearm to block the lower part of the opponent’s hip so you can place your hand to cup their hip. Replace your forearm with your right shin and left leg to base on the mat. Keep your right foot tight on the opponent’s left hip as your shin and knee drive to their belly. In this position, your weight is on your toes and the balls of your feet.

    The more weight you give the opponent on the mounted knee, the more they can control your weight. This compromises your balance and stability, allowing them to escape. As the opponent decides to move by shrimping out, this is the time you add more weight on the knee mount and float with their movements while using your right hand to block their hip. As soon as they stop and face you, your feet will still be planted on the mat.

    Submissions From Knee Mount

    1) Shotgun Armbar

    Starting from the left side knee mount, use your left arm to create discomfort by crawling your hand behind their head. Doing this puts stress on the spine and makes it harder for the opponent to move and turn into you, limiting their motion and power. If the opponent pushes your knee with their right hand, you can go for the spinning armbar. If the opponent pushes your right hip, this is the time you apply the shotgun armbar grip.

    As the opponent pushes your hip, use your left arm to apply a C grip on their tricep. Pull their left arm up, catch their wrist under your armpit, and tightly pinch your elbow against your rib. The pinching and the C grip immobilizes the opponent’s arm, preventing them from freeing it from the armbar. Shift your knee mount and place your right foot behind their armpit to create a hook. This means that you are moving away from the knee mount by bringing your hips as close to their shoulder as possible while sitting your weight on their chest. 

    Use your right arm to post on the mat so you can lean towards their leg. Step your left leg over their head and place your foot near their neck. Keep the C grip and your elbow tight to your body. In this position, the armbar should be tight enough to break the arm. Leaning back and driving your hip to their elbow adds more power to the armbar, and falling back to the mat might even snap the arm.

    2) Baseball Bat Choke

    From the right side knee mount, grab the opponent’s collar using your right hand with a four-finger grip with fingers outside. Use your left hand to grab with the same four-finger grip, but your fingers should be deep inside their left collar to block their carotid artery. Make sure your forearms are kept close beside their neck. To finish, move to north-south to tighten the noose and drop your head to the ground beside their right hip.

    3) Americana

    From the right side knee mount, use your left arm to grab a cross collar grip. As the opponent touches your left elbow with their right arm, drive your right hand under their tricep and reach for your own arm to finish the Americana. You can make this tighter by dropping your head beside their neck and posting on the mat as you transition to the mount.

    The knee mount is an excellent position you can include on your list of go-to positions. It is a great pin in and of itself; it is also handy for transitioning to other positions. Remember that balance is critical in maintaining this position. Drill countless times to familiarize yourself with the proper weight distribution. 

    Chapter 7: Back Mount

    Having someone on your back in grappling is like being prey being hunted by a predator. It is one of the most vulnerable positions to be in, if not the most, especially when you are face down, flattened on the ground. You can’t see the opponent; therefore, it will be hard for you to anticipate their attacks and defend. This article will discuss the most dominant position in grappling: the back mount. 

    What Is The Back Mount?

    The back mount is considered the most dominant position in grappling. It is a position where you are behind the opponent with chest-to-back connection, using your arms and legs to control the opponent’s upper body and hip. As you attack from this position, controlling the opponent’s hands helps hinder their ability to defend. It can be done in different ways. One approach is to use your legs to trap one of their arms, allowing you to use both hands to apply a choke.

    Let’s talk about a couple of technical nuances. When a grappler is behind the opponent with both hooks in (or a body triangle with a seatbelt grip), it is generally considered the back mount. Back control is when a grappler restrains the opponent, maintaining control over the hip and, eventually, the back. 

    It can be from a position like the turtle, where you have substantial back control over the opponent but with no hooks. A grappler can have back control but NOT be in the back mount – but if you are in the back mount position, you inherently have back control.

    Path To The Back Mount

    There are many ways to get to the back. Some of the most common ones are from the de la Riva guard and mount. Aiming for these positions will give you many opportunities to take the back. Remember that getting there is only half the work; back maintenance is equally crucial.

    Enter the de la Riva (DLR) guard with your right hand gripping the opponent’s sleeve while your left holds their ankle. Straighten your right leg to widen their base. Use your left leg to apply the DLR hook all the way to their hip. Switch your left-hand grip from the opponent’s ankle to the other leg. Grab the bottom of their pants to control their leg.

    Position your body directly behind the opponent and center yourself as you place both knees behind theirs. From here, grab the opponent’s belt with both hands. Pull the opponent as you use your feet to kick forward. Get both hooks in, sit up, and get the seatbelt grip to secure the back mount.

    Submissions From the Back Mount

    1) Collar Choke

    From the turtle position, secure back control by applying a kimura grip. Roll over your far shoulder, placing your head in the direction of your left arm. Pull the opponent and insert your first hook. Let go of your kimura grip and apply the seatbelt with your overhand below. Insert your second hook (top leg) to secure the back mount. Get a cross collar grip while your other hand (underhook) grabs the other side of the opponent’s collar. Pull and place your forearm on the floor to finish the choke.

    2) Triangle Armbar

    Starting from the back mount, the opponent will likely fall to the side (your underhook side) so that their shoulder is free to escape. Readjust your hooks and bring your feet together on top of their hip to maintain pressure. Attack the opponent’s neck with your top hand (overhand) to get them to react. As they defend, grab their bottom wrist using your top hand while your bottom hand grabs the wrist of their top hand. Roll your top leg near their top arm to restrict movement.

    Bring and turn the opponent to the opposite side and grab your shin with your underhooking hand. Remove your top hook and perform a hip escape. Lock in the triangle and lie down on your right side. Push and crank the opponent’s arm towards your leg to finish the triangle armbar.

    Back Retention Drill

    Maintaining the back mount requires dominant control over the opponent. One way to do this is to use transitional movements to keep your body glued to your opponent’s back. One such transition is called the chair sit and is a fantastic way to maintain back control. Let’s look at this chair sit drill from ADCC Champion Giancarlo Bodoni.

    The drill starts from the back mount with a seatbelt grip. Once the opponent gets their hips out from the overhand side of the seatbelt, you begin to lose your hook on your bottom leg. When this happens, be attentive to their upper body by bringing your head forward beside theirs (ear to ear). Focus on bringing your elbows in as tight as possible to maintain the upper body connection with your chest.

    Your other leg can maintain the hook or stay across their body. The key is to focus on upper body control with the seatbelt grip to prevent their back from sliding down. Use your bottom leg’s toes to drive on the mat forward and drive your bottom leg high, right to your overhand’s elbow, while tucking your foot behind their back. Your other leg steps over across their upper body. Fall to a hip and bring the opponent all the way to the opposite side (underhooking side) to finish the back mount.

    Continue the drill on the other side. This time, you might notice that the hand placement is slightly different. Your hand is now underneath their arm, and your head is underneath theirs. Keep your head tight beside their head. Use your forearm to move their head up and drive your leg on the mat. Bring your bottom leg’s knee to the floor to get up and tuck it behind the back. Bring your top leg across their body and pull the opponent to the opposite side, bringing them to the starting position.

    The back mount is by far the most dominant position in grappling. We recommend that you start incorporating back attacks to make you a more dangerous and complete grappler.

    Back to Table of Contents

    Chapter 8: Turtle

    The turtle is a position where you curl up with your head tight to your body and on the mat while keeping your arms inside your body with elbows in with knees and feet on the ground. It is called the turtle because you curl your body to a defensive position, like a turtle protecting its body. Most of the time, this position can be seen in Judo and wrestling. Likewise, in Jiu-Jitsu, it is also used to recover from a failed takedown with the attempt to recover back to some form of guard.

    There are a couple of differences between playing the turtle in wrestling and Jiu-Jitsu. In wrestling, the offensive player’s goal is to expose the opponent’s back to the floor to flatten them out and get the pin. The opponent’s goal is to not get turned over and to try to stand up and reset.

    In Jiu-Jitsu, the top player’s goal is to expose the opponent’s back, which is already achieved when the opponent turtles. Unlike wrestling, Jiu-Jitsu favors taking the back as it is a prime spot to start your offense from. Since the goal of BJJ is to either dominate positionally or finish with a submission, taking the back is a logical approach, as you can get both. Once you take someone’s back, it is just a matter of time before you get a submission.

    In wrestling, you cannot finish the opponent and apply strangles from any position. Therefore the turtle is used to defend with the intent to stand up. Many high-level BJJ athletes say that while learning wrestling is always a good idea, it should be slightly modified to accommodate the threat of submissions. As with other sports, your approach should be in accordance with how the game is played rule-wise.

    In Jiu-Jitsu, a common scenario is that the opponent places their elbows on the floor and uses their hands to block incoming strangles. If you are the one attacking the turtle position, your goal is to either penetrate their protected neck and arms and attack with submissions. You can also break them down and take the back for more control, leading to submissions.

    The turtle is generally used in two ways: open turtle and closed turtle. Closed turtle is when your elbows and knees are locked close. Open turtle is when your elbows and knees are based out wide. It is easier to insert your hooks and a seatbelt grip when the opponent plays an open turtle where their knees are separated, and hands are wide. Although, in the open turtle, it will be difficult for you to unbalance the opponent down to the hip.

    In a closed turtle, inserting your seatbelt grip and hooks will be difficult; unbalancing them to one hip is easier. The closed turtle is widely used in BJJ as it prevents the opponent from putting their grips and hooks in to score points. When the opponent does this, your aim is to knock them down to a disadvantageous position to easily anticipate their reactions.

    If the opponent falls on their shoulder and tries to face you, you move to pin them on top (side control, mount, or north-south). If they stay on their elbow posting on the mat, you can lock the seatbelt grip and top hook, pull them over (both belly up), and take their back. 

    When the opponent tries to keep their right knee to their chest and get up in the opposite direction, put your weight on their hip. By doing so, you are forcing them to scissor their legs as they go back to turtle. This gives you the ability to insert your first hook. 

    Your goal in closed turtle is to knock the opponent down to disadvantageous positions to insert your hook and the seatbelt grip. From there, continue until you apply both hooks and attack.

    In an open turtle, your goal is a little different. You can’t knock the opponent down initially to one hip, but you can insert your hands and apply the seatbelt grip to control their upper body, pull them to an disadvantagous position, and start attacking from there.

    The main difference between the turtle in wrestling and Jiu-Jitsu should be clear. A wrestler’s approach is to expose the opponent’s back to the floor while the opponent’s goal is to stand up and get away, to not get turned over and pinned on the mat. 

    In Jiu-Jitsu, your focus is to keep the opponent’s back exposed as you go in and threaten for submissions without having the penalties from exposing your back to the floor. The opponent’s goal is to either stand up and get away or roll to recover the guard. Remember that putting your hands wide on the mat as you look to stand up from the turtle position allows the opponent to apply submissions, unlike in wrestling.

    Understanding the reason why you use certain techniques is imperative to improvement. The way you approach the turtle position should be in a way that enhances your chances of survival. Learning the turtle position might look simple enough, but it is actually far from the truth. The turtle is filled with nuance and should be treated as a technical position because it is. 

    Drill the turtle position from both sides and focus on safety in the first months of your learning. After this, develop a system to help you recover and move to better positions like the guard or even stand back up.

    Chapter 9: Basic Joint Lock Submissions

    rodrigo and thales crosschoke armbar

    Earlier, we’ve broken down the basic positional hierarchy of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. These positions build the foundation from which a grappler initiates their approach to engage an opponent. As one becomes more adept in transitioning from one position to the next, it is time to build a repertoire of submissions to finish the match quickly.

    There are hundreds of submissions in BJJ. This means you can build a unique game perfect for your build, athleticism, and disposition. Think of this as your footprint that evolves as the years go by.

    Joint locks are a subset of the major submissions you typically see in a BJJ match. These are attacks that target the joints by bending the limbs in compromising ways. Today we’ll share our most recommended joint locks for Jiu-Jitsu.

    A Deeper Look At Joint Locks

    Joint locks are submissions meant to hyperextend a person’s limbs. A key benefit of learning joint locks is that they are highly versatile and can be used regardless of the ruleset. All forms of grappling (that allow submissions) have some form of joint locks, as attacking an exposed arm is a logical means to dominate an opponent.

    You can use joint locks in a variety of ways. Take the kimura for example. The kimura is perhaps one of the most popular joint locks in all of submission grappling. It is a technique that is meant to submit an opponent in an instant. Alternatively, you can use it as a general position from which you can initiate sweeps, backtakes, and transitions. As you become more experienced in Jiu-Jitsu, you’ll notice that most submissions can be used as hubs for other attacks. 

    Now that we understand the basic definition of joint locks, here are a couple of our top recommendations you should add to your repertoire.

    1) Armbar

    In this video, John Danaher explains the basics of the armbar from the guard. The armbar is a straight joint lock that hyperextends the joint of the elbow. You can apply the armbar from many positions, one of which is from the closed guard. 

    He mentions that the key to a successful armbar is to control the head as you move the arm near the centerline. Typically, you can catch beginners with an armbar by just forcing the arm near your torso, but it gets harder and harder as you roll with stronger training partners. Pulling the head down as you move the arm near the hip will make it easier to execute the armbar regardless of how good your opponent is.

    John suggests using a top lock to add another layer of control before the break. Using your legs and wrapping near the shoulder restricts movement of the arm, thereby increasing the chances of a successful submission.

    2) Kimura

    The next joint lock that we’ll discuss is the kimura. The kimura is a variation of a bent joint lock and is highly useful to control and finish fights. 

    Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu World Champion Teco Shinzato demonstrates the kimura from side control. He reveals this tactics to keep the opponent smashed on bottom side control, using the lapel and using active toes on top. 

    From here, wrap your arm around the opponent’s near arm. Depending on where the opponent’s arm faces (your left or right side), your can transition to the Americana or force their body sideways for the kimura or armbar. Another option is to move to north-south as you get the kimura grip. This opens up attacking options like the kimura and armbar as well.

    3) Americana

    The last technique we’ll talk about is the basic Americana from the top position. The Americana is another fundamental submission used by grapplers of all levels. It is similar to the kimura, but the arm is bent in the opposite direction, forming an L shape. 

    Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu World Champion Teco Shinzato demonstrates the basics of the move in the video above. He starts by first choosing the arm he wants to attack. Assuming you want to attack the opponent’s left arm, use your left to grab the opponent’s wrist and force it to the mat using your weight. Place your elbow next to the opponent’s neck as you slip your other arm under the opponent’s bent arm. Grab your own wrist and move the arm towards their hip as you raise for the finish. 

    The secret to a successful Americana attack is to always keep the opponent’s arm bent. Once you force it to the mat, ensure that you get a tight grip on the wrist and don’t allow lateral movement as much as possible. The straighter the arm, the lesser the torque on the shoulder, making the submission unsuccessful.

    Drill With A Purpose In Mind

    These submissions, while simple, are effective once you take the time to master them. Remember that these are just a sample of joint locks you can execute in Jiu-Jitsu. There are still many submissions available, and we will discuss them in future entries. For now, it is best to focus on these variations and work up as you improve. 

    Drill with the purpose of understanding these submissions because they can serve as the very foundation of your submission game. Start by doing the techniques with little to no resistance and slowly add common counters once you become more confident. It is also a smart idea to learn how to defend against these submissions so that you avoid falling for them in your sparring sessions. 

    Joint locks are some of the most valuable techniques you can build a game upon. Regardless of your age, size, and level of athleticism, these submissions will serve you well up until the black belt level. We encourage you to try our recommended submissions the next time you train. They are easy enough to do and guaranteed to elevate your grappling to new heights!

    Chapter 10: Basic Chokes

    Chokes are the most effective submissions you can perform in Jiu-Jitsu. As Helio Gracie said, with chokes, there are no tough guys. While very useful, other submissions such as armlocks are sometimes not enough to stop a violent confrontation. The good thing about chokes is that you can use them to put people to sleep if necessary. 

    Chokes can be applied in a variety of ways. You can use your limbs, your gi, and even the opponent’s gi/jacket to force them to submit. Here, we will discuss some of BJJ’s most fundamental chokes.

    Choke Vs. Strangle

    Before we get into some basic chokes, let’s talk about the difference between a choke and a strangle. Many grapplers (especially those trained under John Danaher) use the term strangle to define submissions previously known as chokes. Here’s the technical description of the terms.

    From a medical standpoint, choking is when something blocks the airflow in the pharynx or trachea. Strangulation is the outside compression of the neck to disrupt the blood flow to the neck’s carotid arteries. Basically, it all boils down to where the blockage is coming from. Both terms are acceptable to use and should not be a big deal, all things considered.

    For purposes of simplicity, we opted to use ‘chokes’ for all submissions listed below.

    Five Basic Chokes In Grappling

    Chokes can be applied from both dominant and inferior positions. Before attempting a submission, it is best to secure and stabilize the situation using pins like the mount and side control. Below are the basic chokes you can apply with and without the gi.

    1) Cross-Collar Choke/Cross Choke

    As the name suggests, the cross-collar choke uses the opponent’s gi collar to choke the opponent. It can be applied from the top and bottom positions, making it a highly versatile submission. This technique is perhaps the first gi choke you will learn when training in the gi.

    Starting from the top mount, open the opponent’s collar, and get a deep palm-up grip. After establishing your initial grip, place your left hand on the mat as a base while you walk it above their head to the opposite collar. This will prevent the opponent from reversing you over if they bridge. Grab their opposite collar palm-down and drop your head as you tighten to finish the choke.

    2) Rear Naked Choke

    The rear naked choke is widely used in grappling and MMA. It is easy to perform and has one of the highest finishing rates in the sport. The key with the rear naked choke is the proper use of grip tactics to bypass the opponent’s defending hands. But once the RNC is deep, it is almost impossible to stop.

    Starting from the back mount, control the opponent with the seatbelt grip. Slide your top arm to the opponent’s neck with your thumb pointing up to lift their chin. Once your arm is under their neck, grab their shoulder. Press your head beside the opponent’s face. Release your bottom arm and put your elbow beside their shoulder. Initiate the RNC grip by looping your arms against the neck. Use your bottom hand to grab your top arm’s shoulder to squeeze and finish the choke.

    3) Guillotine Choke

    The guillotine choke can be used offensively and defensively and is useful from almost all positions, provided that you can get a good grip on the head. From the standup, a typical setup is by snapping the opponent’s head down so you can access their head. Once on the ground, this choke is commonly applied from the closed or butterfly guard.

    Starting from the collar tie, snap the opponent’s head down. Wrap your left arm around the opponent’s neck. Move your right hand below the opponent’s arm, place your left wrist firmly, and squeeze your elbow. Pull the opponent down and bring them to the ground. Close your guard, bring your elbow towards your hip, and squeeze to finish the choke.

    4) Triangle Choke

    The triangle choke is a versatile submission that can be applied from all positions. A leg triangle has different uses in grappling. Aside from the choke, a leg triangle can be applied to maintain back control (body triangle), trap an opponent’s leg (commonly known as the 411, inside sankaku, or honeyhole), or trap both legs (leg clamp), a passing/pinning technique Khabib Nurmagomedov is famous for.

    A common triangle choke setup is from the standing hip bump sweep. Starting from closed guard, grab the opponent’s sleeve and hide your other arm behind your head. If they stand up to pass your guard, hug the opponent’s leg using the arm behind your head. Bridge over your shoulder and bump your hip against the opponent’s knee to sweep them down. After they fall, your opponent might post their free hand on the ground. When this happens, swing your leg over the opponent’s shoulder. Grab your shin and lock in the choke, and squeeze.

    Once you’ve mastered the triangle from the closed guard, you can move on by applying it from different positions. Keep in mind that the flying triangle should only be drilled and executed with supervision.

    5) Arm Triangle

    The arm triangle choke can be applied from the mount or side control. Recently used in the UFC by MMA fighter Islam Makhachev to win the lightweight title, the arm triangle has three basic variations, namely: front arm triangle (kata gatame), d’Arce choke, and the anaconda choke. Each variation has its own strengths and weaknesses.

    To perform the arm triangle from left side control, push the opponent’s left elbow across your face using your right arm, and make sure your left arm is grabbing the opponent’s left shoulder. Apply pressure to the opponent’s upper body by leaning forward diagonally with your head near the mat. Slide your knee to the opposite side of the opponent’s body while pressing your head down on their arm. Place your left knee close to the opponent’s hip to prevent them from passing the guard while your right leg stretches out to create a base. Push your chest against the opponent’s left arm while sliding your right arm under your left hand. Sprawl and walk your legs to the right to finish the submission.

    Chapter 11: Common Mistakes/Concepts For Beginners

    BJJ students rolling

    As a beginner, it is critical that you learn the fundamentals as early as possible so you won’t carry bad habits as you progress in your journey. In this article, we will discuss the common mistakes/concepts beginners should work on.

    1) Grip Fighting

    Grip fighting is critical in grappling. As John Danaher said, don’t tolerate or ignore grips that prevent you from holding a stance or moving as you want. Never allow the opponent to apply their preferred grips on you. By allowing this, you are letting them control you, which they can use to manage your movements or to set up and impose their game upon you.

    2) Sticking Your Arms Out

    Always keep your elbows close to your body. The farther your elbow is from your body, the less strength you can use, making it easier for the opponent to control your arms. If the opponent can isolate your arms and keep them away from your body, it will be easier for them to do a takedown in the standup and apply a submission once on the ground. 

    3) Posture

    Posturing up allows you to keep your balance and base strong. It prevents the opponent from quickly dragging and taking you down, as a broken posture will make you vulnerable to takedowns, sweeps, and submissions. An excellent upright posture will make you tight and powerful as soon as you shoot for the takedown. While having a good posture is vital on the mats, also practice doing it outside the mats to boost your confidence and to become aware of your surroundings.

    4) Crossing The Feet In Back Mount

    More often than not, this is likely one of the first few pieces of advice given to beginners when in back mount. Crossing your ankles when you are behind the opponent makes you vulnerable to leg locks. This is because the ankle on the bottom acts as a fulcrum for the ankle on top. Putting enough pressure on the crossed ankles can inflict enough pain to force you to tap or, worse, get an unnecessary injury. Though this rule can be more or less broken once a grappler is experienced enough, it is best to save for later.

    5) Breakfalls

    Breakfalls are important and can potentially save your life outside the mats. A breakfall (ukemi in Judo) is performed in grappling to prevent injuries upon landing after getting thrown or taken down. This is crucial, especially when training your standup. Likewise, doing it can save your life if you accidentally slip on a sturdy surface.

    6) Not Training Takedowns

    Knowing how to fight on the ground is only half the battle if you think about it. It is also essential to learn a couple of takedowns to take the fight to the ground. Learn a takedown or two and work on different setups to land it. Being good at takedowns will improve your guard passing and make you better at maintaining the top position. Guard pulling is only suitable for sport BJJ. Master a takedown so you can become a well-rounded grappler.

    7) Focus On The Basics

    Focus on the basics first before you explore the different variations of techniques. There is so much to learn in grappling, and comprehending it all at once can be overwhelming. Master the basics, as it is proven to work even in the highest levels of competition. Work on passing the closed guard, and once opened, choose an open guard pass that suits you best. If you are a bigger grappler, pressure passing like the over-under pass will complement your game well.

    8) Tapping Is Not A Bad Thing

    bjj tap out

    Training in Jiu-Jitsu (and doing difficult things in general) helps us better know ourselves. If you want to become a competitor, learn how to regulate your ego. Tap when you get caught in a deep submission to prevent injuries, as injuries can prevent you from training. Don’t muscle out of submissions when training; instead, take the opportunity to learn how to escape from submissions using proper technique.

    9) Stalling Tn The Collar Tie 

    A common mistake in the standup is stalling by using the collar tie. Remember to only use the collar tie when trying to be offensive, as applying it without the intent of attacking will leave your lower body open. When trying to defend it, focus on controlling the opponent’s wrist, blocking their biceps and shoulders to prevent them from pushing forward.

    10) Holding Your Breath 

    Slow down and try not to muscle out of pins and submissions. Learn proper breathing like Rickson Gracie’s “percussive breathing”. It is performed by inhaling deeply and exhaling sharply 5-6 times to force the air out of the lungs. Doing the opposite by sharply inhaling followed by a long exhale also does the trick. Understand that grappling is a different type of endurance and cardio, and running long marathons doesn’t translate well.

    11) Be Careful Of Squeezing/Cranking Submissions 

    Remember to be careful when finishing submissions like the arm bar or joint locks, especially if you are bigger and stronger than your training partner. In training, be mindful of your training partners. Switching to another submission or maintaining the dominant position is always a good idea if they are not tapping. Keep the training playful and safe, as we all have different lives outside the mats.

    “The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute, the man who does not ask is a fool for life.” ― Confucius

    As a beginner, use the opportunity to learn and ask as many questions as possible. Doing so will help you assimilate concepts quicker and limit bad habits from occurring. Take note that you are in the gym to learn about the art and, most of all, to become a better person than you were yesterday. 

    Chapter 12: Rules/Scoring

    buchecha at ibjjf worlds
    While BJJ is amazing in and of itself, its ruleset adds a layer of freedom (and sometimes complexity) that makes it stand out from the rest. The very heart of Jiu-Jitsu you see today focuses on takedowns, control, and submission tactics to restrain and eventually defeat an opponent. 

    These techniques are practical in combat and can help end fights quickly. The ruleset of most BJJ competitions also follows the same philosophy and gives points to positions where you gain a tactical advantage in a match.

    There are two ways to win in a BJJ match: winning by points or by submission. Points are awarded once you execute a technique that leads to a dominant position. You can also gain “advantages” for almost locked-in moves. Conversely, you can also get disqualified once you use techniques that are not allowed in a particular ruleset. 

    Many grappling rulesets are available depending on where you are in the world. For today, let’s talk about the rules and scoring system of the International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation (IBJJF), the world’s most recognized grappling organization.

    Takedown – 2 points

    ibjjf single leg takedown

    A takedown is a technique that aims to take the opponent down, forcing them to land on their back, seated, or sideways. Under the IBJJF ruleset, the attacker should maintain a dominant position for 3 seconds to get points. 

    Knee On Belly (Knee Ride) – 2 points

    The knee on belly is another technique that gives the attacker 2 points. The key to getting the points is to hold the sleeve and belt as you pin the opponent down. You are awarded an advantage if you cannot maintain the position and grip. 

    Sweep – 2 points

    Sweeping is where you reverse an opponent, placing you in a more favorable position. Remember that you only gain points if you initially start from some form of guard. No points are given if you reverse an opponent from a position that’s not recognized as a guard. 

    Guard Pass – 3 points

    A successful guard pass is when the attacker gets past the defender’s legs and moves to pins like side control and north-south. Ensure that you maintain the pin for 3 seconds to earn the points.

    Mount And Back Mount – 4 points

    The mount and back mount get 4 points each, as they are super dominant pins. The mount is where you sit on top of the opponent’s torso, with your heads in the same direction. To earn points, the one playing the mount should have two knees on the mat (or at least one knee and one foot placed on the mat). The back mount is similar to the mount, but both face the floor. Like with the other pins, you must keep the position for 3 seconds to score. 

    Back Control – 4 points

    The last position where you can get points is back control. Back control is where you trap the opponent’s legs using your own (hooks) while keeping their arms secured. Note that using body triangles does not constitute back control; thus, no points are given. 

    Technique Restrictions In IBJJF Competitions

    There are several banned techniques depending on the rank and competitions you enter. Some examples include slams, twisting locks, bending the fingers backward, and variations of leg attacks. 

    As of January 2021, brown and black belt adult competitors can now use heel hooks and other reaping techniques in no-gi competitions. Competitors in the masters divisions and lower belts (purple, blue, white) are still prohibited from using these techniques.

    Building A Game Around The Ruleset

    Understanding how to leverage the rules is a clever way to maximize your success in competition. You might have noticed that many world champions over the years have games that rely on positional strategy, and with good reason. You’ll surely win many matches if you can find ways to score (and not get scored on) on all your best positions. 

    Notice that scoring a takedown only gives you two points and that the rest of the positions you can score from are all ground-based techniques. With this in mind, we suggest you build a game that can put you in situations where you can score easily. 

    If you have a good guard game, you can use entries that will give you openings to get to your favorite guards and, from there, work on sweeps and submission attempts. If you have a solid top game, focusing on a high-percentage takedown is critical as you’ll increase the chances of forcing your opponent to play off their back. 

    From here, you can then work on pressuring them to play bad positions as you get to dominant pins like side control, north-south, and mount. These are just a couple of basic strategies you can use to have a leg up on your competition.

    Mindfulness Is Key

    Memorize the rules and scoring system as best as you can. Your understanding of these should be ingrained into you so that you can apply them in stressful situations like competitions. You don’t have to always keep score every time you roll with your training partners, but you should at least be mindful if you are getting dominated positionally. Mindfulness is key to building intelligent game plans and is the secret ingredient of championship-level athletes and coaches. 

    The rules dictate how you play the game. It is not enough to be a good grappler to be successful; you must also study how to use the rules to your advantage.

    Chapter 13: Etiquette And Tips For Your First Class

    Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu gyms can be intimidating for newcomers, but you will find they are welcoming places if you conduct yourself the right way.

    The way you conduct yourself comes down to one thing – respect. All martial arts are built on this value that has run through them for thousands of years. Despite the long history, this is a simple concept. As long as you recognize the rules and appreciate everyone in your class, you can’t go wrong.

    In this chapter, we’ve come up with some tips on what to look out for while training at the BJJ gym. Sticking to these guidelines will show the appropriate respect to your coaches and training partners, and will help you fit right in wherever you train.

    Turn Up On Time

    Make sure you arrive at the gym in time for the start of the class, ready to train.

    It would be considered rude or disrespectful for you to turn up late to a job or social engagement, so why should martial arts practice be any different?

    Whether you’re training to compete or you’re just a hobbyist, you owe it to your coach, your teammates, and yourself to be punctual.

    If you run onto the mats five minutes after the start of class, you’ll disrupt the lesson and will waste everyone’s time while they wait for you to catch up on what you’ve missed.

    You’re also likely to miss valuable warm-up time, which could lead to injury.

    Some instructors may not even let you join a class if you miss the start. Others might allow you to join in, but not before you pay the price for your lack of punctuality. Want to avoid 50+ burpees? Arrive when you’re supposed to.

    The best practice is to turn up a little early, giving you an ample amount of time to stretch, wrap your hands, and even catch up with friends before it’s time to get serious.

    Listen To Your Coach

    It’s just plain rude to not pay attention to your coach. They are the fountain of all your martial arts knowledge, and they demand your respect. 

    Most trainers don’t mind having to explain a technique or concept several times – especially if it’s difficult, complex, or unfamiliar – but not if it’s because you didn’t listen to them the first time.

    You can chat about what you saw on TV last night after class, not while your instructor tells you what to do or how to do it.

    If you’re not focused on what you’re being shown, not only will you make your coach angry, you’ll end up doing something wrong. That could mean you pick up some bad habits that could stay with you for a long time.

    You’re forking over your hard-earned cash to learn from your coach, so try to absorb whatever knowledge they share with you.

    Treat Your Training Partners How You’d Want To Be Treated

    BJJ gyms should create a welcoming environment where anyone can come and learn the gentle art, so help to keep it that way.

    In mixed-ability sessions, you might be partnered with someone with less experience, so don’t get frustrated with them if they can’t hold pads for your combinations. 

    Everyone was a beginner once, so remember what it was like when you started. Try to guide them through the process. Once they get the hang of things, they’ll become a valuable training partner. 

    If you’re a newbie and pair up with someone who’s far more experienced, try to relax and listen to their advice. 

    Overall, just be friendly to everyone. It’s not okay to be antisocial or behave inappropriately anywhere. If you do so in the gym and dissuade anyone from coming back, you might be asked to leave too.

     Keep It Clean

    If you don’t look after your personal hygiene, no one will want to train with you.

    Make sure you air out or wash your gi after every session so it’s clean and bacteria-free when you step back onto the mats.

    Keep a towel handy in the gym so you can wipe excess sweat away before you cover all your friends. If you have long hair, keep it tied back and out of the way.

    Also, wash your gi before every class. Smell your gi when you it off to find out why!

    You should also keep your fingernails and toenails trimmed. They can also scratch, or worse. There are also horror stories about serious injuries being caused by untrimmed talons. 

    Finally, if you have any cuts, make sure they’re covered up before you step on the mats, and dress them immediately if they get exposed.

    Tips For Your First Class

    If you’ve set foot in a BJJ gym as a newcomer and feel intimidated when you step into a new gym for the first time, you’re not alone. However, there’s no need to worry. You’ll be welcomed as a new member of the martial arts family as soon as you step onto the mat.

    While you get your feet wet in your new martial arts family, keep these things in mind to help yourself adjust and adapt.

    Get To Know The Gym And Instructors:
    On your first day, turn up a little early to get to know the layout of the gym – where to sign in, where to get changed, and where everything is kept. Also, don’t be afraid to introduce yourself to your instructors – they won’t bite! If you’re nervous, you can explain that it’s your first time, and you can be sure these experienced experts will help you ease into things.
    Don’t Be Scared To Ask Questions:
    Don’t understand something? Worried you’re not doing something right? Don’t sweat it. Just ask one of the coaches or even one of the other people in the class to help you out. The atmosphere is always supportive and everyone around you knows what it feels like to start out. Everyone was a beginner once.
    Give It Your All:
    Whether you’ve taken up BJJ to get fit, train towards competing, or just to try something new, make the most of your time on the mats. If you can’t do something right at first, don’t give up! Practice makes perfect, and a good attitude will go a long way with your instructors.
    Relax And Have Fun:
    While you should try your best in BJJ class, no one expects you to be as well-conditioned as Alex Silva, or as fast as Mikey Musumeci, or as technical as Marcus ‘Buchecha’ Almeida. While you should try your best, make sure you go at your own pace too. It’s best to take your time and stay loose. That will help with your technique and help you to learn. All that should contribute to a great time.

    Chapter 14: Choosing A Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Gym

    As the “Gentle Art” grows in popularity the world over, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu gyms are popping up everywhere.

    BJJ practitioners are spoiled for choice when it comes to picking somewhere to train. If you don’t know what to look for, it might be difficult to decide what’s right for you.

    Without expert knowledge, you could end up failing to keep up with a group of experts, or struggling to learn ineffective techniques from a con artist at a McDojo.

    With our advice you should get everything you need to know about choosing the right place to learn Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu – one that’s welcoming, teaches you the skills and values of martial arts, and will help you reach your goals.


    Before we even get started with what makes a good gym, ask yourself whether you can fit the gym’s timetable of classes around the rest of your professional and social life. If you’re new to the sport and beginner’s classes clash with your shifts at work, it may not be the place for you.

    Likewise, if you have to take three buses or drive more than an hour to get to and from training, are you prepared to make that trip multiple times a week?

    If you’re a dedicated grappler, you can work around these issues, but others may want to go somewhere that’s a bit more convenient. 

    Even if you are willing to rearrange your schedule or buy that travel pass, make sure you check out the rest of these factors to make sure it’s worth it.


    Now more than ever, it’s easy to get a good idea about what a gym is like before you even set foot on the mats.

    If you see a busy room with a lot of smiling faces, the chances are that you’re onto a winner.

    Not convinced? Just ask. A lot of gyms thrive on word of mouth, so talk to people and find out what they think of your prospective training center.

    You can also go online to social media or martial arts forums to do some research and discover if your targeted training center is for you.

    If its members are known as ‘The Murder Squad’ and have a reputation for taking no prisoners in sparring, you might want to look somewhere else for your introduction to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.


    It’s important to avoid a charlatan and find an accomplished coach you like and respect.

    It’s always worth doing your research to find out if the head instructor is infamous for boasting about fake or dubious credentials. These guys are to be avoided.

    Finding a trainer with a record of professional fights and title wins is often a good sign, but you’ll never really know how good they are as a teacher until you experience their methods first-hand.

    Your ideal coach is passionate about the sport and their students. They’ll also be patient, attentive, and try to divide their time equally among the people they teach.

    If you can find someone who welcomes you to the gym for your first session, and then takes you through some of the basics before you start the class, you could be on to a winner.

    Training Partners

    A good coach usually cultivates a gym with a welcoming environment and friendly training partners for you to practice with.

    However, you need to consider more than just how friendly your teammates are when you commit to joining a gym. 

    It would be ideal if you can identify a good mix of skill levels among your new gym’s patrons. 

    As a beginner, it’s nice to train alongside others who are also starting out. That means you can share your martial arts journey and help each other out along the way.

    At the same time, it’s still good to have some higher-level training partners. Training with people who are better than you will help your evolution as a martial artist because they’ll help you out and put you to the test when you’re ready to spar.

    It’s also worth considering the size of your teammates. If you’re slight and hover around five feet tall, a gym populated by giants who measure over six feet and tip the scales at 100kg may not be for you.

    While it’s not impossible to train with much bigger or smaller teammates, both you and your training partners will need to make big adjustments for pad work and sparring.

    Some women may also prefer all-female classes, but this is not always possible at a lot of smaller gyms.

    However, that shouldn’t put anyone off. Women’s participation in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is growing all the time, In fact, these days many have reaped various benefits of joining a BJJ gym, so mixed classes are common, and most of the men are not half as scary as they look.

    Your Goals

    Finally, does the culture at the gym match up to what you want to get out of it?

    By now, you’ll probably have established whether it’s a good place for beginners, but what about your plans beyond your first few weeks of training?

    If you want to compete, ask whether that will be possible. If your gym is active in interclub competitions, regularly has fighters competing, or even promotes its own events, you’re in the right place.

    You might also want to know if there’s an active social element among members. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu gyms are great places to make friends if you’re new to an area, so ask if there are regular events that everyone gets involved with.

    En complément du #muay_thaï ici : https://seenthis.net/messages/948632
    Toujours dans un but de mettre à disposition les bases pouvant permettre au « peuple » de se défendre.
    Le Jiu-jistu Brésilien est réputé pour sa complémentarité avec le muay thai. Travailler les 2 permet d’avoir une bonne base technique pied/poing (majoritairement debout) et lutte (majoritairement au sol). Cette complémentarité est plébiscitée pour son efficacité dans les compétitions d’arts martiaux ouverte à toutes les disciplines.
    Avoir ces bases permet aussi de mieux appréhender/apprécier les autres arts martiaux qui apportent à peu près tous des complémentarités intéressantes (le BJJ manque de techniques pour mettre son adversaire au sol par exemple, hors les autres arts martiaux de lutte se concentrent souvent plus sur cet aspect)

    • The Ether


      Ils me rappellent The Residents en chinois.

      We use electrified ethnic instruments and human voices to express ourselves.

      That’s just a coincidence.

      That’s a familiar and challenging expression.

      What we want to express is the crazy world you and I feel together.

      “E·myth” - We observe, we think, we introspect and we feel.

      puis ...

      An electronic band

      Electrified #Pipa + Electrified #Erhu + Electrified Vocal
      Futurism + Globalism + TecTechnology

      THE EITHER were formed in New York City in 2017 and the members consist of Zongli on vocals, Jiaju on pipa, and Yang on erhu. The band’s core principles are futurism, technology, and globalism, as the band believes in an androgynous world where cultures converge. Their musical style is unapologetic and distinct, blending rock, pop, and dance music. They are known as the one and the only artists for using electric traditional Chinese instruments.

      They have released 8 singles, 2 mini-albums, and 2 full album, performed over New York’s notable venues like The Gramercy Theater, Irving Plaza, Bowery Electric, The Bitter End. For the recent three consecutive years, they’ve been invited to perform at New York Fashion Week. The band also actively cooperate with new media artists, fashion designers, and academics.

      #musique #Chine #USA

  • 🛑 #Iran

    ❤️💜🖤 #MahsaAmini #JinaMahsaAmini

    #intégrisme #obscurantisme #patriarcat #domination
    #féminisme #IranProtests
    #droitsdesfemmes #DroitsHumains #Liberté

    Le cri de l’Iran : “Parlez de nous !”

    " S’il est une demande des femmes, des jeunes et de tous ceux qui descendent dans la rue contre le régime en Iran, c’est bien celle-là. “Parlez de nous, ne laissez pas le silence s’installer avec la répression”.

    Voilà quinze jours déjà que Jina (Mahsa) Amini, jeune femme de 22 ans, a succombé aux coups des forces iraniennes, dont la brigade des mœurs, qui l’avaient arrêtée, pour sa mèche de cheveux qui dépassait. Voilà plus de dix jours que ce meurtre a catalysé une révolte politique contre le régime des Mollahs, avec aux premiers rangs les femmes, jeunes et moins jeunes.

    Toutes les contestations de ces dernières années, éparses et très durement réprimées, ont trouvé là une raison de se rejoindre dans la rue (...) "


  • PlayStation: Xbox’s Call of Duty offer was “inadequate on many levels” | GamesIndustry.biz

    Microsoft has promised to keep Call of Duty on PlayStation for three years beyond the current agreement between Activision and Sony, says PlayStation CEO Jim Ryan.

    In a statement provided to GamesIndustry.biz, Ryan says the offer was “inadequate on many levels.”

    The disagreement between the two companies follows Microsoft’s offer to buy Call of Duty publisher Activision Blizzard in a deal worth nearly $69 billion. The deal is currently being scrutinised by competitions regulators, with the UK regulator (The Competition and Markets Authority) concerned over the possibility of Microsoft “withholding or degrading” Activision Blizzard’s content from other consoles or subscription services.

    Last week, Xbox revealed that it had “provided a signed agreement to Sony to guarantee Call of Duty on PlayStation, with feature and content parity, for at least several more years” beyond Sony’s existing contract with Activision. Xbox said this offer “goes well beyond typical gaming industry agreements.”

    The current deal between Sony and Activision Blizzard around Call of Duty is believed to cover the next three releases, including this year’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

    However, Sony says the offer fails to consider the impact on PlayStation gamers.

    #jeu_vidéo #jeux_vidéo #business #microsoft #activision_blizzard #sony #playstation #xbox #jeu_vidéo_call_of_duty #contrat #continuation #poursuite #competition_and_markets_authority #call_of_duty_modern_warfare_2 #jim_ryan #phil_spencer #console

  • Sur la « racine » de l’État islamique : une critique des « Thèses sur l’#islamisme » de La Banda Vaga

    Pour cette raison précisément, il est problématique d’avoir recours à Lewis pour étiqueter l’islamisme comme antisémite. Pour lui, l’antisémitisme est un « virus » qui « [s’est] répandu dans ses veines [de l’islam] », la culture, donc, en tant que corps sain et homogène, menacé par des maladies, un point de vue qui, en principe, ne devrait pas être celui des communistes. L’antisémitisme islamiste n’est pas un « article d’exportation », mais se manifeste dans la plupart des cas dans le contexte du soutien des velléités nationalistes de la bourgeoisie palestinienne. L’hostilité islamiste envers les Juifs ne s’articule ni sur une base raciste, ni sur une base culturaliste, les Juifs sont tout simplement des mécréants et sont haïs pour cette raison-là, tout comme les chrétiens, ils ont pourtant, comme ceux-ci, du moins théoriquement, en tant qu’ahl-ul-kitab, « gens du livre », la possibilité de payer la taxe de protection jizya et de vivre de manière indemne dans le califat, contrairement par exemple aux chiites considérés comme des hérétiques ou aux Yézidis considérés comme des adorateurs du diable, placés bien plus bas dans la hiérarchie de l’EI et auxquels on accorde dans le meilleur des cas une vie en tant qu’esclaves.

    #jihadisme #Irak #Syrie #Iran #Afghanistan

  • L’#UE et le #Niger signent un nouvel accord pour lutter contre les trafiquants d’êtres humains

    Depuis 2015, le Niger a mis en place une politique de #dissuasion, en #coopération avec l’#Union_européenne, pour réduire l’#attractivité de son territoire devenu terre de transit pour les migrants, qui cherchent à rejoindre l’Europe via la Libye. Un nouvel #accord a été signé vendredi pour amplifier la #lutte_contre_l'immigration_clandestine, en protégeant mieux les frontières et en offrant des alternatives à ceux qui vivent de la migration dans le pays.

    D’après la #Commission_européenne, la coopération avec le Niger « passe à la vitesse supérieure » grâce à la signature d’un #partenariat_opérationnel pour combattre le trafic vendredi 15 juillet avec l’Union européenne (UE) doit permettre au Niger d’augmenter l’impact de l’équipe d’enquête conjointe qui a été établie dans le cadre de la #mission_civile_européenne (#EUCAP) #Sahel-Niger.

    Selon #Hamadou_Adamou_Souley, ministre nigérien de l’Intérieur, ce nouvel accord de coopération permettra à la fois de protéger les frontières et les migrants : « Tout ce que ces migrants demandent, c’est de vivre dignement, d’être traité comme des êtres humains. C’est ce que le Niger essaie de leur offrir comme opportunité. C’est pour cela que nous ouvrons nos frontières à ces migrants et nous essayons de les accompagner. »

    Pour Hamadou Adamou Souley, l’important est désormais de concrétiser les nouveaux projets évoqués par la Commissaire européenne aux Affaires intérieures lors de sa visite à Agadez, à savoir des projets de #développement_économique qui permettront de donner de nouvelles activités à ceux qui vivaient autrefois de la migration.

    #externalisation #asile #migrations #réfugiés #frontières #contrôles_frontaliers #Niger #externalisation_des_frontières #EU #Europe #coopération_au_développement #conditionnalité_de_l'aide_au_développement

    ping @rhoumour @karine4


    ajouté à la #métaliste autour de #migrations et #développement :

    et notamment sur la conditionnalité de l’aide au développement à la fermeture des frontières :

    • Joint press release: Strengthening cooperation in the fight against migrant smuggling: the European Union and Niger launch operational partnership to tackle migrant smuggling

      Today, the European Union and Niger are strengthening their cooperation with the launch of an operational partnership to tackle migrant smuggling. Joint efforts under this partnership will help to save lives, disrupt the business model used by criminal networks, prevent migrants from becoming victims of violence and exploitation and protect their fundamental rights.

      As highlighted in the new EU Pact on Migration and Asylum, combatting migrant smuggling is a shared challenge that requires robust cooperation and coordination with key partner countries along migration routes, in line with the EU’s overarching approach to migration. Located at the heart of the Sahel, Niger has for decades been at the crossroads of migration flows to North and West Africa and to the EU, as well as a destination country for migrants. The country has made considerable efforts to tackle migrant smuggling, helping to evacuate individuals affected from Libya and ensuring a dignified return home for irregular migrants. Niger and the European Union have worked together as trusted partners in the Sahel region and have been involved in several joint initiatives addressing wider migration and security issues, including the challenges of irregular migration, and focusing in particular on efforts to tackle criminal groups operating in the region in the pursuit of profit.

      Now, the constructive cooperation between Niger and the European Union and the strong mutual commitment to stepping up joint efforts to address migration and security risks and the consequences of irregular migration are moving up a gear, from both an operational and a political point of view. The operational partnership to tackle migrant smuggling is a response to shared needs and sets out to achieve common objectives, based on the renewed EU #Action_Plan_against_Migrant_Smuggling (2021-2025).

      Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson, said: ‘We are taking a crucial step in efforts to combat migrant smuggling and are making progress towards achieving the objectives set out in the New Pact on Migration and Asylum. Niger has long been a key partner in terms of addressing security challenges and managing migration and I am delighted that today we are jointly launching an operational partnership to tackle migrant smuggling in order to consolidate and ramp up our efforts. Together, we will do all we can to save migrants’ lives and prevent violations of their rights, strengthen the management and security of borders, dismantle the criminal networks that are responsible for smuggling and offer genuine economic alternatives to people seeking a better life in Niger.’

      Niger’s Minister for the Interior, Hamadou Adamou Souley, said: ‘Implementing this operational partnership to tackle migrant smuggling aligns perfectly with the actions and activities under programmes II and III of the action plan set out in our National Migration Policy. This will allow us to work together to better protect migrants, secure our borders and achieve our ultimate aim, which is to improve living conditions for migrants and their host communities.’

      Content of the operational partnership to tackle migrant smuggling

      Part of the EU’s wider efforts with Niger on migration, the Operational Partnership comprises a number of actions that could be expanded to ensure that the Partnership can adapt as the context surrounding migration and the phenomenon itself evolve.

      This will boost the success of the #Joint_Investigation_Team (#JIT) in Niger, where, with EU funding, officers from services in EU Member States and Niger are working side by side to disrupt the business model of people smugglers and criminal networks. Since 2017, over 700 criminals have been arrested and over 400 judicial proceedings have been launched. The Operational Partnership will maximise the impact of the JIT and strengthen links with other operational activities in the region to address migrant smuggling.

      New information and awareness-raising campaigns will also be launched, explaining the risks of irregular migration and migrant smuggling, as well as setting out possible alternatives. By challenging the narratives put forward by people smugglers, the campaigns set out to inform migrants and influence their decisions to migrate.

      The working arrangement between #Frontex and Niger, currently under discussion, will support the Nigerien authorities with regard to integrated border management by strengthening risk management and assessment capabilities with a view to facilitating legitimate border crossings and tackling irregular migration and cross-border crime.

      The #European_Union_Capacity_Building_Mission (EUCAP) Sahel Niger has been working with partners in Niger for nearly ten years to tackle terrorism, organised crime and criminal people-smuggling networks operating in the region. This work is part of the European Union’s commitment to security and defence efforts in the Sahel region under the responsibility of the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, #Josep-Borrell. The signing of a working arrangement between Frontex and the EUCAP Sahel Niger will support the joint commitment by the European Union and Niger to improve border-management structures in Niger and crack down on people traffickers and smugglers and those who seek to profit from the distress of migrant men, women and children. The working arrangement will facilitate and enhance efforts to exchange information, offer targeted training activities, share best practices and advise the Nigerien authorities.

      The #Coordination_Platform_on_Migration, which is part of the office of Niger’s Minister for the Interior, working in close cooperation with the EU Delegation to Niger, will operate as a coordination and monitoring mechanism for implementing the Operational Partnership to ensure consistency across activities and coordination of stakeholders, in line with Niger’s National Migration Policy (2020-2035), the European Union’s overarching approach to migration and its work with partner countries under the New Pact on Migration and Asylum.

      The Operational Partnership will work in tandem with the two Team Europe initiatives on the Central Mediterranean route and the Atlantic and Western Mediterranean route. Projects carried out under these two initiatives will help to implement the Operational Partnership and strengthen efforts by the European Union and the Member States to tackle irregular migration and forced displacement. At the same time, EU support under the #NDICI - Global Europe instrument in terms of human development, governance and sustainable and inclusive economic growth, including through EUR 195 million in budget support, will help Niger in its efforts to implement key reforms and address security and socio-economic challenges as well as challenges related to migration management. The Operational Partnership will be complemented by projects seeking to promote economic development and improve the availability of and access to high-quality public social services for communities in Niger, particularly in the #Agadez region.


    • Actions sur les questions migratoires : L’ICMPD annonce la signature d’un accord de coopération avec les autorités nigériennes

      Le #Centre_International_pour_le_Développement_des_Politiques_Migratoires (#ICMPD, en anglais), a organisé, hier mardi 12 juillet 2022 à Niamey, un déjeuner de travail, avec les différents acteurs intervenant sur les questions migratoires. C’était une occasion pour informer les autorités, les organisations internationales et leur présenter ledit centre mais aussi pour annoncer la signature d’un accord de coopération, sur la migration, le jeudi 14 juillet prochain, avec les autorités nigériennes.

      Selon M. Vincent Marchadier, Chef de Projet au Bureau ICMPD pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest, le Niger est un pays clé tant au niveau du Sahel, qu’au niveau de la CEDEAO, confronté aux flux migratoires, qui passe de pays de transit à un pays de destination, avec les migrants irréguliers, qui ont tendance à s’installer, de plus en plus au Niger et cela pour plusieurs raisons. « D’où l’importance de rencontrer les autorités politiques et les autres structures œuvrant dans la lutte contre la migration irrégulière, pour les appuyer dans ce combat et cela à travers plusieurs projets et actions communes », a indiqué M. Marchadier. Le Niger, a-t-il précisé a été retenu, au regard de la volonté et de la disponibilité des autorités à combattre cette migration irrégulière, qui par ailleurs cause de nombreux problèmes (violence, divers trafics, insécurité, etc.). Il a ajouté que sur toutes ces questions l’ICMPD peut apporter son expertise, pour contribuer à les résoudre, que d’autres structures n’ont pas pu apporter. « Cet accord a pour but de définir le cadre de relation entre l’ICMPD et le gouvernement du Niger, afin de travailler à résoudre les difficultés qui sont posées par le phénomène migratoire, au niveau du territoire nigérien », a-t-il déclaré. Quant au Directeur Général de l’ICMPD, M. Mickael Spindelegger, il a indiqué que : « Nous allons rencontrer le Premier ministre du Niger, pour qu’il nous décline quels sont les domaines dans lesquels il veut que nous intervenions dans le domaine de cette coopération ». Selon M. Spindelegger, cet accord de siège permettra au ICMPD d’être reconnu comme organisation internationale intervenant dans le domaine migratoire, et par la même d’être capable de développer ses activités d’aide et de coopération au niveau national. « Cet accord nous permettra de développer des projets importants et porteurs pour la lutte contre la migration irrégulière mais aussi pour le développement de ce vaste pays, qui a une réelle volonté de bien s’impliquer dans le combat contre ce type de migration, en dépit de nombreux défis auxquels il fait face », a-t-il ajouté.

      « Nous allons d’abord nous renseigner sur l’état de la situation sur toutes les questions migratoires concernant le Niger et ensuite en coopération avec les autorités nationales, définir les axes d’interventions, les projets pertinents et adaptés qu’il faut mettre en œuvre en fonction de la situation. Nous comptons travailler sur un projet, qui nous tient à cœur concernant le Niger et le Nigeria, pour que ces deux pays travaillent, le plus étroitement possible sur les questions migratoires. L’ouverture d’esprit des autorités nigériennes et leur esprit coopératif, nous permettront, sans nul doute d’atteindre des bons résultats, suite à la prochaine signature de l’accord de siège », a précisé M. Spindelegger.

      Notons que l’ICMPD est une organisation internationale dont les opérations sont réparties dans 90 pays à travers le monde. Il a été créé par l’Autriche et la Suisse en 1993 et compte 19 États membres en 2022.


  • Il Villaggio globale di Riace ripopolato dagli afghani: nonostante tutto, l’accoglienza non si ferma

    Mentre l’ex sindaco Mimmo Lucano attende la sentenza d’appello, una rete di associazioni mantiene in vita il borgo con aiuti e sottoscrizioni “contro la criminalizzazione di un modello solidale”

    Dall’Afghanistan a Riace per ricostruire una nuova vita. Quattro famiglie sono arrivate nel mese di giugno nel borgo calabrese, dove l’accoglienza ministeriale è stata bloccata poco dopo l’avvio del procedimento giudiziario contro Mimmo Lucano. Il processo di appello all’ex sindaco, condannato in primo grado a 13 anni e 2 mesi di carcere con una serie di accuse legate alla gestione dei progetti di accoglienza dei richiedenti asilo, è iniziato il 25 maggio. Il 6 luglio è fissata la prossima udienza.

    Ezatullah e Roqia, 30 e 29 anni sono arrivati a Riace dopo una lunga attesa. «Abbiamo trascorso quasi nove mesi in Pakistan. Veniamo da Kandahar. Siamo fuggiti con la nostra bimba di tre anni alla fine di agosto e siamo riusciti ad attraversare il confine. Io lavoravo con gruppi di statunitensi, mentre mia moglie era una maestra. Non potevamo restare, rischiavamo entrambi tremende ritorsioni», raccontano a L’Espresso.

    Entrare o uscire dal Pakistan non è facile. Ezatullah e la sua famiglia hanno dovuto aspettare che venisse loro concesso un visto, che costa circa 800 euro a persona. A Riace sono quindi arrivati tramite un percorso umanitario gestito dall’associazione #Jimuel Onlus.

    «Ci siamo presi carico del costo del visto e del viaggio. Lo Stato italiano chiede infatti delle garanzie per l’arrivo delle persone provenienti dall’Afghanistan. Noi siamo riusciti a coprire i costi per quattro famiglie tramite le sottoscrizioni di privati che hanno donato quote all’associazione. Riace, subito dopo l’invasione russa, si era resa disponibile anche ad accogliere famiglie ucraine, ma serviva un’approvazione formale, che il Consiglio Comunale non ha dato», racconta Isidoro Napoli, presidente di Jimuel.

    A Riace Ezatullah e Roqia hanno iniziato la propria ripartenza. Roqia ha una borsa lavoro in un laboratorio di sartoria ed entrambi stanno frequentando la scuola di italiano. «Vedo il mio futuro qui, prima di arrivare speravo di trovare un buon posto in cui vivere ma non potevo esserne sicuro. Il nostro obiettivo è imparare l’italiano prima possibile e iniziare la nostra nuova vita», prosegue Ezatullah.

    Un “modello Riace” in versione ridotta sta quindi ricominciando. Le famiglie afghane sono ospitate all’interno del cosiddetto Villaggio globale, la zona del borgo in cui le decine di case abbandonate dai cittadini emigrati nel Nord Italia o all’estero vengono affittate, tramite un’associazione, alle famiglie rifugiate.

    «Gli afghani stanno ripopolando il borgo ma in realtà l’accoglienza spontanea a Riace non si è mai fermata», racconta Mimmo Lucano.

    E non si è fermata nonostante nel 2016 sia iniziata la trafila giudiziaria per l’ex sindaco e nel 2017 siano stati congelati i fondi del progetto Sprar (Sistema di protezione per richiedenti asilo e rifugiati, sostituito nel 2018 dal Sipromi, Sistema di protezione per titolari di protezione internazionale e per i minori stranieri non accompagnati e nel 2020 dal Sai, Sistema accoglienza Integrazione), finanziato con fondi del ministero dell’Interno.

    Dopo che a Riace vennero bloccati i progetti in corso, i migranti vennero trasferiti in altri centri sparsi in tutta Italia. Il blocco dei finanziamenti ha di fatto paralizzato l’accoglienza a Riace: il borgo si era nuovamente spopolato, anche se c’era chi aveva comunque deciso di restare. Il modello Riace, iniziato nel 1998 con i primi sbarchi di curdi e ampliato nei vent’anni successivi, ha contribuito, secondo molti, a fermare lo spopolamento del piccolo centro. In quindici anni il Paese era infatti tornato ai livelli di popolazione del 1920, arrivando a superare i 2.500 abitanti, mentre negli anni Novanta abitavano a Riace solo 1.600 persone.

    La storia di accoglienza del borgo calabrese parte da lontano e ha visto Mimmo Lucano in prima linea prima come volontario e poi come sindaco. Lucano è stato infatti primo cittadino di Riace dal 2004 al 2018, anno in cui Antonio Trifoli è stato eletto con una lista civica vicina alla destra, mentre l’ex sindaco non ha ottenuto i voti per poter entrare in Consiglio comunale.

    «Ho sempre pensato che l’accoglienza nei borghi spopolati contribuisse a far rinascere un senso di identità. Le comunità in cui ci sono solo autoctoni non sono ideali, non c’è crescita, contaminazione. Io ho sempre considerato quello che abbiamo creato negli anni come qualcosa di spontaneo, che andasse al di là dei confini. Il fatto che un luogo di emigrazione in cui non c’è lavoro e ci sono fortissime infiltrazioni mafiose si stesse trasformando in uno di arrivo ha incuriosito tanti. Nel bene e nel male», racconta Mimmo Lucano.

    Ma a ripopolare Riace sono stati negli anni anche i riacesi stessi. Tra questi c’è Vincenzo, emigrato prima in Toscana e poi a Parigi subito dopo il diploma per ragioni di studio e lavoro, e rientrato nel Paese per lavorare con l’accoglienza.

    «Sono tornato ad abitare nella mia vecchia casa. Lasciare Riace era stata una necessità visto che volevo lavorare con il cinema. Adesso continuo a farlo ma ho la base nel mio paese e aiuto a portare avanti il nostro progetto di accoglienza. Come me sono stati molti i giovani riacesi che erano tornati per lavorare negli anni passati. Ora in molti sono ripartiti», racconta.

    Riace continua in ogni caso a essere «meta di un’accoglienza spontanea». Sono ad oggi, oltre alle famiglie afghane arrivate a giugno, trenta le persone provenienti da Nigeria, Ciad, Etiopia, Etitrea, Somalia, Ghana ed Egitto che abitano nel borgo. «Arrivano tramite passaparola. Tra loro c’è chi ha concluso i progetti di accoglienza nei Sai ma non sa dove andare. C’è chi fugge dalla violenza dei propri familiari. La scorsa settimana è arrivata una ragazza nigeriana incinta con i suoi due bambini. Vengono qui perché sanno che possono trovare una porta aperta, che nonostante tutto non lasciamo per la strada nessuno», spiega l’ex sindaco.

    Nel Villaggio globale non ci sono solo case. È anche un luogo di attività: restano aperti i laboratori tessili, di falegnameria, il forno sociale, la biblioteca dei diritti umani ed è in fase di creazione Radio Aut, una web radio che si rifà all’esperienza dell’emittente antimafia creata a Cinisi negli anni Settanta da Peppino Impastato.

    È attivo, poi, il banco alimentare che fornisce ogni settimana un buono spesa a ciascun nucleo familiare, così come l’ambulatorio medico in cui tre medici specialisti visitano gratuitamente sia le persone rifugiate che i riacesi.

    Dietro al modello di accoglienza c’è il sostegno di una serie di associazioni. Centinaia le attività che dall’inizio del processo a Lucano si sono svolte in tutta Italia per raccogliere fondi con l’obiettivo di portare avanti il progetto. Una delle realtà più attive è “Una luce per Riace”, associazione bolognese che si occupa di pagare le bollette alle case dei rifugiati che abitano nel Villaggio globale. Al lavoro anche vari “Comitati 11 giugno” (data di inizio del processo a Mimmo Lucano) che stanno, tramite sottoscrizioni, sostenendo il modello di accoglienza con eventi, iniziative e raccolte fondi.

    Un modello, quello di Riace, che ha subito un processo di criminalizzazione. A dirlo, tra gli altri, una delegazione di parlamentari europei di Verdi (Greens-Efa) e Sinistra (Left) che i primi di giugno ha fatto visita al borgo calabrese per portare la propria solidarietà all’ex sindaco. Un sostegno che, secondo Damien Careme del gruppo dei Greens, si sostanzia al Parlamento di Strasburgo con l’appoggio di 60 deputati.

    La criminalizzazione della solidarietà non è un fatto solo italiano ed è anzi diffusa in tutta Europa. Secondo un dossier realizzato dal gruppo dei Verdi, sono state 89 le persone perseguite nei Paesi Membri tra gennaio 2021 e marzo 2022. Tra questi 18 devono affrontare nuove accuse e quattro sono essi stessi migranti. Nell’88 per cento dei casi le persone sono state accusate di «favoreggiamento dell’ingresso, del transito o del soggiorno di migranti». A questi casi si sommano poi le quasi 300 persone che tra agosto e settembre 2021 sono state arrestate per aver aiutato i migranti che attraversavano illegalmente le frontiere tra Bielorussia e Polonia a seguito della crisi afghana.

    Anche il rapporto “Accused of solidarity”, publicato da Border violence monitoring network (Bvmn, una rete indipendente di associazioni che monitorano le violazioni dei diritti umani alle frontiere esterne dell’Ue) alla fine di maggio descrive e documenta il processo di «criminalizzazione» dei migranti e delle associazioni e operatori impegnati in questo campo. Elencando e contestualizzando gli episodi di criminalizzazione il rapporto evidenzia il «deterioramento della situazione» per chi offre sostegno ai migranti. Una criminalizzazione che, secondo le rilevazioni di Bvmn, sta diventando «sempre più raffinata perché attuata con metodi e strumenti formalmente legali».


    #Riace #asile #migrations #réfugiés #villes-refuge #Domenico_Lucano #accueil #réfugiés_afghans #modèle_Riace

  • EA Reveals Why It Won’t Speak Out To Defend Abortion Rights

    Electronic Arts won’t be joining some other big game studios in publicly supporting abortion and transgender rights, Kotaku has learned. Asked about it during a May 24 company-wide town hall meeting, the gaming publisher told staff it couldn’t take a stance on every public issue and that “being an inclusive company means being inclusive of all those points of view.”

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