• Dutch exhibition offers new insight into Berbice slave uprising

    National archives showcases unique letters sent by the leader of first organised slave revolt.

    The Dutch national archives are showcasing a unique set of letters sent by the leader of the first organised slave revolt on the American continent to a colonial governor, in which the newly free man proposed to share the land.

    The offer from the man known as #Cuffy, from #Kofi – meaning “born on Friday” – is said to provide a new insight into attempts to resist the brutal regimes of the colonial period, often overlooked in histories of enslaved people.

    “We will give Your Excellency half of #Berbice, and all the negroes will retreat high up the rivers, but don’t think they will remain slaves. The negroes that Your Excellency has on his ships – they can remain slaves,” the rebel leader wrote to the local governor, #Wolfert_Simon_van_Hoogenheim.

    Berbice, now part of #Guyana, was a Dutch colony for two centuries, and in 1763 approximately 350 white Europeans were keeping an estimated 4,000 slaves on coffee, cotton and sugar plantations in increasingly barbaric conditions, even by the cruel standards of the time.

    Cuffy had probably been brought there by traffickers after being bought as a child in west Africa. On the morning of 23 February 1763, a group of around 70 men and women on one colonial plantation overpowered their captors and encouraged the neighbouring slaves to join them, leading to a rebellion of about 3,000 people.

    The colonialists fled as the revolt grew but around 40 men and 20 women and children found themselves surrounded by 500 formerly enslaved people after taking refuge in a house on one of the plantations. The roof was set on fire and escapers were shot, according to the writer and historian #Karin_Amatmoekrim.

    #Van_Hoogenheim burned down the colony’s #Fort_Nassau to avoid it being taken into rebel hands, leading Cuffy, who had taken leadership of the rebellion, to appoint himself as the new governor of Berbice.

    But Cuffy informed Van Hoogenheim that he wanted to end the violence, which he said had been provoked by the cruelty of a particular group of plantation owners. It is this correspondence that now features in the Rebellion and Freedom exhibition, albeit only online for now owing to coronavirus regulations.

    “Cuffy, Governor of the Negroes of Berbice, and Captain Akara send greetings and inform Your Excellency that they are not seeking war. But if Your Excellency wants war, the Negroes are willing to do so,” Cuffy wrote. “The Governor of Berbice asks Your Excellency to come and speak to him; Do not be afraid. But if you don’t come, we’ll fight on until there is no Christian left in Berbice.”

    According to Amatmoekrim, there was scepticism among the other newly freed people at this attempt to find terms with the colonialists, apparently in part born out of the distrust felt by some about Cuffy, who was one of the few “house slaves”, working often in close proximity to the plantation owners.

    Van Hoogenheim waited it out as Cuffy was challenged by a new leader, Atta, leading to a showdown between the two camps of supporters. Cuffy lost out and subsequently killed himself.

    A few months later 600 Dutch soldiers docked at Berbice port, leading to the colony’s recapture by the summer of 1764 and savage repercussions. Around 1,800 rebels died, with 24 burned alive, according to Amatmoekrim.

    “The history of the Berbice uprising is important as it shows that our colonial past is laced with histories of revolt and resistance,” she said. Cuffy’s story, among others, she said, highlighted “the kind of heroism that has not easily penetrated the history books: black, enslaved, and fighting to the bitter end for their own freedom.”


    #Pays-Bas #archives #colonialisme #esclavage #colonisation

    ping @cede

  • The government undermines legality and the rule of law under the pretext of coronavirus

    In a statement the Minister of Interior appears perturbed by NGO accusations for violations of the law, European legislation and human rights of refugees and migrants, claiming that, with the compulsory “quarantine” of hundreds of refugees in congested detention centres, his ministry “does whatever is possible for providing housing, food and healthcare”, even for “illegal” refugees! As to the lack of basic infrastructures for safeguarding human decency, his response is that «additional sanitary units are being installed and the electricity supply is being increased”.

    However, the Minister of Interior does not respond to the accusations either as to flagrant violations of the Refugee Law and European legislation that primarily prohibit their detention, or as to the contempt of all recommendations and calls by international and European agencies. The Council of Europe (CoE) for example with the CoE Tookit calls on the member states to deal with the pandemic “in a way that respects the fundamental values of democracy, rule of law and human rights”, while the Commissioner for Human Rights of the CoE calls on member states to release migrants and asylum seekers in detention centres “to the maximum extent possible”.

    The new migration policy of the Minister is focused on detention of asylum seekers and their concentration at “Reception” Centres for asylum seekers in Pournara and Kofinou. The two Centers have been turned to closed detention centres, under unacceptable, inhuman and humiliating living conditions, depriving them of basic human rights and putting their health to danger and therefore that of society at large, while at the same time suspending the asylum application examination procedures. There is already a nurse diagnosed with coronavirus at the Menoyia Detention Centre for Irregular Migrants and police officers serving there have been put in quarantine. However, no measures have been taken for the protection of the detained refugees and migrants and none of them have been tested for coronavirus, despite the fact that we have been informed of cases of detainees with some symptoms. Contrary to common sense and in violation of the decrees of the Minister of Health for the prohibition of even small group gatherings, the Minister of Interior ordered the transfer of detainees from Menoyia to Pournara, detaining them in the spaces where some 700 people are being held, without any testing and risking their health and public health in general.

    In addition, the Minister of Interior does not explain that, in view of the lack over the years of a housing policy for refugees and migrants, “housing” for the detained asylum seekers is a tent or other similar rough structure, while for a section of migrants, especially those without papers, “housing” is simply a bed next to 5 or 10 other beds in a room in terrible repair but which carries a very steep rent. The same also applies to «medical care”, in the framework of which asylum seekers are limited to general hospitals of the area prior to GESY (General Health System), unable to register with a personal doctor and all that this entails, especially in the present conditions of coronavirus. For the majority of migrants, even those regularly paying their contribution to GESY for over a year now, continue to be excluded from registering with the system, which results in their being referred to a non-existent personal doctor when they apply to emergency departments.

    Conceding that the above measures have been taken in the absence of coronavirus cases among asylum seekers, the Minister claims that their compulsory transfer and detention at Pournara and Kofinou «was deemed necessary … because it was found that they did not comply with the restrictive measures». Without substantiating his allegations, the Minister proceeds to stigmatisation and arbitrary punitive treatment (deprivation of liberty) of migrants and refugees.

    By the same token, it was also deemed «necessary», and «reasonable» as per a “Fileleftheros” journalist», to use violence, excessive according to eyewitnesses, by the Special Traffic Squad «Ζ» of the police during the recent arrest of two migrants for not complying with the restrictive measures. In the framework of the toxic climate against migrant and refugee communities, shaped by the policy of the government and the Minister of Interior, including the use of the army with common patrols in old Nicosia, Squad “Z” appears to concentrate its action in the old city of Nicosia, targeting its racist rage at migrants and refugees and exhausting the frustrations of at least some of its members for demonstrating power and authority, through the use of verbal and physical violence as in the above arrest. Occasionally, the police are “accompanied” in this “work” by some journalists, who completely “by chance” happen to be present in some cases by the police and who are all too ready not only to exonerate but to also promote police actions with relevant photographs and articles.

    KISA reiterates its position that the policies and actions of the Minister of Interior and the government, both in terms of mass detention and the arbitrary suspension of the asylum procedures during the pandemic as well as in relation to the unequal access to the right to healthcare, constitute blatant violations of the Refugee Law, European legislation and international human rights law but they are also extremely dangerous for the health of asylum seekers and public health in general.

    KISA states that it fully appreciates the necessity to comply with the restrictive measures and that the small section of citizens, including migrants and refugees that violates the measures must be dealt with equally as all other citizens. The racist treatment, violence and stigmatisation of all the migrant and refugee population as potentially not complying with the measures and, therefore, as dangerous for public health, amounts to flagrant violations of the fundamental principles of equality, rule of law and human rights, undermining and shattering our country’s democracy and civilization.

    KISA deems as positive the interventions of both the UNHCR and the Commissioner for Administration and Human Rights but these must not be limited to general positions of the type “a report will be prepared” but they should posit in no uncertain terms the need for immediate measures for restoring legality and the rule of law. Neither the visit in the form of a “tour” by the Minister nor the provision of “200 more tents” will lead to changing the Ministry’s unlawful policy and violations.

    KISA has proceeded to legal measures, including before the European Court of Human Rights, as well as a report against the Ministry’s measures. At the same time, it calls on other civil society organisations, independent authorities and the competent parliamentary committees for immediate and dynamic interventions so as to fully restore the government’s compliance with legality and the rule of law.

    #Chypre #asile #migrations #coronavirus #covid-19 #réfugiés #rétention #détention_administrative #Pournara #Kofinou #Menoyia

    Ajouté à la métaliste:

  • Kofi Annan’s Unaccountable Legacy | The New Yorker

    But, in reality, one of the four cables Annan listed consisted of an alarmingly specific report of preparations for the genocide, sent by his force commander in Kigali, the Canadian General Romeo Dallaire, in January of 1994. Dallaire had heard from a trusted informant on the payroll of Rwanda’s ruling party, who described plans to “provoke a civil war,” and to kill Belgian peacekeepers in order to scuttle the U.N. mission. The informant himself said he was involved in drawing up lists of Tutsis in Kigali, and Dallaire wrote, “He suspects it is for their extermination. Example he gave was that in twenty minutes his personnel could kill up to a thousand Tutsis.” Dallaire asked for permission to act on this information by raiding and seizing illegal arms caches. Annan’s office replied at once, in a cable under his name, and signed by his deputy, telling Dallaire not to act but, rather, to follow diplomatic protocol and share his information with Rwanda’s President—the head of the party that Dallaire wanted to act against. Three months later, in April of 1994, everything that Dallaire described in his warning took place, and in the course of a hundred days around a million Tutsis were massacred.

    Avec une réaction publique d’Alex Robin sur FB que je réprcute ici :

    Gourevitch est connu pour être un intime de Albright ( étant de la famille de Rubin) et de Kagame, ce qui fait qu’il répercute la version de ce dernier. Mais la validité du fax de Dallaire dont il fait état dans cet article a été mise en doute au TPIR parce qu’il s’est avéré que l’informateur travaillait pour le FPR. Et ce que ne dit pas Gourevitch est que le FPR trafiquait aussi beaucoup d’armes de son côté, du coup une intervention de désarmement ne pouvait pas se faire seulement contre un camp, et c’est probablement ce qui faisait hésiter Annan car la MNIUAR était déjà accusée d’être pro-FPR sur place, notamment du fait qu’elle avait fermé les yeux en arrivant, sur un massacre d’élus hutu perpétré par le FPR en novembre 93, ce que Dallaire reconnaîtra plus tard au TPIR ( comme cela est précisé dans l’ouvrage d’André Guichaoua : "Rwanda de la guerre au génocide"). Le fax dont fait état Gourevitch n’a pas été retenu comme un élément de preuve de préparation du génocide, car venant d’un homme pas fiable, et surtout parce que dans la réalité l’assassinat de l’ex président Habyarimana a été déterminant dans la situation qui favorisera le déclenchement du génocide ( même si ce n’est pas le seul élément). Et cet attentat il apparaît de plus en plus clairement qu’il a été commandité par ...Kagamé...Pour recouper ce qui s’est dit au TPIR sur le fax de Dallaire dont parle Gourevitch, on peut lire ce qu’en dit le chef des enquêteurs de la MINUAR sous les ordres de Dallaire à l’époque : Amadou Dème, in "Rwanda 1994 et l’échec des Nationes Unies" ( Le nègre éditeur) : "En janvier 94 un certain “Jean Pierre” de fait Abukar Turatsinze, qui était en relation avec Twagiramungu (opposant hutu à Habyarimana), nous contacta, comme quoi il faisait de la formation militaire de haut niveau pour Ngirumpatse le secrétaire général du MRND et qu’il avait des infos importantes à nous confier, en échange d’une aide pour lui et sa famille pour une installation à l’étranger. Pris en charge par Luc Marchal, Frank Clays et moi même, à la demande de Dallaire qui prenait ça très au sérieux, nous l’avons auditionné. Il disait que le parti MRND était prêt à fournir les milices pour tuer des milliers de Tutsis chaque 20’, qu’une de leur cible était les Belges etc. Et pour prouver sa bonne fois, qu’il pouvait nous révéler les caches d’armes du parti...Dallaire était chaud pour intervenir contre ces caches, mais le DOMP (Direction des Opérations de Maintien de la Paix) à l’ONU lui ont demander de ne pas faire un scandale et d’en référer avec le RSSG (Représentant spécial du secrétaire général de l’ONU : Mr Booh Booh, le « chef » politique Dallaire étant le chef militaire) aux autorités, à savoir le président, interlocuteur des accords...
    pendant ce temps avec Frank et JP nous allâmes vérifier une des caches dont il nous parlait. C’était au siège du MRND, où nous pûmes entrer sans difficulté. Dans une petite pièce on a vu trois caisses d’AK 47, sans les munitions, et une caisse de grenades...j’étais déçu. En plus on apprit que JP n’était pas un membre de la GP, mais un chauffeur du MRND, licencié, et qu’il faisait des petits trafics...Il nous montrera ensuite des lieux qui étaient sensés être des planques, mais en nous disant qu’on ne pouvait y aller...Puis Frank me fit remarquer que Karake du FPR et lui se connaissaient très bien...
    On a attiré mon attention ensuite sur le fait que tout cela avait été organisé avec Charles Ntazinda, le voisin de Jean Pierre, conseiller du ministère des Affaires étrangères ( qui était proche du FPR...) " p. 105. Par ailleurs Dallaire lui-même n’excluait pas que les infos de "Jean Pierre" puisse relever de la manip, comme il le rappelle dans son livre, ( "J’ai serré la main du diable") : "J’avais besoin que New York prenne conscience d’une chose : bien que désirant faire diligence, je n’étais aveuglé au point de ne pas entrevoir la possibilité d’un piège bien orchestré qui ferait passer les forces de la MINUAR à l’offensive et compromettrait notre rôle de gardien d’une paix bien fragile ;" ( p. 199.)

    #rwanda #génocide #massacre #onu #kofi_annan

  • Crimes contre l’humanité au #Kenya : l’incroyable double jeu du procureur

    Luis Moreno Ocampo et #Fatou_Bensouda, procureurs de la #CPI, en juin 2012, à La Haye. © Reuters En 2010, la #Cour_pénale_internationale accusait six responsables kényans, dont l’actuel chef de l’État, #Uhuru_Kenyatta, de crimes contre l’humanité commis en 2007. La totalité du dossier s’est depuis effondrée. Notre série #Les_secrets_de_la_Cour révèle les intrigues de l’ex-procureur Ocampo qui, après avoir inculpé Kenyatta, a œuvré en coulisses pour lui offrir « une sortie honorable ».

    #International #Kofi_Annan #Luis_Moreno_Ocampo

  • Boutros-Ghali, more than an Ali G punchline

    How to mark the passing of #Boutros_Boutros-Ghali, former #UN Secretary General and a major figure of late 20th Century global affairs? Perhaps by appraising the lessons to be learned from his life and work. The world in 2016 presents a set of problems distinct from those faced by Boutros-Ghali as the Cold War fizzled […]

    #FRONT_PAGE #Bill_Clinton #International_Affairs #Kofi_Annan #Madeleine_Albright #Politics #Rwandan_Genocide

  • Le bal des prétendants à la succession de #Ban_Ki-moon à l’ONU a commencé

    Le mandat du #secrétaire_général des Nations Unies arrive à son terme en décembre 2016. La bataille pour prendre son fauteuil a déja démarré : un affrontement ou se mêlent considérations diplomatiques, politiques et géographiques, ainsi que de vieilles rancoeurs et des achats de voix.

    #International #conseil_de_sécurité #Conseil_de_sécurité_de_l'ONU #diplomatie #Kofi_Annan #ONU

  • #George_Clooney Makes Politics

    George Clooney profile in the December issue of #Esquire is a checklist of all things that position him above the typical A-lister: not only does he have great cars, but he has carefully chosen three cars that speak to his eliteness. Not only does he lives in cool, expensive houses, but ones with Hollywood pedigrees. And does he ever have friends. Another thing that puts Clooney on the Top Shelf: he’s not only a liberal politics supporter, but a maker of politics. We learn, after a lot of (...)

    #MEDIA #PALAVER #John_Bolton #Kofi_Annan #Sudan #UN

    • ça devrait intéresser pas mal de monde : @nidal @alaingresh

      Too bad that superego didn’t tell his son to read up better on Darfur, do work quietly, humbly, and meaningfully, and not buy into the idea that celebrity “can make a difference.”

  • A Tribute to #Kofi_Awoonor: The Story of Sankofa

    Alas! a snake has bitten me My right arm is broken, And the tree on which I lean is fallen. (from Songs of Sorrow, by Kofi Awoonor) When Kofi Awoonor started out as a writer, after his first book of poems, Rediscovery, had been published, he went to sit at the feet of traditional Ewe […]

    #POETRY #Ghana #Kenya #Nairobi #This_Earth_My_Brother

  • “This is not only #Ghana’s loss” — #Ato_Quayson remembers #Kofi_Awoonor (1935-2013)

    I first met Kofi Awoonor as an excitable 17-year-old high school student then in the Sixth Form. We had been set Awoonor’s This Earth, My Brother as one of our A-Level texts, and needless to say no one, including the English teacher, seemed to have the faintest clue what the novel was about. I decided […]

    #Al_Shabaab #Kenya #Nairobi #POETRY #Westgate_Mall

  • #Pays_Basque

    #Donostia, centre de gravité des initiatives pour la #paix
    Le palais d’Aiete s’apprête à revêtir sa tenue d’apparat. Après avoir accueilli la conférence internationale dirigée par le prix Nobel de la paix #Kofi_Annan le 17 octobre 2011, et reçu le forum social pour la publication des “12 recommandations pour la paix” en 2012, ce symbole du franquisme reconverti en “maison de la paix” sera le théâtre d’une nouvelle conférence internationale en faveur de la résolution du conflit. Les 10 et 11 octobre, des dizaines de maires appartenant au réseau “#Mayors_for_peace” participeront à plusieurs table-rondes dont le programme a été détaillé lundi par le maire de Donostia Juan Karlos Izagirre. ...
