• http://labrique.net/index.php/thematiques/droit-a-la-ville/844-a-dunkerque-suez-lyonnaise-se-fait-du-beurre-sur-le-dos-des-plus-pauvr

    En 2012, sous le mandat de Michel Delebarre (PS), ancien président du syndicat mixte « Eau du Dunkerquois », Suez-Lyonnaise met en place une tarification « éco-solidaire », qui vise à préserver les ressources en eau tout en permettant aux foyers les plus fragiles d’obtenir un tarif social préférentiel. Si sur le papier le projet semble alléchant, les objectifs sociaux initiaux sont aujourd’hui loin d’être atteints. Il semblerait que le seul vrai bénéficiaire de l’opération soit la multinationale de l’eau.

    #Dunkerque #eau #SuezEnvironnement #LyonnaisedesEaux #LaBrique

  • Trevor Paglen : What lies beneath - FT.com


    Retrouver Paglen est toujours un plaisir (à réécouter ses entretiens sur . Je suis déjà abonné à The Economist et The Guardian, je crois que je vais aussi m’abonner au FT. J’ai honte pour Le Monde et Libé mais tant pis.

    The chances are that after coming into contact with Trevor Paglen’s work, the world — or at least the sky and the sea — will never look quite the same again. Artists and scientists from Ptolemy and Aristotle to Leonardo, Copernicus and Galileo, to the researchers at Nasa and Cern, have been observing the heavens and the tides through the centuries and their findings have progressively changed our understanding of the world. But rather than distant planets or the surface of the moon, Paglen’s field of interest lies closer to home. He is gathering material evidence of the systems of advanced technology that we all use every day but that — obscured by euphemisms such as “internet” and “cyberspace”, or deliberately coded and concealed by the intelligence services — we rarely see or understand. He wants to make visible the workings of the modern-day surveillance system by putting the evidence under the microscope — in this case, the powerful telescopic lens of his camera.

    #trevor_paglen #carto_experiment #résistance

  • Comprendre le pourquoi de nos malheurs socio-économiques : « The crisis of democracy » (1975) - El Correo

    En 1975 la « Commission Trilatérale » [1] fait paraître un ouvrage qui va devenir sa bible : « The crisis of democracy » » ] (« La crise de la démocratie »). « (...) Rédigé par trois auteurs, Samuel Huntington, Professeur à Harvard et membre du CFR, Joji Watanuki, de la Fondation Rockefeller et Michel Crozier, Professeur à Harvard et membre du Club Jean Moulin, donna lieu à plusieurs réunions à Palo-Alto, Londres, New-York et Kyoto.

    La bible en question est un pavé désormais numérisé en PDF de 227 pages.

    En savoir plus sur la Trilatérale : http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commission_Trilat%C3%A9rale

    Et la page qui présente le rapport "Crisis of democracy" : http://www.trilateral.org/go.cfm?do=file.view&fid=8

    At the present time, a significant challenge comes from the intellectuals and related groups who assert their disgust with the corruption, materialism, and inefficiency of democracy and with the subservience of democratic government to “monopoly capitalism.” The development of an “adversary culture” among intellectuals has affected students, scholars, and the media. Intellectuals are, as Schumpeter put it, "people who wield the power of the spoken and the written word, and one of the touches that distinguish them from other people who do the same is the absence of direct responsibility for practical affairs,"3 In some measure, the advanced industrial societies have spawned a stratum of value-oriented intellectuals who often devote themselves to the derogation of leadership, the challenging of authority, and the unmasking and delegitimation of established institutions, their behavior contrasting with that of the also increasing numbers of technocratic and policy-oriented intellectuals. In an age of widespread secondary school and university education, the pervasiveness of the mass media, and the displacement of manual labor by clerical and professional employees, this development constitutes a challenge to democratic government which is, potentially at least, as serious as those posed in the past by the aristocratic cliques, fascist movements, and communist parties.