• Skriva li Mrežnica tijelo sirijskog migranta Rateba?

      Policija za taj dan i događaj kojeg Sirijci navode, nema evidenciju

      Mladi Sirijac Rateb Almohamad nestao je 30.listopada u 6 sati ujutro dok je s rođacima prelazio rijeku Mrežnicu na području iznad Generalskog Stola. Od tog dana gubi mu se svaki trag.

      Tvrde to njegovi rođaci koji ga traže preko društvenih mreža i već desetak dana pokušavaju doznati bilo kakvu informaciju. No, oni koji bi po logici trebali imati informaciju, a to je policija – trag nemaju.

      Ratebovi rođaci navode da je mladić tog jutra krenuo preko rijeke Mrežnice zajedno s dvojicom rođaka. Riječ je o klasičnoj grupi migranata koji su željeli iz Bosne do Slovenije preko Hrvatske. Prema njihovim tvrdnjama, dvojica su prešla Mrežnicu i došla na drugu stranu obale, dok je Rateba povukla voda te su vidjeli da se utapa i zove u pomoć. Nisu mu mogli više pomoći jer ih je, tako bar kažu, već pronašla hrvatska policija. Navode da su rekli da im se rođak utapa, no odgovora nije bilo.

      Rateb je, tvrde rođaci, iz Sirije s obitelji izbjegao prije 6 godina, a obitelj mu otad živi u Turskoj. Kažu da je na put prema zapadnim zemljama krenuo prije mjesec dana. U prilog svojim tvrdnjama poslali su njegove fotografije, ali i “screenshot” zadnje lokacije na kojoj su prelazili rijeku Mrežnicu. Kako bilo, krenuli su u potragu za Ratebom vjerujući da je još uvijek negdje živ i da će dobiti informacije.

      Inače, dvojica rođaka koji su bili s njim, sada su u Bosni.

      Karlovačka policija, barem prema onom što smo doznali danas, dok još uvijek čekamo službeni odgovor na upit, uopće nema evidentirane događaje s migrantima tog dana, u to vrijeme i na tom mjestu. U prijevodu, nitko ništa nije tražio za spomenuti događaj, iako su tog dana, ali na drugoj rijeci, imali pronalazak petorice migranata iz Alžira te Iraka, ali i pronalazak utopljenika u Kupi, uz slovensku granicu.

      Ukoliko Sirijci govore istinu, moguće je da tijelo nesretnog migranta još uvijek krije rijeka Mrežnica, nizvodno prema Zvečaju i Dugoj Resi. U ovom razdoblju dojava o pronalascima leševa u Mrežnici nije bilo.




      Young Syrian Rateb Almohamad disappeared on October 30 at 6 am as he was crossing the Mrežnica River with his relatives in the area above the General Table. From that day on, all trace of him is lost. This is claimed by his relatives who are looking for him on social networks and have been trying to find out any information for ten days. But those who logically should have information, and that is the police - have no clue. Rateb’s relatives state that the young man set off across the Mrežnica River that morning together with two relatives. This is a classic group of migrants who wanted to travel from Bosnia to Slovenia via Croatia. According to their claims, the two crossed the Mrežnica and came to the other side of the coast, while Rateba withdrew the water and they saw him drowning and calling for help. They couldn’t help him anymore because, so they say, the Croatian police had already found them. They say they said their cousin was drowning, but there was no answer. His relatives would be grateful for any information and ask for help According to relatives, Rateb fled Syria with his family 6 years ago, and his family has been living in Turkey ever since. He is said to have set out for Western countries a month ago. In support of their claims, they sent photos of him, but also a “screenshot” of the last location where they crossed the river Mrežnica. Either way, they set out in search of Rateb believing he was still somewhere alive and would get the information. By the way, the two relatives who were with him are now in Bosnia. The Karlovac police, at least according to what we learned today, while we are still waiting for an official answer to the inquiry, have no recorded events with migrants on that day, at that time and place. In translation, no one asked for anything for the mentioned event, although on that day, but on another river, they had the discovery of five migrants from Algeria and Iraq, but also the discovery of drowned in Kupa, along the Slovenian border. If the Syrians are telling the truth, it is possible that the body of the unfortunate migrant is still hidden by the Mrežnica River, downstream towards Zvečaj and Duga Resa. There were no reports of corpses in Mrežnica during this period.
