• Don’t you dare ask my pronouns - UnHerd

    “My name is Jeremy Corbyn and my pronouns are he/him.”

    These were the opening words from the Labour Party leader at the Pink News Awards yesterday.

    Corbyn hadn’t want to miss an opportunity to virtue signal — on International Pronoun Day, no less. He has impeccable trans-inclusive politics, even supporting the inclusion of men who identify as women on all-female shortlists. Corbyn’s self-appointed advisor on all things trans, Owen Jones, has made it clear to the Labour leader that in order to be on the “right side of history” one must put male-bodied trans women before actual women.

    Indeed, this obsession with pronouns is extremely worrying. Especially now the police have joined in. The same week that government statistics were released showing rape convictions down to a shocking 1.4% of those reported, Deputy Chief Constable Julie Cooke of Cheshire Police found the time to make a video to mark IPD, telling us that for many people, “Being misgendered can have a huge impact on somebody and their personal wellbeing.” So can being raped, but let’s get our priorities right, shall we?

    For all those lesbians who are constantly told we “look like men” because we refuse to wear make-up, high heels and corsets, and dress for the benefit of men, it is offensive and deeply anti-lesbian to now get asked “what are your pronouns?” We have struggled for years to win respect and acceptance as women — why should we have to spell it out.

    #progrès #LGBT #femmes par #Julie_Bindel

  • Uber lance un « bouton anti-discrimination » : comment ça marche ?

    Uber a instauré un nouveau bouton pour les personnes discriminées par leur chauffeur, en raison de leur genre, orientation sexuelle ou couleur de peau. Voici comment s’en servir. Uber voudrait mieux lutter contre les discriminations. Ce jeudi 14 novembre, l’entreprise a annoncé qu’elle avait signé un partenariat avec l’association SOS Homophobie et qu’elle lançait un « bouton anti-discrimination ». Le bouton en question est déjà disponible sur l’application, d’après nos tests. Le signalement se fera (...)

    #Uber #géolocalisation #discrimination #LGBT #surveillance #conducteur·trice·s


  • Uber and Lyft drivers more likely to cancel on LGBT passengers

    A new study has proved LGBT+ people routinely face discrimination from Uber and Lyft drivers, who cancel their journeys almost twice as frequently as with straight passengers. The study “When Transparency Fails : Bias and Financial Incentives in Ridesharing Platforms” revealed that LGBT+ people and black people were the most likely groups to be cancelled on. Professors Chris Parker and Jorge Meija conducted the study by creating passenger profiles with a picture of a rainbow flag, (...)

    #Uber #Lyft #discrimination #LGBT #conditions #conducteur·trice·s #surveillance

  • Instagram’s murky ‘shadow bans’ just serve to censor marginalised communities

    Images of queer and plus-sized bodies are not ‘sexually suggestive’ content. So why is Instagram blocking them ? Vulnerable and marginalised communities on Instagram have been calling for a wider conversation to address what they say is the platform’s censoring of queer and plus-sized bodies. Instagram has a confusing policy of hiding certain content from its users – and in the past few weeks, Pxssy Palace (a popular queer arts collective and London club night) has called out the (...)

    #Instagram #censure #LGBT


  • Insultes sexuelles et politique du genre dans le mouvement protestataire au #Liban

    Je rassemble ici divers éléments de discours et matériaux repérés sur les réseaux sociaux sur cette thématique, qui est exploité pour créer des divisions à l’égard du mouvement de protestation contre le gouvernement

    D’abord, un thread très éclairant de Maya Mikdashi, prof. de Gender Studies, éditrice-fondatrice de la revue en ligne Jadaliyya (@mayamikdashi sur twitter ) commentant le discours de Nasrallah avec un cadrage #genre et montrant comment les insultes sexuelles proférées contre les membres de gouvernement (insultant leur mère, leur femme, leur fille, ou les traitant de maquereau (comme je l’ai vu tagué dans le centre-ville de Beyrouth à propos du président) appellent en retour une justification des attaques contre les manifestants occupant les places centrales ou barrant des routes sur le registre de l’honneur viril bafoué.

    1/thread on #Nasrallah speech: Head of #Hezbollah Sayyed Nasrallah gave highly anticipated speech today, the latter half was dedicated to situation on the ground in 🇱🇧due to #LebanonProtests. He used trope of “honor” 2 explain violence against protests (more below)

    2/he addressed government, corruption, foreign intervention & protests. Stated his disagreement with resignation Saad #Hariri, which he said effectively means that demanded economic reforms-as well as cabinet’s promises of reform-will not happen for a long time due to paralysis

    3/He addressed corruption, saying it was funny that all admit to endemic corruption & simultaneously proclaims personal innocence(subtle dig at #Aoun/ not subtle dig at everyone else). Supports professional govt & stressed #USA interference in government & economy & 🇱🇧politics

    4/while insisting that no foreign country interferes in any aspect of Hizballah’s (ie Iran) decision making (even he smiled while saying this). He supported demands of the protestors when it came 2 corruption & reform, but said that the protests quickly focused on “one side” &

    5/ that numbers of protestors were in the 100s of thousands (not millions) & that strategy of closing roads was negatively impacting civilian & economic life, stressing the closing of roads to the South. Insisted on Hizb’s ability to defend 🇱🇧 at any time from attacks by 🇮🇱

    6/ What he DID NOT DO was condemn violence against protestors by supporters of Amal & (lesser extent) Hezbollah in #Beirut and South. In fact, Nasrallah tried to explain them through gendered “honor” discourse. He stressed repeatedly that protestors had crossed⛔️lines in politics

    7/by swearing at the mothers, sisters & wives of politicians & said that any supporter would moved to defend the “honor” of the person being insulted. Nasrallah linked violence against protests to wounded masculinity & defense of honor, which is always embodied by women.

    8/ This gendered discourse seeks 2 explain violence & excuse it. #Feminists have ALSO tried 2 change chants bc they insult men through degrading women closest to them, like mothers. Feminists have attacked the gendered & sexist honor discourse that animates the chants. Nasrallah

    9/ uses same #gendered #sexist honor discourse encoded in chants 2 explain violence “in response” 2 wounded male honor & masculinity + to evade substance of protests & focus on rhetorical offenses. Disappointing but not surprising from Nasrallah, who has used honor discourse b4

    10/ This speech is important reminder that #gender politics ARE #POLITICS & should not be left out of political analysis in 🇱🇧 or elsewhere. Masculinity & its wounding was central to his explanation of their stance on protests, as was the “protection” of (men’s) honor (women)

    11/ This speech will not stop the #Lebanonprotests & is more of the same stalling strategy seen from other political factions. They all hope⏳will wear the uprising down, but protestors know this & have already called 4 more mobilization. [PS i agree with Nasrallah

    12/ that the "all but not me"corruption talk is 😅.
    In other news #Nasrallah continues to have the most immaculate beard ever seen 👀 &
    short takeover of bank assoc. by small group protesting against regime & logic of the banking system was much more interesting 2day #لبنان_ينتفض

    FYI #GENDER POLITICS IS #POLITICS is not a topical approach (ie women in the revolution, or the"inclusion" of women &/or LGBTQ). Instead it is an ANALYTIC frame that helps us understand #politicaleconomy, discourse, practice
    & theory + law, #ideology, and much more. #Lebanon

    La question de l’insulte

    Thread de Sylvain Perdigon sur Twitter (professeur d’anthropologie à l’Université américaine de Beyrouth) :

    But also we end up with a rather long televised spoken treatise by a prominent political-religious leader on the appropriate use of language, namely, on cursing 5/n
    It’s easy to make fun of that and to find it comical (I know I do) but if I’m honest I must add that in my case it was preceded by conversations with people on the other side of the dispute, one week ago, also about the use of language and specifically cursing 6/n
    People speaking in the register of ’this is a revolution in language and this is good’ and even I’d say (the gloss is mine) ’we almost corporeally need the possibility to curse in this way’ 7/n
    and then of course we can observe that the remarks I just made can easily develop into yet another meta-mode of talking in the register of ’but how does cursing work anyway?’, ’can I push for my right to curse to be recognized and why exactly would I want to do that?’ ... 8/n
    ’can I ask for a right to curse as a matter vital to me, and also ask you to understand that my cursing you does not have to imply a refusal to share the world with you?’ 9/n
    This is what I’m trying to say when I say that so much of the current juncture seems to revolve entirely around the question of: what was, is, and should be our relation to language? and around a very poignant open-ended exploration of that. 10/n

    A titre d’illustration, un tweet signalant une vidéo d’un cadre du parti aouniste (Charbel Khalil) stigmatisant les manifestants du centre ville en raison de l’homosexualité affichée de certains d’entre ou des groupes qui les représentent.
    et la vidéo twittée : https://twitter.com/dankar/status/1188891588329639936

  • Festival du film lesbien et féministe : « Cineffable a été créé pour que les lesbiennes puissent se voir »

    Un festival du « film lesbien et féministe », qu’est-ce que c’est ? A quoi ça sert ?

    Carole : Cette notion est très protéiforme selon les équipes du festival. Nous accueillons tous les ans de nouvelles membres, donc Cineffable est un peu différent chaque année. Le principe est toutefois toujours le même : des intervenantes, et des films réalisés par les femmes. L’idée est de visibiliser le travail des femmes, qui ne bénéficient par des mêmes canaux de distribution que les hommes. Le festival permet par ailleurs à toutes ces femmes de se rencontrer entre elles, de réseauter.

    Marie-Anne : J’ai 50 ans, je me suis donc construite en tant qu’adolescente dans un monde où je n’avais pas de représentation de moi-même. Dans les années 1980, il n’y avait pas de film lesbien, et les livres ou les autres formes d’art n’en parlaient pas. Je ne me voyais pas. Cineffable a justement été créé pour que les lesbiennes puissent se voir, qu’elle puissent construire leur propre image pour elle-même. Heureusement, les jeunes générations ont plus de matière, il y a un peu plus de personnages LGBT dans les séries, dans les livres, dans les films. Mais c’est souvent fait par des hommes hétérosexuels et ça ne donne pas le même regard sur ce que peut être une relation lesbienne ou une vie en tant que lesbienne. En tant que femme, je n’ai pas la même place qu’un homme, j’ai moins de privilèges, et donc pas le même regard sur le monde.

    #cinéma #représentation #lesbiennes

  • Rachel McKinnon : « Le sport a contribué à mon bien-être pendant ma transition »

    « Première femme transgenre championne du monde ! ». Ce message, c’est Rachel McKinnon qui le publie sur les réseaux sociaux suite à sa victoire aux championnats du monde de cyclisme sur piste le 14 octobre, à Los Angeles, dans la catégorie femmes de 35 à 44 ans. Depuis, la Canadienne enchaine les entretiens avec les journalistes et tente aussi de contenir les commentaires de haine, transphobes et misogynes qu’elle reçoit tous les jours.

    Transgender MMA Fighter Breaks Skull of Her Female Opponent. Are we Becoming too Careful not to Offend any Group of People? – BJJ World

    Soon after she got married Fox joined the Army to support her family. After she left the Army, Fox went to University, but she left it citing ongoing psychological stress problems from her unresolved gender issues. Finally, in 2006, Fallon Fox traveled to Bangkok together with her daughter and did all the necessary surgeries to become a woman.

    There was a lot of controversy around Fallon’s licensing process and many well-known fighters and commentators were against Fallon’s license but she had a green light to fight in women divisions in MMA fighting.

    Back in 2014 Fox was fighting her female opponent Taika Brents. It would be “just another fight” for Fallon and Tamika if Tamika didn’t suffer serious injuries before she was TKO’d.

    #transidentité #sport #compétition

  • #Los_Angeles Intersection Named After Black #LGBT Icon

    An intersection in Los Angeles’ Jefferson Park neighborhood now bears the name of revered LGBT activist #Carl_Bean.

    On Sunday, Los Angeles City Council President Herb Wesson appointed the intersection of Jefferson Boulevard and Sycamore Avenue as Archbishop Carl Bean Square.

    “Through his activism Carl Bean pioneered how we treat, educate and advocate for one of the most significant health crises of our time and he did it with a focus and passion for saving Black lives,” said Wesson in a statement obtained by EBONY.

    #toponymie #noms_de_rue #USA #Etats-Unis #Noirs

  • Kate Crawford : « l’IA est une nouvelle ingénierie du pouvoir »

    Kate Crawford (@katecrawford) est la cofondatrice (avec Meredith Whittaker, @mer__edith) de l’AI Now Institute (@AINowInstitute, blog). Chercheuse à Microsoft Research, professeur à l’université de New York, elle est spécialiste de l’étude des implications sociales des systèmes techniques et notamment des effets du Big Data, des algorithmes et de l’Intelligence artificielle. À l’occasion de l’inauguration de la chaire invitée IA et Justice, ouverte à l’École normale supérieure, elle a livré une (...)

    #CambridgeAnalytica #Axon #Google #HireVue #IBM #Amazon #algorithme #Alexa #Echo #écologie #biométrie #facial #criminalité #BigData #éthique #discrimination #LGBT (...)

    ##criminalité ##santé

  • Homophobia is on the rise in countries without same-sex marriage

    The European Sociological Association found that government failure to legislate for same-sex partnerships is strongly linked to growing homophobia among citizens.

    Conversely, researchers found that acceptance of LGBT+ lifestyles increased in countries where same-sex marriage was recognised. In countries with no legislation, such as Russia, acceptance fell.

    #homophobie #LGBT

  • The New Patriarchy : How Trans Radicalism Hurts Women, Children—and Trans People Themselves - Quillette

    Important article que j’attire à l’attention de @tradfem. Et dont l’autrice Helen Joyce parle avec respect des femmes trans, ce qui ajoute à sa crédibilité. Il est question de #transidentité, de #détransition, d’un activisme misogyne orienté vers la définition de la #non-mixité aux dépens des femmes cis alors que les violences transphobes viennent d’ailleurs que des féministes radicales. Bref : #backlash post-moderne ?

    A simple declaration—“gender self-identification”—is all it takes to override biology.

    One consequence is a huge increase in the number of people who say they do not identify with their natal sex. In Britain, for example, since the GRA came into force, just 5,000 people have used its provisions. Now the government reckons that approximately 1% of the population is transgender—around 650,000 people.

    Another consequence relates to the question of who is permitted to use single-sex facilities. What Americans call the “bathroom wars”—between liberals, who have embraced gender self-ID, and conservatives, who have largely resisted it—in fact goes far beyond public toilets. Changing rooms, school residential trips, rape and domestic-violence refuges, and prisons are going self-ID. So are electoral shortlists and even sporting competitions.

    Redefining what it means to be a man or woman redefines what it means to be gay. Depending on how they identify, people with male bodies who prefer female sexual partners may regard themselves as either heterosexual men or lesbian women. It also affects women’s political activism, since defining womanhood as based on a feeling rather than anatomy is incompatible with the feminist position that women are oppressed because they are physically weaker than men and bear the entire burden of reproduction. And it affects education: Many schools now tell children that being a boy or girl is not a matter of what it says on their birth certificates, but what they feel like. Since that is a circular definition, lessons quickly degenerate into endorsing sex-stereotypes: If you like trains and trucks, maybe you’re a boy. If you like pink chiffon, a girl.

    This essay will trace the evolution of the notion of gender identity and how it has supplanted biological sex in law and practice. It will examine the consequences for four groups in particular: children, women, gays and lesbians, and trans people themselves.

    By the 1960s, male-to-female “sex changes” were available in many countries, including the United States. Surgeons generally required would-be patients to live as a member of the opposite sex for some time, and sought to screen out anyone likely to change their mind, or who was depressed, or psychotic, or had perverse reasons to transition—for example a man’s voyeuristic desire to gain access to women’s spaces or a pedophile’s to gain access to children.

    Some specialists thought the desire to transition had external causes, such as childhood abuse, which might lead someone to reject the body that had been violated. Others posited internal causes, such as a disorder of body image akin to anorexia, or autogynephilia, a paraphilia by which a heterosexual man finds the idea of himself as a woman erotic and seeks to give flesh to that notion.

    But alongside these varied theories ran two lines of thinking that originated in America in the 1950s and fused into a single, dominant narrative half a century later.

    By twists and turns, a dominant theory about cross-sex identities had emerged. It held that humans come equipped with an innate, gendered sense of who they are—not just those who wished to transition from one sex to another, but also “cis” people (those content with their natal sex) and people who are non-binary, genderqueer or dozens of similar terms. In 2007, Julia Serano, a trans woman (natal male), called this sense “subconscious sex”: a “profound, inexplicable, intrinsic self-knowing”—much like a spirit. Since then, in a borrowing of Stoller’s term, it has come to be known as “gender identity.”

    Though entirely at odds with the way most people live their lives and regard the society around them, this esoteric concept caught on—in part because it aligned with ideological trends on campus, and in part because those who disagreed with it didn’t see it as anything except harmless theorizing. “If the entire faculty believes something, and you never hear anyone discussing an alternative point of view, you come away believing it too,” says Michael Biggs of Oxford University, who studies social movements.

    Everything trans people had sought for decades, such as better treatment, more research into gender dysphoria and greater protection from harassment and discrimination, became absorbed into a single demand: instant, unfettered gender self-identification. The demand bears a superficial resemblance to a civil-rights movement, says Chetan Bhatt, a sociologist at the London School of Economics. But unlike grass-roots human-rights movements, its development has been top-down: It originated in elite institutions, including governments, universities, gender clinics and large charities, rather than community-based groups.

    The movement has been shockingly successful. In many American states, access to designated single-sex facilities is now governed by self-ID. New Zealand is planning to allow people to change the sex on their birth certificates by making a statutory declaration; some Australian states are considering removing sex from birth certificates altogether. In Britain, all the main political parties support gender self-ID.

    GIDS may prescribe drugs to delay puberty from around age 12, in order to give children time to reconsider without puberty changing their bodies irreversibly. It will not prescribe cross-sex hormones until age 16, or offer surgery until age 18.

    In America, by contrast, an increasing number of clinics take a “gender-affirmative” approach, quickly acquiescing to a child’s professed cross-sex identity. Therapists at UCSF’s Child and Adolescent Gender Centre in San Francisco have supported social transition (change of name, pronouns and clothing) for children as young as three.

    Privately, some experienced clinicians admit they are worried. One says she hears of people leaving the field more often than she used to, and sometimes fears that she is doing more harm than good. She thinks the wave of transitioning teenagers may be followed in a decade or two by another of “de-transitioners” reverting to their natal sex. Their bodies will have been irreversibly marked by cross-sex hormones and perhaps surgery. Some may sue, arguing that the adults around them should have known they could not fully comprehend what they were consenting to.

    Those who missed puberty in their own sex will probably be sterile—indeed, sexually functionless.

    Bish, a British website aimed at teenagers, encourages them to work out their “gender identities” by placing themselves on several “gender spectrums” with words like rational, tough, active and independent under “looks masculine,” and emotional, soft, passive and sharer under “looks feminine.”

    The stereotyping has even made it as far as materials intended for adults. The British Association for Counselling Practitioners, which licenses marriage counsellors and so on, recently produced a guide to “Gender, Sexual and Relationship Diversity” for its members. It defines a woman thus: “It is important not to assume…that being a woman necessarily involves being able to bear children, or having XX sex chromosomes, or breasts. Being a woman in a British cultural context often means adhering to social norms of femininity, such as being nurturing, caring, social, emotional, vulnerable, and concerned with appearance.”

    Eileen Fairweather (...) recalls “anguished, earnest” discussions with feminist friends about what they should write about it. “I did draft something, arguing that the existing age of consent was not ‘patriarchal’, but protected children,” she says. “But I never even dared show it to anyone.” No-one back then realized the extent and brutality of child-abuse. And the pedophile movement had so thoroughly hijacked the gay movement that, if you said you were against “child sexual liberation”—as, outrageously, they put it—you were branded “anti-gay.” She says she sees “the same intimidation and paralysis of intelligence” with the transgender debate, with people terrified to express legitimate concerns about infiltration and safeguarding.

    Far more women will be affected by the trend towards self-ID for single-sex spaces. For public toilets, gym changing rooms, women-only swimming sessions and the like, women who do not want to disrobe in mixed company may decide to opt out. Some have a strong preference for privacy; others have religious reasons. Rosa Freedman, a human-rights lawyer and Orthodox Jew, points out that her beliefs, and those of many Muslim women, mean she cannot use such spaces if the sexes mix.

    Others are fearful for their safety. Though no reasonable person thinks most trans women (or men for that matter) are violent or rapists, most violent crimes are committed by males. There is no evidence that simply identifying as a woman means a male should be regarded as lower-risk. Women therefore have reason to be wary of biological males, including trans women, in situations where they are vulnerable. Many women also worry that predatory men will profess to identify as women in order to gain access to spaces where women are exposed.

    Earlier this year Karen White, a self-identified trans woman with a record of sexual offences against women, was placed in a women’s prison in Britain—and promptly assaulted several other prisoners. In October, White was given a life sentence for these assaults and two previous rapes. The prosecution argued that White had used a “transgender persona” to gain access to vulnerable women to abuse.

    Most British rape-crisis centres and domestic-violence refuges admit self-identified trans women, even though the Equality Act of 2010 permits them to restrict their services to biological females. According to someone who has worked in the women’s sector for more than 20 years, those running such services sometimes truly believe that is reasonable. But far more have gone self-ID because they fear becoming targets of trans-activist campaigns and losing funding.

    Without single-sex services, vulnerable women will suffer, says Judith Green. In the 1980s, as a teenager, she suffered repeated sexual abuse, and eventually received help from a survivors’ group in Brighton that arranged self-help sessions and therapy. Participants had been traumatised at men’s hands and their recovery required them to rebuild trust, she says. For her, and many other women, that would have been impossible in a mixed-sex group, no matter how well-meaning or sympathetic the males.

    Since it is impossible to tell why someone might wish to use facilities designated for the opposite sex, such cases may mean service-providers in places where self-ID is mandatory end up designating all facilities mixed-sex. That would be a bad outcome for women. Figures gathered by the Times, a British newspaper, under freedom-of-information laws found that the minority of changing-rooms in sports centres that are mixed-sex were the site of 90% of reported sexual assaults in changing-rooms of all kinds.


    JY, who uses a man’s name and whose profile picture is clearly male, asked if Ms Poyer did Brazilians (removal of pubic hair). “Not for men, sorry,” she replied. “I’m a woman, I transitioned last year,” JY replied. JY then made a complaint to British Columbia’s human-rights tribunal, alleging discrimination on the grounds of gender identity, seeking an apology and damages of C$2,500. (The tribunal has asked that JY be referred to only by those initials, rather than the full name, as would be usual for cases it hears.)

    The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, a Canadian non-profit libertarian group, offered to represent Ms. Poyer. It prepared two defences: that waxing male genitalia requires different training and equipment, which she does not possess, and that, as a woman, she, too, has protected rights, namely to privacy and safety.

    “This is a philosophy that agrees with the drunks on the Tube that I’m not a ‘real woman,’ ” says a young lesbian in London who gets her hair cut by a barber and wears suits from a men’s tailor. “We used to fight to smash open the pink and blue boxes of gender,” says a veteran of the fight to decriminalize homosexual relations. “Now they’re telling kids that if they don’t fit into one of those boxes, they must belong in the other one.” Both are among the growing number who think the doctrine of gender self-ID is a retrograde philosophy that relies on obsolete gender stereotypes and harms gay people.

    Some gay people think that organizations set up to fight for gay rights made a mistake in throwing their weight behind trans activism. In an open letter in the Times in October, some prominent gays and lesbians accuse Stonewall, Britain’s biggest LGBT charity, of “uncritically adopting a form of transgender politics which undermines…the concept of homosexuality itself.”


    Get the L Out, a small group of lesbians who insist that opposite-sex-attracted males cannot be lesbians whatever their gender identity, forced its way to the front of the Pride march in London this year, with banners reading “Transactivism erases lesbians” and “lesbian equals female homosexual.” Ms. Hunt called the group “transphobic” and said it was spreading “myths and lies.”

    Whether people are attracted to sexes or gender identities is an empirical question. A study published in the Journal of Personal and Social Relationships in the Spring suggests it is usually the former (though the authors have a different interpretation, namely endemic transphobia).


    Riley J. Dennis, a trans woman, attributes “preferences for women with vaginas over women with penises” to “cis-sexism”—anti-trans prejudice. “Look, it’s not like I require the women I date to be cool with having my dick inside them,” writes another trans woman, Avery Edison. “But being shut off from the very idea of it, not even considering that having my penis inside you is different from having a man’s penis inside you? That hurts.”

    But according to Charlie Montague, a young lesbian in Dunedin, New Zealand, both online dating sites and real-world meet-ups for lesbians now contain a fair share of males who have been through no sort of physical transition but describe themselves as lesbians. Some are predatory men who fantasize about sex with lesbians, she says; others genuinely regard themselves as same-sex attracted women. She and a few other “female lesbians” have set up a group, the Lesbian Rights Alliance Aotearoa. They have faced a barrage of abuse, both on- and offline. “When we say ‘no means no’, they regard that as transphobic,” she says. “They don’t like lesbians asserting firm boundaries.”

    The main social-media platforms are making it very hard for women to discuss these issues. Meghan Murphy, a Canadian feminist who runs a website, Feminist Current, has been kicked off Twitter for “hateful conduct”—that is, tweeting that “Men aren’t women” and “How are transwomen not men? What is the difference between a man and a transwoman?” Twitter also temporarily locked various women’s accounts for, inter alia, quoting remarks made by British parliamentarians in the debate over the Gender Recognition Act of 2004; for stating the British definition of rape (which can be committed only by a male, since it involves penetration by a penis); and for referring to JY of Brazilian-waxing fame as “he.” It even locked a trans woman’s account for self-describing as “male.”

    Women seeking to organize in person are being silenced, too. (...) WPUK has scheduled nearly 20 meetings around Britain to date, every one of them disrupted. Some venues cancelled bookings after trans activists claimed it was a far-right hate group.

    In Canada, even complaining can get a woman into trouble. In July, Kristi Hanna, a former resident at Palmerston House, a women’s shelter in Ontario, left after being assigned a transgender room-mate, who stomped around in combat boots, had facial and chest hair, and talked about a pregnant fiancée. All the residents found the situation intimidating, she says, and after two sleepless nights she complained and was told to “deal with it or leave.” But when she phoned Ontario’s human-rights legal helpline, she referred to the individual as a “man,” at which point the adviser said that her words and behaviour were potentially discriminatory and ended the call.

    “I can’t think of any genuine human-rights activism that demands attacks on the rights and protections of other civil-society groups, or advocates hateful language against them,” says Professor Bhatt. Trans activism is also unusual in that it gives men a chance to claim they are oppressed compared with women, and plenty of opportunity to tell women to shut up, says Ms. Gerlich. “It’s a postmodern patriarchal backlash.”

    The code of omertà extends to academia. After lobbying by trans activists, Brown University in Rhode Island withdrew a press release about Prof. Littman’s paper on ROGD, citing concerns that it might be used to “discredit efforts to support transgender youth and invalidate the perspectives of members of the transgender community.” Last year, Bath Spa University, in southwest England, rejected a proposal by James Caspian, a psychotherapist who specializes in transgender clients, to write a thesis on de-transitioning, explaining that the research might be criticised on social media and it would be “better not to offend people.” Kathleen Stock, a philosopher at Sussex University, wrote a Medium post in May about the lack of discussion of gender self-ID within academic philosophy. Trans-activists called for her to be sacked—and she received dozens of supportive emails from other academics, most saying they dared not speak out publicly.

    #censure #liberté_académique pour @cdb_77

    And the feisty British tabloid press has not shied away from covering rapists self-identifying themselves into women’s jails, boys allowed into Girlguiding and the like. The Daily Mail fought an injunction to be able to report on Jess Bradley, a trans woman suspended in July from the post of trans-rights officer at the National Union of Students because of allegations that she ran a blog named Exhibitionizm, where she posted pictures of her exposed penis, taken in public places and in her office.


    The singular focus on gender self-ID, along with the shutting down of academic work on trans issues, harms not only women, but trans people. Although trans activists’ ire is focused on women who object to self-ID, it is overwhelmingly men who commit violence against trans people, a problem that by comparison is ignored. And other causes that are important to trans people, such as more research on the causes and treatment of gender dysphoria and its links with other mental-health issues, not to mention the long-term effects of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, have become taboo.

    Overall, the push for gender self-ID does more harm than good to the interests of gender-dysphoric people whose main concern is to be accepted by members of the sex they wish they had been born into. And as we see more cases of people claiming transgender status in bad faith, we may see a backlash.

    • Who Are the Rich, White Men Institutionalizing Transgender Ideology?

      As an environmental activist who was deplatformed from a speaking venue by transactivists, in 2013 I developed curiosity about the power of this group to force this development. A year later, when Time magazine announced a transgender tipping point on its cover, I had already begun to examine the money behind the transgender project.

      I have watched as all-women’s safe spaces, universities, and sports opened their doors to any man who chose to identify as a woman. Whereas men who identify as transwomen are at the forefront of this project, women who identify as transmen seem silent and invisible. I was astonished that such a huge cultural change as the opening of sex-protected spaces was happening at such a meteoric pace and without consideration for women and girls’ safety, deliberation, or public debate.

    • https://twitter.com/LaraAdamsMille1/status/1169370302880669698

      A very incomplete list of wealthy, socially powerful men who now identify as women (and thus have a strong interest in keeping the transgender snowball growing):

      Theresa Sparks, 70, is the Executive Director of the San Francisco Human Rights Commission, the former president of the San Francisco Police Commission, & the former CEO of Good Vibrations (prominent sex shop). Pre-trans: Navy career, engineer, & private waste mgmt patent holder.

      Marci Bowers, 61, is one of the wealthiest working surgeons today, having performed over 3300 gender surgeries (at more than $17k a pop). Pre-trans: Navy helicopter pilot, medical school, Navy surgeon, private practice, wife, 3 kids. Has done a lot of TV and print stories.

      Jennifer Pritzker, GOP billionaire Hyatt hotel & industrial firm heir, founder/CEO private wealth management firm. One of the largest single donors to trans causes. Pre-trans: Army ’74-’79 82nd airborne sargeant, ’79, commissioned officer, Army reserve, 3 children by 2 ex-wives.

      Martine Rothblatt, 65, lawyer, entrepreneur, chairman and CEO of United Therapeutics. Net worth: $390 million. Pre-trans: UCLA law and MBA degrees, NASA, created Sirius Satellite Radio, ceo of Geostar, multiple satellite communication projects, wife, four kids.

      Caitlyn Jenner, 69, reality TV star, spokesmodel for H&M sports, Trump supporter. Net worth: $100 million. Pre-trans: college football player, Olympic decathlete, entrepreneur, auto racer, tv actor, celebrity endorser, 6 kids by 3 wives.

      Martine Rothblatt, 65, lawyer, entrepreneur, chairman and CEO of United Therapeutics. Net worth: $390 million. Pre-trans: UCLA law and MBA degrees, NASA, created Sirius Satellite Radio, ceo of Geostar, multiple satellite communication projects, wife, four kids.

      Lynn Conway, 81, computer scientist, inventor, trans activist. Pre-trans: Educated at MIT, Columbia, in engineering and applied science, recruited by IBM, wife, two kids. Holds five patents, many honors and awards, extensive involvement/investment in early computing.

      Les données sont intéressantes (des hommes de droite très conformistes ou réacs) et les hypothèses également mais le ton est assez dégueulasse, comme si toutes les femmes trans étaient anti-féministes, ce qui est loin d’être le cas.

      J’ai parlé de ça autour de moi et certaines personnes risquent l’hypothèse que ces femmes trans ont été des mecs parfaits (armée, hétérosexualité, misogynie ou conservatisme) pour compenser une identité féminine pas assumée. Cette autrice pense que ces personnes sont véritablement des misogynes qui ont entamé des transitions par #auto-gynophilie, mues par un désir pour les femmes et pour la femme en elles... En tout cas ce ne sont pas des camarades.


  • TikTok’s local moderation guidelines ban pro-LGBT content

    Chinese-owned social media app bans such content even in countries where homosexuality has never been illegal TikTok’s efforts to provide locally sensitive moderation have resulted in it banning any content that could be seen as positive to gay people or gay rights, down to same-sex couples holding hands, even in countries where homosexuality has never been illegal, the Guardian can reveal. The rules were applied on top of the general moderation guidelines, first reported by the Guardian (...)

    #TikTok #censure #LGBT #surveillance #web


  • Transgender woman in male prison ‘nightmare’ on hunger strike | Society | The Guardian

    Dean has been diagnosed with gender dysphoria and serving an indeterminate sentence for public protection (IPP) after being convicted of more than 30 offences including repeated burglary and voyeurism. Her crimes included breaking into several homes and filming herself wearing underwear belonging to teenage girls. The judge at her trial said she engaged in “behaviour that anyone is bound to find chilling”.

    The Marie Dean story shows there’s no simple answer to how we treat transgender prisoners

    It was presented, at first, as a simple case of injustice in the prison system. The Observer ran the story with the headline “Transgender woman in male prison ‘nightmare’ on hunger strike”. The facts given were these: Marie Dean, 50, is refusing food in protest at being held in HMP Preston on an indeterminate sentence for burglary without access to “hair straighteners, epilator or any makeup”. The report linked to a Change.org petition demanding that Dean be “moved into the female estate as quickly as possible”. Some detail, though, seemed to be missing.

    That’s why the crimes came with an indeterminate sentence: because Dean was a sexual offender with an escalating pattern of behaviour against women. After complaints, The Observer updated its report with details of Dean’s crimes, but the fundamental outline of the story remains as it was, while the Pink News version still only mentions burglary. Alarmingly, it was only possible to learn this because Dean had made a relatively minor name change. One unhappy consequence of the well-intentioned taboo against “deadnaming” (using a trans individual’s pre-transition name) is that past actions are able to slip from the record.

    At this point, I think it’s OK to ask where women figure in all this. This is someone who presents a manifest danger to women, someone whose victims live in the long shadow of violation in their own homes; yet media outlets have given an uncritical platform to demands for Dean’s transfer into the female estate.

    BBC NEWS | UK | England | Lancashire | Cross-dressing burglar is jailed

    Marie was convicted of 24 offences at his trial including burglary, aggravated burglary, six counts of voyeurism and 10 counts of possessing indecent photographs of children.

    Cross-dressing Burnley burglar jailed indefinitely | Lancashire Telegraph

    Meanwhile, images were found on the mobile phone and camera of Marie in bedrooms, dressed again in women’s underwear and performing sex acts on himself.

    Detectives charged Marie with assault and going equipped and launched an investigation, involving newspaper coverage, to trace the bedrooms where the footage was filmed.

    One house in the images was found to be the home of a woman and her 15-year-old daughter, whose bedroom Marie had filmed himself in.

    Je résume : une personne fait effraction chez des femmes, porte les sous-vêtements des filles, se masturbe et se filme, possède du matériel pédopornographique. Et demande à être placée dans une prison pour femmes puisqu’elle s’identifie comme telle. Il faut arbitrer ensuite entre ses droits et celles des femmes qui devront partager leurs espaces avec une personne coupable de crimes sexuels contre d’autres femmes.

  • Lesbians Are a Target of Male Violence the World Over

    Since coming out as a lesbian at the age of 15 in 1977, I have seen the world change for the better. When I met other lesbians soon after leaving home to find the “gay scene,” I was shocked to hear stories of women losing custody of their children, in some cases to violent ex-husbands, for the simple reason that they were in a same-sex relationship.

    Over the decades in the U.K., I have seen and experienced anti-lesbian violence firsthand. I have been attacked on more than one occasion—physically assaulted by anti-gay bigots, and sexually assaulted by a man who thought he could “straighten me out.” I’ve lost housing and jobs as a result of being a lesbian.

    Hatred of lesbians is a result of patriarchal attitudes that demand subservience and capitulation to men. Lesbianism is a threat to bigoted misogynists who believe women need to be “kept in line,” either by a father or a husband. Lesbianism is an affront to these men, for the simple reason that we have refused compulsory heterosexuality and have openly and unashamedly rejected men sexually. Until we eradicate sexism, anti-lesbian violence will be all too common.

  • Indonesia moving to ban sex outside marriage | The Star Online

    JAKARTA (AFP): Indonesia is set to vote on a plan to outlaw gay and pre-marital sex while beefing up its blasphemy laws in a shakeup fuelled by religious conservatism and slammed by rights groups Thursday (Sept 19).

  • Pride (2014) : retours croisés sur une #convergence_des_luttes

    Pride, film indépendant sorti en 2014 est une comédie qui se veut grand public et fut effectivement un succès remarqué et récompensé. Nous vous proposons ici deux textes avec deux points de vue complémentaires pour revenir en analyse sur ce film. Divergences dans la convergence par Noëlle Dupuy Pride raconte l’histoire « vraie » de la rencontre […]

    #Brèves #Cinéma #grève #lgbt #lutte_des_classes #queer

  • La #Suisse face au défi de protéger les réfugiés #LGBTI

    La Suisse a encore beaucoup d’efforts à faire afin d’agir conformément au droit en matière d’asile pour les personnes discriminées en raison de leur identité sexuelle, écrit Ihsan Kurt, spécialiste en migration.

    Comme ailleurs, le nombre de demandes d’asile des nouvelles minorités persécutées augmente en Suisse. Dans la plupart des pays d’accueil, les demandeurs d’asile pour des raisons d’orientation sexuelle ou d’identité de genre (LGBTI) sont discriminés et les lois en la matière ne tiennent pas compte de ces vulnérabilités spécifiques à un groupe déterminé. La Convention de Genève du 28 juillet 1951 relative au statut des réfugiés nécessite des réformes.

    Après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, des millions d’exilés arrivent en Europe pour y trouver refuge. Les Etats signent à Genève, sous l’égide des Nations unies, une convention internationale pour garantir le respect des droits de l’homme et gérer des mouvements de ces populations. C’est ainsi qu’ils ont défini la notion juridique du « réfugié ».

    Dans le contexte politique où cette convention a été rédigée, à part la Suède, aucun Etat n’a envisagé l’orientation sexuelle comme motif d’exil suite à des persécutions ou des craintes y relatives. Les persécutions en raison de l’homosexualité n’ont été considérées qu’après les grandes transformations dans la perception de l’homosexualité, notamment aux Etats-Unis et en Europe, avec le développement des théories féministes, dans les années 1970, les mouvements homosexuels et la mobilisation de la lutte contre le sida, dans les années 1980. C’est ainsi qu’à partir des années 1990 les personnes homosexuelles ont commencé à oser sortir de l’ombre et que les demandes d’asile liées à l’orientation sexuelle deviennent visibles aux Etats-Unis puis en Europe occidentale.
    Le problème de la preuve

    Ces vingt dernières années, plusieurs demandes invoquant des persécutions en raison de l’orientation sexuelle ont abouti à l’octroi du statut de réfugié en Suisse. Les demandeurs d’asile sont alors reconnus, en tant qu’homosexuels ou transsexuels, d’un pays déterminé, comme appartenant à un « groupe social particulier ». Ils se retrouvent ainsi dans les motifs stipulés dans la convention de 1951, à l’instar des femmes victimes de mariage forcé ou de mutilations génitales.

    Il est difficile pour un Iranien, une Afghane ou une Tanzanienne de prouver leur homosexualité, puisque dans ces pays un simple soupçon suffit pour être persécuté

    Considérée comme une déviance, l’homosexualité est illégale dans plusieurs pays figurant sur la liste « des pays sûrs » pour le renvoi des requérants, établie par le Secrétariat d’Etat aux migrations (SEM). Le critère de groupe social déterminé est difficilement appliqué dans la procédure d’asile. Le principe de devoir prouver la crainte et la persécution lors de la demande d’asile tient peu compte de la vulnérabilité de cette population. Or les organisations de défense des droits de l’homme et des réfugiés, comme l’Organisation suisse d’aide aux réfugiés (OSAR) ou Amnesty International, rappellent souvent ces principes de groupe social déterminé et de vulnérabilité des LGBTI. A cette vulnérabilité particulière en raison des traumatismes liés aux persécutions, j’ajoute aussi des sentiments de honte, de non-acceptation de soi. Ces personnes sont davantage exposées aux préjugés et aux discriminations à caractère homophobe. Sur le chemin de l’exode, elles peuvent subir des agressions spécifiques à leur orientation sexuelle.

    Dans la procédure d’asile, elles doivent surtout prouver leur homosexualité. Or prouver qu’on a subi des persécutions dans son pays d’origine en raison de son orientation sexuelle est très compliqué étant donné que le pays d’origine ne reconnaît pas l’homosexualité. Il est ainsi extrêmement difficile pour un Iranien, une Afghane ou une Tanzanienne de prouver leur homosexualité, puisque dans ces pays un simple soupçon suffit pour être persécuté.
    La Suisse trop stricte

    La pratique suisse est extrêmement stricte concernant les allégations tardives : la plupart du temps, la déclaration tardive d’orientation sexuelle ou de son identité de genre est rejetée et considérée comme non crédible par les autorités, contrairement aux directives du Haut-Commissariat pour les réfugiés (HCR). Mais il est aussi compliqué pour les enquêteurs et les juges fédéraux d’établir effectivement l’homosexualité du requérant car il est très difficile de poser des questions intimes portant, par exemple, sur les pratiques sexuelles.

    Il y a une prise de conscience de cette réalité des personnes LGBTI et de leur besoin de protection. Néanmoins, la vérification de l’homosexualité demeure problématique. Et la Suisse a encore beaucoup d’efforts à faire afin d’agir conformément au droit international et à la Déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme.

    #réfugiés #asile #migrations #homosexualité #genre

  • ’We can’t reach the women who need us’ : the LGBT YouTubers suing the tech giant for discrimination

    The platform made stars of Bria Kam and Chrissy Chambers. But now the duo, along with other gay content creators, say they are losing their voice and their living because of the unfair way an algorithm works ‘It happened again today,” Bria Kam tells me, throwing her arms up in frustration. I am speaking to Kam and her wife, Chrissy Chambers, over FaceTime from their home in Vancouver, Washington. They are sitting in their workout gear, on the familiar grey couch where they record the YouTube (...)

    #Google #YouTube #algorithme #discrimination #LGBT


  • #Tonje_Gjevjon : La Fierté gaie n’est plus une lutte contre la discrimination ; il n’est pas étonnant que des gens choisissent de ne pas hisser leur drapeau.

    Comme la Fierté gaie est célébrée partout dans le monde, on s’attend maintenant à ce que les politiciens et les organismes publics hissent le drapeau symbolisant cette Fierté tout le mois d’août. Tout refus de le faire donne généralement lieu à de sévères critiques et à des accusations d’homophobie. Trop souvent, on suppose et on en déduit que ceux et celles qui refusent de hisser ce symbole (et, en général, d’appuyer tout ce que représente ce mouvement) sont des opposants de la diversité et de l’inclusion.

    Lorsqu’un maire de Pennsylvanie a empêché le conseil municipal local de hisser ce drapeau en juillet, des groupes LGBT ont promis de protester et certains résidents ont menacé de porter plainte auprès de la commission des relations humaines de la ville.

    En Norvège, le Présidium du Parlement a refusé d’arborer le drapeau arc-en-ciel devant le bâtiment du Parlement pendant le mois de la Fierté gaie en juin, ce qui a amené Une Aina Bastholm, députée du Parti vert norvégien, à dire aux médias qu’elle avait dû « prendre une grande respiration ». Dans un article publié dans Dagbladet, un tabloïd national, Mari Holm Lønseth, une députée conservatrice, a soutenu que « tous les conseils doivent se montrer inclusifs et hisser le drapeau de la Fierté ». Après que Kjell Ingolf Ropstad, ministre de l’Enfance, de la Famille et des Affaires religieuses, ait déclaré qu’il n’assisterait pas au défilé de la Fierté gaie cette année, vu son désaccord avec la politique de la FRI (Organisation norvégienne pour la diversité sexuelle et de genre) sur « la polygamie, un troisième sexe, l’abolition de la loi contre l’achat de sexe, et la maternité par substitution », il a été accusé, avec d’autres députés du Parti chrétien-démocrate, de non-inclusivité. Le chef du parti travailliste norvégien, Jonas Gahr Støre, a déclaré :

    « Je pense que le ministre de l’Enfance, de la Famille et des Affaires religieuses devrait assister au défilé. Il n’a pas besoin d’être d’accord avec tous les slogans figurant sur les bannières, mais c’est le jour où les politiciens devraient dire aux gens que tout le monde devrait vivre en sécurité. »

    Traduction : #Tradfem
    Version originale : https://www.feministcurrent.com/2019/08/03/pride-is-no-longer-about-fighting-discrimination-its-no-wonder-peop
    #LGBTQ+ #Pride #identité_de_genre #fierté_lesbienne #droits

  • Camille – Binge Audio

    Un nouveau #podcast !

    Les droits des #LGBT avancent, mais les normes liées à l’hétérosexualité restent. Camille propose de #déconstruire l’#hétéronormativité de notre société, tout ce qui est considéré comme naturel et inné en ce qui concerne l’identité de genre et la sexualité. A-t-on vraiment besoin du genre sur les papiers d’identité ? Pourquoi traiter quelqu’un d’enculé, c’est homophobe ? Dans ce podcast, Camille Regache parle des lesbiennes, gay, bi, trans, mais surtout, parle des hétéros.

  • #Cian_Ó_Catháin : Misogynie et homophobie « tendance » (un gay prend à partie l’idéologie transgenriste)

    Les enfants non conformes au genre, dont beaucoup sont susceptibles de devenir plus tard attirés par les gens de leur sexe, se font enseigner le mensonge qu’aimer des choses « féminines » signifie qu’ils sont peut-être une fille, même s’ils sont de sexe masculin, et qu’aimer des choses « masculines » signifie qu’ils sont peut-être un garçon, même si elles sont de sexe féminin. De plus en plus, beaucoup de ces jeunes — en majorité des filles — se rendent dans des « cliniques du genre » et se font prescrire des hormones qui enraient la puberté naturelle, des hormones de l’autre sexe, des mastectomies complètes et des chirurgies dites de « réassignation sexuelle ».
    C’est terriblement régressif, nuisible et homophobe. Ça enseigne aux enfants que ce qui fait d’eux un homme ou une femme est ce que la plupart d’entre nous appelleraient simplement des « stéréotypes sexuels », et qu’on doit imposer une filière médicale aux enfants qui trouvent difficile de composer avec notre société de stéréotypes sexuels. C’est odieux et je suis d’accord avec ceux et celles qui qualifient cette pratique d’eugénisme gay.

    Traduction : #Tradfem
    Version originale : https://rdln.wordpress.com/2019/08/13/woke-misogyny-and-homophobia-a-gay-critique-of-trans-ideology
    #misogynie #identité_de_genre #non-mixité #LGBT #eugénisme_gay #antiféminisme