Les #Voix_croisées - #Xaraasi_Xanne
Using rare cinematic, photographic and sound archives, Xaraasi Xanne (Crossing Voices) recounts the exemplary adventure of #Somankidi_Coura, an agricultural #cooperative created in #Mali in 1977 by western African immigrant workers living in workers’ residences in France. The story of this improbable, utopic return to the Sahel region follows a winding path that travels through the ecological and decolonial challenges and conflicts of agriculture practices and sensing from the 1970s to the present day. One of the major actors of the movement, #Bouba_Touré, tells this story by plunging into the heart of his personal archives, which document the fights of farmers in France and in Mali, as well as those of immigrant workers, over a period of decades. The film is also a story about dialogues and transmission, friendships and cinematic geographies. Over the course of the film, different voices, enter the sound-scape to accompany Bouba Touré’s telling; they bring the tale of a forgotten memory toward a possible future sung by a polyphonic griot.
#film #documentaire #film_documentaire #travailleurs_immigrés #coopérative_agricole #Somankidi #agriculture #retour_au_pays #fleuve_Sénégal #régularisation #sans-papiers #travailleurs_sans-papiers #travail #exploitation #logement #racisme #mal-logement #foyer #marchands_de_sommeil #conditions_de_vie #taudis #tuberculeuse #Fode_Sylla #lutte #grève_des_loyers #université_libre_de_Vincennes #L'Archer #Djiali_Ben_Ali #Association_culturelle_des_travailleurs_africains_en_France (#ACTAF) #manoeuvres #main_d'oeuvre_non_qualifiée #grève #Sahel #famine #1971 #sécheresse #Haute-Volta #aide_humanitaire #exode_rural #Larzac #récupération_des_sols #charité #luttes_de_libération #termites #Samé #aide_au_retour #luttes #arachide #travail_forcé #modernisation #mécanisation #graines #semences #endettement #Kayes #autonomie #femmes #genre #irrigation #radio #radio_rurale_Kayes #radio_rurale #permaculture #intelligence_collective
A partir de 1h07’14, où l’on explique que les lois restrictives contre les migrations fixent les gens... alors qu’avant il y avait de la #migration_circulaire : beaucoup de personnes venaient en France 1-2 ans, repartaient au pays et ne revenaient plus jamais en France...
#fermeture_des_frontières #sédentarisation #agroécologie