
  • Par le meilleur spécialiste américain de Machiavel, un universitaire marxiste (Chicago) attaqué par ses pairs aux Etats-Unis pour sa lecture, jugée trop radicale, de l’oeuvre du penseur italien. Selon McCormick, il faut tout simplement écarter les élites du pouvoir et ne le confier qu’au peuple. L’égalité (matérielle) est la condition de la liberté. CQFD.

    « Defending the People from the Professors » – John P. McCormick


    For some years now, while presenting parts of a book on Machiavelli and democratic theory across North America, I’ve been consistently surprised by the level of hostility it provokes among academics—even, or especially, among self-avowedly progressive or “radical” scholars. Machiavellian Democracy (Cambridge UP, 2011), traces previously neglected democratic strains in Machiavelli’s political writings: I elaborate his argument that the few, not the many, pose the principal threat to liberty in republics, and articulate his institutional prescriptions for empowering common citizens to constrain the behavior of elites and rule directly over public policy.

    #Machiavel #US #McCormick