
  • La moitié des adultes qui croient avoir des allergies alimentaires n’en ont pas - Sciences - Numerama

    De nombreuses personnes se croient à tort allergiques à des aliments. En s’intéressant aux allergies alimentaires des adultes, des chercheurs ont fait cette découverte.

    #selon_une_étude_récente les humains sont hypocondriaques

    • en quelques mots,…

      Lactose Intolerance: The Norm Among the World’s Peoples
      American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education Vol. 64, Summer 2000

      Lactose intolerance is presented to students in the third profes- sional year as a portion of a required four-hour course titled “Nonprescription Product Therapeutics.” Taught three times yearly, the course uses the textbook Nonprescription Product Therapeutics. The section on lactose intolerance occupies 30- 45 minutes, depending on student questions. The lecture is supplemented with an examination of lactose intolerance prod- ucts purchased by the university for demonstration purposes. Products include lactase tablets and solutions, reduced-lactose milks and lactose-free milk substitutes.

      While the ethnic and racial background of our university is refreshingly diverse, the majority of students remain Caucasian. Many Caucasians have one dietary factor in com- mon: they are able to drink milk as adults. Pharmacy students are like most other students in their desire to appear normal, both socially and medically. A major goal of this lecture is to broaden the world view of average Caucasian students to allow them to come to the realization that those who can drink milk as adults are actually abnormal, being an exception to the rule among the world’s peoples. In this way, the student might gain a heightened understanding of the pervasiveness of lactose intolerance.

      A secondary goal of the lecture is to differentiate food allergies from food intolerances. Many lay people misunder- stand the difference, but the astute pharmacist can clarify both conditions. This allows patients with a simple intolerance such as lactose intolerance to titrate their intake to the level below that which causes symptoms, helping ensure that the maximal nutritional value may be obtained from dairy products.

    • un exemple (le premier venu,…) d’information « objective » (voir le nom du site)

      La prévalence de l’intolérance au lactose | Savoir laitier

      La prévalence au Canada
      La véritable prévalence de l’intolérance au lactose est inconnue. Selon les résultats d’une enquête nationale canadienne, la prévalence de l’intolérance au lactose autodéclarée est de 16 %. Cependant, chez un grand nombre de personnes qui se déclarent intolérantes au lactose, aucune malabsorption du lactose n’a été établie au moyen d’une épreuve diagnostique objective. Par conséquent, il est peu probable que la cause de leurs symptômes gastro-intestinaux soit liée au lactose.

      et en France ?
      Intolérance au lactose : Fiabilité de l’étude sur les français | (2015)

      Dans un article récent publié par notre confrère Les Echos, le directeur général de Candia, M. Giampaolo Schiratti, assure que « 6 à 10% des Français » sont intolérants au lactose, le sucre du lait. D’où viennent ces chiffres, et surtout sont-ils fiables ?
      L’industrie laitière minimise systématiquement aussi bien la prévalence de l’intolérance au lactose que ses manifestations. Son leitmotiv depuis des années, c’est que seuls 6 à 10% des Français ne tolèrent pas le lactose, d’où ces chiffres dans Les Echos. Ils sont bien évidemment faux.

      En effet, la non-persistance de la lactase (intolérance au lactose) varie en Europe selon un gradient nord-sud et ouest-est. Elle est d’environ 10% en Suède, 18% en Finlande, 15% en Allemagne et en Grande-Bretagne, 15-20% en Autriche, 20% dans le nord de l’Italie, plus de 80% en Sardaigne, 55% dans les Balkans. En France, elle est d’environ 17% dans le nord et 65% dans le sud, soit au final environ 41% de la population.

      Mais ne comptez pas sur l’industrie laitière pour l’ébruiter.

  • Give peanut-based foods to babies early to prevent allergies, new guidelines say - Health - CBC News

    Babies at increased risk for peanut allergy should have peanut-containing foods added to their diets as early as 4 months of age, new guidelines suggest.

    The recommendation comes from the U.S. National Institutes of Health and other expert groups.

    And it advocates a tactic that might seem counterintuitive: To drastically cut the chances of peanut allergy in high-risk babies, parents should introduce “age-appropriate” forms of peanut products early in life.

    • Guidelines for Clinicians and Patients for Diagnosis and Management of Food Allergy in the United States | NIH: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

      In 2015, findings from a landmark NIAID-funded clinical trial called the Learning Early About Peanut (LEAP) study showed that introducing peanut-containing foods to infants at high risk for developing peanut allergy was safe and led to an 81 percent relative reduction in the subsequent development of peanut allergy. Based on the strength of these results, NIAID established another coordinating committee, which convened an expert panel to update the 2010 Guidelines to specifically address the prevention of peanut allergy. The Addendum Guidelines for the Prevention of Peanut Allergy in the United States were published in January 2017.

  • Thumb-suckers, nail-biters show fewer allergies | Otago Daily Times Online News : Otago, South Island, New Zealand & International News

    Children who suck their thumbs or bite their nails may be less likely to develop allergies, a new University of Otago study suggests.
    The finding emerges from the long-running Dunedin Multidisciplinary Study, which has followed the progress of 1037 participants born in 1972-1973 into adulthood.
    The study, which appears in the August issue of the US journal Pediatrics, suggests that childhood exposure to microbial organisms through thumb-sucking and nail-biting reduces the risk of developing allergies.

    Study lead author Professor Bob Hancox says this exposure may alter immune function so that children with these habits become less prone to developing allergy.

    Parents of Dunedin Study members reported their children’s thumb-sucking and nail-biting habits when their children were 5, 7, 9, and 11 years old.

    The members were checked at ages 13 and 32 years old for atopic sensitisation, defined as a positive skin prick test to at least one common allergen.

    At age 13, the prevalence of sensitisation was lower among children who had sucked their thumbs or bit their nails (38 percent) compared with those who did not (49 percent).

    Children who both bit their nails and sucked their thumbs had an even lower risk of allergy (31 percent), Professor Hancox says.

    The associations were still present at age 32 years and persisted even with adjustments for confounding factors such as sex, parental history of allergies, pet ownership, breast-feeding and parental smoking.

    "The findings support the “hygiene hypothesis”, which suggests that being exposed to microbes as a child reduces your risk of developing allergies," he says.

    Despite these findings, Professor Hancox and his co-authors do not suggest that children should be encouraged to take up these habits, because it is unclear if there is a true health benefit.

  • Common medicines tied to changes in the brain | Reuters

    Commonly used drugs for problems like colds, allergies, depression, high blood pressure and heart disease have long been linked to cognitive impairment and dementia. Now researchers have some fresh evidence that may help explain the connection.

    The drugs, known as anticholinergics, stop a chemical called acetylcholine from working properly in the nervous system. By doing so, they can relieve unpleasant gastrointestinal, respiratory or urinary symptoms, for example.

    The list of such drugs is long. Among them: Benadryl for allergies, the antidepressant Paxil and the antipsychotic Zyprexa, Dimetapp for colds and the sleep aid Unisom.

    • JAMA Network | JAMA Neurology | Association Between Anticholinergic Medication Use and Cognition, Brain Metabolism, and Brain Atrophy in Cognitively Normal Older Adults

      Importance The use of anticholinergic (AC) medication is linked to cognitive impairment and an increased risk of dementia. To our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate the association between AC medication use and neuroimaging biomarkers of brain metabolism and atrophy as a proxy for understanding the underlying biology of the clinical effects of AC medications.
      Conclusions and Relevance The use of AC medication was associated with increased brain atrophy and dysfunction and clinical decline. Thus, use of AC medication among older adults should likely be discouraged if alternative therapies are available.

  • Le lave-vaisselle peut être dangereux pour la santé de vos enfants - RTL Info

    Les enfants qui mangent dans des assiettes qui sont passées au lave-vaisselle auraient plus de chance de développer des allergies. La machine serait trop efficace et ne laisserait pas la moindre chance aux bactéries. Charles Pilette, pneumo-allergologue, affirme que « ça rejoint potentiellement la notion de théorie de l’hygiène où le fait ne pas être suffisamment exposé pendant les premiers mois ou les premières années de la vie à un certain nombre de microbes pourrait favoriser l’éclosion d’allergies. »

    Selon une étude suédoise, les enfants vivant dans une famille où la vaisselle est faite à la main ont 40% de risques en moins de développer des allergies.

    #allergies #lave_vaisselle #hygiène cc @allergie

    • L’étude est entièrement accessible, là

      Allergy in Children in Hand Versus Machine Dishwashing


      BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The hygiene hypothesis stipulates that microbial exposure during early life induces immunologic tolerance via immune stimulation, and hence reduces the risk of allergy development. Several common lifestyle factors and household practices, such as dishwashing methods, may increase microbial exposure. The aim of this study was to investigate if such lifestyle factors are associated with allergy prevalence.

      METHODS: Questionnaire-based study of 1029 children aged 7 to 8 years from Kiruna, in the north of Sweden, and Mölndal, in the Gothenburg area on the southwest coast of Sweden. Questions on asthma, eczema, and rhinoconjunctivitis were taken from the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood questionnaire.

      RESULTS: Hand dishwashing was associated with a reduced risk of allergic disease development (multivariate analysis, odds ratio 0.57; 95% confidence interval: 0.37–0.85). The risk was further reduced in a dose-response pattern if the children were also served fermented food and if the family bought food directly from farms.

      CONCLUSIONS: In families who use hand dishwashing, allergic diseases in children are less common than in children from families who use machine dishwashing. We speculate that a less-efficient dishwashing method may induce tolerance via increased microbial exposure.

  • Kids Behind Bars: Israel’s Arbitrary Arrests of Palestinian Minors

    Last year, approximately one thousand Palestinian children were arrested by Israeli forces, often for no reason. Advocates point to systemic abuse, including beatings and forced confessions, but the Israeli military remains steadfast.


    Kicked, Sleep-Deprived, Threatened

    In the car, Mahmood recounts, the soldiers sang Hebrew songs and occasionally slapped the two Palestinians in the face or pushed them from their seats. The two teenagers’ eyes were covered. Around 11:30 p.m., they were brought to a police station near the Mevo Dotan settlement. Mahmood says a doctor asked him about allergies and illnesses, and that they received water but nothing to eat. They spent the night tied up, with eyes covered on a plastic cot. They had to sit upright and were not allowed to sleep. Every time one of them nodded off, a soldier kicked them.

    At 2 a.m., Mahmood was interrogated by a man who spoke good Arabic. He asked: Why were you on the street last night, what were you doing there? Going on a walk with a friend, Mahmood answered. The man became angry, Mahmood says, and threatened to beat him.

    Human rights organizations claim the Israeli army’s actions in the West Bank are partly a strategy of intimidation, to scare children away from participating in future protests. The army also hopes to obtain information about family members actively working against the occupation.

    Most of the mistreatment of Palestinian minors takes place in areas like Hebron, where Israeli settlers and Palestinians live in close proximity. Children living in villages along the separation barrier are also frequently arrested because that’s where most of the protests against the occupation take place.

    Since 2011, an Israeli organization named B’Tselem has been drawing attention to the “serious violations” of the rights of Palestinian minors arrested under suspicion of throwing stones. The army has released a counterstatement arguing, for example, that a “harsh reality requires a harsh answer.”

    #enfants #Palestine #Israel