
  • Statistiques de la conférence de presse des organisations syriennes et de la défense civile aujourd’hui sur les résultats de la récente campagne sur les zones libérées, #Idlib :
    - 600 victimes
    - 5 marchés populaires ciblés
    - 22 installations médicales ont été détruites
    - La fermeture de 55 établissements médicaux
    - Utilisation de chlore à Canibiet
    - 80 enfants tués
    - 50 écoles ciblées
    - 45 000 enfants sont sortis de l’éducation
    Déplacés 307 000 plus de 50 000 familles
    - 27 mosquées détruits
    - Destruction de 9 fours de production du pain
    - Brûler des cultures avec du Phosphore

    #guerre #conflit #victimes #statistiques #chiffres #phosphore #armes_chimiques Canibiet #destruction #écoles #enfants #déscolarisation #morts #décès

    Reçu d’un ami réfugié syrien qui vit à Grenoble, via whatsapp, le 01.06.2019

    • Stop the carnage: doctors call for an end to Syria hospital airstrikes

      Dozens of prominent doctors have called for urgent action to halt the bombing campaign by Syrian and Russian planes that has targeted more than 20 hospitals in Syria’s north-west, putting many out of action and leaving millions of people without proper healthcare.

      Coordinates for many of those hit had been shared with the regime and its Russian backers by the United Nations in an effort to protect civilians. The Syrian opposition were promised war planes would avoid identified sites on bombing raids; instead they have endured more than a month of fierce attacks.

      Since late April, in defiance of a truce brokered by Moscow and Ankara last year, regular airstrikes on opposition-held territory in northern Idlib province have killed hundreds of civilians and displaced hundreds of thousands more, rights groups say.

      They have also destroyed key parts of the healthcare system, says a letter from doctors around the world published in the Observer. “We are appalled by the deliberate and systematic targeting of healthcare facilities and medical staff,” they warned. “Their [the medical staff’s] job is to save lives, they must not lose their own in the process.”

      Signatories include Denis Mukwege, a gynaecologist who won the Nobel peace prize last year, Peter Agre, a physician who won the Nobel prize in chemistry in 2003, MP and doctor Sarah Wollaston, and Terence English, former president of the Royal College of Surgeons, as well as David Nott, a surgeon who works in war zones, and Zaher Sahloul, a Syrian exile, doctor and founder of a medical charity. They urged the UN to investigate the targeting of listed hospitals and asked the international community to put pressure on Russia and Syria to stop targeting medical centres and reverse funding cuts to surviving hospitals and clinics that are now overwhelmed by refugees.

      One paediatrician, Abdulkader Razouk, described to the Observer how he and his colleagues evacuated an entire hospital including dialysis patients, mothers in labour and premature babies in incubators, as airstrikes began in their town, at least 12 miles from the frontline. “After the airstrikes, but before the direct attack, we knew the hospital would be targeted,” he said in a phone interview about the Tarmala hospital, which was eventually hit on 10 May. “Only a few medical staff stayed to provide emergency response.”
      Letters: The BBC’s wish for a finger in every pie
      Read more

      The airstrike destroyed more than half the hospital and much of its equipment from beds and generators to the operating theatres, emergency services and pharmacy. Staff went back briefly to hunt through the rubble for any supplies that survived the onslaught but the building is now abandoned. “It would be impossible to rebuild and reopen now,” Razouk said. “The airstrikes are continuing and still targeting the hospital until this moment, even though it’s empty.”

      The May bombing was not the first attack on the hospital. That came in 2015, first with the Syrian military’s wildly inaccurate barrel bombs, and later by Russian missiles, that destroyed a residential building next door but spared the clinic itself. In 2018 there was a direct hit on the clinic but then it was able to reopen after repairs.

      However the damage after the latest attack was so severe that it is beyond repair, and anyway most of the civilians it served have fled, Razouk said.

      “This was the worst attack, it has been very tough, there is no possibility whatsoever to continue work there,” he said. “Life can’t return to this area, especially under these brutal attacks. There are no people, not even animals, there’s nothing left in there, it’s like a doomed land. There is no hope to go back.”

      He and other staff are opening a new temporary hospital near the Turkish border, where most of the residents of Tarmala have fled and are now living in refugee camps. It will have some of the neonatal incubators and dialysis machines evacuated before the strike, but there is a desperate need for more supplies.

      Around 80 medical facilities – including clinics and hospitals – have been shut because of damage in attacks or because of fear they will be targeted, said Mohamad Katoub from the Syrian American Medical Society. The huge number of refugees displaced by attacks has left those that are still operating overwhelmed.

      “The tactic of attacking health and other civilian infrastructure in Syria is not new, displacement is not new, these are all chronic issues. But this is the biggest displacement ever, and it is much further beyond our capacity as NGOs to respond,” he said.

      Turkey, which backs Idlib’s rebel groups, is already home to 3.6 million Syrians and faces the dilemma of whether or not to absorb any of the newly displaced. A group were reportedly planning a protest march to the border at the weekend.

      The de-escalation deal brokered last autumn saved Idlib and the surrounding countryside from an impending government assault. At the time, aid agencies warned that a military campaign would put the lives of 3 million civilians at risk, and trigger the worst humanitarian crisis of an already protracted and bloody war.

      But the agreement has unravelled since January, when the hardline Islamist group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) wrested control of the area from more moderate rebels.

      Damascus and Moscow have said the HTS takeover legitimises the current campaign against Idlib as they are targeting terrorists not covered by the ceasefire deal.

      Many civilians in Idlib now feel they have been caught between the harsh rule of HTS and the intensified regime assault, and say that life has all but ground to a halt.

      “I was studying at Idlib university but I’ve had to stop going. So has my sister,” said 22-year-old Raja al-Assaad, from Ma’arat al-Nu’maan, which has been under heavy attack.

      “Some people have left to try to go to Turkey but the truth is that there is nowhere to go. Nowhere in Idlib is safe. And in my town we already have lots of people who have been displaced from lots of other areas of Syria.”

      “All normal life has shut down and there is nothing for us to do except wait for death.”

    • Russie/Syrie : Nouveau recours à des #armes interdites

      Ces attaques qui aggravent les souffrances des civils violent les normes du #droit_international.

      Les forces armées russes et syriennes ont utilisé de manière indiscriminée des armes interdites en vertu du droit international contre des zones civiles dans le nord-ouest de la Syrie au cours des dernières semaines, a déclaré Human Rights Watch aujourd’hui. Selon les Nations Unies, cette région est actuellement habitée par environ trois millions de civils, dont au moins la moitié sont des personnes déplacées ayant fui d’autres régions du pays.

      Depuis le 26 avril 2019, l’alliance militaire russo-syrienne a mené quotidiennement des centaines d’attaques contre des groupes antigouvernementaux dans les gouvernorats d’Idlib, de #Hama et d’#Alep,, tuant environ 200 civils, dont 20 enfants. L’alliance a utilisé contre des zones civiles densement peuplées des armes à sous-munitions et des armes incendiaires, pourtant interdites selon le droit international, ainsi que des barils d’explosifs (« #barrel_bombs ») largués sur ces zones, d’après des secouristes, des témoins et des informations disponibles via des sources en accès libre. Le 17 mai, le Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies a tenu une deuxième réunion d’urgence au sujet de la situation dans le nord-ouest de la Syrie, sans pour autant élaborer une stratégie précise pour protéger les civils qui y résident.

      « L’alliance militaire russo-syrienne utilise de manière indiscriminée contre des civils piégés une panoplie d’armes pourtant interdites par le droit international », a déclaré Lama Fakih, directrice par intérim de la division Moyen-Orient à Human Rights Watch. « Entretemps, la Russie exploite sa présence au Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies pour se protéger et pour protéger son allié à Damas, et pour poursuivre ces exactions contre des civils. »

      Les armes à sous-munitions peuvent être lancées depuis le sol par des systèmes d’artillerie, des roquettes et des projectiles, ou bien larguées depuis le ciel. Elles explosent généralement dans l’air, dispersant plusieurs petites bombes, ou sous-munitions, au-dessus d’une vaste zone. De nombreuses sous-munitions n’explosent toutefois pas lors de l’impact initial, ce qui laisse au sol de dangereux fragments explosifs qui, à l’instar des mines terrestres, peuvent mutiler et tuer, des années après.

      Les armes incendiaires, qui produisent de la chaleur et du feu par le bais de la réaction chimique d’une substance inflammable, provoquent des brûlures atroces et sont capables de détruire des maisons et d’autres structures civiles.

      La Convention de 2008 sur les armes à sous-munitions interdit l’utilisation d’armes à sous-munitions, tandis que le Protocole III de la Convention sur les armes classiques interdit certaines utilisations des armes incendiaires. La Russie et la Syrie ne font pas partie des 120 pays ayant adhéré à la Convention sur les armes à sous-munitions, mais la Russie est un État partie au Protocole sur les armes incendiaires.

    • La battaglia per Idlib

      Dal 26 aprile le forze del governo siriano, sostenute dall’assistenza militare russa, hanno intensificato un’offensiva a Idlib, nella provincia nord-occidentale della Siria, l’ultima roccaforte dell’opposizione armata al presidente Assad. A Idlib vivono quasi tre milioni di persone, metà delle quali sfollate internamente. Per questo gli accordi di Astana firmati proprio dalla Russia, insieme a Turchia e Iran, indicavano Idlib come una zona di de-escalation delle violenze. Un accordo però che non sembra più aver valore. Ieri la Russia ha bloccato una dichiarazione del Consiglio di sicurezza dell’ONU, con la quale il consiglio voleva lanciare un allarme per l’intensificarsi del intorno alla provincia di Idlib, con l’intento di scongiurare un disastro umanitario.

      Anche nel conflitto libico i civili sono quelli a pagare il prezzo più alto. Attualmente in Libia ci sono oltre 1 milione di persone bisognose di assistenza umanitaria e protezione. Non solo migranti e rifugiati, ma anche sfollati libici che vivono in condizioni di estrema marginalità sociale, senza accesso a cure e servizi essenziali e martoriati dal conflitto in corso. La campagna #Oltrelefrontiere ” promossa da CIR vuole migliorare il livello di protezione di migranti, rifugiati e sfollati interni, fornendo assistenza umanitaria e promuovendo la ricerca di soluzioni durature, per contribuire alla progressiva normalizzazione delle loro condizioni di vita.

  • #Typhus reaches ’epidemic levels’ in parts of #Los_Angeles area

    “Infection happens when the feces from infected fleas are rubbed into cuts or scrapes in the skin or rubbed into the eyes,” the county health department states on its website.

    Some experts, however, say the true culprit is the inhumane conditions the county’s expanding homeless population lives in.

    Typhus — Wikipédia

    [L]es mesures d’hygiène associées à l’utilisation d’insecticides, puis à l’antibiothérapie ont fait disparaître et même oublier l’importance et la gravité qu’avait le typhus avant les années 1950.

    #Etats-Unis #santé

  • » UPDATE: DEATH TOLL 58 in Israeli Military Assault on Gaza Protests
    IMEMC News - May 14, 2018 11:01 PM

    Updated: The Palestinian Health Ministry has confirmed that Israeli soldiers killed, Monday, 58 Palestinians, including six children and four officers of the Palestinian Ministry of Interior and National Security, in the Gaza Strip, and injured 2771.

    Among the slain Palestinians are six children, including one girl, and among the wounded are 122 children, and 44 women.
    The Palestinian Health Ministry reports that 1,204 Palestinians were injured with live ammunition. 79 were shot in their necks, 161 in their arms, 62 in the back and chests, 52 in their stomachs, and 1055 in their lower limbs.
    At least 203 of the injured were reported to be children, and 78 women.

    27 of the wounded Palestinians suffered very serious wounds, 59 serious injuries, 735 moderate wounds, and 882 suffered light wounds.

    Other injuries were as follows: three with rubber-coated steel bullets, 91 with shrapnel, 100 cuts and bruises and 737 suffered the effects of teargas inhalation.

    The Ministry of Interior and National Security said the four slain officers were performing their duties and national services when the soldiers shot them dead.

  • Rising death toll from health sector cuts in New Zealand - World Socialist Web Site

    New Zealand’s desperately underfunded healthcare system has resulted in shortened life expectancies, dying babies and increased suicides, according to recent media reports.

    Recently seven babies died within seven weeks at Waikato Hospital. On September 19, One News told the horrific story of Kate, a pregnant mother rushed to hospital when she started suffering severe pain. Due to staff shortages it took 12 hours for her to be seen by an obstetrician and a further 5 hours before she received a scan. She started vomiting black fluid and went into cardiac arrest, caused by an aneurysm that ruptured her uterus and leaked eight litres of blood into her abdomen.

    #nouvelle_zélande #santé #néolibéralisme

  • These 80 Programs Would Lose Federal Funding Under Trump’s Proposed Budget

    These 80 Programs Would Lose Federal Funding Under Trump’s Proposed Budget
    By David Ingold, Chloe Whiteaker, Michael Keller and Hannah Recht
    March 16, 2017

    U.S. President Donald Trump’s first budget proposal includes massive cuts across most of the federal government. The Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Agriculture face unprecedented discretionary funding cuts in excess of 25 percent, as Trump attempts to boost the military and national security.

    #états-unis #budget #trump #éducation #école #savoir #connaissance

  • New color-coding tool sheds light on blood disorders, cancers by tracking clonal stem cells
    News Medical Life Sciences

    A new color-coding tool is enabling scientists to better track live blood stem cells over time, a key part of understanding how blood disorders and cancers like leukemia arise, report researchers in Boston Children’s Hospital’s Stem Cell Research Program.

    In Nature Cell Biology they describe the use of their tool in zebrafish to track blood stem cells the fish are born with, the clones (copies) these cells make of themselves and the types of specialized blood cells they give rise to (red cells, white cells and platelets). Leonard Zon, MD, director of the Stem Cell Research Program and a senior author on the paper, believes the tool has many implications for hematology and cancer medicine since zebrafish are surprisingly similar to humans genetically.
    It’s like an RGB television set, where red, blue and green give you the whole spectrum of colors,” explains Zon. “In our system, the enzyme cuts out different parts —blue, for example, or green and blue — so the stem cell will end up a different shade of color. In this way, we were able to mark each stem cell being born with a different color, and then follow the colors through development and see how many stem cells of each color were present in the adult fish.

    Other scientists have developed tracking systems based on genetic “barcodes.” But these require dissecting the cells, so cannot analyze living, circulating cell populations.

  • Toddlers burn to death in Gaza blaze blamed on power cuts | Middle East Eye | Mohammed Omer |
    Saturday 7 May 2016

    AL-SHATI REFUGEE CAMP, Gaza - The toddlers’ bed stands in the middle of the ash-scorched and smoke-stained room. Next to it lie the bodies of Yousra , aged three, Rahaf , aged two, and Naser al-Hindi , six months old, who all burnt to death here.

    The three bodies are distorted and unrecognisable. A few scorched toys are scattered around them while their heartbroken father, Mohammed al-Hindi, looks on in shock, hardly able to accept they are really his children.

    Walking through the once colourful small apartment in al-Shati, one of the poorest refugee camps in Gaza, it is almost impossible to tell which room was once the kitchen, the bedroom and the toilet because everything has melted into one.

    When the building caught fire late on Friday night, no one living nearby was able to break in, with neighbours eventually smashing a hole through the wall in a failed attempt to rescue the children.

    The deaths of the children has enraged local residents who believe that the fire is a cruel consequence of the impact of the decade-long blockade by Israel and Egypt and a local power struggle between Hamas and Fatah which has made living conditions increasingly intolerable.

    The incident has also reminded Gazans of the case of a family in the eastern city of Shejayeh who were burnt to death in a fire caused by a candle three years ago.

    Mahmood Dhier, 32, his wife Samar, and their four children, Mahmoud, six, Nabil, five, Farah, four, and Qamar, four months, all died in the blaze.


    • Hamas: Israel and its ’accomplices’ responsible for death of 3 siblings in Gaza fire
      May 7, 2016 5:28 P.M. (Updated: May 8, 2016 2:09 P.M.)

      GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — A senior Hamas official blamed Israel and its “accomplices” — an implicit jab at the Palestinian Authority — for the house fire that killed three siblings and left three others seriously burned on Friday night in al-Shati refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip.

      On Saturday during the funeral for the three children, Ismail Haniyeh said: “The enemy’s warplanes have been burning lands and houses, while Israel’s crippling siege imposed on Gaza and its accomplices are now burning our children.”

      The house fire was caused by candles that the family used during a power cut, Gaza’s civil defense services told Ma’an Friday. Local medical sources identified the victims as three-year-old Yusra Muhammad Abu Hindi , two-year-old Rahaf Muhammad Abu Hindi , and two-month-old Nasser Muhammad Abu Hindi .

      “Should Gaza — whose people live under a crippling blockade — be blamed?” he asked, likely implying that Hamas, the Gaza Strip’s de facto ruling party, could not be held responsible for the besieged coastal enclave’s energy crisis.

      “Who has been taking $70 million dollars a month in taxes from Gaza? Who has been collecting fuel taxes? Who refused to enlarge the power supply from Egypt to the Gaza Strip and refused to build a pipeline to provide Gaza’s power station with gas to increase its capacity?” Haniyeh continued, listing a set of policy decisions imposed by the Palestinian Authority (PA).

  • Better to cut one’s ear, than to listen to Russian propaganda - KyivPost

    Activists stand near a banner featuring Vincent Van Gogh’s self-portrait with the cut off ear which reads: “Don’t listen to Russian propaganda” near the Dutch Embassy in Kyiv on Feb. 5. The activists called upon Netherlands to not trust Russian propaganda against Ukraine ahead of a referendum on an association agreement of the European Union with Ukraine, which will take place on April 6.

    The slogans on the posters are:"Better to cut one’s ear, than to listen to Russian propaganda", “Netherlands is a friend of Ukraine”, “Ukraine is Europe”.
    Netherlands, EU, Association agreement, Russian propaganda

  • German police fire water cannons to disperse protesters amid clashes in Cologne | News | DW.COM | 09.01.2016

    The North Rhine-Westphalian chapter of the anti-migration PEGIDA group and far-right organizations called the demonstration in the wake of a series of sexual assaults and robberies targeting women in the inner city of Cologne on New Year’s Eve. Police said on Saturday they had received 379 complaints so far, with some 40 percent having to do with some form of sexual harassment.

    Growing tensions in German society

    Eyewitnesses said most of the offenders looked to be of North African or Arab origin. The incidents have fueled xenophobic sentiment in some quarters of German society, as the country struggles to cope with a huge influx of refugees and migrants, most of them coming from the Middle East and Africa.

    The demonstrators protesting against Germany’s current refugee policies, who numbered some 1,700 people according to police estimates, were confronted by an estimated 1,300 counter-demonstrators, who also gathered near the train station.

    More than 2,000 state and federal police were tasked with keeping the two groups apart.

    Several PEGIDA supporters were ushered out of the area by police after the protest was dispersed, according to Dana Regev.

    Police in #Cologne escorted #PEGIDA demonstrators out of the area, hoping they will independently return home
    — Dana Regev (@Dana_Regev) January 9, 2016

    There were reports of several arrests, and a number of people were injured, including with cuts to their faces, according to DPA news agency.

    Police said three officers and a reporter were injured in clashes with the PEGIDA supporters.

    Police said half of those attending the PEGIDA rally were football hooligans and right-wing extremists. A spokeswoman said some of the hooligans were known to police and came from the eastern city of Dresden..

    Cologne-based organization HoGeSa, short for Hooligans against Salafists, mobilised their members on social networks to join Cologne’s Pegida (Koegida) rally, Wednesday.
    HoGeSa hit headlines when they injured 50 police officers in clashes during a demonstration in October 2014.
    Pegida’s popularity has continued to rise since they were formed in late 2014. The organisation’s last demonstration in Dresden drew around 18,000 - 19,000 people. That’s compared to 500 people at an October rally in the same city.

    Diffusé en direct le 9 janv. 2016

    Supporters of the Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West (PEGIDA) are rallying outside Cologne’s main train station. A counter-protest is taking place at the same location. The demonstrations come in the wake of mass assaults against women that took place during New Year’s Eve celebrations

  • Palestinian killed near Ibrahimi Mosque after soldier lightly injured
    Oct. 29, 2015

    HEBRON (Ma’an) - A 23-year-old Palestinian was shot dead by an Israeli border policeman near the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron after an alleged attack on an Israeli soldier.

    An eyewitness told Ma’an that he saw an Israeli soldier shoot at the Palestinian, hitting him in the shoulder.

    “Then the Israeli soldier approached him and shot him in the head and dropped a knife near his body,” the eyewitnesses added.

    Another eyewitness said he saw the Palestinian running before Israeli soldiers shot him. “The boy fell to the ground before the soldiers took off his clothes and wrapped him in a black sack.”

    Ma’an could not verify claims that a knife was planted at the scene.

    The Palestinian was identified as Mahdi Muhammad Ramadan al-Muhtasib .

    The Israeli army said that a Palestinian attacked and stabbed a soldier near the Tomb of Patriachs when “forces responded and shot the attacker.”

    Israeli media reported that after lightly wounding a soldier with a cut to the face, the suspect tried to attack a border policeman who shot and killed him.

    Nearby schools were evacuated following the attack as clashes broke out in the area.

    Eyewitnesses initially identified the suspect as a teenager but the Palestinian Ministry of Health later reported the man’s age as 23.

    The man’s identitity has yet to be confirmed. He is one of around 20 Palestinians to be killed in the Hebron district this month, five of whom were children.

    The majority were shot dead in Hebron city, in most cases after Israel alleged they attempted to carry out stabbing attacks on Israelis.

    #Palestine #Assassinat #Palestine_assassinée

  • Emails Show Close Ties Between #Heritage_Foundation and #Lockheed_Martin

    When the Pentagon decided in 2009 to cut funding for Lockheed Martin’s F-22 Raptor fighter jet — a weapons system with cost overruns in the billions of dollars that has rarely seen combat — the Heritage Foundation fought tooth and nail to restore taxpayer money for the planes.

    Heritage depicted its support for the F-22 as a matter of vital national security. But what the public didn’t know is that Lockheed Martin, a corporate donor to the conservative think tank, met with Heritage officials on nearly a monthly basis to discuss the F-22 and other defense industry priorities.

    Internal emails leaked online show at least 15 meetings in 2008 and 2009 between officials at Heritage and Lockheed Martin, including one with Bill Inglee, who at the time served as a senior lobbyist at Lockheed Martin.

    #conflit_d'intérêt #manipulation#experts#va-t-en-guerre

  • Leaked Sony Emails: State Department Approved Death Scene of Kim Jong-Un in “The Interview”

    The Daily Beast has unearthed several emails that reveal at least two U.S. government officials screened a rough cut of the #Kim_Jong-Un assassination comedy The Interview in late June and gave the film—including a final scene that sees the dictator’s head explode—their blessing.

    The claim that the State Department played an active role in the decision to include the film’s gruesome death scene is likely to cause fury in Pyongyang. Emails between the Sony Entertainment CEO and a security consultant even appear to suggest the U.S. government may support the notion that The Interview would be useful propaganda against the North Korean regime.


  • #Gaza « miracle baby » dies due to power cuts

    A premature baby rescued by Gaza doctors from her dead mother’s womb last week has died due to complications and power cuts affecting the intensive care unit where she was treated. The six-day-old baby was born by emergency Caesarean section Friday after doctors at Deir al-Balah hospital in central Gaza managed to save her from the womb of her mother, who died when an Israeli tank shell hit her home. The mother, 23-year-old Shayma al-Sheikh Qanan, had been eight months pregnant, and the baby was named after her. read more

    #Israel #Palestine

  • #UN: Syrian mother’s self-immolation highlights desperation of #refugees

    A UN official said a Syrian refugee in #Lebanon who doused herself with petrol and set herself alight after her aid was cut was a victim of a lack of funding for the world body’s work. The millionth Syrian refugee will register in Lebanon on Thursday, the UN refugee agency says, adding to the strain on a county of only 4 million which is struggling to stop the war from flooding into its territory. read more

    #Mariam_al-Khawli #syria #Top_News #UNHCR

  • Why the U.S. Military Is Into Bee Brain Surgery - Issue 11: Light

    A surgeon wielding a micro-scalpel cuts through the head capsule of her subject, the nocturnal sweat bee Megalopta genalis, in a lab at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama. The surgeon, a researcher working under Dr. Eric Warrant, of Lund University in Sweden, inserts a glass electrode thinner than a micrometer into the bee’s brain. She is trying to pierce something very small—a monopolar cell in a layer at the top of the brain called the lamina. Warrant believes these cells are responsible for a trick called neural summation, which helps the bees maximize the use of light photons to see in their dark habitat—the dense tangled undergrowth of the nighttime Panamanian rainforest. “It seems that these bees are able to do something that almost defies physics,” says Warrant, (...)

  • Many cities in Turkey face power cuts over the weekend

    Many of Turkey’s cities faced power cuts due to efficiency measures against rising natural gas demand at the weekend.

    Due to cold weather conditions in the country, the demand for natural gas increased, and to balance the natural gas supply, the power supply was also reduced. There were power cuts in several cities, including Istanbul and Ankara, on Dec. 14. Citizens are unhappy with the move and a number of protests were held in different provinces throughout the country after the cuts.

    #gaz naturel

  • Public health sector in Gaza faces disaster under tightened siege | Occupied Palestine | فلسطين

    Public health sector in Gaza faces disaster under tightened siege

    September 21, 2013 by occupiedpalestine 0 Comments


    Intensive care medical units such as this one at the Al-Emarati Hospital in Gaza face significant cuts to their power and medical supplies

    Middle East Monitor | Sept 21, 2013

    The Minister of Health in Gaza has urged the international community to put pressure on Israel and Egypt to lift the siege and allow medicines, medical supplies and basic construction material to be allowed into the beleaguered territory.

    Dr Mofeed Mokhalalati said that the health sector in the Gaza Strip faces a real disaster under the tightened siege following the closure of the Rafah border crossing by the Egyptian government.

    “Of the medicines on the essential drugs list,” said Dr Mokhalalati, “145 items have completely run out.”

    The Rafah closure, he added, also means that there are around 1,000 patients who are unable to be sent for specialist treatment in Egypt, in addition to 300 more who have been referred there by the health ministry.

    The minister pointed out that the border closure also deprives patients in the Gaza Strip of the services of visiting medical professionals who travel to the territory to share their skills and perform life-saving surgery free of charge.

    Appealing to the people of Egypt to ease the suffering of their brothers and sisters in Gaza, Dr Mokhalalati warned that the shortage of diesel fuel is having a major effect on the ability of hospitals and medical centres to function properly.

    “Health centres alone each need 360 litres a month for emergency generators as the electricity supply is only connected for 12 hours a day,” he said.

    Dr Mokhalalati urged human rights organisations, including the International Committee of the Red Cross, the UN Organisation for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs and the World Health Organisation to support Palestinians’ right to health provision and their freedom of movement.

    He appealed for urgent supplies of medicines, disposables, medical supplies and fuel to keep the health sector operating across Gaza.

  • A Siren Song For Lebanon

    It has become a cliché to say that Lebanon is standing at the precipice of war. Without a government or hope of one, with a security state that has decided it is the government, with sectarian hatred at its highest since the civil war, growing inflation and unemployment, rampant corruption and cronyism, economic, and sectarian segregation (or attempts at it) cripple a country that is already overrun with guns and drugs and anxiety, grating with xenophobia and sexism and riddled with chronic electricity and water cuts, groaning infrastructure, a criminal and parasitic political class, and a seemingly endless tolerance for stasis. Refugees fleeing violence and displacement and death in Palestine, Syria, Iraq, and Sudan have tried to find peace here, but there is no peace to be found in Lebanon. The country and populace has yet to resolve, or question, or address, the underlying reasons for the long war that began in 1975, fanned out as ceasefire in 1989, and is always threatening to re-ignite.


    The debts caused by arms sales were often a result of corrupt deals between government officials but are being paid for by ordinary people facing savage cuts in social services.

    Investigations of an arms deal signed by Portugal in 2004 to buy two submarines for one billion euros, agreed by then-prime minister Manuel Barroso (now President of the EU Commission) have identified more than a dozen suspicious brokerage and consulting agreements that cost Portugal at least €34 million. Up to eight arms deals signed by the Greek government since the late 1990s are being investigated by judicial authorities for possible illegal bribes and kickbacks to state officials and politicians.

    According to the Economist, German businesses were reckoned in 1999 to pay “more than $3 billion a year all told to win contracts abroad”. In the international arms trade, “probably the world’s dirtiest legitimate business, one estimate reckons that roughly $2.5 billion a year is paid in bribes, nearly a tenth of turnover”.

    In 2011, German prosecutors succeeded in convicting two former managers of Ferrostaal for paying €62 million in bribes to key Greek and Portuguese officials in connection with the submarine deals.142 At the time Ferrostaal explicitly denied ever having paid bribes for the deals.143 The two former Ferrostaal managers were given quite lenient sentences, while Ferrostaal itself was fined €140 million for ‘obtaining an economic advantage’ through its two employees.

    Up to eight arms deals signed by the Greek government since
    the late 1990s are being investigated by judicial authorities
    for possible illegal bribes and kickbacks to state officials and
    politicians, according to the Greek newspaper Kathimerini.

    Among these is the purchase of US-made Patriot missiles and
    the German submarine deal. “Investigators are probing bank
    accounts and offshore companies in a bid to trace millions of
    euros received by senior state officials as sweeteners for the
    arms deals. Kathimerini understands that two cases involve
    possible offenses committed by two defense ministers who
    served before 2006.” Suspicious payments were reportedly
    made via Austria, the Caribbean, Liberia and Cyprus.

    Former defence minister Akis Tsochatzopoulos, his wife and
    17 others are to stand trial, from April 2013, for kickbacks
    from arms purchases. Tsochatzopoulos, a founding member
    of the PASOK socialist party, is alleged to have pocketed €20
    million in kickbacks between 1998 and 2001, including €8 million from Ferrostaal in the submarine deal.

    The submarine corruption scandals are not limited to Greece
    and Portugal. Questionable payments were also involved
    in the sale of German submarines to South Korea....

    Another case under scrutiny has been the €1.7 billion sale of
    170 Leopard tanks to Greece by Kassel-based KMW, which
    denied having paid bribes for the deal.161 The refusal of cooperation from the Virgin Islands, a key link in the money trail,
    has stymied this investigation however.

    Corruption in Greece is frequently singled out as a cause
    for waste but at the same time companies like Ferrostaal
    and Siemens are pioneers in the practice. A big part of our
    defence spending is bound up with bribes, black money
    that funds the [mainstream] political class in a nation
    where governments have got away with it by long playing
    on peoples’ fears.”16

  • European research chief warns that austerity is hitting science excellence : Nature

    The head of the European Research Council has warned that national austerity programmes threaten research excellence in Spain and Ireland, and expressed fears that both young and experienced researchers will abandon the countries as a result of public spending cuts.

    #recherche #austérité #europe

  • IMF head: Greeks should pay their taxes

    On children affected by the cuts, Lagarde said their parents needed to take responsibility.

    “Parents have to pay their tax,” she was quoted as saying.

    “I think more of the little kids from a school in a little village in Niger who get teaching two hours a day, sharing one chair for three of them, and who are very keen to get an education,” she said.

    “I have them in my mind all the time. Because I think they need even more help than the people in Athens.”

    Ouh là, Christine, t’oses!

  • Connerie de la censure : grâce à la liste officielle dite « video nasty », chacun dispose aujourd’hui d’une liste des meilleurs films zarbis à se procurer de toute urgence.

    “Video nasty” was a colloquial term coined in the United Kingdom by 1982[1] which originally applied to a number of films distributed on video cassette that were criticized for their violent content by the press, commentators such as Mary Whitehouse and various religious organizations.

    While violence in films released to cinemas had received attention from an official body, the British Board of Film Censorship, for many years, the lack of a regulatory system for video sales combined with the claim that any film could fall into children’s hands led to public debate. Many of these “video nasties” were low-budget horror films produced in Italy and the United States. The furore created by the response to video nasties led to the introduction of the Video Recordings Act 1984 which imposed a stricter code of censorship on videos than was required for cinema release.

    Prosecuted Films
    – Absurd (original title: Rosso Sangue; AKA Horrible; The Monster Hunter; Anthropophagus 2 — released with 2m 32s cut in 1983, but was withdrawn post VRA, and has never been re-submitted for classification. Has a release in the United States uncut under the title Horrible)
    – Anthropophagous: The Beast (original title: Antropophagus; AKA Anthropophagous; Antropofago; Gomia, Terror en el Mar Egeo; Man Beast: Man-Eater; The Savage Island — released with approximately 3m of pre-cuts as “The Grim Reaper” in 2002. Has a release in the United States uncut under the title Antropophagus: The Grim Reaper)
    Axe (AKA Lisa, Lisa; California Axe Murder; The Axe Murders — released with 19s cut in 1999, re-released uncut in 2005)
    – The Beast in Heat (original title: La Bestia in Calore) (Banned outright)
    – Blood Bath (original title: Reazione a Catena; AKA A Bay of Blood; Twitch of the Death Nerve — released with 43s cut in 1994, released uncut in 2010)
    – Blood Feast (released with 23s cut in 2001, re-released uncut in 2005)
    – Blood Rites (original title: The Ghastly Ones) (Banned outright)
    – Bloody Moon (original title: Die Säge des Todes — released with 1m 20s cut in 1993, released uncut November 2008)
    – The Burning (released with 19s cut in 1992, re-released uncut in 2001)
    – Cannibal Apocalypse (original title: Apocalypse Domani — released with 2s cut in 2005)
    – Cannibal Ferox (alternate title: Make Them Die Slowly — released with approximately 6m of pre-cuts plus 6s of additional cuts in 2000)
    – Cannibal Holocaust (released in 2001 with 5m 44s cut to remove most animal cruelty and rape scenes, new version approved with 15s cut in 2011[13])
    – The Cannibal Man (original title: La Semana del Asesino; AKA The Apartment on the 13th Floor — released with 3s cut in 1993)
    – Devil Hunter (original title: Il cacciatore di uomini) (Passed uncut November 2008)
    – Don’t Go in the Woods (released uncut in 2007)
    – The Driller Killer (released with cuts in 1999 — re-released uncut in 2002, now considered to be public domain[14][15][16][17][18])
    – Evilspeak (released with 3m 34s cut in 1987, re-released uncut in 2004)
    – Exposé (released with 30s cut in 1997)
    – Faces of Death (released with 2m 19s cut in 2003)
    – Fight for Your Life (Banned outright)
    – Flesh for Frankenstein (AKA Andy Warhol’s Frankenstein — passed with 56s cut in 1996, re-released uncut in 2006)
    – Forest of Fear (AKA Toxic Zombies; Bloodeaters — re-released uncut in 2006)
    – Gestapo’s Last Orgy (original title: L’ultima orgia del III Reich) (Banned outright)
    – The House by the Cemetery (original title: Quella villa accanto al cimitero — passed with over 4 mins cut in 1988, re-released with 33s cut in 2001, released uncut in 2009)
    – The House on the Edge of the Park (original title: La casa sperduta nel parco — released with 11m 43s cut in 2002, re-released with 42s cut in 2011)
    – I Spit on Your Grave (original title: Day of the Woman — released with 7m 2s cut in 2001, re-released with 3 mins cut in 2010)
    – Island of Death (original title: Ta Pedhia tou dhiavolou — released with 4m 9s cut in 2002, released uncut September, 2010)
    – The Last House on the Left (refused a video certificate and passed with 31s cut in 2002, passed uncut on the 17th March, 2008)
    – Love Camp 7 (refused a certificate in 2002) (Banned outright)
    – Madhouse (original title: There Was a Little Girl — released uncut in 2004)
    – Mardi Gras Massacre (Banned outright)
    – Night of the Bloody Apes (original title: La Horripilante bestia humana — released with approximately 1m of pre-cuts in 1999; later released uncut in 2002)
    – Night of the Demon (released with 1m 41s cut in 1994)
    – Nightmares in a Damaged Brain (re-released with pre-cuts in 2005)
    – Snuff (Passed uncut in 2003, however it has not yet been re-released)
    – SS Experiment Camp (original title: Lager SSadis Kastrat Kommandantur — released uncut in 2005)
    – Tenebrae (original title: Tenebre — released with 5s cut in 1999, re-released uncut in 2003)
    – The Werewolf and the Yeti (original title: La Maldición de la Bestia) (Banned outright)
    – Zombie Flesh Eaters (original title: Zombi 2; AKA Zombie — released with 23s cut in 1999, re-released uncut in 2005)

    À noter que ce genre de liste (façon liste Pasqua, un peu plus tard) joue sur le même effet de mélange de trucs qui n’ont pas grand chose à voir entre eux. Certains films, là-dedans, sont carrément excellents (y’a tout de même un Mario Bava, un Dario Argento, un Paul Morrissey, du Lucio Fulci, un Joe d’Amato, un Wes Craven… faut le faire…).

  • AP Interview: Ban warns Palestinians over agencies - Yahoo! News (via @angryarab)

    Palestinian efforts to join U.N. agencies beyond its cultural arm are “not beneficial for anybody” and could lead to cuts in funding sure to affect millions of people, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon warned Thursday.

    In an Associated Press interview, the U.N. chief reiterated the world body’s support for a viable, independent Palestinian state — but lamented the Palestinian Authority’s efforts to join U.N. affiliates before the U.N. itself.