
  • Gene Editing for ‘Designer Babies’? Highly Unlikely, Scientists Say - The New York Times

    Here is what science is highly unlikely to be able to do: genetically predestine a child’s Ivy League acceptance letter, front-load a kid with Stephen Colbert’s one-liners, or bake Beyonce’s vocal range into a baby.

    That’s because none of those talents arise from a single gene mutation, or even from an easily identifiable number of genes. Most human traits are nowhere near that simple.

    “Right now, we know nothing about genetic enhancement,” said Hank Greely, director of the Center for Law and the Biosciences at Stanford. “We’re never going to be able to say, honestly, ‘This embryo looks like a 1550 on the two-part SAT.’”

    Even with an apparently straightforward physical characteristic like height, genetic manipulation would be a tall order. Some scientists estimate height is influenced by as many as 93,000 genetic variations. A recent study identified 697 of them.

    Talents and traits aren’t the only thing that are genetically complex. So are most physical diseases and psychiatric disorders. The genetic message is not carried in a 140-character tweet — it resembles a shelf full of books with chapters, subsections and footnotes.

    So embryonic editing is unlikely to prevent most medical problems.

    But about 10,000 medical conditions are linked to specific mutations, including Huntington’s disease, cancers caused by BRCA genes, Tay-Sachs disease, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, and some cases of early-onset Alzheimer’s. Repairing the responsible mutations in theory could eradicate these diseases from the so-called germline, the genetic material passed from one generation to the next. No future family members would inherit them.

    A composite image showing the development of embryos after injection of a gene-correcting enzyme and sperm from a donor with a genetic mutation known to cause hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Credit Oregon Health & Science University

    But testing editing approaches on each mutation will require scientists to find the right genetic signpost, often an RNA molecule, to guide the gene-snipping tool.

    #génomique #designer_baby #thérapeutique_génique #CRISPR

  • Édulcorants artificiels : leurs dangers enfin prouvés ?
    Une nouvelle étude a découvert un lien entre les édulcorants artificiels et plusieurs problèmes de santé, parmi lesquels la prise de poids à long terme, le risque accru d’obésité, le diabète, l’hypertension et les maladies cardiaques.

    « Il convient de rester prudent tant que les effets des édulcorants artificiels à long terme sur la santé ne sont pas complètement connus », explique Meghan Azad, auteure principale de l’étude, dont l’équipe au Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba est également en train d’étudier les effets de la consommation d’édulcorants artificiels pendant la grossesse sur la prise de poids, le métabolisme et la flore intestinale de l’enfant.

    Artificial sweeteners linked with weight gain, little health benefit

    Two-thirds of Americans are overweight, and those who diet sometimes turn to alternative sweeteners — including aspartame, sucralose and stevioside — to cut calories.

    Now, a new review of many studies suggests that doing so might not be the best idea.

    The scientists took a comprehensive look at more than 11,000 studies and found that, for overweight individuals or those with high blood pressure (hypertension) or diabetes, the benefits of consuming zero-calorie, “non-nutritive sweeteners” were modest to nil. For other people, there was an increased risk of weight gain, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, stroke and heart disease. [7 Biggest Diet Myths]

    “Overall, the evidence does not support the intended purpose of weight loss and suggests that there might be adverse effects in the long term,” said Meghan Azad, lead author of the review and an assistant professor at the University of Manitoba.

    Previous research had suggested that non-nutritive sweeteners were not the healthiest choice, but those studies were smaller in scope than the new review, and tended to focus on one outcome at a time, said Azad, who researches the development of chronic diseases.

    Regular Consumption of Artificial Sweeteners Linked to Increased Risk of Obesity, Diabetes, Other Health Issues
    A literature review of 37 studies has found that regular consumption of artificial sweeteners is associated with long-term weight gain and an increased risk of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.

    dossier #edulcorants (nb : je suit hyper intolerante aux edulcorants de synthèse, qui sont parfois cachés dans certains produits d’où le suivi de ce sujet.) #alimentation #bombe_a_retardement

  • Cartographie De La Sensibilite Aux Maladies Environnementales Respiratoires Dans Le District Sanitaire De Koumassi-Port-Bouët-Vridi (Sud De La Côte d’Ivoire) (pdf) | Paperity


    Cartographie De La Sensibilite Aux Maladies Environnementales Respiratoires Dans Le District Sanitaire De Koumassi-Port-Bouët-Vridi (Sud De La Côte d’Ivoire)

    European Scientific Journal, Feb 2017
    Kouame Adonis Krou Damien
    Fofana Kandana Eve Maïmouna
    Mobio Abaka Brice Hervé
    Kassi Ahon Jean-Baptiste
    Kouame Koffi Fernand
    Djagoua Eric M’moi Valère

    In Côte d’Ivoire morbidity causes are related to diseases such as malaria, diarrhea, and acute respiratory infections (ARI), which are constantly evolving. Koumasi and Port-Bouet are the most affected municipalities in the country. This study aims to find environmental determinants of spatial distribution of the ARIs and identify the most sensitive areas to take action for prevention and effective control and targeted in order to reduce the prevalence of ARI. To achieve this goal, we have identified environmental factors associated with the occurrence of ARI. Different environmental and cartographic data were integrated into a GIS. A multi-criteria analysis was performed to determine the environmental parameters that expose more people to the occurrence of the IRA and the weights of these parameters. The combination of exposure maps was used to map the sensitivity to IRA. Multi-criteria analysis revealed that refuse dumps have the highest influence in the occurrence of the disease, followed by industrial facilities and permanent wastewater. The ARI sensitivity map obtained shows that neighborhoods Nord-est 2 and Zone industrielle in Koumassi municipality are most susceptible to ARI. In the municipality of Port-Bouet sensitivity is more pronounced at Vridi canal and Vridi 3. Special attention should therefore be granted these neighborhoods.

    #santé #côte_d_ivoire #cartographie #pollurion #environnement cc @fil

  • Changing diseases | Tableau Public

    It appears that the regions with a high growth in Nutritional Deficiencies related deaths, are predominately the areas with a decline in fatal Musculoskeletal Disorders. Lack of physical activity could be a leading factor to explain this phenomenon.

    #carto #santé

  • Scientist: Cancer Fears From Hiroshima Nuke Were Exaggerated | The Daily Caller

    Survivors of the two atomic bombings that ended World War II didn’t suffer from as many negative health effects as commonly believed, according to a new study.

    A study funded by the Japanese and U.S. governments examined data from more than 100 studies and found the long-term effects of radiation weren’t nearly as bad as originally believed. Individuals most exposed to the bomb’s radiation were more likely to develop cancer, but had an average life expectancy only 1.3 years shorter than the national average.

    There’s an enormous gap between that belief and what has actually been found by researchers,” Bertrand Jordan, a molecular biologist and lead author of the analysis, said in a Friday press statement.

    Of the 44,635 exposed to the Hiroshima bomb, Jordan only found 848 additional cases of cancer. The cancer risk of Hiroshima survivors only increased by 42 percent, meaning the cancer risk of surviving a nuclear bombing are comparable to that of smoking. Overestimation of radiation risk could have huge implications for nuclear power.

    • Résumé de l’article

      The Hiroshima/Nagasaki Survivor Studies: Discrepancies Between Results and General Perception | Genetics

      The explosion of atom bombs over the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 resulted in very high casualties, both immediate and delayed but also left a large number of survivors who had been exposed to radiation, at levels that could be fairly precisely ascertained. Extensive follow-up of a large cohort of survivors (120,000) and of their offspring (77,000) was initiated in 1947 and continues to this day. In essence, survivors having received 1 Gy irradiation (∼1000 mSV) have a significantly elevated rate of cancer (42% increase) but a limited decrease of longevity (∼1 year), while their offspring show no increased frequency of abnormalities and, so far, no detectable elevation of the mutation rate. Current acceptable exposure levels for the general population and for workers in the nuclear industry have largely been derived from these studies, which have been reported in more than 100 publications. Yet the general public, and indeed most scientists, are unaware of these data: it is widely believed that irradiated survivors suffered a very high cancer burden and dramatically shortened life span, and that their progeny were affected by elevated mutation rates and frequent abnormalities. In this article, I summarize the results and discuss possible reasons for this very striking discrepancy between the facts and general beliefs about this situation.

      THE first (and only) two A-bombs used in war were detonated over Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945. Casualties were horrendous, approximately 100,000 in each city including deaths in the following days from severe burns and radiation. Although massive bombing of cities had already taken place with similar death tolls (e.g., Dresden, Hamburg, and Tokyo, the latter with 100,000 casualties on March 9, 1945), the devastation caused by a single bomb was unheard of and remains one of the most horrifying events in the past century. The people who had survived the explosions were soon designated as Hibakusha and were severely discriminated against in Japanese society, as (supposedly) carriers of (contagious?) radiation diseases and potential begetters of malformed offspring. While not reaching such extremes, the dominant present-day image of the aftermath of the Hiroshima/Nagasaki bombings, in line with the general perception of radiation risk (Ropeik 2013; Perko 2014), is that it left the sites heavily contaminated, that the survivors suffered very serious health consequences, notably a very high rate of cancer and other debilitating diseases, and that offspring from these survivors had a highly increased rate of genetic defects. In fact, the survivors have been the object of massive and careful long-term studies whose results to date do not support these conceptions and indicate, instead, measurable but limited detrimental health effects in survivors, and no detectable genetic effects in their offspring. This Perspectives article does not provide any new data; rather, its aim is to summarize the results of the studies undertaken to date, which have been published in more than 100 papers (most of them in international journals), and to discuss why they seem to have had so little impact beyond specialized circles.

  • People in Latvia slow to use free cancer screenings

    Since the second most common cause for death in Latvia is cancer, Ministry of Health started a programme seven years ago (2009) offering free cancer screenings. Unfortunately data shows that during this time period even half has not used this possibility.
    Last year there were registered 11 123 cancer pacients, and half of them have either breast, prostate, skin, intestinal or lung cancer. All of these diseases could have been found in early stages.
    For example, out of 199 109 women that were invited to have breast screening, only 25% used this possibility last year.
    Latvijā valsts apmaksāta savlaicīgas vēža atklāšanas programma tiek īstenota kopš 2009. gada, taču šajos septiņos gados nav izdevies panākt, ka uz pārbaudēm atnāktu kaut vai puse uzaicināto. Pēdējos gados gan rādītāji nedaudz uzlabojas, taču, lai sistēma pilnībā strādātu, jādomā ne tikai par pašu skrīningu, bet arī turpmāko - tā sauktais zaļais koridors joprojām īsti nedarbojas. Veselības ministrijā gan sola, ka būs risinājums, piektdien lasāms avīzē Diena.

    #Latvia #Latvija #Cancer #Health

  • Scientists stunned by what they find in hospitals

    The study found that many doctors and nurses don’t practice basic hand hygiene unless they are being monitored — and this is putting patients at risk of deadly diseases, according to an Association for Professionals in Infection Control statement.
    The level of hand hygiene compliance when staff did not know they were being watched was surprising,°” said Maricris Niles, MA, infection prevention analyst, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, California. “°This study demonstrated to us that hand hygiene observations are influenced by the Hawthorne Effect and that unknown observers should be used to get the most accurate hand hygiene data.

  • Sick and tired: a look at the health of Europe’s new migrants

    In an attempt to flee the horrors of war in the Middle East, refugees like those in the Basroch neighborhood of #Grande-Synthe, #France are plagued by layers of diseases, injuries, and trauma.
    #santé #maladie #asile #migrations #réfugiés #traumatisme #campement
    via @forumasile (twitter)

  • PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases: Diseases Neglected by the Media in Espírito Santo, Brazil in 2011–2012


    The aims of the present study were to identify and analyse the Diseases Neglected by the Media (DNMs) via a comparison between the most important health issues to the population of Espírito Santo, Brazil, from the epidemiological perspective (health value) and their effective coverage by the print media, and to analyse the DNMs considering the perspective of key journalists involved in the dissemination of health topics in the state media.

    Morbidity and mortality data were collected from official documents and from Health Information Systems. In parallel, the diseases reported in the two major newspapers of Espírito Santo in 2011–2012 were identified from 10,771 news articles. Concomitantly, eight interviews were conducted with reporters from the two newspapers to understand the journalists’ reasons for the coverage or neglect of certain health/disease topics.

    Principal Findings
    Quantitatively, the DNMs identified diseases associated with poverty, including tuberculosis, leprosy, schistosomiasis, leishmaniasis, and trachoma. Apart from these, diseases with outbreaks in the period evaluated, including whooping cough and meningitis, some cancers, respiratory diseases, ischaemic heart disease, and stroke, were also seldom addressed by the media. In contrast, dengue fever, acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), diabetes, breast cancer, prostate cancer, tracheal cancer, and bronchial and lung cancers were broadly covered in the period analysed, corroborating the tradition of media disclosure of these diseases. Qualitatively, the DNMs included rare diseases, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), leishmaniasis, Down syndrome, and verminoses. The reasons for the neglect of these topics by the media included the political and economic interests of the newspapers, their editorial line, and the organizational routine of the newsrooms.

    Media visibility acts as a strategy for legitimising priorities and contextualizing various realities. Therefore, we propose that the health problems identified should enter the public agenda and begin to be recognized as legitimate demands.

  • Code Blue
    un site qui dénonce les #abus_sexuels des #casques_bleus et réclame la fin de l’impunité

    Media exposés of widespread rape and sexual violence always shock the public. But no accounts are more abhorrent than those of women and children trapped in armed conflicts – often homeless, hungry, weak and impoverished – whose elation at the arrival of a UN peacekeeping operation turns to horror. From adolescent girls trafficked by UN peacekeepers to underground brothels in the former Yugoslavia, to refugees forced to provide sex for their food rations, and women and children violently raped in Haiti, Darfur, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the past two decades have brought stunning reports of sexual violence committed against defenseless civilians by the peacekeepers sent to shield them from more harm. The stories rarely end with justice served. Abuse by countless other sexual predators working in peacekeeping operations remain hidden. Annually, when the Secretary-General reports to Member States on the allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse documented during the previous year, he re-asserts the UN’s policy of ‘zero tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse.’ And he concedes the problem is still at the crisis level.

    #conflits_armés #violences_sexuelles #viols

  • Vaccines, drugs, and Zipf distributions
    Michael Kremer, Christopher Snyder, Natalia Drozdoff 29 January 2016

    Many observers believe that pharmaceutical firms prefer to invest in drugs to treat diseases rather than vaccines. This column presents an economic rationale for why such a pattern may emerge for diseases like HIV/AIDS. The population risk of such diseases resembles a Zipf distribution, which makes the shape of the demand curve for a drug more conducive to revenue extraction than for a vaccine. Based on revenue calibrations using US data on HIV risk, the revenue from a drug is about four times greater.

    A Zipf distribution with two consumer types is bad enough for the vaccine monopolist, but matters can be even worse if the Zipf distribution involves a continuum of types, illustrated in Figure 1. Drug revenue is proportional to the whole area under the curve, because this can be shown to be equal to disease prevalence. Vaccine revenue is proportional to the area of a rectangle inscribed underneath. This shape minimises the ratio of the rectangle to the area underneath the curve and thus minimises the ratio of vaccine to drug revenue. Kremer and Snyder (2015a) show that the revenue ratio for any distribution of disease risk can be decomposed into two factors: how much the distribution resembles one of these Zipf curves, and how prevalent the disease is (with less prevalent diseases being relatively worse for the vaccine monopolist, as the figure suggests).

    #pharma #santé #vaccins #traitement #profits

  • Costs for Dementia Care Far Exceeding Other Diseases, Study Finds

    The study looked at patients on Medicare. The average total cost of care for a person with dementia over those five years was $287,038. For a patient who died of heart disease it was $175,136. For a cancer patient it was $173,383. Medicare paid almost the same amount for patients with each of those diseases — close to $100,000 — but dementia patients had many more expenses that were not covered.

    On average, the out-of-pocket cost for a patient with dementia was $61,522 — more than 80 percent higher than the cost for someone with heart disease or cancer. The reason is that dementia patients need caregivers to watch them, help with basic activities like eating, dressing and bathing, and provide constant supervision to make sure they do not wander off or harm themselves. None of those costs were covered by Medicare.

    #démence #coût #santé

  • Drug Goes From $13.50 a Tablet to $750, Overnight

    Turing’s price increase is not an isolated example. While most of the attention on pharmaceutical prices has been on new drugs for diseases like cancer, hepatitis C and high cholesterol, there is also growing concern about huge price increases on older drugs, some of them generic, that have long been mainstays of treatment.

    #pharma « #marché » #santé #prix #médicaments #Etats-Unis

  • La #télémédecine par #Internet se développe rapidement en #Chine

    The internet hospital: an emerging innovation in China - The Lancet Global Health

    The internet enables people to overcome geographical obstacles to health-care access. Patients just need to visit their community health centre, village clinic, or a pharmacy nearby to obtain a consultancy and diagnosis from skilled doctors based in big cities. Doctors from the internet hospital can spend 10 min or more to communicate with each patient, whereas a clinic consultancy at a top-level hospital normally lasts only a few minutes.4 The satisfaction score is high according to the patients’ online assessment after the consultancy.5 Besides, it is much cheaper than outpatient costs for traditional hospital visits. The present cost of drugs of a prescription from the internet hospital is about ¥60 on average, only a quarter of the average cost of drugs from a top-level hospital.6

    The internet hospital programme is still in the exploratory stage, and many problems remain to be solved, such as the incorporation of internet medical services into health insurance programmes, surveillance and quality control, the applicability of internet diagnoses for some diseases, possible medical disputes, and long-term return on investment. Nevertheless, this programme is developing at a substantial speed in China.

  • WHO issues best practices for #naming new human infectious diseases

    Diseases are often given common names by people outside of the scientific community. Once disease names are established in common usage through the Internet and social media, they are difficult to change, even if an inappropriate name is being used. Therefore, it is important that whoever first reports on a newly identified human disease uses an appropriate name that is scientifically sound and socially acceptable.

    The best practices apply to new infections, syndromes, and diseases that have never been recognized or reported before in humans, that have potential public health impact, and for which there is no disease name in common usage. They do not apply to disease names that are already established.

    The best practices state that a disease name should consist of generic descriptive terms, based on the symptoms that the disease causes (e.g. respiratory disease, neurologic syndrome, watery diarrhoea) and more specific descriptive terms when robust information is available on how the disease manifests, who it affects, its severity or seasonality (e.g. progressive, juvenile, severe, winter). If the pathogen that causes the disease is known, it should be part of the disease name (e.g. coronavirus, influenza virus, salmonella).

    Terms that should be avoided in disease names include geographic locations (e.g. Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, Spanish Flu, Rift Valley fever), people’s names (e.g. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Chagas disease), species of animal or food (e.g. swine flu, bird flu, monkey pox), cultural, population, industry or occupational references (e.g. legionnaires), and terms that incite undue fear (e.g. unknown, fatal, epidemic).

    #maladies #nommage #guidelines #langage

  • 3D map of DNA reveals hidden loops that allow genes to work together | Science/AAAS | News

    The Aiden lab has set up a website that works a little like Google Earth. Researchers can locate their favorite gene and drill down from compartment to loop to the DNA it touches.

    “It’s a beautiful, endless resource to do many more analyses,” De Laat says. Countless studies of the genomes of people with conditions ranging from diabetes to schizophrenia have identified bits of the genome that increase the risk of getting those diseases. Often those sections are not parts of any gene but may help regulate a gene’s activity. Pinning down the regulated gene has been quite a challenge. Now, geneticists can check if the bits they identified are in contact with a potentially relevant gene. “It will greatly facilitate nailing down the genes that underlie diseases,” De Laat says.

  • #Ebola raises profile of blood-based therapy | Nature News & Comment

    Many scientists have long argued that [convalescent plasma therapy] CPT has been wrongly neglected, both as a therapy for emerging diseases and in preparation for future unknown threats. (...)

    Convalescent plasma was found to effectively treat diphtheria and tetanus at the end of the nineteenth century, and was widely used in the first half of the twentieth century to treat diseases such as measles, mumps and pneumonia. But it fell off the radar after the development of antibiotics, antiviral drugs and vaccines.

    #recherche (ou absence de) #santé #sang

  • Mapping the Nation: History and Cartography in Nineteenth-Century America, Schulten

    Mapping the Nation

    Susan Schulten

    In the nineteenth century, Americans began to use maps in radically new ways. For the first time, medical men mapped diseases to understand and prevent epidemics, natural scientists mapped climate and rainfall to uncover weather patterns, educators mapped the past to foster national loyalty among students, and Northerners mapped slavery to assess the power of the South. After the Civil War, federal agencies embraced statistical and thematic mapping in order to profile the ethnic, racial, economic, moral, and physical attributes of a reunified nation. By the end of the century, Congress had authorized a national archive of maps, an explici

    #cartographie #livre

  • 4 decades after war ended, Agent Orange still ravaging Vietnamese | McClatchy

    To this day, dioxin continues to poison the land and the people. The United States has never accepted responsibility for these victims – it denies that Agent Orange is responsible for diseases among Vietnamese that are accepted as Agent Orange-caused among American veterans – and it’s unclear when this chain of misery will end.


    U.S. aid for these people so far has amounted to a pittance. According to the U.S. Embassy in Hanoi, only $11 million of the $61.4 million that Congress has allocated since 2007 – a year after then-President George W. Bush pledged to help clean up contaminated areas – has been earmarked for public health programs in Vietnam.

    U.S. officials caution that the money is to help people with disabilities “regardless of cause,” and isn’t specifically for Agent Orange victims. This semantic sleight of hand outrages many American veterans of the war, who say the United States has a moral obligation to help Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange, just as sick and dying U.S. veterans have received government help for the last two decades.

    “There’s a hypocrisy there,” says Chuck Searcy, who served in Vietnam as an intelligence analyst during the war and has lived in Hanoi since 1998, heading up a project to clear battlefields of unexploded ordnance, which also continues to kill and maim Vietnamese. “It’s a glaring disconnect, and it’s embarrassing because the whole world can see it.”


    Hoping to emulate a case that resulted in a 1984 settlement requiring Dow Chemical, the Monsanto Corp. and other Agent Orange manufacturers to pay $197 million in damages to sick U.S. veterans, a group of Vietnamese victims sued in 2004, only to have the same federal judge dismiss their case a year later, saying the companies were immune because they were following government orders. The Supreme Court declined to hear the case in 2009.


    • Obama interpelle le président vietnamien sur les libertés-

      Le président des Etats-Unis Barack Obama a interpellé jeudi son homologue vietnamien Truong Tan Sang au sujet du respect des libertés de culte et d’expression, en le recevant à la Maison Blanche.


      M. Obama a aussi fait allusion à la guerre du Vietnam, plus de 50 ans après l’arrivée des premiers « conseillers » américains dans l’ancienne colonie française, et 38 ans après la chute de Saïgon.

      « Nous avons à l’esprit l’histoire très complexe que partagent les Etats-Unis et le Vietnam, mais peu à peu, nous avons été capables d’établir un respect et une confiance mutuels », a affirmé le dirigeant américain, en parlant de « partenariat d’ampleur entre les deux pays ».

      Alors que le Vietnam participe aux négociations sur le « Partenariat transpacifique » (TPP), vaste projet de libre-échange soutenu par les Etats-Unis, M. Obama a répété son ambition de voir cet accord « conclu d’ici à la fin de l’année, car nous savons qu’il peut créer des emplois et faire croître les investissements dans toute la région et nos deux pays ».

  • The main death reason in Latvia are heart and blood vessels’ diseases

    In 55% of cases the cause of death in Latvia are heart and blood vessel’s diseases. Today, July 15, in cabinet committee government will discuss plan for 2013-2015 about health improvement regarding these diseases.
    Level of cases when this has been cause of death is two times higher than average in EU. Average in EU is 222, while in Latvia it is 478, but in Lithuania - 495. Government will discuss also issues regarding smoking as this is one of the reasons for heart diseases.

    Galvenais nāves cēlonis Latvijā ir sirds un asinsvadu slimības - DELFI

    Sirds un asinsvadu slimības joprojām ir galvenais nāves iemesls Latvijā - 55% gadījumu no visiem mirušajiem, atsaucoties uz statistikas datiem, sacīts Veselības ministrijas sagatavotajā Sirds un asinsvadu veselības uzlabošanas rīcības plānā 2013.-2015.gadam, kuru pirmdien, 15.jūlijā, skatīs Ministru kabineta komitejā (MKK).
    Plāns izstrādāts atbilstoši Sabiedrības veselības pamatnostādnēs 2011.-2017.gadam noteiktajam apakšmērķim - samazināt saslimstību un mirstību no neinfekciju slimībām. Tā mērķis ir samazināt mirstību no sirds un asinsvadu slimībām, mazinot riska faktoru negatīvo ietekmi uz veselību.

    #Latvia #Health #heart_diseases

  • Heavy use of herbicide Roundup linked to health dangers-U.S. study | Reuters

    Heavy use of the world’s most popular herbicide, Roundup, could be linked to a range of health problems and diseases, including Parkinson’s, infertility and cancers, according to a new study.

    The peer-reviewed report, published last week in the scientific journal Entropy, said evidence indicates that residues of “glyphosate,” the chief ingredient in Roundup weed killer, which is sprayed over millions of acres of crops, has been found in food.

    Those residues enhance the damaging effects of other food-borne chemical residues and toxins in the environment to disrupt normal body functions and induce disease, according to the report, authored by Stephanie Seneff, a research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Anthony Samsel, a retired science consultant from Arthur D. Little, Inc. Samsel is a former private environmental government contractor as well as a member of the Union of Concerned Scientists.

    “Negative impact on the body is insidious and manifests slowly over time as inflammation damages cellular systems throughout the body,” the study says.

    We “have hit upon something very important that needs to be taken seriously and further investigated,” Seneff said.

    Environmentalists, consumer groups and plant scientists from several countries have warned that heavy use of glyphosate is causing problems for plants, people and animals.

    The EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] is conducting a standard registration review of glyphosate and has set a deadline of 2015 for determining if glyphosate use should be limited.

    Sinon une autre étude (mais non publiée semble-t-il*) corroborerait la présence de glyphosate :

    Une nouvelle étude américaine juge le maïs OGM toxique - Enviro2B | Enviro2B

    Une nouvelle étude menée par la société américaine Profit Pro, pourrait relancer le débat autour du maïs génétiquement modifié. Dans un rapport, « 2012 Corn Comparison », dont les conclusions ont été reprises sur le site russe, les auteurs ont en effet constaté que ce type de maïs contiendraient des éléments, absents de la plante au naturel, et potentiellement toxiques pour l’homme.


    The study “2012 Nutritional Analysis – Comparison of GMO Corn versus Non-GMO Corn” was an analysis of corn itself and not the soil. The analysis was conducted by an independent, outsourced, major food company at the request of one of our growers, and the results were then provided to that grower, who, in turn, made available a copy of the analysis to ProfitPro. The food company purchased the corn from the grower at a substantial premium over market because of the quality of his non-GMO corn.

    This information was intended for our customers only.
    ProfitPro did not give permission for any other web site to use or publish the study.
    Additional side-by-side studies will be conducted this coming year.

    #Monsanto #Roundup #OGM #glyphosate

  • Vote (serré) attendu aujourd’hui à la Chambre des représentants de l’Illinois pour autoriser l’utilisation médicale de la #marijuana

    Doctors ask for medical marijuana legalization - SFGate

    CHICAGO (AP) — Nearly 250 Illinois physicians put their names behind a proposal Tuesday that would legalize marijuana for patients with serious illnesses, hoping to give a boost to the legislation one day before an anticipated vote on the House floor.
    Three of those doctors spoke at a press conference in Chicago, saying the drug can be a safer and more effective treatment than narcotics for patients with diseases such as cancer, Parkinson’s disease and HIV.
    The Illinois House is expected to vote Wednesday on a bill that would create a medical marijuana pilot program. It would allow physicians who have an existing relationship with a patient to prescribe marijuana for certain conditions.

    Patients would be limited to buying 2.5 ounces [70 g] at a time from dispensaries licensed and regulated by the state. They would be prohibited from growing their own marijuana, and both patients and caregivers would have to undergo a background check.

    The vote in the House is expected to be close. If it passes the legislation still must go to the Senate.

  • Genomics, Evolution, and Pseudoscience : Don’t take your vitamins

    Many other vitamins and micronutrients are required for good health, such as vitamins B and D, iron, folic acid, calcium, and potassium. Deficiencies in these vitamins cause all sorts of diseases, some of them very serious.

    So it seems intuitively obvious that if a little bit of these nutrients is good for you, then a lot should be even better. Right? This intuition is the basis for the a huge and powerful nutritional supplements industry, which makes billions of dollars each year selling multi-vitamins and high-dose supplements in a bewildering variety.
    The problem is, our intuition is wrong. Two separate studies published this past week, involving tens of thousands of subjects, showed that high doses of vitamins and supplements, rather than being helpful, can sometimes kill you.