• L’#Iran construit un mur à sa frontière avec l’#Afghanistan pour stopper les arrivées de migrants

    Les autorités iraniennes ont commencé la construction d’un mur à la frontière avec l’Afghanistan. Le mur de #béton, de 300 km de long et de 4 m de hauteur, doit permettre de freiner les arrivées de ressortissants afghans, qui fuient le pays sous le contrôle des Taliban.

    Les travaux de construction ont débuté à la frontière entre l’Iran et l’Afghanistan, et devraient durer plusieurs années. Téhéran dresse un mur de béton entre la province du #Khorosan_Razavi, au nord-est de l’Iran, et d’#Hérat, à l’ouest de l’Afghanistan. Un #budget de trois millions d’euros a été alloué à cette mesure destinée à renforcer la frontière.

    Le mur devrait s’étaler sur 300 km de long et mesurer 4 mètres de haut. Il sera élargi par une #clôture supplémentaire en fil de fer #barbelés. La frontière entre l’Iran et l’Afghanistan s’étend sur 920 km, mais la zone visée par cette construction est celle généralement empruntée par les Afghans qui tentent de fuir leur pays.

    Ce mur a pour but d’empêcher les migrants afghans d’atteindre l’Iran, mais aussi de lutter plus efficacement contre les trafics, assurent les autorités.

    Après le retour au pouvoir des Taliban à Kaboul en août 2021, au moins un million d’Afghans ont fui leur pays pour se réfugier en Iran. Au total, selon les chiffres des Nations unies, environ 4,5 millions d’Afghans vivent dans le pays voisin.

    Leur présence est régulièrement dénoncée par la classe politique. Les autorités iraniennes rappellent souvent qu’elles n’ont plus la « capacité d’accepter » d’autres ressortissants d’Afghanistan, et que les sans-papiers doivent rentrer chez eux. Malgré les menaces pour leur sécurité en cas de retour et la grave crise économique qui touche le pays, Téhéran a expulsé 1,3 millions d’Afghans en situation irrégulière, entre janvier et mai.
    Un autre mur entre l’Iran et la Turquie

    D’autres pays se sont barricadés ces dernières années pour stopper les arrivées de migrants afghans. C’est le cas notamment de la #Turquie. Après l’été 2021, et la reprise en mai des Taliban en Afghanistan, Ankara a accéléré la construction de son mur à sa frontière avec l’Iran, débutée en 2017. Les autorités turques craignaient une nouvelle crise migratoire, dans un pays qui accueille déjà 3,7 millions de Syriens ayant fui la guerre.

    Désormais, un mur en béton de trois mètres de haut a été érigé sur 295 km entre l’Iran et la Turquie - soit un peu plus de la moitié de la frontière avec l’Iran. Il couvre ainsi la portion de la frontière qui constitue le principal point d’entrée des exilés afghans. Construit grâce à un #financement_européen, il est doublé de barbelés et de fossés, jalonné de radars, et d’une centaine de tours d’observation.

    Pour les exilés qui tentent leur chance à ce point de passage, les risques sont grands : les conditions météorologique peuvent être terribles, les gangs armés et l’armée turques sont en embuscade, les soldats allant jusqu’à faire feu.

    #murs #barrières_frontalières #migrations #fermeture_des_frontières #réfugiés #coût #réfugiés_afghans #frontières #militarisation_des_frontières

  • Cyprus to receive €30 million in EU funding for border control

    Cyprus will receive an additional €30 million in funding from the European Commission for upgrades to its coastal surveillance system, part of an effort to manage migration.

    The upgrades will be implemented to “prevent cross-border crime and illegal immigration,” according to a press release from the interior ministry.

    “The European Commission provides additional support to member states, such as Cyprus, with the ultimate aim of effectively managing migration flows,” stated the release.

    Cyprus’ proposal, which was titled “Upgrade of the capabilities of the surveillance system,” will specifically enhance “electronic surveillance” at the country’s sea borders.

    It was jointly developed by the Cyprus Ministry of the Interior and the Search and Rescue Center and was selected among other proposals submitted to the European Commission.


    #Chypre #aide_financières #migrations #réfugiés #contrôles_frontaliers #militarisation_des_frontières

  • L’UE veut encore renforcer #Frontex malgré l’accumulation des critiques et des scandales

    En dépit des attaques dont elle fait l’objet, l’agence de surveillance des frontières européennes a vu ses prérogatives constamment renforcées depuis sa création il y a bientôt 20 ans. Pour son nouveau mandat, la présidente de la Commission européenne Ursula von der Leyen a annoncé vouloir tripler ses effectifs, mais sans évoquer de remise en question.

    "Nous devons renforcer Frontex pour la rendre plus efficace tout en respectant pleinement les droits fondamentaux", a déclaré la présidente de la Commission européenne Ursula von der Leyen jeudi 18 juillet devant le Parlement européen, annonçant sa volonté de tripler le nombre de garde-frontières et de garde-côtes européens à 30 000.

    En près de 20 ans d’existence, Frontex, dont la mission est d’assister les États membres dans le contrôle des frontières extérieures de l’Union européenne (UE), n’a eu de cesse de voir ses prérogatives et son budget renforcés au fil de ses évolutions. Ses missions incluent l’analyse des risques, la surveillance et la gestion des frontières maritimes, aériennes et terrestres et la participation au financement des opérations de retour des migrants en situation irrégulière. Des opérations menées par des garde-frontières mis à la disposition de l’agence par les États membres. Elle peut par exemple participer à l’enregistrement des migrants à leur arrivée, comme depuis 2018 dans le cadre de l’opération Minerva en Espagne où elle aide les autorités espagnoles à contrôler les passagers arrivant en ferry du Maroc. Après le début de la guerre en Ukraine en février 2022, Frontex a aussi été mobilisée pour aider la Pologne, la Hongrie, la Slovaquie ou encore la Roumanie à faire face à l’afflux de réfugiés. L’agence collabore également avec des pays tiers, comme l’Albanie ou la Tunisie.

    Après la crise migratoire de 2015 qui avait vu l’arrivée de plus d’un million de migrants en Europe, elle est devenue en 2016 l’Agence européenne de garde-frontières et de garde-côtes et ses missions comme ses moyens ont été étendus. En 2019, un nouveau règlement est encore venu accroître ses compétences. Il prévoit la possibilité pour l’agence d’intervenir même lorsqu’un État ne la sollicite pas.
    Un budget exponentiel, une efficacité contestée

    Avec cet engagement à un nouveau renforcement de Frontex, la présidente de la Commission européenne semble en tout cas répondre à la montée de l’extrême droite aux dernières élections européennes et donner des gages aux groupes ID et ECR, auquel la dirigeante italienne Giorgia Meloni est associée, mais aussi aux conservateurs du PPE dont la politique migratoire tend à se rapprocher de celle des eurosceptiques.

    Pour Marie-Laure Basilien-Gainche, professeure de droit public à l’Université Lyon 3 et membre de l’Institut Convergences Migrations, "ce renforcement de Frontex s’inscrit dans la logique du Pacte européen sur la migration et l’asile adopté au printemps dernier, qui se concentre sur le renforcement des frontières extérieures et prévoit l’externalisation du contrôle des migrations. La mise en œuvre de cette politique nécessite de développer les moyens de l’agence pour y répondre", analyse-t-elle.

    Avec un budget colossal de plus de 845 millions d’euros en 2023 contre 6 millions d’euros après sa création, c’est l’agence européenne la mieux dotée. Un montant qui prévoit le déploiement de 10 000 agents à l’horizon 2027 seulement. En comparaison, souligne Marie-Laure Basilien-Gainche, le budget de l’agence de l’Union européenne pour l’asile était de 174 millions d’euros en 2023. Un différentiel qui montre, estime-t-elle, que "l’objectif est bien la protection des frontières plus que la protection des réfugiés".

    Et si, rappellent d’ailleurs les spécialistes, comme le prévoit le droit international pour tous les navires, Frontex se doit de porter assistance aux embarcations en détresse, le sauvetage en mer ne fait pas partie de son mandat.

    "Le mandat de Frontex s’inscrit dans la politique sécuritaire et répressive de l’Union européenne", juge Brigitte Espuche, co-coordinatrice du collectif Migreurop qui a enquêté sur les pratiques de l’agence européenne depuis sa création. Pour elle, "le mandat de l’agence est en lui-même incompatible avec le respect des droits des personnes migrantes". En dépit des "éléments de langage" mettant en avant à chaque réforme le respect des droits fondamentaux, dénonce-t-elle, "on ne fait que renforcer une agence qui n’a pas permis de faire diminuer les flux migratoires et qui en plus attente aux droits des personnes exilées et met leur vie en danger". En 2021, rappelle-t-elle, la Cour des comptes avait d’ailleurs épinglé l’agence, la qualifiant de "pas assez efficace".

    De son côté, dans une réponse écrite adressée à RFI, Frontex indique que "l’annonce de la présidente von der Leyen fait partie d’un plan plus large visant à remodeler [ses] systèmes de gestion des frontières et à les adapter à l’avenir", à "renforcer [ses] capacités et à améliorer les aspects sécuritaires et humanitaires de [ses] opérations". Elle ajoute que l’objectif n’est pas seulement d’augmenter les effectifs mais aussi "d’améliorer les opérations grâce à des équipements de pointes, tels que des avions, des drones et des systèmes de surveillance".
    Mauvais traitements, refoulement, opacité...

    En revanche, "il ne s’agit pas d’une réponse aux critiques", affirme l’agence européenne. Ces dernières années, Frontex a été la cible d’accusations de plus en plus larges : depuis 2020, les enquêtes et les rapports se succèdent, documentant et dénonçant l’implication – directe ou indirecte – de l’agence dans des violations des droits, des mauvais traitements et surtout de pushbacks illégaux. Ces opérations consistant à renvoyer des personnes migrantes vers des pays hors de l’UE sans leur permettre de déposer une demande d’asile, en violation du droit international.

    En octobre 2020, une enquête de plusieurs médias, dont Der Spiegel et le New York Times, rapportait l’implication d’agents de Frontex dans des refoulements illégaux de migrants en mer Égée. Dans la foulée, en 2021, le Parlement européen avait demandé le gel d’une partie du budget 2022 de Frontex tant que des améliorations n’avaient pas été apportées en matière de contrôle des droits fondamentaux. En avril 2022, une enquête du Monde et Lighthouse Reports accusait l’agence d’avoir maquillé des renvois illégaux de migrants, parvenus dans les eaux grecques, en de simples "opérations de prévention au départ" en eaux turques.

    En 2022, un rapport de l’Office de lutte antifraude (Olaf) a conduit à la démission du patron de l’agence, Fabrice Leggeri, accusé, entre autres, de non-respect des procédures et du droit, et de refoulements illégaux de migrants en mer. Ce dernier est devenu député européen sous l’étiquette Rassemblement national (RN) après une victoire aux dernières élections de juin.

    Les appels à plus de transparence et de respect des droits humains n’émanent désormais plus seulement des ONG. Le 28 février dernier, c’est la médiatrice de l’UE qui a tiré la sonnette d’alarme dans un rapport sur le naufrage de l’Adriana, en juin 2023, au large des côtes grecques. Un drame qui a coûté la vie à au moins 600 personnes, selon les estimations. Selon Emily O’Reilly, l’agence européenne de gardes-frontières et de garde-côtes est "dans l’incapacité de remplir pleinement ses obligations en matière de droits fondamentaux" en raison de sa dépendance vis-à-vis des États membres de l’UE lorsqu’un bateau de migrants est en détresse.

    Cet argument est aussi souvent celui derrière lequel s’abrite l’agence lorsqu’elle est accusée d’atteintes aux droits, rejetant la responsabilité sur les autorités nationales dont elle est tributaire, se défend-elle, et qu’elle ne fait qu’assister.

    "Plusieurs enquêtes officielles menées par le Parlement européen et le conseil d’administration de Frontex n’ont trouvé aucune preuve crédible de l’implication de Frontex dans les refoulements de migrants", se défend l’agence dans sa réponse par mail, assurant avoir mis en place des « mécanismes solides » pour garantir le respect des droits fondamentaux.
    Manque de contrôle et d’indépendance

    "Il y a eu des progrès", concède Léo Fontfrede, doctorant en droit européen et international et auteur d’une thèse sur les accords extérieurs de l’Union européenne en matière de migration, avec la mise en place d’un Forum consultatif pour les droits fondamentaux et d’un officier aux droits fondamentaux, ainsi que l’instauration d’un mécanisme de plainte. "Mais dans la réalité, ce mécanisme est supervisé par le directeur exécutif, qui juge s’il y a des suites à donner. De fait, très peu de plaintes aboutissent." Ces instruments sont aussi largement sous-dotés en termes de personnels et de budget, précise-t-il. Et le recrutement des agents aux droits fondamentaux a tardé, rappelle Brigitte Espuche, ce qui révèle, selon elle, un manque de volonté réelle de changer les choses.

    En février dernier, une nouvelle enquête publiée par Le Monde révélait que le bureau des droits fondamentaux de Frontex avait signalé, plusieurs mois durant, des témoignages portant sur des allégations de refoulements illégaux, de mauvais traitements et d’usage excessif de la force par la police des frontières en Bulgarie, alertant du risque de voir l’agence impliquée dans ces violations à la frontière turque. Ses demandes pour une enquête indépendante étaient restées lettre morte.

    Plusieurs recours ont été introduits devant la Cour de justice de l’UE concernant des violations des droits fondamentaux lors d’opérations de retour coordonnées par l’agence, mais aucun n’a abouti, indique Marie-Laure Basilien-Gainche, pour qui "cette impunité est problématique". En 2023, par exemple, le tribunal a estimé que Frontex ne pouvait être tenu responsable d’éventuels préjudices après que des réfugiés syriens arrivés en Grève en 2016 avaient dénoncé leur refoulement vers la Turquie, la situation en Syrie leur permettant pourtant selon eux de prétendre à la protection internationale.

    Pour Léo Fontfrede, il faut "repenser le mode de contrôle de l’agence, avec la mise en place d’un mécanisme externe. Même si la Commission européenne est l’institution de contrôle, pour l’heure, il y a un représentant de chaque État au sein du conseil d’administration et c’est eux qui donnent les orientations sans grand contrôle."

    "Cette agence n’est pas réformable, tranche Brigitte Espuche, pour qui "elle est hors de contrôle. Il faut la supprimer pour faire cesser les violations qui sont perpétrées au nom de la protection des frontières et en toute impunité".

    Malgré ces alertes répétées, l’Union européenne semble rester sourde aux critiques. En mars dernier, la commissaire européenne aux Affaires intérieures, Yvla Johansson, se disait pour sa part "assez satisfaite de la manière dont Frontex fonctionne", rejetant le "besoin d’une réforme majeure". Tout juste concédait-elle "des défis à relever" : "Nous avons besoin d’une meilleure formation pour son corps permanent […] et d’un personnel plus spécialisé ; nous avons besoin que les États membres soient plus rapides dans les déploiements, mais je ne crois pas que nous ayons un problème avec les droits fondamentaux", avait-elle ajouté.

    #UE #EU #militarisation_des_frontières #efficacité #droits_fondamentaux #contrôles_frontaliers #migrations #asile #réfugiés #effectifs #budget #pacte_européen #externalisation #frontières_extérieures #Pacte_européen_sur_la_migration_et_l’asile

  • #Pologne : les forces armées peuvent tirer sur des migrants sans responsabilité pénale

    En Pologne, la crise migratoire à la frontière avec la #Biélorussie continue de s’intensifier. Cet été, le gouvernement a mis en place une #zone-tampon complètement militarisée le long de la frontière pour empêcher les migrants de pénétrer dans le pays. Ce vendredi 12 juillet, le gouvernement a élargi les prérogatives des forces armées. Elles ont désormais le droit de tirer sur les migrants sans en être tenues responsables pénalement. Une mesure qui inquiète les humanitaires sur place.

    Tirer de façon préventive et à #balles_réelles sur quiconque tenterait de violer la frontière. Ce vendredi, les députés polonais ont levé la #responsabilité_pénale des #soldats désormais autorisés à tirer face aux migrants.

    Une erreur selon l’activiste humanitaire Kasia Mazurkiewicz, qui s’inquiète pour la vie des réfugiés : « En voyant quelqu’un dans la #forêt, on n’est pas en mesure de dire s’il représente une menace ou s’il s’agit d’une personne fuyant un pays en guerre, et qui cherche juste à survivre. Et il faut les traiter comme des humains. Or, on ne tire pas sur des humains ».

    Avec son association d’aide aux migrants, elle arpente régulièrement la forêt le long de la frontière, et craint désormais pour sa propre sécurité.

    « Pour nous, c’est très inquiétant, car on sauve des vies humaines, mais on a peur de se faire fusiller en portant secours aux autres. Désormais, on va réfléchir à deux fois avant d’aller sauver quelqu’un, car on sait qu’on risque nous-mêmes d’y rester ».

    Entre les forces armées et les activistes, les tensions sont au plus haut cet été. Cette année, plus de 18 000 personnes ont tenté de traverser illégalement la frontière. La zone tampon, elle, restera en vigueur au moins jusqu’au 13 septembre.

    #tir #tirs #armes_à_feu #migrations #asile #réfugiés #tirs_préventifs #frontières #militarisation_des_frontières #responsabilité #armée

    • Greater use of firearms at the border with Belarus: PACE Rapporteur expresses deep human rights concerns at Polish draft law

      PACE rapporteur #Stephanie_Krisper (Austria, ALDE) has expressed concerns at the decision by the Polish government in June 2024 to enhance the operations of the armed forces, the police and the border guard in Poland in the event of a threat to state security. The draft law suggests that the use of firearms at the border be liberalised, and that soldiers be granted immunity when using such firearms in the border area.

      "The draft law risks running counter to human rights obligations of Council of Europe’s member states, including non-derogable rights such as the prohibition of torture,” said Ms Krisper.

      “These measures would supplement the ministerial regulation temporarily restricting access to the border area contiguous with Belarus, including for citizens, media, NGOs and parliamentarians, and which has significantly limited public oversight over the respect of human rights standards in this particular border zone.

      This decision by the government suggests that pushbacks and the use of firearms against individuals crossing the border will continue unsanctioned, in clear violation of the non-refoulement principle and the right to seek asylum. Non-derogable Convention rights such as the right to life, and the prohibition of torture and inhumane or degrading treatment, may also be at risk.

      The Polish government’s policy regarding the situation at the border with Belarus has been negatively assessed by the Polish Ombudsman, the UNHCR, and Polish human rights organisations.

      As stressed in Resolution 2555 (2024), ‘policies of deterrence have neither demonstrated their efficiency in enhancing domestic security nor strengthened the protection of civil liberties’. I call on the Polish government to cease work on this draft law and to implement human rights compliant border management policies.”


    • Pour repousser les migrants, la Pologne adopte une loi permettant aux garde-frontières de tirer plus facilement

      Le Parlement polonais a légiféré pour modifier les règles d’engagement des militaires polonais à la frontière avec la Russie et la Biélorussie après une série d’incidents impliquant des migrants.

      Cette loi a largement fait consensus chez les Parlementaires polonais. 401 députés ont voté en sa faveur, 17 y étaient opposés. Le Parlement a adopté un texte allégeant les règles d’engagement des militaires, garde-frontières et gendarmes aux frontières entre la Pologne, la Biélorussie et la Russie, qui sont soumises à une intense pression migratoire.

      Adopté en deuxième lecture le 11 juillet dernier, le texte exonère de toute responsabilité les militaires qui utilisent leurs armes à la frontière, en situation de légitime défense, mais aussi de manière préventive, lorsque la vie, la santé et la liberté des membres des forces de l’ordre sont menacées dans le cadre d’une « atteinte directe et illégale contre l’inviolabilité de la frontière de l’État ».

      Comme le rapporte le quotidien polonais Gazeta Wyborcza, le projet de loi a été très critiqué par certaines associations qui y voient un « droit de tuer ». Le journal polonais explique que le gouvernement avait d’abord prévu d’exonérer de toute responsabilité pénale des soldats pour tout acte constituant un crime commis lors d’une opération à la frontière. Le gouvernement a ensuite amendé lui-même son texte pour préciser les circonstances dans lesquels la responsabilité des militaires pouvait être allégée.

      Le Parlement polonais a légiféré après une série d’incidents impliquant des militaires polonais et des migrants. En mars, trois soldats polonais ont ainsi été poursuivis par la justice de leur pays pour avoir tiré à balles réelles sur des migrants qui traversaient la frontière biélorusse. Cette décision judiciaire avait suscité une forte réprobation dans l’opinion publique. Elle avait été dénoncée par de nombreuses personnalités politiques.

      En mai dernier, un soldat polonais est mort après avoir été poignardé alors qu’il tentait, derrière une clôture, d’empêcher des migrants de pénétrer sur le territoire polonais. L’événement avait provoqué une forte émotion en Pologne et même conduit le premier ministre Donald Tusk à déclarer que les forces de sécurité aux frontières pourraient désormais utiliser leurs armes face aux migrants. Le PiS, parti conservateur d’opposition à la coalition libérale au pouvoir avait accusé le gouvernement de « persécuter les soldats polonais » et de « déshonorer l’uniforme polonais », comme le rapporte aussi la Gazeta Wyborcza.
      17.000 tentatives de passage

      Moscou et Minsk, accusé de déstabiliser volontairement les frontières de l’UE, maintiennent une pression migratoire constante sur la Pologne depuis l’automne 2021 où une grave crise diplomatique avait éclaté entre l’UE et la Biélorussie. La France avait accusé le chef d’État biélorusse d’être derrière un « trafic » d’êtres humains « savamment organisé » avec des pays tiers, vers l’Union européenne, via la Turquie et Dubaï. L’Union européenne accuse les dirigeants de la Biélorussie d’orchestrer l’afflux de migrants.

      Selon les garde-frontières polonais, plus de 17.000 tentatives de passage illégal depuis la Biélorussie ont été détectées depuis le début de l’année. La Pologne prévoit de renforcer sa présence militaire à la fois avec l’enclave russe de Kaliningrad mais aussi avec la Biélorussie.

      Il s’agit de soutenir les garde-frontières mais aussi de renforcer la frontière orientale de l’Otan dans le contexte de la guerre d’Ukraine. « Actuellement, il y a près de 6000 militaires » mais « à terme, il y en aura jusqu’à 17.000, dont huit sur place et 9000 en réserve », prêts à y être déployés en 48 heures, formant « une force de réaction frontalière rapide », a précisé le chef de l’état-major de l’armée polonaise, le général Wieslaw Kukula. Dans le cadre de ce projet, Varsovie va investir plus de deux milliards d’euros dans la sécurité et la fortification de sa frontière avec la Russie et la Biélorussie, avait récemment déclaré le premier ministre Donald Tusk.


    • Polish MPs allow security forces to use arms with impunity

      Polish lawmakers on Friday (26 July) voted to allow the security forces to use lethal weapons with impunity in response to active threats, including at the tense border with Belarus.

      The pan-European rights body Council of Europe and other activists had expressed concern that the police, border guards and soldiers would now be able to act — or even kill — without accountability.

      The bill, which still requires the president’s signature, was introduced after a Polish soldier was fatally stabbed on the Belarusian border.

      NATO and EU member Poland has accused Minsk’s ally Moscow of what it calls attempts to smuggle thousands of people from Africa to Europe by flying them to Russia and then sending them to the Polish border with Belarus.

      The new legislation “excludes criminal liability for the use of arms or direct force in violation of the rules” by the security forces if there was a threat to the safety of an individual or the country.

      The Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights, Michael O’Flaherty, voiced concern that the bill could “foster a lack of accountability and suggest a lack of commitment to human rights obligations”.

      It “may create a legal and policy framework that provides a disincentive for state agents deployed in the border areas, or in other situations within its scope, to act in respect of the rules on the proportionality in the use of force and firearms”, he added earlier this month.

      Polish lawyer and activist Hanna Machinska on Friday said that “the issue of national security cannot be a carte blanche for acts that violate human rights”.

      “Nothing justifies introducing rules that are a licence to kill, as some people have said,” she told TOK FM radio.

      Earlier this month Poland said it would boost its military presence and defence fortifications along its Belarusian border because of “constant provocations”.

      In June, a soldier on patrol at the border was stabbed through a five-metre-high metal fence that Poland had erected in 2022 to deter migrants.

      The Polish army also reported other attacks on troops at the border.


  • Migrazioni, nuovo accordo UE-Serbia

    Nonostante le denunce di cattiva gestione dei flussi migratori e di violazioni dei diritti umani in Serbia, a fine giugno la Commissione europea ha siglato un nuovo accordo con Belgrado per rafforzare la cooperazione nel controllo delle migrazioni

  • Poland : Government pledges to do what is needed to end Belarus border problems

    On Wednesday (July 10), the Polish government pledged to do what is needed to end the border crisis with Belarus. Even if that means complete closure of the border.

    Poland has already closed four of its six official border crossings with its neighbor Belarus. “We are ready for any solution in this area, because we will not allow this migration crisis caused by Belarus to last indefinitely,” Poland’s Deputy Defense Minister Cezary Tomczyk told the news agency Reuters.

    Polish government officials, including President Andrzej Duda have been raising these issues for months now. Most recently, Duda talked to his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping, stressing that the issue would have an impact on trade within Europe if not resolved.

    Even before the current government took office, Poland has tried various methods to stop migrants from crossing its borders from Belarus. They have heavily fortified the border, with several layers of fencing and barbed wire, and sent police and military patrols to the area.

    On Wednesday, the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) issued a press release about the situation. In it, they called for “urgent action” to help “refugees trapped in Europe’s ’death zone’.”
    Further restrictions at the border

    They said that access to the Polish-Belarusian border had been restricted still further recently, which was “preventing the provision of humanitarian assistance to refugees seeking international protection.”

    The NRC said that the Polish government, alongside the EU and the international community, should work together to “address the escalating humanitarian crisis” in the area. “The exclusion zone with no access for humanitarian workers is a recipe for disaster. It affects the weakest and the most vulnerable refugees seeking international protection,” stated Neil Brighton, NRC’s country director in Poland.

    Since 2021, when restrictions were stepped up at the border, the NRC says their local partner on the ground, ’We are Monitoring’, had recorded “nearly 20,000 requests for assistance” from migrants in the zone, 82 deaths and nearly 9,000 violent pushbacks.

    The NRC has asked the EU to help the Polish government increase reception capacity for those who want to seek asylum in Poland, as well as “address the root causes of displacement through humanitarian and development assistance.”

    ’Death zone’

    The NRC describes the forests around the border between Poland and Belarus as a “death zone,” because the area is characterized by “extreme temperatures, dense forests and swamps, making it a dangerous crossing point for refugees seeking protection.”

    Amina, a Syrian refugee told NRC that she had experienced nine pushbacks while trying to cross into Poland. “They hit you with sticks to make your body grow bigger and swell up so that no one will manage to pass through,” she said.

    Farid, a refugee from Afghanistan told NRC, “they asked me ‘where are you from? I said I was from Afghanistan. They hit me on my broken leg, and I shouted terribly, which made them very angry –they beat me.”

    NRC works with local Polish humanitarian organizations to provide assistance and legal aid for those who are seeking asylum. One of those local partners Egala Association, joined NRC in calling for a “safe border…where the rights of those seeking international protection are respected.”

    Other humanitarian associations working in Poland have accused the current government of essentially continuing the anti-migrant policies established under the PiS Peace and Justice party.
    ’Hybrid warfare’

    In June 2024, the Polish border guards told the German international broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW) that they had stopped almost 100,000 attempts to cross the border since 2021, when they accused Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus of beginning a form of ’hybrid warfare’ by encouraging migrants to cross the border into the EU to destabilize the West.

    Andrzej Juzwiak, a spokesperson from the Polish border guard told DW, “there is no doubt that the crisis at the border was caused by hybrid actions of the Belarusian side. We know that it is an artificially created and controlled migration route.”

    According to Polish officials, DW reports, about 90 percent of the migrants stopped at Poland’s border hold Russian visas, which they believe indicates Russian involvement in their journey towards Europe.

    Since the beginning of 2024, the Polish border guard say they see around 400 attempts a day to cross the border by migrants. Most of them, they say, want to journey on to Germany or the United Kingdom.
    ’No-entry buffer zone’

    On June 13, Poland instigated once again a special no-entry buffer zone along about 60 kilometers of its border with Belarus. The zone is 200 meters wide and is off-limits to all non-residents. That includes humanitarian groups and journalists. In 2021, the buffer zone was much wider and stretched along the entire border with Belarus.

    According to Juzwiak from the Polish border guard, the main purpose of the zone, reports DW, “is to ensure the safety of locals and security officials on duty at the border and to limit the activity of human smugglers.”

    At the end of May, a young Polish soldier was stabbed to death through the bars in the border fence. Polish officials say that a migrant carried out the attack. The soldier was taken to hospital, but later died of his injuries.

    Migrant rights groups however say the buffer zone prevents them from helping those in need. They say the buffer zones act as cover so that pushback tactics can be carried out away from the eyes of journalists and activists.

    The IOM has called on Poland, as well as Latvia and Lithuania to make sure that the rule of law is upheld at the border and that respect for human rights and freedoms are maintained, regardless of immigration status.

    In May, on a visit to the border, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk was adamant his government needed to continue to fortify their border. “There is no room for negotiation. Poland’s border must be protected,” he said. “Polish troops, border guards, officers have become the targets of aggression, and you have every right, not to say an obligation, to use every means available to you […] when you are defending not only the border but also your own life.”


    #Pologne #Biélorussie #frontières #migrations #réfugiés #fermeture_des_frontières #murs #barrières_frontalières #militarisation_des_frontières #exclusion_zone #zone_d'exclusion #zone_frontalière #crise_humanitaire #mourir_aux_frontières #décès #morts_aux_frontières #forêt #refoulements #push-backs #buffer_zone

    ajouté à la métaliste sur la Création de zones frontalières (au lieu de lignes de frontière) en vue de refoulements :

    • Briefing Note: Refugees trapped in Europe’s “death zone” - July 2024

      Poland: Urgent action needed for refugees trapped in Europe’s ‘death zone’
      Access to the Polish-Belarusian border has been restricted, preventing the provision of humanitarian assistance to refugees seeking international protection. The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) urgently calls on the Polish government, the European Union, and the international community to address the escalating humanitarian crisis.

      “The exclusion zone with no access for humanitarian workers is a recipe for disaster. It affects the weakest and the most vulnerable refugees seeking international protection. Data shows that building fences and pushing back people won’t stop them from seeking safety and protection,” said Neil Brighton, NRC’s country director in Poland. “The European Union and the international community must support the Government of Poland by increasing reception capacity at the border and addressing the root causes of displacement through humanitarian and development assistance.”

      Since the crisis began in 2021, NRC and local partners have recorded nearly 20,000 requests for assistance and nearly 9,000 violent pushbacks, including incidents involving pregnant women and minors. 82 deaths related to the conditions at the border have been documented in the ‘death zone’ between the Polish and Belarusian border fences and along the border. This area is characterised by extreme temperatures and dense forests and swamps, making it a dangerous crossing for refugees seeking protection. Those crossing the border irregularly, have endured hardships and long journeys from Iraq, Afghanistan, and other countries as far as Eritrea.

      “They hit you with sticks to make your body grow bigger and swell up so that no one will manage to pass through,” said Amina from Syria, a refugee who experienced nine pushbacks. On the final time, she managed to reach Polish territory, where she sought help from one of the humanitarian organisations operating in the area.

      Farid, a refugee from Afghanistan, recalled: “They asked me ‘Where are you from?’ I said I was from Afghanistan. They hit me on my broken leg, and I shouted terribly, which made them very angry - they beat me.”

      NRC has been supporting and working closely with local organisations, on the Polish territory, to provide thousands of refugees with life-saving assistance and legal aid. Despite these efforts, the recent reintroduction of the exclusion zone, a legally defined area restricting access for unauthorised individuals along parts of the Polish-Belarusian border, has severely restricted access for humanitarian workers to support those trapped at the border.

      “We believe that nobody should be left in life-threatening conditions regardless of their origin, nationality or religion. We strongly believe that a safe border means a border that is safe for all people, where the rights of those seeking international protection are respected,” said Katarzyna Potoniec from Egala Association, one of NRC’s local partner organisations in Poland.

      NRC calls on the Polish government to ensure humanitarian access to those in need, and to adhere to the Geneva Convention and the European Convention on Human Rights and ensure all claims for the international protection are properly processed. The European Union and international donors must provide sustained funding and support to address the urgent needs at the border and establish safe, legal pathways for refugees.


  • Malgré la #surveillance accrue, malgré l’emploi de #technologie de plus en plus sophistiquée, malgré la #militarisation_des_frontières, malgré les #murs...

    Migration flows at highest since 2019

    Arrivals in Greece rise by 154%, mainly via Evros border and the islands in first months of 2024

    After a relative lull in recent years, migratory flows in 2024 have already increased significantly in the first months of 2024, mainly through the Evros border region in northeastern Greece, but also the Greek islands.

    According to data from the Ministry of Migration and Asylum, in the first quarter of 2024, these represent the highest migration flows since 2019.

    The flows to Evros in particular have been rising over the recent period as shown by the asylum applications filed in Fylakio, with 585 in April. At the same time, migrants arrive by sea on small boats and try to reach different parts of the country, such as the coast of Crete, Gavdos and Lakonia.

    The mayor of Gavdos, Lilian Afentaki, said that two boats arrived on the island with 19 and 43 people on board respectively in June. She points out, however, that their transfer is organized immediately, within two days at most, so there is no problem with tourist traffic.

    By way of comparison, about 11,000 migrants had arrived in Greece in the first quarter of 2019 (January-April). However, in the same period in 2020, arrivals dropped, with about 9,000 migrants entering the country. Arrivals then decreased drastically in 2021 and 2022. For instance, in 2021, from January to April, just over 2,000 arrived, and about 3,500 in 2022. And last year, 4,660 migrants entered the country in the first quarter. But in 2024 from the beginning of the year to April the number of arrivals had already reached 11,835, an increase of 154% compared to the same period in 2023.

    An increase in arrivals was also recorded on the islands in May, with 1,592 people arriving in that month in 2023 compared to 4,115 in 2024. And in June until Tuesday, 1,477 migrants had tried to reach Greek shores and were intercepted by the Hellenic Coast Guard. Already, those staying in facilities on both the islands and mainland Greece in April 2024 had almost doubled compared to the same month in 2023.

    As far as cooperation with the competent authorities in Turkey to monitor and control migratory flows is concerned, Hellenic Coast Guard sources say that there is still consultation and direct communication between the respective officials of the two countries.

    Greek Shipping Minister Christos Stylianides and his Turkish counterpart agreed in a meeting in Ankara in January to reactivate the communication channel between the respective coast guards.

    #migrations #réfugiés #statistiques #chiffres #arrivées #Grèce #Evros #2024 #les_murs_ne_servent_à_rien #Crète

  • Le piège de la frontiere de Nador-Melilla


    Le #24_juin_2022, près de deux-mille personnes migrantes ont tenté de traverser la barrière-frontalière séparant la ville de #Nador – au nord-est du Maroc – de Melilla – enclave sous contrôle espagnol. La #répression violente qui leur a été infligée par les forces de l’ordre marocaines et espagnoles a transformé le poste-frontière de #Barrio_Chino en #piège mortel, et a abouti à un véritable #charnier. Les autorités marocaines ont reconnu 23 décès, mais l’Association Marocaine des Droits Humains à Nador (AMDH) a dénombré au moins 27 personnes tuées lors de cette journée, et plus de 70 personnes demeurent disparues jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Que s’est-il passé le 24 juin 2022 ? Comment et par qui le poste-frontière de Barrio Chino a-t-il été transformé en piège mortel ?

    Pour répondre à ces questions, Border Forensics a enquêté pendant plus d’un an avec Irídia-Centre pour la Défense des Droits Humains, l’Association Marocaine des Droits Humains et d’autres acteurs de la société civile des deux côtés de la frontière. Par ailleurs, nous avons bénéficié des conseils complémentaires du Centre Européen pour les Droits Constitutionnels et Humains (ECCHR). En articulant notre analyse du massacre à travers différentes échelles spatiales et temporelles, nous avons tenté de comprendre non seulement l’enchaînement des évènements et les pratiques des acteurs présents sur place le 24 juin 2022, mais également les conditions structurelles qui ont rendu ce massacre possible, ainsi que la conjoncture politique qui a influé sur l’intensité extrême de la violence. Nous analysons également la violence qui a continué après le 24 juin à travers l’absence d’identification des morts et des disparus, l’impunité pour le massacre et l’acharnement judiciaire contre les personnes migrantes elles-mêmes.

    Bien que des zones d’ombre subsistent, les faits que nous avons reconstitués en croisant de nombreux éléments de preuve sont accablants, tant pour les autorités marocaines et espagnoles que pour l’Union européenne (UE) qui les soutient politiquement et financièrement. Les autorités des deux côtés de la frontière doivent faire toute la lumière sur ce massacre, et enfin répondre aux demandes de vérité et de justice des victimes et de leurs familles.

    #Melilla #Espagne #Maroc #frontières #massacre #mourir_aux_frontières #morts_aux_frontières #border_forensics #architecture_forensique #violence #violences_policières #contre-enquête #apartheid_frontalier #barrières_frontalières #murs #domination_raciale #impunité #préméditation #militarisation_des_frontières #identification #externalisation

  • Politiques migratoires : « Des dispositifs mortels, dont l’effet est de tuer pour dissuader »

    Les textes composant le Pacte migratoire européen devraient être votés à Bruxelles d’ici mercredi 10 avril. Ils pourraient réduire considérablement les droits des personnes en exil qui tenteraient de rejoindre l’Union européenne.

    Renforcer les contrôles aux frontières, procéder au tri des exilé·es aux portes de l’Union européenne, traiter les procédures d’asile en accéléré, expulser plus rapidement les « indésirables » ou encourager les logiques d’externalisation…

    Les textes qui composent le pacte migratoire européen sont actuellement débattus au Parlement européen et doivent être votés mercredi 10 avril. Censé répondre à la crise de l’accueil qu’a connue l’Europe en 2015, il est largement rejeté par la gauche et les ONG, mais a toutes les chances d’être adopté après plus de deux ans de tractations.

    Pourquoi a-t-il été aussi difficile d’aboutir sur un tel pacte ? Que va-t-il changer pour les personnes exilées ? Comment en contrer les potentiels effets négatifs ?

    Nos invitées pour en débattre :

    - #Rima_Hassan, candidate LFI aux élections européennes, juriste et fondatrice de l’Observatoire des camps de réfugiés ;
    - #Sophie-Anne_Bisiaux, membre du réseau Migreurop, spécialiste des questions liées à l’externalisation, notamment en Afrique du Nord ;
    - #Sophie_Djigo, philosophe, fondatrice du collectif Migraction59 dans le nord de la France, autrice de Penser avec la frontière (Éditions d’une rive à l’autre).

    #pacte_européen_sur_la_migration_et_l’asile #pacte #Europe #pacte_migratoire #asile #migrations #réfugiés
    #pression_migratoire #management_migratoire #triple_win #répression #administration_des_flux #exclusion #récupération #humanité #fermeté #enfermement #tri #militarisation_des_frontières #racisme #règlement_filtrage #filtrage #frontières #frontières_extérieures #détention #enfermement #fichage #empreintes_digitales #procédure_d'asile #procédure_à_la_frontière #procédure_accélérée #pays_sûrs #fiction_juridique_de_non-entrée #non-entrée #fiction_juridique #encampement #encampement_généralisé #répartition #répartition_de_solidarité #paternalisme_colonial #externalisation #externalisation_des_frontières #refoulements #push-backs

  • #Mayotte va ériger un « rideau de fer » de technologies civilo-militaires de surveillance

    Le sous-préfet chargé de la lutte contre l’immigration clandestine à Mayotte vient de publier 11 demandes d’information réclamant aux industriels un arsenal impressionnant de technologies de #surveillance pour combattre le « défi migratoire » dans ce département de la #France d’outre-mer.

    Le 10 février dernier, #Gérald_Darmanin a annoncé qu’ « avec le ministre des Armées, nous mettons en place un "#rideau_de_fer" dans l’eau, qui empêchera le passage des #kwassa-kwassa [des #pirogues légères, qui tanguent énormément, et sont utilisées par les passeurs pour convoyer des migrants d’#Anjouan aux #Comores à Mayotte, ndlr] et des #bateaux, beaucoup plus de moyens d’interception, des #radars, et vous verrez un changement radical ».

    Concrètement, ce dispositif consiste en « une nouvelle vague d’#investissements dans des outils technologiques (radars, moyens maritimes…) permettant de déceler et d’interpeller les migrants en mer », précise le ministère de l’Intérieur à France Info.

    Il s’agit du prolongement de l’#opération_Shikandra, du nom d’un redouté poisson baliste du lagon qui défend son territoire et se montre extrêmement agressif envers les poissons et tout animal (plongeurs et nageurs inclus) qui traverse sa zone de nidification en période de reproduction.

    L’opération Shikandra est quant à elle qualifiée par le ministère d’ « approche globale, civilo-militaire, pour relever durablement le défi migratoire à Mayotte », « qui a permis une première vague d’investissements massifs dans ces outils » depuis son lancement (https://www.mayotte.gouv.fr/contenu/telechargement/15319/116719/file/26082019_+DP+Op%C3%A9ration+Shikandra+Mayotte.pdf) en 2019.

    Il était alors question de déployer 35 fonctionnaires supplémentaires à la #Police_aux_frontières (#PAF), plus 26 gendarmes départementaux et sept effectifs supplémentaires pour le greffe du TGI de Mamoudzou, mais également d’affecter 22 personnels supplémentaires aux effectifs embarqués dans les unités maritimes, de remplacer les cinq vedettes d’interception vétustes par huit intercepteurs en parfaites conditions opérationnelles (quatre neufs et quatre rénovés).

    En décembre dernier, Elisabeth Borne a annoncé le lancement, en 2024, du #plan_interministériel_Shikandra 2, contrat d’engagement financier entre l’État et le département doté de plusieurs centaines de millions d’euros jusqu’en 2027 : « Nous investirons massivement dans la protection des #frontières avec de nouveaux outils de #détection et d’#interception ».

    À l’en croire, la mobilisation de « moyens considérables » via la première opération Shikandra aurait déjà porté ses fruits : « Depuis 5 ans, près de 112 000 personnes ont été éloignées du territoire, dont plus de 22 000 depuis le début de l’année ».

    Les derniers chiffres fournis par la préfecture de Mayotte, en octobre 2023, évoquent de leur côté un total de 60 610 reconduites à la frontière (8 127 en 2020, 17 853 en 2021, 17 380 en 2022 et 17 250 en 2023, l’interception de 1 353 kwassa-kwassa, 17 192 étrangers en situation irrégulière interpellés en mer, et 59 789 à terre, la destruction de 622 barques et 424 moteurs, et la condamnation à de la prison ferme de 285 passeurs.

    #murs #barrières_frontalières #migrations #réfugiés #chiffres #statistiques #complexe_militaro-industrielle #technologie #frontières #militarisation_des_frontières

  • Border security with drones and databases

    The EU’s borders are increasingly militarised, with hundreds of millions of euros paid to state agencies and military, security and IT companies for surveillance, patrols and apprehension and detention. This process has massive human cost, and politicians are planning to intensify it.

    Europe is ringed by steel fences topped by barbed wire; patrolled by border agents equipped with thermal vision systems, heartbeat detectors, guns and batons; and watched from the skies by drones, helicopters and planes. Anyone who enters is supposed to have their fingerprints and photograph taken for inclusion in an enormous biometric database. Constant additions to this technological arsenal are under development, backed by generous amounts of public funding. Three decades after the fall of the Berlin Wall, there are more walls than ever at Europe’s borders,[1] and those borders stretch ever further in and out of its territory. This situation is the result of long-term political and corporate efforts to toughen up border surveillance and controls.

    The implications for those travelling to the EU depend on whether they belong to the majority entering in a “regular” manner, with the necessary paperwork and permissions, or are unable to obtain that paperwork, and cross borders irregularly. Those with permission must hand over increasing amounts of personal data. The increasing automation of borders is reliant on the collection of sensitive personal data and the use of algorithms, machine learning and other forms of so-called artificial intelligence to determine whether or not an individual poses a threat.

    Those without permission to enter the EU – a category that includes almost any refugee, with the notable exception of those who hold a Ukrainian passport – are faced with technology, personnel and policies designed to make journeys increasingly difficult, and thus increasingly dangerous. The reliance on smugglers is a result of the insistence on keeping people in need out at any cost – and the cost is substantial. Thousands of people die at Europe’s borders every year, families are separated, and people suffer serious physical and psychological harm as a result of those journeys and subsequent administrative detention and social marginalisation. Yet parties of all political stripes remain committed to the same harmful and dangerous policies – many of which are being worsened through the new Pact on Migration and Asylum.[2]

    The EU’s border agency, Frontex, based in Warsaw, was first set up in 2004 with the aim of providing technical coordination between EU member states’ border guards. Its remit has been gradually expanded. Following the “migration crisis” of 2015 and 2016, extensive new powers were granted to the agency. As the Max Planck Institute has noted, the 2016 law shifted the agency from a playing “support role” to acting as “a player in its own right that fulfils a regulatory, supervisory, and operational role.”[3] New tasks granted to the agency included coordinating deportations of rejected refugees and migrants, data analysis and exchange, border surveillance, and technology research and development. A further legal upgrade in 2019 introduced even more extensive powers, in particular in relation to deportations, and cooperation with and operations in third countries.

    The uniforms, guns and batons wielded by Frontex’s border guards are self-evidently militaristic in nature, as are other aspects of its work: surveillance drones have been acquired from Israeli military companies, and the agency deploys “mobile radars and thermal cameras mounted on vehicles, as well as heartbeat detectors and CO2 monitors used to detect signs of people concealed inside vehicles.”[4] One investigation described the companies that have held lobbying meetings or attended events with Frontex as “a Who’s Who of the weapons industry,” with guests including Airbus, BAE Systems, Leonardo and Thales.[5] The information acquired from the agency’s surveillance and field operations is combined with data provided by EU and third country agencies, and fed into the European Border Surveillance System, EUROSUR. This offers a God’s-eye overview of the situation at Europe’s borders and beyond – the system also claims to provide “pre-frontier situational awareness.”

    The EU and its member states also fund research and development on these technologies. From 2014 to 2022, 49 research projects were provided with a total of almost €275 million to investigate new border technologies, including swarms of autonomous drones for border surveillance, and systems that aim to use artificial intelligence to integrate and analyse data from drones, satellites, cameras, sensors and elsewhere for “analysis of potential threats” and “detection of illegal activities.”[6] Amongst the top recipients of funding have been large research institutes – for example, Germany’s Fraunhofer Institute – but companies such as Leonardo, Smiths Detection, Engineering – Ingegneria Informatica and Veridos have also been significant beneficiaries.[7]

    This is only a tiny fraction of the funds available for strengthening the EU’s border regime. A 2022 study found that between 2015 and 2020, €7.7 billion had been spent on the EU’s borders and “the biggest parts of this budget come from European funding” – that is, the EU’s own budget. The total value of the budgets that provide funds for asylum, migration and border control between 2021-27 comes to over €113 billion[8]. Proposals for the next round of budgets from 2028 until 2035 are likely to be even larger.

    Cooperation between the EU, its member states and third countries on migration control comes in a variety of forms: diplomacy, short and long-term projects, formal agreements and operational deployments. Whatever form it takes, it is frequently extremely harmful. For example, to try to reduce the number of people arriving across the Mediterranean, member states have withdrawn national sea rescue assets (as deployed, for example, in Italy’s Mare Nostrum operation) whilst increasing aerial surveillance, such as that provided by the Israel-produced drones operated by Frontex. This makes it possible to observe refugees attempting to cross the Mediterranean, whilst outsourcing their interception to authorities from countries such as Libya, Tunisia and Egypt.

    This is part of an ongoing plan “to strengthen coordination of search and rescue capacities and border surveillance at sea and land borders” of those countries. [9] Cooperation with Tunisia includes refitting search and rescue vessels and providing vehicles and equipment to the Tunisian coastguard and navy, along with substantial amounts of funding. The agreement with Egypt appears to be structured along similar lines, and five vessels have been provided to the so-called Libyan Coast Guard in 2023.[10]

    Frontex also plays a key role in the EU’s externalised border controls. The 2016 reform allowed Frontex deployments at countries bordering the EU, and the 2019 reform allowed deployments anywhere in the world, subject to agreement with the state in question. There are now EU border guards stationed in Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and North Macedonia.[11] The agency is seeking agreements with Niger, Senegal and Morocco, and has recently received visits from Tunisian and Egyptian officials with a view to stepping up cooperation.[12]

    In a recent report for the organisation EuroMed Rights, Antonella Napolitano highlighted “a new element” in the EU’s externalisation strategy: “the use of EU funds – including development aid – to outsource surveillance technologies that are used to entrench political control both on people on the move and local population.” Five means of doing so have been identified: provision of equipment; training; financing operations and procurement; facilitating exports by industry; and promoting legislation that enables surveillance.[13]

    The report highlights Frontex’s extended role which, even without agreements allowing deployments on foreign territory, has seen the agency support the creation of “risk analysis cells” in a number of African states, used to gather and analyse data on migration movements. The EU has also funded intelligence training in Algeria, digital evidence capacity building in Egypt, border control initiatives in Libya, and the provision of surveillance technology to Morocco. The European Ombudsman has found that insufficient attention has been given to the potential human rights impacts of this kind of cooperation.[14]

    While the EU and its member states may provide the funds for the acquisition of new technologies, or the construction of new border control systems, information on the companies that receive the contracts is not necessarily publicly available. Funds awarded to third countries will be spent in accordance with those countries’ procurement rules, which may not be as transparent as those in the EU. Indeed, the acquisition of information on the externalisation in third countries is far from simple, as a Statewatch investigation published in March 2023 found.[15]

    While EU and member state institutions are clearly committed to continuing with plans to strengthen border controls, there is a plethora of organisations, initiatives, campaigns and projects in Europe, Africa and elsewhere that are calling for a different approach. One major opportunity to call for change in the years to come will revolve around proposals for the EU’s new budgets in the 2028-35 period. The European Commission is likely to propose pouring billions more euros into borders – but there are many alternative uses of that money that would be more positive and productive. The challenge will be in creating enough political pressure to make that happen.

    This article was originally published by Welt Sichten, and is based upon the Statewatch/EuroMed Rights report Europe’s techno-borders.


    [1] https://www.tni.org/en/publication/building-walls

    [2] https://www.statewatch.org/news/2023/december/tracking-the-pact-human-rights-disaster-in-the-works-as-parliament-makes

    [3] https://www.mpg.de/14588889/frontex

    [4] https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2021/dec/06/fortress-europe-the-millions-spent-on-military-grade-tech-to-deter-refu

    [5] https://frontexfiles.eu/en.html

    [6] https://www.statewatch.org/publications/reports-and-books/europe-s-techno-borders

    [7] https://www.statewatch.org/publications/reports-and-books/europe-s-techno-borders

    [8] https://www.statewatch.org/publications/reports-and-books/europe-s-techno-borders

    [9] https://www.statewatch.org/news/2023/november/eu-planning-new-anti-migration-deals-with-egypt-and-tunisia-unrepentant-

    [10] https://www.statewatch.org/media/4103/eu-com-von-der-leyen-ec-letter-annex-10-23.pdf

    [11] https://www.statewatch.org/analyses/2021/briefing-external-action-frontex-operations-outside-the-eu

    [12] https://www.statewatch.org/news/2023/november/eu-planning-new-anti-migration-deals-with-egypt-and-tunisia-unrepentant-, https://www.statewatch.org/publications/events/secrecy-and-the-externalisation-of-eu-migration-control

    [13] https://privacyinternational.org/challenging-drivers-surveillance

    [14] https://euromedrights.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Euromed_AI-Migration-Report_EN-1.pdf

    [15] https://www.statewatch.org/access-denied-secrecy-and-the-externalisation-of-eu-migration-control

    #frontières #militarisation_des_frontières #technologie #données #bases_de_données #drones #complexe_militaro-industriel #migrations #réfugiés #contrôles_frontaliers #surveillance #sécurité_frontalière #biométrie #données_biométriques #intelligence_artificielle #algorithmes #smugglers #passeurs #Frontex #Airbus #BAE_Systems #Leonardo #Thales #EUROSUR #coût #business #prix #Smiths_Detection #Fraunhofer_Institute #Engineering_Ingegneria_Informatica #informatique #Tunisie #gardes-côtes_tunisiens #Albanie #Monténégro #Serbie #Bosnie-Herzégovine #Macédoine_du_Nord #Egypte #externalisation #développement #aide_au_développement #coopération_au_développement #Algérie #Libye #Maroc #Afrique_du_Nord

  • Greece is planning a €40m automated surveillance system at borders with North Macedonia and Albania

    The European Commission wants Greece to build an automated wall to prevent some people from leaving the country. Locals are not enthusiastic, but their opinion counts for little.
    Many people holding Syrian, Afghan, Somalian, Bangladeshi or Pakistani passports seeking asylum in the European Union move out of Greece when they have the feeling that their administrative situation will not improve there. The route to other EU countries through the Balkans starts in northern Greece, onward to either North Macedonia or Albania. Greek police, it is said, are quite relaxed about people leaving the country.

    “We have many people who pass our area who want to go to Europe,” says Konstantinos Sionidis, the mayor of Paionia, a working-class municipality of 30,000 at Greece’s northern border. “It’s not a pleasant situation for us,” he adds.

    But leaving via Paionia is getting more difficult. In May 2023, Frontex guards started patrolling at North Macedonia’s border. Near the highway, one young woman from Sierra Leone said she and her friend tried to leave four times in the past month. Once, they got as far as the Serbian border. The other times, they were arrested immediately in North Macedonia at night, coming out of the forest, by Frontex officers asking “Do you want to go to Germany?” (No.) “They don’t want us here [in Greece],” she says. “Let us go!”

    However, the European Commission has plans to make it harder for people to travel through North Macedonia (and other parts of the Western Balkan route). According to a national programming document for the 2021 - 2027 EU “border management” funding for Greek authorities, €47m are budgeted to build an “automated border surveillance system” at Greece’s borders with North Macedonia and Albania. The new system shall explicitly be modeled on the one already deployed at the land border with Türkiye, along the Evros river.
    The virtual border wall

    Evros is described as a surveillance “testing ground.” (https://www.dw.com/en/is-greece-failing-to-deploy-eu-funded-surveillance-system-at-turkish-border-as-intended/a-63055306) In the early 2000s, police used thermal cameras and binoculars to spot people attempting to cross the border. As Greece and other Member-States increased their efforts to keep people out of the EU, more funding came in for drones, heartbeat detectors, more border guards – and for an “automated border surveillance system.”

    In 2021, the Greek government unveiled dozens of surveillance towers, equipped with cameras, radars and heat sensors. Officials claimed these would be able to alert regional police stations when detecting people approaching the border. At the time, media outlets raved about this 24-hour “electronic shield” (https://www.kathimerini.gr/society/561551092/ilektroniki-aspida-ston-evro-se-leitoyrgia-kameres-kai-rantar) that would “seal” (https://www.staratalogia.gr/2021/10/blog-post_79.html#google_vignette) Evros with cameras that can see “up to 15 km” into Türkiye (https://meaculpa.gr/stithikan-oi-pylones-ston-evro-oi-kamer).

    Greece is not the first country to buy into the vision of automated, omnipotent border surveillance. The German Democratic Republic installed automated rifles near the border with West-Germany, for instance. But the origin of the current trend towards automated borders lies in the United States. In the 1970s, sensors originally built for deployment in Vietnam were installed at the Mexican border. Since then, “the relationship between surveillance and law enforcement has been one between salespeople and officers who are not experts,” says Dave Maas, an investigator at the Electronic Frontier Foundation. “Somebody buys surveillance towers, leaves office and three administrations later, people are like: ‘Hey, this did not deliver as promised’, and then the new person is like: ‘Well I wasn’t the one who paid for it, so here is my next idea’.”

    At the US-Mexico border, the towers are “like a scarecrow,” says Geoff Boyce, who used to direct the Earlham College Border Studies Program in Arizona. His research showed that, in cases where migrants could see the towers, they took longer, more dangerous routes to avoid detection. “People are dying outside the visual range of the towers.”

    No data is available that would hint that the Greek system is different. While the Greek government shares little information about the system in Evros, former minister for citizen protection Takis Theodorikakos mentioned it earlier this year in a parliamentary session. He claimed that the border surveillance system in Evros had been used to produce the official statistics for people deterred at the Evros border in 2022 (https://www.astynomia.gr/2023/01/03/03-01-2022-koino-deltio-typou-ypourgeiou-prostasias-tou-politi-kai-ellinik). But thermal cameras, for example, cannot show an exact number of people, or even differentiate people from animals.

    In Evros, the automated border surveillance system was also intended to be used for search-and-rescue missions. Last year, a group of asylum-seekers were stranded on an islet on the Evros river for nearly a month. Deutsche Welle reported that a nearby pylon with heat sensors and cameras should have been able to immediately locate the group. Since then, authorities have continued to be accused of delaying rescue missions.

    “At the border, it is sometimes possible to see people stranded with your own eyes,” says Lena Karamanidou, who has been researching border violence in Evros for decades. “And [they] are saying the cameras that can see up to 15 kilometers into Türkiye can’t see them.”
    Keeping people in

    In contrast to the system in Evros, the aim of the newly planned automated border surveillance systems appears to be to stop people from leaving Greece. Current policing practices there are very different from those at Evros.

    At Greece’s border with North Macedonia, “we’ve heard reports that the police were actively encouraging people to leave the country,” says Manon Louis of the watchdog organization Border Violence Monitoring Network. “In testimonies collected by BVMN, people have reported that the Greek police dropped them off at the Macedonian border.”

    “It’s an open secret,” says Alexander Gkatsis from Open Cultural Center, a nonprofit in the center of Paionia, “everybody in this area knows.”

    Thirty years ago, lots of people came from Albania to Paionia, when there were more jobs in clothing factories and agriculture, many of which are now done by machines. These days, the region is struggling with unemployment and low wages. In 2015, it drew international media attention for hosting the infamous Idomeni camp. Sionidis, the Paionia mayor, says he didn’t know anything about plans for an automated border system until we asked him.

    “The migration policy is decided by the minister of migration in Athens,” says Sionidis. He was also not consulted on Frontex coming to Paionia a few years ago. But he readily admits that his municipality is but one small pawn in a Europe-wide negotiation. “[Brussels and Athens] have to make one decision for the whole European border,” says Sionidis, “If we don’t have the electronic wall here, then we won’t have it at Evros.”


    #Albanie #Macédoine_du_Nord #frontières #migrations #réfugiés #barrières #fermeture_des_frontières #Grèce #frontières_terrestres #surveillance #contrôles_frontaliers #technologie #complexe_militaro-industriel #Paionia #militarisation_des_frontières #Frontex #border_management #automated_border_surveillance_system #Evros #efficacité #inefficacité #caméra_thermiques #sortie #murs_anti-sortie (comme aux temps de la #guerre_froide)

  • #Frontex, Cutro è un ricordo sbiadito: sorvegliare dall’alto resta la priorità

    Un anno dopo la strage, l’Agenzia europea della guardia di frontiera investe ancora su velivoli per sorvolare il Mediterraneo. Dal 2016 a oggi la spesa supera mezzo miliardo di euro. Una strategia dagli esiti noti: più respinti e più morti

    Frontex è pronta a investire altri 158 milioni di euro per sorvegliare dall’alto il Mediterraneo. A un anno dal naufragio di Steccato di Cutro (KR), costato la vita a 94 persone, la strategia dell’Agenzia che sorveglia le frontiere esterne europee non cambia. Anzi, si affina con “occhi” sempre più efficaci per rintracciare e osservare dall’alto le imbarcazioni in difficoltà. “Si continua a pensare che Frontex sia un’innocua gregaria degli Stati, senza responsabilità -spiega Laura Salzano, docente di diritto dell’Ue presso l’Università di Barcellona-. Ma in mare, sempre di più, le sue attività hanno conseguenze dirette sulla vita delle persone”.

    Lo racconta, in parte, anche la strage di Cutro del 26 febbraio 2023. Alle 22.26 della sera prima infatti fu l’Agenzia, attraverso il velivolo “Eagle 1”, a individuare per prima la “Summer love” e a segnalarla, quand’era a circa 40 miglia delle coste crotonesi, al Frontex coordination centre. Da Varsavia le coordinate della nave furono girate alle autorità competenti: tra queste anche l’International coordination centre (ICC) di Pratica di mare (RM) in cui, allo stesso tavolo, siedono le autorità italiane e la stessa Agenzia che ha il dovere di monitorare quello che succede. “Nonostante fosse noto che c’erano persone nella ‘pancia della nave’ e il meteo stesse peggiorando, si è deciso di attivare un’operazione di polizia e non di ‘ricerca e soccorso’ -spiega Salzano-. Questa classificazione a mio avviso errata è responsabilità anche dell’Agenzia”. Un errore che potrebbe aver inciso anche sul ritardo nei soccorsi.

    Lo stabilirà la Procura di Crotone che, a metà gennaio 2024, non ha ancora chiuso le indagini sulla strage. Qualcosa di quanto successo quella sera, però, si sa già, perché il processo contro i presunti manovratori dell’imbarcazione è già in fase di dibattimento. “La prima barca della Guardia costiera -spiega Francesco Verri, avvocato di decine di familiari delle vittime- arriva sul luogo del naufragio alle 6.50, quasi tre ore dopo il naufragio: salva due persone ma recupera anche il cadavere di un bambino morto di freddo. Perché ci hanno impiegato così tanto tempo per percorrere poche miglia nautiche? Sulla spiaggia la pattuglia è arrivata un’ora e 35 minuti dopo il naufragio. Da Crotone a Cutro ci vogliono dieci minuti di macchina”. Domande a cui dovranno rispondere le autorità italiane.

    Al di là delle responsabilità penali, però, quanto successo quella notte mostra l’inadeguatezza del sistema dei soccorsi di cui la sorveglianza aerea è un tassello fondamentale su cui Frontex continua a investire. Con importi senza precedenti.

    Quando Altreconomia va in stampa, a metà gennaio, l’Agenzia sta ancora valutando le offerte arrivate per il nuovo bando da 158 milioni di euro per due servizi di monitoraggio aereo: uno a medio raggio, entro le 151 miglia nautiche dall’aeroporto di partenza (budget di 100 milioni), l’altro a lungo raggio che può superare le 401 miglia di distanza (48 milioni).


    Documenti di gara alla mano, una delle novità più rilevanti riguarda i cosiddetti “Paesi ospitanti” delle attività di monitoraggio: si prevede infatti espressamente che possano essere anche Stati non appartenenti all’Unione europea. In sostanza: il velivolo potrebbe partire da una base in Tunisia o Libia; e, addirittura, si prevede che un host country liaison officer, ovvero un agente di “contatto” delle autorità di quel Paese, possa salire a bordo dell’aeromobile. “Bisogna capire se sarà fattibile operativamente -sottolinea Salzano-. Ma non escludere questa possibilità nel bando è grave: sono Paesi che non sono tenuti a rispettare gli standard europei”.

    Mentre lavora per dispiegare la sua flotta anche sull’altra sponda del Mediterraneo, Frontex investe sulla “qualità” dei servizi richiesti. Nel bando si richiede infatti che il radar installato sopra il velivolo sia in grado di individuare (per poi poter fotografare) un oggetto di piccole dimensioni a quasi dieci chilometri di distanza e uno “medio” a quasi 19. Prendendo ad esempio il caso delle coste libiche, più la “potenza di fuoco” è elevata più il velivolo potrà essere distante dalle coste del Nordafrica ma comunque individuare le imbarcazioni appena partite.

    La distanza, in miglia nautiche, che l’ultimo bando pubblicato da Frontex nel novembre 2023 prevede tra l’aeroporto di partenza del velivolo e l’area di interesse da sorvolare è di 401 miglia. Nella prima gara riguardante questi servizi, pubblicata dall’agenzia nell’agosto 2016, la distanza massima prevista era di 200 miglia

    Frontex sa che, oltre alla componente meccanica, l’efficienza “tecnica” dei suoi droni è fondamentale. Per questo il 6 e 7 settembre 2023 ha riunito a Varsavia 16 aziende del settore per discutere delle nuove frontiere tecnologiche dei “velivoli a pilotaggio remoto”. A presentare i propri prodotti c’era anche l’italiana Leonardo Spa, leader europeo nel settore aerospaziale e militare, che già nel 2018 aveva siglato un accordo da 1,6 milioni di euro per fornire droni all’Agenzia.

    L’ex Finmeccanica è tra le 15 aziende che hanno vinto i bandi pubblicati da Frontex per la sorveglianza aerea. Se si guarda al numero di commesse aggiudicate, il trio formato da DEA Aviation (Regno Unito), CAE Aviation (Stati Uniti) ed EASP Air (Spagna) primeggia con oltre otto contratti siglati. Valutando l’importo delle singole gare, a farla da padrone sono invece due colossi del settore militare: la tedesca Airbus DS e la Elbit System, principale azienda che rifornisce l’esercito israeliano, che si sono aggiudicate in cordata due gare (2020 e 2022) per 125 milioni di euro. Dal 2016 a oggi, il totale investito per questi servizi supera i cinquecento milioni di euro.

    “La sorveglianza è una delle principali voci di spesa dell’Agenzia -spiega Ana Valdivia, professoressa all’Oxford internet institute che da anni analizza i bandi di Frontex- insieme a tutte le tecnologie che trasformano gli ‘eventi reali’ in dati”. E la cosiddetta “datificazione” ha un ruolo di primo piano anche nel Mediterraneo. “La fotografia di una barca in distress ha un duplice scopo: intercettarla ma anche avere un’evidenza digitale, una prova, che una determinata persona era a bordo -aggiunge Valdivia-. Questa è la ‘sorveglianza’: non un occhio che ci guarda giorno e notte, ma una memoria digitale capace di ricostruire in futuro la nostra vita. Anche per i migranti”. E per chi è su un’imbarcazione diretta verso l’Europa è vitale a chi finiscono le informazioni.

    Nell’ultimo bando pubblicato da Frontex, si prevede che “il contraente trasferirà i dati a sistemi situati in un Paese terzo se è garantito un livello adeguato di protezione”. “Fanno finta di non sapere che non possono farlo -aggiunge Salzano- non potendo controllare che Paesi come la Tunisia e la Libia non utilizzino quei dati, per esempio, per arrestare le persone in viaggio una volta respinte”. Quello che si sa, invece, è che quei dati -nello specifico le coordinate delle navi- vengono utilizzate per far intervenire le milizie costiere libiche. Per questo motivo i droni si avvicinano sempre di più alla Libia. Se nel 2016 l’Agenzia, nella prima gara pubblicata per questa tipologia di servizi, parlava di area operativa nelle “vicinanze” con le coste italiane e greche, fino a 200 miglia nautiche dall’aeroporto di partenza, dal 2020 in avanti questa distanza ha superato le 401 miglia.

    Lorenzo Pezzani, professore associato di Geografia all’università di Bologna, ha esaminato giorno per giorno i tracciati di “Heron”, il più importante drone della flotta di Frontex: nel 2021 l’attività di volo si è concentrata tra Zuara e Tripoli, il tratto di costa libica da cui partiva la maggior parte delle barche.

    “Il numero di respingimenti delle milizie libiche -spiega Pezzani autore dello studio “Airborne complicity” pubblicato a inizio dicembre 2022- cresce all’aumentare delle ore di volo del drone e allo stesso tempo la mortalità non diminuisce, a differenza di quanto dichiarato dall’Agenzia”. Che tramite il suo direttore Hans Leijtens, entrato in carica a pochi giorni dal naufragio di Cutro, nega di avere accordi o rapporti diretti con la Libia. “Se è così, com’è possibile che un drone voli così vicino alle coste di uno Stato sovrano?”, si chiede Salzano. Chi fornirà il “nuovo” servizio per Frontex dovrà cancellare le registrazioni video entro 72 ore. Meglio non lasciare troppe tracce in giro.

    #migrations #réfugiés #frontières #militarisation_des_frontières #complexe_militaro-industriel #business #Méditerranée #mer_Méditerranée #Cutro #surveillance_aérienne #Leonardo #Elbit_System #Airbus #host_country_liaison_officer #radar #technologie #DEA_Aviation #CAE_Aviation #EASP_Air #Libye #gardes-côtes_libyens

  • #UK and France’s small boats pact and doubling in drownings ‘directly linked’

    Report says greater police presence on French beaches and more attempts to stop dinghies increases risks to refugees

    The most recent illegal migration pact between the UK and France is “directly linked” to a doubling of the number of Channel drownings in the last year, a report has found.

    The increased police presence on French beaches – along with more dinghies being stopped from reaching the coast – is leading to more dangerous overcrowding and chaotic attempts to board the boats, the paper said.

    The lives lost in 2023 – when the deal was signed – were close to the French shore and to police patrols on the beaches, in contrast to earlier Channel drownings such as the mass drowning on 24 November 2021, where at least 27 people lost their lives after their boat got into difficulty in the middle of the Channel.

    “We directly link the recent increase in the number of deadly incidents to the agreement between the British and French governments to Stop The Boats,” the report states.

    It adds that the increased police presence and their attacks on some of the migrants trying to cross “create panicked and dangerous situations in which dinghies launch before they are fully inflated”. This scenario can increase the risk of drowning in shallow water.

    The paper, named the Deadly Consequences of the New Deal to Stop the Boats, condemns what it describes as increased police violence as the most visible consequence of last year’s deal.

    The report compares data in the year before the March 2023 deal with last year’s data after the deal was signed.

    The data was analysed by the organisation Alarmphone, which operates an emergency helpline for migrants crossing the seas who get into distress, and passes on location and other information to rescue services.

    In 2022, six lives were lost at sea in three separate incidents. In 2023, at least 13 lives were lost in six separate incidents.

    The most recent incident was on 14 January this year where five people lost their lives near the beach of Wimereux, north of Boulogne-sur-Mer, as more than 70 people tried to board a dinghy.

    The BBC reported that two of those who drowned were Obada Abd Rabbo, 14, and his older brother, Ayser, 24, who lost their lives a few metres from the French coast when people rushed into the sea to try to board the dinghy.

    Crossings reduced by a third in 2023 compared with 2022. But there are indications more migrants are turning to lorries and other methods of transport to reach the UK as the clampdown on sea crossings increases.

    Incidents last year in which people lost their lives close to the French shore include:

    - 12 August 2023: six Afghan men drowned in an overloaded dinghy which got intro trouble close to the French shore

    - 26 September 2023: Eritrean woman, 24, died in Blériot-Plage after being asphyxiated in a crush of 80 people trying to board one dinghy

    - 22 November 2023: three people drowned close to Équihen-Plage as the dinghy collapsed close to the shore. Fifty-seven survivors returned to the beach.

    The report concludes that the UK/French deal has further destabilised an already dangerous situation while police are still unable to prevent most crossings on a busy day. It identifies “victim blaming” of those trying to cross by politicians.

    A Home Office spokesperson said: “Fatal incidents in the Channel are the result of dangerous, illegal and unnecessary journeys in unseaworthy craft, facilitated by criminals in the pursuit of profit.

    “Asylum seekers should seek protection in the first country where it is reasonable for them to do so and we continue to take robust action to crackdown on criminal gangs, deter migrants from making dangerous crossings and intercept vessels.”

    The French interior ministry was approached for comment.


    #Calais #France #asile #migrations #réfugiés #mourir_aux_frontières #morts_aux_frontières #militarisation_des_frontières #rapport #létalité #risques #Manche #La_Manche #violences_policières #accord #Wimereux #Boulogne-sur-Mer #responsabilité #Angleterre

    • The deadly consequences of the new deal to ‘#Stop_the_Boats’

      There were more deadly incidents in the Channel in 2023 due to the new ’Stop the Boats’ deal. Increased funding for the French has meant more police, more violence on the beaches, and thus more of the dangerously overcrowded and chaotic embarkations in which people loose their lives.

      On 14 January 2024, around 2am CET, another five people were killed attempting to cross the Channel to the UK. Survivors report that their dinghy collapsed near the beach of Wimereux, north of Boulogne-sur-Mer, as more than 70 people tried to get onboard during the launch. The Préfecture maritime’s press release states the police forces present first tried rescuing the people returning to the beach, as rescue boats and a helicopter spotted four unconscious people in the sea. Later in the morning, a walker discovered a fifth body washed up on the beach. In addition to the five who died, one person was taken into intensive care in the Boulogne hospital due to severe hypothermia, and another 33 needed additional care ashore after the incident. The identities of those who died have not yet been officially published. Testimonies of survivors identify them as four Syrian nationals; two aged 14 and 16. The fifth person remains unidentified but is thought to be a man from the Middle East.

      This incident is the most recent in a disturbing trend we have observed develop over the latter part of 2023: an increase in the loss of life in the Channel very close to the French beaches and often in the presence of police.

      The increasing activities of French police since the newest Franco-British declaration in March 2023 have had two main consequences:

      - Fewer dinghies are reaching the French coast, causing dangerous overcrowding and chaotic embarkations;
      – More police attacks on the dinghies as they launch, provoking panic and further destabilising an already unsafe situation.

      The result has been not only more dangerous and deadly embarkations, but further injury and trauma for travellers at the hands of police, as well as the increased separation of families.

      In this report we show the evolution in state policy and practices which are responsible for this trend, while drawing attention to those who lost their lives as a result.
      More deadly incidents

      Since the start of 2023 there has been an alarming increase in the number of deadly incidents in the Channel compared with 2022. Of the 29 people1 known to have died at the Franco-British border last year according to Calais Migrant Solidarity, at least 13 lost their lives in six incidents related to sea crossings. This includes the shipwreck of 12 August in which six Afghan men drowned.2 This is significantly more than the six people known to have lost their lives in three events related to sea crossings in 2022.

      There is a common misperception that people most often die in the Channel far out to sea, when the search and rescue response is not properly initiated or help takes too long to arrive. This is understandable considering the shipwreck of 24 November 2021 where the UK and French coastguards refused to assist a group of more than 30 people, passing responsibility back and forth to one another. Only two people survived. The misperception may also have been bolstered by the shipwreck of 14 December, 2022 in which up to four people lost their lives, and more are still missing, despite the authorities being informed of their distress. See our analysis of what really happened here. However, as a result of their previous failures, the Coastguards have since improved their organisation, coordination, and resources for search and rescue missions on both sides of Channel. French boats routinely shadow dinghies as they make their way to the UK to be on hand to rescue if necessary, and the UK Border Force anticipate the arrivals and rescue people as they cross the borderline

      What we observed last year, however, is that the deadly incidents all happened despite the presence or near immediate intervention of French rescue boats, for example on 12 August, 15 December 2023 and 14 January 2024. Even more concerning is that they all occurred on or within sight of French shores. The cause in all of the cases seems to be the same; the dinghies being overcrowded and failing shortly after departure, or dangerous situations created by chaotic launches.
      2023 Deaths during sea crossing attempts
      12 August: 6 Afghan men drown after the sponson of their dinghy of around 65 people collapses off of Sangatte.

      36 survivors are taken to the port of Calais by the French coastguard, and 22 or 23 more are taken to Dover by the British coastguard. 2 people remain missing at sea.

      Survivors told us their dinghy was moving slowly because of the high number of people (65 or 66). One of the sponsons gave out suddenly and half of the travellers were thrown into the water. Some tried to swim to the shore as they reported they could still see Sangatte. The search and rescue operation included 5 French assets, 2 UK assets, a French helicopter and aeroplane. The search and rescue operation was not able to recover all the travellers because most of them were already in the water when the first vessel arrived on scene. Two survivors are in custody in France, accused of piloting the dinghy.
      26 September: A 24-year-old Eritrean woman dies in Blériot-Plage after being asphyxiated in a crush of 80 people trying to board one dinghy.

      Witnesses told us a group approached the dinghy at the last moment before it departed and attempted to get onboard too. The dinghy was already overcrowded and this intervention led to mass panic among travellers. We know of at least two Eritrean families who were separated as some were pushed out of the boat and others unable to leave due to physical pressure from the mass of people. Wudase, a 24 year old woman from Eritrea was unable to get out and died from asphyxiation, crushed underneath the other travellers. Her body was lowered from the boat and around 75 people continued their journey to arrive in the UK.
      8 October: A 23-year-old Eritrean man is found drowned in Merlimont, after 60 people in dinghy collapsed near the beach.

      Around 60 people tried to board a dinghy towards the UK but the craft was unable to take the weight of the people and collapsed. The travellers swam or waded back to the shore but one man, Meron, was unable to swim and drowned at the beach. The emergency services on scene were unable to resuscitate him.
      22 November: Three people drown off of Equihen-Plage as the dinghy collapsed in sight of the shore. 57 survivors return to the beach.

      Two bodies, one man, Aman and a woman, Mulu were recovered on scene. A third body, of Ezekiel, a man also from Ethiopia was found on the beach of Dannes on the 4th of December.
      15 December: One Kurdish man name Rawezh from Iraq drowns 8kms off the coast of Grand-Fort-Philippe after attempting to cross to the UK by sea. 66 other people are rescued.

      As a French Navy vessel military approached the dinghy at around 1am, the crew informed CROSS Gris-Nez that one of the dinghy’s tubes had deflated and that some people were in the water. Despite the fast response of the French, it was already too late to recover all of the people alive. Two young men Hiwa and Nima both Kurdish Iranian are still missing after the incident.
      15 December: A Sudanese man named Ahmed drowns.

      An overloaded boat struggled to leave from Sangatte’s beach amidst a cloud of tear gas launched by the French police. Some people fell into the water as the dinghy turned around due to a non-functioning engine. One young man from Sudan drowned, trapped under the collapsed dinghy, and died later from cardio-respiratory arrest in hospital.
      What changed?: dangerous deals

      We directly link the recent increase in the number of deadly incidents to agreements between the British and French governments to ‘Stop the Boats’. Since the introduction of juxtaposed border controls in the 1990s there has been intense cooperation between the French and British in attacking and harassing people on the move in Northern France to prevent and deter them from crossing to the UK. The UK gives huge sums of money to France to intensify its policing of the border in the North, and secure its ports. From 2014 to 2022 £319m was handed over according to the House of Commons Library. This included £150m in four deals between 2019 and 2022 focused on stopping boat crossings.

      This money paid for an increase of the numbers of gendarmes patrolling the coast under Operation Poseidon; more surveillance tech including night-vision goggles, drones, aeroplanes, and ANPR cameras on the roads; and several all-terrain vehicles for patrolling the beaches and dunes. This equipment has made the French police and gendarmes more effective at detecting stashed dinghies, engines, fuel and life-jackets as well as groups of people while they wait for several hours hidden in the dunes before a crossing. It also marginally increased their ability to disrupt departures on the beach, but they remained unable to prevent most on a busy crossing day. Additionally, the deals increased law enforcement cooperation and intelligence sharing between the French and British to dismantle the networks of those who organise the journeys, as well as disrupt their supply chains.

      Despite the vast sums put up by the British, previous deals were criticised for still not providing the French with enough resources to ‘Stop the Boats’. They also took place in a period of cooler relations between France and Britain in the post-Brexit period of Johnson’s premiership when the French may have been less enthusiastic about being Britain’s border police. Last March, however, both governments doubled-down and made a new declaration in which the UK promised £478m to the French over three years for 500 more police, a new detention centre, and more surveillance capacity ‘to enable swifter detection of crossing attempts’ and ‘monitor a larger area of northern France and prevent more crossings’. It is after this deal that we have really noticed an uptick in the numbers of police interventions to stop dinghies being delivered to the coast, violence on the beaches (and sometimes at sea) to stop them launching, and by consequence the number of deadly incidents occurring at or near the shores.
      Consequences of the new deal
      1: Dangerously overcrowded dinghies

      Despite the fewer overall number of people crossing in 2023 compared to 2022, each dinghy making the trip was more crowded than in any previous year.

      Illustrated in the graphs above, the 47 days with the highest average number of people per dinghy ever all took place in 2023. The highest, 26 September 2023, had an average over 70, and there were 27 days with 56 or more people per dinghy, with all except one being after June. By comparison, the highest average day in 2022 saw not-quite 53 people per dinghy. These averages do not show the actual figures of each dinghy which have recently been stretching to more than 70, and sometimes 80. Meanwhile the number of crossings on any given day has gone down.

      A key factor driving this overcrowding are the police operations against the logistical networks to organise the dinghies used for crossings, which stretch as far as Turkey and other European countries like Germany. The vehicles and drivers which do the deliveries to the French coast during periods of good weather are also targeted by police on the coastal roads. The UK government recently boasted that in 2023 246 people were arrested as ‘people smugglers’ and an international operation led to the seizure of 136 dinghies and 46 outboard motors.

      These attacks on the supply chain, however, do not reduce the overall demand. They simply mean there are fewer total vessels for the overall number of passengers. It has been observed that, with fewer boats reaching the shores on a crossing day, people who are expecting to travel try to force their way onto any dinghy that has been delivered and inflated. This had led to one person being crushed to death inside a dinghy as well as others being pushed out into the sea. It also means that the extremely overcrowded dinghies are failing close to the French shores, like in the case of 12 August 2023.
      2: Increased police violence

      Increased police violence on the French beaches is the most visible consequence of the new ‘Stop the Boats’ deal, and exacerbates the dangers of already overcrowded embarkations.

      In previous years, the fewer numbers of police patrolling the beaches were unable to deal with the large groups of people who gathered during a dinghy launch, and many times they chose to look on rather than intervene. They also had difficulties to cover the whole stretch of coastline between Belgium and Berck. Now with more aerial support, double the number of officers, and increased resources like dune buggies the police are more able to intervene at the moment of departure. Typically they will fire tear gas at the people to try and disperse them and then use knives to slice the dinghy. We have also been told about policing using ‘less-lethal’ grenades and wading into the sea to cut a dinghy as people try to board it and start the motor.

      The police’s presence and their attacks create panicked and dangerous situations in which dinghies launch before they are fully inflated and in which people have to scramble on board whilst in water up to their necks. During these moments people have drowned in the shallow water like on 8 October, and families have been separated like on 26 September 2023. The danger of the police attacks compounds that of overcrowding. It is now common to observe chaotic embarkations where more than 70 or even 80 people all try at once to get on an inflatable of just a few meters length while the police try to stop them. We have also been told that if the police do successfully destroy a dinghy as it launches the would-be travellers will look to get onboard another rather than give up, again increasing the risks of overcrowding.

      The British authorities have proudly acknowledged the increased violence, publicising a French police officer’s bodycam video where we see tear gas being used indiscriminately against a group of people which we know included those in a situation of vulnerability. In a statement celebrating the fact that two people shown in the video trying to hold the violence of the police at bay were arrested and jailed in the UK, the Home Office states:

      “Tension on French beaches is increasing due to the successful efforts of law enforcement in frustrating this organised criminal enterprise. Incidents like this highlight the complex and brave work of our French colleagues in the face of challenging conditions.”

      Despite the increased violence on the shore, for now, it still appears that the policy of the French is to not intervene to stop the boats once they are at sea and underway. This illustrates a clear contradiction between the apparent concern for safety of life while at sea, and creating extremely dangerous situations for people by attacking their dinghies as they launch.
      No borders, not ‘Stop the Boats’

      The hypocrisy of the French and British governments is that their increased border policing activities, which they sanctimoniously describe as protecting people who have to travel to the UK by boat, have only made their crossings more dangerous. Unfortunately it seems these policies will only continue over the coming years, evidenced by the three year funding agreement from March. We must then expect only more victim blaming and lies for each death in the coming years that will occur as a result. The people who continue to have to make this journey, denied access to the safe ferries and trains the rest of us are able to take, are being sacrificed for the sake of politicians’ electoral ambitions. What those politicians understand, but do not want to admit, is that it is impossible to ‘stop the boats’ so long as the border exists. Further militarisation and police intervention will only increase the number of people who die, as we have been seeing. How far the states will go in pursuing their policies of harm and death in the name of protecting their border remains to be seen. In the meantime we must continue doing all we can to not only present them the account of the consequences for their obstinance, but practically organise against it, together with those who already doing so.

      #Alarmphone #Alarm_phone #bateaux #statistiques #chiffres

  • Militariser les frontières et entraver l’accès au territoire européen : L’exemple de Ceuta

    En somme, à Ceuta, les exilé·e·s n’ont pas d’autres moyens que d’entrer dans l’#enclave espagnole par des postes frontières non-habilités, et cela au péril de leur vie.


    #infographie #visualisation #Ceuta #Espagne #Maroc #frontières #militarisation_des_frontières #cartographie

  • Repackaging Imperialism. The EU – IOM border regime in the Balkans

    In November 2023, European Commission President #Ursula_von_der_Leyen concluded a Balkan tour, emphasizing EU enlargement’s priority for peace and prosperity. However, scrutiny intensified over EU practices, especially in the Balkans, where border policies, implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), reflect an imperialist approach. This report exposes the consequences – restricted migration, erosion of international norms, and deadly conditions along migrant routes. The EU’s ’carrot and stick’ strategy in the Balkans raises concerns about perpetual pre-accession status and accountability for human rights abuses.


    #migrations #asile #réfugiés #IOM #OIM #impérialisme #frontières #rapport #tni #paix #prospérité #droits_humains #militarisation_des_frontières #route_des_Balkans #humanitarisme #sécurisation #sécurité #violence #Bosnie #Bosnie-Herzégovine #hotspot #renvois #retours_volontaires #joint_coordination_plateform #mourir_aux_frontières #morts_aux_frontières #décès

  • Confine Serbia-Ungheria: aumenta la militarizzazione e la violenza della polizia

    Una sparatoria (probabilmente tra “trafficanti”) diviene il pretesto per un’ulteriore stretta repressiva

    La zona di confine tra la Serbia e l’Ungheria è da molti anni un luogo di sosta forzata e di transito delle persone migranti. E’ qui, tra la cittadina ungherese di #Röszke e quella serba di #Horgos, che nell’autunno del 2015 venne costruita da Orban la prima barriera “anti-rifugiati” che divenne in poco tempo uno dei simboli della politica dell’Unione europea, replicata poi in molteplici forme.

    Questo territorio al nord della Serbia rimane oggi uno dei punti più caldi delle rotte balcaniche settentrionali, essendo – al pari del confine tra Bosnia-Erzegovina e Croazia – uno snodo fondamentale per l’accesso all’Europa e quindi per le politiche di controllo e respingimento. Diversi report e costanti attività di monitoraggio hanno descritto nel dettaglio la violenza e la brutalità della polizia nei confronti di persone in movimento sia sul lato serbo che su quello ungherese.

    Nel rapporto trimestrale del 2023 riferito ai mesi di luglio, agosto e settembre 1, la Ong #KlikAktiv di Belgrado ha indicato le tendenze in atto. Il report è frutto di osservazioni durante le visite agli insediamenti informali ai confini esterni dell’UE con la Serbia e della raccolta di testimonianze e foto delle condizioni di vita, e fornisce anche informazioni sul contesto, compreso il quadro giuridico e le scelte politiche relative alla gestione della migrazione. In particolare, l’organizzazione punta l’attenzione sui respingimenti da e verso la Serbia, sulla violenza della polizia serba e sulla morte delle persone lungo il percorso. Una parte è dedicata anche alle sparatorie avvenute in quei mesi nell’area settentrionale del Paese e delle reti di passatori (smugglers) sospettate di esserne all’origine. Sono illustrati anche alcuni dati: la maggior parte delle persone incontrate dall’Ong proveniva da Siria e Afghanistan (94%); il punto di “ingresso” più comune in Serbia è dalla Bulgaria (con il 40% che a settembre è entrato solo attraverso la Macedonia settentrionale), mentre i tragitti più utilizzati per uscire dal Paese sono quelli verso la Bosnia-Erzegovina e l’Ungheria, con quest’ultima che ha anche il primato dei respingimenti. Klikaktiv ha, infine, continuato a rilevare un numero significativo di minori non accompagnati negli insediamenti informali presenti nella zona di confine, perfino ragazzini di età inferiore ai 14 anni provenienti soprattutto dalla Siria.

    Un episodio emblematico è quello raccontato da No Name Kitchen, che opera a Subotica supportando centinaia di persone che vivono fuori dai campi ufficiali negli edifici abbandonati.
    L’Ong tramite la pagina facebook ha denunciato un violento pushback nei confronti di quattro ragazzi marocchini. Racconta di aver incontrato il gruppo fuori dal campo di #Subotica la notte del 25 ottobre, dopo essere stati informati della gravità delle condizioni fisiche di uno dei giovani: «La polizia lo ha colpito molto violentemente causandogli una ferita aperta sulla fronte e una grave commozione cerebrale. Anche gli altri tre amici indossavano bende in testa. M. e i tre amici sono stati arrestati e brutalmente attaccati da tre poliziotti ungheresi, dopo aver attraversato il villaggio serbo di #Martonoš».

    «L’estrema violenza usata in questa repressione ci lascia senza parole – scrivono le attiviste -. Il gruppo ha segnalato di essere stato picchiato in mezzo alla foresta alle 23 da due poliziotti maschi. Usavano soprattutto manganelli per infliggere ferite. Mentre il gruppo stava soffrendo terribilmente, il terzo poliziotto ha iniziato a filmare la scena».

    No Name Kitchen spiega che il ragazzo per la quantità di botte ricevute in testa ha perso conoscenza ed è stato trasportato in un ospedale nella città ungherese di Szeged dove è stato rapidamente curato e rilasciato senza ulteriori visite mediche nonostante i sintomi indichino un potenziale trauma cerebrale. Insieme al gruppo di amici è stato illegalmente rispedito in Serbia senza che nessuno si preoccupasse delle sue condizioni di salute.

    Il pretesto “perfetto”

    E’ in questo contesto, nel quale la mobilità umana viene pesantemente repressa, che un nuovo scontro tra gruppi di migranti, probabilmente smugglers, ha portato alla morte di tre persone e al ferimento di un’altra. Le uniche notizie sono legate ad un comunicato diramato dal ministero dell’interno serbo, dove si legge che la polizia ha poi fatto irruzione in alcuni edifici abbandonati nell’area di Horgos, sequestrando armi e munizioni, trovando inoltre 79 persone di varie nazionalità che sono state trasferite nei campi di ricezione. L’operazione – che ha coinvolto le unità anti-terrorismo, la gendermerie e gli elicotteri della polizia – ha portato all’arresto di quattro cittadini afghani e due turchi sospettati di possesso illegale di armi ed esplosivi.

    La sparatoria e le morti sono diventate così il nuovo pretesto per portare un’ulteriore stretta e militarizzazione nell’intera zona di confine. Il presidente serbo Vucic ha infatti dichiarato che potrebbe far intervenire l’esercito per risolvere la situazione se le forze di polizia non si dimostreranno all’altezza, avvertendo così il suo stesso Ministro degli Interni Gasic: “[…] non è la prima volta che parlo con il Ministro degli Interni. O farete le cose che dovete fare, o direte che non siete in grado di farle. Mettetevi in guardia, farò intervenire l’esercito e faremo piazza pulita, li arresteremo e li metteremo dietro le sbarre”, ha detto intervenendo in televisione. Dopo la sparatoria è stato stipulato un accordo di cooperazione tra lo stesso Gasic e il Ministro degli Interni ungherese Pinter, in un incontro al valico di frontiera di Reska, dove hanno discusso della lotta “all’immigrazione irregolare” e dell’utilizzo di ufficiali ungheresi a supporto dei colleghi serbi. “Per combattere la criminalità organizzata e la migrazione irregolare, è stato proposto di istituire un gruppo di lavoro congiunto tra i membri dei ministeri degli Interni di Serbia e Ungheria”, riporta il comunicato congiunto 2.

    Le autorità hanno inoltre comunicato a tutte le organizzazioni umanitarie che sono attive nei campi profughi dislocati nella zona che temporaneamente non potranno lavorare al loro interno. Alcuni testimoni affermano che i successivi controlli di polizia hanno portato a fermi e diversi episodi di violenza.


    «Negli ultimi mesi le operazioni poliziesche sono diventate dei veri e propri “rastrellamenti” nelle strade, nelle stazioni e nei negozi della regione di Subotica e Sombor.»

    Gli ultimi aggiornamenti di No Name Kitchen sono del 2 novembre, quando le attiviste hanno visitato il campo ufficiale a Subotica e lo hanno trovato completamente vuoto. Il campo solitamente ospita più di 300 persone tra uomini, donne, ragazzi e famiglie, e la polizia l’ha sgomberato il 31 ottobre deportando con la forza le persone. «Ci è stato detto che durante lo sgombero ci sono stati pestaggi e violenza. Non sappiamo dove siano state portate queste persone, ma sembra che la chiusura di tutti i campi serbi faccia parte dell’ultima azione promossa dallo Stato per reprimere l’immigrazione irregolare al confine tra Serbia e Ungheria».

    «Recentemente – osserva l’organizzazione – è stato pubblicato un video che mostra le forze militari e di polizia che rastrellano ostelli e insediamenti informali alla ricerca di bande di smuggler e persone migranti. La clip di 7 minuti è accompagnata da musica che ricorda un videogioco di guerra. Le forze militari armate con il volto coperto vengono filmate mentre arrestano e sfrattano le persone dagli edifici».

    La caccia ai migranti è diventata la norma, di fatto impedendo la circolazione delle persone migranti anche all’interno del territorio serbo, attraverso una politica di deportazioni dal nord al sud, verso i campi al confine con la Macedonia e il Kosovo, rallentando il viaggio delle persone e alimentando così il circuito economico connesso al movimento dei migranti, che coinvolge – tra gli altri – gli apparati dello stato stessi e i network di smuggling. Dall’altra parte, le guerre intestine tra le organizzazioni di smuggling forniscono il pretesto perfetto per la repressione governativa, che però si abbatte in modo generalizzato sulle persone migranti senza scalfire le organizzazioni criminali che si propone di colpire. Dopo diverse inchieste giornalistiche firmate da Balkan Insight negli ultimi mesi, la credibilità delle autorità serbe è a pezzi agli occhi dell’opinione pubblica, perché è stata dimostrata più volte la complicità tra gli apparati di polizia e le bande di smuggler, svelando un sistema dove economicamente tutti ci guadagnano, sulla pelle delle persone migranti 3.

    #Serbie #Hongrie #militarisation_des_frontières #frontières #migrations #asile #réfugiés #Balkans #route_des_Balkans #violence

    • The Third Quarterly Report in 2023

      The report covers trends observed in the field during our team’s visits to the informal settlements at the EU’s external borders with Serbia during July, August and September 2023, including testimonies and quotes of refugees, as well as the photos of the living conditions. The report also provides information on the context, including important legal framework and political trends regarding migration management in the country. We particularly shed light on push backs to and from Serbia, violence by the Serbian police and deaths of refugees on the route. We also wrote about recent shootings in the northern area of the country and smuggling networks suspected to be behind them.

      Some of the key trends identified in the reporting period were:

      - Majority of all Klikaktiv’s beneficiaries were from: Syria and Afghanistan (94% combined). Most common entry point: Bulgaria (with 40% who entered through North Macedonia in September) Most common attempted exit points: to Hungary and to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

      – Push backs from the EU Member States have continued in the reporting period - majority of which happened from Hungary to Serbia. Push backs by the Serbian police were reported by people on the move on the border with Bulgaria in joint operation with Austrian police, and on the border with North Macedonia together with German police.

      - Klikaktiv continued to note a significant number of unaccompanied boys in informal settlements in the border area, particularly those younger than 14 years old, mostly from Syria.

      - Although in smaller numbers compared to refugees from Syria and Afghanistan, we continued to meet Turkish citizens who came to Serbia legally and tried to continue to the EU irregularly.

      These trends are further elaborated on in the report, as well as other information and cases from the field.

      You can download the full report here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nQiQvm4atW8ltpjTFTTBGeMseJvzsEO_/view

      #rapport #push-backs #refoulements

  • Fewer boat crossings, visit to Frontex : EU and Tunisia implement migration pact

    Despite an alleged repayment of funds for migration defence, Tunisia is cooperating with the EU. Fewer refugees are also arriving across the Mediterranean – a decrease by a factor of seven.

    In June, the EU Commission signed an agreement on joint migration control with Tunisia. According to the agreement, the government in Tunis will receive €105 million to monitor its borders and “combat people smuggling”. Another €150 million should flow from the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) in the coming years for the purposes of border management and countering the “smuggling” of migrants.

    Tunisia received a first transfer under the agreement of €67 million in September. The money was to finance a coast guard vessel, spare parts and marine fuel for other vessels as well as vehicles for the Tunisian coast guard and navy, and training to operate the equipment. Around €25 million of this tranche was earmarked for “voluntary return” programmes, which are implemented by the United Nations Refugee Agency and the International Organisation for Migration.

    However, a few weeks after the transfer from Brussels, the government in Tunis allegedly repaid almost the entire sum. Tunisia “does not accept anything resembling favours or alms”, President Kais Saied is quoted as saying. Earlier, the government had also cancelled a working visit by the Commission to implement the agreement.

    Successes at the working level

    Despite the supposed U-turn, cooperation on migration prevention between the EU and Tunisia has got off the ground and is even showing initial successes at the working level. Under the agreement, the EU has supplied spare parts for the Tunisian coast guard, for example, which will keep “six ships operational”. This is what Commission President Ursula von der Leyen wrote last week to MEPs who had asked about the implementation of the deal. Another six coast guard vessels are to be repaired by the end of the year.

    In an undated letter to the EU member states, von der Leyen specifies the equipment aid. According to the letter, IT equipment for operations rooms, mobile radar systems and thermal imaging cameras, navigation radars and sonars have been given to Tunisia so far. An “additional capacity building” is to take place within the framework of existing “border management programmes” implemented by Italy and the Netherlands, among others. One of these is the EU4BorderSecurity programme, which among other things provides skills in sea rescue and has been extended for Tunisia until April 2025.

    The Tunisian Garde Nationale Maritime, which is part of the Ministry of the Interior, and the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre benefit from these measures. This MRCC has already received an EU-funded vessel tracking system and is to be connected to the “Seahorse Mediterranean” network. Through this, the EU states exchange information about incidents off their coasts. This year Tunisia has also sent members of its coast guards to Italy as liaison officers – apparently a first step towards the EU’s goal of “linking” MRCC’s in Libya and Tunisia with their “counterparts” in Italy and Malta.

    Departures from Tunisia decrease by a factor of seven

    Since the signing of the migration agreement, the departures of boats with refugees from Tunisia have decreased by a factor of 7, according to information from Migazin in October. The reason for this is probably the increased frequency of patrols by the Tunisian coast guard. In August, 1,351 people were reportedly apprehended at sea. More and more often, the boats are also destroyed after being intercepted by Tunisian officials. The prices that refugees have to pay to smugglers are presumably also responsible for fewer crossings; these are said to have risen significantly in Tunisia.

    State repression, especially in the port city of Sfax, has also contributed to the decline in numbers, where the authorities have expelled thousands of people from sub-Saharan countries from the centre and driven them by bus to the Libyan and Algerian borders. There, officials force them to cross the border. These measures have also led to more refugees in Tunisia seeking EU-funded IOM programmes for “voluntary return” to their countries of origin.

    Now the EU wants to put pressure on Tunisia to introduce visa requirements for individual West African states. This is to affect, among others, Côte d’Ivoire, where most of the people arriving in the EU via Tunisia come from and almost all of whom arrive in Italy. Guinea and Tunisia come second and third among these nationalities.

    Reception from the Frontex Director

    In September, three months after the signing of the migration agreement, a delegation from Tunisia visited Frontex headquarters in Warsaw, with the participation of the Ministries of Interior, Foreign Affairs and Defence. The visit from Tunis was personally received by Frontex Director Hans Leijtens. EU officials then gave presentations on the capabilities and capacities of the border agency, including the training department or the deportation centre set up in 2021, which relies on good cooperation with destination states of deportation flights.

    Briefings were also held on the cross-border surveillance system EUROSUR and the “Situation Centre”, where all threads from surveillance with ships, aircraft, drones and satellites come together. The armed “permanent reserve” that Frontex has been building up since 2021 was also presented to the Tunisian ministries. These will also be deployed in third countries, but so far only in Europe in the Western Balkans.

    However, Tunisia still does not want to negotiate such a deployment of Frontex personnel to its territory, so a status agreement necessary for this is a long way off. The government in Tunis is also not currently seeking a working agreement to facilitate the exchange of information with Frontex. Finally, the Tunisian coast guard also turned down an offer to participate in an exercise of European coast guards in Greece.

    Model for migration defence with Egypt

    Aiding and abetting “smuggling” is an offence that the police are responsible for prosecuting in EU states. If these offences affect two or more EU states, Europol can coordinate the investigations. This, too, is now to get underway with Tunisia: In April, EU Commissioner Ylva Johansson had already visited Tunis and agreed on an “operational partnership to combat people smuggling” (ASOP), for which additional funds will be made available. Italy, Spain and Austria are responsible for implementing this police cooperation.

    Finally, Tunisia is also one of the countries being discussed in Brussels in the “Mechanism of Operational Coordination for the External Dimension of Migration” (MOCADEM). This working group was newly created by the EU states last year and serves to politically bundle measures towards third countries of particular interest. In one of the most recent meetings, the migration agreement was also a topic. Following Tunisia’s example, the EU could also conclude such a deal with Egypt. The EU heads of government are now to take a decision on this.


    #Europe #Union_européenne #EU #externalisation #asile #migrations #réfugiés #accord #gestion_des_frontières #aide_financière #protocole_d'accord #politique_migratoire #externalisation #Memorandum_of_Understanding (#MoU) #Tunisie #coopération #Frontex #aide_financière #Neighbourhood_Development_and_International_Cooperation_Instrument (#NDICI) #gardes-côtes_tunisiens #militarisation_des_frontières #retours_volontaires #IOM #OIM #UNHCR #EU4BorderSecurity_programme #Seahorse_Mediterranean #officiers_de_liaison #arrivées #départs #chiffres #statistiques #prix #Frontex #operational_partnership_to_combat_people_smuggling (#ASOP) #Mechanism_of_Operational_Coordination_for_the_External_Dimension_of_Migration (#MOCADEM)

    ajouté à la métaliste sur le Mémorandum of Understanding entre l’UE et la Tunisie :

  • Spain sends drones, personnel to Senegal to stop boats departing for Canary Islands

    Spain has delivered surveillance drones to Senegal, a main country of origin of migrants arriving on Spain’s Canary Islands. The number of people reaching the archipelago from West Africa is nearing a record-high.

    Six new Spanish multicopter drones have arrived in Senegal, news agency Reuters reported Monday (October 30), citing a statement by Spain’s acting Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska.

    Grande-Marlaska said the Spanish government also plans to send more security personnel to the western African nation to help prevent departures of migrants to Spain’s Canary Islands, located some 1,300 kilometers north of Senegal.

    Grande-Marlaska is visiting Senegal at a time when the number of migrants from West Africa, especially Senegal, reaching the Canary Islands is approaching an all-time high: More than 27,000 migrants have arrived on the island group irregularly this year through October 23, IOM data show. According to official Spanish government figures, the number of arrivals through October 15 was somewhat lower, at around 23,500.

    “We must stop unscrupulous actions that put the lives of thousands of vulnerable people at risk,” Grande-Marlaska said during a joint press conference with his Senegalese counterpart, Sidiki Kaba.

    So-called multicopters, or multirotors, have up to eight rotors and are frequently used in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), commonly referred to as drones.
    Detection followed by interception

    Grande-Marlaska said the drones delivered to the Senegalese police are designed to detect departing migrant boats so that they can be intercepted.

    He added that Spain has also deployed a civil guard aircraft to help patrol the coasts of Senegal and neighboring Mauritania. In addition, 38 personnel equipped with four boats, a helicopter and 13 all-terrain vehicles are to carry out joint patrol missions with Senegalese forces, Grande-Marlaska said.

    While both ministers stressed they would increase efforts to curb irregular migration and avoid more deaths at sea, they did not announce any measures beyond the drones and the personnel.

    Grande-Marlaska’s visit follows the announcement of plans to send Senegalese migrants on direct flights from the Canary Islands back to the capital Dakar. The measure is to target those who have arrived in the Canaries in the last three months and are considered by the authorities not to have valid grounds to claim asylum.

    Senegal as main departure point

    Atlantic crossings began rising in late 2019 after increased patrols along Europe’s southern coast dramatically reduced Mediterranean crossings. In 2020, the IOM registered just over 23,000 migrant arrivals in the Canary Islands. In 2021 it fell slightly to 22,000 and last year, there were around 15,000.

    The largest number of arrivals was recorded in 2006, when more than 32,000 migrants reached the islands.

    While the main countries of departure were Morocco and Western Sahara, which are around 100 kilometers (60 miles) from the Canaries, most of the boats now depart from Senegal.

    On a visit to the Canary Islands earlier this month, Marlaska said the recent increase in migrant arrivals was directly linked to the political “destabilization of the Sahel.”

    The region has seen several military coups in past few years, with Burkina Faso, Chad, Guinea, Gabon, Mali, Niger and Sudan now all ruled by military juntas.

    The journey across the stretch of the Atlantic Ocean remains highly dangerous. According to the UN migration agency IOM, 153 people are known to have died or gone missing so far this year trying to reach the Canary Islands by boat. The charity Walking Borders (Caminando Fronteras) estimates the figure to be at least 1,000.

    On Monday (October 30), the bodies of two people were discovered on a boat with 200 migrants on board near the island of Tenerife. The boat, which Spain’s Marine Rescue Service said was carrying 34 children and teenagers, was the third to arrive on the island on Monday.


    #Espagne #externalisation #drônes #militarisation_des_frontières #frontières #migrations #réfugiés #Sénégal #îles_Canaries #Afrique_de_l'Ouest #hélicoptères #navires #Mauritanie #renvois #expulsions #route_atlantique

  • I confini non sono il luogo in cui accadono le violenze, sono il motivo per cui accadono le violenze

    Stazione di Sospel, Francia, ore 7.40. Nel paese della Val Roya passa il treno che collega Breil sur Roya a Nizza, all’interno poca gente. Appena il treno giunge alla stazione spuntano sette soldati e una dozzina di gendarmes. I militari circondano il treno, mitragliatrici in mano, mentre i poliziotti, a due a due, entrano nel treno, scrutano i passeggeri per rilevare soggettività razzializzate. Si fermano quando vedono due ragazzini, gli chiedono i documenti. I ragazzi glieli mostrano, vanno bene, i poliziotti scendono e il treno riparte. Stazione di Menton Garavan, Francia, ore 15.00. La situazione è identica, il treno (...)

  • « Contrôler » les migrations : entre laisser-mourir et permis de tuer

    À l’heure où le Conseil européen se réunit à Bruxelles, les 26 et 27 octobre 2023, pour évoquer, dans un monde en plein bouleversement, le renforcement des frontières européennes, le réseau Migreurop rappelle le prix exorbitant de cette #surenchère_sécuritaire et la #responsabilité accablante des États européens dans la #mise_en_danger constante des personnes en migration, qui tentent d’exercer leur #droit_à_la_mobilité au prix de leur vie.

    Depuis plus de 30 ans, la lutte contre l’immigration dite « clandestine » est la priorité des États européens, qui ont adopté diverses stratégies visant au fil des années à renforcer les #contrôles_migratoires et la sécuritisation des frontières des pays de destination, de transit et de départ. Quoi qu’il en coûte. Y compris au prix de vies humaines, les #morts_en_migration étant perçues par les autorités comme une conséquence dommageable de cette même « lutte ».

    Comme le dénonçait déjà Migreurop en 2009, « nombreuses sont les #frontières où tombent des dizaines de migrants, parfois tués par les #forces_de_l’ordre : des soldats égyptiens tirant à vue sur des Soudanais et des Érythréens à la frontière israélienne ; des soldats turcs abattant des Iraniens et des Afghans ; la marine marocaine provoquant sur les côtes d’Al Hoceima le naufrage de 36 personnes en partance pour l’Espagne (…) en perforant leur zodiac à coups de couteaux ; des policiers français à Mayotte faisant échouer volontairement des embarcations (Kwassa-kwassa) pour arrêter des migrants, engendrant ainsi la noyade de plusieurs d’entre eux. En Algérie, au Maroc, des migrants africains sont refoulés et abandonnés dans le désert, parfois miné, sans aucun moyen de subsistance » [1].

    Si l’objectif sécuritaire de #surveillance et #militarisation_des_frontières européennes reste le même, la stratégie mise en œuvre par les États européens pour ne pas répondre à l’impératif d’accueil des populations exilées a évolué au fil des années. Depuis des décennies, les « drames » se répètent sur le parcours migratoire. Ils ne relèvent en aucun cas de la #fatalité, de l’#irresponsabilité des exilé·e·s (ou de leurs proches [2]), du climat ou de l’environnement, de l’état de la mer, ou même d’abus de faiblesse de quelconques trafiquants, mais bien d’une politique étatique hostile aux personnes exilées, développée en toute conscience à l’échelle européenne, se traduisant par des législations et des pratiques attentatoires aux droits et mortifères : systématisation à l’échelle européenne des #refoulements aux portes de l’Europe [3], déploiement de dispositifs « anti-migrants » le long des frontières et littoraux (murs et clôtures [4], canons sonores [5], barrages flottants [6], barbelés à lames de rasoir [7], …), conditionnement de l’aide au développement à la lutte contre les migrations [8], #criminalisation du sauvetage civil [9]... Une stratégie qualifiée, en référence au concept créé par Achille Mbembe [10], de « #nécro-politique » lors de la sentence rendue par le Tribunal Permanent des Peuples en France, en 2018 [11].

    Déjà en août 2017, le rapport relatif à « la mort illégale de réfugiés et de migrants » de la rapporteuse spéciale du Conseil des droits de l’Homme onusien sur les exécutions extrajudiciaires, sommaires ou arbitraires, mettait en évidence « de multiples manquements des États en matière de respect et de protection du #droit_à_la_vie des réfugiés et des migrants, tels que des homicides illégaux, y compris par l’emploi excessif de la force et du fait de politiques et pratiques de #dissuasion aggravant le #danger_de_mort » [12].

    Mettant en place une véritable stratégie du #laisser-mourir, les États européens ont favorisé l’errance en mer en interdisant les débarquements des bateaux en détresse (Italie 2018 [13]), ont retiré de la mer Méditerranée les patrouilles navales au bénéfice d’une surveillance aérienne (2019 [14]), signe du renoncement au secours et au sauvetage en mer, ou en se considérant subitement « ports non-sûrs » (Italie et Malte 2020 [15]). Migreurop a également pointé du doigt la responsabilité directe des autorités et/ou des forces de l’ordre coupables d’exactions à l’égard des exilé·e·s (Balkans 2021 [16]), ou encore leur franche complicité (UE/Libye 2019 [17]).

    Le naufrage d’au moins 27 personnes dans la Manche le 24 novembre 2021 [18], fruit de la non-assistance à personnes en danger des deux côtés de la frontière franco-britannique, est une illustration de cette politique de dissuasion et du laisser-mourir. Le #naufrage de #Pylos, le 14 juin 2023, en mer Ionienne [19], est quant à lui un exemple d’action directe ayant provoqué la mort de personnes exilées. La manœuvre tardive (accrocher une corde puis tirer le bateau à grande vitesse) des garde-côtes grecs pour « remorquer » le chalutier sur lequel se trouvaient environ 700 exilé·e·s parti·e·s de Libye pour atteindre les côtes européennes, a probablement causé les remous qui ont fait chavirer le bateau en détresse et provoqué la noyade d’au moins 80 personnes, la mer ayant englouti les centaines de passager·e·s disparu·e·s.

    Le rapport des Nations unies de 2017 [20] pointe également les conséquences de l’#externalisation des politiques migratoires européennes et indique que « les autres violations du droit à la vie résultent de politiques d’extraterritorialité revenant à fournir aide et assistance à la privation arbitraire de la vie, de l’incapacité à empêcher les morts évitables et prévisibles et du faible nombre d’enquêtes sur ces morts illégales ». Le massacre du 24 juin 2022 aux frontières de Nador/Melilla [21], ayant coûté la vie à au moins 23 exilés en partance pour l’Espagne depuis le Maroc, désignés comme des « assaillants », 17 ans après le premier massacre documenté aux portes de Ceuta et Melilla [22], est un clair exemple de cette externalisation pernicieuse ayant entraîné la mort de civils. Tout comme les exactions subies en toute impunité ces derniers mois par les exilé·e·s Noir·e·s en Tunisie, en pleine dérive autoritaire, fruits du #racisme_structurel et du #marchandage européen pour le #contrôle_des_frontières [23].

    Nous assistons ainsi ces dernières années à un processus social et juridique de légitimation de législations et pratiques étatiques illégales visant à bloquer les mouvements migratoires, coûte que coûte, ayant pour conséquence l’abaissement des standards en matière de respect des droits. Un effritement considérable du droit d’asile, une légitimation confondante des refoulements – « légalisés » par l’Espagne (2015 [24]), la Pologne (2021 [25]) et la Lituanie (2023 [26]) –, une violation constante de l’obligation de secours en mer, et enfin, un permis de tuer rendu possible par la progressive #déshumanisation des personne exilées racisées, criminalisées pour ce qu’elles sont et représentent [27].

    Les frontières sont assassines [28] mais les États tuent également, en toute #impunité. Ces dernières années, il est manifeste que les acteurs du contrôle migratoire oscillent entre #inaction et action coupables, entre laisser-mourir (« let them drown, this is a good deterrence » [29]) et permis de tuer donné aux acteurs du contrôle frontalier, au nom de la guerre aux migrant·e·s, ces dernier·e·s étant érigé·e·s en menace(s) dont il faudrait se protéger.

    Les arguments avancés de longue date par les autorités nationales et européennes pour se dédouaner de ces si nombreux décès en migration sont toujours les mêmes : la défense d’une frontière, d’un territoire ou de l’ordre public. Les #décès survenus sur le parcours migratoire ne seraient ainsi que des « dommages collatéraux » d’une #stratégie_de_dissuasion dans laquelle la #violence, en tant que moyen corrélé à l’objectif de non-accueil et de mise à distance, est érigée en norme. L’agence européenne #Frontex contribue par sa mission de surveillance des frontières européennes à la mise en danger des personnes exilées [30]. Elle est une composante sécuritaire essentielle de cette #politique_migratoire violente et impunie [31], et de cette stratégie d’« irresponsabilité organisée » de l’Europe [32].

    Dans cet #apartheid_des_mobilités [33], où la hiérarchisation des droits au nom de la protection des frontières européennes est la règle, les décès des personnes exilées constituent des #risques assumés de part et d’autre, la responsabilité de ces morts étant transférée aux premier·e·s concerné·e·s et leurs proches, coupables d’avoir voulu braver l’interdiction de se déplacer, d’avoir exercé leur droit à la mobilité… A leurs risques et périls.

    Au fond, le recul que nous donne ces dernières décennies permet de mettre en lumière que ces décès en migration, passés de « évitables » à « tolérables », puis à « nécessaires » au nom de la protection des frontières européennes, ne sont pas des #cas_isolés, mais bien la conséquence logique de l’extraordinaire latitude donnée aux acteurs du contrôle frontalier au nom de la guerre aux migrant·e·s 2.0. Une dérive qui se banalise dans une #indifférence sidérante, et qui reste impunie à ce jour...

    Le réseau Migreurop continuera d’œuvrer en faveur de la liberté de circulation et d’installation [34] de toutes et tous, seule alternative permettant d’échapper à cette logique criminelle, documentée par nos organisations depuis bien trop longtemps.

    #nécropolitique #mourir_aux_frontières #morts_aux_frontières #guerre_aux_migrants

  • Bulgaria : lottare per vivere, lottare per morire

    Di morti insepolti, notti insonni e domande che non avranno risposta

    “ГРАНИЦИТЕ УБИВАТ”, ovvero “I confini uccidono”. Questa scritta campeggia su delle vecchie cisterne arrugginite lungo la statale 79, la strada che collega Elhovo a Burgas, seguendo il confine bulgaro-turco fino al Mar Nero. L’abbiamo fatta noi del Collettivo Rotte Balcaniche (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100078755275162), rossa come il sangue che abbiamo visto scorrere in queste colline. Volevamo imprimere nello spazio fisico un ricordo di chi proprio tra questi boschi ha vissuto i suoi ultimi istanti, lasciare un segno perché la memoria avesse una dimensione materiale. Dall’altra parte, volevamo lanciare un monito, per parlare a chi continua a transitare su questa strada ignorandone la puzza di morte e a chi ne è direttamente responsabile, per dire “noi sappiamo e non dimenticheremo”. Ne è uscita una semplice scritta che forse in pochi noteranno. Racchiude le lacrime che accompagnano i ricordi e un urlo che monta dentro, l’amore e la rabbia.

    Dall’anno passato il confine bulgaro-turco è tornato ad essere la prima porta terrestre d’Europa. I dati diffusi dalla Polizia di frontiera bulgara contano infatti oltre 158 mila tentativi di ingresso illegale nel territorio impediti nei primi nove mesi del 2023, a fronte dei 115 mila nel corrispondente periodo del 2022, anno in cui le medesime statistiche erano già più che triplicate 1. Il movimento delle persone cambia a seconda delle politiche di confine, come un flusso d’acqua alla ricerca di un varco, così la totale militarizzazione del confine di terra greco-turco, che si snoda lungo il fiume Evros, ha spostato le rotte migratorie verso la più porosa frontiera bulgara. Dall’altro lato, la sempre più aggressiva politica di deportazioni di Erdogan – che ha già ricollocato con la forza 600 mila rifugiatə sirianə nel nord-ovest del paese, sotto il controllo turco, e promette di raggiungere presto la soglia del milione – costringe gli oltre tre milioni di sirianə che vivono in Turchia a muoversi verso luoghi più sicuri.

    Abbiamo iniziato a conoscere la violenza della polizia bulgara più di un anno fa, non nelle inchieste giornalistiche ma nei racconti delle persone migranti che incontravamo in Serbia, mentre ci occupavamo di distribuire cibo e docce calde a chi veniva picchiatə e respintə dalle guardie di frontiera ungheresi. Siamo un gruppo di persone solidali che dal 2018 ha cominciato a viaggiare lungo le rotte balcaniche per supportare attivamente lə migrantə in cammino, e da allora non ci siamo più fermatə. Anche se nel tempo siamo cresciutə, rimaniamo un collettivo autorganizzato senza nessun riconoscimento formale. Proprio per questo, abbiamo deciso di muoverci verso i contesti caratterizzati da maggior repressione, laddove i soggetti più istituzionali faticano a trovare agibilità e le pratiche di solidarietà assumono un valore conflittuale e politico. Uno dei nostri obiettivi è quello di essere l’anti-confine, costruendo vie sicure attraverso le frontiere, ferrovie sotterranee. Tuttavia, non avremmo mai pensato di diventare un “rescue team”, un equipaggio di terra, ovvero di occuparci di ricerca e soccorso delle persone disperse – vive e morte – nelle foreste della Bulgaria.

    La prima operazione di salvataggio in cui ci siamo imbattutə risale alle notte tra il 19 e il 20 luglio. Stavo per andare a dormire, verso l’una, quando sento insistentemente suonare il telefono del Collettivo – telefono attraverso cui gestiamo le richieste di aiuto delle persone che vivono nei campi rifugiati della regione meridionale della Bulgaria 2. Era M., un signore siriano residente nel campo di Harmanli, che avevo conosciuto pochi giorni prima. «C’è una donna incinta sulla strada 79, serve un’ambulanza». Con lei, le sue due bambine di tre e sei anni. Chiamiamo il 112, numero unico per le emergenze, dopo averla messa al corrente che probabilmente prima dell’ambulanza sarebbe arrivata la polizia, e non potevamo sapere cosa sarebbe successo. Dopo aver capito che il centralino ci stava mentendo, insinuando che le squadre di soccorso erano uscite senza aver trovato nessuno alle coordinate che avevamo segnalato, decidiamo di muoverci in prima persona. Da allora, si sono alternate settimane più e meno intense di uscite e ricerche. Abbiamo un database che raccoglie la quarantina di casi di cui ci siamo in diversi modi occupatə da fine luglio e metà ottobre: nomi, storie e foto che nessunə vorrebbe vedere. In questi mesi tre mesi si è sviluppata anche una rete di associazioni con cui collaboriamo nella gestione delle emergenze, che comprende in particolare #CRG (#Consolidated_Rescue_Group: https://www.facebook.com/C.R.G.2022), gruppo di volontariə sirianə che fa un incredibile lavoro di raccolta di segnalazioni di “distress” e “missing people” ai confini d’Europa, nonché di relazione con lə familiari.

    Ricostruire questo tipo di situazioni è sempre complicato: le informazioni sono frammentate, la cronologia degli eventi incerta, l’intervento delle autorità poco prevedibile. Spesso ci troviamo ad unire tessere di un puzzle che non combacia. Sono le persone migranti stesse a lanciare l’SOS, oppure, se non hanno un telefono o è scarico, le “guide” 3 che le accompagnano nel viaggio. Le richieste riportano i dati anagrafici, le coordinate, lo stato di salute della persona. Le famiglie contattano poi organizzazioni solidali come CRG, che tra lə migrantə sirianə è un riferimento fidato. L’unica cosa che noi possiamo fare – ma che nessun altro fa – è “metterci il corpo”, frapporci tra la polizia e le persone migranti. Il fatto che ci siano delle persone bianche ed europee nel luogo dell’emergenza obbliga i soccorsi ad arrivare, e scoraggia la polizia dal respingere e torturare. Infatti, è la gerarchia dei corpi che determina quanto una persona è “salvabile”, e le vite migranti valgono meno di zero. Nella notte del 5 agosto, mentre andavamo a recuperare il cadavere di H., siamo fermatə da un furgone scuro, senza insegne della polizia. È una pattuglia del corpo speciale dell’esercito che si occupa di cattura e respingimento. Gli diciamo la verità: stiamo andando a cercare un ragazzo morto nel bosco, abbiamo già avvisato il 112. Uno dei soldati vuole delle prove, gli mostriamo allora la foto scattata dai compagni di viaggio. Vedendo il cadavere, si mette a ridere, “it’s funny”, dice.

    Ogni strada è un vicolo cieco che conduce alla border police, che non ha nessun interesse a salvare le vite ma solo ad incriminare chi le salva. Dobbiamo chiamare subito il 112, accettando il rischio che la polizia possa arrivare prima di noi e respingere le persone in Turchia, lasciandole nude e ferite nel bosco di frontiera, per poi essere costrette a riprovare quel viaggio mortale o imprigionate e deportate in Siria? Oppure non chiamare il 112, perdendo così quel briciolo di possibilità che veramente un’ambulanza possa, prima o poi, arrivare e potenzialmente salvare una vita? Il momento dell’intervento mette ogni volta di fronte a domande impossibili, che rivelano l’asimmetria di potere tra noi e le autorità, di cui non riusciamo a prevedere le mosse. Alcuni cambiamenti, però, li abbiamo osservati con continuità anche nel comportamento della polizia. Se inizialmente le nostre azioni sono riuscite più volte ad evitare l’omissione di soccorso, salvando persone che altrimenti sarebbero state semplicemente lasciate morire, nell’ultimo mese le nostre ricerche sono andate quasi sempre a vuoto. Questo perché la polizia arriva alle coordinate prima di noi, anche quando non avvisiamo, o ci intercetta lungo la strada impedendoci di continuare. Probabilmente non sono fatalità ma stanno controllando i nostri movimenti, per provare a toglierci questo spazio di azione che ci illudevamo di aver conquistato.

    Tuttavia, sappiamo che i casi che abbiamo intercettato sono solo una parte del totale. Le segnalazioni che arrivano attraverso CRG riguardano quasi esclusivamente persone di origini siriane, mentre raramente abbiamo ricevuto richieste di altre nazionalità, che sappiamo però essere presenti. Inoltre, la dottoressa Mileva, capo di dipartimento dell’obitorio di Burgas, racconta che quasi ogni giorno arriva un cadavere, “la maggior parte sono pieni di vermi, alcuni sono stati mangiati da animali selvatici”. Non sanno più dove metterli, le celle frigorifere sono piene di corpi non identificati ma le famiglie non hanno la possibilità di venire in Bulgaria per avviare le pratiche di riconoscimento, rimpatrio e sepoltura. Infatti, è impossibile ottenere un visto per venire in Europa, nemmeno per riconoscere un figlio – e non ci si può muovere nemmeno da altri paesi europei se si è richiedenti asilo. In alternativa, servono i soldi per la delega ad unə avvocatə e per effettuare il test del DNA attraverso l’ambasciata. Le procedure burocratiche non conoscono pietà. Le politiche di confine agiscono tanto sul corpo vivo quanto su quello morto, quindi sulla possibilità di vivere il lutto, di avere semplicemente la certezza di aver perso una sorella, una madre, un fratello. Solo per sapere se piangere. Anche la morte è una conquista sociale.

    «Sono una sorella inquieta da 11 mesi. Non dormo più la notte e passo delle giornate tranquille solo grazie ai sedativi e alle pillole per la depressione. Ovunque abbia chiesto aiuto, sono rimasta senza risposte. Vi chiedo, se è possibile, di prendermi per mano, se c’è bisogno di denaro, sono pronta a indebitarmi per trovare mio fratello e salvare la mia vecchia madre da questa lenta morte». Così ci scrive S., dalla Svezia. Suo fratello aveva 30 anni, era scappato dall’Afghanistan dopo il ritorno dei Talebani, perché lavorava per l’esercito americano. Aveva lasciato la Turchia per dirigersi verso la Bulgaria il 21 settembre 2022, ma il 25 non era più stato in grado di continuare il cammino a causa dei dolori alle gambe. In un video, gli smuggler che guidavano il viaggio spiegano che lo avrebbero lasciato in un determinato punto, nei pressi della strada 79, e che dopo aver riposato si sarebbe dovuto consegnare alla polizia. Da allora di lui si sono perse le tracce. Non è stato ritrovato nella foresta, né nei campi rifugiati, né tra i corpi dell’obitorio. È come se fosse stato inghiottito dalla frontiera. S. ci invia i nomi, le foto e le date di scomparsa di altre 14 persone, quasi tutte afghane, scomparse l’anno scorso. Lei è in contatto con tutte le famiglie. Neanche noi abbiamo risposte: più la segnalazione è datata più è difficile poter fare qualcosa. Sappiamo che la cosa più probabile è che i corpi siano marciti nel sottobosco, ma cosa dire allə familiari che ancora conservano un’irrazionale speranza? Ormai si cammina sulle ossa di chi era venuto prima, e lì era rimasto.


    1. РЕЗУЛТАТИ ОТ ДЕЙНОСТТА НА МВР ПРЕЗ 2022 г., Противодействие на миграционния натиск и граничен контрол (Risultati delle attività del Ministero dell’Interno nel 2022, Contrasto alla pressione migratoria e controllo delle frontiere), p. 14.
    2. Per quanto riguarda lə richiedenti asilo, il sistema di “accoglienza” bulgaro è gestito dall’agenzia governativa SAR, e si articola nei campi ROC (Registration and reception center) di Voenna Rampa (Sofia), Ovcha Kupel (Sofia), Vrajdebna (Sofia), Banya (Nova Zagora) e Harmanli, oltre al transit centre di Pastrogor (situato nel comune di Svilengrad), dove si effettuano proceduredi asilo accelerate. […] I centri di detenzione sono due: Busmantsi e Lyubimets. Per approfondire, è disponibile il report scritto dal Collettivo.
    3. Anche così sono chiamati gli smuggler che conducono le persone nel viaggio a piedi.


    #Bulgarie #Turquie #asile #migrations #réfugiés #frontières #décès #mourir_aux_frontières #street-art #art_de_rue #route_des_Balkans #Balkans #mémoire #morts_aux_frontières #murs #barrières_frontalières #Elhovo #Burgas #Evros #Grèce #routes_migratoires #militarisation_des_frontières #violence #violences_policières #solidarité #anti-frontières #voies_sures #route_79 #collettivo_rotte_balcaniche #hiréarchie_des_corps #racisme #Mileva_Galya #Galya_Mileva

    • Bulgaria, lasciar morire è uccidere

      Collettivo Rotte Balcaniche Alto Vicentino: la cronaca di un’omissione di soccorso sulla frontiera bulgaro-turca

      I fatti si riferiscono alla notte tra il 19 e il 20 luglio 2023. Per tutelare le persone coinvolte, diffondiamo questo report dopo alcune settimane. Dopo questo primo intervento, come Collettivo Rotte Balcaniche continuiamo ad affrontare emergenze simili, agendo in prima persona nella ricerca e soccorso delle persone bloccate nei boschi lungo la frontiera bulgaro-turca.

      01.00 di notte, suona il telefono del Collettivo. “We got a pregnant woman on Route 79“, a contattarci è un residente nel campo di Harmanli, amico del marito della donna e da noi conosciuto qualche settimana prima. E’ assistito da un’interprete, anch’esso residente nel campo. Teme di essere accusato di smuggling, chiede se possiamo essere noi a chiamare un’ambulanza. La route 79 è una delle strade più pattugliate dalla border police, in quanto passaggio quasi obbligato per chi ha attraversato il confine turco e si muove verso Sofia. Con l’aiuto dell’interprete chiamiamo la donna: è all’ottavo mese di gravidanza e, con le due figlie piccole, sono sole nella jungle. Stremate, sono state lasciate vicino alla strada dal gruppo con cui stavano camminando, in attesa di soccorsi. Ci dà la sua localizzazione: Le spieghiamo che il numero dell’ambulanza è lo stesso della polizia: c’è il rischio che venga respinta illegalmente in Turchia. Lei lo sa e ci chiede di farlo ugualmente.

      Ore 02.00, prima chiamata al 112. La registriamo, come tutte le successive. Non ci viene posta nessuna domanda sulle condizioni della donna o delle bambine, ma siamo tenuti 11 minuti al telefono per spiegare come siamo venuti in contatto con la donna, come ha attraversato il confine e da dove viene, chi siamo, cosa facciamo in Bulgaria. Sospettano un caso di trafficking e dobbiamo comunicare loro il numero dell’”intermediario” tra noi e lei. Ci sentiamo sotto interrogatorio. “In a couple of minutes our units are gonna be there to search the woman“, sono le 02.06. Ci rendiamo conto di non aver parlato con dei soccorritori, ma con dei poliziotti.

      Ore 03.21, è passata un’ora e tutto tace: richiamiamo il 112. Chiediamo se hanno chiamato la donna, ci rispondono: “we tried contacting but we can’t reach the phone number“. La donna ci dice che in realtà non l’hanno mai chiamata. Comunichiamo di nuovo la sua localizzazione: Aggiungiamo che è molto vicino alla strada, ci rispondono: “not exactly, it’s more like inside of the woods“, “it’s exactly like near the border, and it’s inside of a wood region, it’s a forest, not a street“. Per fugare ogni dubbio, chiediamo: “do you confirm that the coordinates are near to route 79?“. Ci tengono in attesa, rispondono: “they are near a main road. Can’t exactly specify if it’s 79“. Diciamo che la donna è svenuta. “Can she dial us? Can she call so we can get a bit more information?“. Non capiamo di che ulteriori informazioni abbiano bisogno, siamo increduli: “She’s not conscious so I don’t think she’ll be able to make the call“. Suggeriscono allora che l’interprete si metta in contatto diretto con loro. Sospettiamo che vogliano tagliarci fuori. Sono passati 18 minuti, la chiamata è stata una farsa. Se prima temevamo le conseguenze dell’arrivo della polizia, ora abbiamo paura che non arrivi nessuno. Decidiamo di metterci in strada, ci aspetta 1h e 40 di viaggio.

      Ore 04.42, terza chiamata. Ci chiedono di nuovo tutte le informazioni, ancora una volta comunichiamo le coordinate gps. Diciamo che stiamo andando in loco ed incalziamo: “Are there any news on the research?“. “I can’t tell this“. Attraverso l’interprete rimaniamo in costante contatto con la donna. Conferma che non è arrivata alcuna searching unit. La farsa sta diventando una tragedia.

      Ore 06.18, quarta chiamata. Siamo sul posto e la strada è deserta. Vogliamo essere irreprensibili ed informarli che siamo arrivati. Ripetiamo per l’ennesima volta che chiamiamo per una donna incinta in gravi condizioni. Il dialogo è allucinante, ricominciano con le domande: “which month?“, “which baby is this? First? Second?“, “how old does she look like?“, “how do you know she’s there? she called you or what?“. Gli comunichiamo che stiamo per iniziare a cercarla, ci rispondono: “we are looking for her also“. Interveniamo: “Well, where are you because there is no one here, we are on the spot and there is no one“. Si giustificano: “you have new information because obviously she is not at the one coordinates you gave“, “the police went three times to the coordinates and they didn’t find the woman, the coordinates are wrong“. Ancora una volta, capiamo che stanno mentendo.

      Faremo una quinta chiamata alle 06.43, quando l’avremo già trovata. Ci richiederanno le coordinate e ci diranno di aspettarli lungo la strada.

      La nostra ricerca dura pochi minuti. La donna ci invia di nuovo la posizione: Risulta essere a 500 metri dalle coordinate precedenti, ma ancor più vicina alla strada. Gridiamo “hello” e ci facciamo guidare dalle voci: la troviamo letteralmente a due metri dalla strada, su un leggero pendio, accasciata sotto un albero e le bambine al suo fianco. Vengono dalla Siria, le bambine hanno 4 e 7 anni. Lei è troppo debole per alzarsi. Abbiamo per loro sono dell’acqua e del pane. C’è lì anche un ragazzo, probabilmente minorenne, che le ha trovate ed è rimasto ad aiutarle. Lo avvertiamo che arriverà la polizia. Non vuole essere respinto in Turchia, riparte solo e senza zaino. Noi ci guardiamo attorno: la “foresta” si rivela essere una piccola striscia alberata di qualche metro, che separa la strada dai campi agricoli.

      Dopo poco passa una ronda della border police, si fermano e ci avvicinano con la mano sulla pistola. Non erano stati avvertiti: ci aggrediscono con mille domande senza interessarsi alla donna ed alle bambine. Ci prendono i telefoni, ci cancellano le foto fatte all’arrivo delle volanti. Decidiamo di chiamare un’avvocata locale nostra conoscente: lei ci risponde che nei boschi è normale che i soccorsi tardino e ci suggerisce di andarcene per lasciar lavorare la polizia. Nel frattempo arrivano anche la gendarmerie e la local police.

      Manca solo l’unica cosa necessaria e richiesta: l’ambulanza, che non arriverà mai.

      Ore 07.45, la polizia ci scorta nel paese più vicino – Sredets – dove ci ha assicurato esserci un ospedale. Cercano di dividere la donna e le bambine in auto diverse. Chiediamo di portarle noi tutte assieme in macchina. A Sredets, tuttavia, siamo condotti nella centrale della border police. Troviamo decine di guardie di frontiera vestite mimetiche, armate di mitraglie, che escono a turno su mezzi militari, due agenti olandesi di Frontex, un poliziotto bulgaro con la maglia del fascio littorio dei raduni di Predappio. Siamo relegati nel fondo di un corridoio, in piedi, circondati da cinque poliziotti. Il più giovane urla e ci dice che saremo trattenuti “perché stai facendo passare migranti clandestini“. Chiediamo acqua ed un bagno per la donna e le bambine, inizialmente ce li negano. Rimaniamo in attesa, ora ci dicono che non possono andare in ospedale in quanto senza documenti, sono in stato di arresto.

      Ore 09.00, arriva finalmente un medico: parla solamente in bulgaro, visita la donna in corridoio senza alcuna privacy, chiedendole di scoprire la pancia davanti ai 5 poliziotti. Chiamiamo ancora una volta l’avvocata, vogliamo chiedere che la donna sia portata in un ambulatorio e che abbia un interprete. Rimaniamo inascoltati. Dopo a malapena 5 minuti il medico conclude la sua visita, consigliando solamente di bere molta acqua.

      Ore 09.35, ci riportano i nostri documenti e ci invitano ad andarcene. E’ l’ultima volta che vediamo la donna e le bambine. Il telefono le viene sequestrato. Non viene loro permesso di fare la richiesta di asilo e vengono portate nel pre-removal detention centre di Lyubimets. Prima di condurci all’uscita, si presenta un tale ispettore Palov che ci chiede di firmare tre carte. Avrebbero giustificato le ore passate in centrale come conversazione avuta con l’ispettore, previa convocazione ufficiale. Rifiutiamo.

      Sulla via del ritorno ripercorriamo la Route 79, è estremamente pattugliata dalla polizia. Pensiamo alle tante persone che ogni notte muoiono senza nemmeno poter chiedere aiuto, oltre alle poche che lo chiedono invano. Lungo le frontiere di terra come di mare, l’omissione di soccorso è una precisa strategia delle autorità.

      L’indomani incontriamo l’amico del marito della donna. Sa che non potrà più fare qualcosa di simile: sarebbe accusato di smuggling e perderebbe ogni possibilità di ricostruirsi una vita in Europa. Invece noi, attivisti indipendenti, possiamo e dobbiamo continuare: abbiamo molto meno da perdere. Ci è chiara l’urgenza di agire in prima persona e disobbedire a chi uccide lasciando morire.

      Dopo 20 giorni dall’accaduto riusciamo ad incontrare la donna con le bambine, che sono state finalmente trasferite al campo aperto di Harmanli. Sono state trattenute quindi nel centro di detenzione di Lyubimets per ben 19 giorni. La donna ci riferisce che, durante la loro permanenza, non è mai stata portata in ospedale per eseguire accertamenti, necessari soprattutto per quanto riguarda la gravidanza; è stata solamente visitata dal medico del centro, una visita molto superficiale e frettolosa, molto simile a quella ricevuta alla stazione di polizia di Sredets. Ci dà inoltre il suo consenso alla pubblicazione di questo report.



    • Bulgaria, per tutti i morti di frontiera

      Collettivo Rotte Balcaniche Alto Vicentino: un racconto di come i confini d’Europa uccidono nel silenzio e nell’indifferenza

      Da fine giugno il Collettivo Rotte Balcaniche Alto Vicentino è ripartito per un nuovo progetto di solidarietà attiva e monitoraggio verso la frontiera più esterna dell’Unione Europea, al confine tra Bulgaria e Turchia.
      Pubblichiamo il secondo report delle “operazioni di ricerca e soccorso” che il Collettivo sta portando avanti, in cui si racconta del ritrovamento del corpo senza vita di H., un uomo siriano che aveva deciso di sfidare la fortezza Europa. Come lui moltə altrə tentano il viaggio ogni giorno, e muoiono nelle foreste senza che nessuno lo sappia. Al Collettivo è sembrato importante diffondere questa storia perchè parla anche di tutte le altre storie che non potranno essere raccontate, affinché non rimangano seppellite nel silenzio dei confini.

      Ore 12, circa, al numero del collettivo viene segnalata la presenza del corpo di un ragazzo siriano di trent’anni, H., morto durante un tentativo di game in prossimità della route 79. Abbiamo il contatto di un fratello, che comunica con noi attraverso un cugino che fa da interprete. Chiedono aiuto nel gestire il recupero, il riconoscimento e il rimpatrio del corpo; ci mandano le coordinate e capiamo che il corpo si trova in mezzo ad un bosco ma vicino ad un sentiero: probabilmente i suoi compagni di viaggio lo hanno lasciato lì così che fosse facilmente raggiungibile. Nelle ore successive capiamo insieme come muoverci.

      Ore 15, un’associazione del territorio con cui collaboriamo chiama una prima volta il 112, il numero unico per le emergenze. Ci dice che il caso è stato preso in carico e che le autorità hanno iniziato le ricerche. Alla luce di altri episodi simili, decidiamo di non fidarci e iniziamo a pensare che potrebbe essere necessario metterci in viaggio.

      Ore 16.46, chiamiamo anche noi il 112, per mettere pressione ed assicurarci che effettivamente ci sia una squadra di ricerca in loco: decidiamo di dire all’operatore che c’è una persona in condizioni critiche persa nei boschi e diamo le coordinate precise. Come risposta ci chiede il nome e, prima ancora di informazioni sul suo stato di salute, la sua nazionalità. E’ zona di frontiera: probabilmente, la risposta a questa domanda è fondamentale per capire che priorità dare alla chiamata e chi allertare. Quando diciamo che è siriano, arriva in automatico la domanda: “How did he cross the border? Legally or illegally?“. Diciamo che non lo sappiamo, ribadiamo che H. ha bisogno di soccorso immediato, potrebbe essere morto. L’operatore accetta la nostra segnalazione e ci dice che polizia e assistenza medica sono state allertate. Chiediamo di poter avere aggiornamenti, ma non possono richiamarci. Richiameremo noi.

      Ore 17.54, richiamiamo. L’operatrice ci chiede se il gruppo di emergenza è arrivato in loco, probabilmente pensando che noi siamo insieme ad H. La informiamo che in realtà siamo a un’ora e mezzo di distanza, ma che ci possiamo muovere se necessario. Ci dice che la border police “was there” e che “everything will be okay if you called us“, ma non ha informazioni sulle sorti di H. Le chiediamo, sempre memori delle false informazioni degli altri casi, come può essere sicura che una pattuglia si sia recata in loco; solo a questo punto chiama la border police. “It was my mistake“, ci dice riprendendo la chiamata: gli agenti non lo hanno trovato, “but they are looking for him“. Alle nostre orecchie suona come una conferma del fatto che nessuna pattuglia sia uscita a cercarlo. L’operatrice chiude la chiamata con un: “If you can, go to this place, [to] this GPS coordinates, because they couldn’t find this person yet. If you have any information call us again“. Forti di questo via libera e incazzatə di dover supplire alle mancanze della polizia ci mettiamo in viaggio.

      Ore 18.30, partiamo, chiamando il 112 a intervalli regolari lungo la strada: emerge grande indifferenza, che diventa a tratti strafottenza rispetto alla nostra insistenza: “So what do you want now? We don’t give information, we have the signal, police is informed“. Diciamo che siamo per strada: “Okay“.

      Ore 20.24, parcheggiamo la macchina lungo una strada sterrata in mezzo al bosco. Iniziamo a camminare verso le coordinate mentre il sole dietro di noi inizia a tramontare. Richiamiamo il 112, informando del fatto che non vediamo pattuglie della polizia in giro, nonostante tutte le fantomatiche ricerche già partite. Ci viene risposto che la polizia è stata alle coordinate che noi abbiamo dato e non ha trovato nessuno; gli avvenimenti delle ore successive dimostreranno che questa informazione è falsa.

      “I talked with Border Police, today they have been in this place searching for this guy, they haven’t find anybody, so“

      “So? […] What are they going to do?“

      “What do you want from us [seccato]? They haven’t found anyone […]“

      “They can keep searching.”

      “[aggressivo] They haven’t found anybody on this place. What do you want from us? […] On this location there is no one. […] You give the location and there is no one on this location“.

      Ore 21.30, arriviamo alle coordinate attraverso un bosco segnato da zaini e bottiglie vuote che suggeriscono il passaggio di persone in game. Il corpo di H. è lì, non un metro più avanti, non uno più indietro. I suoi compagni di viaggio, nonostante la situazione di bisogno che la rotta impone, hanno avuto l’accortezza di lasciargli a fianco il suo zaino, il suo telefono e qualche farmaco. E’ evidente come nessuna pattuglia della polizia sia stata sul posto, probabilmente nessuna è neanche mai uscita dalla centrale. Ci siamo mosse insieme a una catena di bugie. Richiamiamo il 112 e l’operatrice allerta la border police. Questa volta, visto il tempo in cui rimaniamo in chiamata in attesa, parrebbe veramente.

      Ore 21.52, nessuno in vista. Richiamiamo insistendo per sapere dove sia l’unità di emergenza, dato che temiamo ancora una volta l’assoluto disinteresse di chi di dovere. Ci viene risposto: “Police crew is on another case, when they finish the case they will come to you. […] There is too many case for police, they have only few car“. Vista la quantità di posti di blocco e di automobili della polizia che abbiamo incrociato lungo la route 79 e i racconti dei suoi interventi continui, capillari e violenti in “protezione” dei confini orientali dell’UE, non ci pare proprio che la polizia non possegga mezzi. Evidentemente, di nuovo, è una questione di priorità dei casi e dei fini di questi: ci si muove per controllare e respingere, non per soccorrere. Insistiamo, ci chiedono informazioni su di noi e sulla macchina:

      “How many people are you?“

      “Three people“

      “Only women?”


      “Have patience and stay there, they will come“.

      Abbiamo la forte percezione che il fatto di essere solo ragazze velocizzerà l’intervento e che di certo nessuno si muoverà per H.: il pull factor per l’intervento della polizia siamo diventate noi, le fanciulle italiane in mezzo al bosco da salvare. Esplicitiamo tra di noi la necessità di mettere in chiaro, all’eventuale arrivo della polizia, che la priorità per noi è il recupero del corpo di H. Sentiamo anche lə compagnə che sono rimastə a casa: davanti all’ennesimo aggiornamento di stallo, in tre decidono di partire da Harmanli e di raggiungerci alle coordinate; per loro si prospetta un’ora e mezzo in furgone: lungo la strada, verranno fermati tre volte a posti di blocco, essendo i furgoni uno dei mezzi preferiti dagli smuggler per muovere le persone migranti verso Sofia.

      Ore 22, continuiamo con le chiamate di pressione al 112. E’ una donna a rispondere: la sua voce suona a tratti preoccupata. Anche nella violenza della situazione, registriamo come la socializzazione di genere sia determinante rispetto alla postura di cura. Si connette con la border police: “Police is coming to you in 5…2 minutes“, ci dice in un tentativo di rassicurarci. Purtroppo, sappiamo bene che le pratiche della polizia sono lontane da quelle di cura e non ci illudiamo: l’attesa continuerà. Come previsto, un’ora dopo non è ancora arrivato nessuno. All’ennesima chiamata, il centralinista ci chiede informazioni sulla morfologia del territorio intorno a noi. Questa richiesta conferma quello che ormai già sapevamo: la polizia, lì, non è mai arrivata.

      Ore 23.45, delle luci illuminano il campo in cui siamo sedute ormai da ore vicine al corpo di H. E’ una macchina della polizia di frontiera, con sopra una pattuglia mista di normal police e border police. Nessuna traccia di ambulanza, personale medico o polizia scientifica. Ci chiedono di mostrargli il corpo. Lo illuminano distrattamente, fanno qualche chiamata alla centrale e tornano a noi: ci chiedono come siamo venute a sapere del caso e perchè siamo lì. Gli ribadiamo che è stata un’operatrice del 112 a suggerici ciò: la cosa ci permette di giustificare la nostra presenza in zona di confine, a fianco ad un corpo senza vita ed evitare le accuse di smuggling.

      Ore 23.57, ci propongono di riaccompagnarci alla nostra macchina, neanche 10 minuti dopo essere arrivati. Noi chiediamo cosa ne sarà del corpo di H. e un agente ci risponde che arriverà un’unità di emergenza apposita. Esplicitiamo la nostra volontà di aspettarne l’arrivo, vogliamo tentare di ottenere il maggior numero di informazioni da comunicare alla famiglia e siamo preoccupate che, se noi lasciamo il campo, anche la pattuglia abbandonerà il corpo. Straniti, e forse impreparati alla nostra presenza e insistenza, provano a convincerci ad andare, illustrando una serie farsesca di pericoli che vanno dal fatto che sia zona di frontiera interdetta alla presenza di pericolosi migranti e calabroni giganti. Di base, recepiamo che non hanno una motivazioni valida per impedirci di rimanere.

      Quando il gruppo di Harmanli arriva vicino a noi, la polizia li sente arrivare prima di vederli e pensa che siano un gruppo di migranti; a questo stimolo, risponde con la prontezza che non ha mai dimostrato rispetto alle nostre sollecitazioni. Scatta verso di loro con la mano a pistola e manganello e le torce puntate verso il bosco. Li trova, ma il loro colore della pelle è nello spettro della legittimità. Va tutto bene, possono arrivare da noi. Della pattuglia di sei poliziotti, tre vanno via in macchina, tre si fermano effettivamente per la notte; ci chiediamo se sarebbe andata allo stesso modo se noi con i nostri occhi bianchi ed europei non fossimo stati presenti. Lo stallo continua, sostanzialmente, fino a mattina: la situazione è surreale, con noi sdraiati a pochi metri dalla polizia e dal corpo di H. L’immagine che ne esce parla di negligenza delle istituzioni, della gerarchia di vite che il confine crea e dell’abbandono sistematico dei corpi che vi si muovono intorno, se non per un loro possibile respingimento.

      Ore 8 di mattina, l’indifferenza continua anche quando arriva la scientifica, che si muove sbrigativa e sommaria intorno al corpo di H., vestendo jeans e scattando qualche fotografia simbolica. Il tutto non dura più di 30 minuti, alla fine dei quali il corpo parte nella macchina della border police, senza comunicazione alcuna sulla sua direzione e sulle sue sorti. Dopo la solita strategia di insistenza, riusciamo ad apprendere che verrà portato all’obitorio di Burgas, ma non hanno nulla da dirci su quello che avverrà dopo: l’ipotesi di un rimpatrio della salma o di un possibile funerale pare non sfiorare nemmeno i loro pensieri. Scopriremo solo in seguito, durante una c​hiamata con la famiglia, che H., nella migliore delle ipotesi, verrà seppellito in Bulgaria, solo grazie alla presenza sul territorio bulgaro di un parente di sangue, da poco deportato dalla Germania secondo le direttive di Dublino, che ha potuto riconoscere ufficialmente il corpo. Si rende palese, ancora una volta, l’indifferenza delle autorità nei confronti di H., un corpo ritenuto illegittimo che non merita nemmeno una sepoltura. La morte è normalizzata in questi spazi di confine e l’indifferenza sistemica diventa un’arma, al pari della violenza sui corpi e dei respingimenti, per definire chi ha diritto a una vita degna, o semplicemente a una vita.


  • Leaked letter on intended Cyprus-Lebanon joint border controls: increased deaths and human rights violations

    In an increasingly worrying context for migrants and refugees in Cyprus, with the recent escalation of violent racist attacks and discrimination against refugees on the island and the continued pushback policy, civil society organisations raise the alarm concerning Cyprus’ increased support to the Lebanese Army to harden border control and prevent departures.

    A letter leaked on 26 September 2023 (https://www.philenews.com/kipros/koinonia/article/1389120/exi-metra-protini-ston-livano-i-kipros), from the Cypriot Interior Minister to his Lebanese counterpart, reveals that Cyprus will provide Lebanon with 6 vessels and speedboats by the end of 2024, trainings for the Lebanese Armed Forces, will carry out joint patrol operations from Lebanese shores, and will finance the salaries of members of the Lebanese Armed Forces “who actively contribute to the interception of vessels carrying irregular migrants to Cyprus”. In this way, by providing equipment, funding and training to the Lebanese Army, Cyprus will have a determining influence, if not effective control, on the interceptions of migrants’ boats in Lebanese territorial waters and forced returns (the so-called “pullbacks”), to Lebanon. This in violation of EU and international law, which is likely to trigger legal liability issues. As seen in numerous cases, refugees, especially Syrians, who are pulled back to Lebanon are at risk of detention, ill-treatment and deportations to Syria where they are subject to violence, arrest, torture, and enforced disappearance. The worsening situation of Syrian refugees in Lebanon, who face increasing violence and deportations, confirms that Lebanon is not a “safe” third country.

    As seen in the past with several examples from other examples at the EU’s external borders, (e.g. Turkey, Libya and most recently Tunisia), striking deals with EU neighboring countries of departure in order to increase border controls and contain migratory movements has several catastrophic consequences. Despite officially aiming at decreasing the number of lost lives, they actually increase border violence and deaths, leading to serious human rights abuses and violations of EU and international laws. They also foster a blackmail approach as third countries use their borders as leverage against European countries to get additional funds or negotiate on other sensitive issues, at the expense of people’s lives. All these contribute to having a negative impact on the EU and Member States’ foreign policy.

    As demonstrated by a recent article from the Mixed Migration Centre (https://mixedmigration.org/articles/how-to-break-the-business-model-of-smugglers), the most effective way to “disrupt the business model of smugglers” and reduce irregular departures, migrants’ dangerous journeys and the consequent losses of lives, is to expand legal migratory routes.

    By going in the complete opposite direction, Cyprus, for many years now, has prevented migrants, asylum seekers and refugees from reaching the island in a legal way and from leaving the island for other EU countries1. Cyprus has resorted to systematic practices of pushbacks sending refugees back to countries where they are at risk of torture, persecution and arbitrary detention, has intensified forced returns, has dismantled the reception and asylum system, and has fueled a toxic anti-refugee narrative that has led to indiscriminate violent attacks that were initially against Syrian refugees and their properties in #Chloraka (https://kisa.org.cy/sundays-pogrom-in-chloraka) and a few days later to against migrants and their properties in #Limassol (https://cde.news/racism-fuelled-violence-spreads-in-cyprus). More recently, Cyprus has also announced its willingness to push the EU and Member States to re-evaluate Syria’s status and consider the country as “safe” in order to forcibly return Syrian refugees to Syria – despite on-going clashes, structural human rights violations, crimes against humanity and war crimes.

    These deadly externalisation policies and unlawful practices have and continue to kill individuals and prevent them from accessing their rights. A complete change in migration and asylum policies is urgently needed, based on the respect of human rights and people’s lives, and on legal channels for migration and protection. Cyprus, as well as the EU and its Member States, must protect the human rights of migrants at international borders, ensure access to international protection and proper reception conditions in line with EU and international human rights law. They must open effective legal migratory pathways, including resettlement, humanitarian visas and labour migration opportunities; and they must respect their obligations of saving lives at sea and set up proper Search and Rescue operations in the Mediterranean.


    #mourir_aux_frontières #frontières #droits_humains #asile #migrations #réfugiés #Chypre #Liban #racisme #attaques_racistes #refoulements #push-backs #militarisation_des_frontières #joint_operations #opérations_conjointes #aide #formation #gardes-côtes_libanaises #pull-backs #réfugiés_syriens #externalisation

  • A #Menton, les arrivées de migrants augmentent, les #refoulements aussi

    De tous les points de passage entre la France et l’Italie, celui du pont Saint-Louis est sans doute le plus pittoresque. Imaginez une route suspendue à flanc de rocher entre Menton, ville des Alpes-Maritimes, et Grimaldi, la première localité transalpine : d’un côté la montagne, abrupte et creusée de grottes ; de l’autre, un paysage de cultures en terrasses dévalant jusqu’à la côte. Tout en bas, la Méditerranée luit d’un éclat mauve, en ce petit matin d’automne que le soleil n’éclaire pas encore.

    Un endroit sublime, donc, et pourtant parfaitement désespérant. Car ce bout de route, encadré par les postes de police des deux pays, accueille chaque jour un ballet tragique de migrants qui passent et repassent, long cortège de malheureux expulsés hors de l’Hexagone. Remis à la police italienne, ils tenteront leur chance une fois, dix fois, vingt fois, jusqu’à pouvoir franchir cette frontière sur laquelle la France a rétabli des contrôles depuis 2015. « A la fin, la plupart d’entre eux finissent par y arriver » , observe Loïc Le Dall, membre de l’antenne locale de l’Association nationale d’assistance aux frontières pour les étrangers (Anafé). Y compris en empruntant les chemins les plus dangereux, comme le toit des trains ou ce sentier vertigineux que l’on appelle ici le « pas de la mort ». Mais dans l’intervalle, ils sont pris dans une étrange partie de ping-pong politico-policier, un casse-tête juridique et humanitaire.

    A quoi pense-t-elle, cette femme arrêtée le long du parapet, entre les deux postes-frontières ? Le visage appuyé contre le grillage, elle regarde la mer et au-delà, les lumières de Menton. Près d’elle, deux très jeunes enfants grelottent dans leurs vêtements de coton. Plus loin, son mari monte la pente en tirant une petite valise. Ils sont kurdes, fuyant la Turquie pour des raisons politiques, disent-ils.

    Grosses boîtes cubiques

    Dans leur groupe, formé au hasard des contacts avec un passeur, il y a une autre famille avec enfants et un adolescent accompagné de sa mère. Poyraz a 17 ans, des écouteurs autour du cou et il tient à préciser quelque chose en esquissant un signe de croix à toute vitesse, le dos tourné pour que ses compagnons ne le voient pas : « Nous sommes orthodoxes,confie-t-il. C’est très difficile pour nous, en Turquie. »

    A trois pas de là, deux Nigérians regardent en direction d’un panneau bleu planté sur le bas-côté : « Menton, perle de la France, est heureuse de vous accueillir. » Les bras ballants, ils ont l’air désemparés, perdus. Eux n’ont rien, ni valise, ni téléphone, ni écouteurs et pas l’ombre d’un sac, fût-il en papier – même dans la misère, il y a des hiérarchies. Surtout, comme beaucoup de migrants, ils disposent de très peu de mots pour expliquer leur situation. Le plus âgé réussit à formuler une question, en rassemblant quelques bribes d’anglais : « Pourquoi ne nous laissent-ils pas entrer ? »

    « Ils », ce sont les forces de l’ordre françaises qui viennent de les renvoyer vers l’Italie, après les avoir enfermés depuis la veille dans des « espaces de mise à l’abri » – en fait des préfabriqués agglutinés entre la route et la falaise, au droit des bâtiments de police. Les Français retiennent dans ces grosses boîtes cubiques ceux qu’ils n’ont pas eu le temps d’exfiltrer avant la nuit, les locaux de leurs homologues italiens, à 50 mètres de là, étant fermés entre 19 heures et 7 heures. Ces lieux sont « climatisés et pourvus de sanitaires, de la nourriture y est distribuée » , explique Emmanuelle Joubert, directrice départementale de la police aux frontières (PAF). Kadiatou, une Guinéenne de 22 ans rencontrée à Vintimille, y a déjà passé la nuit avec son fils Mohamed, 1 an et demi. « C’était très sale, nuance-t-elle, nous étions serrés les uns contre les autres et dormions par terre. »

    Le 29 septembre, plusieurs baraquements ont été ajoutés à ceux qui s’y trouvaient déjà, en prévision d’une recrudescence d’arrivées : sur les 10 000 migrants débarqués dans l’île italienne de Lampedusa, entre le 11 et le 13 septembre, certains devraient atteindre la frontière française ces jours-ci. Entre le 1er janvier et le 21 septembre, la PAF a procédé à 31 844 interpellations, dont 5 259 pour la seule période du 25 août au 21 septembre. D’après la préfecture, ce chiffre, déjà en hausse par rapport à 2022, devrait augmenter avec les afflux attendus en provenance de Lampedusa. Parmi les refoulés, beaucoup sont mineurs et un grand nombre vient d’Afrique subsaharienne.

    Mine résignée

    Au pont Saint-Louis, aucune demande d’asile n’est jamais enregistrée. Et même si la présence d’un membre de l’Office français de protection des réfugiés et apatrides (Opfra) serait nécessaire, « il n’en vient jamais ici », assure un policier en faction.

    Pour faire face à cet afflux, il a fallu consolider les dispositifs, notamment depuis le mois de juillet, avec des drones, un avion de la brigade aéronautique de Marseille et des effectifs renforcés. Le 18 septembre, le ministre de l’intérieur, Gérald Darmanin, a annoncé l’envoi de 132 personnes (policiers, gendarmes, militaires des sections « Sentinelle ») afin d’étoffer les « troupes » déjà présentes dans le département. Celles-ci comptent également dans leurs rangs des réservistes de la police qui se relaient pour assurer des contrôles à Menton-Garavan, la première gare en territoire français.

    Ces réservistes vont par petits groupes, équipés de gilets pare-balles. Tous les trains en provenance de Vintimille, ville italienne située à 9 kilomètres, sont inspectés. Et de presque tous, les forces de l’ordre font descendre des sans-papiers, repérables à leurs mains vides, à leurs vêtements informes, à leur mine résignée. De là, ils sont conduits au pont Saint-Louis, où la PAF leur remet un refus d’entrée. Sur ces deux pages remplies par la police figurent notamment le nom, la nationalité et une date de naissance.

    Parfois, ces indications sont fantaisistes (on les reconnaît parce qu’elles indiquent systématiquement comme date un 1er janvier) : la minorité revendiquée par les passagers, qui n’ont jamais de papiers d’identité sur eux et ne sont pas toujours capables de donner une date de naissance précise, n’a pas été considérée comme réelle par les policiers. Ceux-ci choisissent alors une année de naissance estimative, qui « déminorise » les interpellés. Interrogée à ce propos par Le Monde, Mme Joubert (PAF) répond qu’il s’agit « d’un processus technique interne, le plus précis possible au regard des éléments en notre possession ». Ces procédures, dit-elle, « ont été établies afin de ne pas faire échec aux droits » .

    Yacht show de Monaco

    Au chapitre « Vos droits », justement, le document propose deux options. Par la première, le requérant demande à bénéficier d’un délai de vingt-quatre heures. Par la seconde, il affirme : « Je veux repartir le plus rapidement possible. »Or, selon l’Anafé, la case correspondant à cette deuxième option est déjà précochée au moment où les expulsés reçoivent le papier. La décision est exécutoire immédiatement. Le 21 septembre, un arrêt de la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne a jugé illégale cette pratique de refoulement instantané aux frontières. Sans rien changer sur le terrain jusqu’ici.

    Il arrive aussi, en contravention totale avec le droit français, que des mineurs se voient infliger une obligation de quitter le territoire. Celles que montrent, par exemple, Saad, né au Darfour (Soudan) en juillet 2006 (la date figure sur le document établi par la police), et son copain guinéen, 17 ans également. Tous deux sont assis sur un banc, du côté français, la tête entre les mains, incapables de déchiffrer la sommation qui leur donne quarante-huit heures pour contester devant le tribunal administratif. « Une erreur », plaide la PAF. « Nous avons vu cela plusieurs fois », rétorque l’Anafé.

    En cas de doute sur l’âge, un fonctionnaire de l’Aide sociale à l’enfance, structure dépendant du département, doit donner son avis. Ceux qui sont reconnus comme mineurs non accompagnés (les enfants se déplaçant avec des adultes ne bénéficient d’aucune protection particulière) doivent être placés dans des foyers provisoires d’urgence, mais les lits manquent. Le 15 septembre, un hôtel Ibis Budget du centre de Menton a donc été réquisitionné, quoique encore jamais utilisé. Cette décision préfectorale a provoqué la colère d’Yves Juhel, maire (divers droite) de la ville, où les touristes se pressent encore à cette saison. L’édile s’est exprimé sur France 3, le 21 septembre, soit quatre jours avant l’inauguration du Monaco Yacht Show, grand raout dont les participants remplissent les chambres des environs. « Cela ne(…) se fera pas ! Sinon, je serai le premier à être devant l’hôtel pour éviter une telle occupation. (…) Vous n’allez pas faire sortir des gens qui ont payé leur chambre pour en mettre d’autres en situation irrégulière, non ? »

    Dans un courrier adressé à Emmanuel Macron, le 20 septembre, Charles-Ange Ginésy, président Les Républicains du département, réclamait, lui, une prise en charge, par l’Etat, de l’accueil et de l’orientation des mineurs non accompagnés, normalement assumée par sa collectivité. Celle-ci, écrit-il, « ne peut être la victime collatérale d’une frontière passoire qui embolise les personnels en charge de l’enfance » .

    Distribution de repas sur un terrain vague

    En attendant, les personnes refoulées de France s’entassent à Vintimille, avec les primo-arrivants. Ils sont des dizaines sous l’autopont longeant le fleuve Roya, leurs vêtements suspendus aux grillages. « Pour nous laver, il y a la rivière et pour dormir, c’est par terre », racontent, l’air crâne, trois garçons soudanais, arrivés à Lampedusa par la Libye, puis la Tunisie. Ils se disent mineurs mais n’ont pas voulu le déclarer à leur arrivée en Sicile, afin de ne pas être enfermés dans des foyers spécialisés.

    Chaque soir, tout près de là, des associations humanitaires et la paroisse San Rocco de Vallecrosia distribuent, à tour de rôle, des repas sur un terrain vague, dans ce quartier de Roverino où une majorité d’habitants a voté pour la Ligue (extrême droite) aux dernières élections municipales. Mardi 3 octobre, ils étaient 200 à faire la queue, soit moitié moins que les 430 du mardi précédent. Cette baisse correspond-elle à un ralentissement des arrivées du sud du pays ? Ou bien au fait que plus de gens sont parvenus à passer entre les mailles du filet ? Nul ne le sait.

    « Nous sommes habitués à ces cycles, sans pouvoir les analyser » , constate Alessandra Zunino, « référente » chez Caritas. L’organisation catholique distribue des repas le matin et à midi, mais surtout, elle accueille des femmes et des enfants dans une annexe, le long de la voie ferrée. « Nous nous substituons aux services qui manquent, explique Maurizio Marmo, l’un des responsables locaux. A Vintimille, depuis trois ans, plus aucune structure institutionnelle ne fonctionne pour les migrants. Maintenant, tout de même, nous recevons un appui du ministère de l’intérieur pour les vingt places d’hébergement réservées aux femmes et aux enfants. »

    Dans le bâtiment principal, une maison crème aux volets bruns, on se contente de « tendre la main à ceux qui en ont besoin » , poursuit Alessandra Zunino. Quant aux parcours individuels, ils demeurent le plus souvent mystérieux. Même pour le docteur Pedro Casarin, qui soigne des blessures, des bronchites et annonce au moins une grossesse par semaine, sous une tente de Médecins sans frontières. Les gens vont et viennent, restent une heure ou un jour, puis ils repartent aussi soudainement qu’ils étaient arrivés, pour ne jamais revenir. Ils ont bravé le désert, les bandits, les violeurs, la Méditerranée : ce n’est pas une frontière de plus qui va les arrêter.


    #frontière_sud-alpine #asile #migrations #réfugiés #Alpes_Maritimes #frontières #Alpes #Vintimille #France #Italie #enfermement #interpellations #statistiques #chiffres #militarisation_des_frontières #contrôles_frontaliers #Menton-Garavan #forces_de_l'ordre #réservistes #trains #refus_d'entrée #refoulements_instantanés #OQTF #mineurs #MNA #mineurs_non_accompagnés #hôtel #Ibis #hôtel_Ibis #encampement