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    Minister on police violence against migrants in Miral: We had to use force because they were aggressive

    The Minister of Internal Affairs of the Una-Sana Canton (USK), Nermin Kljajić, confirmed that the situation with migrants, ie incidents and several burning abandoned buildings in Velika Kladuša, conditioned the increased police presence and controls. He also referred to a video released a few days ago, which shows police beating migrants.
    "As you know, several abandoned buildings in Velika Kladuša have been set on fire in recent days. We have not yet identified the perpetrators of these crimes, although we found migrants with valid Mirala residence cards in these buildings and moved them to this reception center. “These burns are actually a consequence of their dissatisfaction that we did our job. I must also say that the number of migrants on the streets of Velika Kladuša has increased significantly, for which there is no place in Miral. The complete situation dictates increased police controls,” said Minister Kljajić. .

    It was also emphasized that the internal investigation confirmed that there was no abuse of power during one of the police interventions in Miral, which has been talked about a lot in recent days due to the controversial video on the Internet.

    "It was clearly established that the intervention of the police officers in this reception center was explicitly requested by the employees of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), since their lives were endangered. We simply had to act in that way and use physical force. Reasons for intervention. there were also aggressive behavior of migrants, disrespect for officials, causing incidents, and dangers in the camp itself, "the cantonal interior minister added.

    Due to all the events and the complete situation, the members of the Operational Group for the Situation with Migrants in Una-Sana Canton requested the cooperation of the municipal authorities in Velika Kladuša, ie finding a location for the formation of a transitional center to accommodate migrants from Miral and city streets. abandoned buildings.


    #Covid-19 #Migration #Migrant #Balkans #Bosnie-Herzégovine #Miral #Velikakladusa #Violence #Incendie

  • Bosnia to Probe Alleged Police Brutality in Migrant Camp

    SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina — Bosnian authorities will hold an internal investigation into police conduct at a U.N.-run migrant camp in the country after a video emerged this week allegedly showing a group of police savagely beating a camp resident.

    In a statement Friday, the United Nations resident office in Bosnia welcomed the announcement, saying Bosnian authorities must “at all times abide by local laws as well as international human rights norms and standards.”

    The U.N. had previously requested an immediate investigation of the incident which allegedly occurred earlier this month at the Miral camp, in the northwestern city of Velika Kladusa. Local police initially dismissed accusations of brutality, saying they were called to the camp to pacify a hostile, stone-throwing crowd during a protest by migrants over movement restrictions due to the pandemic.

    The 30-second video uploaded on YouTube and shared by various Balkan news outlets allegedly showed a group of police approaching a random migrant in an apparently peaceful section of the camp and hitting the young man with fists and batons.

    Bosnian authorities have recently grown increasingly hostile to thousands of migrants trapped in the country, with security minister Fahrudin Radonicic proposing in April to start deporting them en masse. Many migrants enter Bosnia illegally in hope of continuing their journey towards Europe’s prosperous heartland through neighboring Croatia, a European Union member.

    The U.N. migration organization, IOM, which manages all temporary migrant accommodation centers in Bosnia, has been reporting serious overcrowding since mid-March when police started rounding up migrants who had been sleeping rough in the streets and driving them to its facilities.

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    Authorities said at the time they had to move migrants off the streets as part of measures to contain the coronavirus pandemic. Migrants who have since not been allowed to leave the camps, not even to go to a shop, say authorities are unjustly depriving them of their freedom.

    IOM camps in Bosnia currently house 6,200 people, or nearly 20% more than before the advent of the pandemic in the country in mid-March.


    #Covid-19 #Migration #Migrant #Balkans #Bosnie-Herzégovine #Velikakladusa #Miral #Camp #Violencespolicières #

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    During an attempt to enter the Miral camp in Velika Kladuša, a migrant was killed last night.

    This information for USKinfo.ba was confirmed by the Velika Kladuša Health Center.

    Our coroner went out on the field and determined that it was an accidental death that occurred around 00:00. He got stuck between the bars, that is, the fence when trying to enter the camp. The cause is most likely suffocation, but more details should be confirmed by an autopsy, if they order it to be done. The Prosecutor’s Office and the police, who were on the ground, were informed, the Velika Kladuša Health Center told USKinfo.ba


    #Covid-19 #Migration #Migrant #Balkans #Bosnie-Herzégovine #Camp #Miral #Velikakladusa #Mort #Mineur

  • Réfugiés en #Serbie : isolement total dans les #centres_d’accueil

    Ils sont 9000 réfugiés et demandeurs d’asile, enfermés depuis le 15 mars dans les centres d’accueil en Serbie, placés sous la garde de l’armée, au nom des mesures de confinement destinés à lutter contre le Covid-19. Les ONG évoquent une situation humanitaire catastrophique et dénoncent des mesures anticonstitutionnelles et discriminatoires.

    « Personne ne peut dire que les conditions de vie sont bonnes », déplore Nanayao, originaire du Ghana, enfermé dans le Centre d’accueil de demandeurs d’asile de #Krnjača, près de Belgrade, depuis le 15 mars et la proclamation de l’état d’urgence en Serbie. « Pour notre sécurité, je ne vois rien de mal dans les mesures prises visant à empêcher que nos familles et nous-mêmes entrions en contact avec ce virus dangereux, mais ici, on n’est pas bien. Jusqu’à présent on pouvait sortir et rentrer à notre guise. À présent, c’est interdit. »

    En isolement total dans des centres aux quatre coins de la Serbie, près de 9000 réfugiés, migrants et demandeurs d’asile peuvent uniquement se promener dans leurs enceintes. Depuis le 15 mars, les centres sont même surveillés par l’armée. Tous les migrants et réfugiés qui dormaient dehors ont été transférés dans des camps par l’armée et la police. Selon le Commissariat pour les réfugiés, les centres d’accueil, prévus pour héberger 6000 personnes au total, en accueillent aujourd’hui 8839.

    « Faute de place, on a installé des chapiteaux et des tentes avec un accès à l’eau potable et des toilettes », précise un porte-parole du Commissariat pour les réfugiés. « Les migrants ont droit à trois repas chauds par jour. Deux centres temporaires ont été ouverts à #Morović, près de la frontière avec la Croatie, et à #Miratovac, dans le sud du pays, tandis que le centre d’accueil de #Divljana, au sud-est du pays, est à nouveau opérationnel. »

    Camps surpeuplés, régime semi-carcéral

    Tout en reconnaissant que les mesures strictes « se sont avérées efficaces puisqu’aucun cas de contagion du coronavirus n’a été constaté parmi les migrants », les ONG soulignent que certains camps sont surpeuplés et que la situation est en train de se dégrader. En témoignent deux récentes tentatives d’évasion à #Adaševci, le camp établi dans une ancienne station-service de l’autoroute, près de la frontière serbo-croate, et à Krnjača, au cours desquelles l’armée serbe a tiré en l’air « pour calmer la situation », selon le ministre de la Défense Aleksandar Vulin. « Un scandale humanitaire absolu », dénonce Gordan Paunović, de l’ONG Info Park.

    Le 15 mars, toutes les activités des ONG ont été suspendues, sauf celles qui luttent directement pour la prévention et contre la propagation de la maladie. « Nous continuons à fournir du conseil légal par téléphone sur la procédure de demande d’asile, ainsi qu’une assistance psychosociale, qui est très importante en ce moment », explique Mirjana Milenkovski, chargée des relations publiques du Bureau du Haut-Commissariat des Nations-unies pour les réfugiés (UNHCR) à Belgrade.

    « De nombreux demandeurs d’asile qui travaillaient pour des ONG ont été licenciés, tandis que les enfants ne peuvent pas suivre les cours à distance ’organisés par les écoles serbes », note l’UNHCR. « Comme en Grèce et dans d’autres pays, l’UNHCR est prêt à soutenir la Serbie pour trouver un logement alternatif et mieux sécurisé pour les demandeurs d’asile, les enfants non-accompagnés et ceux séparés de leurs parents sur la route. »

    « Toutes les organisations s’efforcent de maintenir leurs activités et d’identifier des méthodes alternatives, mais rien ne peut remplacer le contact physique avec la personne qui a besoin d’un tel soutien », insiste pourtant Gordan Paunović. « Des dizaines de gens nous sollicitent pour recevoir de l’aide par téléphone. Toutes les conversations se terminent par la même question : quand est-ce que tout ça va finir ? Ces gens sont pratiquement emprisonnés. »

    Des mesures anticonstitutionnelles ?

    L’ONG Initiative A11 a lancé une initiative d’examen de la constitutionnalité de l’article 3 du décret prescrivant les mesures d’#état_d’urgence qui a imposé l’isolement total dans les centres. L’organisation envisage aussi de déposer une #plainte contre le gouvernement serbe. « Au-delà de la décision inconstitutionnelle et illégale de priver tous les citoyens de cette #liberté, le problème réside aussi dans les critères discriminatoires sur lesquels elle est fondée, ces personnes ayant été défavorisées uniquement en raison de leur statut », s’indigne Danilo Ćurčić de l’Initiative A11. « On n’explique pas pourquoi ils sont enfermés dans des centres surpeuplés où l’on ne peut pas surveiller l’application des mesures contre la propagation de la contagion et d’autres mesures sanitaires. »

    L’Union européenne a annoncé qu’elle fournirait des couvertures, des matelas et des tentes. L’UNHCR s’attache à son tour à aider. « Jusqu’à présent, les Nations-unies et l’UNHCR ont surtout fourni des produits d’hygiène », affirme Mirjana Milenkovski. « Nous travaillons tous pour améliorer la connexion Wi-Fi. Il n’a effectivement jamais été si important qu’ils aient accès à Internet pour pouvoir rester informés. De petits magasins ont aussi ouvert dans certains centres. Cela ne peut certainement pas remplacer la liberté de circulation, les sorties et les promenades, mais on essaie de leur faciliter le quotidien le plus possible. »

    Alors que le gouvernement serbe commence à assouplir les mesures de confinement, les réfugiés et les migrants restent en isolement total. Le Commissariat pour les réfugiés assure que des mesures de #déconfinement des camps sont actuellement à l’examen et qu’« elles seront adoptées à temps, en tenant compte la sécurité des migrants et des citoyens de Serbie ».

    #isolement #covid-19 #coronavirus #asile #migrations #réfugiés #Krnjaca #Morovic #Adasevc #surpopulation #discrimination #liberté_de_mouvement

    ping @luciebacon

  • Danas prijem prvih migranata u novi kamp Lipa

    Iako je Gradsko vijeće #Bihać prihvatilo Lipu kao novu lokaciju za smještaj migranata još u studenom prošle godine, vlasti u Bosni i Hercegovini su svoju suglasnost dale tek nakon proglašenja pandemije koronavirusa u BiH, kako bi se sa ulica krajiških gradova izmjestilo nekoliko tisuća migranata.

    Iako je prvo izmještanje migranata najavljeno još u ožujku, ipak do toga nije došlo. Prema zvaničnim najavama, danas se očekuje prijem prvih migranata u novi kamp Lipa, tako da se intenzivno radi na osposobljavanju kampa. Na ovoj lokaciji je postavljeno 50 šatora u koje bi trebalo biti smješteno 1000 migranata.

    ŠUHRET FAZLIĆ, gradonačelnik Bihaća

    “Odvija se projekat koji je sigurno na prostoru Balkana možda najveći građevinski poduhvat. Ko nije bio gore ne može znati šta se dešava. Gore je milionska investicij. Prije 15 dana gore je bila samo livada, sada gore se stvaraju kapaciteti za smještaj skoro 1000 migranata”, rekao je Fazlić.

    S obzirom na to da vlasti ne žele da se ponovi slika sa Vučjaka, otvaranje kampa Lipa kasni. Riješeno je pitanje struje, vode i odvodnje, još se čeka zeleno svjetlo od zdravstvenog sektora.

    Iz kantonalnog Zavoda za javno zdravstvo ističu da svaki dan dobijaju izvještaje od DRC-a i IOM-a o zdravstvenom stanju migranata koji se nalaze u prihvatnim centrima. Na ulazu u Lipu će se raditi trijaža migranata, a bit će osposobljen i karantin.

    Epidemiolog ZARINA MULABDIĆ, direktorica Zavoda za javno zdravstvo

    “Zadovoljni smo sa onim zatečenim gore. Samo treba da se još to do kraja provede, nešto u vezi infrastrukture što se treba nadopuniti. To će biti jedno sjajno rješenje, ni nalik na Vučjak, na koji sam ja dala negativno mišljenje kao epidemiolog”, kazala je Mulabdić.

    Lipa je prvenstveno namijenjena za prihvat migranata koji se nalaze na ulicama Bihaća i nemaju osnovne uvjete za život dostojan čovjeka.

    MUSTAFA RUŽNIĆ, premijer USK

    “Kapacitet je za sada 1000 migranata. Vidjet ćemo kako će se razvijati situacija. Vidjeli ste, to je jedan mali grad po svim standardima”, istakao je Ružnić.

    Еpidemiolog ZARINA MULABDIĆ, direktorica Zavoda za javno zdravstvo

    Cilj nam je da ovo što nam je na ulici stavimo na Lipu tako da imamo nadzor, dodala je Mulabdić.

    Iz Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova Unsko-sanskog kantona kažu da su spremni za izmještanje migranata, kako onih s ulica Bihaća, tako i onih koji privremeni krov nad glavom nalaze u napuštenim objektima.

    NERMIN KLjAJIĆ, ministar unutrašnjih poslova USK

    “Na taj način ćemo ispoštovati odluku Vijeća ministara o apsolutnoj zabrani kretanja. Smatram da se nekih 400 do 500 migranata u ovoj sedmici može premjestiti gore na tu lokaciju, objasnio je Kljajić.

    Građani Bihaća su u samoizolaciji dok migranti čekajući svoje premještanje slobodno šetaju gradskim ulicama. Bez osnovnih higijenskih i zdravstvenih uvjeta, otvorena su prijetnja za širene pandemije koronavirusa.


    #Bosnie #asile #migrations #réfugiés #camps #route_des_Balkans #Balkans


    Commentaire via la mailing-list Inicijativa Dobrodosli, mail du 29.04.2020:

    Most of the funds used to finance the construction were awarded by the EU, while the camp will be run by the #IOM and the #DRC. The camp is situated 22km from the city of Bihać, without a connecting road, which would mean it is, in essence, isolated peripheral accommodation. In addition, there is no wastewater infrastructure, which in time will certainly begin to create certain problems for people living there.

    For a long while, BH has not been a good place for refugees and other migrants – as confirmed by this week’s news about the protest in #Bira (https://www.facebook.com/groups/144469886266984/permalink/548667525847216) and the letter signed by 70 persons from #Miral (https://www.facebook.com/transbalkanskasolidarnost/photos/a.121803256103331/130375228579467/?type=3&theater). These are reactions of people on the move to the hardships they have to suffer every day, and which are becoming unbearable. Meanwhile, police violence on the borders is not ceasing, continuing with equal levels of brutality and injustice (reprezent.ba/video-zivot-na-divlje-u-divljim-kampovima-velike-kladuse).

    #Danish_Refugee_Council #OIM #violences_policières #violence #isolement #périphérie #hébergement

  • Migranti lungo la Rotta, quarantena permanente versione testuale

    A partire da marzo, mano a mano che il coronavirus dilagava per l’Europa, alcuni stati disposti lungo la dorsale balcanica hanno messo in atto provvedimenti che hanno interessato non solamente la popolazione locale, ma anche e soprattutto la popolazione migrante che vive all’interno dei centri di transito e per richiedenti asilo, allestiti e istituiti lungo la cosiddetta Rotta balcanica a partire dal 2016.
    Dopo il 2015, anno della “crisi dei rifugiati”, che ha visto arrivare in Unione europea quasi un milione di persone (di cui oltre 850 mila transitate dalla Grecia), a partire da marzo 2016 la Rotta balcanica è stata dichiarata ufficialmente chiusa, in base al controverso accordo turco-europeo, che prevede fondamentalmente che la Turchia – in cambio di 6 miliardi di euro versati dall’Ue e di un’accelerazione nelle trattative legate all’ingresso in Europa – gestisca i quasi 4 milioni di richiedenti asilo che si trovano nel suo territorio.
    Di fatto, però, quell’accordo (in realtà una dichiarazione congiunta tra le parti coinvolte) non ha fermato il flusso di persone on the move, ma lo ha solamente rallentato e reso più pericoloso; si calcola, in effetti, che tra il 2016 e il 2019 siano comunque passate circa 160 mila persone lungo questo corridoio migratorio.

    Confini incandescenti
    I paesi maggiormente interessati dalla presenza dei migranti in transito sono Grecia, Serbia e – a partire dal 2018 – Bosnia Erzegovina, diventata nella zona nord-occidentale il collo di bottiglia prima di entrare in Croazia e da lì nei Paesi Shengen, la meta cui maggiormente aspirano le persone, che provengono principalmente da Afghanistan, Pakistan, Siria, Iran e Iraq.
    Poco prima che la pandemia prendesse piede a livello globale, a partire da fine febbraio, la Rotta balcanica era tornata sui principali giornali e siti di notizie, perchè il presidente turco Recep Tayyp Erdo?an aveva annunciato di aver aperto i confini del paese ai migranti intenzionati a raggiungere l’Europa. Quella che sino a poco tempo prima sembrava solo una minaccia si è fatta realtà; nel giro di pochi giorni almeno 10 mila persone hanno raggiunto il confine terrestre tra Turchia e Grecia e hanno provato a sfondare i cordoni di sicurezza greci, trovando una risposta violenta, anche con il sostegno delle polizie e dei militari di altri governi europei.
    La situazione incandescente sul confine, che faceva immaginare uno scenario simile a quello del 2015, con migliaia di persone in transito lungo la rotta, si è però interrotta bruscamente con l’arrivo del virus e le misure di chiusura, limitazione di movimento e autoisolamento messe in atto in pratica da quasi tutti gli stati del mondo.
    Gli stati posti lungo la Rotta balcanica hanno non solo imposto misure restrittive alla popolazione locale, ma hanno chiuso la popolazione migrante all’interno dei campi, dispiegando forze speciali a controllarne i perimetri: nessuna nuova persona entra e nessuno esce, in una quarantena permanente.

    Prendono la strada dei boschi
    In Grecia si calcola una presenza di oltre 118 mila tra rifugiati e richiedenti asilo; circa 20 mila abitano nei 30 campi dislocati sul continente, molti vivono in appartamenti o shelter e oltre 38 mila sono bloccati nei campi ufficiali e informali sulle isole di Lesvos, Chios, Samos e Kos.
    In Serbia sono oltre 8.500 i richiedenti asilo e i migranti distribuiti nei 17 centri in gestione governativa all’interno del paese. Durante il mese di marzo polizia ed esercito locali hanno portato le persone che vivevano negli squat delle periferie di Belgrado e di Šid all’interno dei campi, che sono ora sovraffollati.
    Infine si calcola che in Bosnia Erzegovina ci siano circa 5.500 persone alloggiate in 9 campi per l’accoglienza, ma che almeno 2 mila vivano dormendo in edifici e fabbriche abbandonati o in tende e accampamenti di fortuna nei boschi lungo i confini con la Croazia. L’ampia presenza di persone che vivono fuori dai campi ufficiali ha fatto sì che il 17 aprile il consiglio dei ministri della Bosnia Erzegovina decidesse che ogni straniero che non ha un documento di identità valido e un indirizzo di residenza registrato presso l’ufficio stranieri del comune di competenza, verrà obbligatoriamente portato nei centri di ricezione, dove dovrà risiedere senza possibilità di uscire.
    Per questo motivo già dalle settimane precedenti, in località Lipa, cantone di Una Sana, territorio di Bihac, sono stati avviati di gran lena i lavori per mettere in piedi un nuovo centro temporaneo di transito. Il campo, costituito da ampi tendoni in cerata con letti a castello, container sanitari e toilette chimiche, è stato fortumente voluto dalla municipalità di Bihac per spostare dalle strade e da edifici diroccati le migliaia di persone che vagano tra le rovine senza cibo, acqua corrente, elettricità e vestiti. A partire dalla mattina del 21 aprile sono iniziati in maniera pacifica i trasporti dei migranti, scortati dalla polizia locale, al nuove centro in gestione all’Organizzazione mondiale dei migranti e al Danish Refugee Council. Al tempo stesso, decine di persone che non vogliono vivere nei centri e rimanere bloccate in quarantena a tempo indeterminato, hanno deciso di prendere la strada dei boschi e tentare di andare verso la Croazia o rimanere tra le foreste, in attesa che si allentino nei paesi europei le misure anti-Covid.
    Le preoccupazioni nutrite dalle diverse organizzazioni non governative e associazioni in tutti i contesti citati sono le medesime: i campi sono sovraffolati e non permettono di prevenire la diffusione del contagio, in molti centri i servizi igienici e i presidi sanitari sono insufficienti, in alcune realtà l’acqua non è potabile e fondamentalmente è impossibile mantenere le distanze. Le persone passano le giornate chiuse dentro strutture nella maggior parte dei casi fatiscenti, costrette a lunghe file per ricevere i pasti e sotto il controllo o della polizia e dell’esercito (come in Serbia e Grecia), che impediscono i tentativi di fuga dai campi, o delle imprese di sorveglianza private nei campi in Bosnia (campi gestiti da Iom, a differenza di Serbia e Grecia, dove sono in gestione governativa).
    Naturalmente, se già per la popolazione locale è difficile trovare mascherine usa e getta e guanti, per i migranti nei campi è pressochè impossibile, al punto che sia in Grecia che in Serbia, in alcuni dei centri i migranti hanno cominciato a cucire mascherine in stoffa, per la popolazione dei campi ma anche per la popolazione locale, supportati da alcune organizzazioni.
    In tutti i campi le organizzazioni che non si occupano di servizi primari, ma per esempio di interventi psico-sociali come Caritas, hanno dovuto sospendere o modificare le loro attività e instaurare una modalità di lavoro degli staff a rotazione, per preservare i propri operatori.

    Distanziamento impossibile
    Nonostante in Serbia e in Bosnia Erzegovina non siano stati ufficialmente accertati casi di persone positive al Covid19 tra i migranti nei centri, la stessa cosa non si può dire della Grecia, dove sono scoppiati almeno tre focolai, il primo a Ritsona, una ex base militare a 70 chilometri da Atene, che ospita oltre 3 mila persone, il secondo nel campo di Malakasa, dove è stato trovato un caso positivo tra gli oltre 1.600 residenti, il terzo nel sud della Grecia, a Kranidi, dove 150 su 497 persone di un ostello che ospita famiglie monogenitoriali sono risultate positive al test. In tutti i casi i campi sono stati posti in totale isolamento e quarantena per 14 giorni, e le persone non sono autorizzate a uscire dai loro container, stanze o tende. Per evitare che il fenomeno esploda soprattutto nei contesti come le isole, dove i campi sono sovraffolati e le condizioni di vita più miserevoli, il governo greco ha previsto lo spostamento di almeno 2.300 persone considerate più vulnerabili al virus sulla terraferma, in appartamenti, hotel e altri campi.
    In generale le reazioni dei migranti alle misure che sono state messe in atto sono state simili in tutti i luoghi. In primis vi è la sincera preoccupazione di ammalarsi nei campi; le persone sono consapevoli che igiene e misure di distanziamento sociale sono impossibili da tenere. Per fare un esempio, il Bira, un campo in Bosnia Erzegovina per uomini single e minori non accompagnati, che ha una capacità ufficiale di 1.500 persone, ne ospita più di 1.800 e nei container abitativi vivono non 6 persone, ma almeno il doppio. In luoghi così è impossibile fisicamente mettere in atto tutte le procedure necessarie a evitare il contagio.
    Altro punto che risulta particolarmente frustrante, soprattutto nei campi in Serbia e in Bosnia Erzegovina, è l’impossibilità di uscire fisicamente dai centri. Questo significa non poter esercitare nessuna libertà di movimento, non poter andare a comprare beni e cibo, magari non necessari per la sopravvivenza, ma di aiuto per resistere psicologicamente. Significa non poter andare a ritirare i soldi che i parenti mandano tramite Western Union e Money gram e ovviamente significa non poter tentare il game, il “gioco” di recarsi a piedi, da soli o guidati dai trafficanti, verso i confini, per cercare di valicarli.

    Gli interventi Caritas e Ipsia
    La frustrazione di rimanere bloccati a tempo indeterminato è molto alta; in molti dei campi sono scoppiate risse a volte anche molto violente, tra gli stessi migranti ma anche con le forze di polizia e di sicurezza preposte al controllo dei centri. Questi episodi, in Bosnia Erzegovina, sono avvenuti tra i minori non accompagnati del campo Bira, al Miral di Velika Kladuša, a Blažuj vicino a Sarajevo. Stesse dinamiche, con conseguente intervento pesante della security, a Krnja?a, Preševo e Adaševci in Serbia.
    Le organizzazioni impegnate nei centri per migranti potrebbero avere un importante ruolo di stress-relief (supporto in situazione di pressione psicologica) in un contesto di frustrazioni e violenze così diffuse, ma le organizzazioni che gestiscono i campi e i governi locali preferiscono una dimesione di chiusura quasi totale, senza capire che sarebbe importante prevenire la crescita di ulteriori tensioni.
    Caritas e Ipsia Acli, partner dei progetti lungo la rotta dei Balcani dal 2016, continuano – nella misura del possibile – le loro attività in Grecia, Serbia e Bosnia. Gli operatori locali sono portavoce e testimoni dei bisogni delle persone; anche se, a seguito dell’emergenza sanitaria, i ragazzi e le ragazze in Servizio civile all’estero hanno dovuto tornare in patria per non rimanere bloccati, e ciò ha tolto forze ed energie ai team locali, gli operatori sul terreno continuano il supporto alla popolazione migrante lungo la Rotta. Un piccolo apporto, in un mare di bisogni, ma il segno di un’attenzione e una prossimità che non devono essere cancellate dal virus.


    #route_des_balkans #Balkans #Grèce #Croatie #campement #hébergement #camps #forêt #masques #distanciation_sociale #Grèce #Serbie #Bosnie #fermeture_des_frontières #frontières #coronavirus #covid-19 #Lipa #Bihac #OIM #IOM #Danish_Refugee_Council #Ritsona #Athènes #Malakasa #Kranidi #Bira #confinement #liberté_de_mouvement #Miral #Velika_Kladuša #Velika_Kladusa #Blažuj #Blazuj #Preševo #Adaševci #Krnja #Presevo #Adasevci

    ping @luciebacon

    • [Traduit par Chiara Lauvergnac, via Migreurop] 

      Migrants along the Route, permanent quarantine
      April 27, 2020
      Starting in March, as the coronavirus spread to Europe, some states located along the rear Balkan have implemented agreements that have affected not only the local population, but also and above all the migrant population living inside the transit and asylum seeker centers, set up and set up along the so-called Balkan route from 2016.
      After 2015, the year of the “refugee crisis”, which saw almost one million people arrive in the European Union (of which more than 850 thousand passed through Greece), starting from March 2016 the Balkan route was officially declared closed, on the basis of the controversial Turkish-European agreement, which basically provides that Turkey - in exchange for € 6 billion paid by the EU and an acceleration in negotiations related to entry into Europe - handles almost 4 million asylum seekers who we are in its territory.

      In fact, however, that agreement (actually a joint declaration between the parties involved) did not stop the flow of people on the move, but really slowed it down and made it more dangerous; it is estimated, in fact, that between 2016 and 2019 around 160 thousand people have passed through this migratory corridor.

      Red-hot borders

      The countries mainly affected by the presence of migrants in transit are Greece, Serbia and - starting from 2018 - Bosnia and Herzegovina, that became the bottleneck in the north-western area before entering Croatia and from there the Shengen countries, the destination which people aspire to, who are mainly from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Iran and Iraq.

      Shortly before the pandemic took off globally, starting from the end of February, the Balkan Route had returned to the main newspapers and news sites, because Turkish President Recep Tayyp Erdogan announced he had opened the borders to migrants willing to reach Europe. What seemed only a threat became reality; within a few days at least 10,000 people reached the land border between Turkey and Greece and tried to push through the security cordons, finding a violent response, also with the support of the police and military personnel from other EU countries.
      The incandescent situation on the border, which showed a scenario similar to that of 2015, with thousands of people in transit along the route, however, was abruptly interrupted with the arrival of the virus and the measures of closure of movement and the self-isolation put into practice by almost all states of the world.
      The states located along the Balkan route have not only imposed restrictive measures on the local population, but have closed the migrant population inside the camps, deploying special forces to control their perimeters: no new person enters and no one excludes, in a permanent quarantine.
      They take the road in the woods

      In Greece there are an estimated 118,000 refugees and asylum seekers; about 20 thousand inhabitants in the 30 camps located on the continent, many residents in apartments or shelters and over 38 thousand are blocked in the official and informal camps on the islands of Lesvos, Chios, Samos and Kos.
      In Serbia there are over 8,500 asylum seekers and migrants distributed in the 17 government-run centers within the country. During the month of March the police and army brought the people who lived in the squat on the outskirts of Belgrade and Šid into the camps, which are now overcrowded.
      Finally, it is estimated that in Bosnia and Herzegovina there are about 5,500 people housed in 9 camps for reception, but that at least 2,000 live sleeping in abandoned buildings and factories or in makeshift tents and camps in the woods along the borders with Croatia. On April 17, the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina decided that every foreigner who does not have a valid identity document and a residence address registered at the foreign office of the municipality of competence, will be obligatorily taken to the reception centers, where he must reside without possibility to go out. For this reason, work has already started in the past weeks, in Lipa, in the canton of Una Sana, in the Bihac area, to set up a new temporary transit centre. The camp, consisting of large tents with bunk beds, sanitary containers and chemical toilets, was fortuitously desired by the municipality of Bihac to move the thousands of people who wander through streets and ruined buildings without food, running water, electricity and clothes. Transportation of migrants, escorted by local police, to the new centre managed by the the World Organization for Migrants and the Danish Refugee Council began peacefully from the morning of April 21. At the same time, dozens of people who do not want to live in the centres and remain stuck in quarantine indefinitely, have decided to take the road through the woods and try to go to Croatia or stay in the forests, waiting for anti-Covid measures to loosen in the various countries.
      The concerns raised by the various non-governmental organizations and associations in all the contexts mentioned are the same: thecamps are overcrowded and do not allow to prevent the spread of the infection, in many centers the toilets and health facilities are insufficient, in some situations the water is not drinkable and basically it is impossible to keep your distance. People spend their days locked in structures in most cases dilapidated, forced to wait in long lines to receive meals and under the control of the police and the army (as in Serbia and Greece), which prevent attempts to flee the camps, or private surveillance companies in the camps in Bosnia ( managed by IOM, unlike Serbia and Greece, where they are under government management).
      Of course, if it is already difficult for the local population to find disposable masks and gloves, for migrants in the camps it is almost impossible, to the point that both in Greece and Serbia, in some of the centers the migrants have begun to sew masks in cloth , for the population of the campss but also for the local population, supported by some organizations.
      In all camps, organizations that do not deal with primary services, but for example with psycho-social interventions such as IPSIA/Caritas, have had to suspend or modify their activities and establish a rotating staff working mode, to preserve their operators.
      Impossible distancing

      Although cases of positive Covid19 people among migrants in the centers have not been officially recognized in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, the same cannot be said of Greece, where at least three outbreaks have erupted, the first in Ritsona, a former military base 70 kilometers from Athens, which houses over 3,000 people, the second in the Malakasa camp, where a positive case was found among the more than 1,600 residents, the third in southern Greece, in Kranidi, where 150 out of 497 people from a hostel hosting single parent families tested positive. In all cases the camps were placed in total isolation and quarantined for 14 days, and people are not allowed to leave their containers, rooms or tents. To prevent the phenomenon from exploding especially in contexts such as the islands, where the camps are overcrowded and the living conditions most miserable, the Greek government has disposed the movement of at least 2,300 people considered most vulnerable to the virus on the mainland, in apartments, hotels and other camps.
      In general, the reactions of migrants to the measures that have been put in place have been similar in all places. First of all, there is the sincere concern of getting sick in the camps; people are aware that hygiene and social distancing measures are impossible to maintain. For example, the Bira, a camp in Bosnia and Herzegovina for single men and unaccompanied minors, which has an official capacity of 1,500 people, is home to more than 1,800 and not just 6 people live in one container, but at least twice as many. In places like this it is physically impossible to put in place all the necessary procedures to avoid contagion.
      Another point that is particularly frustrating, especially in the camps in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, is the impossibility of physically leaving the centers. This means not being able to exercise any freedom of movement, not being able to go and buy goods and food, perhaps not necessary for survival, but of help to resist psychologically. It means not being able to go and collect the money that relatives send via Western Union and Money gram and obviously means not being able to try the game, the “game” to go on foot, alone or guided by traffickers, to the borders, to try to cross them.
      The Caritas and Ipsia interventions

      The frustration of getting stuck indefinitely is very high; in many of the camps brawls sometimes even very violent broke out, among the migrants themselves but also with the police and security forces in charge of the control of the centers. These incidents in Bosnia and Herzegovina occurred among unaccompanied minors from the Bira camp, in Velika Kladuša’s Miral, in Blažuj near Sarajevo. Same dynamics, with consequent heavy security intervention, in Krnja? A, Preševo ​​and Adaševci in Serbia.
      Organizations engaged in migrant centers may have an important stress-relief role (support in situations of psychological pressure) in a context of such widespread frustrations and violence, but the organizations that manage the camps and local governments prefer an almost closed closure total, without understanding that it would be important to prevent the growth of further tensions.
      Caritas and Ipsia Acli, partners of projects along the Balkan route since 2016, continue - as far as possible - their activities in Greece, Serbia and Bosnia. Local operators are spokespersons and witnesses to people’s needs; even though, following the health emergency, the young men and women in the Civil Service abroad had to return to their homeland in order not to get stuck, and this took away local forces and energies. The operators on the ground continue to support the migrant population along the Route. A small contribution, in a sea of ​​needs, but the sign of attention and proximity that must not be erased by the virus.

      Silvia Maraone

      Caritas Italiana - Migranti lungo la Rotta, quarantena permanente

  • [L’étranger] Show #401: A #Cad Remolded...

    In this order:

    1. Cry Shark - Protect And Survive from 7” (Radical Wallpaper, UK, 1981) 2. Kraig Grady and Brad Laner - The Ecstasy Of Exiles from ’Music From The Island Of Anaphoria’ CD (Tiny Organ, USA, 1994) 3. Reading from Soren Kierkegaard - ’Trembling and The Sickness Unto Death’ (PUP, 1849) 4. Last Exit - Enemy Within from ’Last Exit ’ LP (Enemy, DE, 1986) 5. Charles Manson - Cease to Exist (Come Version) from ’Für Ilse Koch’ LP (Come Organisation, UK, 1982) 6. Reading From John Barker - ’Futures’ (PM Press, 2014) 7. Pink Industry - Time For a Change from ’Who Told You, You Were Naked’ LP (Zulu, UK, 1984) 8. UXA - Immunity from ’Illusions of Grandeur’ LP (Posh Boy, USA, 1980) 9. Negative Reaction - Street Paranoia from ST K7 (Terse Tapes, AUS, 1980) 10. Reading from John C. Lilly (...)

    #Osmium #Redden #Miry #Milky #Osmium,Redden,Miry,Milky,Cad

  • AYS Weekend Digest 11–12/04/20


    Coast guard ordered to prevent any crossing from Turkey
    Following news from Turkey (see above), Greek media went into a frenzy on a possible second wave of what they like to call “the Turkish invasion”. According to these racist and colonial rhetorics, people on the move are nothing more than pawns used by Turkey to destroy Greek and European civilisation. The Greek coastguard has received orders to stay alert, “prevent any vessel carrying migrants from entering Greek territorial waters” and avoid any crossing from Turkey “on grounds of national security and public health”, Giorgos Christides reports.
    Since early February, Greek media have embraced war-like rhetoric and fake news in their coverage of people on the move in the country. Not only have they been described as ‘biological weapons’ armed by Turkey, but the number of positive Covid-19 tests are constantly given in separate figures for “citizens” and “non-citizens”. A racist attitude that is expanding to other groups:

    Criminal complaint filed against Greek coast guard for push-backs from Samos coast

    Greece: CHIOS
    No running water in Vial camp, Chios
    From Jenny Zinovia Kali, in the Solidarity in Chios group:
    Μessages keep coming from the residents of Vial about the unacceptable conditions they are experiencing in the camp despite the pandemic.
    As of yesterday, VIAL does not have running water. People can neither shower nor wash their hands. The mothers have no water to clean the little ones.
    Even worse, the administration has also banned the distribution of basic necessities to voluntary groups outside Vial, but no distributions have taken place since the pandemic started from Vial’s first reception. So the residents do not have any sanitary ware, diapers, sanitary napkins, etc.
    How do you ask 6000 people — roughly — to follow the protection measures when they don’t provide them with the basics ??????

    Greece: LESVOS
    Hunger strike in Moria’s PRO.KE.KA carries on
    As reported by Deportation Monitoring Aegean, the prisoners detained in Moria pre-removal detention centre (PRO.KE.K.A) in Lesvos have been on hunger strike since 5th April 2020. The PRO.KE.K.A hunger strikers demand their immediate release to avoid the disastrous consequences of a virus outbreak in the prison.

    As we previously reported, this week one boy was killed in Moria camp. Violence and fights erupted in the following hours. Nonetheless, the self-organised Moria White Helmets and the Moria Corona Awareness team are continuing to do what they can to improve the conditions in the camp. People are reportedly scared to line in queues for food and water and on Friday they held a large peaceful protest demanding safety, protection and the evacuation of everybody.

    While UNHCR is reportedly looking for hotels and ships on the eastern Greek islands to house vulnerable people from RICs, it is also reported that West Lesvos Municipality “grudgingly” accepted to restore and reopen the “old” Stage-2 transit camp in Skala Sykamnias as a quarantine facility to house new arrivals. This was used until the beginning of the year, but it was closed following a decision of the same municipality. It was later attacked by arsonists in March.

    GREECE: Samos
    Med’EqualiTeam is looking for doctors and nurses on Samos
    We need your help!
    Med’EqualiTeam is the only medical NGO on the Greek island of Samos offering primary healthcare to the 7000+ refugee population. Focusing on triage, treatment and wound care, the team sees currently up to 100 patients per day.
    The team are urgently looking for doctors and nurses who can stay 1 month or more.
    (All new team members must self-isolate for 2 weeks upon arrival to ensure safety of patients.)
    Please apply on https://www.medequali.team/de/volunteer/application

    GREECE: Athens
    More reports of racial profiling and police violence during so-called Covid-19 checks
    One young man was stopped, beaten, humiliated and had his papers destroyed in Athens. Read the full report (in Greek and English) HERE

    People are once again being placed in Miratovac and Krnjača camps.

    A local solidarity group reports that the situation in Serbia is increasingly tense. Corona virus has allowed the Government to close the camps, turning them into jails. The army is stationed outside while inside there are the Comisariat, a department of the police. There are reports that a child was hit by one of the workers this week, which was followed by the presence of armed police using tear gas as we reported last week. Local activists are calling on people to spread the news of what is happening.

    Violence Continues in camps and at borders
    Local groups report that workers from the private security agency that is involved in the camp Blažuj have physically attacked people staying at the camp. When they stood up against this violence, the police were brought in.
    When people try to leave these conditions and cross over into Croatia, further violence awaits for them.


    #Covid-19 #Migration #Migrant #Balkans #Grèce #Xénophobie #Chios #Vial #Camp #Lesbos #Moria #Grèvedelafaim #Révolte #Violence #Quarantaine #Skalasykamnias #Samos #Athènes #Miratovac #Krnjaca #Serbie #Bosnie-Herzégovine #Blažuj

  • Info Park Weekly 8– 14 April 2020


    ➢ In the reporting period, Info Park identified 109 new arrivals to Belgrade - mostly from Afghanistan, followed by Pakistan and Syria. The number shows that COVID- 19 pandemic and the imposed state of emergency did not prevent migrants from coming to Serbia. Given no local or national public transport, the new arrivals completely depend on smugglers’ networks. This was proven by the arrest in Vranje of a local with 9 migrants he transported. In the reporting period, 90 of the newly arrived benefited from Info Park services and a provision of a warm meal during waiting time for transportation to camps. All of them were temporarily accommodated overnight in OSP Miksalište, expecting adequate referral, mainly to a new makeshift camp in Miratovac for 28 days long quarantine, or to a newly open tent camp in the village of Morović (Vojvodina, near the border with Croatia) originally planned to quarantine the locals, with dubious hygienic standards. Given that the overcrowding remained the main issue with nearly 9,000 residents in the camps originally built for 6,000, it was not surprising that Miratovac RC got filled up with 280 migrants in mere 24 hours upon opening.
    ➢ Serbia registers a constant rise of confirmed COVID-19 cases (tested: 20,958; confirmed cases: 4,054; deaths: 85) making refugees and all other migrants even more concerned about their safety. Dr. Predrag Kon, lead Serbian epidemiologist, said that Roma and migrant population are at higher risk from COVID-19 since they are accommodated in collective centers often lacking adequate conditions for successful prevention. So far, there are no infected among these communities. However, it is encouraging that medical workers continued testing migrants, treating them as equal as Serbian nationals.
    ➢ Situation in some of the Serbia’s biggest reception and asylum centers did not get any calmer in the past week. On contrary, a further rise of tensions has continued in Krnjača AC, peaking with a riot police intervention on Saturday 12 April which was carried out with an aim to detain the perpetrators of Monday 7 incident we already reported in Weekly 012. Unfortunately, as reported by various witnesses, the police used excessive force including tear gas in an inappropriate manner so unnecessary stress was put on vulnerable population, including children. Two buses of “troublemakers” were sent to newly open camp Morović. It seems that a relation of trust between beneficiaries and authorities is currently on an extremely low level; most of the refugees and migrants in Krnjača AC complain that MoI special units sadly continued intimidating beneficiaries with loud night visits of riot police or helicopters flying low above the camp.
    ➢ After a long break, the first serious pushback from Serbia was reported on the border with North Macedonia. A group of migrants from Tutin AC (from Algeria, Morocco and Iran) was told by the camp authorities they will be transported to Preševo RC, south of Serbia; instead they were pushed 350km away to a North Macedonia territory near Lojane village. This was a regular practice before 2018, especially with mischiefs from Preševo camp. Lojane village is a long-term smuggling hub and organize crime stronghold.
    ➢ A number of intercepted attempts to cross the Serbo-Hungarian border remained
    low, with 48 attempts for 7 days, ranging between 1 and 11 per day.
    Info Park
    ➢ Info Park remained its daily presence in Belgrade Savamala area and continued the outreach operations in Pirot and Bujanovac camps with 4 information sharing workshops last week. We are happy to report a reasonably peaceful atmosphere in these camps where almost none of the gaps and issues typical for big camps are noticeable thanks to significant efforts of the SCRM staff and proactive approach of the clients.
    Last week, Info Park organized the 7th coordination meeting online, with the participation of representatives from Atina, Praxis, CYI and CRPC. The main topics included current state of emergency and Covid-19 crisis response. None of them have plans of coming back to the field work in the coming weeks, at least not before May.
    ➢ The emergency suspension of asylum applications between 1 and 31 March has ended and got replaced by general suspension of activities of the Greek Asylum Service until at the end of April. Meanwhile, Malakasa camp, north of Athens has been quarantined due to a confirmed corona virus case. This is the second Greek camp which had to be closed over the pandemic.
    ➢ Nine European member states (Germany, France, Portugal, Finland, Lithuania, Croatia, Ireland, Belgium and Bulgaria) pledged in early 2020 to accept a total of 1,600 unaccompanied children to be relocated from camps on the Greek islands. Germany is the first to fulfil the promise. According to DW, German officials have expressed regret over the lackluster response from other eight EU states on resettling unaccompanied boys and girls. Two non-EU countries, Switzerland and Serbia, also pledged to do the same, but with no follow up so far. Serbian authorities agreed to relocate 100 unaccompanied children from Greece.

    Info Park Weekly 08-14 April 2020 5

    #Covid-19 #Migration #Migrant #Balkans #Grèce #Serbie #RépubliquedeMacédoine #Refoulement #Frontières #Camps #Transfert ##Belgrade #Miksaliste #Morovic #Croatie
    #Miratovac #Presevo #Krnjaca #Encampement #Tutin #Lojane #Pirot #Bujanovac #Malakasa #Suspensionasile #Allemagne, #France, #Portugal, #Finlande,#Lituanie, #Croatie #Irlande, #Belgique and #Bulgarie #Révolte

  • Movement Ban Worsens Migrants’ Plight in #Serbia, #Bosnia-and-Herzegovina


    Ivana Jeremic, Milica Stojanovic and Anja VladisavljevicBelgrade, Zagreb BIRN April 9, 202013:08

    The complete ban of moving in and out of #camps imposed in the current pandemic has left those locked inside them feeling more isolated, frustrated and information-starved than ever.
    Local and international #organisations that assist migrants and refugees are no longer able to enter reception centres in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina due to the complete ban on movement in and out of the camps related to the #COVID-19 pandemic.

    Besides leaving the people in the camps in a state of forced #isolation and inactivity, these organisations warn that it is also leading to a lack of information and support which, combined with the ban on movement, could lead to incidents.

    Serbia imposed a state of quarantine on all its reception centres on March 17. Since then, people have not been allowed out of the centres unless it is to seek medical care, or with special permission. The ban works both ways, so no staff from rights organization can enter the facilities either.

    It has left the migrants and asylum-seekers inside without support, help or information, the director of the #Belgrade -based NGO Asylum Protection Center, Rados Djurovic, said.

    “Since the crisis began, for almost a month, access has been denied to anyone providing psychological, legal or other assistance, so they have no activities and are locked in the camps,” Djurovic told BIRN.

    Instead, the camp inmates “receive information through social networks and by phone contact with some of us”, he added.

    Media reports say at least two violent incidents have occurred in the last few days among migrants and asylum-seekers in centres in Serbia, one in #Krnjaca and the other in #Obrenovac, both in the wider area of Belgrade. Reports said #police and the #armée had to intervene to calm things down.

    “The problem here is that these people have been quarantined (#quarantaine) for 24 hours a day for almost a month now,” Djurovic told BIRN. “These people are completely shut inside in all the centres … and they have needs that can hardly be met in this way, so it causes a lot of fear and … affects their psycho-physical condition,” he added.

    The number of people affected by the quarantine measures in camps in Serbia is not small. On April 4, Serbia’s Commissariat for Refugees and Migrants said the camps in Serbia hosted a total of 8,703 persons.

    Djurovic said the measures imposed or recommended for Serbian citizens, especially when it comes to social distancing, were clearly not being applied to migrants and asylum-seekers cooped up in close proximity to one another in camps.

    “This is a group that is completely sidelined. Measures are being implemented for them that at first glance are the opposite of what our citizens are told, like [the need for] social distancing,” he said.

    “Everyone is put in one basket here, they are secured under arms and do not get enough information or enough protection,” Djurovic told BIRN.

    A video that BIRN has seen, sent by a person located in a centre in the town of Obrenovac, shows a lot of people waiting in a close line for food and then having their dinner in a crowded area. There is no social distancing.

    Bosnia’s crowded camps have only got worse:

    In neighbouring Bosnia and Herzegovina, the movement of migrants and refugees is also restricted as a result of the pandemic, creating additional problems in already overcrowded reception centres.

    Bosnia’s #Una-SanaCanton, in the west of the country, near the border with EU-member Croatia, has been hardest hit by the migrant crisis, owing to the number of people piling up there, hoping to cross over into the EU.

    On March 16, the Crisis Staff of the canton’s Health, Labour and Social Policy ministry ordered “a complete restriction on the movement of migrants outside the temporary centres”, which are estimated to hold about 2,000 persons.

    “It is forbidden to transport migrants by any means of transport – train, bus, van, taxi, etc – to the Una-Sana Canton, or use transportation in the Una-Sana Canton. In addition … the entry of migrants on foot into the Una-Sana Canton is prohibited,” the authorities said.

    IPSIA, an Italian NGO that has been working in Bosnia since 1997 and is helping migrants and refugees in the northwestern town of #Bihac, said it feared migrants camping in squats and improvised camps could end up living in even more dangerous conditions.

    “The police in any case cannot monitor whether the migrants are respecting these measures because of the large number of people [staying] outside the camps,” IPSIA told BIRN.

    “In general, the situation in the Bihac camps is not bad, even if it is somehow boring and sad, since many organizations cannot work inside them, as group activities and workshops can no longer be done,” it said.

    “Many NGOs in the camps have had to suspend their activities in the field, but are still working at a distance –for example [by providing], legal or psychological support,” it added.

    The #SarajevoCanton, which includes the Bosnian capital and various nearby towns and villages, has also imposed restrictions on the movement of migrants and ordered them into temporary reception centres.

    On April 8, the #Sarajevo Cantonal police told the media that they were actively working to remove migrants from the streets to reduce the risk of the coronavirus spreading.

    The canton’s Interior Ministry said the police would “carry out direct external security and checking of migrant centres in the Sarajevo Canton” and would “continue the activity of relocating migrants who may be found outside the reception centres”.

    Can’t go out to buy food or tobacco:

    The International Organization for Migration, #IOM, which manages temporary reception centres for migrants and refugees in Bosnia and Herzegovina, told BIRN it had so far found no cases of the coronavirus among the roughly 6,500 migrants held in them.

    But IPSIA said that situation was “frustrating” for migrants and refugees due to restrictions on the “basic right of freedom of movement, even if at this moment nobody has so much freedom because of COVID-19”, because they “can’t go to buy the food they like or recharge phone credits or buy cigarettes”.

    It said that the IOM had come up with a temporary solution for some camps in the area, such as #Miral, #Sedra and #Bira, however. Here, private companies (#compagniesprivées) are now bringing in food in vans and selling it to people for regular prices.

    With the cooperation of the IOM, IPSIA volunteers are helping migrants and refugees in the Borici camp, located on the outskirts of Bihac, by buying supplies for them from the local supermarket.

    The restrictions on the movement of migrants have also had one another side-effect. Few migrants in Bosnia can now run the gauntlet of trying to cross the nearby border into #Croatia – a process known locally among migrants and refugees as “The Game”.

  • No Coronavirus Cases Found Yet Among Migrants, Refugees in Bosnia


    The IOM says it has not found any cases of COVID-19 among the thousands of migrants and refugees hosted in centres it manages in Bosnia – though several hundred recent arrivals have been placed in isolation as a precautionary measure.

    The International Organization for Migration, IOM, which manages temporary reception centres, TRCs, for migrants and refugees in Bosnia and Herzegovina, told BIRN it had found no cases of coronavirus among the roughly 6,500 migrants held in them.

    “So far, there have been no suspected cases with pronounced symptoms, and one person referred for testing … tested negative,” Edita Selimbegovic, an IOM information officer told BIRN.

    Despite that, 715 migrants and refugees in centres located in the Una-Sana Canton, in western Bosnia, are being held in isolation in special rooms as a precautionary measure to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, Nermina Cemalovic, Health Minister for the canton, told the media on Thursday.

    Selimbegovic said they were not thought to be ill; they were only being kept in isolation because they had arrived in the country recently.

    “Just like any citizens or foreigners arriving in Bosnia from abroad, they are kept in isolation as a precautionary measure to prevent them from bringing COVID-19 to other beneficiaries of the centres,” Selimbegovic said.

    Many are migrants and refugees returning from failed attempts to cross the Bosnia border into EU-member Croatia, who are then treated like new arrivals in Bosnia, and put for 14 days in a separate isolation area.

    Minister Cemalovic said the situation was most critical in the Miral reception centre in the northwestern town of Velika Kladusa, near Croatia, which currently houses about 1,100 migrants and refugees – significantly higher than the projected capacity.

    “A few days ago, about 200 migrants crossed the [camp] fence and simply entered the camp. They had been returned from Slovenia and were immediately put in isolation. We are following the situation and so far have recorded four mild cases of illness, two in Miral and two in Sedra [another TRC]. They have no temperatures, have a cough, and their condition is under control,” Cemalovic said.

    All TRCs in Bosnia now have quarantine spaces where migrants and refugees who have COVID19-like symptoms can be placed. All the centres provide healthcare. The Danish Refugee Council, DRC, is in charge of medical co-ordination at the TRCs and works in conjunction with cantonal health teams.

    However, many migrants and refugees in Bosnia are not staying in TRCs, so their health status is less clear. Bosnian police routinely find them on the streets and take them to the TRCs. Many are not even aware of the new measures introduced in Bosnia, such as bans on outdoor movement and the curfew.

    Amid fears that their uncontrolled movement around the country could spread COVID-19, the authorities have introduced tighter controls in the reception centres, which migrants and refugees can no longer leave, or enter.

    In the northwestern town of Bihac, this has created major difficulties for local authorities. Hundreds of them – for whom there is now no space in the TRCs – have been left to roam in ruins and parks.

    A decision was made to establish a temporary tent settlement for them in controlled conditions in the village of Lipa, some 20 kilometres from Bihac, but this has not been completed yet.

    #Covid-19 #Migration #Migrant #Balkans #Bosnie-Herzégovine #Camp #Isolation #UnaSanaCanton #Miral #VelikaKladusa #Sedra #Bihac #Lipa #Quarantaine #Encampement #Squat #Refoulements #Croatie #Slovénie

  • INFOPARK Weekly : 1 – 7 April 2020 - 012


    Beginning of April was marked with a significant deterioration of atmosphere in some of the camps, especially the big ones. Two massive fights occurred in Obrenovac RC (5 April) and Krnjaca AC (6 April) centers, involving up to 150 persons. In both incidents, the migrants tried to escape, the SCRM staff was attacked so gendarmerie and army had to intervene, including shooting live bullets in the air in Krnjača. Since yesterday, Obrenovac camp is loaded with a heavy presence of Ministry of Interior (MoI) forces controlling the situation, while Krnjača is guarded by armored vehicles. In many camps security forces scaled up the measures to prevent migrants from attempts to escape, although in smaller centers the situation remained calmer.

    Info Park believes that negative developments came as a consequence of locked camps’ regime that seems to be unsustainable on a long run as it is now. Info Park learned from migrants about growing mental health issues, gaps in service provision and supply, conflicts between different ethnic groups and toxic influence of smugglers’ propaganda inspiring some to protest violently. At the end of this bulletin please kindly find enclosed an appendix on Mental Health of Refugees and Migrants written by Info Park protection expert Ivana Anđelković (PhD candidate at University of Nis, department of psychology).

    As Serbia registers constant rise of COVID-19 cases (8,552 tested, 2,200 infected and death toll of 58), fortunately there is still no confirmed coronavirus among migrants in the country, even though migrant population is at higher risk being with limited access to information and healthcare services. Until this weekend, 8 migrants were tested, all negative. The SCRM introduced an obligatory isolation for new arrivals sent to Preševo camp which is the largest camp with 1,501 migrants currently placed.

    Number of migrants in Serbia continued to slowly rise due to pushbacks from Hungary, returns from Bosnia and new arrivals. Currently, 8,743 migrants are in 17 camps. The Miratovac makeshift camp is completed but is still waiting for the first visitors.

    The recently established anti-migrant Facebook group “STOP Naseljavanju migranata” (Stop Populating Migrants in Serbia) stirred a lot of controversy due to high presence of hate speech and fake news. One of the group founders from Obrenovac was detained for 48 hours following a report from a CyberCrime unit of MoI, after he publicly called for murdering migrants. The group was joined by 265,000 members in mere 10 days, marking an alarming rise of extreme right wing focused on migrant issue in Serbia.

    After Bujanovac, Adasevci, Vranje and Principovac, migrants in Sombor Reception Center have also started sewing protective face masks for the employees of the Serbian Commissariat and themselves. This way they are not only contributing to the COVID-19 response but also sharing and returning solidarity and care.

    Bosnia & Herzegovina

    According to the Bosnian authorities and International Organization for Migration, there are no COVID-19 cases among thousands of migrants and refugees hosted in B&H centers. However, several hundred of those recently arrived are placed in isolation as a precautionary measure.

    #Covid-19 #Migration #Migrant #Balkans #Serbie #Camp #Obrenovac #Krnjaca #Armée #Gendarmerie #Violence #Infopark #Santémentale #Presevo #Refoulement #frontière #Hongrie #Bosnie-Herzégovine #Miratovac #Xenophobie #Violence #Bujanovac #Adasevci #Vranje #Principovac #Sombor

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  • Bahrain claims success with anti-malarial drug used on coronavirus patients

    The much-touted anti-malarial drug seen as a possible treatment for coronavirus has been used successfully in Bahrain, a top health official said Tuesday.

    Bahrain, according to the state-run Bahrain News Agency, is one of the first countries to use the decades-old malaria drug known as hydroxychloroquine to treat coronavirus patients. The agency quotes Lt. Gen. Dr. Shaikh Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, the head of the Bahrain’s coronavirus task force, who said hydroxychloroquine had been effective in “alleviating the symptoms of the virus and reducing its complications.”

    Doctors in Bahrain first used hydroxychloroquine, which is also a treatment for lupus and acute or chronic rheumatoid arthritis, on Feb. 26, Khalifa said.

    The jury is still out on whether the experimental drug is an effective treatment for coronavirus. In France, the anti-malarial was used in combination with azithromycin, an antibiotic typically prescribed for bacterial pneumonia, to treat some two dozen patients in Marseille.

    à verser au dossier du Dr #raoult

  • #Mirion-Malle

    Le livre parle d’abord d’une dépression mais plus spécifiquement de la #dépression d’une jeune femme qui est victime de violences sexuelles. J’avais envie de montrer les impacts que ces dernières peuvent avoir sur le long terme et le nœud de #complexité qu’elles créent. Ça ne fait pas mal pendant une semaine ou un an mais pendant vraiment longtemps, jusqu’à prendre toute la place. Certains événements qui peuvent paraître moins grave par la suite vont contribuer au mal-être général de la personne.

    #livre #femmes #violences_sexuelles #santé_mentale

  • Episode I : Convergence des luttes | Radio Campus Paris

    Émission signalé par Rocé en disant qu’ils ont parlé de #musique_et_politique

    Dans ce numéro vinyle trip, l’émission qui mélange vinyle et culture retrace l’histoire d’un disque mythique, de Miriam makeba, et son engagement de l’époque toute en faisant le lien avec la compilation par les damné.e.s de la terre, réalisée par le rappeur français Roce qui était l’invite de ce numéro, pour un échange passionnant, avec plusieurs morceaux en bonus

    #Rocé #Miriam_Makeba #panafricanisme #musique #politique @sinehebdo

  • New algorithm removes colour distortion in under water photos


    Sea-thru’s image analysis factors in the physics of light absorption and scattering in the atmosphere, compared with that in the ocean, where the particles that light interacts with are much larger. Then the program effectively reverses image distortion from water pixel by pixel, restoring lost colors.


    #Sea-Thru #photography

  • La renaissance de l’humain est la seule croissance qui nous agrée

    Raoul Vaneigem


    Les coups de boutoir que la liberté porte à l’hydre capitaliste, qui l’étouffe, font fluctuer sans cesse l’épicentre des perturbations sismiques. Les territoires mondialement ponctionnés par le système du profit sont en butte à un déferlement des mouvements insurrectionnels. La conscience est mise en demeure de courir sus à des vagues successives d’événements, de réagir à des bouleversements constants, paradoxalement prévisibles et inopinés.

    Deux réalités se combattent et se heurtent violemment. L’une est la réalité du mensonge. Bénéficiant du progrès des technologies, elle s’emploie à manipuler l’opinion publique en faveur des pouvoirs constitués. L’autre est la réalité de ce qui est vécu quotidiennement par les populations.

    D’un côté, des mots vides travaillent au jargon des affaires, ils démontrent l’importance des chiffres, des sondages, des statistiques ; ils manigancent de faux débats dont la prolifération masque les vrais problèmes : les revendications existentielles et sociales. Leurs fenêtres médiatiques déversent chaque jour la banalité de magouilles et de conflits d’intérêts qui ne nous touchent que par leurs retombées négatives. (...)

    #conscience #réalités #mensonge #dévastation #violence #La_Boétie #vie_quotidienne #souveraineté #capitalisme #explosion #Mirbeau #autonomie #auto-organisation #autodéfense #offensive #insurrections #écologistes #utopie #Gilets_jaunes #Chili #zapatistes #Rojava #Catalogne #Iran

    • Pour information, dans le mail qui accompagnait ce texte.

      A toutes et à tous,

      Je prépare l’édition d’un petit livre intitulé Textes et entretiens sur l’insurrection de la vie quotidienne, qui doit paraître aux éditions Grevis, en avril 2020. J’ai ajouté à ces interventions, qui vont de novembre 2018 à août 2019, des remarques susceptibles de contribuer aux débats et aux luttes en cours en France et dans le monde.

      La date tardive de parution du livre m’a suggéré de diffuser dès maintenant sur les réseaux sociaux ces propos sur la renaissance de l’humain. Leur lecture peut être utile avant la comédie étatique des élections municipales françaises, et en raison des flux et des reflux insurrectionnels où la moindre initiative d’individus et de collectivités, animés par la redécouverte de la vie et du sens humain, revêt une importance croissante.

      Libre à vous d’en faire (ou non) l’usage qui vous plaira.
      #raoul_vaneigem #vaneigem

  • 72 heures, et des #miracles

    En 72 heures, les partis politiques au pouvoir ont fait un miracle : adopter un budget et l’envoyer au Parlement dans les délais constitutionnels ! Du jamais vu depuis au moins vingt ans. Comme quoi quand on veut, on peut.


    Mais le principal signe d’un changement « total de mentalité » selon les termes du Premier ministre, c’est la substitution de tous les investissements publics par des investissements privés, surtout étrangers. Et c’est une très bonne nouvelle car c’est bien connu « les investisseurs étrangers n’acceptent pas le gaspillage et la corruption (sic) ». On est sauvé.

    #Liban #délire

  • Addicted to Screens? That’s Really a You Problem - The New York Times

    Nir Eyal does not for a second regret writing Silicon Valley’s tech engagement how-to, “Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products,” even as he now has a new book out on how to free ourselves of that same addiction.

    In his original manual for building enthralling smartphone apps, Mr. Eyal laid out the tricks “to subtly encourage customer behavior” and “bring users back again and again.” He toured tech companies speaking about the Hook Model, his four-step plan to grab and keep people with enticements like variable rewards, or pleasures that come at unpredictable intervals.

    “Slot machines provide a classic example of variable rewards,” Mr. Eyal wrote.

    Silicon Valley’s technorati hailed “Hooked.” Dave McClure, the founder of 500 Startups, a prolific incubator, called it “an essential crib sheet for any start-up looking to understand user psychology.”

    But that was 2014. That was when making a slot-machinelike app was a good and exciting thing. When “seductive interaction design” and “design for behavior change” were aspirational phrases.

    “Nir Eyal’s trying to flip,” said Richard Freed, a child psychologist who supports less screen time. “These people who’ve done this are all trying to come back selling the cure. But they’re the ones who’ve been selling the drugs in the first place.”

    “I’m sure the cigarette industry said there’s just a certain number of people with a propensity for lung disease,” he added.

    Mr. Eyal said he was not reversing himself. His Hook Model was useful, certainly, and he believed in the tactics. But it was not addicting people. It’s our fault, he said, not Instagram’s or Facebook’s or Apple’s.

    “It’s disrespectful for people who have the pathology of addiction to say, ‘Oh, we all have this disease,’” he said. “No, we don’t.”

    #Médias_sociaux #Addiction #Dopamine #Mir_Eyal

  • Diversity On Display: Art Installation Sparks Conversation Among Newnan Residents | Georgia Public Broadcasting

    If art is supposed to start conversations, then “Seeing Newnan” is working. The project mounted 19 large-scale photographs of residents on buildings around Newnan, Georgia.

    Artist Mary Beth Meehan’s large-scale photographs of residents in Newnan have exposed the shifting demographics of the town. A resident, who protested the image of two Muslim schoolgirls in the town square, got more than a thousand responses from others who embrace a more inclusive vision of the town.

    “Just because the public facing history that’s celebrated of a town like Newnan is of the old white people, it doesn’t mean that all of these other human beings haven’t been integral to that places founding and development,” Meehan said.

    The portraits are on display in Newnan until June 1, 2020.

    Get in touch with us.

    Twitter: @OSTTalk
    Facebook: OnSecondThought
    Email: OnSecondThought@gpb.org
    Phone: 404-500-9457

    #Mary_Beth_Meehan #Art #Miroir

  • Blackstone CEO Is Driving Force Behind Amazon Deforestation

    The companies have wrested control of land, deforested it, and helped build a controversial highway to their new terminal in the one-time jungle, all to facilitate the cultivation and export of grain and soybeans. The shipping terminal at #Miritituba, deep in the Amazon in the Brazilian state of #Pará, allows growers to load soybeans on barges, which will then sail to a larger port before the cargo is shipped around the world.

    The Amazon terminal is run by #Hidrovias do Brasil, a company that is owned in large part by Blackstone, a major U.S. investment firm. Another #Blackstone company, #Pátria_Investimentos, owns more than 50 percent of Hidrovias, while Blackstone itself directly owns an additional roughly 10 percent stake. Blackstone co-founder and #CEO #Stephen_Schwarzman is a close ally of Trump and has donated millions of dollars to McConnell in recent years.

    #Amazonie #Brésil #États-Unis #agrobusiness

  • Abschied von Frieder Burda | Berliner Zeitung
    Quand les riches s’en vont on les commémore en disant suivez vos rêves . Quel cynisme lors de l’enterrement d’une personne qui en avait toujours la possibilité alors qu’on plaint par millions les malheureux à qui on ne permet de rêver que dans l’au-delà .

    ... verso un regno dove buongiorno vuol dire veramente buongiorno .


    Baden-Baden - In einer bewegenden Trauerfeier haben sich Familie, Freunde und Wegbegleiter in Baden-Baden von Kunstsammler Frieder Burda verabschiedet. Der bedeutende Mäzen war am 14. Juli nach längerer Krankheit dort gestorben. Er wurde 83 Jahre alt.

    In der katholischen Stiftskirche, wo die badischen Markgrafen begraben sind, würdigten am Donnerstag zwei Weggefährten Frieder Burda als bescheidenen Mann mit großem Herzen für andere. Seine Stiefkinder Patricia und Dominic schilderten ihn in einer berührenden Rede als Menschen, der ihnen Werte wie Ehrlichkeit und Anstand vermittelt habe und sie gleichzeitig ermunterte: „Folgt euren Träumen.”

    Unter den etwa 100 Trauernden waren neben seiner Frau Elke und den Stiefkindern Patricia, Dominic, Nicolas und Robin auch sein jüngerer Bruder, der Verleger Hubert Burda mit seiner Frau Maria Furtwängler. Zu den Gästen zählten außerdem Künstler wie Karin Kneffel, Ausstellungsmacher Götz Adriani, Kunsthallenchef Johan Holten, Festspielhausintendant Andreas Mölich-Zebhauser, Bernhard Prinz von Baden, Medienleute wie Frank Elstner und Helmut Markwort, Schauspieler Fritz Wepper, Baden-Württembergs Ex-Ministerpräsident Erwin Teufel und Baden-Badens Oberbürgermeisterin Margret Mergen (alle CDU) und zwei ihrer Vorgänger.

    Frieder Burda, der zweite von drei Söhnen des Verlegerehepaares Aenne und Franz Burda sollte eigentlich eine Verlagskarriere machen. Stattdessen baute er in fünf Jahrzehnten eine der bedeutendsten Privatsammlungen moderner und zeitgenössischer Kunst auf - mit mehr als 1000 Werken - unter anderem von Pablo Picasso, Ludwig Kirchner, Jackson Pollock, Gerhard Richter und Georg Baselitz. Seiner Heimatstadt Baden-Baden schenkte Frieder Burda ein Museum. Das im Jahr 2004 eröffnete Haus ist ein Publikumsmagnet: Jährlich kommen etwa 200.000 Besucher.

    #Allemagne #nantis #culture #Miracolo_a_Milano