movie:atlas shrugged

  • Ayn Rand’s Continued Influence Adds a Bizarre Twist to Conservative Politics | Alternet
    October 3, 2014 |

    Start-ups and People as Corporations

    None should be surprised that Wall Street investors seized upon Rand’s muscular view of capitalism as a sort of intellectual codex to Gordon Gecko-ism. Rand fetishized greed, né self-interest, as not only a beneficent aspect of human nature but a catalyzing moral force. If you weren’t reading carefully—and accounts of the derivative markets and bank leveraging suggests nobody was doing anything carefully—you could easily take from Rand’s works a near-religious imperative to grab as much money as possible without regard to consequences.

    But Rand resonated even more deeply among a different style of businessmen. Oliver’s show chose early dot-com mogul Marc Cuban as the modern Randian; counted with him are tech figures and venture capitalists like PayPal founder Peter Thiel, Uber founder Travis Kalanick, Union Square Ventures’ Fred Wilson, Foundry Group’s Brad Feld, and more.

    Start-up figures wear their libertarianism like their hoodies, but there’s a reason they hat-tip Rand above anybody. Here Jennifer Burns’ biography Goddess of the Market is instructive in its reading of Atlas Shrugged. Burns distinguished in Rand’s view the capitalist—who could be as bland a conformist as could a Bolshevik—from the entrepreneur, who was creativity incarnate. Never an economist, Rand developed instead a metaphysical theory of capitalism in which industry became the incorporated expression of the individual will. Objectivism was less about the rational distribution of resources or allocation of profits than it was a vision of how the economy and the human will realized each other.

    The belief that entrepreneurs are a fusion of personal and economic invention is not an idea exclusive to Rand, though she certainly invoked Edison and the Wright brothers as examples of her self-made, and self-making, supermen; it was Rand’s elaboration of the corporation as a cathectic object, through which the energy of the individual is projected and embodied, that made it hers.

    • Cf. aussi

      La pensée d’Ayn Rand, pour le dire vite et sans même considérer ce qu’on peut lui reprocher sur le fond, n’est pas renversante. L’objectivisme qui a pour axiome fondateur « l’existence existe », affirme par là même l’existence d’une réalité indépendamment de toute perception, et se définit comme une confiance absolue dans la raison, qui doit guider nos vies. Or la raison enjoint à rechercher l’épanouissement des qualités individuelles (au mépris souvent des conventions de la société). Et bien sûr, le modèle politique permettant l’épanouissement des qualités individuelles est celui le moins contraignant, à savoir le capitalisme le plus libre possible. Il y a bien chez Ayn Rand une ambition métaphysique, mais ce sont surtout les pans éthiques et politiques de sa « philosophie » qui vont assurer sa postérité. Une des raisons à cela est don-née par Greenspan quand il explique en 2007 : « Elle m’a montré que le capitalisme n’est pas seulement efficace, mais aussi moral ». Et cette morale, c’est la fiction qui la met en scène.

      Le capitalisme tel que le conçoit Ayn Rand est un extraordinaire canevas narratif. Prenons Atlas Shrugged, considéré comme son chef d’œuvre, en tout cas l’ouvrage où se déploie le plus complète-ment sa pensée. L’argument : en Amérique, à une époque qui ressemble fort aux années 1950, les hommes et femmes les plus productifs, les plus entreprenants, se voyant empêchés d’atteindre leur but (à savoir entreprendre, inventer, créer, produire et devenir riches), décident de faire la grève. Les uns après les autres, ils sabotent leurs entreprises et se retirent dans un lieu caché, où ils recréent une communauté parfaite ; c’est-à-dire, au sens où l’entend Ayn Rand, une société de propriétaires, où le travail est la valeur fondamentale, où s’épanouissent sans frein la compétence et l’invention, où tout est monnayable. Atlas Shrugged est donc, littérale-ment, une utopie de droite.

  • Confessions of a recovering Objectivist

    When, as a self-absorbed college freshman, I first came across the Russian emigre author of The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, she seemed like the coolest thinker ever – what selfish person doesn’t want to hear that being selfish doesn’t just feel good, but actually is good, too?

    #ayn_rand #neocon

  • Why #Ayn_Rand and Her Legion of Followers Are Hopelessly Wrong | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet

    The entire story of America’s 19th-century #railroad boom was the exact opposite of what Rand’s ideology imagines.

    à propos du #film Atlas Shrugged et des zillions de commentaires über-kapitalistes qu’il va provoquer

  • When Alan Met Ayn : "Atlas Shrugged" And Our Tanked Economy | The Awl

    Alan Greenspan & #Ayn_Rand sont dans un bateau.

    Greenspan and all these free marketers and bankers and Wall Street guys who generally just love Ayn Rand, self-sufficiency and individualism, and so they would never see themselves as the looters. But the question is just so there, because while the financial services sector provides some valuable services to a society, it is very questionable indeed whether those services are worth 12% of GDP, which is, by the way, about what we’re all paying now, or roughly triple what they used to cost before the publication of Atlas Shrugged.

    The real parasites, it turns out, are not the looting masses but the Objectivist elites (what is it that these hedge fund managers “create” again?),

    (via @archiloque)

  • Enfin ! // ‘Atlas Shrugged’: A Made for Tea Party Movie | Death and Taxes

    At last, Ayn Rand’s epic work of radical capitalist fiction is set to be released April 15th. Look for the “Atlas Shrugged” movie playing near you and learn to throw a capitalist hissy fit.


    The adaptation of “Atlas Shrugged” is directed by Paul Johanssen of “Beverly Hills 90210″ (he played John Sears) and “Highlander: The Raven.”

    #film #ayn_rand