Decolonising The Curatorial Process
#Orson_Nava’s documentary film “Decolonising the Curatorial Process” features conference footage and recordings of individual interviews with a range of contributors who examine ways that decolonial activists, museologists, political scientists, historians and other scholar-activists from South Africa, Kenya and the UK are working with radical museum curators to challenge Eurocentric approaches to the study of history.
These important museum-based consultations, research narratives and conference discussions also foreground the lived experiences (and collective memories) of communities from the global South who have been severely impacted by the racialised violence, cultural conflicts and legacies of the colonial past. Consequently, issues of restitution and legislative activism (involving legal requests for the rightful return – or “repatriation” – of stolen artworks and heritage artefacts back to their countries and communities of origin) are a significant aspect of the decolonial de-accessioning process.
#film #film_documentaire #eurocentrisme