• VIII. – La Mutualité - La mutualité aujourd’hui

    En France, le mouvement mutualiste compte environ 23 millions de bénéficiaires, soit 12 millions de chefs de famille répartis dans 8 000 so­ciétés de base environ. La majorité de ces sociétés composent la Fédération nationale de la mutualité française, qui groupe une vingtaine de millions de personnes « protégées ». La Fédération nationale des mutuelles de travailleurs compte 2 500 000 adhérents inscrits dans quelques centaines de sociétés (3 millions de personnes protégées). Certaines sociétés mutualistes ne sont adhérentes à aucune fédération ; d’autres adhèrent aux deux. #22_-_Le_mouvement_mutualiste_-_André_Devriendt
    / Volonté (...)


  • VII. – La Mutualité - La IIIe République

    La IIIe République, lors de son avènement, rend aux mutualistes la liberté de désigner eux-mêmes leurs présidents. Il fallut cependant attendre dix-sept ans pour qu’une loi, qui sera la charte du mouvement mutua­liste pendant un demi-siècle, soit promulguée. A dater de ce moment, les sociétés de secours mutuels n’ont plus besoin d’autorisation préalable pour se créer. Leurs fondateurs n’ont d’autre obligaition que de communiquer les statuts à l’Administration, qui vérifie seulement (...) #22_-_Le_mouvement_mutualiste_-_André_Devriendt


  • VI. – La Mutualité - Le Second Empire

    Sous le second Empire, la mutualité fut plus que jamais sous le boisseau. On accentua ce qui avait été commencé sous le Premier Empire et continué sous la Restauration. Napoléon III nommait lui-même les présidents des sociétés mutualistes « approuvées ». Une commission supérieure d’encouragement et de prévoyance est créée, présidée par l’Empereur. Ayant constaté que le Premier Empire et la Restauration avaient échoué dans leur tentative de foire de la mutualité un instrument docile du (...) #22_-_Le_mouvement_mutualiste_-_André_Devriendt


  • V. – La Mutualité - La Révolution et ses répercussions

    1789 a été l’époque de la grande remise en question des institutions politiques et religieuses. La Révolution, au nom du libéralisme écono­mique, fut hostile à toutes les formes d’associations professionnelles, y compris aux groupements ouvriers à caractère mutualiste. L’hostilité de la bourgeoisie se traduisit en 1791 par le vote de la loi connue sous le nom de « Le Chapelier ». Elle proclamait l’anéantis­sement de toutes espèces de corporations de citoyens du même état et de même (...) #22_-_Le_mouvement_mutualiste_-_André_Devriendt


  • IV. – La Mutualité - Organisation des sociétés

    Autrefois, la vie quotidienne était profondément imprégnée d’esprit religieux. Cela n’empêchait pas les sociétés compagnonniques, ou autres, d’entrer en conflit avec les pouvoirs établis, qu’ils fussent du domaine seigneurial, royal ou de l’Église. Il est donc normal que même dans les sociétés à caractère mutualiste on retrouve cet esprit religieux et que les confréries soient presque toujours placées sous la protection d’un saint ou d’une sainte. Aussi les groupements ont-ils leur siège (...) #22_-_Le_mouvement_mutualiste_-_André_Devriendt


  • III. – La Mutualité - Origines de la mutualité

    Lorsque l’on étudie une institution, on est naturellement conduit à rechercher ses origines, ses racines. En ce qui concerne la mutualité, c’est-à-dire la pratique de l’entraide organisée, il est probable qu’elle est fort ancienne et qu’elle existe depuis que les travailleurs se sont organisés dans leurs métiers, donc lorsque la société avait déjà atteint un certain degré d’organisation sociale. Elle n’était donc pas inconnue des Chinois, des Égyptiens, des Grecs, des Romains, ce qui n’est pas surprenant puisque c’était certainement la continuité de pratiques de solidarité bien plus anciennes encore. 22 - Le mouvement mutualiste - André (...)


  • II. – La Mutualité - Caractère de la mutualité

    La mutualité, au cours de son histoire tantôt combattue tantôt adulée, parfois en même temps et quelle que soit la forme du pouvoir en place, représente de nos jours une importante partie du secteur de l’économie dite sociale qui englobe outre la mutualité : le crédit mutuel, les coopératives, les associations à buts non lucratifs (loi de 1901, comités d’entreprise, syndicats, etc.), la mutualité agricole, les assurances à carac­tère mutualiste... Les principes communs à toutes les composantes de l’économie sociale, ce sont, tels qu’ils sont définis par Thierry Jeantet et Roger Verdier dans leur livre l’Économie sociale : #22_-_Le_mouvement_mutualiste_-_André_Devriendt
    / #Pierre_Kropotkine, Volonté (...)


  • I. – La Mutualité - Avant-propos

    La mutualité, en France, possède cette particularité d’être une énorme organisation de masse : 23 millions de personnes « mutualisées », et d’être, en fait, peu connue. Bien sûr, tout le monde a une idée plus ou moins juste de ce qu’est une mutuelle ; en général, c’est l’image d’un organisme qui apporte un complément aux prestations versées par la Sécurité sociale et qui, parfois, gère un centre médical, un centre d’optique. Or si, effectivement, la complémentarité est actuellement un des principaux rôles de la mutualité, ses buts, son action vont bien au-delà de cette activité et iront grandissant dans le pays. 22 - Le mouvement mutualiste - André (...)

    #André_Devriendt #mutualité

  • L’#agriculture n’est pas une carte postale

    Dans les #Alpes_Maritimes, pour nos élus, l’agriculture n’a pour seule fonction que de servir de carte postale pour le #tourisme. Je suis devenu agriculteur à 25 ans. Et depuis, à part des bâtons dans les roues, je/nous n’avons jamais reçu aucune aide. Donc ce que je propose, c’est qu’on devienne tous intermittents du spectacle. Par #Cédric_Herrou.

    La question de l’agriculture dans la vallée de la Roya, et plus largement dans les Alpes-Maritimes, c’est une question qui comporte quelque chose de très surprenant : nous avons des politiques qui nous parlent de « #culture_identitaire ». Il s’agit du seul département, à ma connaissance, où l’on parle de « culture identitaire » à propos des #olives. Alors même que c’est un arbre du bassin méditerranéen, cultivé par des Marseillais, des Niçois, des Italiens, des Égyptiens… C’est une « #identité » de la Méditerranée dans son ensemble.

    C’est un détail, mais il est porteur de quelque chose : les Alpes-Maritimes, pour nos élus, l’agriculture n’a pour seule fonction que de servir de #carte_postale pour le tourisme.

    Nous l’avons vu lors de la #tempête_Alex, en octobre 2020 (1). J’étais alors agriculteur depuis 2006, donc depuis une quinzaine d’années. J’ai depuis cédé mon exploitation agricole à #Emmaüs-Roya, première #communauté_Emmaüs entièrement agricole. Cette exploitation faisait, auparavant, moyennement vivre une seule personne (moi) ; il nous a fallu à partir de là faire vivre quinze personnes, et dans des conditions matérielles beaucoup plus confortables que quand je vivais seul. Nous avons donc dû transformer ces 5 hectares en quelque chose de plus gros, de plus productif, -de plus professionnalisé.

    Nous voulions donc nous agrandir, et faire du #maraîchage sur des terrains où il était plus facile de le faire -donc, sur un terrain plat, ce qui est très rare ici.

    Ainsi, suite à la tempête, dans un contexte où ils voulaient relancer l’agriculture dans la vallée de la Roya -patin-couffin et blablabla-, il y a eu une réunion avec les associations, et nous avons eu rendez-vous avec Sébastien Olharan, maire de Breil-sur-Roya, avec la CARF (communauté d’agglomération de la Riviera française), et aussi, très important, avec la #SAFER (Sociétés d’aménagement foncier et d’établissement rural, supposément voué au soutien tout projet viable d’installation en milieu rural).

    Ils nous ont tous dit qu’ils adoraient ce que ce nous faisions. Que c’était super, que c’était génial. « Bien évidemment, nous préférons vous voir planter des tomates qu’héberger des noirs, mais en tous les cas, la partie agriculture, c’est très bien ! » Par contre, ils n’avaient pas de terrain à nous proposer. Rien. Car les terrains plats étaient déjà « réservés », qui pour un terrain de basket, qui pour un parking…

    J’étais donc bien saoulé. Et j’ai décidé de faire moi-même mes recherches, sur Le Bon Coin. Et je peux donc le dire : le Bon Coin est beaucoup plus efficace que la mairie de Breil, la CARF et la SAFER - dont c’est pourtant la fonction. Car sur ce site, je trouve un terrain qui est à vendre depuis des mois sur la commune de Saorge, non loin. Nous l’avons acheté, et nous y développons donc aujourd’hui une partie de nos activités.

    En temps normal, la SAFER surveille les ventes. Elle est supposée être LA référence pour savoir où des terrains potentiellement exploitables sont à acheter. Et là, nous avions un terrain en bord de route, avec de l’eau car à côté de la Roya, de l’eau potable également, l’accès à l’électricité, et un hectare de terrain plat. Ce qui, dans notre vallée, n’est vraiment pas rien. D’autant plus qu’une maison présente sur ce lieu a été rasée car trop proche de l’eau, ce qui en a fait du même coup des terres agricoles.

    La mairie, la #CARF et la SAFER étaient donc forcément au courant.

    La même chose s’est produite, 10 ans auparavant, avec un terrain situé à 100 mètres d’une zone que nous exploitons déjà, à Veil, chez mes parents. Il s’est vendu 2 fois plus cher que ce qu’avaient vu des amis à moi venu y jeter un œil : dans mes souvenirs, quelque chose comme 80 000 euros, au lieu des 40 000 annoncés. C’est la CARF qui l’avait acheté, et revendu à la mairie de Breil-sur-Roya, avec la promesse d’un projet agricole - qui n’a jamais eu lieu. Quand nous avons questionné la mairie sur ce point, car nous voulions récupérer ces terres, ils nous ont dit non, et prétexté vouloir y développer des activités... touristiques - dans un lieu sans eau potable, sans évacuation des eaux usées, et surtout qui est une zone agricole, donc non destinée à quoi que ce soit lié au tourisme. Et on en revient à ce que je disais au début. Ce même maire avait par ailleurs soutenu le voisin qui avait voulu (indûment, et la justice lui a donné tort) bloquer l’accès à mon terrain, rendant très complexe voire impossible nos activités agricoles.

    On pourrait penser que c’est le « militant » en faveur des droits des personnes en situation d’exil qui est attaqué, et pas le paysan. Mais j’ai commencé à être médiatisé sur ces sujets en 2016. Et je suis arrivé dans la vallée de la Roya en 2002. J’avais 23 ans.

    Je suis devenu agriculteur à 25 ans, et c’est rare de le devenir aussi jeune. Et à part des bâtons dans les roues (sans jeu de mot, NDLR), je, nous n’avons jamais reçu aucune aide.

    Au-delà des grands mots, agriculture, ici, cela semble donc faire chier tout le monde. Cela bloque 5 hectares, des terres qui, l’État le sait, ne deviendront jamais constructible. Sur les terrains limitrophes à l’exploitation, l’agriculteur sera prioritaire sur l’achat. Cela bloque le foncier, qui est la seule chose qui leur importe.

    On veut de l’agriculture, mais que comme carte postale.

    Donc ce que je propose, c’est qu’on sorte de la #mutuelle_sociale_agricole (#MSA), et qu’on devienne tous intermittents du spectacle.

    Un article paru dans le Mouais n°42 (octobre 2023), consacré à l’alimentation, nous le mettons en accès libre mais soutenez-nous, abonnez-vous ! https://www.helloasso.com/associations/association-pour-la-reconnaissance-des-medias-alternatifs-arma/boutiques/abonnement-a-mouais

    (1) Épisode méditerranéen extrêmement violent ayant ravagé en une nuit les vallées de la Tinée, de la Vésubie et de la Roya, occasionnant des morts et de nombreux dégâts matériels, NDLR.

    #Vallée_de_la_Roya #montagne #agriculture_de_montagne #paysannerie

    ping @isskein

  • #Justice_pesticides

    Un outil d’information et de coopération des victimes des pesticides grâce à une base de données juridiques permettant d’agir.

    L’association Justice Pesticides regroupe des personnalités venues de tous les continents qui ont été à divers titres confrontés aux conséquences des pesticides sur la santé, les ressources naturelles, leurs activités. Elles ont, pour certaines d’entre elles, été directement opposées aux multinationales qui produisent ces molécules. L’objectif de l’association est de permettre au mieux dans le monde entier la #défense des personnes #victimes de pesticides, quels que soient leur nationalité ou leur statut (voisins, agriculteurs, collectivités locales, scientifiques etc…)

    Pour y parvenir, elle met à la disposition de tous, l’ensemble des cas #contentieux concernant les pesticides dans le monde. L’objectif est la mise en place d’un grand #réseau physique et virtuel collaboratif pour mutualiser toutes les actions dans le monde qui mettent en cause les pesticides afin d’établir une base juridique et scientifique internationale qui permettra de renforcer les #actions_en_justice.

    Elle a également pour objet de contribuer la réflexion sur une stratégie globale contre les pesticides afin d’obtenir la #réparation des dommages causés par ces produits toxiques aux humains, à la faune, à la flore et aux ressources naturelles.

    Elle a pour objectif final l’interdiction des pesticides qui mettent en péril la santé humaine et l’environnement.

    #justice #jurisprudence #base_de_données #base_de_données_juridiques #résistance #mutualisation

  • Échirolles libérée ! La dégooglisation (5)

    Voici aujourd’hui le 5e et dernier article que Nicolas #Vivant consacre à la dégooglisation de la ville d’Échirolles (si vous avez raté les épisodes précédents). Maintenant que les outils sont en place, il est temps d’envisager comment la #mutualisation et … Lire la suite­­

    #Enjeux_du_numérique #Migration #Témoignages de_« dégooglisation » #ActivityPub #decentralisation #Echirolles #EPCI #mastodon #Nextcloud #PeerTube #résilience #Signal #wordpress #Zammad

  • Les classes dominantes à l’assaut du système social : des décennies de combat ! - Nicolas Da Silva

    Nicolas Da Silva est maître de conférences en sciences économiques à l’Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, il est spécialiste de l’économie politique de la santé et de la sécurité sociale. Il est notamment l’auteur de « La bataille de la Sécu : une histoire du système de santé ».

    Dans cette interview par Olivier Berruyer pour Élucid, Nicolas Da Silva démontre l’absurdité et l’injustice de la réforme des retraites que le gouvernement fait passer de force par 49-3. Il montre à quel point les arguments fallacieux invoqués aujourd’hui pour justifier cette réforme sont sensiblement les mêmes depuis des décennies, et s’inscrivent dans une grande tradition des classes dominantes pour détricoter notre système social. Ce combat n’est pas économique, mais politique, et il est important de revenir sur le rapport de force mené depuis la création de la sécurité sociale en 1949 pour comprendre ce qui se joue aujourd’hui, et mener une lutte victorieuse.

  • Orpea confirme passer sous le contrôle de la Caisse des Dépôts | Les Echos


    Après le feu vert de la commission de surveillance de la CDC à une injection de 1,35 milliard d’euros, Orpea confirme, ce mercredi, l’entrée de la Caisse des Dépôts et ses alliés à 50,2 % de son capital. S’ils ne participent pas aux augmentations de capital, ses actionnaires existants seront dilués à 0,4 %. Le cours reculait à l’ouverture.

    C’est officiel. Orpea bascule vers la galaxie publique. Le groupe d’Ehpad aux 250.000 résidents passe sous le contrôle de la Caisse des Dépôts et de sa filiale CNP associée à des mutualistes, la Maif et la MACSF.

    Après le feu vert de la commission de surveillance de l’institution publique, ces derniers vont bien injecter 1,355 milliard d’euros contre 50,2 % du capital du groupe plombé par plus de 7 milliards de dette. Ils obtiennent également la majorité au sein du conseil d’administration (sept administrateurs sur 13). Au total, Orpea se trouve assuré de répondre à son besoin en capital puisqu’il obtient 1,55 milliard d’euros avec les autres parties à l’accord. Et surtout il réduit de 60 % son endettement, qui ne pèsera « plus que » 6,5 fois son résultat.

  • EP23 : L’autoconsommation est elle un atout pour l’écologie et pour la société ?


    Produire son électricité en installant des panneaux solaires sur son toit est en un plus boum. Cela parait une excellente idée pour le climat mais est ce que ça l’est vraiment ? et qu’elles en sont les conséquences ?

    #autoconsommation #pointe_de_consommation #saison et #horaire #électricité_solaire #mutualisation #libéralisme

    –> Privilégier l’isolation pour diminuer les pics de consommation l’hiver

  • #Simon_Springer : « A un moment donné, il faut juste dire "#fuck !" au #néolibéralisme dont la fonction première est de créer des #inégalités »

    Pour cet activiste du quotidien, lire #Kropotkine et #Reclus, c’est revenir aux sources de la géographie comme de l’#anarchisme. La #géographie_radicale propose de penser toutes les histoires, en s’éloignant du seul point de vue anthropocentrique. Cela inclut l’histoire des animaux, des plantes… Et surtout la prise en compte des #interactions et des #coopérations.

    L’affiche ressemble à s’y méprendre à celle de la tournée d’un groupe de hard rock. Si Simon Springer est bien fan de ce genre musical, les 28 dates du tour d’Europe qu’il a honorées avant l’été ont invité le public non pas à des concerts, mais à des conférences autour de son dernier ouvrage, Pour une géographie anarchiste (Lux éditeur, 2018). Professeur depuis 2012 à l’université de Victoria, au Canada, il rejoindra en septembre l’université de Newcastle, en Australie. Géographe radical, spécialiste de la pensée anarchiste et du Cambodge, Simon Springer se présente comme athée, végan, pacifiste, « straight edge » (sous-culture punk qui bannit la consommation de psychotropes) et « super-papa ». Cet activiste du quotidien revient pour Libération sur la nécessité d’une lutte à petits pas afin d’enrayer toute forme de domination.

    Qu’est-ce qu’est une géographie anarchiste ?

    Les systèmes de hiérarchie et de domination qui structurent nos vies découlent d’un apprentissage. Devenir anarchiste, c’est les désapprendre. J’ai trois enfants, qui détiennent de manière inhérente beaucoup de valeurs anarchistes. Ce sont mes plus grands professeurs. La géographie est un champ très vaste qui va de la géographie physique à la géographie humaine. Si vous revenez à Pierre Kropotkine et Elisée Reclus, aux sources de la géographie comme de l’anarchisme, il n’y a pas de séparation claire. Doreen Massey, une géographe radicale britannique, considère que la géographie raconte l’histoire, les histoires. Il s’agit de penser toutes les histoires collectées, pas uniquement d’un point de vue anthropocentrique. Cela inclut l’histoire des animaux, des plantes, et toutes les interconnexions qui font de la Terre ce qu’elle est.

    On ne conçoit pas l’espace de manière générale, mais de manières particulières, au pluriel. Doreen Massey considère que les lieux forment des constellations, comme un squelette des interconnexions que nous expérimentons. Cet ensemble de relations sociales, politiques et économiques est en évolution permanente. Il y a la grande histoire, et il y a le canevas des petites histoires. Rien n’est figé, accompli.
    En quoi l’anarchisme et ses idées permettent-ils de repenser notre rapport à l’espace et aux histoires des uns et des autres ?

    L’anarchisme est une manière d’être au monde, une question de liberté, d’émancipation. Dès lors qu’il y a une forme de hiérarchie, il y a un positionnement critique à avoir, et pas uniquement au sujet des relations que les humains ont entre eux. La pensée des Lumières a longtemps positionné l’homme au sommet de l’évolution des espèces. Chez Kropotkine et Reclus, dès le XIXe siècle, il s’agit de lui redonner une juste place : non pas supérieur, mais simplement existant aux côtés des autres espèces vivantes. Kropotkine pensait la mutualisation, la collaboration et la réciprocité à l’échelle de l’évolution entière. Afin de s’opposer au darwinisme, interprété comme une nécessaire compétition et la suprématie d’une espèce sur une autre, il souligne qu’un autre pan de la pensée de Darwin met en avant l’interdépendance des êtres vivants. Le processus d’évolution est lié à cela : certaines espèces survivent uniquement en vertu des liens qu’elles ont avec d’autres. Cette perspective permet de réimaginer la notion de survie, en réorientant la lecture de Darwin de la seule compétition à la coopération. L’anarchisme est aussi une question d’association volontaire et d’action directe. La première relève du choix, du libre arbitre, la seconde en découle : nous n’avons pas besoin d’attendre que des leaders élus, qu’une avant-garde, que quelqu’un d’autre nous autorise à repenser nos vies si nous avons envie de le faire. Selon Doreen Massey, il s’agit d’influer sur l’histoire, sur les histoires, pour qu’elles correspondent plus à nos désirs, nos intérêts et nos besoins.
    En quoi cette pensée peut-elle être actuelle ?

    Oppression raciale, violence d’Etat, violence capitalistique : les formes de violence dues aux hiérarchies se multiplient et se perpétuent aujourd’hui. L’anarchisme est beaucoup plus large que le proudhonisme originel. Il ne s’agit pas seulement d’une remise en cause de l’Etat, de la propriété, mais de toutes les formes de domination, en terme de genres, de sexualités, de races, d’espèces. L’anarchisme doit contribuer à forger une autre forme d’imagination, plus large, à mettre en avant les connexions entre les êtres plutôt que de leur assigner des étiquettes.
    Vous avez écrit un pamphlet intitulé « Fuck neoliberalism » (1), littéralement, « emmerdons le néolibéralisme »…

    A un moment donné, il faut juste dire « fuck it ! » [« merde ! », ndlr]. Car on a beau étudier dans le détail le fait que le marché avantage certains et en désavantage d’autres, un grand nombre de gens continueront de ne pas se sentir concernés. Donc il faut dire stop et s’atteler à renverser la tendance. Le capitalisme est fondé sur la domination, sa fonction première est de produire des inégalités. Dans ce système, certains réussissent, les autres restent derrière. En tant qu’universitaires, combien d’articles devrons-nous encore écrire pour dénoncer ses méfaits à tel endroit ou sur telle population ?

    C’est une provocation pour attirer l’attention sur le problème plutôt que de continuer à tourner autour. C’est le texte le plus lu de ma carrière. Il porte un message profondément anarchiste. Or, la réponse à cet article a été massivement positive dans le monde universitaire. Peut-être car le terme d’« anarchisme » n’apparaît jamais. La plupart des gens qui ont intégré des principes anarchistes à leur vie quotidienne ne l’identifient pas nécessairement comme tel. La coopération, la réciprocité, l’aide mutuelle, tout le monde les pratique chaque jour avec ses amis, sa famille. Lancer un jardin partagé, rester critique face à ses professeurs, interroger l’individualisme qui va de pair avec le néolibéralisme, cela fait partie d’une forme d’éthique de la vie en communauté. Nous sommes tous coupables - moi compris - de perpétuer le système. L’un des piliers du néolibéralisme est cette volonté de se focaliser sur l’individu, qui entraîne une forme de darwinisme social, les « tous contre tous », « chacun pour soi ».
    Vous évoquez un activisme de la vie quotidienne. Quel est-il ?

    L’activisme ne se résume pas à être en tête de cortège, prêt à en découdre avec la police. Il passe par des gestes très quotidiens, ce peut être de proposer à vos voisins de s’occuper de leurs enfants un après-midi. A Victoria, il existe un groupe de « mamies radicales » qui tricotent des vêtements pour les sans-abri. Mieux connaître ses voisins, aider quelqu’un à traverser la route, lever les yeux de nos téléphones ou débrancher notre lecteur de musique et avoir une conversation avec les gens dans le bus ou dans la rue : ces choses très simples font peser la balance dans l’autre sens, permettent de court-circuiter l’individualisme exacerbé produit par le néolibéralisme. Si vous vous sentez de manifester contre le G20, très bien, mais il faut également agir au quotidien, de manière collective.

    Une des meilleures façons de faire changer les gens d’avis sur les migrants est de leur faire rencontrer une famille syrienne, d’engager un échange. Frôler leur situation peut être le moyen de réhumaniser les réfugiés. Cela implique d’avoir un espace pour enclencher cette conversation, un lieu inclusif, libre des discours haineux. En s’opposant au nationalisme, l’anarchisme encourage le fait de penser le « non-nationalisme », de regarder au-delà des réactions épidermiques, d’élargir le cercle de nos préoccupations et notre capacité à prendre soin de l’autre, à se préoccuper de l’humanité entière.
    Cet ethos permet-il de lutter contre la violence institutionnelle ?

    Je me considère pacifiste, mais ça ne veut pas dire que les gens ne devraient pas s’opposer, lutter, pratiquer l’autodéfense. Pour moi, l’anarchisme est fondamentalement non-violent - un certain nombre d’anarchistes ne sont pas d’accord avec cela. Un système de règles et de coercition est intrinsèquement violent. L’Etat revendique le monopole de cette violence. Quand des groupes d’activistes, d’anarchistes ou n’importe qui s’opposent à l’Etat, c’est un abus de langage d’appeler cela de la violence. C’est un moyen pour l’autorité de discréditer la dissidence. Si l’Etat revendique le monopole de la violence, acceptons-le en ces termes. La violence est répugnante, vous en voulez le monopole ? Vous pouvez l’avoir. Mais alors n’appelez pas « violence » notre réponse. Le but d’un anarchiste, d’un activiste, ce n’est pas la domination, la coercition, mais la préservation de son intégrité, la création d’une société meilleure, de plus de liberté. L’autodéfense n’est pas de la violence.
    D’une certaine façon, un Black Bloc ne serait pas violent, selon vous ?

    Chaque Black Bloc, dans un contexte donné, peut être motivé par de nombreuses raisons. Mais de manière générale, je ne crois pas que son objectif soit la violence. La première raison pour laquelle le Black Bloc dissimule son visage, c’est parce qu’il ne s’agit pas d’intérêts individuels, mais d’un mouvement collectif. La majorité des médias parle du Black Bloc uniquement en terme de « violence », or c’est d’abord une forme de résistance, d’autodéfense, non pas uniquement pour les individus qui forment à un moment le Black Bloc, mais une autodéfense de la communauté et de la planète sur laquelle nous vivons. Qu’est-ce que va changer, pour une banque, une vitrine brisée, très vite remplacée ? Condamner la violence des Black Blocs, ça permet d’occulter la violence de la police, vouée à la domination, la coercition, la suppression de la liberté de certains individus dans le seul but de préserver la propriété d’une minorité puissante.

    (1) « Fuck le néolibéralisme », revue Acme, 2016, en libre accès sous Creative Commons sur www.acme-journal.org


    #géographie_anarchiste #hiérarchie #domination #histoire #histoires #espace #liberté #émancipation #mutualisation #réciprocité #collaboration #darwinisme #compétition #interdépendance #survie #association_volontaire #action_directe #choix #libre_arbitre #violence #imagination #fuck #fuck_it #capitalisme #domination #aide_mutuelle #individualisme #darwinisme_social #chacun_pour_soi #tous_contre_tous #activisme #résistance #non-nationalisme #nationalisme #pacifisme #autodéfense #non-violence #dissidence #monopole_de_la_violence #coercition #Black_Bloc #violence_institutionnelle

    • Pour une géographie anarchiste

      Grâce aux ouvrages de David Harvey, Mike Davis ou même Henri Lefebvre, on connaît aujourd’hui la géographie radicale ou critique née dans le contexte des luttes politiques des années 1960 aux États-Unis et qui a, comme le disait Harvey, donné à Marx « la dimension spatiale qui lui manquait ». Dans ce livre, Simon Springer enjoint aux géographes critiques de se radicaliser davantage et appelle à la création d’une géographie insurrectionnelle qui reconnaisse l’aspect kaléidoscopique des espaces et son potentiel émancipateur, révélé à la fin du XIXe siècle par Élisée Reclus et Pierre Kropotkine, notamment.

      L’histoire de l’humanité est une longue suite d’expériences dans et avec l’espace ; or aujourd’hui, la stase qui est imposée à ces mouvements vitaux, principalement par les frontières, menace notre survie. Face au désastre climatique et humain qui nous guette, il est indispensable de revoir les relations que nous entretenons avec le monde et une géographie rebelle comme celle que défend Springer nous libérerait du carcan de l’attentisme. Il faut se défaire une bonne fois pour toutes des géographies hiérarchiques qui nous enchaînent à l’étatisme, au capitalisme, à la discrimination et à l’impérialisme. « La géographie doit devenir belle, se vouer entièrement à l’émancipation. »



    • Trigger Warnings | Centre for Teaching Excellence

      A trigger warning is a statement made prior to sharing potentially disturbing content. That content might include graphic references to topics such as #sexual_abuse, #self-harm, #violence, #eating_disorders, and so on, and can take the form of an #image, #video_clip, #audio_clip, or piece of #text. In an #academic_context, the #instructor delivers these messages in order to allow students to prepare emotionally for the content or to decide to forgo interacting with the content.

      Proponents of trigger warnings contend that certain course content can impact the #wellbeing and #academic_performance of students who have experienced corresponding #traumas in their own lives. Such students might not yet be ready to confront a personal #trauma in an academic context. They choose to #avoid it now so that they can deal with it more effectively at a later date – perhaps after they have set up necessary #resources, #supports, or #counselling. Other students might indeed be ready to #confront a personal trauma in an academic context but will benefit from a #forewarning of certain topics so that they can brace themselves prior to (for example) participating in a #classroom discussion about it. Considered from this perspective, trigger warnings give students increased #autonomy over their learning, and are an affirmation that the instructor #cares about their wellbeing.

      However, not everyone agrees that trigger warnings are #necessary or #helpful. For example, some fear that trigger warnings unnecessarily #insulate students from the often harsh #realities of the world with which academics need to engage. Others are concerned that trigger warnings establish a precedent of making instructors or universities legally #responsible for protecting students from #emotional_trauma. Still others argue that it is impossible to anticipate all the topics that might be potentially triggering for students.

      Trigger warnings do not mean that students can exempt themselves from completing parts of the coursework. Ideally, a student who is genuinely concerned about being #re-traumatized by forthcoming course content would privately inform the instructor of this concern. The instructor would then accommodate the student by proposing #alternative_content or an alternative learning activity, as with an accommodation necessitated by a learning disability or physical disability.

      The decision to preface potentially disturbing content with a trigger warning is ultimately up to the instructor. An instructor who does so might want to include in the course syllabus a preliminary statement (also known as a “#content_note”), such as the following:

      Our classroom provides an open space for the critical and civil exchange of ideas. Some readings and other content in this course will include topics that some students may find offensive and/or traumatizing. I’ll aim to #forewarn students about potentially disturbing content and I ask all students to help to create an #atmosphere of #mutual_respect and #sensitivity.

      Prior to introducing a potentially disturbing topic in class, an instructor might articulate a #verbal_trigger_warning such as the following:

      Next class our discussion will probably touch on the sexual assault that is depicted in the second last chapter of The White Hotel. This content is disturbing, so I encourage you to prepare yourself emotionally beforehand. If you believe that you will find the discussion to be traumatizing, you may choose to not participate in the discussion or to leave the classroom. You will still, however, be responsible for material that you miss, so if you leave the room for a significant time, please arrange to get notes from another student or see me individually.

      A version of the foregoing trigger warning might also preface written materials:

      The following reading includes a discussion of the harsh treatment experienced by First Nations children in residential schools in the 1950s. This content is disturbing, so I encourage everyone to prepare themselves emotionally before proceeding. If you believe that the reading will be traumatizing for you, then you may choose to forgo it. You will still, however, be responsible for material that you miss, so please arrange to get notes from another student or see me individually.

      Trigger warnings, of course, are not the only answer to disturbing content. Instructional #strategies such as the following can also help students approach challenging material:

      – Give your students as much #advance_notice as possible about potentially disturbing content. A day’s notice might not be enough for a student to prepare emotionally, but two weeks might be.

      – Try to “scaffold” a disturbing topic to students. For example, when beginning a history unit on the Holocaust, don’t start with graphic photographs from Auschwitz. Instead, begin by explaining the historical context, then verbally describe the conditions within the concentration camps, and then introduce the photographic record as needed. Whenever possible, allow students to progress through upsetting material at their own pace.

      – Allow students to interact with disturbing material outside of class. A student might feel more vulnerable watching a documentary about sexual assault while in a classroom than in the security of his or her #home.

      – Provide captions when using video materials: some content is easier to watch while reading captions than while listening to the audio.

      – When necessary, provide written descriptions of graphic images as a substitute for the actual visual content.

      – When disturbing content is under discussion, check in with your students from time to time: #ask them how they are doing, whether they need a #break, and so on. Let them know that you are aware that the material in question is emotionally challenging.

      – Advise students to be #sensitive to their classmates’ #vulnerabilities when they are preparing class presentations.

      – Help your students understand the difference between emotional trauma and #intellectual_discomfort: the former is harmful, as is triggering it in the wrong context (such as in a classroom rather than in therapy); the latter is fundamental to a university education – it means our ideas are being challenged as we struggle to resolve cognitive dissonance.


    • Why Trigger Warnings Don’t Work

      Because trauma #survivors’ #memories are so specific, increasingly used “trigger warnings” are largely #ineffective.

      Fair warning labels at the beginning of movie and book reviews alert the reader that continuing may reveal critical plot points that spoil the story. The acronym NSFW alerts those reading emails or social media posts that the material is not suitable for work. The Motion Picture Association of America provides film ratings to advise about content so that moviegoers can make informed entertainment choices for themselves and their children.

      Enter stage right: Trigger warning.

      A trigger warning, most often found on #social_media and internet sites, alerts the reader that potentially upsetting information may follow. The words trigger warning are often followed by a subtitle such as *Trigger warning: This may be triggering to those who have struggled with _________. Fill in the blank. #Domestic_abuse. #Rape. #Body_image. #Needles. #Pregnancy.

      Trigger warnings have become prevalent online since about 2012. Victim advocate Gayle Crabtree reports that they were in use as early as 1996 in chat rooms she moderated. “We used the words ‘trigger warning,’ ‘#tw,’ ‘#TW,’ and ‘trigger’ early on. …This meant the survivor could see the warning and then decide if she or he wanted to scroll down for the message or not.” Eventually, trigger warnings spread to social media sites including #Tumblr, #Twitter, and #Facebook.

      The term seems to have originated from the use of the word “trigger” to indicate something that cues a #physiological_response, the way pollen may trigger an allergy attack. A trigger in a firearm is a lever that activates the sequence of firing a gun, so it is not surprising that the word was commandeered by those working in the field of #psychology to indicate objects and sensations that cause neurological firing in the brain, which in turn cause #feelings and #thoughts to occur.

      Spoiler alerts allow us to enjoy the movie or book as it unfolds without being influenced by knowledge about what comes next. The NSFW label helps employees comply with workplace policies that prohibit viewing sexually explicit or profane material. Motion picture ratings enable viewers to select movies they are most likely to find entertaining. Trigger warnings, on the other hand, are “designed to prevent people who have an extremely strong and damaging emotional response… to certain subjects from encountering them unaware.”

      Say what?

      Say hogwash!

      Discussions about trigger warnings have made headlines in the New Yorker, the Los Angeles Times, the Guardian, the New Republic, and various other online and print publications. Erin Dean writes that a trigger “is not something that offends one, troubles one, or angers one; it is something that causes an extreme involuntary reaction in which the individual re-experiences past trauma.”

      For those individuals, it is probably true that coming across material that reminds them of a traumatic event is going to be disturbing. Dean’s definition refers to involuntary fear and stress responses common in individuals with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder characterized by intrusive memories, thoughts, or dreams; intense distress at cues that remind the individual of the event; and reactivity to situations, people, or objects that symbolize the event. PTSD can result from personal victimization, accidents, incarceration, natural disasters, or any unexpected injury or threat of injury or death. Research suggests that it results from a combination of genetic predisposition, fear conditioning, and neural and physiological responses that incorporate the body systems and immunological responses. Current theories suggest that PTSD represents “the failure to recover from the normal effects of trauma.” In other words, anyone would be adversely affected by trauma, but natural mechanisms for healing take place in the majority of individuals. The prevalence of PTSD ranges from 1.9 percent in Europe to 3.5 percent in the United States.

      The notion that trigger warnings should be generalized to all social media sites, online journals, and discussion boards is erroneous.

      Some discussions have asserted that because between one in four and one in five women have been sexually abused, trigger warnings are necessary to protect vast numbers of victims from being re-traumatized. However, research shows that the majority of trauma-exposed persons do not develop PTSD. This does not mean they aren’t affected by trauma, but that they do not develop clinically significant symptoms, distress, or impairment in daily functioning. The notion that trigger warnings should be generalized to all social media sites, online journals, and discussion boards is erroneous. Now some students are pushing for trigger warnings on college class syllabi and reading lists.

      But what?


      But wait, before people get all riled up, I’d like to say that yes, I have experienced trauma in my life.

      I wore a skirt the first time George hit me. I know this because I remember scrunching my skirt around my waist and balancing in heels while I squatted over a hole in the concrete floor to take a piss. We were in Tijuana. The stench of excrement made my stomach queasy with too much tequila. I wanted to retch.

      We returned to our hotel room. I slid out of my blouse and skirt. He stripped to nothing and lay on the double bed. He was drinking Rompope from the bottle, a kind of Mexican eggnog: strong, sweet, and marketed for its excellent spunk. It’s a thick yellow rum concoction with eggs, sugar, and almond side notes. George wanted to have sex. We bickered and argued as drunks sometimes do. I said something — I know this because I always said something — and he hit me. He grabbed me by the hair and hit me again. “We’re going dancing,” he said.

      “I don’t feel like dancing — “

      “Fine. Stay.”

      The world was tilting at an angle I didn’t recognize. The mathematician Matt Tweed writes that atoms are made up of almost completely empty space. To grasp the vast nothingness, he asks the reader to imagine a cat twirling a bumblebee on the end of a half-mile long string. That’s how much emptiness there is between the nucleus and the electron. There was more space than that between George and me. I remember thinking: I am in a foreign country. I don’t speak Spanish. I have no money. We went dancing.

      Labeling a topic or theme is useless because of the way our brains work. The labels that we give trauma (assault, sexual abuse, rape) are not the primary source of triggers. Memories are, and not just memories, but very specific, insidious, and personally individualized details lodged in our brain at the time of the trauma encoded as memory. Details can include faces, places, sounds, smells, tastes, voices, body positions, time of day, or any other sensate qualities that were present during a traumatic incident.

      If I see a particular shade of yellow or smell a sickly sweet rum drink, I’m reminded of my head being yanked by someone who held a handful of my hair in his fist. A forest green Plymouth Duster (the car we drove) will too. The word assault does not. The words domestic violence don’t either. The specificity of details seared in my mind invokes memory.

      Last year a driver slammed into the back of my car on the freeway. The word tailgate is not a trigger. Nor is the word accident. The flash of another car suddenly encroaching in my rearview mirror is. In my mid-20s, I drove my younger sister (sobbing, wrapped in a bed sheet) to the hospital where two male officers explained they were going to pluck her pubic hair for a rape kit. When I see tweezers in a hospital, I flash back to that awful moment. For my sister, other things may be triggers: the moonlight shining on the edge of a knife. The shadow of a person back lit in a doorway. An Hispanic man’s accent. If we were going to insist on trigger warnings that work, they would need to look something like this:

      Trigger warning: Rompope.

      Trigger warning: a woman wrapped in a bed sheet.

      Trigger warning: the blade of a knife.

      The variability of human #perception and traumatic recall makes it impossible to provide the necessary specificity for trigger warnings to be effective. The nature of specificity is, in part, one reason that treatment for traumatic memories involves safely re-engaging with the images that populate the survivor’s memory of the event. According to Dr. Mark Beuger, an addiction psychiatrist at Deerfield Behavioral Health of Warren (PA), the goal of PTSD treatment is “to allow for processing of the traumatic experience without becoming so emotional that processing is impossible.” By creating a coherent narrative of the past event through telling and retelling the story to a clinician, survivors confront their fears and gain mastery over their thoughts and feelings.

      If a survivor has had adequate clinical support, they could engage online with thoughts or ideas that previously had been avoided.

      According to the National Center for Health, “#Avoidance is a maladaptive #control_strategy… resulting in maintenance of perceived current threat. In line with this, trauma-focused treatments stress the role of avoidance in the maintenance of PTSD. Prolonged exposure to safe but anxiety-provoking trauma-related stimuli is considered a treatment of choice for PTSD.” Avoidance involves distancing oneself from cues, reminders, or situations that remind one of the event that can result in increased #social_withdrawal. Trigger warnings increase social withdrawal, which contributes to feelings of #isolation. If a survivor who suffers from PTSD has had adequate clinical support, they could engage online with thoughts or ideas that previously had been avoided. The individual is in charge of each word he or she reads. At any time, one may close a book or click a screen shut on the computer. What is safer than that? Conversely, trigger warnings perpetuate avoidance. Because the intrusive memories and thoughts are internal, trigger warnings suggest, “Wait! Don’t go here. I need to protect you from yourself.”

      The argument that trigger warnings help to protect those who have suffered trauma is false. Most people who have experienced trauma do not require preemptive protection. Some may argue that it would be kind to avoid causing others distress with upsetting language and images. But is it? Doesn’t it sometimes take facing the horrific images encountered in trauma to effect change in ourselves and in the world?

      A few weeks ago, I came across a video about Boko Haram’s treatment of a kidnapped schoolgirl. The girl was blindfolded. A man was digging a hole in dry soil. It quickly became evident, as he ushered the girl into the hole, that this would not end well. I felt anxious as several men began shoveling soil in around her while she spoke to them in a language I could not understand. I considered clicking away as my unease and horror grew. But I also felt compelled to know what happened to this girl. In the 11-minute video, she is buried up to her neck.

      All the while, she speaks to her captors, who eventually move out of the frame of the scene. Rocks begin pelting the girl’s head. One after the other strikes her as I stared, horrified, until finally, her head lay motionless at an angle that could only imply death. That video (now confirmed to be a stoning in Somalia rather than by Boko Haram) forever changed my level of concern about young girls kidnapped in other countries.

      We are changed by what we #witness. Had the video contained a trigger warning about gruesome death, I would not have watched it. Weeks later, I would have been spared the rush of feelings I felt when a friend posted a photo of her daughter playfully buried by her brothers in the sand. I would have been spared knowing such horrors occur. But would the world be a better place for my not knowing? Knowledge helps us prioritize our responsibilities in the world. Don’t we want engaged, knowledgeable citizens striving for a better world?

      Recently, the idea of trigger warnings has leapt the gulch between social media and academic settings. #Universities are dabbling with #policies that encourage professors to provide trigger warnings for their classes because of #complaints filed by students. Isn’t the syllabus warning enough? Can’t individual students be responsible for researching the class content and reading #materials before they enroll? One of the benefits of broad exposure to literature and art in education is Theory of Mind, the idea that human beings have the capacity to recognize and understand that other people have thoughts and desires that are different from one’s own. Do we want #higher_education to comprise solely literature and ideas that feel safe to everyone? Could we even agree on what that would be?

      Art occurs at the intersection of experience and danger. It can be risky, subversive, and offensive. Literature encompasses ideas both repugnant and redemptive. News about very difficult subjects is worth sharing. As writers, don’t we want our readers to have the space to respond authentically to the story? As human beings, don’t we want others to understand that we can empathize without sharing the same points of view?

      Trigger warnings fail to warn us of the very things that might cause us to remember our trauma. They insulate. They cause isolation. A trigger warning says, “Be careful. This might be too much for you.” It says, “I don’t trust you can handle it.” As a reader, that’s not a message I want to encounter. As a writer, that is not the message I want to convey.

      Trigger warnings?



    • Essay on why a professor is adding a trigger warning to his #syllabus

      Trigger warnings in the classroom have been the subject of tremendous #debate in recent weeks, but it’s striking how little the discussion has contemplated what actual trigger warnings in actual classrooms might plausibly look like.

      The debate began with demands for trigger warnings by student governments with no power to compel them and suggestions by #administrators (made and retracted) that #faculty consider them. From there the ball was picked up mostly by observers outside higher ed who presented various #arguments for and against, and by professors who repudiated the whole idea.

      What we haven’t heard much of so far are the voices of professors who are sympathetic to the idea of such warnings talking about what they might look like and how they might operate.

      As it turns out, I’m one of those professors, and I think that discussion is long overdue. I teach history at Hostos Community College of the City University of New York, and starting this summer I’m going to be including a trigger warning in my syllabus.

      I’d like to say a few things about why.

      An Alternative Point of View

      To start off, I think it’s important to be clear about what trigger warnings are, and what purpose they’re intended to serve. Such warnings are often framed — and not just by critics — as a “you may not want to read this” notice, one that’s directed specifically at survivors of trauma. But their actual #purpose is considerably broader.

      Part of the confusion arises from the word “trigger” itself. Originating in the psychological literature, the #term can be misleading in a #non-clinical context, and indeed many people who favor such warnings prefer to call them “#content_warnings” for that reason. It’s not just trauma survivors who may be distracted or derailed by shocking or troubling material, after all. It’s any of us, and a significant part of the distraction comes not from the material itself but from the context in which it’s presented.

      In the original cut of the 1933 version of the film “King Kong,” there was a scene (depicting an attack by a giant spider) that was so graphic that the director removed it before release. He took it out, it’s said, not because of concerns about excessive violence, but because the intensity of the scene ruined the movie — once you saw the sailors get eaten by the spider, the rest of the film passed by you in a haze.

      A similar concern provides a big part of the impetus for content warnings. These warnings prepare the reader for what’s coming, so their #attention isn’t hijacked when it arrives. Even a pleasant surprise can be #distracting, and if the surprise is unpleasant the distraction will be that much more severe.

      I write quite a bit online, and I hardly ever use content warnings myself. I respect the impulse to provide them, but in my experience a well-written title and lead paragraph can usually do the job more effectively and less obtrusively.

      A classroom environment is different, though, for a few reasons. First, it’s a shared space — for the 75 minutes of the class session and the 15 weeks of the semester, we’re pretty much all #stuck with one another, and that fact imposes #interpersonal_obligations on us that don’t exist between writer and reader. Second, it’s an interactive space — it’s a #conversation, not a monologue, and I have a #responsibility to encourage that conversation as best I can. Finally, it’s an unpredictable space — a lot of my students have never previously encountered some of the material we cover in my classes, or haven’t encountered it in the way it’s taught at the college level, and don’t have any clear sense of what to expect.

      For all these reasons, I’ve concluded that it would be sound #pedagogy for me to give my students notice about some of the #challenging_material we’ll be covering in class — material relating to racial and sexual oppression, for instance, and to ethnic and religious conflict — as well as some information about their rights and responsibilities in responding to it. Starting with the summer semester, as a result, I’ll be discussing these issues during the first class meeting and including a notice about them in the syllabus.

      My current draft of that notice reads as follows:

      Course Content Note

      At times this semester we will be discussing historical events that may be disturbing, even traumatizing, to some students. If you ever feel the need to step outside during one of these discussions, either for a short time or for the rest of the class session, you may always do so without academic penalty. (You will, however, be responsible for any material you miss. If you do leave the room for a significant time, please make arrangements to get notes from another student or see me individually.)

      If you ever wish to discuss your personal reactions to this material, either with the class or with me afterwards, I welcome such discussion as an appropriate part of our coursework.

      That’s it. That’s my content warning. That’s all it is.

      I should say as well that nothing in these two paragraphs represents a change in my teaching practice. I have always assumed that if a student steps out of the classroom they’ve got a good reason, and I don’t keep tabs on them when they do. If a student is made uncomfortable by something that happens in class, I’m always glad when they come talk to me about it — I’ve found we usually both learn something from such exchanges. And of course students are still responsible for mastering all the course material, just as they’ve always been.

      So why the note, if everything in it reflects the rules of my classroom as they’ve always existed? Because, again, it’s my job as a professor to facilitate class discussion.

      A few years ago one of my students came to talk to me after class, distraught. She was a student teacher in a New York City junior high school, working with a social studies teacher. The teacher was white, and almost all of his students were, like my student, black. That week, she said, one of the classes had arrived at the point in the semester given over to the discussion of slavery, and at the start of the class the teacher had gotten up, buried his nose in his notes, and started into the lecture without any introduction. The students were visibly upset by what they were hearing, but the teacher just kept going until the end of the period, at which point he finished the lecture, put down his papers, and sent them on to math class.

      My student was appalled. She liked these kids, and she could see that they were hurting. They were angry, they were confused, and they had been given nothing to do with their #emotions. She asked me for advice, and I had very little to offer, but I left our meeting thinking that it would have been better for the teacher to have skipped that material entirely than to have taught it the way he did.

      History is often ugly. History is often troubling. History is often heartbreaking. As a professor, I have an #obligation to my students to raise those difficult subjects, but I also have an obligation to raise them in a way that provokes a productive reckoning with the material.

      And that reckoning can only take place if my students know that I understand that this material is not merely academic, that they are coming to it as whole people with a wide range of experiences, and that the journey we’re going on #together may at times be #painful.

      It’s not coddling them to acknowledge that. In fact, it’s just the opposite.


  • ‘Solidarity, Not Charity’: A Visual History of Mutual Aid

    Tens of thousands of mutual aid networks and projects emerged around the world in 2020. They have long been a tool for marginalized groups.

    2020 was a year of crisis. A year of isolation. A year of protest. And, a year of mutual aid.

    From meal deliveries to sewing squads, childcare collectives to legal aid, neighbors and strangers opened their wallets, offered their skills, volunteered their time and joined together in solidarity to support one another.

    Tens of thousands of mutual aid networks and projects have emerged around the world since the Covid-19 pandemic began, according to Mariame Kaba, an educator, abolitionist and organizer. During the first week of the U.S. lockdown in March 2020, Kaba joined with Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to create Mutual Aid 101, an online toolkit that educates and empowers people to build their own mutual aid networks throughout their buildings, blocks, neighborhoods and cities. Emphasizing a focus on “solidarity, not charity,” mutual aid is all about cooperation because, as the toolkit puts it, “we recognize that our well-being, health and dignity are all bound up in each other.”

    “Mutual aid projects are a form of political participation in which people take responsibility for caring for one another and changing political conditions,” says Dean Spade, a trans activist, writer, and speaker. “Not through symbolic acts or putting pressure on representatives, but by actually building new social relations that are more survivable.”

    While many are engaging with mutual aid for the first time this year, there is a rich history and legacy of communities — especially those failed by our systems of power — coming together to help each other survive, and thrive. Here are nine examples from history.


    #solidarité #entraide #mutual_aid #charité #BD #Noirs #Philadelphie #USA #Etats-Unis #FAS #New_York_Committee_of_vigilance #Frederick_Douglass #NYCV #femmes_noires #Noires #Callie_House #mutual_aid_society #mutualisme #CCBA #Landsmanshaftn #sociedades_mutualistas #histoire #racisme_structurel #Black_Panthers #free_breakfast_program #young_lords_garbage_offensive #chicken_soup_brigade #Tim_Burak #Buddy_network

    ping @karine4 @isskein

  • Xinjiang’s System of Militarized Vocational Training Comes to #Tibet

    Introduction and Summary

    In 2019 and 2020, the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) introduced new policies to promote the systematic, centralized, and large-scale training and transfer of “rural surplus laborers” to other parts of the TAR, as well as to other provinces of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). In the first 7 months of 2020, the region had trained over half a million rural surplus laborers through this policy. This scheme encompasses Tibetans of all ages, covers the entire region, and is distinct from the coercive vocational training of secondary students and young adults reported by exile Tibetans (RFA, October 29, 2019).

    The labor transfer policy mandates that pastoralists and farmers are to be subjected to centralized “military-style” (军旅式, junlüshi) vocational training, which aims to reform “backward thinking” and includes training in “work discipline,” law, and the Chinese language. Examples from the TAR’s Chamdo region indicate that the militarized training regimen is supervised by People’s Armed Police drill sergeants, and training photos published by state media show Tibetan trainees dressed in military fatigues (see accompanying images).

    Poverty alleviation reports bluntly say that the state must “stop raising up lazy people.” Documents state that the “strict military-style management” of the vocational training process “strengthens [the Tibetans’] weak work discipline” and reforms their “backward thinking.” Tibetans are to be transformed from “[being] unwilling to move” to becoming willing to participate, a process that requires “diluting the negative influence of religion.” This is aided by a worrisome new scheme that “encourages” Tibetans to hand over their land and herds to government-run cooperatives, turning them into wage laborers.

    An order-oriented, batch-style matching and training mechanism trains laborers based on company needs. Training, matching and delivery of workers to their work destination takes place in a centralized fashion. Recruitments rely, among other things, on village-based work teams, an intrusive social control mechanism pioneered in the TAR by Chen Quanguo (陈全国), and later used in Xinjiang to identify Uyghurs who should be sent to internment camps (China Brief, September 21, 2017). Key policy documents state that cadres who fail to achieve the mandated quotas are subject to “strict rewards and punishments” (严格奖惩措施, yange jiangcheng cuoshi). The goal of the scheme is to achieve Xi Jinping’s signature goal of eradicating absolute poverty by increasing rural disposable incomes. This means that Tibetan nomads and farmers must change their livelihoods so that they earn a measurable cash income, and can therefore be declared “poverty-free.”

    This draconian scheme shows a disturbing number of close similarities to the system of coercive vocational training and labor transfer established in Xinjiang. The fact that Tibet and Xinjiang share many of the same social control and securitization mechanisms—in each case introduced under administrations directed by Chen Quanguo—renders the adaptation of one region’s scheme to the other particularly straightforward.

    Historical Context

    As early as 2005, the TAR had a small-scale rural surplus labor training and employment initiative for pastoralists and farmers in Lhasa (Sina, May 13, 2005). The 11th Five-Year Plan (2006-2010) then specified that this type of training and labor transfer was to be conducted throughout the TAR (PRC Government, February 8, 2006). From 2012, the Chamdo region initiated a “military-style training for surplus labor force transfer for pastoral and agricultural regions” (农牧区富余劳动力转移就业军旅式培训, nongmuqu fuyu laodongli zhuanyi jiuye junlüshi peixun) (Tibet’s Chamdo, October 8, 2014). Chamdo’s scheme was formally established in the region’s 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020), with the goal of training 65,000 laborers (including urban unemployed persons) during that time (Chamdo Government, December 29, 2015).

    By 2016, Chamdo had established 45 related vocational training bases (TAR Government, November 17, 2016). Starting in 2016, the TAR’s Shannan region likewise implemented vocational training with “semi-military-style management” (半军事化管理, ban junshihua guanli) (Tibet Shannan Net, April 5, 2017). Several different sources indicate that Chamdo’s military-style training management was conducted by People’s Armed Police drill sergeants.[1]

    Policies of the 2019-2020 Militarized Vocational Training and Labor Transfer Action Plan

    In March 2019, the TAR issued the 2019-2020 Farmer and Pastoralist Training and Labor Transfer Action Plan (西藏自治区2019-2020年农牧民培训和转移就业行动方案, Xizang Zizhiqu 2019-2020 Nian Nongmumin Peixun he Zhuanyi Jiuye Xingdong Fang’an) which mandates the “vigorous promotion of military-style…[vocational] training,” adopting the model pioneered in Chamdo and mandating it throughout the region. [2] The vocational training process must include “work discipline, Chinese language and work ethics,” aiming to “enhance laborers’ sense of discipline to comply with national laws and regulations and work unit rules and regulations.”

    Surplus labor training is to follow the “order-oriented” (订单定向式, dingdan dingxiangshi) or “need-driven” (以需定培, yi xu dingpei) method, [3] whereby the job is arranged first, and the training is based on the pre-arranged job placement. In 2020, at least 40 percent of job placements were to follow this method, with this share mandated to exceed 60 percent by the year 2024 (see [2], also below). Companies that employ a minimum number of laborers can obtain financial rewards of up to 500,000 renminbi ($73,900 U.S. dollars). Local labor brokers receive 300 ($44) or 500 ($74) renminbi per arranged labor transfer, depending whether it is within the TAR or without. [4] Detailed quotas not only mandate how many surplus laborers each county must train, but also how many are to be trained in each vocational specialty (Ngari Government, July 31, 2019).

    The similarities to Xinjiang’s coercive training scheme are abundant: both schemes have the same target group (“rural surplus laborers”—农牧区富余劳动者, nongmuqu fuyu laodongzhe); a high-powered focus on mobilizing a “reticent” minority group to change their traditional livelihood mode; employ military drill and military-style training management to produce discipline and obedience; emphasize the need to “transform” laborers’ thinking and identity, and to reform their “backwardness;” teach law and Chinese; aim to weaken the perceived negative influence of religion; prescribe detailed quotas; and put great pressure on officials to achieve program goals. [5]

    Labor Transfers to Other Provinces in 2020

    In 2020, the TAR introduced a related region-wide labor transfer policy that established mechanisms and target quotas for the transfer of trained rural surplus laborers both within (55,000) and without (5,000) the TAR (TAR Human Resources Department, July 17). The terminology is akin to that used in relation to Xinjiang’s labor transfers, employing phrases such as: “supra-regional employment transfer” (跨区域转移就业, kuaquyu zhuanyi jiuye) and “labor export” (劳务输出, laowu shuchu). Both the 2019-2020 Training and Labor Transfer Action Plan and the TAR’s 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020) only mention transfers outside the TAR in passing, without outlining a detailed related policy or the use of terminology akin to that found in related documents from Xinjiang. [6]

    In the first 7 months of 2020, the TAR trained 543,000 rural surplus laborers, accomplishing 90.5% of its annual goal by July. Of these, 49,900 were transferred to other parts of the TAR, and 3,109 to other parts of China (TAR Government, August 12). Each region is assigned a transfer quota. By the end of 2020, this transfer scheme must cover the entire TAR.

    Specific examples of such labor transfers identified by the author to other regions within the TAR include job placements in road construction, cleaning, mining, cooking and driving. [7] Transfers to labor placements outside the TAR include employment at the COFCO Group, China’s largest state-owned food-processing company (Hebei News, September 18, 2020).

    The central terminology employed for the labor transfer process is identical with language used in Xinjiang: “unified matching, unified organizing, unified management, unified sending off” (统一对接、统一组织、统一管理、统一输送 / tongyi duijie, tongyi zuzhi, tongyi guanli, tongyi shusong). [8] Workers are transferred to their destination in a centralized, “group-style” (组团式, zutuanshi), “point-to-point” (点对点, dianduidian) fashion. The policy document sets group sizes at 30 persons, divided into subgroups of 10, both to be headed by (sub-)group leaders (TAR Human Resources Department, July 17). In one instance, this transport method was described as “nanny-style point-to-point service” (“点对点”“保姆式”服务 / “dianduidian” “baomu shi” fuwu) (Chinatibet.net, June 21). As in Xinjiang, these labor transfers to other provinces are arranged and supported through the Mutual Pairing Assistance [or “assist Tibet” (援藏, Yuan Zang)] mechanism, albeit not exclusively. [9] The transferred laborers’ “left-behind” children, wives and elderly family members are to receive the state’s “loving care.” [10]

    Again, the similarities to Xinjiang’s inter-provincial transfer scheme are significant: unified processing, batch-style transfers, strong government involvement, financial incentives for middlemen and for participating companies, and state-mandated quotas. However, for the TAR’s labor transfer scheme, there is so far no evidence of accompanying cadres or security personnel, of cadres stationed in factories, or of workers being kept in closed, securitized environments at their final work destination. It is possible that the transfer of Tibetan laborers is not as securitized as that of Uyghur workers. There is also currently no evidence of TAR labor training and transfer schemes being linked to extrajudicial internment. The full range of TAR vocational training and job assignment mechanisms can take various forms and has a range of focus groups; not all of them involve centralized transfers or the military-style training and transfer of nomads and farmers.

    The Coercive Nature of the Labor Training and Transfer System

    Even so, there are clear elements of coercion during recruitment, training and job matching, as well as a centralized and strongly state-administered and supervised transfer process. While some documents assert that the scheme is predicated on voluntary participation, the overall evidence indicates the systemic presence of numerous coercive elements.

    As in Xinjiang, TAR government documents make it clear that poverty alleviation is a “battlefield,” with such work to be organized under a military-like “command” structure (脱贫攻坚指挥部, tuopin gongjian zhihuibu) (TAR Government, October 29, 2019; Xinhua, October 7, 2018). In mid-2019, the battle against poverty in the TAR was said to have “entered the decisive phase,” given the goal to eradicate absolute poverty by the end of 2020 (Tibet.cn, June 11, 2019). Since poverty is measured by income levels, and labor transfer is the primary means to increase incomes—and hence to “lift” people out of poverty—the pressure for local governments to round up poor populations and feed them into the scheme is extremely high.

    The Training and Labor Transfer Action Plan cited above establishes strict administrative procedures, and mandates the establishment of dedicated work groups as well as the involvement of top leadership cadres, to “ensure that the target tasks are completed on schedule” (see [2]). Each administrative level is to pass on the “pressure [to achieve the targets] to the next [lower] level.” Local government units are to “establish a task progress list [and] those who lag behind their work schedule… are to be reported and to be held accountable according to regulations.” The version adopted by the region governed under Shannan City is even more draconian: training and labor transfer achievements are directly weighed in cadres’ annual assessment scores, complemented by a system of “strict rewards and punishments.” [11] Specific threats of “strict rewards and punishments” in relation to achieving labor training and transfer targets are also found elsewhere, such as in official reports from the region governed under Ngari City, which mandate “weekly, monthly and quarterly” reporting mechanisms (TAR Government, December 18, 2018).

    As with the Uyghurs in Xinjiang, overcoming Tibetans’ resistance to labor transfer is an integral part of the entire mechanism. Documents state that the “strict military-style management” of the vocational training process causes the “masses to comply with discipline,” “continuously strengthens their patriotic awareness,” and reforms their “backward thinking.” [12] This may also involve the presence of local cadres to “make the training discipline stricter.” [13]

    Because the military-style vocational training process produces discipline and transforms “backward employment views,” it is said to “promote labor transfer.” [14] Rural laborers are to be transformed from “[being] unwilling to move” to becoming willing to participate, a process that requires “diluting the negative influence of religion,” which is said to induce passivity (TAR Commerce Department, June 10). The poverty alleviation and training process is therefore coupled with an all-out propaganda effort that aims to use “thought education” to “educate and guide the unemployed to change their closed, conservative and traditional employment mindset” (Tibet’s Chamdo, July 8, 2016). [15] One document notes that the poverty alleviation and labor transfer process is part of an effort to “stop raising up lazy people” (TAR Government, December 18, 2018).

    A 2018 account from Chamdo of post-training follow-up shows the tight procedures employed by the authorities:

    Strictly follow up and ask for effectiveness. Before the end of each training course, trainees are required to fill in the “Employment Willingness Questionnaire.” Establish a database…to grasp the employment…status of trainees after the training. For those who cannot be employed in time after training, follow up and visit regularly, and actively recommend employment…. [16]

    These “strict” follow-up procedures are increasingly unnecessary, because the mandated “order-oriented” process means that locals are matched with future jobs prior to the training.

    “Grid Management” and the “Double-Linked Household” System

    Coercive elements play an important role during the recruitment process. Village-based work teams, an intrusive social control mechanism pioneered by Chen Quanguo, go from door to door to “help transform the thinking and views of poor households.” [17] The descriptions of these processes, and the extensive government resources invested to ensure their operation, overlap to a high degree with those that are commonly practiced in Xinjiang (The China Quarterly, July 12, 2019). As is the case in Xinjiang, poverty-alleviation work in the TAR is tightly linked to social control mechanisms and key aspects of the security apparatus. To quote one government document, “By combining grid management and the ‘double-linked household’ management model, [we must] organize, educate, and guide the people to participate and to support the fine-grained poverty alleviation … work.” [18]

    Grid management (网格化管理, wanggehua guanli) is a highly intrusive social control mechanism, through which neighborhoods and communities are subdivided into smaller units of surveillance and control. Besides dedicated administrative and security staff, this turns substantial numbers of locals into “volunteers,” enhancing the surveillance powers of the state. [19] Grid management later became the backbone of social control and surveillance in Xinjiang. For poverty alleviation, it involves detailed databases that list every single person “in poverty,” along with indicators and countermeasures, and may include a “combat visualization” (图表化作战, tubiaohua zuozhan) feature whereby progress in the “war on poverty” is visualized through maps and charts (TAR Government, November 10, 2016). Purang County in Ngari spent 1.58 million renminbi ($233,588 dollars) on a “Smart Poverty Alleviation Big Data Management Platform,” which can display poverty alleviation progress on a large screen in real time (TAR Government, February 20, 2019).

    Similarly, the “double-linked household” (双联户, shuang lian hu) system corrals regular citizens into the state’s extensive surveillance apparatus by making sets of 10 “double-linked” households report on each other. Between 2012 and 2016, the TAR established 81,140 double-linked household entities, covering over three million residents, and therefore virtually the region’s entire population (South China Morning Post, December 12, 2016). An August 2020 article on poverty alleviation in Ngari notes that it was the head of a “double-linked” household unit who led his “entire village” to hand over their grassland and herds to a local husbandry cooperative (Hunan Government, August 20).

    Converting Property to Shares Through Government Cooperatives

    A particularly troubling aspect of the Training and Labor Transfer Action Plan is the directive to promote a “poverty alleviation industry” (扶贫产业, fupin chanye) scheme by which local nomads and farmers are asked to hand over their land and herds to large-scale, state-run cooperatives (农牧民专业合作社, nongmumin zhuanye hezuoshe). [20] In that way, “nomads become shareholders” as they convert their usage rights into shares. This scheme, which harks back to the forced collectivization era of the 1950s, increases the disposable incomes of nomads and farmers through share dividends and by turning them into wage laborers. They are then either employed by these cooperatives or are now “free” to participate in the wider labor transfer scheme. [21] In Nagqu, this is referred to as the “one township one cooperative, one village one cooperative ” (“一乡一社”“一村一合” / “yixiang yishe” “yicun yihe”) scheme, indicating its universal coverage. [22] One account describes the land transfer as prodding Tibetans to “put down the whip, walk out of the pasture, and enter the [labor] market” (People.cn, July 27, 2020).

    Clearly, such a radical transformation of traditional livelihoods is not achieved without overcoming local resistance. A government report from Shuanghu County (Nagqu) in July 2020 notes that:

    In the early stages, … most herders were not enthusiastic about participating. [Then], the county government…organized…county-level cadres to deeply penetrate township and village households, convening village meetings to mobilize people, insisted on transforming the [prevailing attitude of] “I am wanted to get rid of poverty” to “I want to get rid of poverty” as the starting point for the formation of a cooperative… [and] comprehensively promoted the policy… Presently… the participation rate of registered poor herders is at 100 percent, [that] of other herders at 97 percent. [23]

    Importantly, the phrase “transforming [attitudes of] ‘I am wanted to get rid of poverty’ to ‘I want to get rid of poverty’” is found in this exact form in accounts of poverty alleviation through labor transfer in Xinjiang. [24]

    Given that this scheme severs the long-standing connection between Tibetans and their traditional livelihood bases, its explicit inclusion in the militarized vocational training and labor transfer policy context is of great concern.

    Militarized Vocational Training: Examining a Training Base in Chamdo

    The Chamdo Golden Sunshine Vocational Training School (昌都市金色阳光职业培训学校, Changdushi Jinse Yangguang Zhiye Peixun Xuexiao) operates a vocational training base within Chamdo’s Vocational and Technical School, located in Eluo Town, Karuo District. The facility conducts “military-style training” (军旅式培训, junlüshi peixun) of rural surplus laborers for the purpose of achieving labor transfer; photos of the complex show a rudimentary facility with rural Tibetan trainees of various ages, mostly dressed in military fatigues. [25]

    Satellite imagery (see accompanying images) shows that after a smaller initial setup in 2016, [26] the facility was expanded in the year 2018 to its current state. [27] The compound is fully enclosed, surrounded by a tall perimeter wall and fence, and bisected by a tall internal wire mesh fence that separates the three main northern buildings from the three main southern ones (building numbers 4 and 5 and parts of the surrounding wall are shown in the accompanying Figure 4). The internal fence might be used to separate dormitories from teaching and administrative buildings. Independent experts in satellite analysis contacted by the author estimated the height of the internal fence at approximately 3 meters. The neighboring vocational school does not feature any such security measures.


    In both Xinjiang and Tibet, state-mandated poverty alleviation consists of a top-down scheme that extends the government’s social control deep into family units. The state’s preferred method to increase the disposable incomes of rural surplus laborers in these restive minority regions is through vocational training and labor transfer. Both regions have by now implemented a comprehensive scheme that relies heavily on centralized administrative mechanisms; quota fulfilment; job matching prior to training; and a militarized training process that involves thought transformation, patriotic and legal education, and Chinese language teaching.

    Important differences remain between Beijing’s approaches in Xinjiang and Tibet. Presently, there is no evidence that the TAR’s scheme is linked to extrajudicial internment, and aspects of its labor transfer mechanisms are potentially less coercive. However, in a system where the transition between securitization and poverty alleviation is seamless, there is no telling where coercion stops and where genuinely voluntary local agency begins. While some Tibetans may voluntarily participate in some or all aspects of the scheme, and while their incomes may indeed increase as a result, the systemic presence of clear indicators of coercion and indoctrination, coupled with profound and potentially permanent change in modes of livelihood, is highly problematic. In the context of Beijing’s increasingly assimilatory ethnic minority policy, it is likely that these policies will promote a long-term loss of linguistic, cultural and spiritual heritage.

    Adrian Zenz is a Senior Fellow in China Studies at the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, Washington, D.C. (non-resident), and supervises PhD students at the European School of Culture and Theology, Korntal, Germany. His research focus is on China’s ethnic policy, public recruitment in Tibet and Xinjiang, Beijing’s internment campaign in Xinjiang, and China’s domestic security budgets. Dr. Zenz is the author of Tibetanness under Threat and co-editor of Mapping Amdo: Dynamics of Change. He has played a leading role in the analysis of leaked Chinese government documents, to include the “China Cables” and the “Karakax List.” Dr. Zenz is an advisor to the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, and a frequent contributor to the international media.


    [1] See for example https://archive.is/wip/4ItV6 or http://archive.is/RVJRK. State media articles from September 2020 indicate that this type of training is ongoing https://archive.is/e1XqL.

    [2] Chinese: 大力推广军旅式…培训 (dali tuiguang junlüshi…peixun). See https://bit.ly/3mmiQk7 (pp.12-17). See local implementation documents of this directive from Shannan City (https://bit.ly/32uVlO5, pp.15-24), Xigatse (https://archive.is/7oJ7p) and Ngari (https://archive.is/wip/R3Mpw).

    [3] See also https://archive.is/wip/eQMGa.

    [4] Provided that the person was employed for at least 6 months in a given year. Source: https://archive.is/KE1Vd.

    [5] See the author’s main work on this in section 6 of: “Beyond the Camps: Beijing’s Long-Term Scheme of Coercive Labor, Poverty Alleviation and Social Control in Xinjiang,” Journal of Political Risk (Vol. 7, No. 12), December 2019. https://www.jpolrisk.com/beyond-the-camps-beijings-long-term-scheme-of-coercive-labor-poverty-allev.

    [6] See https://archive.is/wip/Dyapm.

    [7] See https://archive.is/wip/XiZfl, https://archive.is/RdnvS, https://archive.is/w1kfx, https://archive.is/wip/NehA6, https://archive.is/wip/KMaUo, https://archive.is/wip/XiZfl, https://archive.is/RdnvS, https://archive.is/w1kfx.

    [8] See https://archive.is/KE1Vd and https://archive.is/wip/8afPF.

    [9] See https://archive.is/KE1Vd and https://archive.is/wip/8afPF.

    [10] See https://archive.is/KE1Vd.

    [11] See https://bit.ly/32uVlO5, p.24.

    [12] See https://archive.is/wip/fN9hz and https://archive.is/NYMwi, compare https://archive.is/wip/iiF7h and http://archive.is/Nh7tT.

    [13] See https://archive.is/wip/kQVnX. A state media account of Tibetan waiters at a tourism-oriented restaurant in Xiexong Township (Chamdo) notes that these are all from “poverty-alleviation households,” and have all gone through “centralized, military-style training.” Consequently, per this account, they have developed a “service attitude of being willing to suffer [or: work hard]”, as is evident from their “vigorous pace and their [constant] shuttling back and forth” as they serve their customers. https://archive.is/wip/Nfxnx (account from 2016); compare https://archive.is/wip/dTLku.

    [14] See https://archive.is/wip/faIeL and https://archive.is/wip/18CXh.

    [15] See https://archive.is/iiF7h.

    [16] See https://archive.is/wip/ETmNe

    [17] See https://archive.is/wip/iEV7P, see also e.g. https://archive.is/wip/1p6lV.

    [18] See https://archive.is/e45fJ.

    [19] See https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/china-quarterly/article/securitizing-xinjiang-police-recruitment-informal-policing-and-ethnic-minority-cooptation/FEEC613414AA33A0353949F9B791E733 and https://www.hrw.org/news/2013/03/20/china-alarming-new-surveillance-security-tibet.

    [20] E.g. https://archive.is/R3Mpw. This scheme was also mentioned in the TAR’s 13th 5-Year-Plan (2016-2020) (https://archive.is/wip/S3buo). See also similar accounts, e.g. https://archive.is/IJUyl.

    [21] Note e.g. the sequence of the description of these cooperatives followed by an account of labor transfer (https://archive.is/gIw3f).

    [22] See https://archive.is/wip/gIw3f or https://archive.is/wip/z5Tor or https://archive.is/wip/PR7lh.

    [23] See https://archive.is/wip/85zXB.

    [24] See the author’s related work on this in section 2.2 of: “Beyond the Camps: Beijing’s Long-Term Scheme of Coercive Labor, Poverty Alleviation and Social Control in Xinjiang,” Journal of Political Risk (Vol. 7, No. 12), December 2019. https://www.jpolrisk.com/beyond-the-camps-beijings-long-term-scheme-of-coercive-labor-poverty-allev.

    [25] Located as part of the 昌都市卡若区俄洛镇昌都市职业技术学校 campus. See https://bit.ly/2Rr6Ekc; compare https://archive.is/wip/uUTCp and https://archive.is/wip/lKnbe.

    [26] See https://archive.is/wip/WZsvQ.

    [27] Coordinates: 31.187035, 97.091817. Website: https://bit.ly/2Rr6Ekc. The timeframe for construction is indicated by historical satellite imagery and by the year 2018 featured on a red banner on the bottom-most photo of the website.


    #Chine #transfert_de_population #déplacement #rural_surplus_laborers #formaation_professionnelle #armée #travail #agriculture #discipline #discipline_de_travail #Chamdo #préjugés #terres #salariés #travailleurs_salariés #Chen_Quanguo #Xinjiang #Oïghours #camps #pauvreté #contrôle_social #pastoralisme #Farmer_and_Pastoralist_Training_and_Labor_Transfer_Action_Plan #minorités #obédience #discipline #identité #langue #religion #COFCO_Group #mots #terminologie #vocabulaire #Mutual_Pairing_Assistance #pauvreté #Shannan_City #Ngari_City #surveillance #poverty_alleviation #coopératives #salaire #Nagqu #Chamdo_Golden_Sunshine_Vocational_Training_School #Eluo_Town

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    Résultat : retour de balancier de l’assurance perte de gain (APG) en cas de maladie. L’entreprise a vu la totalité de ses primes augmenter de 50% en ce début d’année, raconte son administrateur Renaud Langel.
    « Cette accumulation de cas fait que nous devenons une société entre guillemets à risque. Puis finalement, les primes augmentent de manière assez exorbitante », déplore-t-il.

    « Pas de distinction »
    Le patron genevois paie déjà des primes plus élevées pour les femmes qu’il engage (comparé aux hommes). Il découvre désormais cette nouvelle « sanction », comme il le dit.

    C’est un frein supplémentaire à l’embauche des femmes, dénonce-t-il, alors qu’il milite pour plus d’égalité dans le monde du travail. Les assureurs ne font pas de distinction entre les types d’arrêts. Ils ne regardent que le ratio des sinistres, mais ne tiennent pas compte des diagnostics.

    « C’est ça que je trouvais choquant : il n’y a pas de distinction entre une vraie maladie et une grossesse. Quand on parle de grossesse, ce ne sont pas des problèmes récurrents liés à une mauvaise gestion ou à une activité à risque », explique Renaud Langel.

    Négocier avec les assureurs
    Contactés par la RTS, les assureurs renvoient la balle aux politiques. Finalement, c’est le législateur, en Suisse, qui n’a pas voulu d’assurance sociale (d’allocation de maternité) avant la naissance de l’enfant. Contrairement à nos pays voisins.

    Pourtant, la majorité des femmes s’arrêtent avant le terme. Plus de 80% des femmes s’absentent avant leur accouchement et cette absence dure en moyenne six semaines, selon les autorités fédérales.
    . . . . . .

    #Femmes #sexisme #discrimination #assurances #Sécurité_Sociale #Mutuelles #travail #Santé #inégalités

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  • Former MP, investors evict thousands in Kiryandongo

    Former Kiryandongo district Member of Parliament (MP), Baitera Maiteki, an American and an Indian investor have been accused of evicting thousands of people in the western districts of Kiryandongo and Masindi.

    The evicted people were living in the gazetted government ranches in Mutunda and Kiryandongo sub-counties along the River Nile. Kiryandongo Sugar, allegedly owned by some Indians, Agilis, owned by an American called Philip Investor, and Sole Agro Business Company, also owned by Indians, have been named in the evictions.

    Agilis is said to have bought ranches 21-22, from SODARI, an agricultural farm that collapsed. SODARI got a lease from government, which ends in 2025. However, it was revealed to the Land Commission of Inquiry that Agilis, bought land that was leased, yet legally, no one is supposed to buy leased land.

    Agro Business was reportedly given about 60 hectares and displaced all people in the area. Kiryandongo Sugar also forcefully evicted people in the area and ploughed all the land, denying some residents farmland and access roads.

    #Ouganda #évictions_forcées #terres

  • Samedi 29 juin, Numéro Zéro fête ses 16 ans, 2 mois et 4 jours à Ursa Minor !

    Et oui, ça commence à faire un baille qu’une petite équipe de modération fait tourner ce site. Son but ? Maintenir un outil performant pour la communication et l’archivage des infos et histoires des luttes par celles et ceux qui les font.



    #médiaslibres #infosluttes #mutu #numérozéro

  • #Italie, anatomie d’une crise (2/5) – Potere al Popolo, du #squat aux urnes

    Depuis Naples, Filippo Ortona raconte la #Gauche de « Potere al Popolo » (pouvoir au peuple), ses modestes résultats électoraux, ses militants et ses espoirs dans ce second reportage de notre série d’avril : « Italie, anatomie d’une crise ».

    #International #communisme #italieanatomiedunecrise #Italieombresetlumieres #Lega #M5S #mutualisme

  • Paris-luttes.info, déjà 5 ans ! Et maintenant ?
    (quand l’équipe de Paris-luttes.info explique où en est le site, les choix politiques et en quoi consiste son rôle...)
    L’automne dernier, le site Paris-luttes.info (PLI) a soufflé ses 5 bougies. Le moment pour le collectif d’animation du site de tirer un bilan de ces 5 premières années et d’ouvrir quelques perspectives pour la suite du projet.

    On ne le rappellera jamais assez, Paris Luttes Info est un site coopératif, local, appartenant avant tout à ses lecteurs-rices et contributeurs-rices. En effet, contrairement à d’autres sites du paysage révolutionnaire français, il n y a pas de comité de rédaction sur Paris-Luttes.info. Le site a été conçu pour permettre la plus large expression des personnes en lutte en Ile-de-France ainsi que la diffusion des idées anticapitalistes, anti-autoritaires et révolutionnaires. Les articles publiés reflètent donc les propositions d’articles des militant.e.s locaux ou des contributeurs et contributrices ponctuel.le.s et les thématiques qui les traversent. Ces positions sont par définitions variées, parfois antagonistes.


    Ces derniers chiffres concernant la présence de PLI sur les réseaux sociaux méritent une importante précision : si cette présence permet d’augmenter l’audience du site, le projet de Paris-luttes est en revanche à l’exact opposé d’une simple page ou compte twitter militant.
    Le site est en effet hébergé sur un serveur autonome permettant de relativement bien préserver l’anonymat des personnes venant publier. Aucune donnée personnelle n’est demandée ni conservée, encore moins monétisée. Au sein du réseau Mutu, l’infrastructure technique tout comme l’animation des sites repose uniquement sur l’action militante.
    Si jamais facebook pour une raison ou pour une autre venait à supprimer notre page, le site continuerait toujours d’exister, les articles resteraient en ligne et les contributeurs-rices pourraient toujours venir publier.

    #medialibre #medias_libres #automedia #Mutu #moderation #administration #gestion

    • Sur le sujet de la #modération / #administration et politique de #gestion aussi, ce billet de Olivier Ertzscheid : Le professeur et le processeur. La modération est une ponctuation.

      Une enquête édifiante de The Verge vient une nouvelle fois pointer les conditions de travail d’extrême violence psychologique de ces modérateurs qui bossent (notamment) pour Facebook sur le territoire américain. Elle s’ajoute aux travaux universitaires dénonçant l’exploitation des travailleurs du clic qu’ils soient ou non liés à des questions de modération (dont ceux pionniers d’Antonio Casilli), ainsi qu’au documentaire là encore édifiant sur les conditions de travail de modérateurs aux Philippines : « The Cleaners ».

      Dans le Financial Times on apprend que #Facebook rejoint #Amazon et #Google dans un programme ayant pour vocation de doper encore davantage la capacité des processeurs informatiques associés à de l’intelligence artificielle, notamment pour répondre aux immenses ressources que nécessite la modération en temps-réel de contenus vidéos.

      #GAFA #GAFAM

  • #Gilets_jaunes blessés à Toulouse : pourquoi les #assurances et #mutuelles refusent de #rembourser leurs #frais de #santé - 25/02/2019 - ladepeche.fr

    « On m’a expliqué que je n’y aurais pas droit car je participais à une manifestation non déclarée », s’étonne encore ce Gilet jaune blessé le 19 janvier. Ce jour-là, alors que ce serveur de 39 ans rentre du travail et rejoint la manifestation nocturne, il explique « avoir été #matraqué, #tabassé au sol puis gazé par les forces de l’ordre’ », place de l’Occitane. Yann a la mâchoire fracturée, onze dents cassées et plusieurs contusions. Un médecin légiste lui prescrit 15 jours d’ITT."

    • #cagnotte (P... de merde ! On vit une époque formidable paske d’après cet article, les assurances anticipent les lois liberticides :

      De leurs côtés, les assurances et les complémentaires santé font valoir la notion d’illégalité.

      Manifestants de tous les pays, il vous est désormais interdit de vous révolter.
      (Mais perso, je crois que lorsqu’on n’a pas le « droit », il faut prendre le « gauche » ...)