• #démocratie_fissurée : chroniques d’un mauvais élève de la République (1)

    Le projet n’a rien d’ambitieux, mais il m’amuse : raconter, sur une période de 30 ans, la disparition progressive de tous les idéaux politiques français (et autres…) doublé de l’écroulement de la démocratie. Cet exercice, ô combien subjectif, passe par le filtre des rencontres, expériences, voire « aventures » d’un informaticien, musicien et écrivain devenu journaliste, qui […]

    #France #Politique #Société #Tribunes #CAC_40 #changements_de_société #coluche #desproges #histoire_contemporaine #Kurt_Cobain #Narrative_non-fiction #Nirvana

  • Guccifer 2.0 DNC’s servers hacked by a lone hacker – GUCCIFER 2.0

    Worldwide known cyber security company CrowdStrike announced that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) servers had been hacked by “sophisticated” hacker groups.

    I’m very pleased the company appreciated my skills so highly))) But in fact, it was easy, very easy.

    Guccifer may have been the first one who penetrated Hillary Clinton’s and other Democrats’ mail servers. But he certainly wasn’t the last. No wonder any other hacker could easily get access to the DNC’s servers.

    Shame on CrowdStrike: Do you think I’ve been in the DNC’s networks for almost a year and saved only 2 documents? Do you really believe it?

    Here are just a few docs from many thousands I extracted when hacking into DNC’s network.

    #trump #Democratic_Party #narrative #clinton

  • The Soft Bigotry Of The American Left When It Comes To The Middle East

    ("Left" Il faut très vite le dire, et « soft » est un doux euphémisme)

    Sur le tribalisme et l’"éternel" conflit sunnite/chiite comme grille de lecture de la « gauche » étasunienne des malheurs du Moyen-Orient et sur le fait que sans les tares en question les « interventions » des Obama auraient depuis très longtemps transformé la région en paradis sur terre (les histoires sanglantes du Vietnam et de l’Amerique latine, pour ne citer que celles-ci, n’étant probablement que des incidents de parcours tellement insignifiants qu’elles n’ont aucune valeur d’exemple.)

    #farce #narrative #Etats-Unis

  • In Africa, there should be djembe drums

    For the last three months, we have been working on the #Sound_design of my first feature-length documentary, Taking Stock, a #Film about my father and our third-generation family business in Benoni, a city to the east of Johannesburg. I brought a crew of close friends I had met at film school in the USA […]

    #CULTURE #narrative #representation #South_Africa

  • Au rayon #narrative_à_trous : quand l’avion russe s’était écrasé en Égypte le 31 octobre dernier, une belle unanimité médiatique se gaussait du fait que le régime égyptien s’était longtemps refusé à évoquer la piste terroriste. Typiquement le genre de polémique taillée pour l’internet, dans laquelle on prétend juger une dictature selon les critères de communication d’une démocratie libérale.

    Hier, dès le premier jour, on nous a annoncé que « l’Égypte privilégie la piste terroriste », alors que les médias internationaux sont, eux, beaucoup plus prudents :
    Ah bon.

    Alors c’est quoi, le « rational » derrière cette incohérence ?

  • Tangled Threads of US False #Narratives
    November 19, 2015
    By Robert Parry

    One way to view Official Washington is to envision a giant bubble that serves as a hothouse for growing genetically modified “group thinks.” Most inhabitants of the bubble praise these creations as glorious and beyond reproach, but a few dissenters note how strange and dangerous these products are. Those critics, however, are then banished from the bubble, leaving behind an evermore concentrated consensus.

    This process could be almost comical – as the many armchair warriors repeat What Everyone Knows to Be True as self-justifying proof that more and more wars and confrontations are needed – but the United States is the most powerful nation on earth and its fallacious “group thinks” are spreading a widening arc of #chaos and death around the globe.

    #Etats-Unis #assassins #mort #malheur #désolation

  • The Power of False #Narrative

    ... it turned out that the most effective part of this propaganda strategy was to glue black hats on adversaries. Since nearly all foreign leaders have serious flaws, it proved much easier to demonize them – and work the American people into war frenzies – than it was to persuade the public that Washington’s favored foreign leaders were actually paragons of virtue.


  • 34 fois où vous avez voulu être pote avec le casting de Game Of Thrones

    Ahah les commentaires-titres de buzzfeed sont tellement pourraves que rapidement je lisais plus que ça ...

    1. Les stars de Game of Thrones ne sont pas seulement de simples collègues qui passent leur temps à essayer de s’entretuer à l’écran.
    2. Ils sont aussi meilleurs amis à la ville.
    3. Et ils ne manquent jamais une occasion de nous le rappeler.
    4. Lorsqu’ils font la fête ensemble à Londres…
    5. Ou vont à la plage…
    6. Ils sont tout le temps fourrés ensemble.
    7. Que ce soit pour visiter une attraction touristique.
    8. Ou prendre un verre au pub.
    9. Ils sont toujours là les uns pour les autres.
    10. Quoi qu’il arrive.
    11. Ils ne ratent pas une occasion de déconner.
    12. Ou de mordre les chapeaux des autres.
    13. Leur amitié nous rend tous jaloux.
    14. À chaque nouvelle photo de groupe.
    15. Comme s’ils n’étaient qu’une seule et même famille.
    16. Ils vont à des matchs de basket ensemble.
    17. Et à des concerts.
    18. Ils volent les portables des autres pour les inonder de selfies.
    19. Et vont partout ensemble.
    20. Leur amitié a l’air sans failles.
    21. Même pendant les tournages.
    22. Ils s’entraident.
    23. Et se font tout le temps des blagues.
    24. Parce qu’ils partagent un lien unique.
    25. Et qu’on aimerait vraiment faire partie de leur groupe.
    26. Que ce soit lors des conférences de presse.
    27. Ou pendant leurs voyages.
    28. Hors-écran, il n’y a aucune rivalité.
    29. Juste une amitié parfaite.
    30. Qui nous rend complètement jaloux.
    31. Sérieusement.
    32. Tant d’amour.
    33. <3
    34. Ne changez rien.

    #lol #narrative #propagande #jalousie (apparemment)

    (si tu te demandes ce que je fais sur buzzfeed, tu te poses trop de questions)

  • Politique, revue de débats - Jean Baubérot, la laïcité au pluriel

    Baubérot prend le discours « laïque-républicain » à rebours : le besoin de réassurance, d’un monde plus lisible, plus prévisible, et donc plus conservateur, n’est pas seulement l’apanage d’une partie des musulmans de France. Il est aussi, et même sans doute, d’abord, au cœur de l’anti-islamisme laïque. Dans un rapport d’enquête de L’international Crisis Group, organisation euro-américaine de repérage des menaces stratégiques [4], fort peu suspecte de sympathie « islamophile », cette inversion ironique est explicitement notée : « Les musulmans de France s’avèrent finalement bien plus individualistes que prévu. À l’inverse, il y a bien un communautarisme républicain qui s’inscrit dans la tradition française de ghettoïsation sociale et d’instrumentalisation clientéliste des élites religieuses » (L’intégrisme républicain…, p. 86).

    #laicité #france #recension #Jean_Baubérot #Islam #narrative

  • Nadim Khoury – Receding chronology, fragmented narratives | Society and Space - Environment and Planning D

    With the latest war on #Gaza, it is not only Palestinian geography, but Palestinian chronology that has receded. It is a whole history of dispossession that was divided into shorter and separate narratives. Listen to the Israeli justifications of the war on Gaza and pay attention to their storyline.


    With every argument, with every press conference, history becomes narrower, and as it shrinks, so does the framework of argumentation. Experts and commentators engage in detailed conversations about who violated what and when. Conversations hone in on the election of a “terrorist group” and specific ceasefires. As we sink into details, we lose sight of the larger history of Palestinian dispossession and the colonial policy that is at its root.

    This “shrinking of history” is not new. With the initiation of the peace process in the 1990s, history suddenly contracted back to the 1967 war. The Israeli historian Ilan Pappe recognized this when he noted that the Israeli Left, which signed the Oslo Accords, “accepts criticism of post-1967 Israel,” but “the period 1882-67 is off limits.” By deciding to begin the conversation with the 1967 war, a specific diagnosis of the Palestinian predicament becomes readily available: the problem, it seems, is one nation-state illegally occupying the land of a stateless nation. Within this framework, discussions revolving around 1948, the creation of Israel, and the plight of 750 000 refugees remain “off-limits.”

    Notice how this fragmentation of history mirrors the division of a people. Start in 1967, and you separate Palestinians in the occupied territories from those currently under Israeli sovereignty. Begin with Hamas’ democratic election in 2006 and you separate Gaza from the West Bank. Consequently, and most disconcerting, the issues of Gaza, the West Bank, and 1948 Palestinians become disentangled.

    Within diplomatic circles, they branch out into different negotiation processes, each requiring its own conditions and terms of references. We get lost in details and micromanagement, while Zionist expansion grows and grows. This is perhaps what is meant by “facts on the ground”: new facts erase old ones, middles become beginnings, and origins are progressively forgotten. We no longer determine the master narrative; instead, we are slaves to its plot. We lost our right to narrate, so we fight to become characters in a play.

    For Palestinians, however, these “separate” histories are one. The war on Gaza is a war on its people, an affront to its demands for rights and dignity. It is a war whose logic is at the heart of Zionism—especially in its revisionist version—rather than accidental to it. It is a repeat of the Gaza massacres of 1955, and it is directly linked to the massacre of Deir Yassin in 1948. Solidarity with Palestinian self-determination means that we should reclaim this history. As we reach back, we also reach deeper into the roots of the problem and reclaim new interpretative frameworks: settler colonialism, ethnic cleansing, and imperialism. Armed wih these interpretative tools, we reconnect the dots. The discrimination against “Arab Israelis” is no longer separate from the silent transfer of East Jerusalem, nor is it any different from the colonization of the West Bank, the plight of the 1948 refugees, or the destruction of Gaza. These are one and the same. Separating is the problem, uniting, the solution.

    #narrative #récit #rétrécissement #chronologie #révisionnisme #sioniste #Israël #Israel #Palestine

  • À Bruxelles, le changement, ce n’est pas pour maintenant

    cet entêtement plus que jamais idéologique, quasi religieux, n’est pas sans danger. En acceptant le débat démocratique tant qu’il demeure sous son contrôle, la Commission ruine les bases du choix et alimente les extrêmes. En imposant à des États qui ont renoncé à toute résistance une politique économique bornée et unilatérale, elle conduit la zone euro dans une situation qui pourrait rappeler le Japon des années 1990. Il y a donc urgence, si l’on veut changer l’Europe à changer la Commission. Mais cela semble une tâche bien difficile.

    #commission #europe #Austérité

  • Was the Iranian threat fabricated by #Israel and the U.S.?
    By Shemuel Meir

    A #narrative is a story that we tell ourselves, and not necessarily what happened in reality. For example, the “Iranian threat” narrative, which has become the common wisdom in Israeli public discourse. A new book by #Gareth_Porter, an American historian and researcher specializing in U.S. national security, shows how the actual state of the Iranian nuclear program does not match the Iranian threat narrative.

    The book’s title, “Manufactured Crisis: The Untold Story of the Nuclear Scare” (Just World Books), already tells us that it is going against the current. Porter appears to be the only researcher who has read with an unprejudiced eye all the reports of the International Atomic Energy Agency from the past decade. He also had access to American intelligence reports on the Iranian issue from recent decades. In addition, Porter interviewed generations of American officials and analyzed the testimony of senior officials before Congress.

    The result is a highly detailed and well-documented book for all interested in understanding how we arrived at the Iranian nuclear crisis, and the “attack scenarios,” and invented facts and intelligence reports whose purpose was to support the preconceptions. At the same time, the book is invaluable for those wishing to understand what is being discussed in the intensive nuclear talks that have been taking place Iran and the superpowers (or, more accurately, Iran and the U.S.) since the signing of last November’s interim agreement, which surprised many Israelis.

    According to Porter, it was a hidden political #agenda of U.S. decision makers (from long before Israel entered the picture) that gave rise to the Iranian nuclear crisis. This is one of the book’s main subjects, and the starting point for a discussion with which we in Israel are unfamiliar.

    The story begins with U.S. support for the Iraqis during the 1980s Iraq-#Iran war. The critical point comes with the collapse of the Soviet empire. According to Porter, that event and the end of the Cold War pulled out the rug from under the CIA’s raison d’être. The solution the Americans found to continue providing the organization with a tremendous budget was the invention of a new threat – the merging of weapons of mass destruction (an ambiguous term in itself) and terror. Iran, which rose to the top of the list, provided the threat that “saved” the #CIA.

    The empowering of the CIA’s organizational interests was reinforced by the gallant neoconservatives, led by ideologues Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz and John Bolton, who had in the meantime reached senior positions in the government. They launched a campaign to delegitimize the Islamic Republic with the aim of toppling the regime (using the sanitized term “regime change”).

    Running through Porter’s book is the well-substantiated claim that U.S. and Israeli policies on Iran derived from their political and organizational interests, and not necessarily from careful factual analysis of the Iranian nuclear program, which was subject to IAEA monitoring, or of the intentions of the Iranian leadership.

    According to Porter, no systematic analysis was made of the goals of the Iranian nuclear program, and neither U.S. nor Israeli policy makers devoted any thought to why all of Iran’s official declarations on the subject were in line with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Furthermore, in U.S. discussions until 2007, and in Israel until today, hovering overhead is the nuclear “axiom” that Iran is dashing toward a bomb via the route of uranium-enrichment centrifuges. Porter and the IAEA found no proof of the dash to the bomb.

    Following is Haaretz’s interview with Porter, conducted via email.


    #Etats-Unis #AIEA #nucleaire

  • I am Yemeni and I refuse to be a target of #drones - Your Middle East

    Inside Out Yemen is a project that aims to use “the power of photography as a way to create an alternative space in which counter narratives can be told and shared.” One of the objectives is to show the real Yemeni citizens.


    .. the dominant #narrative of terrorism and hopelessness in #Yemen is used to start and continue wars, infringe our freedoms, obscure corruption and misrepresent reality

    #photographie #terrorisme

  • “The Snowden saga heralds a radical shift in capitalism”


    Technical infrastructure and geopolitical power; rampant consumerism and ubiquitous surveillance; the lofty rhetoric of “internet freedom” and the sober reality of the ever-increasing internet control – all these are interconnected in ways most of us would rather not acknowledge or think about. Instead, we have focused on just one element in this long chain – state spying – but have mostly ignored all others.

    But the spying debate has quickly turned narrow and unbearably technical; issues such as the soundness of US foreign policy, the ambivalent future of digital capitalism, the relocation of power from Washington and Brussels to Silicon Valley have not received due attention. But it is not just the NSA that is broken: the way we do – and pay for – our communicating today is broken as well. And it is broken for political and economic reasons, not just legal and technological ones: too many governments, strapped for cash and low on infrastructural imagination, have surrendered their communications networks to technology companies a tad too soon.

    • What eludes Mr #Snowden – along with most of his detractors and supporters – is that we might be living through a transformation in how capitalism works, with personal data emerging as an alternative payment regime. The benefits to consumers are already obvious; the potential costs to citizens are not. As markets in personal information proliferate, so do the externalities – with democracy the main victim.

      This ongoing transition from money to data is unlikely to weaken the clout of the #NSA; on the contrary, it might create more and stronger intermediaries that can indulge its data obsession. So to remain relevant and have some political teeth, the surveillance debate must be linked to debates about capitalism – or risk obscurity in the highly legalistic ghetto of the privacy debate.

      Other overlooked dimensions are as crucial. Should we not be more critical of the rationale, advanced by the NSA and other agencies, that they need this data to engage in pre-emptive problem-solving? We should not allow the falling costs of pre-emption to crowd out more systemic attempts to pinpoint the origins of the problems that we are trying to solve. Just because US intelligence agencies hope to one day rank all Yemeni kids based on their propensity to blow up aircraft does not obviate the need to address the sources of their discontent – one of which might be the excessive use of drones to target their fathers.

      Unfortunately, these issues are not on today’s agenda, in part because many of us have bought into the simplistic #narrative – convenient to both Washington and #Silicon_Valley – that we just need more laws, more tools, more transparency. What Mr Snowden has revealed is the new tension at the very foundations of modern-day capitalism and democratic life. A bit more imagination is needed to resolve it.

  • Depression Era

    The Depression Era project is a #collective of photographers, artists, researchers, writers, architects, journalists and curators formed in 2012, recording the Greek crisis through images and texts. It was originally inspired by the photographic program of the Farm Security Administration, which was designed to capture the impact of the Great Depression on the American people (1935-1944)[1].
    The Depression Era project aspires to portray a historical turning point; to reflect characteristic events and situations pertaining not only to the economic but also to the political, social, ideological, moral and aesthetic crisis: to depict the emerging #landscape of the #recession and its consequent, rapid, unraveling transformations of Greek society. It is an artistic #archive in-progress, a collective work experiment and redefines the terms and conditions of the artistic production and free expression of public discourse.
    In this complex and charged political and social context, we are compelled to take a stance. The Depression Era is not a news project, nor a photographic #documentary of #poverty – as the FSA was to a great extent - but gives to each photographer the freedom to create according to her own personal style and determine his own perspective of things so that the collective work may comprise a multifaceted image of the situation.

    The Depression Era team hosts photographers and writers with different approaches. Each is bound to undertake the examination and photographic depiction of a specific subject so as to contribute a meaningful piece to the puzzle of a collective narrative. The end result reveals and records, sheds light on and signifies a situation that concerns all of us; expresses an opinion; and discovers a new reality that trascends the self-fulfilling prophecy of the constant crisis.

    http://depression_era.prosite.com/183823/i-m-a-g-e-s #photography #Greece #depression #crisis #grece #crise #Dream #images #athens #Acharnon #Burnout #poverty #documentary @reka

  • Psychology and the Prevention of War Trauma: An Article Rejected by American Psychologist
    by Marc Pilisuk and Ines-Lena Mahr http://www.projectcensored.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Psych-Prevention-of-War-Trauma-Revised.pdf

    There is more than one #narrative that guides the services provided by psychology to the military and its soldiers. The dominant narrative is that wars happen and that a peaceful but powerful nation such as the United States responds to the aggression of other nations or groups using military force when diplomacy or other efforts at persuasion are not successful. This view presumes decisions to engage in war emanate from decisions by democratically elected officeholders to protect us. War requires a great mobilization of technology, supplies and soldiers. Soldiers are recruited for such patriotic service and undergo serious physical and mental challenges, some continuing long after the time of service. Within this framework the sacrifices are justified and the building of psychological resilience for soldiers—as described in an entire issue of the #American_Psychologist dedicated to #Comprehensive_Fitness_Training makes perfect sense. “The program’s overall goal is to increase the number of soldiers who grow through their combat experience and return home without serious mental health problems” according to Michael Matthews, a professor with the Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership at the United States Military Academy at West Point.

    There is however another narrative that casts the contributions and responsibilities of psychology to the military in a different light. In this perspective violent eruptions occur because some people are deprived or displaced and see no non-violent options to improve the quality of their lives. They see control over the resources needed to make their lives better as increasingly centered among a relatively small group of brokers of concentrated power and wealth. It is the decisions of this elite group, according to this second narrative, that necessitate violence and suggest a common root underlying war, poverty and environmental destruction. Resource depletion now causes or intensifies most overt conflicts, and serious global malnutrition affects 925 million people. Such structural violence is neither accidental nor inevitable. Rather it is, in this narrative, a natural consequence of a system inordinately influenced by a small, interconnected network of corporate, military, and government leaders with the power to instill fear, to increase their excessive fortunes, and to restrict information, particularly about their own clandestine dealings. With the predictable benefits of violence going to a small set of corporate and government officials, the recruitment and motivation of soldiers, and of the public, requires a measure of concealment or deception as to who will pay what costs and who will receive what benefits. In this view the sacrifices required from soldiers not only go well beyond what resilience training may prevent, but are not justifiable in the first place. This second narrative calls psychologists to different tasks. They are to draw attention to voices that have been excluded, to clarify the deep psychological and social consequences of the dominant narrative, and to illustrate for people who have been adversely affected, the ways to resolve conflicts without recourse to killing.

    The resilience training program flags a larger concern that the discipline of psychology needs to come to grips with the implications of its involvement in facilitating the psychological preparation for war.

    #psychologie #états-unis

  • Miscellanees.net - blog prolixe pub, marketing & conso, high tech, innovations

    Forbes.com utilise Narrative Science, un robot « journaliste » qui à partir de données économiques écrit des dépêches.

    Narrative Science, c’est donc le nom d’une start-up basée au nord de Chicago, fondée en 2010 par Larry Barnbaum et Kris Hammond, spécialistes en intelligence artificielle ET journalistes - leur double spécialité n’a absolument rien d’anodin.

    il lui faut moins de deux minutes pour produire - j’écris bien produire - un article. Sans compter bien sûr, le coût modique (10 $ les 500 mots dans les chiffres cités). Bref, les robots travaillent beaucoup plus vite, moins cher... et sans revendications, forcément.

    #journalisme #meta_writer #algorithme #datajournalisme #forbes.com #Narrative_Science #robots

  • Computer-Generated Articles Are Gaining Traction

    In five years, a computer program will win a Pulitzer Prize — and I’ll be damned if it’s not our technology.

    L’un des fondateurs de Narrative Science espère ainsi que son bébé — un générateur automatique de contenu — recevra le Prix Pulitzer dès 2017. Un article de 500 mots est généré — par ordinateur — dans l’instant de la réception des données sources, facturé $10 au client. C’est plus rapide qu’un humain, a priori, mais aussi plus cher que de l’écriture off-shore. Quant à la qualité... on verra en 2017, donc.

    Le site web de la société :

    Narrative Science

    We Turn Data Into Stories

    Narrative Science transforms data into high-quality editorial content. Our technology application generates news stories, industry reports, headlines and more — at scale and without human authoring or editing. Narratives can be created from almost any data set, be it numbers or text, structured or unstructured.

    Whether you maintain your own proprietary database, or cover subjects supported by broadly available data including public data sources, our technology cost-effectively turns facts and figures into compelling stories in real time.

    #ferme_contenu #content_farm #spam #spam_web #narrative_science #intelligence_artificielle #ia #contenu #rédactionnel #prix_pulitzer #journalisme #presse

    • C’est le problème de ce genre d’outils : ils ne font que présenter sous forme de mots des données chiffrées, ou encore reformuler ce que des humains ont écrit à la base, quitte à plagier des écrits déjà parus.

      Bref, ce n’est certainement pas avec ce type d’« intelligence artificielle » que ces gens-là vont remporter un prix de journalisme d’investigation.

      Enfin, peu importe combien il y a de PhD dans l’équipe, ça reste du spam web comme beaucoup d’autres solutions existantes par ailleurs.