Dans le même ordre d’idées, la (re)déclassification du rapport sur l’incident de Vela dont on causait hier ▻http://seenthis.net/messages/209667
Avec des incohérences dans le caviardage…
Proliferation Watch : U.S. Intelligence Assessments of Potential Nuclear Powers, 1977-2001
This release includes a heavily excised version of the Director of Central Intelligence report from December 1979 titled The 22 September 1979 Event, referring to the controversial mystery flash over the South Atlantic, which may have been a nuclear test. The massively excised version of the report published today includes previously unreleased material. However, most of the withheld information — including analysis of whether Israel, South Africa or both were behind the event — was declassified by the CIA years ago. This discrepancy is a prime example of both the enduring problem of over-classification and of the U.S. government’s great difficulty in making consistently rational declassification decisions.
The 22 September 1979 Event
Information available as of December 1979
Début de la version publiée en juin 2004 ▻http://www2.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB190/03.pdf
Version du 16 décembre 2013 (la nouvelle revue de déclassification est datée de juillet-août 2011) ▻http://www2.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/nukevault/ebb451/docs/6A.pdf