• [CultureWildStation] CULTUREWILDSTATION SHOW 06 03 2024


    NEW YOU CAN CHECK THE PREVIOUS EPISODES ON YOUTUBE : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8qKplmwkhEpjSdLMf6fX6w


    SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/5MtYbmV35pWONejmDksnB4?si=N2UkWsNxQMCv-dUaw1Y4-Q

    SOUNDCLOUD: https://on.soundcloud.com/jHMv3


  • #Linux_Mint is Building a New Desktop Chat App

    A new #IRC client (but don’t call it an IRC client) is being developed by Linux Mint. The Ubuntu-based distro currently includes Hexchat in its default software set. IRC isn’t as trendy as Discord or Telegram but it is a free, open standard that no single entity controls, is relatively low-bandwidth, interoperable, and efficient. But as I reported in February: Hexchat is no more. Hexchat quitting the chat leaves —I so badly want to type leafs there— Linux Mint with a dilemma and an opportunity. The dilemma being: “should we continue shipping an IRC client, and what role does it […] You’re reading Linux Mint is Building a New Desktop Chat App, a blog post from OMG! Ubuntu. Do not reproduce elsewhere without (...)


  • Retro #Google_Chrome Theme for Mozilla #Firefox ESR

    A new open-source nostalgia project allows you turn back time — though sadly only in web browser aesthetics. Silverfox is a custom theme for Mozilla Firefox ESR that recreates the classic look of Google Chrome. We’re talking trapezoid tabs, parallelogram new tab button, pared back speed dial, a bottom-based downloads bar, and a custom-made hamburger menu (wrench icon optional) that puts all the important features at-hand. “Browsers age, good design doesn’t”, say the creators of this effort. This theme is a real labour of love and, speaking as someone who blogged obsessively about the early days of Google Chrome/ium on […] You’re reading Retro Google Chrome Theme for Mozilla Firefox ESR, a blog post from OMG! Ubuntu. Do not reproduce elsewhere without (...)

    #News #Eye_Candy

  • Use #Varia #download_manager? Install the Official Browser Extension

    Avid users of Varia, a modern download manager for Linux desktops, may want to check out official #browser_extensions. By installing the official Varia browser extension in Google Chrome/Chromium or Mozilla Firefox you no longer have to copy and paste download links from the browser into the app: just click an icon to punt the link to the app directly, where it can then download. “When the extension is enabled, it will route all started downloads to Varia. In order to route the downloads to Varia, make sure to flip the switch in the extension, and make sure Varia is […] You’re reading Use Varia Download Manager? Install the Official Browser Extension, a blog post from OMG! Ubuntu. Do not reproduce elsewhere without (...)

    #News #libadwaita

  • Jacky and his Strangers - Jacky Spelter

    Jacky and his Strangers, eine „Kultband“ im alten Berlin
    1973 - ich war neu in Berlin. Vom „Lande“ gekommen - genauer von der Insel Sylt, bekam ich natürlich ganz schnell mit, dass das Stadtleben so manche Verlockung bot. Dazu zählte das Nachtleben; nein, nicht das Besuchen von teuren Tanztempeln, sondern das Besuchen von Musikkneipen, die der schmalen Studenten-Geldbörse schon eher angemessen waren.
    „Wo kann man denn abends mal so hingehen?“ fragte ich etwas blauäugig in die Runde. „Heute Abend - da gehst Du am besten in die Tarantel“, antwortete eine Frau, „da spielt ne echt tolle Band.“
    "Wo ist denn das?" „In Kreuzberg, fast an der Mauer, U-Bahn Schlesisches Tor und dann in der Köpeniker Straße.“
    Gegen halb neun erreichte ich das Ziel. Es war wirklich - damals - fast das Ende der (westlichen) Welt.
    Die „Tarantel“ war schnell gefunden, eine der vielen kleinen Kneipen Berlins, die mehrmals die Woche auch Live-Musik brachten. Es war noch nicht viel los. Einige - in meinen Augen - schon recht alte Herren bauten die Instrumente und die Anlage auf. An einem der Tische saß ein älterer in schwarz gekleideter Mann und spielte mit einem anderen Gast Schach. Alles machte einen ruhigen Eindruck. Und hier sollte heute noch eine tolle Band spielen? Langsam wurde ich skeptisch. Wann würden die Musiker kommen? Und wer waren die Leute, die alles aufbauten?
    Die Zeit verging. Gegen Zehn passierte dann alles auf einmal. Das Schachspiel war zuende. Diejeningen, die die Instrumente aufgebaut hatten, tranken noch ein Bier, rauchten noch eine Zigarette und gingen dann mit dem Schachspieler auf die Bühne.
    Ein kurzer Blick ins Publikum, wie es wohl nur Jacky kann, und dann rockten sie los: "Hello Josephine".
    ... und immer so weiter. Meine anfängliche skeptische Haltung wandelte sich in pure Begeisterung!
    Das war das erste Konzert, das ich erlebte. Und immer, wenn ich las oder hörte, dass „Jacky and the Strangers“ spielten, dann ging ich hin. Da baute sich natürlich auch eine persönliche Beziehung auf. Ich erlebte die legendären Nächte in der Alten TU-Mensa und sah sie spielen auf dem Atze-Fest. So erlebte ich sie 20 Jahre.

    ... und dabei auch einige Merkwürdigkeiten.
    So geschah es, dass Jacky and his Strangers an einem Buß- und Bettag auftraten. Die damaligen Gesetze und Vorschriften schrieben aber vor, dass „Unterhaltungsmusik mit Gesang“ an diesem Tag nicht erlaubt war.
    So spielten Jacky und seine Strangers etwas getragener - und ohne Gesang.

    In den vielen Jahren der Bandgeschichte gab es auch einige Wechsel.
    Ich habe erlebt, wie Jacky mit großer Geduld versuchte, mit einem noch sehr jungen Gitarristen das Bandprogramm einzuüben. Den habe ich aber dann nicht wieder bei ihm gesehen.
    Nach meinem Wegzug aus Berlin hatte ich natürlich keine Gelegenheit mehr, diese ursprüngliche Band zu hören. Da war ich sehr froh, dass eines Tages auf ARTE ein Bericht über Jacky erschien. Gefreut habe ich mich auch, als er in einem Filmbeitrag über den AFN auftauchte.

    ... und immer wenn ich mal wieder in Berlin war, wurden natürlich die Programmblätter Tip und Zitty studiert, um herauszufinden, ob Jacky noch spielte. So auch 1999. Wir pilgerten nach Tegel und erlebten die Band auf den Festwiesen. Jacky war (fast) ganz der Alte, plauderte nach dem Konzert noch etwas mit uns und gab ein Bier aus.
    Das war leider das letzte Mal, dass ich ihn sah.

    Er schenkte mir eine Autogrammkarte - und jeder, der ihn kannte, weiß, dass das „herzlichst - Jacky“ auch wirklich so gemeint war.

    Die Band:Jacky Spelter (†): Gesang und Gitarre
    Pit: Melodiegitarre
    Franz: Saxofon&Akkordeon
    Peter: Bass;
    Harry: Schlagzeug †

    Jacky and his Strangers, die dienstälteste RocknRoll Band mit ihrem Bandleader Jacky, der inzwischen 75 Jahre alt ist. Die Band begeistert seit Jahrzehnten und spielte wohl in allen Häusern, die in Berlin Lifeauftritte ermöglichen. Schon legendär sind die Auftritte in der alten TU-Mensa. Die Band hat auch heute noch eine feste Fangemeinde, die immer wieder aufschlägt, wenn es heißt: „Jackie and his Strangers spielen“, wie am 15. August 1999 in Tegel anlässlich des „Sommer Boulevard“

    Jackie voll in Aktion!
    Wenn die Band sich warmgespielt hat, das Publikum anfängt, voll mitzugehen, dann ist Jacky-Zeit! Der Meister und seine Gitarre laufen zur Höchstform auf.
    Zum Kongress der Mathematiker im Jahre 1998 war ein großer Auftritt. Die Life-CD zeigt einen authentischen Mitschnitt - leider etwas lieblos zusammengestellt und nicht so toll bearbeitet.

    Kürzlich war Jacky auch mal wieder im Fernsehen:
    Arte zeigte ein einstündiges Fernsehportrait, und hier eines
    vom WDR auf YouTube:


    Auch in dem Film „Das Leben ist eine Baustelle“
    (1992) Regie: Wolfgang Becker
    wirkte Jacky mit.

    Das gibt es heute nicht mehr!
    Gitarre und Verstärker stammen noch aus der „Gründerzeit“ des RocknRoll, der Fender- Verstärker war der erste, der nach Europa kam!

    Am 12.Mai 2004, 13 Uhr, verstarb Deutschlands ältester Rock’n’Roller
    Jacky Spelter in der Berliner Charite nach fünfmonatigem Leiden.
    Am 1. August wäre er 77 Jahre alt geworden.
    Weitere Infos auf der Seite von Joachim Hartmut

    Zur „Trantel“, in der einige Konzerte von „Jacky and hist Strangers“ stattfanden - insbesondere über den Betreiber - gibt es einen interessanten Spiegel-Online-Artikel: http://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/print/d-22328672.html

    Auch die ZEIT befasst sich mit dem Titel „Tod im Grunewald“ mit den Vorgängen (die allerdings nichts mit den Konzerten in der Tarantel und Jacky zu tun haben):

    Auch die ZEIT befasst sich mit dem Titel „Tod im Grunewald“ mit den Vorgängen (die allerdings nichts mit den Konzerten in der Tarantel und Jacky zu tun haben):

    Anne-Mette Gerdsen
    Bahnhofstraße 1
    24977 Ringsberg

    #Berlin #Musik #Rock_n_Roll #Neukölln #Kreuzberg

  • #Canonical Has Given #launchpad’s Homepage a Facelift

    Next time you stop by Launchpad.net you’ll notice it has a new look. Canonical’s designers have given Launchpad’s landing page a lithe new look that allows text to breathe and is more in-keeping with Canonical’s other websites. It’s the first major redesign to the project hosting site since 2016, and (to save you a visit) this is what the new homepage looks like: Launched in 2004, Launchpad serves as the linchpin in Ubuntu development. It’s the hub through which developers collaborate, commit code, plan releases, file bugs, add translations, and tackle other tasks related to thrashing out a new release. […] You’re reading Canonical Has Given Launchpad’s Homepage a Facelift, a blog post from OMG! Ubuntu. Do not reproduce elsewhere without (...)


  • Award-winning documentary ‘#The_Territory’ recounts the struggles and resilience of Indigenous Brazilians

    The story of #Bitaté-Uru-Eu-Wau-Wau and #Ivaneide_Bandeira, known as #Neidinha_Suruí, and their fight against deforestation in the Amazon, told in the documentary “The Territory,” gained international recognition, and now an Emmy Award.

    On January 7, the film won in the category Outstanding Achievement in Documentary Filmmaking at the Creative Arts Emmy Awards, which gives awards in technical and special categories to series and programs.

    On the stage alongside Neidinha and Bitaté were the Indigenous activist Txai Suruí, the executive producer and Neidinha’s daughter, with the American director of the film, Alex Pritz, and other team members.

    To receive the prize in Los Angeles, 63-year-old Neidinha endured over 40 hours of travel from her territory in Rondônia state to California.

    “When they announced [that we won], we didn’t believe it. We were shocked. We couldn’t cry because we were in shock,” the Indigenous activist recalled.

    The documentary, available for streaming on Disney+, has won several awards since its release. Before the Emmy, it won the Audience and Special Jury awards at the 2023 Sundance Festival.

    For Neidinha, the awards served to “burst a bubble”:

    It is a victory for our struggle, for the struggle for human rights and for nature, for the defence of the forest against deforestation, it’s the fight against the marco temporal [time marker, cut-off date for officially recognizing Indigenous lands]. We’ve come a long way. [Now] we see people on the plane talking about the film, wanting to know about our struggle. People we had never met talking about our cause and celebrating. Sometimes films like this reach a niche interest, a bubble, but ‘The Territory’ let us burst that bubble.

    Among the producers of the film is filmmaker Darren Aronofsky, director of “The Whale” (2022).
    Indigenous team

    “The Territory” recounts the struggle of the Indigenous Uru-Eu-Wau-Wau people in Rondônia state in northern Brazil to defend the territory against invasions from land grabbers and farmers.

    It shows the Indigenous people’s apprehension in the face of dangers to the forest and the communities, as well as moments from their daily life in the village. Some of the most powerful moments are scenes with the leader Ari Uru-Eu-Wau-Wau, who was murdered in April 2020.

    The recordings took place during one of the darkest periods in Brazil’s recent history, during the government of Jair Bolsonaro (2019-2022), whose policies were considered anti-Indigenous. He vowed not to recognize any more Indigenous territories during his presidency.

    During the Bolsonaro administration, there was a big rise in the number of invasions of Indigenous territories across the country, as well as a dismantling of environmental policies. In Rondônia, where the film is set, Bolsonaro received 70 percent of valid votes in the last election, in 2022, which was won nationally, however, by the incumbent, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

    The piece was filmed during the COVID-19 pandemic, which in Brazil alone caused more than 700,000 deaths. As it was not possible to enter Indigenous areas during this period, Indigenous people themselves carried out the filming.

    Neidinha told Amazônia Real that the recording equipment was left at the territory’s border in plastic bags, and everything was disinfected to avoid risks of disease. The Indigenous people received online guidance on how to use the equipment, as well as receiving instructions on what to film.

    “Bitaté [the Indigenous leader] said, ‘Look, we know how to do better than that, so let’s do it our way,’” Neidinha remembered.

    “The Territory” recounts threats and pressures suffered by the Uru-Eu-Wau-Wau Indigenous people who, lacking state assistance, decided to create a group to defend their territory from outside threats.

    The story’s protagonists are the young Indigenous leader Bitaté-Uru-Eu-Wau-Wau and the activist Neidinha, whom Bitaté considers his second mother. Neidinha recalled that neither she nor Bitaté imagined that the documentary would get this far:

    Bitaté once told me: ‘Mum, I didn’t think people would even watch us. I didn’t think our film would come to anything.’ We thought it would be just another documentary, that for us it would be important, but maybe not for the rest of the world. And it was great because National Geographic bought the film and we were amazed. We travelled around several countries presenting the documentary, giving lectures, talking about the Indigenous cause, in the middle of the Bolsonaro period and the pandemic.


    Txai Suruí, her daughter and an energetic activist in Indigenous movements, wrote in an Instagram post that the Emmy win was the “celebration and recognition of the voices and narratives defending the territories, [and of] the resistance and struggle that permeates the lives of Brazil’s Indigenous peoples”.

    The film’s director, Alex Pritz, also commented on the Emmy win, to the outlet Deadline:

    To receive the recognition of our peers, alongside such an incredible group of nominees, is an unbelievable honour. We share this award with communities around the world who are standing up in defence of our planet’s continued habitability and fighting for a better future.

    Bitaté-Uru-Eu-Wau-Wau also posted on Instagram:

    We won, my people deserve it, especially my community, my Uru-Eu-Wau-Wau people, my Pau Association, [and] the work is not only mine, it’s ours! I’m very happy about it, representing my leadership, and that’s it. We won and there is more to come in the future

    Being the son of a mother from the Juma people and a father from the Uru-Eu-Wau-Wau people, Bitaté goes between two territories, one in Rondônia and the other in Amazonas state. He is the grandson of Aruká Juma, one of the last of his ethnic group. He became the leader of his people at a young age. In 2021, as a member of the Indigenous group that was part of the Jovens Cidadãos (Young Citizens) blog, he wrote about his relationship with his grandparents.

    Jovens Cidadãos is a project created by Amazônia Real, started in 2018, which led to a section on the outlet’s website, in which the young leaders themselves recounted their stories.
    Inspiration for life

    Neidinha is one of the founders of the Kanindé Association for Ethno-environmental Defence, one of Brazil’s most well-recognized organizations working for Indigenous peoples’ rights. She was born in Acre state and arrived in Rondônia at about six months old. The move came about because her father began working in a rubber plantation inside what is now the Uru-Eu-Wau-Wau Indigenous Land, hence the proximity to the Indigenous people of that ethnic group.

    She left the territory at the age of 12 to study. Through magazines, she learned about the old American Far West, and says she sees the same kind of things being repeated in Brazil:

    In these stories, the Indigenous people were always killed and the colonels were the ‘heroes’ for having advanced to the West, which for me is very similar to the advance of colonization in Brazil. The advance into the Amazon is no different to the American Far West.

    The activist says that the success of “The Territory” brought more work, but also threats. However, she points out that the film does not depict heroes or villains.

    I didn’t want a film where we’re the hero and the other side is the villain. We wanted the reality. The film manages to see both the pressure on the Indigenous people and also the pressure on the poor people, who are used [and] manipulated to grab land for the powerful to [then] take.
    It has strengthened my certainty that I am not wrong in my struggle, because there are moments where you are so threatened, so pressured, that you think about backing off, but the reactions of people around the world have strengthened our convictions.


    #peuples_autochtones #film #documentaire #film_documentaire #Brésil #territoire #forêt #déforestation #résilience #Amazonie #forêt_amazonienne #Txai_Suruí #Bitaté

  • Phew, the ‘New’ #App_Center Icon in Ubuntu is a Bug

    About a week ago I noticed that the default icon for App Center (the Flutter-based software store-front that replaced Ubuntu Software in 23.10) had changed — and not for the better! At first I assumed it was an intentional change, but a snafu caused by me (I was playing with display scaling options when I noticed the icon in the dock had suddenly changed). But it turns out the change wasn’t a “caused by me” thing — for once! As App Center is a snap (snap-store ) it gets updated in automatically in the background. An update rolled out that […] You’re reading Phew, the ‘New’ App Center Icon in Ubuntu is a Bug, a blog post from OMG! Ubuntu. Do not reproduce elsewhere without (...)

    #News #Ubuntu_23.10

  • It’s Game Over for Solitaire, Sudoku et al in Ubuntu 24.04

    Ubuntu developers have decided to stop shipping games in future installs. While Ubuntu 23.10 defaults to a minimal install offering only core software essentials (like a terminal and web browser) users may opt for a “full installation” which preinstalls additional software, including a handful of simple GNOME games. In Ubuntu 23.10 and earlier the following 4 games are provided: But in #Ubuntu_24.04_LTS none are. For the Noble Numbat, no games will be installed as part of the full install option and won’t be present in the ISO (which includes all of the software used in a full install […] You’re reading It’s Game Over for Solitaire, Sudoku et al in Ubuntu 24.04, a blog post from OMG! Ubuntu. Do not reproduce elsewhere without (...)

    #News #Gaming

  • Face au manque de neige, les habitants font revivre les stations délaissées

    Alors que la neige manque et que les stations de ski ne sont plus rentables, des habitants du massif de la Chartreuse tentent de faire revivre, sous forme associative, celles de leur village.

    « C’est une saison noire… ou plutôt une saison verte ! » La situation n’est pas réjouissante, mais Pascual Lacroix garde son sens de l’humour. En pleines vacances de février, l’herbe est détrempée sur les pentes de la station de ski de Saint-Hilaire-du-Touvet, dans le massif de la Chartreuse (Isère), parsemée ça et là de petits monticules de neige. Les flocons tant espérés ne sont jamais vraiment tombés, et les températures, bien trop douces, ont vite entamé les quelques centimètres de poudreuse.

    Pourtant, tout était prêt. Depuis des mois, Pascual Lacroix et les autres bénévoles de l’association Ag’Hil, Agir pour la station de Saint-Hil’, ne comptaient pas leurs heures, en dehors de leurs horaires de travail pour certains, les soirs, les week-ends, pour tout installer : dameuses remises d’aplomb, téléskis en place, abords des pistes débroussaillés, planning des postes programmé. L’association s’est constituée au printemps 2023, bien déterminée à rouvrir la station de ski pour la saison 2023-2024.

    Fin 2021, la station de ski (11 pistes et 5 téléskis) était mise à l’arrêt après de gros éboulements ayant détruit en grande partie le funiculaire de Saint-Hilaire-du-Touvet. Première infrastructure touristique de la commune du Plateau-des-Petites-Roches, le funiculaire permettait de financer le fonctionnement de la station de ski, « structurellement déficitaire », explique la maire de la commune, Dominique Clouzeau, les deux infrastructures étant sous régie municipale. « Après les éboulements, on a dû se résoudre à licencier les trois salariés de la régie, et à tout mettre en pause. »

    « Il fallait être un peu fous »

    Quand la question de rouvrir ou non la station de ski s’est posée, avec un funiculaire toujours à l’arrêt, le constat de la commune fut sans appel : impossible de mobiliser les 150 000 euros que coûterait l’ouverture de la station sur la saison hivernale, alors que l’enneigement est de plus en plus incertain. Une habitante du village, Perrine Broust, a malgré tout écrit une lettre ouverte à la municipalité, qui a réuni « 200 signatures en vingt-quatre heures », se souvient la quarantenaire.

    Petit à petit, l’idée d’une structure associative pour reprendre la gestion des remontées mécaniques, « utopique au début », fait son chemin. Même si les défis, notamment administratifs et financiers, sont énormes : « Il fallait être un peu fous pour faire ça », rient Perrine et Pascual. « Mais nous, on a skié ici, on a appris à nos enfants à skier ici. La station, c’est un lieu de convivialité essentiel, on ne voulait pas perdre ça. »

    En quelques mois, l’association en devenir a réuni plus de 200 adhérents, habitants de Chartreuse et d’ailleurs. Chacun a apporté ses compétences, son savoir-faire ou tout simplement son énergie : l’ancien garagiste du village s’est porté volontaire pour réparer la dameuse, les anciens salariés de la station sont venus donner des conseils, de nombreux bénévoles se sont formés aux remontées mécaniques. « Cela a rassuré le SRMTG [le Service technique des remontées mécaniques et des transports guidés, qui donne les autorisations d’exploiter le matériel] et les assurances de voir que l’on avait tout ce qu’il fallait pour que tout fonctionne bien », souligne Pascual.
    Un modèle associatif qui essaime

    Face à un enneigement toujours plus aléatoire — la plupart des stations de ski sont situées à un peu plus de 1 000 mètres, et la plus haute à 1 300 mètres d’altitude — et des équations financières impossibles à tenir pour les communes lorsque les gestionnaires privés ont déserté, le modèle associatif s’impose progressivement dans le massif de la Chartreuse. La flexibilité financière et organisationnelle que permet le modèle associatif a déjà séduit la moitié des huit stations de Chartreuse. « On ne s’appelle pas Ag’hil pour rien », souligne Perrine, malicieuse. « Si demain il neige, on envoie un mail aux bénévoles et on est prêt à ouvrir ! »

    La station voisine du Planolet, située à 1 100 mètres d’altitude au cœur du massif, a pu ouvrir quelques jours début janvier. Là aussi, Nouvelles traces en Chartreuse, la toute nouvelle association qui s’occupe depuis cette année des remontées mécaniques, a fédéré habitants et sympathisants de la station, après une saison 2022-2023 gérée de manière spontanée par un collectif d’habitants. Loueur à la retraite, restaurateur de la station, ancien pisteur… « Toutes des personnes qui ont envie de sauver la station », résume Yann Daniel, directeur de l’école de ski de Saint-Pierre-de-Chartreuse et membre de l’association.

    Tout au nord du massif de la Chartreuse, l’association Les skieurs du Granier, qui regroupe 115 bénévoles, gère depuis 2019 le domaine de ski du même nom, après avoir bénéficié d’une délégation de service public de la Communauté de communes Cœur de Chartreuse. « La station n’était pas viable économiquement, c’est pour ça qu’on a créé une association », raconte Violaine Rey, bénévole depuis les débuts. « On s’est aussi rendu compte que c’était un argument auprès des gens qui viennent dans la station, ils apprécient la convivialité qui découle du modèle associatif : tout le monde se connnait et la station est à taille humaine. »
    Penser « l’après-ski »

    Cette année, l’enneigement catastrophique contrarie quelque peu ces élans tout neufs. « C’est la première année “blanche” depuis qu’on a repris la station avec l’association », se désole Violaine Rey. « On savait que ça n’allait pas durer cinquante ans, mais ça fait bizarre de voir que ça y est, c’est sûrement la fin d’une ère », regrette la jeune femme qui a appris à skier dans la station et y a même été saisonnière. La suite ? « Elle est assez floue, on réfléchira à tête froide », concède Violaine Rey. « Il y aura évidemment des questions à se poser à l’issue de cette non-saison. »

    « C’est un peu la gueule de bois », reconnaissent de leur côté Perrine et Pascual. « On a tellement travaillé, tellement de choses ont été mises en place… On retente l’aventure l’année prochaine ! » Au-delà du ski, les bénévoles sont lucides : comme beaucoup de stations de ski de moyenne montagne, il faudra penser « l’après-ski »... et diversifier le modèle économique. « On réfléchit aux “quatre saisons”, avec la randonnée, les raquettes, le VTT », abonde la maire du #Plateau-des-Petites-Roches Dominique Clouzeau, pour qui l’horizon est clair : « On ne veut pas devenir un village-dortoir. »


    #Saint-Hilaire-du-Touvet #neige #Chartreuse #ski #enneigement #stations_de_ski #montagne #association #Ag’Hil #Planolet #remontées_mécaniques #Les_skieurs_du_Granier #bénévolat #convivialité #moyenne_montagne

  • #KDE_Plasma 6.0 Has Arrived, This is What’s New

    KDE Plasma 6 has arrived. The first stable release in an all-new series of the phenomenally popular Linux desktop environment is now available to download. KDE Plasma 6 improves security, performance, usability, and hardware support Naturally, a major milestone like this one includes a deluge of changes, enhancements, and shiny new features, the best of which I look at in this post. But I want to touch on the “intangible” changes too. KDE Plasma 6.0 upgrades its underlying application framework, Qt, to a major new version, and fully embraces the Wayland display server. “These under-the-hood upgrades benefit Plasma’s security, efficiency, […] You’re reading KDE Plasma 6.0 Has Arrived, This is What’s New, a blog post from OMG! Ubuntu. Do not reproduce elsewhere without (...)

    #News #KDE_neon #qt_apps

  • Rotta balcanica: i sogni spezzati nella Drina

    Nelle acque del fiume Drina, in Bosnia Erzegovina, decine di migranti sono morti nel tentativo di avvicinarsi al sogno di una vita migliore in quell’Europa che li respinge. Volontari del Soccorso alpino di Bijeljina e attivisti sono impegnati nel difficile recupero dei corpi

    • Rotta balcanica : i sogni spezzati nella Drina

      Nelle acque del fiume Drina, in Bosnia Erzegovina, decine di migranti sono morti nel tentativo di avvicinarsi al sogno di una vita migliore in quell’Europa che li respinge. Volontari del Soccorso alpino di Bijeljina e attivisti sono impegnati nel difficile recupero dei corpi.

      “Finora non mi è mai capitato di sognare uno dei corpi ritrovati, non ho mai avuto incubi. Proprio mai. Credo sia una questione di approccio. Soltanto chi non ha la coscienza pulita fa incubi”, afferma Nenad Jovanović, 37 anni, membro della squadra del Soccorso alpino di Bijeljina.

      Negli ultimi sei anni, Jovanović ha partecipato alle operazioni di recupero di oltre cinquanta corpi di migranti nell’area che si estende dal villaggio di Branjevo alla foce del fiume Drina [nella Bosnia orientale], tutti di età inferiore ai quarant’anni, annegati nel tentativo di entrare in Bosnia Erzegovina dalla Serbia, per poi proseguire il loro viaggio verso altri paesi europei, in cerca di un posto sicuro per sé e per i propri familiari.

      “Ogni volta che scoppia un nuovo conflitto in Medio Oriente, in Afghanistan, Iraq o altrove, assistiamo ad un aumento degli arrivi di migranti in cerca di salvezza nei paesi dell’Unione europea. Purtroppo, per alcuni di loro la Drina si rivela un ostacolo insormontabile. Il loro è un destino doloroso che può capitare a chiunque”, spiega Nenad Jovanović.

      Durante le operazioni di recupero dei corpi, Jovanović più volte è stato costretto a gettarsi nel fiume in piena, rischiando la propria vita.

      “Recentemente abbiamo recuperato il corpo di un uomo proveniente dall’Afghanistan. Era in acqua da circa un anno. I pescatori che per primi lo avevano notato non erano nemmeno sicuri che si trattasse di un corpo umano. Potete immaginare lo stato in cui si trovava”, afferma Jovanović.

      Un suo collega, Miroslav Vujanović, si sofferma sull’aspetto umano del lavoro del soccorritore. “A prescindere dallo stato di decomposizione, cerchiamo in tutti in modi possibili di recuperare il corpo nelle condizioni in cui lo troviamo. Nulla deve essere perso, nemmeno i vestiti. Perché siamo tutti esseri umani. Nel momento del recupero di un corpo magari non pensi alla sua identità, cerchi di fare il tuo lavoro in modo professionale e basta. Poi però quando torni a casa e vedi tua moglie e i figli, inizi a chiederti chi fosse quell’uomo e se anche lui avesse una famiglia. È del tutto normale riflettere su queste cose. Sono però pensieri intimi, che tendiamo a tenere dentro”.

      I volontari del Soccorso alpino di Bijeljina hanno partecipato anche alle operazioni di ricerca e assistenza alle popolazioni colpite dal terremoto nella regione di Banovina (in Croazia) nel 2020 e alle vittime del terremoto che l’anno scorso ha devastato la Turchia. In tutte queste operazioni sono stati costretti ad utilizzare le attrezzature prese in prestito o noleggiate, perché le autorità locali non rispettano gli accordi di cooperazione stipulati con altri paesi. Del resto, la Bosnia Erzegovina è il paese delle assurdità. Lo confermano anche i nostri interlocutori, aggiungendo che a volte si sentono incompresi anche dai loro familiari.

      “Mia moglie spesso si chiede come io possa fare questo lavoro. Oppure invito ospiti a casa per la celebrazione del santo della famiglia, e proprio quando stiamo per tagliare il pane tradizionale, mi chiama la polizia dicendo di aver trovato un cadavere nella Drina. Quindi, mi scuso con gli ospiti, chiedo loro di rimanere e vado a fare il mio lavoro. Non è un lavoro facile, ma per me la più grande soddisfazione è sapere che quel corpo recuperato sarà sepolto degnamente e che la famiglia della vittima, straziata dalla sofferenza, finalmente troverà pace”, spiega Nenad Jovanović.

      Recentemente, Jovanović, insieme ai suoi colleghi Miroslav Vujanović e Safet Omerbegić, ha partecipato ad una cerimonia di commemorazione in memoria dei migranti scomparsi e morti ai confini d’Europa. In quell’occasione sono state inaugurate le lapidi delle tombe dei sedici migranti sepolti nel nuovo cimitero di Bijeljina, situato nel quartiere di Hase. Trattandosi di corpi non identificati, ciascuna delle lastre in marmo nero reca incise, a caratteri dorati, la sigla N.N e l’anno della morte.

      Nel cimitero è stato piantato anche un filare di alberi in memoria delle vittime e sono state collocate due targhe commemorative con la scritta: “Non dimenticheremo mai voi e i vostri sogni spezzati nella Drina”. L’iniziativa è stata realizzata grazie al sostegno dell’associazione austriaca «SOS Balkanroute» e di Nihad Suljić, attivista di Tuzla, che da anni fornisce assistenza concreta ai rifugiati e partecipa alle procedure di identificazione e sepoltura dei morti.

      “Per noi è un grande onore e privilegio sostenere simili progetti. Si tratta di un’iniziativa pionieristica che può fungere da modello per l’intera regione. Per quanto possa sembrare paradossale, siamo contenti che queste persone, a differenza di tante altre, abbiano almeno una tomba. Abbiamo voluto che le loro tombe fossero dignitose e che non venissero lasciate al degrado, come accaduto recentemente a Zvornik”, sottolinea Petar Rosandić dell’associazione SOS Balkanroute.

      Rosandić spiega che la sistemazione delle tombe dei migranti nei cimiteri di Bijeljina e Zvornik è frutto di un’iniziativa di cooperazione transfrontaliera a cui hanno partecipato anche le comunità religiose di Vienna. Queste comunità, che durante la Seconda guerra mondiale erano impegnate nel salvataggio degli ebrei, oggi partecipano a diversi progetti a sostegno dei migranti lungo le frontiere esterne dell’UE.

      “Sulle lastre c’è scritto che si tratta di persone non identificate, ma noi sappiano che in ogni tomba giace il corpo di un giovane uomo i cui sogni si sono spezzati nella Drina. Ognuno di loro aveva una famiglia, un passato, i propri desideri e le proprie aspirazioni. Il loro unico peccato, secondo gli standard europei, era quello di avere un passaporto sbagliato, quindi sono stati costretti a intraprendere strade pericolose per raggiungere i luoghi dove speravano di trovare serenità e un futuro migliore”, afferma l’attivista Nihad Suljić.

      Suljić poi spiega che nel prossimo periodo i ricercatori e gli attivisti si impegneranno al massimo per instaurare una collaborazione con diverse istituzioni e organizzazioni. L’obiettivo è quello di identificare le persone sepolte in modo da restituire loro un’identità e permettere alle loro famiglie di avviare un processo di lutto.

      “Questi monumenti neri sono le colonne della vergogna dell’Unione europea – commenta Suljić - non è stata la Drina a uccidere queste persone, bensì la politica delle frontiere chiuse. Se avessero avuto un altro modo per raggiungere un posto sicuro dove costruire una vita migliore, sicuramente non sarebbero andati in cerca di pace attraversando mari, fiumi e fili spinati. Le loro tombe testimonieranno per sempre la vergogna e il regime criminale dell’UE”.

      Suljić ha invitato i cittadini dell’UE che hanno partecipato alla cerimonia di commemorazione a Bijeljina a chiamare i governi dei loro paesi ad assumersi la propria responsabilità.

      “Non abbiamo bisogno di donazioni né di corone di fiori. Vi invito però a inviare un messaggio ai vostri governi, a tutti i responsabili dell’attuazione di queste politiche, per spiegare loro le conseguenze delle frontiere chiuse, frontiere che uccidono gli esseri umani, ma anche i valori europei”.

      Dalla chiusura del corridoio sicuro lungo la rotta balcanica [nel 2015], nell’area di Bijeljina, Zvornik e Bratunac sono stati ritrovati circa sessanta corpi di migranti annegati nel fiume Drina. Stando ai dati raccolti da un gruppo di attivisti e ricercatori, nel periodo compreso tra gennaio 2014 e dicembre 2023 lungo il tratto della rotta balcanica che include sei paesi (Macedonia del Nord, Kosovo, Serbia, Bosnia Erzegovina, Croazia e Slovenia) hanno perso la vita 346 persone in movimento. Trattandosi di dati reperiti da fonti pubbliche, i ricercatori sottolineano che il numero effettivo di vittime con ogni probabilità è molto più alto. In molti casi, la tragica sorte dei migranti è direttamente legata ai respingimenti effettuati dalle autorità locali e dai membri dell’agenzia Frontex.

      “La morte alle frontiere è ormai parte integrante di un regime di controllo che alcuni autori definiscono un crimine in tempo di pace, una forma di violenza amministrativa e istituzionale finalizzata a mantenere in vita un determinato ordine sociale. Molte persone morte ai confini restano invisibili, come sono invisibili anche le persone scomparse. I decessi e le sparizioni spesso non vengono denunciati, e alcuni corpi non vengono mai ritrovati”, spiega Marijana Hameršak, ricercatrice dell’Istituto di etnologia e studi sul folklore di Zagabria, responsabile di un progetto sui meccanismi di gestione dei flussi migratori alle periferie dell’UE.

      In assenza di un database regionale e di iniziative di cooperazione transfrontaliera, sono i volontari e gli attivisti a portare avanti le azioni di ricerca di persone scomparse e i tentativi di identificazione dei corpi. Al termine della cerimonia di commemorazione, a Bijeljina si è tenuta una conferenza per discutere di questo tema.

      “Molte famiglie non sanno a chi rivolgersi, non hanno mai ricevuto indicazioni chiare. Finora le istituzioni non hanno mai voluto impegnarsi su questo fronte. Spero che a breve ognuno si assuma la propria responsabilità e faccia il proprio lavoro, perché non è normale che noi, attivisti e volontari, portiamo avanti questo processo”, denuncia Nihad Suljić.

      A dare un contributo fondamentale è anche Vidak Simić, patologo ed esperto forense di Bijeljina. Dal 2016 Simić ha eseguito l’autopsia e prelevato un campione di DNA di circa quaranta corpi di migranti, per la maggior parte rinvenuti nel fiume Drina.

      “Questa vicenda mi opprime, non mi sento bene perché non riesco a portare a termine il mio lavoro. Credo profondamente nel giuramento di Ippocrate e lo rispetto. Le leggi e altre norme mi obbligano a conservare i campioni per sei mesi, ho deciso però di conservarli per tutto il tempo necessario, in attesa che il sistema venga cambiato. La mia idea è di raccogliere tutti questi campioni, creare profili genetici individuali, pubblicarli su un sito appositamente creato in modo da aiutare le famiglie – in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Algeria, Marocco e in altri paesi – che cercano i loro cari scomparsi.

      Lo auspicano anche il padre, la madre, la sorella e i fratelli di Aziz Alimi, vent’anni, proveniente dall’Afghanistan, che nel settembre dello scorso anno, nel tentativo di raggiungere la Bosnia Erzegovina dalla Serbia, aveva deciso di attraversare la Drina a nuoto con altri tre ragazzi. Poco dopo la sua scomparsa, nello stesso luogo da dove Aziz per l’ultima volta aveva contattato uno dei suoi fratelli, è stato ritrovato un corpo.

      Dal momento che non è stato possibile identificare il corpo per via del pessimo stato in cui si trovava, i familiari di Aziz, che nel frattempo hanno trovato rifugio in Iran, hanno inviato un campione del suo DNA in Bosnia Erzegovina. Ripongono fiducia nelle istituzioni e nei cittadini bosniaco-erzegovesi per garantire ad Aziz almeno una sepoltura dignitosa.

      Ai presenti alla conferenza di Bijeljina si è rivolta anche la sorella di Aziz, Zahra Alimi, intervenuta con un videomessaggio. “Non abbiamo parenti in Europa che possano aiutarci e davvero non sappiamo cosa fare. Per favore aiutateci, nostro padre è affetto da un tumore e nostra madre ha sofferto molto dopo aver appreso la triste notizia [della scomparsa di Aziz]. Possiamo contare solo su di voi”.

      #route_des_Balkans #Balkans #rivière #Bosnie-Hezégovine #migrations #réfugiés #mourir_aux_frontières #morts_aux_frontières #Bijeljina #Branjevo #Nenad_Jovanović #Nenad_Jovanovic #Serbie #frontières #commémoration #mémoire #cimetière #tombes #SOS_Balkanroute #Nihad_Suljić #Nihad_Suljic #dignité #monument #responsabilité

  • Jury convicts #Ibrahima_Bah : Statement from Captain Support UK

    Following a three-week trial, Ibrahima Bah, a teenager from Senegal, has been convicted by an all-white jury at Canterbury Crown Court. The jury unanimously found him guilty of facilitating illegal entry to the UK, and by a 10-2 majority of manslaughter by gross negligence. This conviction followed a previous trial in July 2023 in which the jury could not reach a verdict.

    Ibrahima’s prosecution and conviction is a violent escalation in the persecution of migrants to ‘Stop the Boats’. Observing the trial has also made it clear to us how anti-black racism pervades the criminal ‘justice’ system in this country. The verdict rested on the jury’s interpretation of generic words with shifting meanings such as ‘reasonable’, ‘significant’, and ‘minimal’. Such vagueness invites subjective prejudice, in this case anti-black racist profiling. Ibrahima, a teenage survivor, was perceived in the eyes of many jurors to be older, more mature, more responsible, more threatening, with more agency, and thus as more ‘guilty’.
    Why Ibrahima was charged

    Ibrahima was arrested in December 2022 after the dinghy he was driving across the Channel broke apart next to the fishing vessel Arcturus. Four men are known to have drowned, and up to five are still missing at sea. The court heard the names of three of them: Allaji Ibrahima Ba, 18 years old from Guinea who had travelled with Ibrahima from Libya and who Ibrahima described as his brother; Hajratullah Ahmadi, from Afghanistan; and Moussa Conate, a 15 year old from Guinea.

    The jury, judge, defense, and prosecution agreed the shipwreck and resultant deaths had multiple factors. These included the poor construction of the boat, water ingress after a time at sea, and later everyone standing up to be rescued causing the floor of the dinghy ripping apart. A report by Alarm Phone and LIMINAL points to other contributing factors, including the lack of aerial surveillance, the failure of the French to launch a search and rescue operation when first informed of the dinghy’s distress, and the skipper of Arcturus’ delay in informing Dover Coastguard of the seriousness of the wreck. Nonetheless, the Kent jury has decided to exclusively punish a black teenaged survivor.

    What the jury heard

    Many of the other survivors, all of whom claimed asylum upon reaching the UK, testified that Ibrahima saved their lives. At the moment the dinghy got into danger, Ibrahima steered it towards the fishing vessel which rescued them. He was also shown holding a rope to keep the collapsed dinghy alongside the fishing vessel while others climbed onboard. One survivor told the court that Ibrahima “was an angel”.

    The story told by witnesses not on the dinghy contrasted greatly to that of the asylum seekers who survived. Ray Strachan, the captain of the shipping vessel Arcturus offered testimony which appeared particularly prejudiced. He described Ibrahima using racist tropes – “mouthy”, not grateful enough following rescue, and as behaving very unusually. He complained about the tone in which Ibrahima asked the crew to rescue his drowning friend Allaji, who Strachan could only describe as being “dark brown. What can you say nowadays? He wasn’t white.” Strachan also has spoken out in a GB News interview against what he considers to be the “migrant taxi service” in the Channel, and volunteered to the jury, “It wasn’t my decision to take them to Dover. I wanted to take them back to France.” This begs the question of whether Strachan’s clearly anti-migrant political opinions influenced his testimony in a way which he felt would help secure Ibrahima’s conviction. It also raises the question if jury members identified more with Strachan’s retelling than the Afghans who testified through interpreters, and to what extent they shared some of his convictions.

    When Ibrahima took the stand to testify in his defense he explained that he refused to drive the rubber inflatable after he was taken to the beach and saw its size compared to the number of people expecting to travel on it. He told how smugglers, who had organised the boat and had knives and a gun, then assaulted him and forced him to drive the dinghy. The other survivors corroborated his testimony and described the boat’s driver being beaten and forced onboard.

    The prosecutor, however, sought to discredit Ibrahima, cross-examining him for one-and-a-half days. He demonised Ibrahima and insisted that he was personally responsible for the deaths because he was driving. Ibrahima’s actions, which survivors testified saved their lives, were twisted into dangerous decisions. His experiences of being forced to drive the boat under threat of death, and following assault, were disbelieved. The witness stand became the scene of another interrogation, with the prosecutor picking over the details of Ibrahima’s previous statements for hours.

    Ibrahima’s account never waivered. Yes he drove the dinghy, he didn’t want to, he was forced to, and when they got into trouble he did everything in his power to save everybody on board.
    Free Ibrahima!

    We have been supporting, and will continue to support, Ibrahima as he faces his imprisonment at the hands of the racist and unjust UK border regime.

    This is a truly shocking decision.

    We call for everybody who shares our anger to protest the unjust conviction of Ibrahima Bah and to stand in solidarity with all those incarcerated and criminalised for seeking freedom of movement.


    #scafista #scafisti #UK #Angleterre #criminalisation_de_la_migration #migrations #réfugiés #procès #justice #condamnation #négligence #Stop_the_Boats #verdict #naufrage #responsabilité #Arcturus


      New research shows how people arriving on small boats are being imprisoned for their ‘illegal arrival’. Among those prosecuted are people seeking asylum, victims of trafficking and torture, and children with ongoing age disputes.

      This research provides broader context surrounding the imprisonment of Ibrahima Bah, a Senegalese teenager, who has recently been found ‘guilty’ of both facilitating illegal entry and manslaughter. He was sentenced to 9 years and 6 months imprisonment on Friday 23rd February. In their statement, Captain Support UK argue that “Ibrahima’s prosecution and conviction is a violent escalation in the persecution of migrants to ‘Stop the Boats’.”

      The research

      This report, published by the Centre for Criminology at the University of Oxford and Border Criminologies, shows how people have been imprisoned for their arrival on a ‘small boat’ since the Nationality and Borders Act (2022) came into force. It details the process from sea to prison, and explains how this policy is experienced by those affected. Analysis is based on observations of over 100 hearings where people seeking asylum were prosecuted for their own illegal arrival, or for facilitating the arrival of others through steering the dinghy they travelled on. The report is informed by the detailed casework experience of Humans for Rights Network, Captain Support UK and Refugee Legal Support. It also draws on data collected through Freedom of Information requests, and research interviews with lawyers, interpreters, and people who have been criminalised for crossing the Channel on a ‘small boat’.


      In late 2018, the number of people using dinghies to reach the UK from mainland Europe began to increase. Despite Government claims, alternative ‘safe and legal routes’ for accessing protection in the UK remain inaccessible to most people. There is no visa for ‘seeking asylum’, and humanitarian routes to the UK are very restricted. For many, irregular journeys by sea have become the only way to enter the UK to seek asylum, safety, and a better life.

      Soon after the number of people arriving on small boats started to increase, the Crown Prosecution Service began to charge those identified as steering the boats with the offences of ‘illegal entry’ or ‘facilitation’. These are offences within Section 24 and Section 25 of the Immigration Act 1971. However, in 2021, a series of successful appeals overturned these prosecutions. This was on the basis that if the people on a small boat intended to claim asylum at port, there was no breach of immigration law through attempted ‘illegal entry’. The Court of Appeal found that those who arrive by small boat and claim asylum do not enter illegally, as they are granted entry as an asylum seeker.

      In response, in June 2022, the Nationality and Borders Act expanded the scope of criminal offences relating to irregular arrival to the UK. First, the offence of ‘illegal arrival’ was introduced, with a maximum sentence of 4 years. Second, the offence of ‘facilitation’ was expanded to include circumstances in which ‘gain’ was difficult to prove, and the maximum sentence was increased from 14 years to life imprisonment. During Parliamentary debates, members of both Houses of Parliament warned that this would criminalise asylum seeking to the UK.

      Who has been prosecuted since the Nationality and Borders Act (2022)?

      New data shows that in the first year of implementation (June 2022 – June 2023), 240 people arriving on small boats were charged with ‘illegal arrival’ off small boats. While anyone arriving irregularly can now be arrested for ‘illegal arrival’, this research finds that in practice those prosecuted either:

      – Have an ‘immigration history’ in the UK, including having been identified as being in the country, or having attempted to arrive previously ( for example, through simply having applied for a visa), or,
      – Are identified as steering the dinghy they travelled in as it crossed the Channel.

      49 people were also charged with ‘facilitation’ in addition to ‘illegal arrival’ after allegedly being identified as having their ‘hand on the tiller’ at some point during the journey. At least two people were charged with ‘facilitation’ for bringing their children with them on the dinghy.

      In 2022, 1 person for every 10 boats was arrested for their alleged role in steering. In 2023, this was 1 for every 7 boats. People end up being spotted with their ‘hand on the tiller’ for many reasons, including having boating experience, steering in return for discounted passage, taking it in turns, or being under duress. Despite the Government’s rhetoric, both offences target people with no role in organised criminal gangs.

      The vast majority of those convicted of both ‘illegal arrival’ and ‘facilitation’ have ongoing asylum claims. Victims of torture and trafficking, as well as children with ongoing age disputes, have also been prosecuted. Those arrested include people from nationalities with a high asylum grant rate, including people from Sudan, South Sudan, Afghanistan, Iran, Eritrea, and Syria.

      Those imprisoned are distressed and harmed by their experiences in court and prison

      This research shows how court hearings were often complicated and delayed by issues with interpreters and faulty video link technology. Bail was routinely denied without proper consideration of each individual’s circumstances. Those accused were usually advised to plead guilty to ‘illegal arrival’ at the first opportunity to benefit from sentence reductions, however, this restricted the possibility of legal challenge.

      Imprisonment caused significant psychological and physical harm, which people said was particularly acute given their experiences of displacement. The majority of those arrested are imprisoned in HMP Elmley. They frequently reported not being able to access crucial services, including medical care, interpretation services including for key documents relating to their cases, contact with their solicitors, immigration advice, as well as work and English lessons. People shared their experiences of poor living conditions, inadequate food, and routine and frequent racist remarks and abuse from prison staff as ‘foreign nationals’.

      Children with age disputes are being imprisoned for their arrival on small boats

      Research (see, for example, here) by refugee support organisations has highlighted significant flaws in the Home Office’s age assessment processes in Dover, resulting in children being aged as adults, and treated as such. One consequence of this is that children with ongoing age disputes have been charged as adults with the offences of ‘illegal arrival’ and ‘facilitation’ for their alleged role in steering boats across the Channel.

      Humans for Rights Network has identified 15 age-disputed children who were wrongly treated as adults and charged with these new offences, with 14 spending time in adult prison. This is very likely to be an undercount. The Home Office fails to collect data on how many people with ongoing age disputes are convicted. These young people have all claimed asylum, and several claim (or have been found to be) survivors of torture and/or trafficking. The majority are Sudanese or South Sudanese, who have travelled to the UK via Libya.

      Throughout the entirety of the criminal process, responsibility lay with the child at every stage to reject their ‘given’ age and reassert that they are under 18. Despite this, the Courts generally relied on the Home Office’s ‘given age’, without recognition of evidence highlighting clear flaws in these initial age enquiries. Children who maintained that they were under 18 in official legal proceedings faced substantial delays to their cases, due to the time required by the relevant local authority to carry out an age assessment, and delays to the criminal process. Due to this inaction, several children have decided to be convicted and sentenced as adults to try to avoid spending additional time in prison.

      These young people have experienced serious psychological and physical harm in adult courts and prisons, raising serious questions around the practices of the Home Office, Border Force, Ministry of Justice, magistrates and Judges, the CPS, defence lawyers, and prison staff.

      Pour télécharger le rapport :
      Full report:https://blogs.law.ox.ac.uk/sites/default/files/2024-02/No%20such%20thing%20as%20justice%20here_for%20publication.pdf
      Summary : https://blogs.law.ox.ac.uk/sites/default/files/2024-02/SUMMARY_No%20such%20thing%20as%20justice%20here_for%20publication.pd


    • Ibrahima Bah was sentenced to nine years for steering a ‘death trap’ dinghy across the Channel. Was he really to blame?

      The young asylum seeker was forced into piloting the boat on which at least four people drowned. Under new ‘stop the boats’ laws, he’s responsible for their deaths – but others say he’s a victim

      In the dock at Canterbury crown court, Ibrahima Bah listened closely as his interpreter told him he was being sentenced to nine years and six months in prison.

      In December 2022, Bah had steered an inflatable dinghy full of passengers seeking asylum in the UK across the Channel from France. The boat collapsed and four people were confirmed drowned – it is thought that at least one other went overboard, but no other bodies have yet been recovered.

      Bah’s conviction – four counts of gross negligence manslaughter and one of facilitating a breach of immigration law – is the first of its kind. The Home Office put out a triumphant tweet after his sentencing, with the word “JAILED” in capital letters above his mugshot. According to the government, Bah’s sentence is proof that it is achieving one of Rishi Sunak’s main priorities: to “Stop the Boats”. But human rights campaigners are less jubilant and fear his conviction will be far from the last.

      Of the 39 passengers who survived that perilous journey in December 2022, about a dozen were lone children. Bah is a young asylum seeker himself, from Senegal. The judge determined he is now 20; his birth certificate says he is 17. Either way, he was a teenager at the time of the crossing. So how did his dream of a new life in the UK end up here, in this courtroom, being convicted of multiple counts of manslaughter?

      As with so many asylum seekers, details about Bah’s life are hazy and complicated. He has had little opportunity to speak to people since he arrived in the UK because he has been behind bars. His older sister, Hassanatou Ba, who lives in Morocco, says the whole family is devastated by his imprisonment, especially their mother. Hassanatou says her brother – the only son in the family, and the only male after the death of their father – has always been focused on helping them all.

      “He is gentle, kind and respectful, and loves his family very much,” she says. “He always wanted to take care of all of us. He knew about the difficulties in our lives and wanted our problems to stop.”

      In court, the judge, Mr Justice Johnson KC, noted that Bah’s early upbringing was difficult and that he was subjected to child labour. His initial journey from Senegal was tough, too, as he travelled to the Gambia, then Mali (where the judge acknowledged he had been subjected to forced labour), Algeria and Libya before crossing the Mediterranean to reach Europe. The risk of drowning in a flimsy and overcrowded boat in the Mediterranean is extremely high, with more than 25,000 deaths or people missing during the crossing since 2014. The Immigration Enforcement Competent Authority found there were reasonable grounds to conclude Bah was a victim of modern slavery based on some of his experiences on his journey. He told the police the boat journey was “terrifying”, and took four days and four nights in an “overcrowded and unsuitable” vessel.

      Bah and his fellow travellers were rescued and taken to Sicily. From there, he travelled to France and met Allaji Ba, 18, from Guinea, who became his friend and who he has described as his “brother”. The pair spent five months in Bordeaux before travelling to Paris, then Calais, then Dunkirk, spending three months in an area known as the Jungle – a series of small, basic encampments. The refugees who live there are frequently uprooted by French police. The vast original Calais refugee encampment – also known as the Jungle – was destroyed in October 2016, but the camps still exist, albeit in more compact and makeshift forms. Some people have tents, while others sleep in the open air, whatever the weather.

      In the Jungle, Bah met a group of smugglers. He was unable to pay the going rate of about £2,000 for a space on a dinghy to come to the UK, so instead he agreed to steer the boat in exchange for free passage. Smugglers don’t drive boats themselves: they either offer the job to someone like Bah, who can’t afford to pay for their passage; force a passenger to steer; or leave it to the group to share the task between them.

      When Bah saw how unseaworthy and overcrowded the boat was, he refused to pilot it, and in court, the judge accepted there was a degree of coercion by the smugglers. Bah said smugglers with a knife and a gun assaulted him, and other survivors corroborated his account of being beaten after refusing to board the boat.

      Once the dinghy was afloat, survivors have said the situation became increasingly terrifying. Out at sea, under a pitch black sky, the dinghy began taking in water up to knee level. It was when the passengers saw a fishing vessel, Arcturus, that catastrophe struck, with some standing up, hoping that at last they were going to be saved from what they believed was certain drowning.

      At Bah’s trial, witnesses gave evidence about his efforts to save lives by manoeuvring the stricken dinghy towards the fishing trawler, so that people could be rescued.

      One witness said that if it hadn’t been for Bah, everyone on board would have drowned. “He was trying his best,” he said. Another survivor called him an “angel” for his efforts to save lives, holding a rope so others could be hoisted to safety on the fishing vessel and putting the welfare of others first. The judge acknowledged that Bah was one of the last to leave the dinghy and tried to help others after he did so, including his friend Ba, “who tragically died before your eyes”.

      The dinghy was described by the judge as a “death trap”; he also recognised that the primary responsibility for what happened that night rests with the criminal gangs who exploit and endanger those who wish to come to the UK. He noted that Bah was “significantly less culpable” than the gangs and did not coerce other passengers or organise the trip.

      “Everything that has happened to Ibrahima since he was forced to drive the boat in 2022 has been bad luck,” says Hassanatou. “In fact, Ibrahima’s whole journey has been suffering on top of suffering.”

      Had Bah made the journey just a few months earlier, he would not be in this courtroom today. His conviction was made possible by recent changes in the law – part of the Conservative government’s clampdown on small boats. In June 2022, the Nationality and Borders Act (NABA) expanded the scope of criminal offences relating to irregular arrival to the UK. The offence of “illegal arrival” was introduced, with a maximum sentence of four years. This criminalises the act of arriving in the UK to claim asylum – and effectively makes claiming asylum impossible since, by law, you have to be physically in the country to make a claim.

      At the same time, the pre-existing offence of “facilitation” – making it possible for others to claim asylum by piloting a dinghy, for example – was expanded, with the maximum sentence increased from 14 years to life imprisonment. Hundreds of people, including children and victims of torture and smuggling, have subsequently been jailed for the first offence and a handful for the second.

      The reasons Bah and thousands of others are forced into this particularly deadly form of Russian roulette on the Channel is due to government policy not to provide safe and legal routes for those who are fleeing persecution. Last year, the government went further than NABA with the Illegal Migration Act, making any asylum claim by someone arriving by an “irregular” means, such as on a small boat, inadmissible. It is hard to overstate the significance of this change. The right to claim asylum was enshrined in the 1951 Geneva Convention after the horrors of the second world war – and has saved many lives. The UK is still signed up to that convention, but the Illegal Migration Act now makes it almost impossible to exercise that essential right, and has been strongly criticised by the UN.

      None of these legal changes are stopping the boats. Although the number of Channel crossings fell by 36% last year, much of that reduction was due to 90% fewer crossings by Albanians (there had been a spike in the numbers of Albanians coming over in 2022). Those fleeing conflict zones are still crossing in large numbers, and according to a report by the NGO Alarm Phone, measures introduced to stop the boats are likely to have increased the number of Channel drownings.

      Most asylum seekers do not seek sanctuary in the UK but instead head to the nearest safe country. Those who do come here often have family in the UK, or speak English. The decisions people make before stepping into a precarious dinghy on a beach in northern France are not a result of nuanced calculations based on the latest law to pass through parliament. “I come or I die,” one Syrian asylum seeker told me recently, when I asked about his decision to make a high-risk boat crossing after experiencing torture in his home country.

      Some lawyers who have followed Bah’s case and the broader implications of the new legislation are worried about these developments. “There is now no legal way to claim asylum,” one lawyer says.

      “The use of manslaughter in these circumstances is completely novel and demonstrates how pernicious the new laws are. It is the most vulnerable who end up piloting the boats and asylum seekers have no knowledge that the law has changed.”

      Bah’s case has also caused consternation among campaigners. “The conviction of Ibrahima Bah demonstrates a violent escalation in the prosecution of people for the way in which they arrive in the UK,” reads a joint statement from Humans for Rights Network and Refugee Legal Support, two of the organisations supporting Bah. They also point out that Bah had already spent 14 months in prison without knowing how long he would remain there, after a previous trial against him last year collapsed when the jury failed to reach a verdict.

      “He too is a survivor of the shipwreck he experienced in December 2022,” the statement continues. “Imprisonment has severely impacted his mental health and will continue to do so while he is incarcerated. Ibrahima navigated a horrific journey to the UK in the hope of finding safety here through the only means available to him and yet he has been punished for the deaths of others seeking the same thing, sanctuary.”

      The organisation Captain Support is helping 175 people who face prosecution as a result of the new laws to find legal representation. A letter-writing campaign calling for Bah to be freed has been launched.

      Hassanatou says she is struggling to comprehend the UK’s harsh laws towards people like her little brother, and she fears his age will make it particularly difficult for him to cope behind bars. He will be expected to serve two-thirds of his sentence in custody, first in a young offenders’ institute and then in an adult jail.

      In his sentencing remarks the judge said to Bah: “This is also a tragedy for you. Your dream of starting a new life in the UK is in tatters.”


  • Schwerverletzte nach Clan-Streit in Kreuzberg: Großaufgebot der Berliner Polizei sichert Notaufnahme mit Maschinenpistolen ab

    25.2.2024 von Pascal Bartosz, Amelie Sittenauer - Im Graefekiez gingen Männer bekannter Großfamilien aufeinander los. Zwei Schwerverletzte kamen ins Urban-Krankenhaus, die Polizei rückte an. Alles begann in Neukölln.

    Im Graefekiez in Berlin-Kreuzberg ist es in der Nacht zu Sonntag zu einer folgenschweren Auseinandersetzung zweier Gruppen aus dem Clanmilieu gekommen. Dies bestätigte ein Polizeisprecher auf Nachfrage. Es gab zwei Schwerverletzte. Zuerst hatte die „B.Z.“ berichtet.

    Ersten Erkenntnissen zufolge fuhr gegen 20.30 Uhr ein Angehöriger einer Familie mit mehreren Insassen durch den Graefekiez und rammte dabei geparkte Autos mit seinem Audi. Eine Gruppe aus zehn bis fünfzehn Männern soll daraufhin auf den Wagen zugestürmt sein und die Fenster eingeschlagen haben.

    Dabei entdeckten die Männer offenbar, dass der Fahrer in der Nacht zuvor schon in einen milieuinternen Streit verwickelt war – nach Tagesspiegel-Informationen hatte es am Samstag um 3 Uhr im Neuköllner Schillerkiez eine blutige Auseinandersetzung gegeben. Nun bekamen, so vorläufige Erkenntnisse, beide Seiten Verstärkung aus ihren Familien.

    Manchmal reicht ein schiefer Blick, damit ganze Horden aufeinander losgehen.

    In dem Streit sollen Messer, vermutlich auch eine Schreckschusswaffe, eingesetzt worden sein. Ein 19-Jähriger erlitt demnach eine Schussverletzung an einem Bein, wie die Polizei mitteilte. Einem 43-jährigen Mann wurden mehrere Stichverletzungen am Rumpf zugefügt. Ein weiterer 19-Jähriger wurde durch Schläge am Kopf verletzt. Letzterer habe sich entgegen dem ärztlichen Rat selbst wieder aus dem Krankenhaus entlassen, die anderen beiden Männer blieben zur stationären Behandlung.

    Angehörige blockierten Notaufnahme des Urban-Krankenhauses

    Angehörige brachten die drei Verletzten in das nahegelegene Urban-Krankenhaus. Die Polizei rückte an, weil viele Angehörige die Notaufnahme blockierten. Das ist nach Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Angehörigen polizeibekannter Großfamilien üblich. In den letzten Jahren kam es in solchen Situationen immer wieder zu Angriffen auf Pflegekräfte, Ärzte und andere Patienten. Die Clans der an diesem Streit beteiligten Männer leben nach Tagesspiegel-Informationen überwiegend in Kreuzberg, Neukölln und Schöneberg.

    Mit Maschinenpistolen sicherten Beamte die Rettungsstelle. Mitarbeiter der Klinik seien nicht zu Schaden gekommen. Sie hätten „sehr besonnen reagiert und die drei Verletzten sehr professionell versorgt“, sagte Kliniksprecher Christoph Lang der Deutschen Presse-Agentur. Ihnen werde jetzt psychologische Betreuung angeboten. „Und es wird in Teambesprechungen auch noch aufgearbeitet.“

    Notfälle mussten fortan in andere Kliniken gefahren werden. Insbesondere im Urban-Krankenhaus geschieht das regelmäßig, zudem in der ebenfalls zum landeseigenen Vivantes-Konzern gehörenden Klinik in Neukölln und am Virchow-Campus der Charité in Wedding.

    Bis in den Sonntagmorgen beobachteten Ermittler des Landeskriminalamtes einzelne Clan-Treffs, um auf etwaige Revierkämpfe unter den Familien schnell reagieren zu können.

    In der Hauptstadt gebe es „eine ganze Reihe an testosterongeladenen Protagonisten“, teilte der Sprecher der Gewerkschaft der Polizei in Berlin, Benjamin Jendro, am Sonntag zu dem Vorfall mit. Diese würden beim Konkurrenzkampf in Bereichen der Organisierten Kriminalität – wie Prostitution, Schutzgelderpressung oder Drogenhandel – auch nicht vor Waffengewalt zurückschrecken. „Manchmal reicht ein schiefer Blick oder eine Bemerkung, damit ganze Horden wie im Urzustand mit Schlägern, Macheten oder Schusswaffen aufeinander losgehen“, sagte Jendro. (mit dpa)

    #Berlin #Neukölln #Schillerkiez #Graefekiez #Kreuzberg #Dieffenbachstraße #Krankenhaus_am_Urban #Kriminalität

  • « Le Libertaire » entre les deux guerres mondiales (1919-1939)

    1919. #Pierre_Martin a disparu, #Louis_Lecoin va prendre sa place pour animer Le Libertaire qui reparaît. De nouvelles signatures vont s’ajouter à celles qui ont survécu au carnage et à la désagrégation des consciences jetées dans ce pourrissoir qu’est l’état de guerre. Sébastien Faure essaiera bien, pendant cette période tragique, de faire paraître un journal : Ce qu’il faut dire, qui devra rapidement se saborder devant les menaces du pouvoir. Les anarcho-syndicalistes crieront avec les militants qui iront à Zimmerwald pour essayer d’arrêter la guerre : Cette guerre n’est pas notre guerre. Efforts infructueux, mais qui sauveront l’honneur du mouvement ouvrier. Les anarchistes, cependant, ne désarment pas. Ils feront paraître le 15 juin 1917 un numéro clandestin du Libertaire, ce qui vaudra à (...)

    #Maurice_Joyeux #Nestor_Makhno #Piotr_Archinov_ #Pierre_Besnard #Volonté_Anarchiste #Maurice_Joyeux #Nicolas_Faucier #André_Prudhommeaux

  • AHMED | أحمد sur X :

    At the age of 23, after graduating from Columbia University and working briefly for PBS, I went through 7 rounds of interviews and finally landed a job at the NYT as a news producer.

    On my 3rd day on the job, on the graveyard shift which was from 5pm-2am I had to fill out some HR paperwork, so I went by the head of HR’s office (her name was Barbara) before 5pm to ask if I could fill it out and return it to her later or leave it on her desk.

    She stared at me and said, and I quote verbatim: “How do I know you are not gonna leave a bomb under my desk?”

    At the time I was so startled and shocked. I didn’t know how to react. But I happened to not be alone in the room, as she had already been meeting with the new young business reporter who was Jewish, and who had happened to also hear her offensive retort, and had a look on his face of complete confusion and horror.

    To this day, I tried to believe that maybe she just had a bad sense of humor, but her tone and delivery was not that of someone who is making a joke, but of someone who wanted to prove some sort of point.

    Horrified, I remember going to a mentor at the New York Times, who had once been one of my adjuncts at Columbia University and I told her something very horrible just happened to me and I didn’t want to tell her the details because I was so startled and worried for how it could potentially impact this new great gig that I had landed .

    I will never forget what my mentor said to me who had been at the NYT for over a decade, she said, “Ahmed there are people here who will want you to succeed, and there are more people here who will want you to fail.”

    Ultimately, I decided not to confront or report what the head of HR said at the time, as it was a very strange time given the Iraq war, and the climate in the newsroom was already very politically charged.

    I share this experience now, in light of the misinformation being published by the New York Times, that is masquerading as journalism.

    I only lasted six months at the #New_York_Times, and there are many reasons for that and while I have good friends who still work there, it is an indisputable fact that the #NYT is manufacturing consent for #genocide.

  • This GNOME Extension Shows #AirPods Battery Levels in Ubuntu

    Do you use #Apple AirPods or Beats wireless headphones with Ubuntu (or any Linux distribution using GNOME Shell) and want to be able to check battery levels on your desktop? Well, now you can! The new Airpod Battery Monitor GNOME Shell extension makes it easy to check the battery levels of your AirPods or Beats #bluetooth headsets. Don’t See AirPods Battery Levels in Ubuntu? Apple’s wireless audio devices (including Beats, an Apple subsidiary) work “out of the box” in Ubuntu and other Linux distros) using the regular Bluetooth stack you won’t see any indication of their battery level. Not seeing […] You’re reading This GNOME Extension Shows AirPods Battery Levels in Ubuntu, a blog post from OMG! Ubuntu. Do not reproduce elsewhere without (...)

    #News #GNOME_Extensions

  • Isère : Pourtant interdit, un festival de black metal néonazi a eu lieu dans un village

    Cinq points de contrôles ont été mis en place par la gendarmerie sur les principales routes d’accès à cette commune de 2.000 habitants, à moins d’une heure de route de #Lyon, un des fiefs de l’ultradroite. Ces « contrôles systématiques » sont menés en vue « des poursuites qui pourront être engagées contre les organisateurs ou les participants », selon la préfecture.

    Le festival annonçait en tête d’affiche le groupe polonais Graveland, connu « pour ses morceaux à la gloire du Troisième Reich » et d’autres en référence à la division SS chargée de la protection rapprochée d’Adolf Hitler. Annoncé sur les réseaux sociaux sans autre indication de lieu que « Région Rhône Alpes », l’événement avait été interdit dans cinq départements, dont l’Isère, car « proche de l’idéologie néonazie » et afin de « prévenir toute atteinte à l’ordre public », a rappelé la préfecture.

    #black_metal #néonazis

  • ☀️👀 sur X :

    oh my god. One of the three authors of the New York Times’ “mass rape” atrocity propaganda hoax is Anat Schwartz. She liked posts calling for Gaza to be turned into a “slaughterhouse”. This the person the #NYT hired to write about Palestinians and frame them as sub-human monsters

    she also liked posts repeating the 40 beheaded babies hoax. This is unbelievable. The #New_York_Times got Anat Schwartz along with Adam Sella and Jeffrey Gettleman, both of whom are also rabid Zionist maniacs, to freely express their deep racist contempt of Palestinians. Holy shit

    • https://mondoweiss.net/2024/02/extraordinary-charges-of-bias-emerge-against-nytimes-reporter-anat-schwa

      The latest questions are centered around Anat Schwartz, an Israeli who co-authored several of the paper’s most widely circulated reports, including the now well-known and scrutinized December 28 article headlined: “‘Screams Without Words’’ How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on Oct. 7.”

      Independent researchers scrutinized the online record, and raised serious questions about Schwartz. First, she has apparently never been a reporter but is actually a filmmaker, who the Times suddenly hired in October. You would expect the paper to look for someone with actual journalistic experience, especially for a story as sensitive as this one, written during the fog of war. Surely the paper had enough of its own correspondents on staff who could have been assigned to it.

      Next, the researchers found that Schwartz had not hidden her strong feelings online. There are screenshots of her “liking” certain posts that repeated the “40 beheaded baby” hoax, and that endorsed another hysterical post that urged the Israeli army to “turn Gaza into a slaughterhouse,” and called Palestinians “human animals.”

      Etc., etc.

  • Le communisme électronucléaire : un cours du soir

    En librairie : De la technocratie. La classe puissante à l’ère technologique, par Marius Blouin (Service compris, 2023) Le Daubé l’avait annoncé : « Que faire pour que la Terre reste habitable ? Conférence-débat avec Sylvestre Huet, auteur de Le Giec – urgence climat (préface de Jean Jouzel). 15 février. 18h30, salle polyvalente de l’Île verte, 37 bis rue Blanche Monnier. » On croit se rendre à une réunion d’information du Parti communiste sur le réchauffement climatique, et on se (...) #Nécrotechnologies


  • #Lina_Soualem et #Hiam_Abbass : « Faire exister l’humanité du peuple palestinien »

    Après Leur Algérie, explorant la branche familiale paternelle, la réalisatrice Lina Soualem poursuit l’introspection du double exil qu’elle porte : l’Algérie mais aussi la Palestine. Bye bye Tibériade, son second documentaire, sort en salles mercredi 21 février. Bouleversant de tristesse mais aussi de joie, il raconte comment la lignée de femmes de sa famille maternelle, dont sa mère l’actrice Hiam Abbass, a été percutée par les violences de l’histoire.

    À travers elles, c’est l’histoire du peuple palestinien qui se déploie sur plusieurs décennies, un peuple qui subit une injustice historique et qui est revenu au cœur de l’actualité de la plus sanglante des manières. La sortie de Bye Bye Tibériade survient en pleine guerre à Gaza, où Israël mène, depuis le 7 octobre 2023 et les massacres du Hamas qui ont fait 1 160 morts, une riposte militaire. Celle-ci a tué plus de 29 000 personnes, dont 70 % sont des femmes et des enfants, dans l’enclave palestinienne.

    En explorant les douleurs de la mémoire familiale et collective à travers le prisme des femmes, Lina Soualem questionne aussi admirablement l’universel qui nous percute et nous rassemble : l’amour, l’exil, la famille, la terre, les racines.


    #film #Palestine #cinéma #documentaire #film_documentaire #dépossession #héroïsme #arrachement #exil #identité #droit_à_la_complexité #culture #nakba #intimité #négation #histoire_familiale #parcours_de_vie #silence #art #récits_de_vie #mémoire_collective #peur_de_la_perte #maison #douleurs_du_passé #transmission #force_féminine #vie #humour #liberté #rupture #exil_forcé #patriarcat #poésie