
  • Doctoring the figures : The boards that failed patients | Herald Scotland

    La #culture_du_résultat dans ses œuvres : le scandale des listes d’attente à #NHS_Lothian.

    NHS Lothian est l’une des régions du système national de santé, celle qui contient Edimbourg. Le NHS impose un suivi du temps d’attente avant traitement ou opération, avec des objectifs à tenir.

    En octobre 2011, il a été révélé qu’une façon de respecter ces objectifs consistait à manipuler l’information en indiquant, au moment opportun, que le patient n’était pas disponible (socially unavailable…)

    L’affaire rebondit régulièrement au fur et à mesure des révélations (une vague au printemps 2012, par exemple : http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-18122115 )

    Aujourd’hui, c’est l’organisme écossais de contrôle Audit Scotland qui présente ses conclusions.

    Asked if manipulation was widespread, Audit Scotland points to the graph that shows use of social unavailability codes dropping in health boards around the country at the same time as the manipulation in NHS Lothian was exposed. This might seem to speak for itself.

    Quelques exemples :

    The single highest use of social unavailability codes uncovered was at the Western Infirmary in Glasgow in early 2011. There 70% of the patients on the waiting list for orthopaedic treatment were coded as socially unavailable. In addition, 40% of patients waiting for ophthalmology outpatient appointments at the Southern General were down as unavailable. Finding out why patients were given such codes has been particularly difficult in GGC where the computer system does not retain old data and there is more than one data system in use and the contract with one supplier has come to an end.


    Use of social unavailability codes was also notably high in NHS Grampian, according to the report. In June 2011, more than half the waiting list for orthopaedic surgery was marked as socially unavailable. There were also times when a lot of patients seemed to have multiple periods of social unavailability recorded. Last August, 300 patients had four or more periods included in their wait. Perhaps more worrying still in the space of a couple of hours, the auditors found NHS Grampian staff marked 171 patients as unavailable, with all those patients becoming available again on the same date. The health board told them it was aware of the issue and said it had exposed a need to train staff as the wrong code had been used by mistake.

    Si, si : as the wrong code had been used by mistake

    Je ne fais confiance qu’aux statistiques que j’ai moi-même bidouillées.

    Attribué à Churchill (cf. prochain billet…)

    • chez moi un des livreurs privés (Adrexo) a souvent tendance à mentir et dire que je n’étais pas là au moment de la livraison, ce qui lui fait sans doute gagner quelques minutes… ça n’arrive jamais avec les autres (La Poste, DHL)…