• Dominika Gesicka : « #Longyearbyen change la vie des gens » - Europe - RFI (traduction… rapide…)

    Pourquoi s’aventurer dans la ville la plus au nord de notre planète ? À Longyearbyen, petite ville arctique sur l’île du #Spitzberg, on y peut « ni naître ni être enterré », mais chacun a sa propre raison – souvent inavouée - pour y arriver. Ici, il n’y a pas d’arbres, mais des ours polaires. En hiver, la nuit règne toute la journée et en été, le jour perdure aussi pendant la nuit. Une ambiance électrique au milieu de l’Antarctique. Comme beaucoup, la photographe polonaise Dominika Gesicka, 37 ans, a eu un coup de foudre pour cet endroit unique au monde et une bonne raison pour y aller. Sa série « This is not Real Life » est actuellement exposée au Centquatre, Paris, dans le cadre de Circulation(s), le festival de la jeune photographie européenne.

    RFI : Avant This is not Real Life, vous avez fait une série intitulée _It wasn’t m_e, Ce n’était pas moi. Qui êtes-vous ?
    Dominika Gesicka : Je suis Dominika, photographe, de Pologne, de Varsovie.

    Pourquoi êtes-vous devenue photographe ?
    C’est histoire d’une vieille caméra trouvée dans l’armoire des parents quand j’avais 9 ans. J’étais complètement fascinée de l’appareil et j’ai obligé ma sœur de poser pour moi comme modèle. Donc, je prends des photos depuis toujours. C’est ma passion et mon obsession.

    Que montrez-vous avec This is not Real Life ?
    C’est une série sur un endroit extraordinaire et littéralement la fin du monde [sourire].


  • Det kommer flest kvinner og barn til Norge – NRK Norge – Oversikt over nyheter fra ulike deler av landet

    To av tre asylsøkere fikk opphold i Norge i 2017, viser den ferske rapporten om Rikets tilstand på asylfeltet.

    67 prosent av dem som søkte asyl i Norge i fjor fikk opphold, viser tall fra NOAS rapport « Rikets tilstand på asylfeltet ».

    Norsk asyl- og innvandringspolitikk

    – Dette er ikke unge menn

    Rapporten viser også at 60 prosent av de omkring 3300 asylsøkerne som kom til Norge i fjor var kvinner og barn.

    – 61 prosent fikk beskyttelse og ca. seks prosent fikk opphold på humanitært grunnlag. Det er viktig å diskutere hvem det er som kommer. Dette er ikke unge menn, eller så kalte grunnløse asylsøkere, sier generalsekretær i NOAS Ann-Margitt Austenå.

    #norvège #asile #réfugiés #migrations

  • Bienvenue à #Longyearbyen, la ville norvégienne dans laquelle il est illégal de mourir

    Les températures y sont la plupart du temps négatives. Résultat : les cadavres ne se décomposent pas dans le sol, gelé en permanence. Pour cette raison, la mairie a interdit à ses administrés de mourir dans la ville dès les années 50. Signe du bien fondé de cette curieuse requête : des scientifiques qui ont étudié, en 1998, les corps de personnes emportées par une puissante grippe en 1918 et enterrées dans le cimetière communal, ont retrouvé des particules du virus, lequel avait survécu dans les corps congelés, raconte Slate. Cette mission, menée par une géographe médicale canadienne du nom de Kirsty Duncan, avait pour objectif de prélever des extraits de #grippe_espagnole, afin de les étudier et de prévenir d’éventuelles nouvelles épidémies, racontait en 2015 le post de blog (en anglais) d’une journaliste de Wired et de Slate, hébergé par le site de National Geographic.

    […] Reste à savoir si le réchauffement n’aura pas raison de la particularité de la commune. En 2016, le climatologue Ketil Isaksen, du Norwegian Meterological Institute tire la sonnette d’alarme sur le réchauffement rapide de la région. En janvier 2017, il tweetait un graphique témoignant du réchauffement du permafrost ; De 1999 à 2016, la température du sol à la surface est passée de - 5 °C, à - 2 °C.

    #Norvège #Svalbard #décès #réchauffement_climatique

  • Snøhetta to build world’s first energy-positive hotel by 2021


    Designed by international architecture firm Snøhetta and owned by Arctic Adventure of Norway and real estate company MIRIS, the futuristic circular retreat will harness geothermal and solar energy to produce a surplus of solar power that can be redirected back to the grid.
    “Nature in the Arctic is fragile and pristine. We have to respect the natural beauty of the site and not ruin what makes Svartisen an attraction in the first place,” says Zenul Khan, Snøhetta’s Svart project manager.
    “By creating such a sustainable building, we aim to encourage a more sustainable approach to tourism by making people conscious about the way we experience exotic locations.”

    #norvège #architecture #arctique

  • « L’Angle éco ». La guerre des #sexes - France 2 - 1 mars 2018 - En replay

    Et si la guerre des sexes avait commencé ? Et si les mouvements contre le harcèlement sexuel étaient une des conséquences de l’irrésistible montée en puissance des femmes dans l’économie ? Après des millénaires de domination masculine sans partage, la tendance est en train de s’inverser. Et les hommes assistent, parfois inquiets, à ce bouleversement historique.

    Le magazine « L’Angle éco » (Facebook, Twitter, #Langleco) se penche sur cette révolution qui s’accélère dans le monde. En France, il n’y a jamais eu autant de femmes actives depuis quarante ans. Aux Etats-Unis, le mouvement est encore plus fort, et parallèlement, ce sont les hommes qui désertent en masse le travail.

    #sexisme #égalité_femme_homme #travail #management #stéréotypes #publicité #viol #harcèlement_sexuel #Norvège

  • Un représentant d’un syndicat norvégien s’est vu refuser l’entrée en israel (et donc en Palestine), probablement parce qu’il s’appelle Mohammed Malik, qu’il est d’origine pakistanaise, et que son syndicat, LO, soutient le BDS...

    Israel deported LO-elected Mohammed Malik

    Traduction en anglais :

    Israeli security people at the airport in Tel Aviv interrogated union leader Mohammed Malik in Tine Dairies about his association with LO. Then they threw him out of the country. “The decision of the LO Congress on Boycott of Israel can have such consequences", said Israel’s ambassador to Norway.

    Mohammed Malik was on a trade union study trip with the Palestinian Committee to Palestine. But Malik did not come beyond the airport in Tel Aviv. While all the others in the group were allowed to enter Saturday evening this weekend, Mohammed Malik spent the hours from late Saturday night and early in the morning Sunday in various waiting rooms and detention cells at the airport. It was a very unpleasant experience, says Malik.

    The security officers who questioned him knew that Malik was a union representative in The Norwegian Food and Allied Workers Union. He experienced it as if they were confronting him with his union affiliation. They wanted to know what LO thought about the Palestine conflict. But he did not want to answer them on that.

    Mohammed Malik is born in Norway and originally has Pakistani parents. "My name was obviously the reason I was taken aside in passport control. But they deported me because I am a unionist. I was thrown out because I am affiliated with the LO, says Mohammed Malik. The experience at the airport was humiliating.

    The LO Congress last year agreed with a large majority that LO should work for international economic, cultural and academic boycott of Israel. The Israeli Embassy in Oslo says it is not familiar with the deportation of Malik before FriFagbevegelse contacted it today. The Embassy now investigates why Israel deported Malik. According to the embassy it may take many weeks to get any answers.

    FriFagbevegelse asked whether unionists in Norway’s LO are a danger to Israel’s security. "LO decided to boycott the only Jewish state in the world. One might assume that such an extreme decision can have consequences when it comes to prominent members of the LO, "Ambassador Raphael Schutz writes in a reply on e-mail to FriFagbevegelse.

    In the end, they gave him a document from the Israeli Ministry of Internal Affairs, which states “a decision to prohibit entry is described in “the entry into Israeli Act”.

    “They took pictures of me, gave me the entry ban and said that “you are forever refused to enter Israel,” says Malik. “The reason the entry in the entry ban was “to prevent illegal immigration.” - I asked them why they deported me. They would not inform me, he says. He would like the Israeli authorities to explain this.

    Une liste d’autres expulsions aux frontières israéliennes ici :

    #Palestine #Norvège #Expulsion #Aéroport #Racisme #BDS #Douane #Frontière #expulsions_frontières (d’israel)

  • Top Norway Fund Manager Is Betting on Rigs for 200% Return - Bloomberg

    After more than 3 years of taking a hammering, drillers are set to rise.

    They will rise 100 to 200 percent — a real surge,” Martin Molsaeter, portfolio manager and partner at First Fondene, said in an interview in Oslo on Wednesday.

    Oil service companies suffered as crude prices fell in 2014, with explorers and producers slashing spending to weather the downturn. But as oil companies start to increase investments with crude back over $70 dollar a barrel, revenue is likely to rise for rig companies and other suppliers.

    Utilization is increasing but not the rates,” said Molsaeter, who manages about 2.3 billion kroner ($300 million). “First, the number of rigs employed increases and then one or two years later the rates come up.

  • Skam : un remake français de la série ado norvégienne en préparation pour France 4 [EXCLU] - News Séries à la TV - AlloCiné

    Skam : un remake français de la série ado norvégienne en préparation pour France 4 [EXCLU]
    Par Jérémie Dunand — 18 sept. 2017 à 16:10

    La série ado « Skam », diffusée en Norvège depuis 2015, va avoir très prochainement droit à son adaptation française, qui sera diffusée sur France 4 et dont le tournage devrait commencer d’ici la fin du mois.

    Lancée en 2015 en Norvège sur la chaîne NRK, la série Skam (qui signifie « honte » en norvégien) est devenue, en l’espace de 4 saisons, un véritable phénomène auprès des ados du monde entier, grâce notamment à son format hybride entre série et websérie, qui joue à fond le jeu des réseaux sociaux, et au portrait réaliste qu’elle dresse de l’adolescence d’aujourd’hui, loin des paillettes et des rebondissement tirés par les cheveux de Gossip Girl. Et si la série reste aujourd’hui encore inédite en France, du moins de manière légale, une adaptation française est, elle, bien en préparation depuis déjà plusieurs mois, dans le plus grand secret.

    En effet, selon nos sources, un remake français de Skam s’apprête à entrer en tournage pour France 4, qui aurait commandé pas moins de 4 saisons d’un coup à la société de production en charge du projet. Toujours selon nos informations, le tournage des deux premières saisons est censé s’étaler du 25 septembre au 25 novembre en région parisienne, tandis que les deux suivantes entreront en phase de tournage début 2018. Comme dans la série originale, chaque saison devrait être centrée sur un personnage et la diffusion, hebdomadaire, devrait se faire le samedi après-midi sur France 4, à un horaire encore inconnu. Côté casting, aucun nom n’a été communiqué et la production serait encore à la recherche de plusieurs jeunes comédiens pouvant camper les héros de ce Skam français.

    On sait en revanche qu’un gros dispositif transmédia sera déployé par la chaîne pour coller au maximum à ce qui est fait en Norvège, où les contenus web font partie intégrante du storytelling de la série. Les épisodes diffusés par France 4 seront donc, à l’image de la série originale, un « assemblement » d’extraits ayant été diffusés au fil de la semaine sur les réseaux sociaux, au moment où les personnages sont censés vivre les événements en question. Entendez par là que si les ados de la série se rendent à une fête un vendredi soir, l’extrait (ou webisode) correspondant sera mis en ligne le vendredi soir, pour donner une impression de direct.

    Bref, France 4 semble bien décidée à faire de son adaptation de Skam un remake fidèle, dans la forme en tout cas. Une version française qui pourrait d’ailleurs bien voir le jour avant le remake américain, annoncé fin 2016 et en projet sous la houlette de Simon Fuller, le créateur du télé-crochet American Idol.

    Contactée par nos soins, France 4 n’a pas souhaité confirmer ces informations.

    #norvège #série_télé #multiculturalisme #adolescence

  • Hotspot – Norway - Geographical


    Klaus Dodds turns his gaze north, to examine the debates raging across Norway regarding oil and gas exploration

    In September, two notable stories emerged about Norway. The first involved the reported value of the much-heralded sovereign wealth fund, known more colloquially as the ‘oil fund’. The net-value of the fund is estimated to be more than $1trillion, which is a staggering achievement for a country that was once largely dependent on fishing as opposed to oil and gas exploration.

    Remarkably, the oil fund was only established 25 years ago with the express purpose of investing hydrocarbon revenues for the long-term benefit of the five million-strong Norwegian population. While there are strict rules governing the use and management of the fund, it’s a reminder of how small states can control investment portfolios that are global in scope.

    #norvège #énergie #pétrole #environnement #pollution #paysages

  • Sécurité routière en Norvège : 106 morts en 2017 contre 350 en 2000 soit 2 morts pour 100 000 habitants. Un record en somme.

    106 omkom på veiene i 2017 - NRK Hordaland - Lokale nyheter, TV og radio

    106 mistet livet på norske veier i 2017, ifølge tall fra Statens vegvesen.

    Det er 29 færre enn i 2016 og det laveste tallet på 70 år.

    Hordaland topper statistikken med 12 omkomne i trafikken i fjor.

    Seks har - så langt - omkommet i juletrafikken, som regnes fra og med 23. desember til og med 2. januar.

    – Selv om tendensen er at det er stadig tryggere på veiene, er dette langt mer enn tall og statistikk. Bak hver eneste ulykke er det en tragedie som rammer familie, venner, kolleger og lokalsamfunn, sier vegdirektør Terje Moe Gustavsen.

    #sécurité_rouière #norvège

  • Pawns of Peace : Evaluation of Norwegian peace efforts in Sri Lanka, 1997-2009


    Fantastique synthèse de l’histoire du conflit au #Sri_Lanka et des efforts de paix (dans lesquels les Norvégiens ont été impliqués)

    This evaluation assesses Norway’s peace efforts in Sri Lanka from 1997 to 2009. It tells the story of Norway’s engagement, assesses the effects and identifies broader implications and lessons. The analysis is based on interviews with key informants, an in-depth perusal of ministry archives in Oslo, several subsidiary studies, and a review of relevant research, secondary literature and the Sri Lankan press.

    Since the end of the Cold War, Norway has shown remarkable foreign policy activism in the pursuit of peace and Sri Lanka is a prominent example of this. Norwegian efforts to bring about a negotiated settlement between successive Sri Lankan governments and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) spanned a twelve-year period. Apart from its role as peace facilitator, Norway was involved as a ceasefire monitor and an aid donor during this period.

    The Sri Lankan peace process is largely a story of failure in terms of bringing an end to the civil war. Norway, however, cannot be held solely or primarily responsible for this ultimate failure and its involvement contributed to several intermediate achievements, including the Ceasefire Agreement, the Oslo meeting in which both sides expressed a commitment to explore a federal solution, and the signing of a joint mechanism for post-tsunami aid. The ceasefire in particular had positive impacts on the ground situation, but in the end these accomplishments proved to be ephemeral.

    The peace process reproduced, rather than transformed underlying structural obstacles to conflict resolution. It failed to induce fundamental changes in the disposition of the state and anti-state formations in Sri Lanka, and to some extent it caused a further entrenchment of positions. The hurting stalemate which led to the Ceasefire Agreement (CFA), initial peace talks and a period of ‘no war-no peace’, was followed by an escalating shadow war and finally open hostilities ending in the defeat of the #LTTE in May 2009.

    #guerre #conflits

  • Norway accused of unfairly taking away immigrant children
    Associated Press


    by Mark Lewis

    26 August 2015

    STAVANGER, Norway (AP) — One August day, Airida Pettersen received the news many immigrant mothers have come to dread: School representatives told the Lithuanian that child welfare officials removed her two children from the classroom and placed them in a foster home.
    She pleaded to know why — but she said nobody would give her a straight answer.
    Pettersen, who moved to Norway in 2008 after marrying a Norwegian, is one of hundreds of immigrant parents whose children were taken away by Norway’s Child Protection Service, or Barnevernet, ostensibly to protect them from mistreatment.
    After a series of highly charged custody disputes, the oil-rich Scandinavian country now faces accusations of cultural insensitivity at best and child theft at worst, as increasing numbers of immigrant children are being seized by officials and handed over to Norwegian foster families. Of 6,737 children taken in 2012 — the latest available data — some 1,049 were immigrants or born to immigrant parents. That compares to 744 children of immigrants taken away, of a total of 5,846, in 2009.
    The authorities insist they’re acting in the best interests of the children. But their perceived heavy-handedness has stirred diplomatic disputes with several eastern European countries and India.
    All Western European countries assert the right to place children, both of nationals and foreigners, in foster care when there is evidence of abuse. And complaints of unfair seizures, allegedly for cultural reasons, are known to arise. But Norway is the only country where it has become as major issue — both due to the scale of the phenomenon and the fierce criticism of the government.
    Official guidelines also make a point of ensuring that the special needs of a sick or handicapped child are adequately met and that parents have to be able to take sufficient responsibility so that a child’s health or development is in no way “seriously injured.”
    Pettersen believes officials took her children partly because of her 10-year-old daughter’s clothes, which she alleges authorities found too provocative for a pre-teen.


    The child welfare agency insists children would never be removed from their families unless they were considered to be in danger, but Moerkved said that if children were attending class badly dressed or in smelly clothes it would be a factor in considering a child’s welfare.
    “There are some culture differences between families coming to Norway,” said Solveig Horne, Norwegian Minister for Children and Families. “All children who come to Norway have the same rights as Norwegian children ... If they are neglected or abused or if there is violence in the family the (child protection) agency should protect the children first of all.”
    Statistics show that children born abroad are more than three times as likely to be removed from their homes as native Norwegians, with nearly 3 percent of foreign-born children in foster care.

    #norvège #ùigrations #asile #enfance #enfants #déportation

  • Slavoj Žižek · The Non-Existence of Norway · LRB 9 September 2015


    The Non-Existence of Norway

    Slavoj Žižek on the refugee crisis

    The flow of refugees from Africa and the Middle East into Western Europe has provoked a set of reactions strikingly similar to those we display on learning we have a terminal illness, according to the schema described by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in her classic study On Death and Dying. First there is denial: ‘It’s not so serious, let’s just ignore it’ (we don’t hear much of this any longer). Then there is anger – how can this happen to me? – which explodes when denial is no longer plausible: ‘Refugees are a threat to our way of life; Muslim fundamentalists are hiding among them; they have to be stopped!’ There is bargaining: ‘OK, let’s decide on quotas; let them have refugee camps in their own countries.’ There is depression: ‘We are lost, Europe is turning into Europastan!’ What we haven’t yet seen is Kübler-Ross’s fifth stage, acceptance, which in this case would involve the drawing up of an all-European plan to deal with the refugees.

    What should be done? Public opinion is sharply divided. Left liberals express their outrage that Europe is allowing thousands to drown in the Mediterranean: Europe, they say, should show solidarity and throw open its doors. Anti-immigrant populists say we need to protect our way of life: foreigners should solve their own problems. Both solutions sound bad, but which is worse? To paraphrase Stalin, they are both worse. The greatest hypocrites are those who call for open borders. They know very well this will never happen: it would instantly trigger a populist revolt in Europe. They play the beautiful soul, superior to the corrupted world while continuing to get along in it. The anti-immigrant populist also knows very well that, left to themselves, people in Africa and the Middle East will not succeed in solving their own problems and changing their societies. Why not? Because we in Western Europe are preventing them from doing so. It was Western intervention in Libya that threw the country into chaos. It was the US attack on Iraq that created the conditions for the rise of Islamic State. The ongoing civil war in the Central African Republic between the Christian south and the Muslim north is not just an explosion of ethnic hatred, it was triggered by the discovery of oil in the north: France and China are fighting for the control of resources through their proxies. It was a global hunger for minerals, including coltan, cobalt, diamonds and copper, that abetted the ‘warlordism’ in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the 1990s and early 2000s.

    If we really want to stem the flow of refugees, then, it is crucial to recognise that most of them come from ‘failed states’, where public authority is more or less inoperative: Syria, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, DRC and so on. This disintegration of state power is not a local phenomenon but a result of international politics and the global economic system, in some cases – like Libya and Iraq – a direct outcome of Western intervention. (One should also note that the ‘failed states’ of the Middle East were condemned to failure by the boundaries drawn up during the First World War by Britain and France.)

    It has not escaped notice that the wealthiest countries in the Middle East (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the Emirates, Qatar) have been much less open to refugees than the not so rich (Turkey, Egypt, Iran etc). Saudi Arabia has even returned ‘Muslim’ refugees to Somalia. Is this because Saudi Arabia is a fundamentalist theocracy which cannot tolerate foreign intruders? Yes, but Saudi Arabia’s dependence on oil revenues makes it a fully integrated economic partner of the West. There should be serious international pressure on Saudi Arabia (and Kuwait and Qatar and the Emirates) to accept a large contingent of the refugees, especially since, by supporting the anti-Assad rebels, the Saudis bear a measure of responsibility for the current situation in Syria.

    New forms of slavery are the hallmark of these wealthy countries: millions of immigrant workers on the Arabian peninsula are deprived of elementary civil rights and freedoms; in Asia, millions of workers live in sweatshops organised like concentration camps. But there are examples closer to home. On 1 December 2013 a Chinese-owned clothing factory in Prato, near Florence, burned down, killing seven workers trapped in an improvised cardboard dormitory. ‘No one can say they are surprised at this,’ Roberto Pistonina, a local trade unionist, remarked, ‘because everyone has known for years that, in the area between Florence and Prato, hundreds if not thousands of people are living and working in conditions of near slavery.’ There are more than four thousand Chinese-owned businesses in Prato, and thousands of Chinese immigrants are believed to be living in the city illegally, working as many as 16 hours a day for a network of workshops and wholesalers.

    The new slavery is not confined to the suburbs of Shanghai, or Dubai, or Qatar. It is in our midst; we just don’t see it, or pretend not to see it. Sweated labour is a structural necessity of today’s global capitalism. Many of the refugees entering Europe will become part of its growing precarious workforce, in many cases at the expense of local workers, who react to the threat by joining the latest wave of anti-immigrant populism.

    In escaping their war-torn homelands, the refugees are possessed by a dream. Refugees arriving in southern Italy do not want to stay there: many of them are trying to get to Scandinavia. The thousands of migrants in Calais are not satisfied with France: they are ready to risk their lives to enter the UK. Tens of thousands of refugees in Balkan countries are desperate to get to Germany. They assert their dreams as their unconditional right, and demand from the European authorities not only proper food and medical care but also transportation to the destination of their choice. There is something enigmatically utopian in this demand: as if it were the duty of Europe to realise their dreams – dreams which, incidentally, are out of reach of most Europeans (surely a good number of Southern and Eastern Europeans would prefer to live in Norway too?). It is precisely when people find themselves in poverty, distress and danger – when we’d expect them to settle for a minimum of safety and wellbeing – that their utopianism becomes most intransigent. But the hard truth to be faced by the refugees is that ‘there is no Norway,’ even in Norway.

    We must abandon the notion that it is inherently racist or proto-fascist for host populations to talk of protecting their ‘way of life’. If we don’t, the way will be clear for the forward march of anti-immigration sentiment in Europe whose latest manifestation is in Sweden, where according to the latest polling the anti-immigrant Sweden Democrats have overtaken the Social Democrats as the country’s most popular party. The standard left-liberal line on this is an arrogant moralism: the moment we give any credence to the idea of ‘protecting our way of life’, we compromise our position, since we’re merely proposing a more modest version of what anti-immigrant populists openly advocate. And this is indeed the cautious approach that centrist parties have adopted in recent years. They reject the open racism of anti-immigrant populists, but at the same time profess that they ‘understand the concerns’ of ordinary people, and so enact a more ‘rational’ anti-immigration policy.

    We should nevertheless reject the left-liberal attitude. The complaints that moralise the situation – ‘Europe is indifferent to the suffering of others’ etc – are merely the obverse of anti-immigrant brutality. They share the presupposition, which is in no way self-evident, that the defence of one’s own way of life is incompatible with ethical universalism. We should avoid getting trapped in the liberal self-interrogation, ‘How much tolerance can we afford?’ Should we tolerate migrants who prevent their children going to state schools; who force their women to dress and behave in a certain way; who arrange their children’s marriages; who discriminate against homosexuals? We can never be tolerant enough, or we are always already too tolerant. The only way to break this deadlock is to move beyond mere tolerance: we should offer others not just our respect, but the prospect of joining them in a common struggle, since our problems today are problems we share.

    Refugees are the price we pay for a globalised economy in which commodities – but not people – are permitted to circulate freely. The idea of porous borders, of being inundated by foreigners, is immanent to global capitalism. The migrations in Europe are not unique. In South Africa, more than a million refugees from neighbouring states came under attack in April from the local poor for stealing their jobs. There will be more of these stories, caused not only by armed conflict but also by economic crises, natural disasters, climate change and so on. There was a moment, in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, when the Japanese authorities were preparing to evacuate the entire Tokyo area – more than twenty million people. If that had happened, where would they have gone? Should they have been given a piece of land to develop in Japan, or been dispersed around the world? What if climate change makes northern Siberia more habitable and appropriate for agriculture, while large parts of sub-Saharan Africa become too dry to support a large population? How will the redistribution of people be organised? When events of this kind happened in the past, the social transformations were wild and spontaneous, accompanied by violence and destruction.

    Humankind should get ready to live in a more ‘plastic’ and nomadic way. One thing is clear: national sovereignty will have to be radically redefined and new methods of global co-operation and decision-making devised. First, in the present moment, Europe must reassert its commitment to provide for the dignified treatment of the refugees. There should be no compromise here: large migrations are our future, and the only alternative to such a commitment is renewed barbarism (what some call a ‘clash of civilisations’).

    Second, as a necessary consequence of this commitment, Europe should impose clear rules and regulations. Control of the stream of refugees should be enforced through an administrative network encompassing all of the members of the European Union (to prevent local barbarisms like those of the authorities in Hungary or Slovakia). Refugees should be assured of their safety, but it should also be made clear to them that they must accept the destination allocated to them by European authorities, and that they will have to respect the laws and social norms of European states: no tolerance of religious, sexist or ethnic violence; no right to impose on others one’s own religion or way of life; respect for every individual’s freedom to abandon his or her communal customs, etc. If a woman chooses to cover her face, her choice must be respected; if she chooses not to cover her face, her freedom not to do so must be guaranteed. Such rules privilege the Western European way of life, but that is the price to be paid for European hospitality. These rules should be clearly stated and enforced, by repressive measures – against foreign fundamentalists as well as against our own racists – where necessary.

    Third, a new kind of international military and economic intervention will have to be invented – a kind of intervention that avoids the neocolonial traps of the recent past. The cases of Iraq, Syria and Libya demonstrate how the wrong sort of intervention (in Iraq and Libya) as well as non-intervention (in Syria, where, beneath the appearance of non-intervention, external powers such as Russia and Saudi Arabia are deeply involved) end up in the same deadlock.

    Fourth, most important and most difficult of all, there is a need for radical economic change which would abolish the conditions that create refugees. Without a transformation in the workings of global capitalism, non-European refugees will soon be joined by migrants from Greece and other countries within the Union. When I was young, such an organised attempt at regulation was called communism. Maybe we should reinvent it. Maybe this is, in the long term, the only solution.

    #norvège #réfugiés #asile

  • Is FM Radio Norway’s Network Neutrality? Majority Still Opposes Shutdown - Radio Survivor

    Two years ago the world press reported, often breathlessly, on the Scandinavian country’s plans to end its national radio services on the #FM dial, switching them over to #digital_broadcasting. Lost in most of the reportage was the fact 200 local FM stations would remain on the air, while 65% of Norwegians opposed the shutdown. But, who lets facts get in the way of a sensational triumphalist headline declaring the first nail in radio’s coffin?

    Last week more staid articles reported that the national FM shutdown has completed, with the last national FM stations in the northern Arctic reaches going silent. But the public won’t necessarily tolerate the silence.

    According to a variety of sources, unlicensed FM broadcasts have popped up in cities around the country, including Bergen, Tønsberg, Ålesund, Fredrikstad and Førde. In Oslo, Norway’s largest city, the CBC’s “As It Happens” talked with one FM broadcaster—the CEO of a radio company and the chairman of the Norwegian Local Radio Federation—who refused to turn off his transmitter. He says that his station enjoys “great support” from listeners and is facing fines of more than $10,000 a day.

    Even with the national FM switch-off complete, the digital transition still remains unpopular with the Norwegian public. A recent Dagbladet newspaper survey found 56% of Norwegians are “dissatisfied” with the conversion to DAB. Another national news survey says 50% of people who don’t have a DAB capable radio in the car have no plans to upgrade, in part because they’re willing to rely on the local broadcasters that remain on FM.

    To me, this situation seems a lot like Network Neutrality here in the U.S. In Norway you have millions of people—a true majority—who were perfectly happy with FM radio and had no wish to trade it in for a digital model with difficult-to-perceive benefits, aside from being digital. In America, 52% of registered voters in a Morning Consult/Politico poll said they support #Net_Neutrality, while a record number of people submitted comments to the #FCC in support of the policy.

    But like FM supporters in Norway, open internet supporters in the U.S. were screaming at deaf ears in #Washington.

    That’s why in Norway unlicensed broadcasters are filling the enormous void left behind by the country’s national broadcast industry and regulator.

    #Norvège #radio_pirate

  • Den motvillige julemusikaren - Kultur


    Pour référence un très beau concert du pianiste de jazz norvégien Bugge Wesseltoft et ses remarquables invités internationaux.

    RADIODOKUMENTAR : Bugge Wesseltoft fortel om « It’s snowing on my piano ». Journalist Aundun Vinger, skodespelar Ingjerd Egeberg og kokk Ole Martin Alfsen snakkar om sitt forhold til plata. Dokumentaren er laga av NRK-journalist Kjartan Aarsand.

    #concert #norvège #Bugge Wesseltoft

  • Four out of five Norwegian mussels contain plastic : report - The Local

    The Norwegian Institute for Water Research (Norsk Institutt for Vannforskning, Niva) conducted the research on behalf of the country’s Environment Agency (Miljødirektoratet), reports newspaper VG.

    “Microplastics are likely to be mainly found in the animal’s digestive system. But since we eat the entire mussel, microplastics could be finding their way on to Norwegian dining tables,” Environment Agency director Ellen Hambro told VG.

    13 different tests were carried out on 252 mussels, with 193 being shown to contain microplastics, according to the report.

    #moules #plastique #microplastique #pollution

  • Vil kjempe til døden for et nytt Norden - Dokumentar


    Le truc effrayant du jour. Des journalistes de la NRK ont suivi pendant deux ans le mouvement néonazi scandinave pour essayer de comprendre la psychologie des membres, qui ils sont et ce qu’ils veulent. Essentiellement des portraits, des portraits qui tous, sans exception respirent la mort.

    Vil kjempe til døden for et nytt Norden

    Nasjonalsosialister marsjerer igjen i gatene. NRK Brennpunkt har fulgt den nazistiske organisasjonen som kaller seg « Den nordiske motstandsbevegelsen » i to år, for å forstå hvem de er, og hva de ønsker å oppnå.

    #extrême_droite #néonazis #scandinavie #suède #norvège

    • C’est le genre de reportage où les journalistes norvégiens excellent. Ça mériterait que je fasse une traduction, en réalité, mais en réalité, là je cours après le temps et je n’ai pas le temps ! Cela dit, s’il y a un plébiscite, je peux faire une effort :) C’est une plongée en apnée dans le monde néonazi scandinave, et c’est très bien fait : les journalistes commentent peu, ils sont très distant par rapports aux protagonistes, et ils ont bien pris soins de n’adjoindre aucun élément spectaculaire dans la narration, ce qui d’ailleurs rend le bouzin encore plus puissant. Moi, la lecture m’a vraiment effrayée.

    • J’ai pris la grand-mère (il y a 2-3 mots que je n’ai pas compris, mais je crois que l’essentiel y est)

      Il est dimanche matin dans la ville médiévale de Vadstena et Vera Oredsson se prépare pour sa visite hebdomadaire à l’église.

      Dans le national-socialisme, il n’y a pas vraiment de place pour le religion, mais je sais que Jésus-Christ n’était pas juif ; il est donc possible d’être national-socialiste et chrétien, dit cette femme de 89 ans.

      Mme Oredsson est née à Berlin en 1928 d’un père militaire allemand et d’une mère suédoise. À disant elle est inscrite aux Jeunesses hitlériennes. Ses parents ont divorcé pendant la guerre. Sa mère et elle se sont réfugiées en Suède avec les « Bus blancs » en février 1945.

      Son appartement est rempli de livres, de souvenirs et de photos de sa longue vie. Dans sa chambre un grand portrait d’Adolf Hitler

      Pourquoi avez-vous cette photo d’Adolf Hitler dans votre chambre ?
      Pourquoi ne l’aurais-je pas, répond Mme Oredsson, j’ai toujours eu une photo du Führer au dessus de mon lit, même quand j’étais enfant. Avec une telle image au dessus de mon lit, je me sens en sécurité.

      Sous l’image d’Adolf Hitler se trouve une croix gammée en perles. C’est un cadeau de Noël qu’a fait son petit-fils à elle et son mari.

      il a commencé le cadre rouge au jardin d’enfants, mais il a terminé le reste à la maison avec son père, on ne le lui laissait pas le faire au jardin d’enfants.

      Des réflexions sur la biologie raciale ont conduit Vera Oredsson à fonder le Nordiska Rikspartiet avec son mari Göran Oredsson en 1956. Fortement inspiré par Adolf Hitler, le parti veut unir les pays nordiques en un Reich racialement pur.

      le Mouvement de résistance nordique a le même projet. C’est un modèle important.
      Elle est un lien avec l’époque précédant la fondation du Mouvement de résistance nordique, depuis son retour d’Allemagne jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Elle représente une grande source d’inspiration pour nous dit Simon Lindberg

      Objet en perles réalisé par son petit-fils au jardin d’enfants pour le cadre, avec son père pour le motif…

      =========== Notes =========

      Bus blancs — Wikipédia

      L’expression Bus blancs fait référence à une opération humanitaire de la Croix-Rouge, à la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, dont les fers de lance furent le comte suédois Folke Bernadotte et Felix Kersten. Elle permit de sauver des milliers de Scandinaves, ainsi qu’un grand nombre de Juifs, des camps de concentration allemands. Le nom de « bus blancs » provient de ce que les véhicules avaient été peints en blanc avec des croix rouges sur les côtés et le toit afin qu’aucune confusion ne soit possible avec des véhicules militaires.

      En mars et avril 1945, quelque 15 000 prisonniers Scandinaves et d’autres nationalités furent soustraits à l’emprisonnement et au confinement imposés par les nazis, puis conduits en Suède. Le programme continua après la capitulation allemande, rapatriant encore 10 000 ex-prisonniers vers la Suède.

      WP[en] pas trouvé en français https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nordic_Resistance_Movement

      The Nordic Resistance Movement (Swedish : Nordiska Motståndsrörelsen ; NMR, Norwegian : Nordiske motstandsbevegelsen ; NMB, Finnish : Pohjoismainen vastarintaliike ; PVL, Danish : Nordiske modstandsbevægelse ; NMB) is a Nordic Neo-Nazi movement.

  • I migranti che la Norvegia non vuole più

    Nella contea di #Østfold, un centinaio di chilometri a sud di Oslo, in Norvegia, sorge un grande e asettico hangar un tempo conosciuto come Smart club. Per decisione del ministero dell’immigrazione e dell’integrazione, al suo interno sono state montate una cinquantina di tende militari in fila per tre, in modo che lo spazio libero tra una tenda e l’altra non sia maggiore di sei-sette metri. Il campo coperto è un mondo a sé: vi si può accedere solo da alcune porte, mentre su tutto il perimetro della sua superficie l’illuminazione è artificiale, anche di giorno.

    Le tende raccolte nell’hangar possono raggiungere una capienza complessiva di mille posti letto. Qui, a partire dal 2018, saranno rinchiusi tutti i migranti che arrivano in Norvegia in attesa di sapere se otterranno o meno l’asilo politico. La permanenza durerà al massimo 21 giorni: chi otterrà l’asilo sarà poi trasferito in centri di accoglienza, chi andrà incontro a un rifiuto sarà invece immediatamente espulso. Rimpatriato nei paesi di partenza o rispedito in quelli di transito.

    È questo il modo in cui la ministra dell’immigrazione e dell’integrazione #Sylvi_Listhaug intende procedere a una “revisione totale” del sistema d’asilo in Norvegia. Listhaug è una dei due ministri in quota al Partito del progresso, la formazione politica di destra radicale – che però rifiuta di essere definita sia di “estrema destra”, sia “populista” – che dal 2013 governa con il Partito conservatore. Le elezioni del settembre 2017 hanno confermato la stessa maggioranza di governo, lasciando il partito laburista e le altre formazioni di sinistra all’opposizione.

    La decisione di rinchiudere tutti i migranti in unico luogo è solo l’ultimo atto della profonda rivisitazione delle politiche dell’immigrazione (e non solo di quelle che riguardano i richiedenti asilo) volute dal Partito del progresso.

    #Norvège #asile #migrations #réfugiés #révision #loi_sur_l'asile #enfermer_pour_mieux_expulser (c’est valable aussi pour la #restructuration de l’asile en #Suisse) #it_has_begun #renvois #expulsions #Afghanistan #réfugiés_afghans

    cc @reka même si le texte est en italien...

  • Campagne anti-pub et anti-consommation à Oslo en 2006.

    Un matin, des centaines de panneaux publicitaires ont été recouvert de grands posters très sobres avec juste un mot et une phrase...

    Photos d’archives !

    « Consomme ! Oui mon amour, une paire de chaussures en plus va certainement sauver notre couple »

    « Pause publicitaire »


    « Consomme ! Toi et moi dans un lieu romantique ? Oslo-City [un grand centre commercial de plusieurs étages au centre d’Oslo] pour le repas ? Câlin doux, Christian »

    #consommation #mouvement_anti-pub #oslo #Norvège #publicité

  • #Sami_Blood: i primi abitanti della Lapponia protagonisti di un film

    Il film Sami Blood di #Amanda_Kernell arriva oggi, 30 novembre, nelle sale italiane. Un racconto di formazione, un viaggio nella storia di una delle popolazioni indigene del Nord Europa. Che fino agli anni Cinquanta ha subito discriminazioni e razzismo. E che ancora oggi è vittima d’attacchi in Svezia e Norvegia

    #Lapponie #film #peuples_autochtones #cinéma #Suède #Norvège #racisme #discriminations #xénophobie

  • La Norvège attaquée en justice sur le climat

    Si des actions similaires ont été tentées ailleurs, c’est la première fois en #Norvège que des ONG attaquent l’Etat en #justice pour lui demander des comptes sur sa politique climatique et contraindre ainsi la « pétromonarchie » scandinave à faire face à ses contradictions : un des premiers pays à signer l’accord de Paris dès le 22 avril 2016, mais aussi le septième exportateur d’émissions de gaz à effet de serre dans le monde.

    #Greenpeace et #Natur_og_ungdom (« Nature et jeunesse », une des organisations écologistes les plus puissantes du pays) accusent le gouvernement d’avoir violé la Constitution du royaume ainsi que l’#accord_de_Paris sur le climat en autorisant, le 18 mai 2016, la prospection pétrolière dans une zone jusque-là inexploitée, en mer de Barents. Trois licences couvrant au total 40 blocs ont été attribuées à treize compagnies, dont le norvégien Statoil, dans une région longtemps disputée à la Russie, jusqu’à la signature d’un accord en 2010.


  • Le gouvernement ne doit plus fermer les yeux sur les retours forcés - Amnesty International Belgique Francophone

    Le 3 octobre dernier, plus de 1000 étudiants en Norvège se sont mobilisés afin d’empêcher le retour de leur camarade de classe Taibeh, une étudiante afghane de 18 ans, qui rêve de finir ses études secondaires cet été et de devenir médecin. Malheureusement, elle vit actuellement dans la peur d’être renvoyée dans un pays qu’elle ne connaît pas et qu’elle n’a jamais visité. Comme Taibeh, beaucoup d’autres afghans et afghanes risquent d’être déportés et renvoyés en Afghanistan, un pays dans lequel leur sécurité n’est pas assurée.

    La Norvège est l’une des démocraties les plus prospères d’Europe et se doit de montrer l’exemple, en mettant en pratique les valeurs de respect des droits humains qu’elle défend. Au lieu de cela, elle tourne le dos à des personnes vulnérables en les renvoyant vers la persécution, la torture et - dans certains cas - la mort. A l’heure actuelle, la Norvège est même l’un des 5 pays qui continue de renvoyer le plus grand nombre de demandeurs d’asile vers l’Afghanistan, en prétendant qu’il s’agit d’un pays sûr.

    #norvège #migration #déportation

  • Google’s AlphaGo AI no longer requires human input to master Go

    Cette nouvelle nous rapproche d’un futur aussi improbable que l’ascension au poste de l’homme le plus puissant du monde par un défunt auteur de science fiction satirique.

    Est-ce qu’il y a une force surnaturelle qui voudrait nous faire croire que l’auteur du Guide du voyageur galactique (H2G2) serait en réalité le créateur du monde présent connu sous le pseudonyme Slartibartfast ? Et quelle relation avec #Seenthis se cache derrière l’affection qu’il ressent pour les fjords de #Norvège ?

    Allez savoir si Karl Marx s’est trompé lors ce qu’il a affirmé en corrigeant Hegel que version 2.0 d’événements historiques tragiques prendrait systématiquement la forme d’une farce. En réalité c’est l’inverse qui se passe, c’est la farce qui précède la tragédie.

    Vous voulez une preuve ? Alors lisez la nouvelle et regardez la vidéo inspirée du livre de #Douglas_Adams.

    The latest iteration of the computer program is the most advanced yet, outperforming all previous versions. It’s also different from its predecessors in one uniquely significant way: Whereas the older AlphaGos trained in Go from thousands of human amateur and professional games, Zero foregoes the need for human insight altogether.
    There are other technical elements that define the new AI, which you can dig into courtesy of DeepMind’s paper, published in the scientific journal Nature. But removing the “constraints of human knowledge” has been the most liberating factor, according to the company’s CEO Demis Hassabis.

    In doing so, DeepMind is even closer to decoding one of the biggest hurdles facing AI: The reliance on vast amounts of data training. Whether this approach will work outside the confines of a strategic board game, however, remains to be seen.

    The Answer to Life, Universe and Everything

    ... heureusement ...

    The Answer is not 42 (Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy)