• George Soros: Anti -Syria Campaign Impresario. | The Wall Will Fall
    A propos de la guerre d’information


    The Madaya media circus lumbers on regardless of the multitude of proven anomalies and outright deceit of the mainstream narrative. Deaf to either public opinion or investigation, institutions like the BBC consider they are above accountability to those who pay for their existence, the British public. They consider it perfectly acceptable to release footage from Yarmouk 2014 and represent it as Madaya 2016..and when questioned, to remove the offending footage without explanation or responsibility for their obscurantism and misinformation tactics.

    Thankfully, Robert Stuart, ardent campaigner against the BBC’s long running, hostile, anti Syria propaganda offensive did raise an official complaint and demanded answers that the BBC has, for too long, been allowed to avoid answering.

    Al Mayadeen, Al Manar, Al Masirah TV channels and many others, representing the voices of the oppressed in the Middle East are being systematically excluded from Saudi funded Satellite channels and Israeli biased social media. Press TV, headquarters in Tehran, had its licence revoked by Ofcom in 2012

    RT has come under relentless attack by the BBC since the “Kremlin launched its international media operation”. The BBC lexicon never fails to maintain and celebrate the “cold war” terminology or to keep fear of the Russian “indoctrination” stewing in peoples minds.

    “But it [RT] is also coming under increased scrutiny over its lack of editorial balance and accusations that it is deliberately using disinformation to counter and divide the West.” ~ Russia’s Global Media Operation Under the Spotlight

    This astounding display of projectionism can only be matched by the Zionist ability to turn their own crimes against Humanity into a neatly packaged accusation that those they are oppressing, the Palestinians, on whose broken bones Israel has built its settlements, are the guilty and that Israel is exempt from judgement for its crimes which are committed in “self defence”.

    Is the BBC embellishing the truth in “self-defence” or is it being creative with the truth in defence of our Government’s appalling neo-colonialist foreign policy which is ensuring the fomenting of sectarian divide in the Middle East to facilitate desired “regime change” in Syria & the wholesale slaughter of civilians in Yemen, obliterated by made-in-UK missiles and weapons of mass destruction.

    These are just two examples of the BBC collusion in global de-stabilization and reduction of sovereign nations to perpetual conflict or “failed state” status, ripe for economic and pseudo “humanitarian” NGO complex, stealth invasion and occupation and of course the bolstering of the Military Industrial Complex profitability index.


    #Syrie #guerre #propagande #impérialisme #nouveau_médias #Royaume_Uni #BBC #Russie

  • SYRIA : Avaaz, Purpose & the Art of Selling Hate for Empire | Wrong Kind of Green
    Le système des organisations de propagande tournant autour de la guerre en Syris

    Sep 17, 2014 350.org / 1Sky, Amnesty International, Antarctica, Avaaz, Earth Day Network, Examples of Legitimate Organizations, Human Rights Watch, Imperialist Wars/Occupations, Non-Profit Industrial Complex, Occupy Wall Street, Pacifism as Pathology, Purpose, TckTcktck Partner: Meet ’The Corporate Leaders Group on Climate Change’, The International Campaign to Destabilize Syria, Uncategorized, Whiteness & Aversive Racism, World Vision

    #Syrie #guerre #propagande #impérialisme #nouveau_médias