• Libyan gunmen occupying #Oil ports begin exports

    Gunmen who have been seizing oil ports in eastern #Libya said on Saturday they had started exporting oil, bypassing the Tripoli government, with their first shipment going to a North Korean-flagged tanker. Officials at state-run National Oil Corp (NOC) confirmed earlier on Saturday that the tanker was docked at the Es-Sider port, which is under the control of a group demanding autonomy and a greater share of Libya’s oil wealth. “We started exporting oil. This is our first shipment,” a spokesman for the group, which has seized Es-Sider and two other ports, said. read more

    #North_Korthea #oil_port #Top_News

  • #China's foreign minister on rare visit to #Iraq

    Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi arrived in Iraq on Sunday in the first such visit since before the 2003 US-led invasion, the foreign ministry said. It is “the first visit to Baghdad by a high-ranking Chinese official since 2003,” the ministry said in a statement on its website. Wang and senior officials will discuss “developing bilateral relations and regional and international issues”, the statement said. #Oil is likely to be on the agenda. read more


  • #attack on #Oil refinery foiled: #Yemen police

    Yemeni authorities have foiled an attack on the oil refinery in Aden and arrested 27 suspected Al-Qaeda militants linked to the operation, police said Monday. The thwarted strike was the latest in a series of attacks targeting security forces and vital installations, including oil pipelines, in a country grappling with a thorny political transition. Security forces in the southern port city foiled at dawn Saturday “a terrorist attack by members of Al-Qaeda,” said Aden police deputy commissioner Najeeb al-Mughalas, quoted on the defense ministry website, 26sep.net. read more


  • Saudi-US Relations: Between Tension and Profit

    U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (L) talks to #Saudi_Arabia's Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal prior to peace talks in Montreux on January 22, 2014. (Photo: AFP - Arnd Wiegmann) U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (L) talks to Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal prior to peace talks in Montreux on January 22, 2014. (Photo: AFP - Arnd Wiegmann)

    As the media continues to focus its spotlight on the recent Saudi-American political disputes, analysts believe that on a more fundamental level, the military and economic ties are likely to endure as the money continues to flow.

    Yazan al-Saadi

    read (...)

    #Mideast_&_North_Africa #Afghanistan #arms #arms_deal #Articles #GCC #Gulf #Iran #Iraq #obama #Oil #Saudi_monarchy #syria #US

  • farmlandgrab.org | Palm before the storm

    Palm before the storm: Spare Africa the ravages of its native oil palm

    by Curtis Abraham

    Oil-palm cultivation has wrecked habitats in South-East Asia. We must avoid a rerun if the crop takes off in its native Africa

    IT’S beginning to feel like déjà vu. With global demand for cosmetics, soap, biodiesel and vegetable cooking oil ever on the rise, the African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) has been a boon, providing the essential ingredient for all these. So much so, that it is now widely cultivated beyond its native range, notably in South-East Asia, where the creation of vast oil-palm estates has caused massive deforestation and the local extinction of some species.

    Anthropologist Joshua Linder at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia, called it" private-enterprise-driven tropical deforestation from agriculture".

    Now the prodigal plant is coming home. The boom in South-East Asian oil-palm cultivation has hit a stumbling block owing to a diminishing supply of new agricultural land. This, combined with economic incentives such as cheap labour, attractive land acquisition terms and low taxes, has seen foreign agribusinesses converting large tracts of land in west and central Africa to grow oil palm.

    We can safely assume that the high levels of deforestation, forest fragmentation and biodiversity loss that industrial oil-palm cultivation has caused in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Peruvian Amazon and Colombia will in time occur in Africa, too.

    The UN Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that globally, new acreage given over to oil-palm cultivation quadrupled between 1961 and 2007, when it reached 154,000 square kilometres. Much of this was in South-East Asia, which accounts for more than 80 per cent of the world’s palm-oil production, but sub-Saharan Africa’s contribution wasn’t insignificant. According to a report published in 2012 by the environmental group Greenpeace, 26,000 square kilometres there have either come under oil palm in recent years or are earmarked for planting.

    Historically, the loss of rainforest in Africa stemmed from the expansion of subsistence and smallholder farming. The increasing use of palm oil in food and cooking is now causing a noticeable shift in the causes of deforestation in tropical Africa. Large-scale forest clearing for oil palm will be accompanied by a surge in bushmeat hunting as the influx of plantation workers seek to feed themselves and supplement their incomes. That could be a disaster for Africa’s lowland primates and for conservation generally.

    Contentious cases include that of Herakles Farms, an agribusiness corporation based in New York City. In 2009, its affiliate Sithe Global Sustainable Oils Cameroon signed a 99-year lease on a concession of 730 square kilometres – nearly nine times the area of Manhattan.

    But this proposed plantation in the west of Cameroon quickly became a bone of contention. The firm pointed to a report by the Ghana Wildlife Society that stated that the areas affected “... consist primarily of fragmented and degraded landscape devoid of any large tracts of the original moist evergreen lowland forest with its characteristic dense and continuous closed canopy”. The firm’s critics said that satellite and aerial surveys revealed the majority of the area to be dense forest.

    A local and international campaign sprang up to try to halt the scheme. The company later withdrew from the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil, a joint project between industry and conservation groups with the aim of promoting and certifying sustainable palm-oil production.

    The concession is surrounded by the Korup National Park, the Rumpi hills, the Bayang-Mbo Wildlife Sanctuary, the Bakossi mountains and the Nta Ali Forest Reserve. All are of high conservation value, and critics claimed that if Herakles Farms’s project had gone ahead it would have seriously threatened a fragile ecosystem. The company has reportedly agreed to scale down its plantation to 20,000 hectares.

    Other proposed African plantations are also attracting the attention of environmentalists. They include ATAMA Plantations in the Republic of the Congo, which will occupy an area of dense forest inhabited by western lowland gorillas and chimpanzees. In Liberia, the Malaysian conglomerate Sime Darby is accused of harming biodiversity and the livelihoods of local farmers. Both companies point to promised economic benefits and insist they are environmentally responsible.

    All is not doom and gloom. Palm oil can be produced in a more sustainable and responsible manner, one which poses a minimal threat to biodiversity, forest and existing livelihoods.

    To help ensure this happens, no new oil-palm concessions should be awarded until environmentally and socially responsible policies are in place. Failing this, governments should stop any expansion of plantations into areas inhabited by endangered primates and other zones of high biodiversity.

    There is also an urgent need to clarify what constitutes a “degraded habitat”, a label often used to justify land being converted into plantations. Simply describing land as degraded may fail to recognise its biological and socio-economic importance, so any definition should be nuanced and consider different degrees and types of degradation.

    Primatologists can also influence the movement for responsible palm-oil production. With their knowledge of the likely ecological impact of new plantations, they should be more proactive in policy formation and in campaigns to protect ecosystems and promote transparency in land acquisition.

    One can only hope that past lessons and the attention being focused on the expansion of palm-oil production in Africa might be enough to avoid a walk down a deforested path that feels all too familiar.

    This article appeared in print under the headline “Palm before the storm”

    Curtis Abraham is a journalist based in Kampala, Uganda


  • York Researchers send a text message using vodka

    KurzweilAI : World’s first text message via molecular communication sent

    Researchers at the University of Warwick in the UK and the York University in Canada have developed the capability to transform any generic message into binary signals. These are in turn “programmed” into evaporated alcohol molecules to demonstrate the potential of molecular communications. (...)
    Dr. Weisi Guo from the School of Engineering at the University of Warwick : “But we have gone to the next level and successfully communicated continuous and generic messages over several meters.

    “Potential targeted applications include wireless monitoring of sewage works and #oil rigs. This could prevent future disasters such as the bus-sized fatberg found blocking the London sewage networks in 2013 [dont je ne trouve pas d’occurrence ici, classieux], and the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010.

    “They can also be used to communicate on the nanoscale, for example, in medicine, where recent advances mean it’s possible to embed sensors into the organs of the body or create miniature robots to carry out a specific task, such as targeting drugs to cancer cells.

    Si on le transposait aux humains ? Resterait à traduire l’information biologique en information cérébrale ? #biologie #cerveau #transhumanisme #biotech

    • Je lis cependant dans ce génial article :

      Yet there are ways to store information biologically that don’t require neurons.


      Scientists debate a new way of understanding flora.
      http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2013/12/23/131223fa_fact_pollan?currentPage=all #science #intelligence #vie #plantes #controverse

      Many plant scientists have pushed back hard against the nascent field, beginning with a tart, dismissive letter in response to the Brenner manifesto, signed by thirty-six prominent plant scientists (Alpi et al., in the literature) and published in Trends in Plant Science. “We begin by stating simply that there is no evidence for structures such as neurons, synapses or a brain in plants,” the authors wrote. No such claim had actually been made —the manifesto had spoken only of “homologous” structures — but the use of the word “neurobiology” in the absence of actual neurons was apparently more than many scientists could bear.

      “Yes, plants have both short- and long-term electrical signalling, and they use some neurotransmitter-like chemicals as chemical signals,” Lincoln Taiz, an emeritus professor of plant physiology at U.C. Santa Cruz and one of the signers of the Alpi letter, told me. “But the mechanisms are quite different from those of true nervous systems.” Taiz says that the writings of the plant neurobiologists suffer from “over-interpretation of data, teleology, anthropomorphizing, philosophizing, and wild speculations.” He is confident that eventually the plant behaviors we can’t yet account for will be explained by the action of chemical or electrical pathways, without recourse to “animism.” Clifford Slayman, a professor of cellular and molecular physiology at Yale, who also signed the Alpi letter (and who helped discredit Tompkins and Bird), was even more blunt. “ ‘Plant intelligence’ is a foolish distraction, not a new paradigm,” he wrote in a recent e-mail.

  • L’Egypte a suffisamment de pétrole (essence, etc) pour couvrir ses besoins jusqu’à la fin de l’année ? | Al Bawaba

    Egypt’s petroleum products supply is sufficient until the end of the current year due to Arab Gulf aid and available funds for imports, state-owned Al-Ahram daily newspaper reported Sunday.


  • Affaire Sonatrach/corruption : les comptes bancaires de Chakib Khelil, l’ancien ministre de l’énergie en fuite à l’étranger, bloqués - El Watan


    Chakib Khelil est aujourd’hui « dans une impasse. Ses comptes bancaires et ceux des membres de sa famille ont été bloqués par les autorités des pays où ils sont domiciliés, mais également en Algérie, où ses biens sont depuis le lancement du mandat d’arrêt sous contrôle de la justice. Il est obligé de trouver une issue à sa situation, surtout s’il vit uniquement des fonds contenus dans ses comptes ». Raison pour laquelle, précise-t-on, « il veut à tout prix rentrer au pays pour se défendre des accusations portées à son encontre par Farid Bedjaoui, mais aussi par des cadres dirigeants de Sonatrach poursuivis dans les affaires Sonatrach 1 et 2 ».

    Selon nos sources, l’ancien ministre « a préparé les moyens de sa défense. Il est confiant parce qu’il sait que les chefs d’inculpation retenus contre lui et les membres de sa famille reposent sur des déclarations de prévenus non étayées par des preuves documentaires. Son seul souci reste la détention préventive. Il veut s’assurer qu’« en contrepartie de son retour au pays, ni lui ni les membres de sa famille ne feront l’objet de détention préventive ». En fait, indique-t-on de mêmes sources, il est très probable que le retour de l’ex-ministre de l’Energie soit plutôt le fruit d’une négociation avec les plus hauts responsables du pays.

    « Chakib Khelil faisait partie du cercle le plus proche du président de la République et son épouse est une femme d’affaires influente aussi bien aux Etats-Unis qu’au Moyen-Orient. Ils étaient au cœur même du régime. Ils doivent détenir des secrets importants qu’il ne faudrait pas divulguer. En les mettant en prison, c’est la boîte de Pandore que les dirigeants du pays ouvriraient. Le risque est trop important. Des compromis sont nécessaires pour arriver à une sortie honorable aussi bien pour la famille Khelil que pour le clan présidentiel. L’affaire rejoindra certainement toutes les autres qui croupissent dans les tiroirs des juges comme Sonatrach 1, l’autoroute Est-Ouest, Khalifa Bank, Khalifa Airways et l’assassinat de Ali Tounsi, ancien patron de la police », révèlent nos sources.

    Scandale pétrolier algéro-italien : l’Algérie se tait, les principaux accusés sont en fuite, l’Italie enquête : détails du dossier - plus grave affaire de corruption ayant touché l’Algérie - à lire sur Orient XXI, par Jean-Pierre Séréni http://orientxxi.info/magazine/ou-est-passe-farid,0382

    #corruption #pétrole #oil #finances #Algérie #France #Italie

  • Iraq oil exports net almost $7.7bn in January


    Iraq’s crude oil exports and revenues edged up slightly in January, averaging 2.36 million barrels a day (b/d) and earning $7.67bn.

    A total of 73.1 million barrels of oil were exported, compared with 72.8 million barrels, or 2.35 million b/d in December, according to the latest data released by the Oil Ministry.

    Crude oil export revenues reached $7.67bn, based on an average oil price of $104.92 a barrel. Nevertheless, export rates and revenues were down when compared with the 2012 average of $7.84bn and 2.91 million b/d.

    Exports through the Basra oil terminal and new floating terminals exports amounted to 64.9 million barrels, or 2.09 million b/d, up from 2.02 million b/d in December and an average of 2.04 million b/d over 2012.

    The increase in total exports and revenues over December came despite a drop in sales from the north of the country, where exports fell to just 8.2 million barrels, down from 10.1 million barrels at the end of 2012. At just 260,000 b/d, this is the lowest export level through the Iraq-Turkey pipeline seen in at least three years.

    According to Oil Ministry spokesman, Asim Jihad, exports from the south of Iraq were affected by bad weather, meaning they could not reach the peak level of 2.17 million b/d seen in October. At the same time, northern exports were hampered by reduced contributions from the semi-autonomous Kurdistan region of Iraq.

    #Iraq #Oil

  • Bassil asks Cabinet to retain original maritime EEZ
    Curieux cet article où l’on apprend que le ministère des Affaires étrangères libanais (un proche de Berry, si je ne me trompe) plaiderait pour une définition de la frontière maritime qui représenterait une concession à Israël, alors que Bassil pousse pour une position dure (au moins en attendant un éventuel arbitrage). Qu’en penses le Hezbollah ?....

    Par ailleurs, la liste des membres pressentis pour le futur conseil de supervision de l’exploitation des hydrocarbures laisse présager le pire. Bahij Abou Hamza est un proche de Walid Jounblatt et son nom revient très fréquemment quand on parle de la mafia des importateurs de carburants au Liban.

    Candidates circulating in the media include: Baheej Abu Hamza, current head of the Oil Importers Association and owner of Cogico; Nasser Hoteit, a senior engineer at Total oil company; Wissam Shbat, an adviser at the Energy Ministry; and Wissam Zahabi, an energy adviser at the presidency of the Council of Ministers


  • Revue des enjeux de l’exploitation du gaz naturel en Méditerranée orientale
    #Israel, #Cyprus deal on gas, #Lebanon snubs talks

    Israel’s biggest gas discovery, potentially turning the fuel importer into an exporter, is prompting a race by nations from Lebanon to #Turkey to tap similar deposits in disputed waters of the East Mediterranean.
