organization:*us government

  • US government demands details on all visitors to anti-Trump protest website

    The American DoJ (Department of Justice) asks Dreamhost, the roster of anti-Trump website, to hand over ALL information of this site, code, logs, e-mail accounts, and the IP addresses of the 1.3 million visitors.

    Dreamiest denied and went to court.

    The US government is seeking to unmask every person who visited an anti-Trump website in what privacy advocates say is an unconstitutional “fishing expedition” for political dissidents.


  • US government agencies still uses COBOL and 8" floppy disks to manage nuclear arsenal controlled by equipment from the ’70s

    Luckily, the DoD intends to upgrade, along with another system for crisis action planning and strategic mobilization, which uses somewhat newer technology, but which still runs on outdated versions (Windows Server 2008, 2009 Oracle 11g, programmed in Java).

    Another agency that plans to upgrade is the US Department of Veterans Affairs, which uses COBOL, a programming language from the ‘50s to manage a system for employee time and attendance.


    Further, the Department of Treasury also employs low-level computer code (assembly language) developed in the ‘50s to manage the Individual Master File, a system that “is the authoritative data source for individual taxpayer accounts where accounts are updated, taxes are assessed, and refunds are generated during the tax filing period.”

    The report: "Federal Agencies Need to Address Aging Legacy Systems"

    • C’est pas grave en soi. Ca sera un probleme en cas de maintenance... Bon nombres d’appareils ont aussi le pb. Pourtant ecrits en C, en Java ou autre...

      Je suis à fond pour les retake, les refactor... Mais sur les codes vivants. Pourquoi toucher à ce qui marche, c’est une perte de tps et d’energie surtout quand on peut pronostiquer que les besoins de changements futurs sont quasi nuls.

    • De manière générale je suis d’accord (tout comme le "dont fix it if it ain’t broken"), mais un argument est le risque de perte de service le jour où ça casse. Plus c’est vieux plus le risque augmente quand plus personne ne fabrique « des pièces de rechange ». Pour certains services, à un certain moment le risque d’un impact sévère devient trop grand avec le temps. Sauf si on maintient à jour un plan de change - Que faire le jour où, par quoi remplacer, dans quel délais,...

      Un autre argument est l’augmentation du coût de maintenance. Plus on garde des experts en anciennes technologies, moins on sera efficace en termes de gestion de budget. Suffit de comparer ce qu’on paie un expert en COBOL vs un programmeur en quelque chose de plus moderne et vivant qu’on trouve partout.

      C’est question d’analyse de risques. Les besoins futurs peuvent être quasi nuls, et donc ça ne coûterait rien, mais le jour où ça casse
      • le temps d’interruption de service peut être très coûteux
      • la mise en place d’une solution alternative aura son budget ; c’est un coût dormant.
      Si dans l’analyse ces deux points ne font pas l’affaire et sont sous contrôle, by all means, don’t change anything !

    • Mais voici un article qui va dans le sens de ta remarque ;-), mais d’un point de vue de sécurité informatique

      A hacker explains why US nukes controlled by ancient computers is actually a good thing

      the nuclear arsenal running on decades-old computers with floppy disks makes it incredibly difficult to hack, a fact that some in the Air Force actually used as an example of why upgrading isn’t really necessary.

      Pour le reste, concernant ma remarque, l’article dit

      “As long as they can make regular copies of the software on the 8 inch floppy’s so that they don’t degrade, and they have a ready supply of spare parts and new floppies, there’s no reason why the system wouldn’t last another 40 years,”

      et aussi :

      While an outdated machine would make it hard for hackers, it also makes it hard to fix things if something goes wrong, since the coding languages it uses are aging as well. Less programmers are around that even know COBOL or FORTRAN, he explained.

  • US Government plans 2 new 150 Petaflops supercomputers

    The Department of Energy Awards $425 Million (339 M€) for Next Generation Supercomputing Technologies, of which $325 are for two new 150 Pflops supercomputers called Summit (in Oak Ridge) and Sierra (in Lawrence Livermore) for scientific and military purposes. The project is called CORAL - for Collaboration of Oak Ridge, Argonne, and Lawrence Livermore.

    Both CORAL awards announced today leverage the IBM Power Architecture, NVIDIA’s Volta GPU and Mellanox’s Interconnected technologies to advance key research initiatives for national nuclear deterrence, technology advancement and scientific discovery. Oak Ridge’s new system, Summit, is expected to provide at least five times the performance of ORNL’s current leadership system, Titan. Livermore’s new supercomputer, Sierra, is expected to be at least seven times more powerful than LLNL’s current machine, Sequoia. Argonne will announce its CORAL award at a later time.

    Today’s most powerful US supercomputer is the Cray Titan (560 640 cores) with theoretical peak performance of 27.11 Pflops and 17.59 Pflops actual.
    Number one worldwide is the Chinese Tianhe-2 (3 120 000 cores ) with 54.9 Pflops theoretical peak and 33.86 Pflops actual.

    CORAL will use a hybrid architecture, using Nvidia’s Volta GPU, about 4x more bandwidth (1 Tbps) than the current Nvidia Kepler architecture used by the Titan. Volta has stacked DRAM which is directly mounted on the GPU (reduces footprint and latency).
    Hybrid architecture means the combination of both CPU and GPUs; GPUs offer many more simultaneous threads than CPUs, and can be spawned without soliciting the CPU (dynamic parallelism).

    This is extensively used in the Cray XK7 Titan:

    Titan hybrid architecture employs 16-core AMD Opteron 6274 CPUs (2.2 Ghz) in conjunction with Nvidia Testa K20X GPUs (Kepler architecture) to improve energy efficiency while providing an order of magnitude increase in computational power over Jaguar (=Cray’s previous supercomputer, which was upgraded to the Titan). Titan uses 18,688 CPUs (299,008 cores in total) paired with an equal number of GPUs. It has a total system memory of 710 Tb. The system runs Cray’s UNICOS/lc, which is a Cray’s SUSE-based Linux Environment (CLE).
    Cost : 100 million dollar.

    The Tianhe-2:

    The Top 500 classification of supercomputers:

    Tranformation of the previous Jaguar into the Titan:

    #supercomputer #supercomputing