The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب: Syria conflict and Western media
Long extrait d’une correspondance d’Angry Arab qui mérite d’être lu en entier. Pour les pressés, voir tout de même l’extrait ci-dessous qui permet de constater que le même climat intellectuel règne aux USA comme en France (je le sais pour avoir essayé de faire passer dans des médias dits indépendants, Orient XXI en l’occurrence, un point de vue différent de celui qui est adopté le plus souvent).
When the US has “faked” a revolution against Mosaddeq in Iran in 1953, and when the Zionists have controlled through cash payments Middle East monarchs, and when the US faked evidence of WMDs in Iraq to justify an invasion and an occupation, and when the political map of the Middle East was created through a secret agreement in 1916, it would be unreasonable and irrational to dismiss conspiracy theory out of hand in Middle East analysis. It is more wise than to rule out conspiracy theories but one has to weigh the evidence carefully on a case-by-case basis.
And as to the facts about Syria, the leak of a taped meeting between high Turkish officials about Syria, in which a fake attack by Syria is proposed to justify Turkish military action in Syria, was never questioned and its veracity has been basically verified. So what was shameful about that conspiracy theory or other conspiracy theories? That Western governments lie and cheat and fabricate to justify their military action? That the US and its Saudi ally invoke democracy (and the love of democracy as motive) is not shameful—to use that word?