organization:central intelligence agency

  • Etats-Unis : mort de Luis Posada #Carriles, héros cubain des anticastristes - Amériques - RFI

    Un tueur de civils n’est pas un #terroriste si le pays d’origine des civils est un pays ennemi selon #RFI

    Arrêté en 1976, il est accusé d’être derrière l’attentat contre le vol 455 de la compagnie Cubana Aviacion qui a fait 73 morts. Un rôle confirmé depuis peu suite à la déclassification de documents secrets de la #CIA.

    Luis Posada Carriles parvient à s’enfuir et à rejoindre les #Etats-Unis. Accusé d’être un terroriste par le Venezuela et Cuba, il est au contraire adulé par la communauté cubaine anticastriste aux Etats-Unis. Preuve de sa #notoriété, la radio anticastriste américaine « La Poderosa » a souhaité respecter une minute de silence sur son antenne après la nouvelle de son décès.

    CUBA PIZZI : Le Ben Laden d’Amérique latine est mort | Le Club de Mediapart

    Luis Posada Carriles était un terroriste d’origine cubaine, que la grande presse mondiale définit simplement comme un « anti-castriste notoire ». Il est parti à l’âge de quatre-vingt-dix ans et sans payer pour tous ses #crimes. Jusqu’au bout, il a été protégé par le gouvernement des Etats-Unis, en particulier par la CIA et la famille Bush.

    Son nom est devenu célèbre lorsqu’on a su qu’il était l’un des auteurs intellectuels de l’explosion de l’avion de Cubana de Aviación, le 6 octobre 1976, avec 73 passagers à bord, peu après son décollage de l’aéroport Seawell des Barbades. Il fut capturé au Venezuela, où il travaillait pour les services de sécurité de ce pays. Après quelques brèves années de prison, la CIA l’aida à s’enfuir et l’amena en Amérique centrale pour qu’il apporte sa collaboration à la guerre de terreur que Ronald Reagan et son vice-président George Bush père menaient contre le gouvernement sandiniste du Nicaragua dans les années quatre-vingt.

  • La prison de Guantanamo fait face au vieillissement de ses prisonniers afp/ebz - 26 Mai 2018 - RTS

    Quand ils sont arrivés à Guantanamo, ils étaient des combattants dans la force de l’âge, capturés peu après les attentats du 11 septembre 2001. Plus de 15 ans plus tard, les détenus ont vieilli, et la prison doit s’adapter.

    Cette semaine, la Maison Blanche s’est rendue à l’évidence : en l’absence de volonté politique de régler la situation des 40 derniers prisonniers de Guantanamo, certains d’entre eux risquent d’y finir leurs jours.

    « Le centre de détention pour les détenus de grande valeur connaît des problèmes structurels et des pannes de système qui, si on ne les règle pas, pourraient représenter un risque pour les gardiens et les détenus », a indiqué la Maison Blanche dans une lettre aux élus du Congrès pour leur demander des fonds supplémentaires pour Guantanamo.

    « Il ne répond pas non plus aux besoins d’une population qui vieillit », précise le document.

    Pas d’information sur les détenus
    Le Pentagone ne publie pas d’informations sur les détenus de Guantanamo mais certains documents publiés par WikiLeaks et le New York Times permettent d’en savoir un peu plus sur eux.

    L’âge moyen des prisonniers est de 46 ans et demi. Le plus âgé est le Pakistanais Saifullah Paracha, qui aura 71 ans en août.

     #guantanamo #torture #etats-unis #prison #usa #cuba #us #terrorisme #guantánamo #cia #états-unis #prisons #vieillissement #personnes_âgées #hospice #fin_de_vie #maltraitance #civilisation #camp_de_concentration #camps #Histoire

    Adaptation des espaces
    «  Certains des espaces destinés aux rencontres avec les avocats sont maintenant équipés de rampes pour chaises roulantes », indique l’avocat d’un détenu. Des poignées ont été installées dans les toilettes pour aider les prisonniers à se relever.

    Le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) visite Guantanamo environ quatre fois par an pour s’assurer que la prison répond aux critères internationaux et pour évaluer la façon dont les prisonniers sont traités.

    « Nous sommes activement engagés dans un dialogue avec les autorités américaines » sur les besoins médicaux des détenus, indique à l’AFP un porte-parole du CICR à Washington, Marc Kilstein.

    Les détenus âgés souffrent fréquemment de maladies chroniques qui peuvent être exacerbées par le confinement : insuffisances cardiaques, diabète, maladies du foie, problèmes cognitifs.

  • Notes sur la communication hypersonique

    Notes sur la communication hypersonique

    25 mai 2018 – La question des capacités en véhicules stratégiques hypersoniques dans le domaine desquels la Chine et la Russie possèdentune incontestable avance de près d’une décennie sur les USA est en train de “se faire une place” assez petiote dans le débat stratégique, mais si péniblement, sans aucun éclat, sans aucun effet de mobilisation... C’est une situation assez étonnante que la lenteur du système de la communication américaniste dans ce débat qui implique, non pas un “rétablissement de la parité stratégique” avec les USA comme le disent poliment Russes et Chinois, mais un renversement radical de la supériorité stratégique dans les domaines conventionnel et nucléaire, en faveur de la Russie et de la Chine. Si ce n’était que ce seul constat, cela suffirait (...)

    • là où il n’y a, à notre avis qu’une preuve de plus de l’effondrement des capacités intellectuelles et d’action du renseignement des USA... (Les deux dernières annnées ont été occupées à 120% pour la CIA, le FBI, la NSA et consorts par la recherche de la démonstration du Russiagate et de la culpabiité de Trump.)

  • The nightmare inside America’s child immigrant jails - World Socialist Web Site

    The nightmare inside America’s child immigrant jails
    25 May 2018

    A report published Tuesday by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) details the systematic brutalization of unaccompanied immigrant children captured by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) from 2009 to 2014 at the US-Mexican border. Under the Obama administration, methods employed against these youth echoed those practiced by the CIA and US occupation forces at black site torture centers and Iraq’s Abu Ghraib prison.

    According to the report, “CBP officials regularly use force on children when such force is not objectively reasonable or necessary.” One agent told a 16-year-old he would “fuck him up” and then “threw him down and smashed his head into the ground with his boot.” Agents ran over another child in a truck and refused him treatment for a broken leg. Agents hit a 15-year-old with a thorny branch, smacked a child over the head with a metal flashlight, threw another child’s head against a rock and used Taser guns on children “for amusement.”

    #états-unis #enfance #migration #asile

  • The Latest : Human rights groups decry confirmation of Haspel

    C’est miraculeux, en deux heures et l’espace d’une nomination, on passe du statut de #tortionnaire à celui de partisan d’interrogatoires « rugueux »...

    2:10 p.m.

    The Senate is set to vote Thursday to confirm #Gina_Haspel as the first female director at the #CIA.

    Haspel’s nomination to lead the spy agency revived a debate on its now-banned #torture program. She is expected to be confirmed after several Democrats joined most Republicans in saying they would back President Donald Trump’s nominee.


    4:15 p.m.

    Human rights groups are lamenting the Senate confirmation of Gina Haspel to be CIA director because of her direct involvement in the spy agency’s harsh detention and interrogation program.

    #MSM #flagorneurs_du_pire #sans_vergogne #Etats_Unis

  • Brésil : les exactions de la dictature étaient assumées par le sommet de l’Etat

    La révélation au grand jour d’un mémo de la CIA rédigé en 1974 jette une lumière crue sur les crimes de la dictature.

    Hormis une poignée de négationnistes, aucun Brésilien n’ignore les morts suspectes, les exécutions sommaires et les tortures abominables menées lors de la dictature militaire (1964-1985). Le pays a désormais la preuve que les crimes n’étaient pas ordonnés par quelques policiers zélés, mais venaient directement de Brasilia, le sommet du pouvoir. Et qu’aucun président à épaulettes dirigeant le pays pendant ces années noires n’a été moins cruel que les autres. La démonstration a été faite par le biais d’un mémo écrit le 11 avril 1974 par l’ancien directeur de la CIA, l’agence de renseignements américaine, William Colby. Un texte adressé à Henry Kissinger, alors secrétaire d’Etat de la plus grande puissance mondiale.

    Mis au jour jeudi 10 mai par le chercheur en relations internationales de la Fondation Getulio Vargas, Matias Spektor, l’écrit fait partie des élements mis à disposition du public par le gouvernement américain depuis 2015. Son contenu a plongé le Brésil dans un état de choc. « Il s’agit du document le plus perturbateur que j’aie lu ces vingt dernières années », estime M. Spektor cité par les médias brésiliens.

    Jetant une lumière crue sur les exactions du pouvoir militaire qui, selon les données officielles, aurait fait 434 victimes dont 208 disparus, cette révélation casse les discours complaisants envers un régime considéré par une partie du pays – à tort – comme exempt de corruption et responsable d’une prospérité économique exceptionnelle. « Certains, y compris à gauche, étaient indulgents envers Geisel mettant en avant les “acquis” de la dictature, tels que le nationalisme ou la création d’entreprises publiques. Toute cette rhétorique est fichue en l’air », atteste l’historien Luiz Felipe de Alencastro.

  • Scenes From a Black Site.

    Recently declassified CIA documents provide the first detailed look at the interrogation in Thailand of Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, the al-Qaida prisoner whose detention, officials say, was overseen by Gina Haspel.

    Nashiri, a 37-year-old Saudi, was implicated in the bombing of the USS Cole, a Navy destroyer, while it was docked off the coast of Yemen in 2000. He was captured in Dubai in mid-October 2002. Emirati authorities handed him over to the CIA, which “rendered” him first to Afghanistan where he was briefly held at a secret prison called the “Salt Pit.” He was then flown to another secret prison in Thailand codenamed “Cat’s Eye.”

    Nashiri arrived in Thailand on Nov. 15, according to a report by the CIA’s inspector general. Newly declassified documents show Nashiri suffered many of the same harsh methods the Justice Department had approved in August for the questioning of Abu Zubaydah.

    Many of the declassified documents are dated November or December 2002. The precise dates are redacted, making an exact chronology impossible to determine. But there are clues that show a rough sequence of events. Several documents cite a calendar of Nashiri’s “enhanced interrogation,” which the inspector general’s report and other sources say began as soon as he arrived in Thailand. The documents allude to Nashiri’s transfer to another secret prison in Poland, which took place on Dec. 4. According to the inspector general’s investigation, Nashiri was waterboarded on the 12th day of his detention in Thailand, which would have been around Nov. 27. (A report on CIA interrogations by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence said that Nashiri was waterboarded “at least” three times in Thailand.)

    1. Date (Redacted): Eyes Only — Application of Enhanced Measures to Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri

  • The toxic legacy of Canada’s CIA brainwashing experiments: ’They strip you of your soul’ | World news | The Guardian

    [...] in 1977 it emerged that the #CIA had been funding experiments in mind-control brainwashing at the institute as part of a North America-wide project known as #MK_Ultra.

    At the time, the US agency was scrambling to deepen its understanding of brainwashing, after a handful of Americans captured during the Korean war had publicly praised communism and denounced the US.

    In 1957, this interest brought the agency north of the border, where a Scottish-born psychiatrist, Ewen Cameron, was trying to discover whether doctors could erase a person’s mind and instill new patterns of behaviour.

    #etats-Unis #lavage_de_cerveau


    IN OCTOBER 2008, the Justice Department and the Drug Enforcement Administration heralded the arrest of Haji Juma Khan on narcotics and terror charges. His capture, they said, dealt a punishing blow to the Taliban and the symbiotic relationship between the insurgent group and Afghan drug traffickers.

    Yet, unbeknownst to all but the closest observers of the largely forgotten Afghanistan War, Khan was quietly released from Federal Bureau of Prisons custody last month. After nearly 10 years at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Lower Manhattan, the terms of his release – like nearly everything else about his case – remain shrouded in secrecy.

    The secrecy reflects the U.S. government’s conflicted relationship with Khan. Before his arrest, the alleged drug trafficker worked with the CIA and the DEA, received payments from the government, and, at one point, visited Washington and New York on the DEA’s dime. After his arrest, federal prosecutors sought to link Khan’s support for the Taliban to a suicide bombing, as well as a separate attack on a Kabul hotel that killed one American. A trap set by the top DEA official in Kabul ultimately led to his arrest.

    Since 2012, the filings in Khan’s case have been under seal. As a result, it is impossible to determine whether he pleaded guilty to any of the charges against him, whether he received a sentence or was ordered to pay restitution to victims, or, upon his release last month, whether he was deported or allowed to remain in the United States.

  • Même les agents de la CIA se font pister par leur smartphone

    L’agence de renseignement américaine met au point des technologies liées à l’intelligence artificielle pour permettre à ses espions de passer entre les mailles du filet. Les nouvelles technologies donnent du fil à retordre aux agents de la CIA. Du moins, d’après Dawn Meyerriecks, directrice adjointe de la division science et technologie de l’agence américaine. Dans une trentaine de pays, les technologies de surveillance seraient si efficaces qu’elles se substitueraient à la filature, a-t-elle indiqué (...)

    #CIA #smartphone #Strava #géolocalisation #surveillance

  • CIA agents in ’about 30 countries’ being tracked by technology, top official says

    CIA officers working overseas used to expect to be followed after hours by adversarial spies hoping to find their sources. But now, foreign spies often don’t need to bother because technology can do it for them, said Dawn Meyerriecks, deputy director of the CIA’s science and technology division. Digital surveillance, including closed-circuit television and wireless infrastructure, in about 30 countries is so good that physical tracking is no longer necessary, Meyerriecks told the audience at (...)

    #CIA #Strava #smartphone #géolocalisation #surveillance

    • Introduction

      Un nombre très important d’anciens agents du renseignement ou d’agents opérationnels militaires de la CIA, du Pentagone, du National Security Council et du Département d’État visent une nomination comme candidats démocrates au Congrès lors des élections à mi-mandat de 2018. L’afflux potentiel de personnel militaire et du renseignement militaire dans la législature n’a pas de précédent dans l’histoire politique américaine.

      Si les démocrates obtiennent une majorité à la Chambre des Représentants le 6 novembre, comme largement prévisible, les candidats provenant de l’appareil militaire et du renseignement militaire atteindront jusqu’à la moitié des nouveaux membres démocrates du Congrès. Ils détiendront l’équilibre du pouvoir dans la chambre basse du Congrès.

      Des forces antagonistes sont à l’œuvre. Les dirigeants du parti démocrate recrutent activement des candidats avec un passé militaire ou dans le renseignement pour des sièges en compétition, là où il y a des chances de sortir un Républicain en place ou de prendre un siège vacant, souvent en préparant le terrain pour le recrutement d’une « star » prisée.

      Le cas d’Elissa Slotkin en est un exemple : il s’agit d’une ancienne agente de la CIA avec trois missions en Irak ; elle a travaillé comme directrice pour l’Irak au sein du National Security Council [Conseil de la Sécurité national, NdT] sous l’administration Obama et en tant que conseillère supérieure de John Negroponte, le premier directeur du renseignement national. Après son implication importante dans les crimes de guerre américains en Irak, Slotkin est arrivée au Pentagone où, comme principale assistante au secrétaire de la défense pour les affaires de sécurité internationale, ses domaines de responsabilité ont compris la guerre par les drones, la “défense du territoire” et la guerre cybernétique.

  • The #New_York_Times on Twitter: “Breaking News: The Senate easily confirmed Mike Pompeo as the nation’s 70th secretary of state, elevating the foreign policy hawk from CIA director

    Mehdi Hasan on Twitter: "This is why the liberal media fails minorities time and again. The problem with Pompeo isn’t just that he’s a “hawk”, it’s that he is a card-carrying #bigot and ally of the fringe far-right."

    #euphemisme #MSM

  • Cyberdéfense é.-u. : la guerre (interne) fait rage…

    Command and control: A fight for the future of government hacking

    Following years of effort and billions of dollars’ worth of research and planning, the nation finally has a fully operational force of cyberwarriors at U.S. Cyber Command. Yet, as those troops confront adversaries around the world, there’s uncertainty across government about how to best make use of them.

    While lawmakers push the Trump administration to exact revenge for years of cyberattacks on U.S. targets, a quiet but constant tug of war is raging between the intelligence community and the military over the future of government-backed hacking operations.

    Congress, the White House and the nation’s spy agencies all have something at stake, but the tension is perhaps most intensely felt at the National Security Agency, which serves as a partner agency to U.S. Cyber Command. The NSA is not the only intel agency challenged by the warfare unit’s increasingly influential role: The CIA, the FBI and the Pentagon’s other intelligence agencies are also trying to shape Cyber Command’s future. Each agency understands offensive hacking in its own way, and that dissonance only intensifies the debate, according to current and former U.S. officials.

    CyberScoop spoke with 13 current and former U.S. intelligence officials, three lawmakers and dozens of congressional aides for this story. Some chose to speak only on condition of anonymity to discuss the opinions circulating in government about who should be managing covert offensive cyber-operations that cross the line of everyday digital espionage.

    The chief question is: If the U.S. is going to strike back at foreign targets in cyberspace, when should the soldiers or the spies lead the charge?

  • Natacha Polony : Journalistes et médias sous contrôles ? (Thinkerview)

    On retrouve avec plaisir Natacha Polony pour ce deuxieme passage au grill chez Thinkerview, ou il seras question de ... Médias... ; )))

    Source :

    Informations complémentaires : : Interview Natacha Polony : Le journalisme et Hommage après son éviction d’Europe 1 et Paris Première : Natacha Polony : Police de la pensée, journalistes en laisse ? (Thinkerview) : « Quand la CIA finançait l’Europe » : désavouant Asselineau, le magazine Historia se censure lui-même : L’Union européenne était une idée AMÉRICAINE... : L’Union Européenne, une Dictature démasquée... : Philippe de Villiers : « Les hommes politiques au pouvoir depuis 40 ans sont des criminels… » : Étienne (...)

  • Gregory Klimov. The Terror Machine

    About author
    Gregory Petrovich Klimov

    Russian writer, member of the Writers’ Union of Russia. Author of the bestseller “Terror Machine”, published in 12 languages ​​in the “Reader’s Digest” sold more than 17 million copies. Three films based on this book were made in England, Germany and the United States in the years 1953-1954 German film “WEG OHNE UMKEHR”, was awarded at the International Film Festival in Berlin in 1954, the title of “the best German film of the year.” English “THE ROAD OF NO RETURN” and the American “NO WAY BACK” movies for a long time did not descend from screens all over the world.

    The author of the books:

    1973 ДEЛO #69
    [The case #69]
    1989 БОЖИЙ НАРОД

    Grigory Klimov, born September 26, 1918 in the city of Novocherkassk, Russia, in the family a doctor. In 1941 graduated with honors from the Novocherkassk Industrial Institute, and entered the Military-Diplomatic Academy in Moscow.

    In 1945 he graduated from the Academy and was assigned to work in Berlin, as the engineer-in-chief of the Soviet military administration.

    In 1947 he was ordered to go back to the Stalin’s Moscow. After much deliberation, he fled to West Germany.

    In 1949-1950 worked at the CIA’s highly classified subject “COLLAPSE OF THE COMMUNIST SYSTEM BY MEANS OF A SPECIAL TYPE PEOPLE. PEOPLE WITH THE POWER COMPLEX (Complex of latent homosexuality of Lenin).” The code name - Harvard Project. In 1951-55 he was the chairman of the Central Association of the Post-war Emigrants From The Soviet Union [ЦОПЭ] (TSOPE) and chief editor of the magazine “Freedom” and “Anti-Communist” (the latter in German).

    In 1958-59 worked as a consultant at the Cornell Project in New York, where he was also engaged in all sorts of cunning psychological studies related to the Hungarian uprising of 1956.

    The results of 50 years of work on this subject are reflected in the seven books. The last three are the abstracts of the series of lectures for the entire top of the command officers of the KGB, on the eve of perestroika.

    All the books were published by Sovetskaya Kuban [СОВЕТСКАЯ КУБАНЬ] - Krasnodar, RUSSIA. Total circulation has exceeded one million.

    For orders, please contact a representative of the publishing house Sovetskaya Kuban. Mironov Vladimir Leonidovich by e-mail

    You can send your opinion about books or via e-mail to

    48-34 91 place
    New York 11373

    Gregory Klimov - Search results - Wikipedia

    Klimov (surname)
    Russian linguist Gregory Klimov (1918-2007), pen-name of Igor Kalmykov a.k.a. Ralph Werner, Soviet defector and writer Igor Klimov (born 1989), Russian

    #anticommunisme #conspirationnisme #Russie #USA #guerre_froide

  • The Union of Concerned Mad Scientists — Plots Against Russia

    Il est difficile de ne pas devenir fou ou pour le moins désorienté quand on se penche trop sur les projets anticommunistes et anti-russes. Leurs auteurs défendent avec obstination des thèses aberrantes comme si c’étaient des résultats de la recherche scientifique partagés par a totalité du monde éduqué et sérieux. C’est le destin du défecteur soviétique Gregory Klimov qui a publié ses livres sur internet et autorisé leur re-publication gratuite. Cet article nous informe sur quelques détails de sa vie.

    July 06, 2016

    Klimov’s vision of an anti-Russian conspiracy itself resembles the monstrous progeny of Cold War mad science that was such efficient fodder for the pop cultural mill throughout the world. Like Godzilla and the plethora of giant, radioactive vermin that attacked the major metropolitan centers of the United States and Japan on the movie screens of the 1950s, or the dangerous biological, nuclear, and psychotropic weapons let loose from ex-KGB laboratories in post-Soviet Russian thrillers, Klimov’s “Harvard Project” is a freakish offshoot of Cold War propaganda battles that has far exceeded the intentions (not to mention the life-spans) of the actual researchers who inspired it.


    According to his now defunct official website, (, which had previously been maintained by the “Gregory Klimov Online Fan Club Moscow,” Grigory Petrovich Klimov was born Igor Borisovich Kalmykov, not far from Rostov-on-Don in 1918. In 1945, he was employed as an engineer in Soviet-occupied Berlin, defecting to the Allies’ zone in 1947. From 1949-1950 he claims to have worked for the CIA on a secret plan to destroy the Soviet Union, codenamed the “Harvard Project,” which was followed by the “Cornell Project” for psychological warfare in 1958-1959. As his website puts it, his participation in the Harvard Project “affected his entire life and work,” but, “[s]ince psychological warfare was literally a war of psychos, Grigory Petrovich, being a normal person, could not continue to participate in a performance whose script was written by sick people.” 

    Instead, he produced a cycle of novels and essays that purport to expose the evil machinations of the "Harvard Project’"s masterminds: The Prince of This World (Князь мира сего, 1970), My Name is Legion (Имя мое—легион, 1975), The Protocols of the Soviet Elders (Протоколы советский мудрецов, 1981), and Red Kabbalah (Красная каббала, 1987). Initially distributed among Soviet émigrés, copies of these books made their way into the Soviet Union before perestroika, after which they were eventually reprinted by right-wing Russian publishing houses (particularly, but not exclusively, "Sovetskaia Kuban’" in Krasnodar). In interviews (Mogutin) and elsewhere on his site, Klimov claims that the total print run of all his books is “more than 1,100,000 copies,” an assertion that is impossible to verify. [1] Moreover, Klimov repeatedly declared his willingness to have his books printed by anyone anywhere, foregoing copyright and royalties, and has made his texts freely available on the Internet. [2] For Klimov, the most important thing was to get his message out; thus, in 1997, he not only granted an interview to gay journalist Yaroslav Mogutin for Mitin zhurnal, but even agreed to have the text of the interview reprinted on his website, despite Mogutin’s thinly-veiled contempt for his subject and his insistence on faithfully transcribing all of Klimov’s grammatical mistakes and misplaced accents ( [3] 

    Klimov’s depiction of the Harvard Project does have a basis in the culture of military/industrial think tanks funded by the US government in the 1950s, but from a vantage point that simultaneously distorts the results of this research while highlighting the improbable oddities that actually characterized US anti-communist psychological warfare. When discussing the Harvard Project, Klimov often invokes the name of Nathan Leitis, a University of Chicago graduate who joined the Rand Corporation in 1949 after working as an adviser to the US government during World War II. Leitis first made his mark at Rand with the 1951 publication of The Operational Code of the Politburo, which Ron Robin describes as “the most conspicuous attempt to fuse psychoculture and elite studies during the early Cold War years”. Leitis treated Communism as a “secular religion” (Leitis, The Operational Code xiv), and assumed that its leaders and adherents followed Marxist-Leninist Holy Writ without fail. His “operational code” (a quasi-semiotic elaboration of the rules and motivations that guided Bolshevik leaders) was a marvel of exegesis, teasing out decision-making patterns from numerous volumes of Communist theory and official pronouncements.


    [1] My copy of the 1997 Sovetskaia Kuban’ edition of My Name is Legion is part of a “supplementary printing” of 1000 copies.

    [2] Klimov’s works could be found not only on his own site, but also on the largest Russian etext server, Maxim Moshkov’s library (, as well as numerous sites offering e-books in formats more convenient for higher-end e-book reading software.

    [3] Mogutin himself has been identified with xenophobic Russian nationalism in his writings about Zhirinovsky and the war in Chechnya (Essig 143-146; Gessen, Dead Again 185-198), but even for him, Klimov’s theories were too extreme to be taken seriously.

    #anticommunisme #conspirationnisme #Russie #USA #guerre_froide

  • Black Panther, premier film à être projeté en #Arabie_Saoudite depuis 1980 | News |

    Saudi prince Mohammed Bin Salman wants to be Black Panther’s T’Challa so badly.

    ...for a government looking to change up its image, a Hollywood blockbuster about a benevolent monarch who wants to reform his country but is mindful of tradition, and fights violent extremists with the help of the CIA, couldn’t have been released at a better time.

    #mbs #arabie_saoudite

  • Breaking Software Integrity with NTFS Streams

    Break Hashing Integrity with NTFS StreamsF*ck software integrityFor security purposes, many applications use hashing to ensure software integrity. On Windows based NTFS file systems, there is a weakness. Files can be hidden within or behind files. Under certain circumstances, these hidden files can be hashed and remain hidden. Intrigued yet? As luck would have it, WikiLeaks leaked out part of an old CIA operations manual during a mega disclosure in 2016/17. One leaky technique caught my eye, hiding data in NTFS data streams. The full instructions were lacking; however, since some of us have secretly have enjoyed using this technique for many years, it was time to spread the joy. #microsoft kindly posted a blog on it back in 2013 from a developer perspective. Not an evil (puts hoodie on) (...)

    #ntfs-streams #hashing-integrity #women-in-tech #cybersecurity

  • Before the CIA, There Was the Pond |

    The head of the Pond was Col. John V. Grombach, a radio producer, businessman and ex-Olympic boxer who kept a small black poodle under his desk. He attended West Point, but didn’t graduate with his class because he had too many demerits, according to a U.S. Army document. His nickname was “Frenchy,” because his father was a Frenchman, who worked in the French Consulate in New Orleans.

    The War Department had tapped Grombach to create the secret intelligence branch in 1942 as a foundation for a permanent spy service. Grombach said the main objectives were security and secrecy, unlike the OSS, which he said had been infiltrated by allies and subversives and whose personnel had a “penchant for personal publicity.” It was first known as the Special Service Branch, then as the Special Service Section and finally as the Coverage and Indoctrination Branch.

    To the few even aware of its existence, the intelligence network was known by its arcane name, the Pond. Its leaders referred to the G-2 military intelligence agency as the “Lake,” the CIA, which was formed later, was the “Bay,” and the State Department was the “Zoo.” Grombach’s organization engaged in cryptography, political espionage and covert operations. It had clandestine officers in Budapest, London, Lisbon, Madrid, Stockholm, Bombay, Istanbul and elsewhere.

    Grombach directed his far-flung operations from an office at the Steinway Hall building in New York, where he worked under the cover of a public relations consultant for Philips. His combative character had earned him a reputation as an opportunist who would “cut the throat of anyone standing in his way,” according to a document in his Army intelligence dossier.

    In defining the Pond’s role, Grombach maintained that the covert network sought indirect intelligence from people holding regular jobs in both hostile countries and allied nations — not unlike the Russian spies uncovered in June in the U.S. while living in suburbia and working at newspapers or universities.

    The Pond, he wrote in a declassified document put in the National Archives, had a mission “to collect important secret intelligence via many international companies, societies, religious organizations and business and professional men who were willing to cooperate with the U.S. but who would not work with the OSS because it was necessarily integrated with British and French Intelligence and infiltrated by Communists and Russians.”

    On April 15, 1953, Grombach wrote that the idea behind his network was to use “observers” who would build long-term relationships and produce far more valuable information than spies who bought secrets. “Information was to be rarely, if ever, bought, and there were to be no paid professional operators; as it later turned out some of the personnel not only paid their own expenses but actually advanced money for the organization’s purposes.”

    The CIA, for its part, didn’t think much of the Pond. It concluded that the organization was uncooperative, especially since the outfit refused to divulge its sources, complicating efforts to evaluate their reports. In an August 1952 letter giving notice that the CIA intended to terminate the contract, agency chief Gen. Walter Bedell Smith wrote that “our analysis of the reports provided by this organization has convinced us that its unevaluated product is not worth the cost.” It took until 1955 to completely unwind the relationship.

    Mark Stout, a former intelligence officer and historian for the International Spy Museum in Washington, analyzed the newly released papers and said it isn’t clear how important the Pond was to U.S. intelligence-gathering as a whole. “But they were making some real contributions,” he said.

    Matthew Aid, an intelligence historian and author of “The Secret Sentry: The Untold History of the National Security Agency” who has reviewed some of the collection, said there was no evidence the Pond’s reports made their way to decision-makers. “I’m still not convinced that Grombach’s organization was a worthwhile endeavor in World War II and even less so when it went off the books,” he said.

    What it may have lacked in quality and influence, however, the Pond certainly made up with chutzpah.

    One of the outfit’s most unusual informers was a French serial killer named Marcel Petiot, Grombach wrote in a 1980 book.

    The Secret Intelligence Branch, as he referred to the Pond, began receiving reports from Petiot during the war. He was a physician in Paris who regularly treated refugees, businessmen and Gestapo agents, but he also had a predilection for killing mostly wealthy Jews and burning their bodies in a basement furnace in his soundproofed house. He was convicted of 26 murders and guillotined in 1946.

    Nevertheless, Grombach considered him a valuable informer because of his contacts.

    One cable discovered among the newly released papers appears to confirm the Pond was tracking Petiot’s whereabouts. In the undated memo, the writer says Petiot was drawn by a Gestapo agent “into a trap to be arrested by the Germans.” Petiot was briefly arrested in 1943 by the Gestapo.

    Such sources were often feeding their reports to top operatives — often businessmen or members of opposition groups. But there were also journalists in the spy ring.

    Ruth Fischer, code-named “Alice Miller,” was considered a key Pond agent for eight years, working under her cover as a correspondent, including for the North American Newspaper Alliance. She had been a leader of Germany’s prewar Communist Party and was valuable to the Pond in the early years of the Cold War, pooling intelligence from Stalinists, Marxists and socialists in Europe, Africa and China, according to the newly released documents.

    But it was the help from businesses in wartime that was essential to penetrating Axis territories.

    The Philips companies, including their U.S. division, gave the Pond money, contacts, radio technology and supported Grombach’s business cover in New York. Philips spokesman Arent Jan Hesselink said the company had business contacts with Grombach between 1937 and 1970. He added that they could not “rule out that there was contact between Philips and Grombach with the intention of furthering central U.S. intelligence during the war.”

    The Pond laid the groundwork and devised a detailed postwar plan to integrate its activities into the U.S. Rubber Co.’s business operations in 93 countries. It is unknown if the plan was ever carried out. The Pond also worked with the American Express Co., Remington Rand, Inc. and Chase National Bank, according to documents at the National Archives.

    American Express spokeswoman Caitlin Lowie said a search of company archives revealed no evidence of a relationship with Grombach’s organization. Representatives of the other companies or their successors did not respond to requests for comment.

    The Pond directed its resources for domestic political ends, as well.

    In the 1950s, Grombach began furnishing names to McCarthy on supposed security risks in the U.S. intelligence community. By then, the Pond was a CIA contractor, existing as a quasi-private company, and the agency’s leadership was enraged by Grombach’s actions. It wasn’t long before the Pond’s contract was terminated and the organization largely ceased to exist.

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