organization:central statistical bureau of latvia

  • Average salary growth rates become slower in Latvia
    Average monthly gross wages and salaries in the private sector accounted for 813 euros and for 885 euros in the public sector, while in general government sector that includes state and local government institutions, State Social Insurance Agency and enterprises controlled and financed by the central and local governments – 824 euros. Annual increase in the wages and salaries was similar in both private and public sector – of 3.3 and 3.2%, respectively, according to data from the Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia.

    #Latvia #Latvija #Economy #salary #salary_rate

  • Economic diary of Latvia

    This week, it became known about the biggest merging process in the banking sector in the past several years. Nordea and DNB have announced their plans to combine their experience, knowledge and efforts in Baltic States.
    This week, the Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia announced results of Latvian hotels and other places of accommodation for the first half-year of 2016. As it turned out, foreign guests have spent 1,892 million nights in Latvia, which is 6.5% more in comparison with the same period of 2015. In Q2 2016, the number of foreign tourists in Latvia reached 432.7 thousand people. 29.6% of them came from neighbouring countries: Russia (10.9%), Lithuania (8.6%), Estonia (8.1%) and Belarus (2%). There has also been an increase in the number of guests from USA (+56.6%), Spain (+33.4%), UK (+27%), Lithuania (+17.9%), Poland (+17.4%) and Finland (+13.5%).

    #Latvia #Economics #export #tourism #banks #DNB #nordea