organization:civil society knowledge centre

  • The Conflict Context in Tripoli: Chronic Neglect, Increased Poverty, & Leadership Crisis. | Civil Society Knowledge Centre

    This report provides an analysis of the current political, social and economic dynamics in Tripoli, Lebanon. The analysis begins with a brief overview of Tripoli’s history in the 20th century and the state’s securitisation efforts to contextualise the current social and political landscape. The report particularly focuses on how state policy towards the city, along with Tripoli’s special historical relationship with Syria, has contributed to ongoing armed conflict, economic stagnation, poverty and political fragmentation in Tripoli.

  • L’installation pacifique des réfugiés syriens dans la banlieue de Beyrouth : une remarquable ethnographie et un regard original The Peaceful Settlement of Syrian Refugees in the Eastern suburbs of Beirut : Understanding the causes of social stability | Civil Society Knowledge Centre par Marianne Madoré

    As underlined a year ago in the introduction to the Civil Society Review by its editors, “it is unprecedented to have a country of 4 million inhabitants host one million refugee without being on the verge of a social rupture or a war.”101 How do Syrian refugees and host communities manage to live side by side, communicate and cooperate despite demographic pressure, past trauma, old grievances and the current distress? This paper used the area of Bourj Hammoud as a case study to suggest a multi-fold explanation. It pointed at the dynamism of the local communities, Bourj Hammoud’s residents’ specific religious or historical ties with Syrian refugees, lenient municipal regulation of refugees movement, and the abilities of the refugees to navigate the city. Can this specific case of peaceful coexistence inform conflict-solving specialists and policy makers interested in social stability? Undeniably, the specificities of the locality of Bourj Hammoud should not be overlooked. Nonetheless, this zoom-in into the suburbs of Beirut reasserts the need to study the entanglement of the micro-strategies of residents, and of refugees, with local and national public policies.

    #Beyrouth #Liban #réfugiés #Borj_Hammoud

    • Je ne vois pourquoi le Hezbollah aurait spécialement un rôle là dedans, surtout que cette localité échappe largement à son emprise territoriale et idéologique. En tout cas, l’auteure n’évoque pas du tout le Hezb. Elle souligne l’existence d’un particularisme arménien lié à une « communauté d’exilés » (c’est mon expression, pas très satisfaisante) et plus largement, une tradition d’hospitalité dans les villes de la région, qui s’est notamment manifestée en 2006 avec les réfugiés du Sud.
      L’originalité de son regard est de bcp insister sur la construction d’une coexistence au quotidien qui favorise des formes minimales d’interconnaissance et d’échanges.

  • The Peaceful Settlement of Syrian Refugees in the Eastern suburbs of Beirut: Understanding the causes of social stability | Civil Society Knowledge Centre

    Since early 2011, the few episodes of violence involving refugees in Lebanon have been covered extensively. Yet, given the high numbers of displaced people, the proximity of the battles, and the pre-existing pressures in Lebanon, one could have expected many more clashes to take place. This article focuses on the densely populated municipality of Bourj Hammoud, where the proportion of registered Syrian refugees has reached a fifth of the local population without leading to any major violent episodes. Based on extensive ethnographic study, this article explains the social stability that prevailed by highlighting mechanisms of regulation and control, the management of the influx of refugees by local actors, and the agency of the refugees themselves in the settlement process.

  • Conflict Analysis Report - The conflict context in Beirut: the social question, mobilisations cycles, and the city’s securitisation | Civil Society Knowledge Centre

    This report provides an analysis of the history and current situation of the conflict context, actors and dynamics in Beirut, Lebanon. The report seeks to shed light on the main actors, topics of contestation, conflict and mobilisation in its historical becoming as well as current expressions. The report includes a special focus on the social question, subsequent political and social mobilisation, gender issues, the securitisation of the city, as well as the interactions between the Lebanese host community and Syrian refugees and their unfolding within the last four years (since 2011).

  • Between Local Patronage Relationships and Securitization: The Conflict Context in the Bekaa Region | Civil Society Knowledge Centre

    he details of the Shebaa operation show that the Resistance’s operational arms are extremely flexible — whether in terms of meeting the political needs to choose an appropriate military target; in terms of preparing the right weapons and timing to achieve proportionality with the enemy; or in terms of delivering a tough message, whose significance surpasses the mere number of casualties.

    Third: The nature of the Resistance’s military and intelligence response to the operation is indicative of its ability to avoid a compulsive emotional response. It also shows that the enemy even if, in theory, it had calculated the coming response, it was still unable to implement measures on the ground to protect itself from such an attack.