organization:communist party

  • Plenty of Lenins standing in Kyiv

    Quel avenir pour les symboles soviétiques dans l’Ukraine post-soviétique ?

    A man carries a wrecked bas-relief of Vladimir Lenin taken from the Communist Party’s headquarters in Kyiv after EuroMaidan Revolution supporters destroyed Soviet symbols on April 9. © UNIAN

    Probably most people in Kyiv – and many around the world – have seen the video of EuroMaidan protesters toppling the city’s most famous Vladimir Lenin from its pedestal on Shevchenko Boulevard.

    But the city still has plenty of other Soviet symbols, including at least 10 more Lenin statues. Ukraine inherited more than 1,500 statues of the Bolshevik Revolution leader, compared to only 1,256 monuments to Taras Shevchenko, Ukraine’s iconic poet.

    During the EuroMaidan Revolution, protesters removed 318 Lenin statues all over the country. But his image is hard to remove, even in Kyiv.

    Dans la rue, exposés aux destructions et au vandalisme ou en musée.

    The best way to preserve the historical valuable monuments, Osmak said, is to open a museum of Soviet monumental art.

    Avec cet argument qui ne devrait pas laisser indifférent certains honorables contributeurs…

    Many people, however, are still interested in Kyiv’s Soviet heritage. A year ago Interesting Kyiv launched its “Back to the USSR” tour which aims to show Kyiv’s Soviet face, preserved in architecture. The three-hour tour starts near the National Opera on Volodymyrska Street and moves towards European Square, where the former Lenin museum (currently the Ukrainian House) was located. Tours are available in Ukrainian, English and Russian languages and cost Hr 60.

    Finberg says that those tours are popular with foreigners because “the Soviet period is an unavoidable part of Ukraine’s history and foreigners are often interested particularly in this period.”

  • Sondage pour les présidentielles ukrainiennes (6200 personnes) : Porochenko accroît son avance

    Poroshenko widens the lead in presidential polls

    Ukraine’s confectionary magnate Petro Poroshenko increased his popularity ahead of presidential elections scheduled on May 25 to almost 33 percent, leaving his main rival Yulia Tymoshenko with only 9.5 percent of support, a new poll revealed.
    The third contender in the polls is Serhiy Tihipko, a member of Party of Regions who runs independently. He has 5.1 percent of people supporting him.

    Then comes the official candidate of the Party of Regions, former Kharkiv governor Mykhailo Dobkin with 4.2 percent of people ready to vote for him. Communist party leader Petro Symonenko is number five with 4 percent.

    There are 23 candidates running for president in this election.

    Despite concerns about disruption of elections in eastern Ukraine and annexation of Crimea by the Russians, some 85 percent of Ukrainians said they would come to the polls.


    Petro Porochenko est le symbole de la fidélité aux régimes successifs…

    Petro Porochenko — Wikipédia

    Petro Porochenko devient député à la Rada en 1998. Il est d’abord membre du Parti social-démocrate d’Ukraine (unifié) (SDPU(O)), à l’époque parti le plus fidèle au président Leonid Koutchma. En 2000, il quitte le SDPU(O) pour créer un mouvement indépendant de centre-gauche, Solidarité. En 2001, il participe à la fondation du Parti des régions, également fidèle à Koutchma (le parti Solidarité ne rejoint cependant pas le Parti des régions).

    En décembre 2001, Porochenko se désolidarise des soutiens de Koutchma pour devenir le chef de campagne de Viktor Iouchtchenko, au sein de la coalition d’opposition Notre Ukraine. À l’issue des élections législatives de 2002, Notre Ukraine remporte le plus de suffrages, et Porochenko obtient un siège au Parlement. Il présidera la commission parlementaire du budget.

    Il est un proche conseiller de Iouchtchenko, ce dernier étant le parrain des filles de Porochenko. Il est l’un des principaux financeurs de Notre Ukraine et de la Révolution orange.

    À la suite de l’élection de Viktor Iouchtchenko à la présidence, Porochenko est nommé secrétaire du Conseil national de sécurité et de défense d’Ukraine. En septembre 2005, à la suite de la crise de confiance consécutive aux soupçons de corruption dans le milieu politique ukrainien, ce poste lui est retiré par le président Iouchtchenko. Le gouvernement de Ioulia Tymochenko, rivale de Porochenko, doit également démissionner.

    En mars 2006, Petro Porochenko est réélu au parlement au sein de la coalition Notre Ukraine. Il préside la Commission des finances et des banques. Il se présente pas aux élections législatives de 2007.

    Depuis février 2007, il préside le Conseil de la Banque nationale d’Ukraine.

    Le 7 octobre 2009, il est proposé au poste de ministre des Affaires étrangères par le président Iouchtchenko, et est officiellement nommé par le Parlement deux jours plus tard. Le 12 octobre 2009, le président le réintègre dans le Conseil national de sécurité et de défense. Poroshenko soutient la candidature de l’Ukraine à l’OTAN.

    Bien que son portefeuille de ministre lui soit retiré par le président Viktor Ianoukovytch le 11 mars 2010, ce dernier déclare vouloir coopérer avec Porochenko à l’avenir. Il est ainsi nommé ministre du commerce et du développement économique, poste qu’il conserve de mars à novembre 2012.

  • Autre passage du passage télé de Poutine

    Putin Q&A live blog: Putin threatens to shut off gas to Ukraine, calls eastern Ukraine “Novorussiya,” says presidential elections cannot be considered legitimate

    Putin brought up imperial Russian history, saying that some territories in eastern Ukraine had been given to Ukraine by Catherine the Great’s close advisor Grigory Potemkin, calling them “Novorussiya.” 

    Coincidentally, a map found in the Kyiv Communist Party headquarters last week showing Ukraine partitioned into four regions described a southern province as “Novorussiya.”

    The map of Ukraine shows it splintered into four parts: Republic of Crimea, Republic of Donbas in the east, Republic of Dneprovsko-Slobozhansk in the northeast, Republic of Novorossiya in the south and Ukraine.

    • On se rappellera que le duc de Richelieu, avant d’être ministre de Louis XVIII, a été gouverneur d’Odessa et de la Nouvelle-Russie…

      En 1803, le tsar Alexandre Ier, qui succède à Paul Ier, le nomme gouverneur de la ville d’Odessa et de la Nouvelle Russie, région qui englobait tout le sud de la Russie et qu’il fallait coloniser et peupler, poste qu’il conserve jusqu’en 1814.

      Il est reconnu comme l’artisan du développement de la ville d’Odessa, petit village qu’il a transformé en capitale de cette province conquise aux Turcs. La « perle de la mer Noire » garde encore en souvenir sa statue en haut de l’escalier qui domine le port4. Il reste une figure particulièrement populaire auprès de la population de cette ville, en ce début de XXIe siècle.

    • L’accord diplomatique sur l’Ukraine, une victoire politique pour Poutine

      Lors d’une émission télévisée, M. Poutine a qualifié l’est de l’Ukraine de « nouvelle Russie ». « Kharkiv, Lugansk, Donetsk, Odessa ne faisaient pas partie de l’Ukraine du temps des tsars. Dieu sait pourquoi, elles ont été transférées en 1920 ! », a-t-il lancé. Et de rappeler qu’il se réservait le droit d’y intervenir militairement.

      C’est quand même dingue d’étaler son inculture à ce point !

      C’est le traité de Iassy (Iași) en 1792 (après celui de Koutchouk-Kaïnardji en 1774) qui a consacré l’annexion de cette région par la Russie. C’est le terrain de jeu du célèbre Potemkine (et de ses villages — ça c’était en Crimée) et après lui de Richelieu.

      Grigori Potemkine — Wikipédia

      Il est l’un des colonisateurs des steppes sous-peuplées du sud de l’Ukraine, qui deviennent russes avec le traité de Küçük Kaynarca (1774) et du sud du Don. Il fonde les villes de Kherson, Nikolaïev, Sébastopol et Iekaterinoslav qui étaient regroupées dans les territoires de la Nouvelle Russie.

      Il y est mort…

      …mort le 16 octobre 1791 durant un voyage de Iaşi à Nikolaïev…
      Malade depuis quelque temps, Grigori Potemkine demanda à être transporté à Nikolaïev ; il décéda au cours de ce voyage le 5 octobre 1791. Grigori Potemkine fut d’abord inhumé en la cathédrale de Kherson. Mais après son accession au trône impérial, Paul Ier de Russie fit disperser les restes de celui qui fut pendant des années l’amant de sa mère, Catherine II de Russie.

  • #Chris_Hani’s political legacy

    The American political scientist Adolph Reed Jnr. once said of Malcolm X: “… He was just like the rest of us—a regular person saddled with imperfect knowledge, human frailties, and conflicting imperatives, but nonetheless trying to make sense of his very specific history, trying unsuccessfully to transcend it, and struggling to push it in a humane direction.” Because in the political present, most of Chris Hani’s comrades in the ruling ANC, the Communist Party and the main trade federation, COSATU, are such disappointments, the tendency is to set him up as some kind of ideal type (even opposition parties, who had time for Hani’s ideas and struggle while he was alive, are doing so opportunistically). At the same time, Hani represented the energies that people inside and outside South (...)


  • ITAR-TASS: World - Fire breaks out in Communist Party office in Kiev

    KIEV, April 10. /ITAR-TASS/. Premises on the first and second floors of the Communist Party office in Kiev, on Borisoglebskaya Street, have been destroyed in the fire, the press service of State Emergency Service of Ukraine reported on Thursday.
    The fire in the four-story office building broke out at 11.20 pm Moscow time (GMT+4) on Wednesday. No injuries were reported. The fire was taken out by emergency services at 01.44 am on Thursday. The cause of fire is under investigation.
    According to preliminary information, it was arson. “The cause of fire is probably arson,” said the spokesperson for the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. “Fire cannot break out in three different places at the same time.”
    On Wednesday, the police came to the Communist Party’s office twice. The building is controlled by supporters of the authorities in Kiev. The activists of the lustration committee “Never Again” were asked to leave the building voluntarily.
    The activists rejected the police’s demands at first, but later left the building at around 11.00 pm. Twenty minutes later, the fire broke out in the premises.

  • Sudanese agents seize copies of communist newspaper

    Sudanese state security agents have seized copies of the Communist party newspaper one month after it was allowed to resume publishing following a two-year shutdown, the editor said on Thursday. The seizure of #al-Midan comes despite government claims that freedoms are widening in the country. “It was prevented from circulating three times this week, on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday,” Madiha Abdullah, chief editor of the thrice-weekly publication, told AFP. “They took copies from the printer without giving any reasons.” read more

    #Freedom_of_the_Press #Sudan #Top_News

  • Leaked Records Reveal Offshore Holdings of China’s Elite

    Close relatives of China’s top leaders have held secretive offshore companies in tax havens that helped shroud the Communist Party elite’s wealth, a leaked cache of documents reveals. The confidential files include details of a real estate company co-owned by current President Xi Jinping’s brother-in-law and British Virgin Islands companies set up by former Premier Wen Jiabao’s son and also by his son-in-law.

    January 22, 2014 | ICIJ

    Nearly 22,000 offshore clients with addresses in mainland China and Hong Kong appear in the files obtained by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists. Among them are some of China’s most powerful men and women — including at least 15 of China’s richest, members of the National People’s Congress and executives from state-owned companies entangled in corruption scandals.

    PricewaterhouseCoopers, UBS and other Western banks and accounting firms play a key role as middlemen in helping Chinese clients set up trusts and companies in the British Virgin Islands, Samoa and other offshore centers usually associated with hidden wealth, the records show. For instance, Swiss financial giant Credit Suisse helped Wen Jiabao’s son create his BVI company while his father was leading the country.

    #chine #économie #paradis_fiscaux #criinalité_financière

  • Déclaration du Parti Communiste Sud-africain (South African Communist Party - SACP) BELLACIAO

    Voici la traduction par Nico Maury de la déclaration du PC sud-africain après le décès de Nelson Mandela

    Note JF. On notera que le SACP indique que Mandela a été membre du parti communiste et même membre de son comité central jusqu’à son arrestation au mois d’août 1962. Il ne s’agit pas là d’une révélation mais l’information est peu connue, en France notamment.

    Après son arrestation, puis lors de ses responsabilités publiques, Nelson Mandela a mené une politique de rassemblement sans appartenance (hors de l’ANC) tout en maintenant des relations chaleureuses et étroites avec le parti communiste. Voici la déclaration du PC sud africain.

  • Uighurs in China Say Bias Is Growing -

    KASHGAR, China — Job seekers looking for opportunities in this ancient oasis town in China’s far western Xinjiang region would seem to have ample options, based on a quick glance at a local help-wanted Web site. The Kashgar Cultural Center has an opening for an experienced dance choreographer, the prefectural Communist Party office is hiring a driver and nearby Shule County needs an archivist.

    #chine #xinjiang #ouighours

  • Akiva Orr, co-founder of Matzpen, passes away | Israeli Occupation Archive

    Expelled from the Communist Party in 1962 for his critical attitude and free thinking, Orr – together with Moshe Machover, Oded Pilavsky and Jeremy Kaplan, formed Matzpen – The Socialist Organisation in Israel. Matzpen was critical of Zionism as a colonial project, in which Zionists came to Palestine to expropriate the indigenous Palestinian population, and not simply to exploit them economically as was the model of much of European colonial regimes throughout the world.

  • Signals in China of a More Open Economy -

    Published: December 9, 2012

    BEIJING — In a strong signal of support for greater market-oriented economic policies, Xi Jinping, the new head of the Communist Party, made a visit over the weekend to the special economic zone of Shenzhen in south China, which has stood as a symbol of the nation’s embrace of a state-led form of capitalism since its growth over the last three decades from a fishing enclave to an industrial metropolis.

    The trip was Mr. Xi’s first outside Beijing since becoming party chief on Nov. 15. Mr. Xi visited a private Internet company on Friday and went to Lotus Hill Park on Saturday to lay a wreath at a bronze statue of Deng Xiaoping, the leader who opened the era of economic reforms in 1979, when Shenzhen was designated a special economic zone. Mr. Deng famously later visited the city in 1992 to encourage reviving those economic policies after they had stalled following the violent crackdown on pro-democracy protests in 1989.

  • French Communist Party backs killing of South African miners

    After sympathetically quoting South African President Jacob Zuma and cynically expressing its “indignation and horror” at the violence, the brief communiqué published August 17 by the Communist Party (PCF) states: “The PCF reaffirms its solidarity with all the political and trade union forces in South Africa in their struggle to reduce inequality, for progress and for social justice under the true rule of law.”

    It is public knowledge that the “political and trade union forces” defended by the PCF ordered and defended the massacre. The African National Congress (ANC) government’s national police commissioner, Riah Phiyega, declared after the massacre that she “gave police the responsibility to execute the task they needed to do.” She opposed any prosecution of those responsible for the miners’ deaths, saying, “This is no time for finger-pointing.”

    • J’ai été choqué par la nouvelle, alors j’ai vérifié : Le texte du PCF exprime la pleine solidarité avec les ouvriers en lutte. Il faut vraiment chercher la conspiration capitalo-staliniste entre les lignes pour arriver à ces affirmations. Voici la source :

      Afrique du Sud : le #PCF exprime son indignation et son horreur devant le massacre de mineurs grévistes

      Le massacre de 34 mineurs grévistes par la police en #Afrique_du_Sud suscite une profonde émotion. Le Parti communiste français exprime son indignation et son horreur devant une telle violence contre des salariés vivant dans la misère et revendiquant pour leurs salaires et leurs conditions de travail.

      Le Président sud-africain, Jacob Zuma, a lui même souligné l’incompréhension suscité par une telle répression. « Nous sommes choqués et consternés par cette violence insensée », a t’il dit en annonçant une commission d’enquête.
      Une tragédie meurtrière de cette nature, le peuple sud-africain qui a connu la terreur de l’Apartheid, ne devrait plus en connaître.

      Le PCF réaffirme sa solidarité avec l’ensemble des forces politiques et syndicales d’Afrique du Sud dans leur lutte pour réduire les inégalités, pour le progrès et la justice sociales dans un véritable Etat de droit.


  • Millions join general strike in Spain

    Yesterday’s general strike against new labour laws imposed by the right-wing Popular Party government was backed by millions.

    The two main union federations, the Socialist Party (PSOE)-aligned General Workers Union (Union General de Trabajadores, UGT), and the Communist Party (PCE)-led Workers Commissions (Comisiones Obreras, CC.OO) estimated that the stoppages were supported by 77-80 percent of the workforce. Many more people, unemployed, school children, housewives and students used it as a vehicle to protest government cuts and austerity measures.

    Mass stoppages took place in industry, transport and services. The walkout hit road, rail and air service with barely any domestic or European flights in operation.

    Nissan, Seat, Ficosa o Valeo and the petrochemical factory in Tarragona were shut down as well as Yamaha and Derbi o Panrico. The PSA Peugeot Citroën plant was opened, but with about 10 percent attendance. In Navarre, factories such as Volkswagen, FCC Logística, Human Koxka, TRW, Kybse o Dana were paralysed. Factories near Madrid closed down. Industry, ports and shipyards in Galicia were idle.

    Although the trade unions had agreed minimum transport services of 30 and 35 percent, huge queues formed in all cities. The unions report that 91 percent supported the strike on the railways.

  • Interview with the IASR (Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative from Romania) |

    The transition was vastly different in comparison with other Eastern European countries, because there were two unique things. For one, Romania was the only Warsaw Pact member, which forcibly overthrew the government and executed the country’s head of state. Romania is also the only country where the actual revolution was considered a coup d’état, orchestrated by the Nomenklatura (the high officials in the Communist Party). So against this particular background, the transition was weird and very suspicious because the state’s capital simply disappeared and was privatized overnight. The former secret police members/collaborators and [Communist] Party members landed in high positions in the government, and ironically many became the multimillionaire businessmen of Romania. So in reality, this once again proves the “new class” theory: the former ruling class is now the new ruling capitalist class. The left in a traditional sense is practically non-existent; the parties are extremely similar due to the fact that the mainstream parties are the offshoots of the National Salvation Front, the governing body of Romania in the first weeks after the revolution, which was formed by the former Communist Party elites. So in mainstream political discourse the left wing is a thing of the past, every discourse is dominated by either pseudo-populist rhetoric coupled with a national Stalinist sentiment, or by traditional capitalist discourse. For anarchism it was worse, because the movement was literally destroyed by two dictatorships: the fascist one during WWII and the Stalinist one after WWII, so people have no idea what anarchism is and what it represents. For some years now, anarchism was associated with only the “punk” scene, so it’s hard to present it as a legitimate socio-political point of view. Our recent work in discovering some old anarchist newspapers from the 1900s and a study about the anarcho-syndicalist movement up until WWII have given us hope in the quest to historically and politically legitimatize it.

  • The Lebanese Left Fails in Syria

    The position of the Communist Party on what is happening in Syria is a failure on both the ethical and political levels. Here, [failure with respect to] the sense that policy [is supposed to] truly serve the interests of the oppressed classes, [and this] makes the party one with a rightwing leadership. It practically rejects the change demanded by the toiling class and the workers in Syria, as well as adopts the regime’s “external conspiracy” narrative. All that remains for the comrades of the political bureau is to participate in the propaganda against the protesters, calling them “conspirators” or “armed gangs.” This is especially [the case] since [the Communist Party’s] Secretary General Khalid Hadada confirmed once again the centrality of “the conspiracy against Syria” in an article of his in al-Safir newspaper (May 28th, 2011). If he rejects the security solution in Syria, he also repudiates “attempted bullying by the outside.”

    Traduction de l’article publié dans Al-Akhbar :

    • assez similaire à la tension en Afrique du Sud sur la question du Zimbabwe, entre les partis qui soutiennent Mugabe (contre l’"ingérence britannique") et les syndicats qui soutiennent les opposants (contre la brutalité du régime)