organization:council on american-islamic relations

  • Saudi Arabia Declares War on America’s Muslim Congresswomen – Foreign Policy

    The rise of politicians like El-Sayed, Omar, and Tlaib also undermines a core argument advanced by dictators in the Middle East: that their people are not ready for democracy. “People would not have access to power in their countries but they would if they leave; this destroys the argument by Sisi or bin Salman,” El-Sayed said, referring to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. “What’s ironic is there is no way I would aspire to be in leadership in Egypt, the place of my fathers.”

    American allies in the region also fear that the Democratic Party’s new Arab leaders will advocate for political change in their countries. Having spent millions of dollars for public relations campaigns in Western capitals, the Persian Gulf countries feel threatened by any policymakers with an independent interest in and knowledge of the region. They have thus framed these officials’ principled objections to regional violations of human rights and democratic norms as matters of personal bias. One commentator, who is known to echo government talking points and is frequently retweeted by government officials, recently spread the rumor that Omar is a descendent of a “Houthi Yemeni” to undermine her attacks on the Saudi-led war on Yemen.

    The most common attack online by the Saudi-led bloc on the Muslim-American Democrats has been to label them as members of the Muslim Brotherhood, or more generally as ikhwanji, an extremist catch-all term. These attacks started long before this year’s elections. In 2014, the UAE even announced a terror list that included the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) for its alleged links to the Muslim Brotherhood.

    The attacks attempting to tie Omar and Tlaib to the Muslim Brotherhood started in earnest after CAIR publicly welcomed their election to Congress. One UAE-based academic, Najat al-Saeed, criticized Arabic media for celebrating the two Muslim women’s victories at the midterms, and pointed to CAIR’s support for them as evidence of their ties to the Brotherhood.

  • Trump’s Racism Crisis Deepens Over His Barcelona Comments | Pacific Standard

    Muslim Americans were quick to observe an inconsistency in Trump’s handling of Barcelona and the standoff between white nationalists and their opponents in Charlottesville, Virginia, that saw one antifa protestor killed when a car plowed into a crowd.

    “Obviously we condemn the attack in Barcelona. But it took Trump minutes to tweet out false information about General Pershing whereas he said he needed two days to get facts on Charlottesville. He just tweeted out a known falsehood within minutes of Barcelona,” says Corey Saylor, spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations advocacy group.

    Attentat de Barcelone : Trump répète une fausse nouvelle qui date d’au moins 16 ans |

    « Ils avaient des problèmes liés au terrorisme, tout comme nous. [John Pershing] a capturé 50 terroristes qui avaient fait beaucoup de dégâts et avaient tué beaucoup de personnes. Il a pris les 50 terroristes, il a pris 50 de ses soldats et il a pris 50 balles de fusil qu’il a plongées dans du sang de porc, racontait alors Donald Trump. Ses hommes ont chargé leurs fusils, puis ils ont exécuté 49 prisonniers. À la 50e personne, Pershing a dit : “Va raconter ce qui vient de se produire à ton peuple.” Puis, pendant 25 ans, il n’y a plus eu de problème. »

    Le seul hic : l’histoire en question est une invention. John Pershing n’a jamais exécuté de « terroristes » musulmans aux Philippines avec des balles trempées dans du sang de porc.

    #débile #Président #Etats-Unis

  • Complaints Describe Border Agents Interrogating Muslim Americans, Asking for Social Media Accounts

    Customs and Border Protection agents have been invasively questioning Muslim-Americans at U.S. border crossings about their political and religious beliefs, asking for their social media information, and demanding passwords to open mobile phones, according to a set of complaints filed by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). In one case, a 23-year old American citizen alleges that he was choked by a CBP agent after declining to hand over his phone for inspection while crossing (...)

    #frontières #Islam #réseau_social #surveillance

  • ’Muslim-free zone’ at Florida gun shop upheld in court |

    A federal judge in Florida has dismissed a complaint claiming a gun shop owner violated the Civil Rights Act when he declared his store a “Muslim-free zone.”

    Andy Hallinan, owner of Florida Gun Supply, announced in July he would no longer allow Muslims to purchase guns or receiving training at his Inverness, Fla. store. The announcement, which was made in a viral You Tube video and came just after the shooting deaths of five U.S. service members in Chattanooga, Tennessee, led to a lawsuit from the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

    #Etats-Unis #musulman

  • De nombreux incidents anti-musulmans depuis les attentats de #Paris

    Les incidents contre les #musulmans ont, depuis les attentats de Paris, atteint « un niveau sans précédent » aux #États-Unis, nourris par les virulents discours de certains républicains comme Donald Trump en pleine campagne présidentielle, selon la principale association américaine de défense des droits civiques des musulmans.

    « C’est du jamais vu sur une période aussi courte », explique à l’AFP Ibrahim Hooper, porte-parole du Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). Y compris, selon lui, après le 11-Septembre.

  • Etats-Unis : Un vendeur d’armes interdit sa boutique aux musulmans - Slate

    Le propriétaire d’une boutique d’armes à feu en Floride a mis en ligne une vidéo pour annnoncer que son établissement était interdit aux musulmans, rapporte Newsweek. Dans la vidéo, qui a déjà été vue plus de 100.000 fois, Andy Hallinan explique que sa décision fait suite à la tuerie de Chattanooga, dans le Tennessee, où un Américain musulman, Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, a tué cinq militaires.
    « À partir d’aujourd’hui, je déclare Florida Gun Supply comme une zone sans musulmans. Je n’armerai et n’entraînerai pas ceux qui souhaitent faire du mal aux patriotes », explique Hallinan.

    Il annonce aussi que les cours pour obtenir un permis de port d’arme cachée seront gratuits et que le champ de tir sera ouvert gratuitement à tous les « patriotes ». Son petit discours de cinq minutes se fait avec un drapeau confédéré en toile de fond, un symbole raciste qui vient d’être retiré du capitole de Caroline du Sud après la tuerie de Charleston.
    « Nous sommes en guerre, patriotes, mais pas seulement contre l’extrémisme islamiste. Nous sommes aussi en guerre contre le politiquement correct extrême qui menace nos vies. »
    Le Washington Post rappelle que ce n’est pas la première fois qu’un propriétaire de magasin d’armes déclare que son établissement est une « zone sans musulmans » (« Muslim free zone »). La même expression avait été utilisée par Jan Morgan, qui gère une champ de tir dans l’Arkansas. Comme son établissement est un club privé, sa politique n’est apparemment pas en violation de la loi.
    Le Council on American-Islamic relations (CAIR), une association de défense des droits des musulmans, a demandé que le ministère de la Justice enquête sur le magasin de Floride. Pour Ibrahim Hooper, le porte-parole de cette organisation, les déclarations de ce vendeur d’armes rappellent les panneaux « réservé aux blancs » (whites only) du temps de la ségrégation.

  • Les réseaux de l’islamophobie aux Etats-Unis

    CAIR Report : Islamophobia Network Funded with $119 Million 2008 to 2011

    Muslim civil rights group identifies 37 organizations dedicated to promoting anti-Islam prejudice

    (WASHINGTON, D.C., 9/19/13) — The nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization today released a report, “Legislating Fear: Islamophobia and its Impact in the United States,” which reveals that anti-Islam groups received more than $119 million in funding between 2008 and 2011.

    The new report by the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) also identifies 37 organizations dedicated to promoting anti-Islam prejudice in America. CAIR’s second report on the subject more fully identifies the “Islamophobia network” in the United States and exposes its funding.

    [NOTE: CAIR today also distributed an ISLAM-OPED commentary, “The Reality of Islamophobia in America,” which states that, “Like racism, anti-Semitism, sexism and other issues, Islamophobia exists.” That commentary is available upon request for publication by media outlets nationwide.]

    “This report sheds light on the groups promoting Islamophobia in our society and reveals to the reader the impact those groups have on our nation’s discourse about Islam, pluralism and the future of the protections enshrined in the U.S. Constitution,” said Corey Saylor, who directs CAIR’s department to monitor and combat Islamophobia.

    CAIR’s findings include:

    The U.S.-based Islamophobia network’s “inner core” is currently comprised of at least 37 groups whose primary purpose is to promote prejudice against or hatred of Islam and Muslims. An additional 32 groups whose primary purpose does not appear to include promoting prejudice against or hatred of Islam and Muslims, but whose work regularly demonstrates or supports Islamophobic themes, make up the network’s “outer core.”
    The inner core of the U.S.-based Islamophobia network enjoyed access to at least $119,662,719 in total revenue between 2008 and 2011. Groups in the inner core are often tightly linked with each other. Key players in the network benefitted from large salaries as they encouraged the American public to fear Islam.
    In 2011 and 2012, 78 bills or amendments designed to marginalize Muslims and vilify Islamic religious practices were introduced in the legislatures of 29 states and the U.S. Congress. Sixty-two of these bills contained language that was extracted from David Yerushalmi’s American Laws for American Courts (ALAC) model legislation. While the bias motive behind the bills is clear, the presence of an actual problem that needed to be solved was not — even to the legislators introducing the measures. In at least 11 states, mainstream Republican leaders introduced or supported anti-Muslim legislation.
    Subject matter experts perceive a small but welcome decline in Islamophobia in America during the period covered by this report. In 2012, CAIR rates Islamophobia as a 5.9 on a scale of one to 10, with one representing an America free of Islamophobia and 10 being the worst possible situation for Muslims. In 2010, CAIR rated the state of Islamophobia in America as a 6.4.

    The decline makes particular sense given that the 2010 rating interviews were conducted in September and October of 2010. This period was the height of the national controversy over Park 51, aka “the Ground Zero Mosque.” The controversy’s proximity to the 2010 mid-term election made it a campaign issue. It was also right at the time of the planned burning of Qurans by Florida Pastor Terry Jones. This period in 2010 can be seen as the Islamophobia network’s greatest penetration into mainstream discourse to date. 
    There were 51 recorded anti-mosque acts during the period covered by this report, 29 in 2012 and 22 in 2011. Two notable spikes in anti-mosque acts occurred in 2011-2012: May 2011 (7 acts), likely related to the killing of Osama bin Laden, and August 2012 (10 acts), probably all in reaction to the massacre of six Sikh worshippers by a white supremacist in Oak Creek, Wis. By comparison, in June 2010, CAIR published “CAIR: Who we are,” a review of 1,999 CAIR press releases and action alerts spanning 1994-2008. In that report we noted: “Since 1994, CAIR has detailed at least 64 acts of destruction and defilement of Islamic places of worship—including shootings, vandalism, arson, and bombings.”
    CAIR’s report also notes that anti-Muslim trainers serving law enforcement and military personnel were dealt a significant blow in late 2011 and that Islamophobic rhetoric remains socially acceptable.

    In 2011, after significant pressure from CAIR and other organizations that included crucial reporting by’s Spencer Ackerman, federal authorities initiated steps to remove biased and inaccurate material about Islam from law enforcement training materials. Studies and a lack of consequences for most candidates for public office who engage in anti-Muslim rhetoric reveal an unfortunate societal tolerance for prejudicial speech directed at Muslim.

    CAIR names individuals, institutions and groups that were at the center of promoting Islamophobia in America during the period covered by the report.

    The “worst” list includes:

    Lieutenant General William G. “Jerry” Boykin (retired)
    Zuhdi Jasser and the American Islamic Forum for Democracy
    Herman Cain
    Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.)
    David Yerushalmi
    Former Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.)
    Walid Shoebat and the Forum for Middle East Understanding
    State legislators who sponsored anti-Islam legislation
    The Clarion Fund
    David Caton and the Florida Family Association
