organization:european external action service

  • Rapport sur l’état des relations #UE - #Algérie dans le cadre de la #PEV rénovée

    Suite aux efforts communs d’harmonisation menés par les Etats membres et l’UE, plus de 507’000 visas de court séjour ont été délivrés à des ressortissants algériens, ce qui place l’Algérie parmi les 7 premiers pays bénéficiaires de tels visas dans le monde. Un renforcement de la coopération entre l’Algérie et les Etats membres en matière de réadmission d es migrants algériens reconnus en situation irrégulière est nécessaire, en témoigne un taux de retour effectif de seulement 17% en 2016 , selon les statistiques européennes (21’925 décisions de retour pour seulement 3745 retours effectifs). Les difficultés principales concernent l’identification des ressortissants en situation irrégulière par les autorités algériennes et la délivrance de laissez-passer consulaires par ces dernières aux personnes concernées, condition préalable à leur réadmission. Pour mémoire, l’Algérie a conclu des accords bilatéraux dans ce domaine avec plusieurs Etats membres de l’UE, et l’UE a un mandat pour la négociation d’un accord de réadmission depuis 2000, mais l’Algérie n’a à ce jour pas confirmés on accord quant au démarrage de négociations en la matière .

    #Europe #EU #accords_de_réadmission #renvois #expulsions #asile #migrations #réfugiés #sans-papiers #déboutés #visas #taux_d'expulsion #Politique_européenne_de_voisinage
    cc @isskein

    • Report on the state of EU-Algeria relations: implementing a partnership rich in challenges and opportunities

      Between March 2017 and April 2018, the EU and Algeria demonstrated their desire to deepen their political dialogue and cooperation in all partnership areas.

      That is the conclusion of the progress report on the state of EU-Algeria relations published today by the European Commission services and the European External Action Service with a view to the 11th EU-Algeria Association Council in Brussels on 14 May 2018.

      The dialogue has been stepped up through many high-level visits and has been deepened, in particular in the sectors of security, the fight against terrorism, and energy. Tangible progress has also been made in numerous areas ranging from justice, agriculture and fisheries to research and civil protection, in a bilateral or regional framework.

      High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini said: ‘Since the March 2017 Association Council, our relations have been stepped up on both bilateral and regional questions. Our partnership is progressing and consolidating. Based on the constitutional review of 2016, the reform of the political governance system in Algeria remains at the heart of our partnership and has the support of the EU for its implementation, in particular in the fields of justice and participatory democracy. We are also building a relationship of trust with regard to security, aimed at regional stability and the fight against terrorism, to the benefit of our citizens.’

      Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, added: ‘The EU is ready to continue support for reforms, in particular those aimed at diversifying the Algerian economy. We are confident that EU support will help to improve the business climate and develop entrepreneurship. It is in Algeria’s interest and in the EU’s interest too. We hope that this cooperation, which is aimed at strengthening the Algerian economy, will help us to overcome our trade differences and will pave the way to more European investment that will create jobs in the country.’

      The report identifies the progress made by Algeria and the European Union in the areas of mutual interest identified by their Partnership Priorities since they were adopted in March 2017: i) governance and fundamental rights; ii) socio-economic development and trade; iii) energy, environment and climate change; iv) strategic and security dialogue; and v) the human dimension, migration and mobility.

      By means of this report, the European Union reiterates its willingness to boost the EU-Algeria partnership still further and support Algeria in these numerous areas.

  • Preview : Karl Marx : Wi(e)der (be)leben ? - DaybyDay ISSN 1860-2967

    Est-ce que vous achèteriez une voiture d’accasion à cet homme ? Non ? Alors ne lui faites pas confiance non plus quand il se met à vous parler de Karl Marx. C’est le social-démocrate et président d’Allemagne Frank-Walter Steinmeier qui invite à la célébration du 200ème anniversaire de Karls Marx.
    On regrette que le dernier chef d’état communiste de l’Allemagne de l’Est soit empêché. S’il venait à cette fête d’anniversaire elle serait la magnifique rencontre des plus hauts dignitaires et traitres des idées de Karls Marx. Les social-démocrates se sont rangés du côté de la bourgeoisie en 1914 et les communistes ont abandonné la pensée de Marx au moment de la prise de pouvoir de Staline.

    Du coup les invités n’auront droit qu’à une party assez médiocre et biaisée. Merci toutefois à Wolf Siegert de nous rappeller que nous pouvons désormais puiser des idées dans la nouvelle édition complète des oeuvres de Karl Marx et Friedrich Engels qui ajoute des textes inconnus à l’édition classique MEW éditée à Moscou et Berlin-Est.

    Pressemitteilung vom 25. April 2018 16:31 Uhr :

    Bundespräsident Steinmeier lädt zu „200 Jahre Karl Marx – ein Podiumsgespräch über Geschichte und Aktualität“

    Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier lädt am 3. Mai 2018 um 11.00 Uhr zu einem Podiumsgespräch anlässlich des 200. Geburtstages von Karl Marx ins Schloss Bellevue ein. Der Bundespräsident wird die Veranstaltung mit einer Ansprache eröffnen.
    Der Journalist und Marx-Biograf Jürgen Neffe diskutiert anschließend mit der Ökonomin Karen Horn, dem Schriftsteller Ingo Schulzesowie dem Physiker und TV-Moderator Ranga Yogeshwar. Sie sprechen über das Werk von Karl Marx und darüber, inwieweit seine Theorien zum Verständnis heutiger Entwicklungen, insbesondere von Technik und Wirtschaft, beitragen können. Der Schauspieler Marcus Off liest während der Veranstaltung Passagen aus dem Werk von Karl Marx.

    MEGAdigital. Online-Angebot der historisch-kritischen Gesamtausgabe von Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels

    Images : Flickr / European External Action Service - EEAS, Flickr / Julian Stallabrass

    #Marxisme #poitique #anniversaire

  • Facebook : des sites mensongers peu lus mais au succès considérable — Le blog du #Decodex

    Les médias traditionnels attirent plus de lecteurs, mais l’écart est beaucoup moins net sur Facebook, selon une étude britannique qui exploite notamment les données du Décodex.
    L’étude de l’institut Reuters s’intéresse à la circulation des fausses informations en France et en Italie. Pour tenter d’en mesurer la portée, ils se sont servis de listes de sites jugés peu fiables, dont ils ont comparé l’audience avec celle des médias traditionnels. « Le débat sur les fausses informations se concentre souvent sur ce qui se passe au Royaume-Uni. Nous avons cherché à comprendre ce qui se passait ailleurs en Europe », nous explique Richard Fletcher, coauteur de l’étude.

    Les chercheurs ont utilisé des listes préexistantes de sites connus pour diffuser de fausses informations. Pour le volet français de leurs travaux, ils se sont appuyés sur l’annuaire des sources d’informations du Décodex.

    Les chercheurs ont retenu 38 sources parmi les quelque 450 qui y sont classées en « rouge » parce qu’elles ont publié un nombre significatif de fausses informations et/ou d’articles trompeurs : celles qui correspondent à des sites Internet dont l’audience était quantifiable dans les données issues des analyses de la société Comscore (ces mesures sont réalisées en étudiant le comportement d’un panel d’internautes croisé avec d’autres données). Certains sites n’ont pu être analysés, de même que les pages Facebook ou comptes Twitter et YouTube isolés.

    Les autres catégories du Décodex (sites parodiques en « bleu », sites « orange » dont la fiabilité ou la démarche est douteuse) n’ont pas été étudiées.

    • Fact sheet (résumé) de l’étude mentionnée

      Measuring the reach of “fake news” and online disinformation in Europe | Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism

      In this factsheet by Richard Fletcher, Alessio Cornia, Lucas Graves and Rasmus Kleis Nielsen, we provide top-level usage statistics for the most popular sites that independent fact-checkers and other observers have identified as publishers of false news and online disinformation. We focus on two European countries: France and Italy. We examine France and Italy as two particularly important cases, as both are widely seen as facing serious issues with for-profit and ideologically/politically motivated online disinformation.

      We find that:
      • None of the false news websites we considered had an average monthly reach of over 3.5% in 2017, with most reaching less than 1% of the online population in both France and Italy. By comparison, the most popular news websites in France (Le Figaro) and Italy (La Repubblica) had an average monthly reach of 22.3% and 50.9%, respectively; 
      • The total time spent with false news websites each month is lower than the time spent with news websites. The most popular false news websites in France were viewed for around 10 million minutes per month, and for 7.5 million minutes in Italy. People spent an average of 178 million minutes per month with Le Monde, and 443 million minutes with La Repubblica—more than the combined time spent with all 20 false news sites in each sample;
      • Despite clear differences in terms of website access, the level of Facebook interaction (defined as the total number of comments, shares, and reactions) generated by a small number of false news outlets matched or exceeded that produced by the most popular news brands. In France, one false news outlet generated an average of over 11 million interactions per month—five times greater than more established news brands. However, in most cases, in both France and Italy, false news outlets do not generate as many interactions as established news brands.

      We have shown that many of the most prominent identified false news websites in these countries are far less popular than major established news sites. However, the difference between false news sites and news sites in terms of interactions on Facebook is less clear-cut. We believe that online disinformation is an important issue that the public, publishers, platform companies, policymakers, and other stakeholders should pay serious attention to. But overall, our analysis of the available evidence suggests that false news has more limited reach than is sometimes assumed.

    • Note : l’étude est financée par Google, ce que ne mentionne nulle part le blog du Decodex

      The research was supported by Google UK as part of the #Digital_News_Initiative (CTR00220), as well as the Digital News Report (CTR00150)

      (extrait du pdf de l’étude, 10 pages dont 2 de tableaux en annexe )

    • version Le Monde

      Les sites russes Russia Today et Sputnik, également mentionnés par les chercheurs parce qu’ils sont régulièrement évoqués dans le débat sur les fausses informations, touchent eux aussi une frange restreinte de la population (respectivement 1,5 % et 1,4 %).

      version Institut Reuters

      For comparative purposes, we also included two prominent Russian news sites which have featured in European policy discussions around disinformation, namely Russia Today (RT) and Sputnik. These Russian state-backed organisations are clearly different from sites that engage in for-profit fabrication of false news, but both independent fact-checkers and the EU’s European External Action Service East Stratcom Task Force have identified multiple instances where these sites have published disinformation.

      avec en note la référence à 2 sites : site tenu par la East StratCom Task Force, montée en 2015 et financée par le Conseil de l’Europe (décisions du 19 et 20 mars 2015)

      Q&A about the #East_StratCom_Task_Force - European External Action Service

      How is the team composed?
      The team is made up of fourteen full-time staff, recruited from the EU institutions or seconded by EU Member States. Team members have a variety of professional communications backgrounds and speak several languages, including Russian.

      • nettement plus comique (!)
      dont le sous-titre affiche bravement

      La lutte contre les informations falsifiées sur les événements en Ukraine

      À propos de nous

      Le site de vérification des faits a été lancé le 2 mars 2014 dans le but de vérifier les faits avancés par la propagande du Kremlin. Les initiateurs du projet sont des enseignants, d’anciens diplômés ainsi que des étudiants de l’Académie Mohyla (une école de journalisme en Ukraine. ndlr) et du programme « Futur digital du journalisme », destiné aux journalistes et rédacteurs.

    • Three things you should know about RT and Sputnik | EU vs DISINFORMATION

      1. They are not independent
      • Sputnik was created by a Presidential decree with the aim to “report on the state policy of Russia abroad”;
      • RT is fully financed by the Russian government and is included in an official list of core organizations of strategic importance for Russia.

      2. They do not want to be impartial
      • “The period of impartial journalism is over. Objectivity is a myth”, the CEO and editor-in-chief Dmitry Kiselyov told Sputnik’s editorial staff after a reorganisation of the media house to which Sputnik belongs;
      • The management of both RT and Sputnik receive weekly instructions from the Kremlin. These instructions include guidelines on political narratives, what should be covered and whom the outlets should not talk about.

      3. They produce fake news to promote political objectives
      • The independent media watchdog in the UK, Ofcom, has on 15 occasions expressed criticism of RT for, among other problems, “materially misleading” output;
      • RT has for example been instrumental in creating the smoke screen of disinformation, with which the Russian authorities seek to cover up the facts about the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 over Eastern Ukraine with this article as just one of many examples.

    • Pour être complet (?) il faut aussi rappeler que Decodex est financé par Facebook (je ne crois pas qu’il y ait de montants qui circulent).

      Le Monde reçoit des financements publics mais aussi de Google (FINP - AIPG).

      En résumé, une étude financée par Google sur des données collectées par Le Monde sur financement de Facebook.

      Pour terminer, que donne une recherche Google sur les termes Decodex Facebook ?

      Sur les 4 premiers articles résultants, 2 (dont, « À la une », celui à l’origine de ce billet) et 2

      Bon, c’est un peu normal, mais où se trouve la limite ? Sur cette recherche, Il n’y a sans doute pas vraiment besoin d’éventuels coups de pouce algorithmiques au profit des clients et des partenaires pour arriver à ce résultat. Encore que… pour être « à la une »…

  • Military intelligence for Europol.

    The EU plans to strengthen the linkages between its internal and external security structures. In future, military information will increasingly be used in combating terrorism and organised crime. Cooperation is being tested first in the field of migration.

    The European Union is planning the establishment of „Crime Information Cells“ (CIC) for the exchange of data between the police, military and secret services. The intention of the players involved is to reinforce the “external dimension of internal security”. The “Crime Information Cells” would strengthen linkages between civil and military EU missions. This would apply to Common Security and Defence Policy missions (CSDP) and the area of Justice and Home Affairs (JHA), which fall within the remit of the European External Action Service or European Commission.

    The proposal of the interior and defence ministers is based on the Malta Declaration of 3 February 2017, along with the conclusions of the Foreign Affairs Council of 19 June 2017, in which closer cooperation in the areas of counter-terrorism and migration is called for.

    An initial pilot project for a „Crime Information Cell“ could be carried out in the framework of the EUNAVFOR MED military mission in the Mediterranean. The plan is for ten law-enforcement officials to be stationed on the Italian aircraft carrier which also hosts the EUNAVFOR MED force headquarters. The military would also receive information from the field of Justice and Home Affairs.

  • #Cambodia: Appeal Court should overturn unfair conviction of land rights defender #TepVanny, say international CSOs

    We, the undersigned, call on the Court of Appeal to overturn the unjust conviction of Ms. #Tep_Vanny on charges of intentional violence with aggravating circumstances based on her peaceful activism at a 2013 protest, for which she received a draconian sentence of two years and six months’ imprisonment on 23 February 2017. The Court of Appeal will hear Ms. Tep Vanny’s appeal against conviction tomorrow, 27 July 2017. On 15 August 2017, Ms. Tep Vanny will have spent one year in detention; her imprisonment is a clear attempt to silence one of Cambodia’s most fearless and outspoken defenders of human rights ahead of the national elections in July 2018.
    Tomorrow’s appeal is one of three previously dormant years-old cases punitively reactivated against Ms. Tep Vanny. In August 2016 the prosecutor of the Phnom Penh Municipal Court reactivated the long-
    dormant charges of intentional violence with aggravating circumstances against Ms. Tep Vanny while she was in pre-trial detention prior to her spurious conviction on other charges for taking part in a “#Black_Monday” protest to call for the release of the “#Freethe5KH” detainees,1 who were being held in arbitrary
    pre-trial detention at the time.2 The case under appeal dates back to Ms. Tep Vanny’s participation in a 2013 peaceful protest in front of Prime Minister Hun Sen’s house, during which a group of #Boeung_Kak_Lake activists called for the release of a detained fellow community member. This protest had ended in violence against protesters at the hands of Daun Penh security guards, in which Ms. Tep Vanny herself was injured.
    On 23 February 2017, Ms. Tep Vanny was convicted on these charges and sentenced to 30 months in prison and a fine of five million riel (about US$1,250), as well as being ordered to pay compensation totaling nine million riel (about US$2,250) to the plaintiffs, two Daun Penh security guards.
    Ms. Tep Vanny’s trial did not comply with international standards for fair trial rights: no credible evidence was presented to justify the charges against her and neither the plaintiffs nor any prosecution witnesses gave live testimony at either of the two hearings; instead only written statements were provided, preventing cross-examination. Community members outside the court faced unprovoked violence from para-police and, following delivery of the verdict, riot police entered the court room and physically restrained a number of defense witnesses.3
    The re-opening of these charges appears to be a politically motivated attempt to restrict and punish Ms. Tep Vanny’s work as a land activist and human rights defender, as part of the Cambodian authorities’
    ongoing crackdown on dissenting voices. Peaceful assembly and free expression are not crimes, and human rights defenders should not be penalized for peacefully exercising their fundamental freedoms. We call on the Court of Appeal to exercise its independence and rectify the injustice of Ms. Tep Vanny’s flawed trial by overturning her conviction and sentence. We call on the Cambodian authorities to cease their judicial harassment of Ms. Tep Vanny, as well as other Boeung Kak Lake activists, and to release her from prison.
    #Cambodge #droits_humains #détention #détention_arbitraire #répression #résistance

  • Remarks by HRVP Mogherini on the situation in the West Bank, including settlements at the plenary session of the European Parliament - European External Action Service
    Bruxelles, 23/11/2016

    So let me conclude on a more personal note. Two months ago I was in Jerusalem for the funeral of a great Israeli man and a great man of peace, Shimon Peres. It was a very sad moment also for me personally, I had known him for many years. And yet it showed that hope is still alive. An important gesture came that day from President Abbas – his presence at the funeral in Jerusalem and the handshake with Prime Minister Netanyahu were little big steps in the right direction, a little big moment of hope. And the night before the funeral I had the opportunity to have a long meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu, in which he recognised, as Peres did, that only peace can bring security to Israel. So in difficult times for the Middle East we need to keep our eyes wide open, not only for the extremely worrying developments but also for any glimpses of hope and seize every opportunity that comes our way to make it grow.

  • EU splits in Russian media war – POLITICO

    New EU task force hobbled by low funding, lack of political support.

    By JAMES PANICHI 9/17/15, 5:30 AM CET Updated 9/17/15, 8:31 AM CET

    Even as the EU mobilizes to fight Russian propaganda, European governments are fighting each other over the best way to go about it.

    A new effort by Brussels to monitor and respond to the perceived bias of Kremlin-controlled media such as Russia 24 or Sputnik has exposed familiar fissures on the Continent.

    As the Russia media task force known as #East_Stratcom begins operating at the end of this month, a new alternative project has emerged and is gaining some traction with countries that are dissatisfied with the existing EU initiative.

    The divisions reflect deep-seated foreign policy differences within the 28-member bloc that came to surface after Vladimir Putin annexed Crimea last year and stirred up a violent conflict in eastern Ukraine.

    People involved with East Stratcom say the team has been told to stick to a narrow mandate so as not to upset the delicate balance on Russia. The media rapid-response unit is part of the European External Action Service (EEAS), the EU’s version of a foreign ministry.

    According to one East Stratcom member, the office culture is “cautious” and the Russian-language experts are under orders to “fly under the radar” to avoid antagonizing EU governments that are looking to tone down tensions with Russia.

    Those on the unit say the lack of a separate budget for it, insufficient resources and lukewarm support from some EU countries are hindering the counter-propaganda campaign.

    Not all member states wanted this team — we are not even sure that [former Italian foreign minister and current EU foreign affairs chief Federica] Mogherini wanted this team,” a member of the unit said.
    The EEAS has not released details of the team’s make-up. It is headed by Giles Portman, a British career diplomat who has spent the past eight years working on EU relations with Turkey. Portman reports to Michael Mann, the head of the EEAS’s strategic communications team who was a spokesman for former high representative Catherine Ashton.
    The sources said the unit includes five Russian-language specialists sent to Brussels from EU states: a Czech, a British national (in addition to Portman), a Dane, an Estonian and a Latvian. They will not become permanent members of staff, but have signed one-year contracts which can be extended for up to four years. Their salaries are paid by their individual governments. Sources say the EEAS has provided four of its own staffers to work with the task force.

    EEAS refused to comment on staffing arrangements.

    A Polish diplomatic source said his government had planned to contribute a Russian-language expert to the team, but withdrew its offer after being told that Portman, rather than the Polish candidate that Warsaw had put forward, would head the unit.
    … Jerzy Pomianowski, a former Polish diplomat who heads the European Endowment for Democracy (EED), an EU-funded think-tank. [says] “If Europe limits itself to [the East Stratcom] unit and simply produces communication about Europe, then it will not be enough.

    The EED recently completed a feasibility study that called for “a range of coordinated, cooperative and cost efficient initiatives” supported by international donors to respond to the threat of Russian propaganda.

    The group’s report proposed an alternative: The creation of a “news hub” to produce Russian-language news content, with a range of Russian-language programming, alongside a “content factory” which would provide non-news programming such as talk shows and drama.

    Pomianowski is on a barnstorming tour of European capitals to raise funds to get the broad, content-producing initiatives outlined by the EED feasibility study off the ground. Pomianowski met officials from 35 donor countries in Warsaw last week and walked away with a €1 million pledge from Poland, with the Netherlands promising a further €1.5 million to support the EED’s Russian-language media initiative.

  • European Parliament Expresses Support for Labeling Settlement Goods
    This is first time the European Parliament expresses support for differentiating between Israel and settlements; Netanyahu says motion is unjustified and harms peace.

    Barak Ravid Sep 10, 2015 Haaretz

    The European Parliament expressed its support Thursday for putting special labels on consumer goods produced in West Bank, East Jerusalem and Golan Heights settlements, as well as for “differentiating” between the EU’s attitude toward Israel and to the settlements. Five hundred and twenty-five EU parliamentarians voted for the motion, which dealt with the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, 70 voted against and 31 abstained.
    The motion stated that the European Parliament: “Welcomes the EU’s commitment – in the spirit of differentiation between Israel and its activities in the occupied Palestinian Territory – to ensuring that all agreements between the EU and Israel must unequivocally and explicitly indicate their inapplicability to the territories occupied by Israel in 1967, takes note of the letter sent to the VP/HR by 16 EU Foreign Ministers on 13 April 2015, encouraging her to take the lead within the Commission with a view to completing the work on EU-wide guidelines on the labelling of Israeli settlement produce.”
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blasted the expression of support. “The European Parliament decision is unjustified, it is just a perversion of justice and a distortion of reason, and I think that it also harms peace, it doesn’t advance it,” he said. “The roots of the conflict are not territories and the roots of the conflict are not the settlements. We already have a historical memory as to what happened when Europe marked products of Jews.” 
    The Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem responded angrily to the motion, especially the parts dealing with the settlements. The reason, according to senior officials in the ministry, is that this is the first time the EU supported a “differentiation” between Israel and the settlements and mentions the need to label products from the settlements. “The problem with this clause is the erosion and the change in the rhetoric in Europe with regard to the settlements,” a senior Foreign Ministry official said.
    Foreign Ministry spokesman Emmanuel Nahshon said that the EU motion was “discriminatory with a sharp smell of boycott,” and added that “under the guise of a technical step, this is an attempt to force a diplomatic solution instead of encouraging the Palestinians to return to the negotiating table. Europe is acting with hypocritical sanctimoniousness toward Israel when it does not consider proposing similar solutions to northern Cyprus or Western Sahara.”
    The EU decision comes at a time in which discussions in the European Commission – the EU’s executive body – on the matter of labeling products from West Bank settlements are in the home stretch. The EU’s foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, said herself at a press conference on Saturday that work on this matter was very close to completion.

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (L) with U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron in London.AP
    A senior Foreign Ministry official in Jerusalem said that various European diplomats have conveyed messages to Israel over the past few weeks that the publication of directives for marking products from settlements would be renewed in October. The EU decision is expected to give significant political backing to Mogherini on labeling the products and increase pressure by the 16 countries who believe the matter should be advanced.
    Earlier this week the secretary general of the European External Action Service, Helga Schmid, visited Jerusalem and discussed the labeling directives with her Israeli counterparts. A senior official in the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem said discussion turned into a pointed argument.
    Foreign Ministry officials said that the labeling directives are the first step on a slippery slope that could lead to a boycott of products from the settlements and on all Israeli products in general. The European representatives said that these were not sanctions or a boycott on Israel but only a technical step to apply EU legislation with regard to consumer protection.
    “When we told then this was a boycott they blew up and really lost their minds,” a senior Foreign Ministry official in Jerusalem said. “We told them that labeling products from the settlements is like a door, that once opened, cannot be closed. We made clear to them that we did not see this as a technical step, but as a political step against Israel in every sense.”
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and senior Foreign Ministry officials are making major efforts to delay the publication of the directives. Netanyahu raised the subject in meetings with EU President Donald Tusk, with the Lithuanian prime minister and with the prime minister of Luxembourg, Jean Asselborn, who visited Jerusalem over the past week.
    The issue also came up in a meeting between Netanyahu and British Prime Minister David Cameron Thursday in London. At the beginning of the meeting Netanyahu reiterated the message that he stated frequently in recent weeks as part of his attempts to block moves against the settlements. “I want to say here in 10 Downing Street, and reaffirm again that I am ready to resume direct negotiations with the Palestinians with no conditions whatsoever to enter negotiations, and I’m willing to do so immediately," Netanyahu said.
    Mattia Toaldo, a Policy Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, told Haaretz that “this is the first time in my memory that one of the 3 top EU institutions uses the word ’differentiation’ for this policy. This clarifies the distinction with boycotts and makes it more acceptable for a number of European governments. On the one hand, this is gradually becoming an automatic policy that is implemented to bring bureaucracy in line with EU laws and international law. On the other hand, some politicians still see it as an alternative to the peace process, and this could block it in the future given that Mogherini now has the imperative to restart talks.”

    Barak Ravid
    Haaretz Correspondent

  • European Union - EEAS (European External Action Service) | Statement by the Spokesperson on the sentencing of Rasul Jafarov, a prominent Human Rights Defender in Azerbaijan

    The six and a half year custodial sentence imposed by an #Azerbaijan court on Mr Rasul #Jafarov, a well-known human rights defender and respected partner of international donors, appears harsh and disproportionate to the alleged offences on which it is based. Procedural shortcomings, witnessed by international monitors during the trial of Mr Jafarov, raise concerns about due legal processes.
    The EU calls on Azerbaijan to abide by its international commitments and to establish greater trust in the independence and professionalism of its judicial system. We look to the authorities in Azerbaijan to ensure that Rasul Jafarov is given the opportunity to appeal this verdict in a fair and unbiased process.

  • EU Plan for Spying on Activists, Journos, Dissidents, et al

    (je laisse le titre choisi par cryptome)

    DG CONNECT, in close cooperation with other services (DG Development and Cooperation; DG Enterprise) and the European External Action Service (EEAS), has put in place the No-Disconnect Strategy. The goal of this policy toolkit is to provide on-going
    support to counter-censorship initiatives to facilitate the role of activists, political dissidents, bloggers, journalists and citizens living and/or operating in high-risk environments, making operational its commitment to uphold human rights and fundamental freedoms online. This way, the No-Disconnect Strategy embraces the wider
    EU strategy for Human Rights.1

    #surveillance #internet #droits-humains #cartographie_de_crise #censure