
  • Hizbullah’s armoury is growing

    This new political landscape is nowhere more apparent than in the Lebanese border village of Ras Baalbek. Jihadists from Syria infiltrated the Christian enclave in 2014. The local economy suffered as the limestone quarries and hunting lodges closed and the orchards withered. Hizbullah seized the opportunity, sending weapons, night-vision goggles and advisers to help the Christians form a militia to keep the jihadists at bay.

    “Israel caricatures Hizbullah as a terrorist organisation,” says Rifaat Nasrallah, the Christian militia’s leader (and no relation of Hassan). “But the #resistance is not some external force that comes to terrorise us. They are part of our society. They attend our weddings and funerals. They take care of me and I take care of them.” Alliances forged in the furnace of Syria’s war may be hard to break.

    #Hezbollah #Liban #armes

  • David Gardner of the Financial Times is wrong—but who is counting when it comes to foes of US and Israel?

    The diplomatic break with Iran, and rupture with Lebanon, came after the Saudi execution in January of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, a dissident Shia cleric. Riyadh reacted after the Saudi embassy in Tehran and consulate in Mashhad were attacked by mobs. Lebanon’s foreign minister, a Hizbollah-aligned Christian, declined to condemn the events — acting as more papist than the Pope given that the Iranian government itself did so.” In fact, the Lebanese foreign minister repeatedly condemned the attacks on Saudi embassy and consulate in Iran, but he refused to categorize Hizbullah as a terrorist organization. That was the tiff.


  • «#Israel y el Estado Islámico forman parte del mismo proyecto» SHEIKH ZIAD DAHER, Representante de #Hizbullah

    Hizbullah se encuentra en el epicentro de una región en permanente conflicto y juega un papel clave, tanto como baluarte de apoyo a la resistencia palestina como a la hora de defender al Gobierno sirio dentro de la guerra que desangra el país desde hace tres años. La ofensiva israelí en Gaza permitió comprobar hasta qué punto la milicia chíí, liderada por Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, constituye una inspiración para #Hamas, la Yihad Islámica e incluso las brigadas de Abu Ali Mustafá, brazo armado del #FPLP. Sin embargo, el frente para Hizbulah no está al sur de Líbano, sino al este, en Siria, e incluso en el propio país del Cedro, donde, por el momento, se mantienen los frágiles equilibrios que evitan la confrontación en un país dividido. La irrupción del Estado Islámico es ahora la principal amenaza, que la formación chií se muestra dispuesta a combatir pese a que en los últimos tiempos algunos de sus feudos en Líbano han sido atacados.

  • Hizbullah fighters in Syria: this is NOT resistance

    Ibrahim Al-Amin, the editor-in-chief of Al-Akhbar wrote this on his Facebook: “There are films distributed by supporters of Hizbullah in Syria where they show fighters of the Hizb attacking by hands and foot people said by the promoters of the film to be opponents of the regime. The disgrace is not only in the distribution of the films but in the conduct of the fighters. Those who beat a prisoner or a fighter of the Syrian opponents of the regime, only repeat what prison guard and torturers have done to the sanctity of a prisoner of the resistance in the prisons of the [Israeli] enemy. To whom it may concern: quickly punish those responsible, and pledge to not repeat it, and then eliminate this rubbish. And if you don’t, no one wants to see those disgusting images”.

  • 1 Dead, 5 Hurt as Hizbullah Members Clash with Palestinians in Burj al-Barajneh

    One person was killed and five others were wounded Sunday in an armed clash between members of Hizbullah and Palestinian young men near the Burj al-Barajneh refugee camp in Beirut’s southern suburbs.

    State-run National News Agency identified the dead man as Palestinian national Mohammed al-Simrawi, saying the gunfight erupted when a number of Palestinians in a wedding convoy refused that their cars be searched by a Hizbullah checkpoint.

    “Security forces and representatives of the factions of the Palestine Liberation Organization intervened in a bid to contain the incident as clashes abated,” the agency added.

    Earlier, MTV said a number of Palestinians “opened fire on a Hizbullah checkpoint near the Burj al-Barajneh slaughterhouse after they refused to be searched.”

    Al-Jadeed television said Hizbullah was “communicating with the camp’s security committee to pacify the situation.”

    • في برج البراجنة سقط سمراوي شهيـداً ... «فدا المخيّم» | الأخبار

      بالعودة الى سبب الإشكال، لكل طرف وجهة نظر وقصة. أحد شبان الحزب ممن كانوا على الحاجز يقول: «كان موكب العرس يمر عبر الحاجز. رفضوا أن يتم تفتيشهم. قلنا إننا سنستخدم آلة كشف المتفجرات من دون فتح أغطية المحركات أو داخل السيارات كي لا نؤخرهم، فوافقوا. عندما مرّر أحد شبابنا الآلة أصدرت صوتاً، فطلب تفتيش السيارة، لكنهم رفضوا وبادروا إلى إطلاق النار عليه». يضيف: «رد عناصر الحماية بإطلاق النار على السيارة، فهربت الى المخيم».

      ولكن، في المخيم، تروى الحادثة بطريقة أخرى. يقول أحد من كانوا في الموكب: «كنا نمر على الحاجز، طلبوا تفتيشنا. رفضنا ذلك، أطلقوا النار علينا، فهربنا». بالطبع، لا يمكن الآن تبني أي من الروايتين، وستكشف التحقيقات في الأيام المقبلة ما حدث. «المهم الآن حقن الدماء ومنع الانجرار الى الفتنة»، كما قال أحد مسؤولي حزب الله الذين شاركوا في صياغة البيان الذي صدر بعد اجتماع مسؤولي الفصائل مع مسؤولين من الحزب. وأضاف: «اتفقنا على اعتبار الإشكال فردياً ولا خلفية سياسية أو مذهبية له، والشهيد الذي سقط هو شهيد المقاومتين الإسلامية والفلسطينية».

  • Exclusive: first-hand report on Hizbullah fighters in Qusayr

    Here is what I know: that the first two days of fighting was rather easy for the fighters but then they were slowed down. As they continued their advance, they were met by heavy resistance mounted mostly by Chechnyan fighters. The most deadly weapon used against Hizbullah fighters was the method used by Chechnyan fighters: they dig a hole in the ground at the doorstep of the house (as in the hole seen above in the picture), and then they shoot from below at the fighters as they enter. They then shoot them in the head when they fall down. Most Hizbullah casualties were suffered in those encounters (a stupid sleazy—literally in the case of this one—Hariri website did mention that oddly many Hizbullah fighters were shot in the foot, and it stupidly speculated that they were deliberately doing that to themselves to be pulled out from battle, while in reality the party has been receiving more volunteers than it can accommodate). Hizbullah fighters, I am told, were shocked at the state of the Syrian army: that they are so ill-equipped and ill-prepared and ill-supplied. They now say that matters improved for the “battle” and that they now control some 45% of the area.

  • Al-Meqdad family says it kidnapped over 20 Free Syrian Army members

    Al-Meqdad family announced that it kidnapped over 20 Free Syrian Army members from several Lebanese regions, mainly the north, the Bekaa and Chouf. They added that three states will be surprised by the disappearance of their nationals in Lebanon. 

    In turn, Abu Ali al-Meqdad noted that there are ongoing military operations on the field and that the rest of the kidnapped will be released in exchange for Hassan.

    Conflicting reports have emerged overnight about information that circulated stating that two buses transporting Syrian nationals were abducted in Beirut’s southern suburb and taken to an unknown destination.

    • Meqdad Military Wing Claims Kidnaping 20 FSA Members, Promises ‘Hefty Catch’

      Al-Meqdad family announced on Wednesday that its military wing has so far kidnapped more than 20 Free Syrian Army members in Lebanon and promised a “hefty catch” after threatening to seize Qatari, Saudi and Turkish citizens currently in the country.

      “The family’s military wing kidnapped several Syrians. We are not afraid of anyone,” Abu Ali al-Meqdad said on behalf of the family.

      He said the tribes of the eastern Bekaa valley such as Shamas, Zoaiter, Nasreddine and Dandash are all working together and will reveal their “big catch” on Thursday morning.

      “There are over 20 FSA members kidnapped in Lebanon,” he pointed out.

      Al-Mayadeen news channel later broadcasted a video of the kidnapped Syrians.

      According to LBCI one of the abductees is a captain and another is an officer, who has been wounded.

      He confirmed that the military wing kidnapped another member while the press conference was underway.

      Al-Meqdad’s move comes in light of the FSA’s detention of Hassan Salim al-Meqdad in Damascus for allegedly belonging to Hizbullah.

    • The military wing of the Clan of Muqdad

      Shi‘ite families in the Biqa‘ region are organized into ‘Asha’ir (clans). They are self-contained social and even economic units. They can’t be classified easily politically: they align themselves either with Hizb or with Amal but they remain independent and don’t take to following orders. The have had tense ties with Hizbullah but Hizbullah is too smart to antagonize them. The other day, the gangs of the Free Syrian Army kidnapped an innocent member of the Muqdad ‘ashirah. He was a Lebanese who committed fraud in Lebanon and was staying in Syria. His wife is not even veiled (unlike members of Hizbullah). Yet, the sectarian gangs of FSA claimed that he was sent personally by Nasrallah and given sectarian orders. I mean, a dirty scheme that only the sectarian Wahhabis of Qatar and Saudi Arabia can cook. Yesterday, the Muqdad clan threatened action if their member is not released. Today, they unleashed their military wing (shown above) especially that the Lebanese government is asleep at the wheel, and especially that Human Rights Watch and Western governments and media simply ignore kidnappings by the Free Syrian Army gangs.

  • Assez clairement, le Time se fait promener au Liban. Ça ne serait pas la première fois.

    Accused Hizballah Man Speaks - TIME,8599,2089422,00.html

    During a recent conversation with a Hizballah source, a TIME reporter found himself introduced to one of the four members of the organization accused of playing a role in the assassination of Rafik Hariri. The accused man arrived alone aboard a scooter at the home of his Hizballah comrade. While discussing the indictments, he revealed his true identity and confirmed it by showing an old ID card, but agreed to be interviewed only on condition that neither his name nor the location be revealed.

    On est donc supposés croire qu’« un » reporter du Time à Beyrouth a obtenu une interview exclusive avec « un » des accusés du TSL. L’homme serait arrivé « seul sur un scooter ».

    Pour rappel, le reporter habituel du Time qui passe son temps à rencontrer des militants du Hezbollah super-bavards, c’est Nicholas Blanford. Et ici, on fait comme si ça n’était pas lui :,8599,2089420,00.html


    Nous avons donc Nicholas Blanford et un autre reporter du Time demeuré anonyme. Comment ça, « un reporter du Time » anonyme ? Vous avez déjà vu ça ? Ils ont embauché Abed, le chauffeur de Robert Frisk ?

    Le mois dernier, Angry Arab s’était déjà moqué des prétentions de Blanford à rencontrer de bien bavards militants du Hezbollah :

    In the article itself Blanford and his friends cites a “Hizbullah fighter” bragging about the weapons in the possession of Hizbullah. First, how does Blanford know he is a Hizbullah fighter when those fighter are secret and don’t parade around. Secondly, if he is a real fighter of Hizbullah, he would not be quoted in the Western press bragging about Hizbullah weapons. Enough said.

    Sinon, je remarque que la pseudo-interview de ce pseudo-accusé ne contient absolument aucune position originale, et encore moins d’information factuelle.

    Je crois que Nicholas Blanford vient tout juste d’interviewer « A Gay Girl in Damascus » déguisé en militant du Hezbollah.

    • Démenti officiel du Hezbollah:

      نفى حزب الله ما ورد في مجلة “التايم” الأمريكية ، بشأن ادعاء مراسلها بأنّه “اجتمع مع مصدر مسؤول من حزب الله، ثمّ وجد نفسه وجها لوجه مع أحد المتهمين الأربعة في قضية الحريري، فأجرى مقابلة معه”!.

    • News Fabrication in Time magazine: how Hizbullah fighters have a habit of confession to Nicholas Blanford – Angry Arab

      In an act of journalistic self-destruction, he bizarrely claims that he interviewed one of the four members of Hizbullah who were accused of the Hariri murder.


      But forget about all this: any of my students who ever wrote a research paper on Hizbullah would dismiss this story in Time magazine as a fabrication. I mean, say what you want about Hizbullah, call its all the bad names in the book, but it is a most secretive and highly disciplined party. There has never ever been cases of people in the intelligence-military apparatus of the party talking or leaking to the press. That is just not their style and they would be dismissed for such infraction. This is why this story can be dismissed by any expert on Hizbullah. And if they want to talk and confess, why do they choose to do that to Blanford, of all people.

  • La réaction de Angry Arab aux mandats d’arrêts émis par le TSL.

    I rarely comment on this silly exercise. Comrade Omar Nashabe of Al-Akhbar has written extensively on all the problems that mar the process of this potato court. Where do you begin?
    – The first German investigator Mellis who gave political interviews right and left and never hid his political agenda?
    – The fact that the Western press has UNIFORMLY covered up the corruption of the case? Did any US newspaper report that the second-in-command of the court went around offer sales of tapes of interviews with key witnesses and New TV obtained them and aired them?
    – That what we heard from those tapes show beyond the shadow of a doubt that this was a most unprofessional and corrupt proceeding, even in comparison to the corrupt justice system in Lebanon?
    – That the Hariri family were allowed to control the entire affair and to provide witnesses some of whom turned out to be false witnesses?
    – That we have a tape in which Hariri and his aides are feeding and influencing the testimony of the worst false witness in the case, Muhammad Zuhayr As-Siddiq?
    – That the meetings with the tirbunal’s people were clearly (from the tapes of New TV) chit chat sessions? American traffic courts are run more professionally.
    – Or the negotiations between the court and the Hariri family to delay the release of the four generals? Or the arrest of the four generals for purely political reasons? One of the four generals talked about how he got an offer for cooperation if he fingered Syria.
    – And what about those Wikileaks documents that show court’s higher ups taking instructions from US diplomats?
    – And about an investigation that started with a premise and ruled out any ally of the US from the suspects’ list?
    – And what about the shift in targeting from Syria to Hizbullah following shifts in US and Saudi foreign policies?
    – What about the timing? All this time and just as the cabinet in Lebanon was forming, they release the report and leak the names? All this is a coincidence?
    – And was one Israeli official ever questioned (although I believe that Rafiq Hariri was a good friend of Israel and its interests in Lebanon and for that I never mourned him but I did mourn the innocent civilians who died there – car bombs are nasty, man).
    – And what about the series of resignation from the court? And what about the way in which the court officially refused to address legal concerns of the four generals? Do you have doubts that the court is run from the Near East section of the State Department? Who are you fooling?

    Today, they leaked that they will accuse Syria and Hizbullah, but why not Venezuela and Cuba? Why not point the finger at every enemy of the US and Israel? Why not Hamas too? You think anyone is taking the court seriously? Look at public opinion polls in Lebanon, even among Sunnis. Hasan Nasrallah did an excellent job in discredit the court in Lebanese and Arab eyes. This is a joke, really.

    So they leaked the name of four Hizbullah members (supplied by ISRAEL NO DOUBT). What is next? Will Sa`d Hariri take his supporters to the southern suburbs to arrest the accused? What will the “international community” – how I hate that word which is used to hide not so sneakily the heavy handed US role in international affairs – do? What can they do? Freeze the assets of Hasan Nasrallah in the US and Europe? Or will they ban him from traveling with his grand kids to Disneyland?

    As we say in Lebanon, go play in the garden. Israel killed more than 1300 civilians in the July war on Lebanon in 2006, and you want me to spend sleepless nights wondering who killed a man who did so much to cause destruction and discord in Lebanon? I don’t care to know who killed Hariri and Sa`d Hariri is not the first creature to lose his father. I lost my father but never brought Lebanon to the brink of civil war. Take down all the pictures and statues of Rafiq Hariri and move his grave site to Sidon – to the Garbage Mountain there.

    PS. It bothers me how submissive the mainstream US press is to the dictates of US government. I don’t recall reading one negative article about Hariri in any US newspaper. Not one. I cant recall reading one in the British press – and I am not talking about Robert Fisk who is an unreliable weaver of tales and peddler of Hariri press office releases.

  • Angry Arab - Hizbullah and Iranian fighters in Syria

    Those stories are hilarious: they have the footprints of the Mossad and of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood – one of the worst terrorist organization in the contemporary history of the Arab East. Also, remember when Israeli and Zionist (and Saudi) media peddled stories regarding Hizbullah fighters in Iran to help crush dissent? So now, the Iranians support Syria in crushing dissent? Why are the lies of pro-Saudi Syrian opposition are as bad as Ba‘thist lies?

    Here, a reporter in the Middle East sent me this (he does not wish to be identified):
    “Hi As’ad, just an observation I thought I’d share which, like you, made me question the credibility of those claiming Iranian and Hezbollah agents were helping crush the uprising in Syria: Al Jazeera English showed an interview with a Syrian soldier who had defected. He said he could recognize Iranian agents ‘from their beards’ and ‘from the badges they wore which had a Hezbollah logo on one side and a picture of Ahmadinejad on the other’. First of all, would they really be stupid enough to display their affiliation? And second, a picture of Ahmadinejad? I can understand Khomeini, maybe even Khamenei, but Ahmadinejad? Either he’s a lousy liar or someone is doing a great job at spreading disinformation. Of course, Nasrallah’s speech last week makes the job significantly easier.”

    • Malgré la non existence d’infos sur les médias français, je confirme : des centaines de milliers de syriens défilent pacifiquement et joyeusement à Damas en ce moment même....
      Laissons les décider de leurs réformes sans détruire le pays pour leur faire payer la reconstruction...